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Show r BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JUNE 6. 1929. to visit with her sister, Mrs. Lyde day to Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Adams of TreWatkins, of that monton and Mr. and Mrs. John Cran-n- I City of Corinne, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kay and The Entre Nous club was delightMr. and Mrs. J. T. Evans of Idaho Mrs. Anton Anderson Thursday. Jen-so-n Falls are visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson, had as fully entertained by Mrs. Ralph at her home in Bear River Mrs. Evans, folks Mr. and Mrs. W. H. City their Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday afternoon. The table was atamey Anderson is recovering Reed guests Cash. They are enroute to .Salt Lake Wight of Ogden and Mr. and very on business. Mr. Evans is prosecuting from an operation for appendicitis, Mrs. Albert prettily decorated with a centerMitchell and children of May 30th. piece of rose tulips and rose tapers in attorney of Bonneville Co. Idaho. Clinton. Moyle Faces left the hospital WedMr. and Mrs. Wm Nelson and little Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wood and holders at each end. Hot dinner was served at 2 o'clock for the members of recovering from an children of Layton were the daughter of Logan were in Tremonton nesday, after guests of the club and Mrs. Roy for appendicitis. operation Holmgren as Friday. At this writing, Wayne Campbell Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Watt Saturday guest. Mrs. W. H. Sorensen of Arimo, Ida, and Sunday. was a guest of Mrs. Joe Burgess this of Evans, is very sick with pneumonia. Monday afternoon, a prettily apMiss Arvilla Booth of Delta is Euth Vance was operated on for week.- with relative and friends pointed party was given in honor of visiting appendicitis Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shaw of Mrs. O. A. Iverson at her home in here, this week. were visiting at the home of Mr. Mrs. D. E. Adams and family were Bear River City. The rooms were and Mrs. N. E. Shaw, Tuesday. decorated with spring flowers and T Layton visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bueil Frazier were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Nelson of luncheon was served at 4 o'clock. Ogden visitors, Saturday. Tremonton were the guests of Mr. and Those enjoying the occasion were Miss Phyllis Bates returned home Mrs. R. A. Cates, Mrs. Ralph Jenson, Mrs. N. C. Nelson Sunday. Mrs. Fred W. Peterson returned Sunday after spending a few days in Elmo Davis of Wales is visiting at Mrs. a. tu. Holmgren, Mrs. K. O. home after spending two weeks at the the home of his Brigham City. sister, Mrs. Roy Holmgren. Mrs. J. W. Iverson, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Storrer and Mrs. home of her daughter, Mrs. Morgan Anderson. Bernard Hansen, Mrs. L. R. Weid A. L. Madsen were Ogden visitors, Miller, of Salt Lake City. The Scout graduation exercises mac, Mrs. A. E. Christensen, Mrs. M. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Toombs, of Friday. held Sunday evening. A splen- P. Jenson and the motif of the affair, Mrs. Ielsie Watkins was a Logan East Side Promontory were Sunday were did program was given. Bro. Gaddie Mrs. u. A. iverson. visitor, Friday. guests of Mrs. Toomb's parents, Mr. and Bro. Bensen were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Nek Ra.smusspn snH Manford, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. and Mrs. George Marsh. Scouts received badges of the family have moved to their farm Eight Shaw will graduate from Yale College, Mr. and Mrs. Eduman Shuman gave west- or uonnne lor tne summer. Class. New Haven, Conn, June 17th, where their wedding dance here on Satur- Second . Bergstrom A.W was a Mrs. H. P. Thorsen and son Roy, Erigham he has majored in law and economics. day evening. A large crowd was and Mrs. Wm Garlick, motored to Salt Mrs. N. E. .Shaw leaves to present and all enjoyed the good visitor Thursday. Lake City on Wednesday on business. attend the graduation exercises and estra. They were accompanied home by Miss will also visit in Boston, Chicago, music furnished by Benton's Orch-Afton Garlick, who spent a week in Omaha, and other places before rej large number of the people from Lake City, receiving medical Salt home. of turning here attended the funeral services - treatment for a boil on the ear drum. Mrs. D. W. Jenkins was in Pocatello Mr. Harry Gephart at Tremonton on C. E. Anderson and daughters, She is very much improved. Idaho, Tuesday. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hansen and famMr. and Mrs. T. A. Carter. Miss, Rinrn Millpr Iislh snAnt. thr nast Laura and Olive, were Brigham City muureu carter, arm miss Jessie Ault 10 days at the 4 mile ranch of Brown visitors, Decoration Day. ily motored to Newton, Utah, for Dec: Irvin Garfield, returned home oration day. spent Wednesday in Logan. jng Bros, running their engine, while Mrs. Thressa Brailsford had as her ine many inneos or waiter wyatt they were shearing. Saturday evening after attending the are sorry to hear that he 13 suffering Marie and Audry Call of Salt Iake .State University the past year. guests on Decoration Day: Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Abbott and son, Law- Mrs. Golden Petersen and son, of irom an aicacK or Diooa poisoning. City attended the wedding dance here rence motored to Salt Lake City, Snowville, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Ander-se- n Mr. ana mrs. a. a. XMicnois or Halt 'on Saturday night .Lake City were in Tremonton Tuesday Ruth Misse and two children, of Bothwell; Frpdrirksnn. and Wednesday. They were accompanied and visited over night at the home of Hazel Peterson are visiting relatives by Mrs. Lewis Abbott and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pierson . and Danna, who will visit with her mother three grand children:. Elaine, Lillian ir. anu airs. r. tu. iNicnois. m Salt Lake City . Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Berorstrom of MiMrs Wilfnr.1 MilW and Mrs. Wood of Farmington, for a few and Kenneth Rhodes, of Ogden. Also Silver City, Utah, visited with Mr. and children are staying at the Corner weks. Mrs. Augusta Iverson and Ivan Iver-se- n Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Garfield, Mrs. of this city. airs, wiinam o. muir or rremonton, springs range with Mrs. Eugene Mil ruesaay. Mr. tfergstrom 13 a teacher er, while Mr. Miller is worknig at Charles Garfield, and Mrs. Calvin Kay Mrs. H. P. Thorsen and daughters, went to Mona, last Tuesday, to attend Edna and Evelyn, and son Howard, in me nign scnoos at curena, utan. ranch. ..ms. Bessie Joest and son Bobbie, of Mrs. Newel the funeral of George Kay, brother of motored to Newton, Utah, on DecoraMrs. and George Deer Lodge, Mont., Mrs. Dores Jones L. Miller, wereTaylor Corinne visitors on Mrs. J. 0. Garfield. They returned tion Day to visit with relatives. of Idaho b alls, Idaho, and Norma Mc- - Thursday. Mrs. Emma Ohman had as her Saturday. uowail of i'ocatello, spent Friday and The Ladies Farm Bureau will meet guest Decoration Day, Mrs. C. G. Mr, and Mrs. Starlin Stanfill and Saturday, visiting at the home of their Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Shuman were the Friday afternoon with Mrs. Lew Andersen and family of Corinne; Mrs. unrlf, J. W. McPowall and family. June Thompson and children, Mrs. guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Miller Abbott. "Children's Clothingwilland be Berniece Hunsaker, and children, Mr. iu.. anu mrs. jonn itousn ana 0f East Garland on Sunday. Shoes, In Relation to Health", discussed. family of Ogden, spent Memorial Day j and Mrs. Krosh and children, all of . with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McDowall. Dr. Verne Fridal of Los Angeles, El wood; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holmes, "I Mrs. V. P. Crozier entertained at! Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowcutt and children of Farr West. dinner Sunday for her children andl I and family of Belle Fouche, South Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Jeppsen and theft families. Those present were ! Dakota, and Mrs. Warren Wright, of family, have moved from this ward, "I Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Conger and "r Salt Lake City, arrived Wednesday and are now living in Harper ward. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ray and to spend Decoration Day with their family, Mr. and Mrs. George Crozier Mrs. A. C. Andersen of Salt Lake and family, Mr. and Mrs. Buell Fra- - children and Mrs. Wm. Watt, visited father, K. W. Fridal, Sr. and other City spent last week visiting in this zier and family, and Mr. and Mrs. with relatives at South Weber on relatives. city with her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Arthur Wilson and family. The after-- . Thursday. Dr. Fridal returned Monday morn Christensen and family, also with her Mrs. Clarence Reeves and children ing. Warren Wright came from Salt noon was spent in a social manner. son, Christian Andersen and family. The many friends of Mrs. J. D. of Centerville and Mrs. Vivian Lake City Sunday and Mrs. Wright She was accompanied home on Thurs-dd- a will be glad to learn that she bald and children of Ogden, visited returned with her husband Sunday by her little grandson, Jay with Mrs. Anton evening. is improving nicely after several over the week-en- d who has been quite ill Christensen, Anderson. weeks of Ferious illness. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Fridal, Jr. were with but is improved so Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norberg, of host and hostess at a family dinner he canpneumonia, Leland J. Hansen, who has been be up and around. confined to his bed the past ten days Ogden, and Mr. and Mrs. George Sunday evening. Earl Christensen of Ogden is visitid reported to be improving. Bradshaw of Tremonton, were the Vernal Johns was a Salt Lake City at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Sina ing Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Calderwood and guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. visitor last Sunday. Joy Harmon re- Thorsen and family. of visited with Tremonton, Sunday. family turned with him to spend the summer Claudious Holts of Brigham City, Melvin Wood of Howell visited with at the George Beal home. friends and relatives at Coalville, in this city with the week-en- d spent friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson and her sister, Mrs. Roma Thorsen and Thursday and Friday. Misses Lucille and Bessie Scof field, Mervin Jepperson of Mantua spent family, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph family. left Wednesday of last week for an Sunday with friends. Scothern and family, attended the Rodney Ipson of Ogden is visiting in home returned Miss Helen Wight indefinite visit in Layton. Checketts family reunion at the girls' this city with his grandparents, Mr. Mrs. Albert Giles, and Myron and Sunday after a weeks visit with her in Logan Canyon last Saturday. and Mrs. James P. Ipson. Thora Giles, spent Memorial Day sister, Mrs. Clarence Anderson at camp Mr. and Mrs. ihos Carter and jvir. Lyle Kump of Grace, Idaho, called with frineds and relatives at Morgan. Brigham. and Mrs. Verne Stanley of Nephi, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff visitMiss Thelma Harris left Monday Clair Anderson of Salt Lake, spent Tuesday and Wednesday at the Matesen, Monday on his way to his morning for Ixs Angeles, California, ed with relatives here from Wednes- - R. A. Brough home. home in Idaho, after attending the Mrs. Emily Burbank of San Fran funeral of a brother at Payson. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Andersen and cisco, visited R. A. Brough and family two children of Bothewell spent Sunlast Friday. Mrs. O. A. Seager and son Austin, day at the home of Mrs. P. M. Jver-semotored to Salt Lake City on Satur Mrs. P. W. Allred and Mrs. Eli day, returning Sunday. Tyrell Seager returned with them lor tne summer Howard, and two children, were shopvacation after attending the Univer ping in Tremonton Wednesday. East Petersen and son Earl were sity the past year. Miss Mildred Seager is staying witn Tremonton visitors on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Marcus Evans and Mrs. Israel Hunsaker of Tremonton son Vinell, have moved to Carlin, for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Seager were Nevada, to make their home. Peter Weidman accompanied by his business visitors of Logan and Brigham City on Wednesday. mother, Karen M. Weidman motored Mrs. George Beal was a Logan to Elwood Friday evening to visit visitor Friday evening. with Mr. and Mrs. Golden Andreason and family. Mrs. Martha Andersen, Miss Elva Andersen and Merlin Andersen were shopping in Tremonton Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Andersen, Mr. Timni uroro twMit.v-- f our who attend- nA the M. A. social at the Crystal and Mrs. Orval Iversen, and Mr. and to Ogden Springs Tuesday evening. They all Mrs. Clif Matesen, tomotored a show. attend evening Thursday enjoyed themselves. 10 QT. DISHPANS 14. QT ROLLED RIM Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thorsen had Mr. G. J. Mason and Evendine Smith were Tremonton shoppers Wed- on Sunday as their guests, Mr. and DISH PANS Mrs. Lloyd Williams, and two sons, nesday. 