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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1929." F FINAL WIND-U- P PETER Ladies' PAN Bloomers Fast Sizes Colors Now TURKISH TOWELS Lii I 'i 43c 2 $4.98 nnhan IS real values, too. bpecial 3 Pairs $1.00 LADIES' RAYON prices. now ! A reg. $1.00 value Genuine Sizes $2.69 $4.29 $8.79 FINAL P OF THESE GREATER BARGAIN DAYS SAT. JUNE 8TH to $4.50 --i r-- r--i for The Leader. Only Here's a lot for Special Close-O6 Heavy Khaki sizes Wind-up Final more. lot Worth a ut $1.29 for all kinds of HIDES, PELTS, FURS AND WOOL Yours For Business Garland Hide & Fur Co. J. W. GARRETT, Manager Bell Phones 146 and 26 GARLAND, UTAH e. 4 SPECIAL FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE Duart Permanent Wave Ringlet Ends $7.50 The Opportunity you have been hoping and looking for ADAMS BEAUTY PARLOR Tremonton Phone 27.r The Things you want Wecan't exactly huy you all the little things you want. But we can tell you one way to get them. American Radiator Heating FrniPMENTwill effect such a saving in fuel, ryour old furnace, that you'll be able to own lots of things you've always wanted. tESS THAN $75 A ROOM o WT! GUARANTEE you can buy? i ALL WORK Duro Automatic Home Water Systems ' BURGESS BROS. CO. TELEPHONE TREMONTON 6.0-- 1 WORK SHIRTS DRESS Reg. $1.25 Value. A reg. 35c val. Full Cut Coat Style Earth. stiffly-beate- er BAKED EGGS Let eggs stand for 20 minutes in boilnig water, or until yolk and white are hard. Pour medium cream sauce over the sliced egg (using for 1 dozen eggs 2 cups of cream sauce, 2 cups milk, 4 tablespoons butter, 4 tablespoons flour). Sprinkle one layer of bread crumbs on bottom of baking rlich. and thpn a lavpr of cream sauce and eggs, another layer of bread crumbs, and a tiny bit of grated Bake in cheese sprinkled through. hot oven for 10 minutes until buttered crumbs are browned. 1 1 1 1 n CORN SOUP medium can corn cup boiling water slice onion teaspoon salt Few grains pepper 2 cups milk 2 tablespoons 2 tablespoons ice-bi- x ! 1 SOX Anywhere on NOW 89c FINAL 3 WIND-U- Pr. 89c P OF THESE GREATER BARGAIN DAYS SAT. JUNE 8TH quart and pint sizes and have a try and two glasses to complete their in Her Own Notions II "BEVERAGE SETS" Nancy Lee, "Gift Suggester," giggled as she clipped an advertisement from the newspaper spread before her. "The title, 'Beverage, Sets,' must have been coined by a broadminded individual," she told the girl who sat curled up in an overstuffed chair, wait ing for Nancy to accompany her down town. "Now when anyone says berer-agto me I always think of cock- e' tails." finely-choppe- 3 MENS' SILK Mens' Heavy 2-- 3 easily -it- "Me, too." agreed the waiting friend more eloquently than elegantly, "Though, of course, there are beverages and beverages. I remember a colored maid my mother had, who used to tell us that her wedding presents BOSTON STEAMED BROWN "done run to lemonade sets.' I think BREAD Janey had six lemonade sets. But they flour cup graham do say that when the Prices were marcup corn meal ried last month they had seven cockcup flour tail shakers given them." teaspoon salt "Kate Prioe can take six of them teaspoon soda back, then," said Nancy competently. teaspoon baking powder "She can keep the spirit of the gift at 3 cup sorghum or mollasses the same time, by exchanging them 2 runs sour milk have beverage Mix and sift the dry ingredients. for gifts that Mix milk and molasses and add last. "Just what" her companion drawled When well mixed, fill buttered molds "are beverage connections?"' half full. Cover tightly and steam for lazily, there are water service sets," "Well, in three hours. Unmold and place said intent on her subject. Nancy, moderate oven for 15 minutes. Serve matron wold like one of young "Any hot or cold. the new sets for her room, or for the guest room; I think the new colored PARSLEY BUTTER SAUCE I've sets are too spiff y for words. 3 tablespoons butter them in orchid and green and seen I teaspoon salt. rose and blue and gray. Kate could teaspoon pepper get her set to match her bedroom 2 tablespoons lemon juice scheme. The water bottles come color 1 tablespoon d parsley Work butter until creamy, add salt and pepper, then lemon juice and parsley. Serve on hot fish, steak or ptVH AT! vegetables. fv ''fi eggs 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon butter cup orange juice orange grated rind y24 ladyfingers 1 cup cream. Mix sugar and flour and add to beaten egg yolks; add milk and butter and cook over hot water until thick and smooth; add orange juice and rind. Remove from fire, cool slightly whites of eggs. and add Line bottom and sides of spring form with lady fingers, flat side toward the pan and close together. Cover lady fingers with a layer of filling; place ladyfingers on top of this, another layer of filling and a top layer of for 12 ladyfingers. Place in When ready to hours to harden. serve, remover to platter and cover with whipped cream. er er BETTY BARCLAY lirl .