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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1929 This Week's Tidbits By BETTY BARCLAY 2 oranges Peel oranges round and round, removing all the white membrane, and with a sharp knife remove the pulp in sections. Seedless oranges are best. Arrange 3 or 4 orange sections in each dessert glass. Warm the milk until lukewarm not hot; add the junket, and stir for one minute. Pour into glasses; let stand in a warm place until set; then chill before serv- SOUFFLE WITH SPANISH SAUCE 1 can salmon M teaspoon salt teaspoon paprika 2 teaspoons lemon juice cup soft bread crumbs hi cup milk Yolks of 3 eggs Whites of 3 eggs Thoroughly rinse salmon, remove bones and skin, separate into flakes Cook bread and add seasonings. crumbs in milk 5 minutes, add salmon and the egg yolks beaten until thick then cut and fold and in whites of eggs, beaten until stiff and dry. Turn into a buttered dish, set in a pan of hot wsrter, and bake in a moderate oven until firm. Serve with Spanish sauce, made as follows: 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour 1 cup milk cup pimento puree y cup cream 1 teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon pepper Melt butter, add flour and stir until well blended; then pour on gradually while stirring constantly, milk and cream. Bring to the boiling point and add seasonings and pimento puree. To obtain pimento puree drain canned pimentos and force through a puree strainer. GLORIFIED RICE cup rice to 3 quarts boiling water with 1 teaspoon salt. Cook 30 minutes "or until tender and preserve shape of rice. Drain, rinse with 1 quart cold water and put in a cold place until ready to serve. Add 2 cups crushed pineapple, 10 marshmal-low- s cut in fourths, 3 cup chopped nuts, Vn cup powdered sugar and a few grains of salt. Fold in pint cream beaten stiff and serve in glasses garnished with cherries. ORANGE FRESH FRUIT DESSERT 1 package orange junket 1 pint, milk Plymouth SALMON lemon-colore- d; When You Think HARDWARE THINK WILSON "Everything to Build Anything" Phone 11. OUR ing. PIAZZA PUNCH cups orange juice 1 cup white grape juice 1 pint ginger ale Mix ingredients, pour into a large glass pitcher over pieces of ice and serve in glasses. Makes 4 Va glasses; 12 punch glasses. Vt MACKEREL WITH LEMON Split and bone mackerel, and wipe wtih cheesecloth. Broil, first on flesh side, and then on the skin side, over a bed of hot coals or under the gas Mix six triangular slices of flame. toast, and spread wiht lemon butter. Cut fish, and arrange pieces on the toast. Garnish wtih slices of lemon and watercress. Add Vt 2-- "What did the boss do when you Mrs. Andrew Jensen has been very sick for nearly five weeks. She is told him it was triplets?" slowly improving'. "He promoted me to the head of Mrs. Iva Hunsaker is very sick my department." with rheumatism and has gone to "What department are you in?" stay with her daughter, Clara Harris, "Production." Brown Jug. of Tremonton. Lewis Hunsaker and H. P. Rasmus-se- n Subscribe for the Leader onlj spent last week in Logan doing $2.00 a year. temple ..work. This year El wood hu already had 132 days' work done in the temple. Remember the contest plays to be given here next Friday between the M Men and the Gleaner Girls. Dance afterward. Mrs. Hyrum C. Christensen has returned from Lewiston where she apply for your automobile has been visiting her daughter and Kindly license as soon as possiand truck y Lowe w mi1" nwjiBiiriw"" - " "' " Mrs. Virgil family. Mr. and ble so as to avoid the last minute are the proud parents of a baby girl. rusk Harvey Hansen returned last week ADAM IMTHURN from a visit to California, The Gas Man Garland Monday evening the East Automobile Inspector Official M. I. A. presented the comedy "The Phone 102 Tremonton, Utah Colonel's Maid." The play was very "ViiJcwHS. cast deserves the interesting and praise for the fine presentation. Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum C. Christensen attended the funeral for Mr. Welsh at Tremonton Sunday. n c, ssx i Mr. and Mrs. Eles Fromer and parents of Salt Lake City visited at H. house shown here will be found par C. Hansen's .Sunday. By W. A. RADfORD Mr. William A. Radford will answer tlcularly appropriate. There is notb questions and give advice FREK OF faddish about it At the same COST on all subjects pertaining to ing time it Is thoroughly modern, well readhome the for Snowville building:, practical ers of this paper. On account of his designed and will maintain its desirwide experience as editor, author and ability throughout the years of Its Also all kinds of Fire and Mr. and Mrs. DeLamar Cutler enmanufacturer, he is, without doubt, the life. It Is just the sort of a place for tertained at a party Monday, Feb. 18, highest authority on all these subIs a f wants house that that the Automobile Insurance family jects. Address ajl Inquiries to William in honor of Dee's brithday. Those A. Radford, No. 1827 Prairie avnu?, homelike in appearance. were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. AlChicago, 111., and only Inclose The front entrance opens directly present Apply len, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Taylor, Mr. stamp for reply. Into a large living room at one end of and Mrs. D. G. Nelson, Jr., Misses BROUGH Recent years have seen extensive which there is a sun room. A small Pearl Smith and iSarah Thomas, and Van Peterson and Frank Hunter. The Improvements and variations In home Secretary and Treasurer evening was spent in games and redesign. Many of these are highly defreshments were served. 