5 QT. KETTLES Mr atiH Mrs. J. C. Mason and Kenneth and Roland, of Salt Lake Mrs. George Paulson of WashBAKING PANS daughters, Elva, Orleen, and Shirley, City; Lynham of OgHarry and sons, Burt and uarei, 01 vgaen, ington; Mr. Hoist-anMrs. Wm. N. C. Mrs. R. D. den, Mrs. of luncheon were guests WASHBASINS A drlieious COVERED of City. Brigham Manges Lamb Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Archibald of dinner was served, after whi:ii (he PRESERVING conlo THnhn. wprc here Thurs afternoon was spent in social PIE PLATES KETTLES versation. friends. and relatives with day visiting Monday evening the members of the Mr. Gar Rose made a business trip Town Board of this place held a returned and to Wednesday Logan and and meeting and several matters cf busito Plymouth Saturday. were discussed. ness Ella Miss Mrs. MANY OTHERS Alvin, Mr. and MANY OTHERS Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hansen and Pierson and Evedine Smith motored to family of Corinne, called at the home Friday to do some shopping. Ogden Mrfinrel Rnrnptt. son of Mr. J. C. of Mrs. Emma Ohman Monday Mason, of Ogden, is here visiting with his uncle, David T. Burnett, for an PIANO AT SPECIAL PRICE indefinite period. Mrs. Charlotte S. Swanson, who is We have a beautiful, new, quality working at Tremonton was supper eveR. D. Lamb Mrs. of Friday upright piano, small case, in the guest vicinity of Bear River which we will . ning. Miss Knetta Burnett is visiting in sell on long easy terms at a greatly Ogden with his aunt, Mrs. J. C. Mason reduced price. This is the very latest design in pianos. Don't pass th's for an indefinite period. Mrs. Edith Hawes of Ogden was up opportunity to obtain a marvelous instrument at practically wholesale on business Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Starr, were frice. For information write Geo. R. Music Co., Preston, Idaho. 38 Tremonton shoppers Saturday. Mrs. Hannah Hess, woh is working guest of her at Portage, was week-en- d mother, Mrs. G. J. Mason. The Pierson family reunion wa ,M ham Sntnrdnv with a rood at tendance. - All present enjoyed them I at. Tremonton Locals Bear River er JCPENNEYC Hospital Notes Cor-in- TREMONTON, UTAH VALUES ne Penrose On Display this Week Khaki Pants WearBigMac" For Sturdy Service For Work or Outing - Of ht A East Tremonton I -- I ; ; The "Big Mac- - Shirt is of chambray, fall art and roomy. In coat styU or with closed front. All sires. nard-weari- ng 69c - i heavy-weig- khaki. Four roomy pockets and a watdr pocket ht ' Wears Well Fit Well Cuff bottoms and belt loops. Sizes 30 to 46. L89 , i i Thatcher Archi-Harr- Work Shirts 99 "PayDay" ft Coat style, made of heavy mercerized blue or grey cham-bra- y or khaki jean. Triple ititched bodies. Overalls for Boys Union Made. Of heavy 2.20 blue Cut full, denim. two seam legs, high back. J to 10 Years 98c 98c XI to 17 Years $1.10 Overalls or Jumper Ot 2.20 blue denim, cut! Carpenters' tor roomy and comfort freedom m S) , of movement. Triple-stitche- d Overalls Made of duck over 8 oz. fine large-size- ced n. SALE of Gray Enameled Ware -I- Plymouth pock Made. urn a Upholds "Pay Day" standards of outstanding n value, correct .fit durable bar- - union ets, and Over-ai- ls service. or Jump- - er, a- count white pattern. Day" Value throughout, with six d New . 9c and 49c 4 ' "Pay Day" is 8 Berg-stro- "Compass Union-Mad- e t- Has $1.29 special loose button pocket. nail strap -- Lar-tacke- d. $1.98 Work shoe of chocolate retaa with rubber heel and sturdy leather sole sure to give th utmost in service and comfort "True Blue" Work Suits SeryiceaUe, dSs to Big value 50. $2.19 1 "Big Pay" "' 9c 49 c Friday and Saturday ONLY DONT - MISS - THIS Wilson Lumber Co. "Everything To Build Anything" Phone 11 Tremonton, Utah ! 1.98 T - ! low-pri- 4 Work Sox Nation Wide -- Work Gloves 1 1IE11 Medium heavyweight cotton in b!c1c, brown, gray and navy. Known from Coast to Coast as value. to outstanding work-hos- e Of 2 prs for 35c "Penco" Work Gloves !ves with weight, blue canvas knit wrist Our Mass Buying makes this extremely low price possible. See these values 3 pre. for 25c 1 "Ox-Hidei- fc Work Gloves Duart Permanent selves. . . . Mrs. Ott Hall of Portage is visitinT urn vith her mother. Mrs. Robert T. Nish, for an indefinita period. Mm. Ci J. Mnson wer Mr Tremontcn shoppers Tuesday of this week. , . Mr. and Mrs. Merl Hess are rejoic-ins- r over the arrival of a 10 lb. baby girl, who came to bless their hom Wednesd.av, of last week. Mother and bnhv nre doing fine. Miss Ella Tierson is visiting in Ogden with her brother, Mr.. Iestie Pier' ' son. ;' , ; . Wave Now is the time to have a pennant wave. Miss Christensen's BEAUTY SHOP Thones 77.al 83.0-- 2 Big Value Low-Price- d An extra heavy glove wltj extra long, lined, flexible cuffs. Ter pair 19c A durable, extra heavy canvas glove, Gunn cut, with red kr wrist. Made to fit properly, Fer pa.r 15c |