- Nancy Lee Has d left-ov- By 1 98c er left-ov- l roma aaaaaaaa era On a pan place mounds of left-ovmashed potato which has been mixed with milk to meat right consistency; cut or fish into small pieces, combine with equal amount of medium cream sauce (2 cups milk, 4 tablespoons butter, 4 tablespoons flower). If there is any gravy, mix with milk to make right consistency. Add 2 cups left-ovmeat or fish. Onion, green pepper or pimento may be added for better flavor. Pour around the molds of mashed potato. Bake in a moderate oven until well browned. Garnish with parsley. If desired, the dish may be lined with potato and filed with creamed YE OLDE FAVORITE,. ICE-BOCAKE Vt cup sugar 1 f; tablespoon flour We'd like to sell you American Radiator Heating Equipment. Won't you come in tad let us tell you how cheaply and This Week's Tidbits CONVENIENT PAYMENTS SHEPHERD'S PIE well-buttere- I $1.29 COME WITH THE CROWDS! Malad, Idaho, were calling .on relatives and frineds here Thursday. Mrs. Francis Stokes of Black Pine, Idaho, is visiting here with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hunsaker motorMr. and Mrs. Q. V. Summers and ed to Ogden Wednesday. motored to Brigham City Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stokes of Tre- son, Arlon, Saturday monton were the guests at the home Mr. and Mrs. M. of Mr. and Mrs. James Summers P. Friday evening, entertained at their Jorgensen Sunday. home in honor of the birthday anMr. and Mrs. Mathew Wallace and niversary of Mrs. LaVon Stokes of children of Salt Lake City are here Tremonton, A small number was for an extended visit with Mrs. Walpresent and a very delightful evening laces' parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. V. was enjoyed by all. Summers. Sessions Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Miss Afton Hunsaker has returned and children of California, Ventura, to her work at Willard, after spend- are visiting here with relatives and ing a short time here at her home. friends. Sunday they were accomweek Mr. John Hawkins spent the to Ogden by Mr. and Mrs. panied at Logan with his parents, Mr. and Elyo Sessions, and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Eli Hawkins. Homer Anderson. There they visited Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Coles of Haris-vill- with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sessions. Utah, were visiting here with Mr. Fred Evans, and daughters, f relatives and friends Decoration Day. Ruth and Mae, of Layton, were visitA large number of the Bothwell with friends here Sunday. ing M. A. at I. Outing people enjoyed the Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hunsaker and the Crystal Springs Tuesday evening. attended the Hunsaker reunion family Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Haris and son, held at the Crystal Springs Saturday. Memorial in were Ogden Juel, visiting Mr. J. L. Hunsaker and Miss Edna Day. Johnson of Twin Falls, Idaho, were Deloras, son of Mr .and Mrs. Leo the guests at the home of Mr. and Stokes, spent last week at Clifton, Mrs. Bert Hunsaker Wednesday. He Idaho, visiting with relatives. Those who attended the excursion at was accompanied to his home Sunday the Logan Temple Friday evening by his uncle, Mr. Olsen Stokes. were: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Firth, Mr. Mr. Rasmus Anderson and Mr. I. and Mrs. Thos W. Summers, Mr. and N. Stokes made a business trip to Mrs. Erwin Summers, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brigham City, Tuesday. A. Hunsaker, Mr. and Mrs. Jared Mrs. Rasmus is ill at the hospital Frosgren, Mr. and Mrs. Herman at the .present time. Mr. and Mrs. D. Milton Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett of Eberhard,Mr. and Mrs. Moses P. JorMarble, gensen, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Newman. Mr. Leland Stokes and Ray Stark, attended the dance at Howell Saturday night. n fl faction, too, here in Person. J in one lot now Come in and 'em at this Final Wind-U- p pick Scowcrofts full cut heavy 8 oz. extra quality overall. They're good for lots of wear and satis Will be given away at our store, Satur day, June 8th, 8:00 P. M. You must be 12-1- I C MENS' OVERALLS