0? sirable in getting away from monotony Garland National Farm Loan Mr. and Mrs. George Allen enterJ3EDTJ. and lack of artistic effect. Others, a BeAssociation tained at dinner evening. Sunday however, have gone to extremes and were there sides host and hostess the neware of a faddish sort As their GARLAND UTAH II present Mr. and Mrs. DeLamar Cutness wears off, their value will depreler, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Taylor and ciate rapidly. There are m;iny home Misses Pearl Smith and Sarah builders of a more conservative InThomas. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Hess Nelson is quite sick this week. The Y. L. M. I. A. gave a Washington Birthday dance Friday night I KnCHHJT hi I L 1 which was a great success. Music was U Y' I furnished by the Hall orchestra from NOW I 13'0'AH'O" Buist. Mr. and Mrs. Ed J. Robbins entertained a number of friends Monday Second Flocr Plan. evening of last week. Present were Bishop and Mrs. D. G. Nelson, Jr., hallway gives access to the stairs and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arbon, Mr. and also the dining room at the rear. Also Mrs. C. H. Kenner, Mr. and Mrs. John 'EK. f FAMOUS in the rear portion is the kitchen with Neal, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Robbins, Mr. Mrs. C. W. and Mr. and Mrs. Pack, a breakfast room off it This break fast room also serves as a passage Wm. Hurd, Jr., and Mrs. Mary H. Cooper. to the basement stairs. CHICKEN Mrs. Lerona Vanderhoof is on the On the second floor we find two sick list this week. bedrooms and a smaller room desig NOODLES Mr. and Mrs. Golden Peterson were like hosts at a This a as room, nated playroom. Monhome their at party Floor Plan. First , the bedrooms, Is provided with a good day evening. Present were Messrs. clination who desire a home less closet which makes it available as an and Mesdames John Neal, Doyle CutWm. Hurd, Jr., Jesse Arbon. 3 p.m. 8 p.m. strikingly "different" and certainly additional bedroom should occasion ler, one which still will be in as good require. There is another closet, for Games were played and delicious refreshments served. taste when ten years old as it was linens, in the upstairs hall and a small closet in the bathroom which to Alma Larkin made a business trip when built Tremonton last week. will be found most convenient For this latter class the Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Rentmeister are visiting relatives at Juniper. Ferre; stump speech, Chas. Briggs; "Do you ever have trouble with song, Harper .Steed & Co. After the your maid?" Elwood old an benches were cleared away "No, my wife watches me all the fashioned dance was enjoyed until a time." Colorado Dodo. late hour when a delicious tray lunch Word has come from Detroit that was served. A dance was the close on Feb. 18, Aaron Peterson, son of old which of the day's celebration, in Mrs. Amelia Petersen, entered the and young took part. realm of matrimonial bliss. Aaron Mrs. Hannah Hess, who is employ- was determined that not another ed by the O. S. L. at Malad, Idaho, birthday should pass before he was returned to Malad Sunday after at- married, but lo and behold, when he tending the ward reunion here Satur- and his good lady presented them day. selves before the clerk at Detroit, he Mr. Stenquist of Tremonton visited informed them they must have the Some choice the sacrament meeting here Sunday license five days before marriage, so do as a member of the high council. they just quietly slipped over into ill Mrs. Jesse Hess has been quite Ohio and went back Mr. and Mrs, the last few days, but is improving. Aaron Petersen, to the surprise of his Jesse Lamb, Joseph Archibald and three brothers who also live in De George Archibald were in Malad on troit. Mrs. Petersen was a Detroit business Monday. girl. Manyi friends here surely wish mem mucn joy anaj inappiness. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. ii Leo Lamb is seriously ill. At 1 o'clock Thursday the school Mrs. Hannah Wolverton, who has children gave a wonderful program been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. at the hall. The program started Welborn Estep, at Burley,. Idaho, for wtih the Eighth grade presenting a few weeks, has returned home to a playlet. It was very capably rentake care of her daughter, who is ill dered, as were the parts given by all at her home here. the other, grades, even to the tiny E. J. Jones of Malad, Idaho, was tots, who gave a band concert, led by Coal mined. in town Monday on business. He says Mich Fuishi. Many songs and recita there is plenty of snow between here tions were given and a biography of and Malad and he had a hard time Washington. The program ended with harmonica solos by Bill Gorgetting through. Clark Rudd and Louis Zundel mo- ringe. A dance was then enjoyed by tored to Ogden on business Monday, the children. They also sold ice returning Tuesday. cream, popcorn and