GRAND PRIZE 38 Pc. SILVER SET I LADIES' VOILE AND CREPE GOWNS S 95c M 2 Now Bothwell PRICES PAID HIGHEST CASH nnnn Up 3 a year. $23.95 Genuine Broadcloth, collars attached, big assortment of very fine patterns, worth $1.35. Final Wind- - GREEN DISCOUNT STAMPS I All MENS' DRESS SHIRTS DISCOUNT IN COVERALLS WIND-U- Going Now $5.89 Fl T for $1.00 NOW! OXFORDS MENS' SUITS We give them with every purchase of j HlOc or over. $12.89 Get Yours MENS' SHOES AND Get 'em Now while the getting is good. They're real values in this lot, too. Fine tailored with snap and style, too. It's you last call to get one for H ALSO GET YOUR EXTRA Are in for a final Clean-ou- t, too I Last Call to save money here Now m 3 lots at 14 save you money, too. Prices, too $2.89 $15.95 Dress up now the season is on. You'll find here the latest in styles and the highwill est in quality. Our Final Wind-U- p eye-shade- Last Call 2 mm Wind-U- p Wind-U- p of right snappy 14-1- 8, Final and Tans Final Edmonds regular values to $8.00 patterns, mostly two pants, very iOU ll una reai high grade and extra fine tailor- pair. one of the higher grade in too, Wind-up ing. Remember this Final Final Wind-U- p shoes. will save you money. for $1.00 Here's a lot of regular 35c visors s. Come in and get Now at yours Broadcloth 6-- 3 MENS9 STRAWS 19c DRESS SHIRTS I Now 79c in sizes You'll find regu lar $1.00 values here now H BLOOMERS inGDBDC I BOYS' LADIES' DRESSES Reg. $1.50 Holeproof full fashioned Pure 14 Silk Hose. All Ushades. Now 1 are going at these YOUNG MENS' SUITS VISORS PRICE Subscribe OXFORDS I $7.85 MEN'S TIES c Wind-u- p H LADIES! at Clean-U- p FOR 25c are all going at give-awa-y Get in on the Final Wind-u- p and $2.00 BOOTS Now is the time to dress 'em up at these money saving prices Here's a lot of snappy patterns; ' mostly two pants, too, going at Here's a lot mostly dark colors they were values to $1.50 pair, going Now for a REMNANTS here's a lot of straps. LADIES' SPRING COATS Final DRESS BOYS' SUITS LADIES' SILK HOSE Medium size, fancy borders. Final wind-u- p price and pumps, patents and colors, high and medium heels, val. to 5.95 going now at M RUBBER Patents LADIES' SLIPPERS Last Call BOYS' All 43c yd. U rms In 0) HUNDREDS OF THRIFTY FOLK HAVE REWARDED THEMSELVES WITH EXTRA SAVINGS DURING THESE.GREATER BARGAIN DAYS. THE FINAL DAYS OF THIS BARGAIN EVENT WILL LONG BE REMEMBERED BY THE EXCEPTIONAL OFFERINGS! Lingette PRINTS GREATER --BARGAIN DAYS flour butter Rinse can with boiling water and Simmer 20 add to corn and onion. minutes. Rub through a sieve. Add mixture to 2 cups thin cream sauce (2 cups milk, 2 tablespoons flour, 2 tablespoons butter). Season and serve usefulness." "What else can she get?" demanded the girl in the overstuffed chair. "Remember she has more than one cocktail shaker to take back." "If I am a good judge of the troubles of a bride, and I think I am," Nancy returned, "I'm willing to wager that Kate hasn't enough coktail cups. She may not have a waiter, or tray. She may lack one of the cunning cracked ice tubs or pails. After all, a shaker isn't all you need when you give a party." "And for that matter," went on Nancy, rapidly sorting clippings, "coffee and tea sets are beverage sets, am't they? And in that connection I'd tell Kate what one of the girls who he was marired last November told said that a coffee urn making nine cups is preferable in her opinion to the more usual six cup capacity; she says she makes such good coffee that everyone wants a second cup." "What else?" prodded the lazy visitor. "Well, I saw a water pitcher I coveted myself the other day," Nancy said. "It's a modernistic pattern and comes in plain or satin finish. Lots of women like the hammered silver, though; and if Kate does, she'd better stick to the conventional designs. "Last, but not least," concluded Nancy, with beverages still in mind, "after dinner coffee cups, spoons, etc, ugars and creamers, all the tea balls and silver ice and sugar tongs belong in our category." "Let's go over and help Kate exchange her wedding presents," said the waiting friend. m-s- fcOD E0UGf - CHAM PIOVS f OR GOOD ENOUGH FOR ftlt B That's what a customer said when he bought a whole set or .. 30,000 liour! utes! tracks .how Tires ...! 1.1 Tires. These tires noia an w for endurance, speed, and safety. miles in 26,326 minutes! 207.5 miles per minFrom coast to coast in 77 hours, 40 rsco on lead And hundreds more! They v let and in Come road. and on the open Firestone makst you why the leaders. D GUM-DIPPE- Gnm-Dippln- a; UTAH AUTO & IMPLEMENT CO. Tremonton, Utah, LUten In Monday NigM |