candy. The par 9 Golden and Jesse Mason motored to ents who attended surely had a treat. Ogden Saturday and returned SunRoy Richardson is the proud owner day evening. of a fine new Ford roadster. Mrs. George Steed, who has been Dee Selman is another who is the quite ill, is very much improved and proud possessor of a new car. able to be around the house again. A birthday surprise party was giv Mrs. Elizabeth Clark, who has been en in honor of Wm. Petersen last visiting at Pocatello, Idaho, with fier Thursday. A .huge birthday cake daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Bigler, for the decorated with candles was the attraction. A very enjoyable past four months, came home SaturMrs. Bigler time was had by all. day for the reunion. came also and will stay for a few The dance here Thursday was well own days to visit with relatives. attended and all had a good time. done by Our road man, Fred Sylvester, had Miss Mourine Andersen, who is at teams busy Monday helping Mr. Wise tending school at the U. A. C, spent PHARMACISTS with the road truck to keep the state the week-en- d at home. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Chrisetnsen en highway open to Malad. The road had drifted full and was almost im- joyed the big hop for the Daughters Nut Sundaes, Ice Cream Sodas, Becco, Orangeade Cherry-adof the Pioneers at Bear River City. passable. Plain Sodas, Grape Juice. ' who Eberhart Zundel, underwent an The Farm Bureau banquet was operation last week, is visiting with largely attended by people from here. his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Zundel, be- It was said to be one of the best SPECIAL SUNDAES fore returning to his home at Driggs, Farm Bureau banquets ever held in Tremonton Banana a la mode, Linger Special, he is Idaho, where employed in a flour the High school. Those who attended Longer and Pecan Sundae. mill. from here were Mr. and Mrs. Parley Mrs. Bessie Estep was a passenger W. Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Sam on the south bound train Saturday, Mortensen, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Romer, SPECIAL MIXED DRINKS enroute to Brigham City where she Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Romer, Mr. and Malted Grape Nut, Malted Milk, Milk Shake, Lemonade and transacted business, returning in the Mrs. L. C. Petersen, Mr. and Mrs. V. - , L. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. John Selevening. Egg Drinks. Bishop R. T. Nish and wife made a man. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hansen. J. business trip to Tremonton Tuesday. M. Mortensen, Wilford Nielsen, Ray HOJCHILI AND HOT TAMALES Hansen, Leroy Larsen, Enos MortenWe have adeep sympathy for po- -' sen, Raymond Hunsaker, Mrs. Amelia ets. they are the only species with Petersen, Herman and Norman a language you can read and write Mrs. Lottie Munns, Delphia Give but can't speak. We offer this as Petersen, besides the five girls who sufficient proof: One of our favorite took care of the clothing room. They poets writes, 'The eyes are the win- were Luella Romer, Ruth Munns, dows of the soul." That sounds well Dorotha Andreasen, Melba Hansen in print, .but can you imagine saying and Lavern Petersen. to a girl; "Darling, nothing could Myron Burnett of Tremonton repregive me so much pleasure as gazing sented the stake Sunday school here into your windows all night." last Sunday. 47 Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Seager attended "How do you sell your gin?" the sacrament meeting as representatives of the stake board. "Openly." House That Will Appeal to Those Who Don't Care for Faddish Designs r Federal Farm Loans Interest Rate 5 two-ce- nt JAMES a A number of Relief Society ladies met at the home of Mary E. Steed Tuesday and quilted a quilt for the association. Those present were Pres. Alvira A. Rose, Sarah A. Rudd, Jane Hess, Artnice Lamb, Anes Archibald, Pearl Hess, Ajrnes Burnett, Adelia Johnson, Annie Steed and Mary E. Steed. A sociable afternoon was spent. Clark Rudd and Louis Zundel made a business trip to Logan last week. Mrs. Phebe Tims, who has been on the sick list for the past week, is not much improved. E. C. Mason was in Tremonton on business Tuesday. "Thain, the Fiddler," was presented here Wednesday night by the RivMAKE GOOD OR WE DO erside Dramatic Co. The audience Co. had a night of real entertainment. The basketball tournament held in Phone 20 Tremonton, Utah Ogden was visited by a number of our townfolks last Thursday night. Those attending were Leo Lamb, Joseph Archibald, Jesse Lamb, Melvin Udy, Jesse Archibald and Gilbert Pierson. CASH Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Nish, Rhoda Archibald, Irene Archibald and C. E. Hess and Wm. J. Hess motored to to attend the funeral services Ogden for all kinds of of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. HIDES, PELTS, FURS Dean Harris Thursday of last week. AND WOOL Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith, David T. Burnett, Frank Archibald and Mrs. Yours For Business Ray Walters were Tremonton shopGarland Hide & Fur Co. . pers Friday. J. W. GARRETT, Manager The big event of the week took place Saturday when the annual ward Bell Phones 146 and 26 reunion proved a great success. BeGARLAND, UTAH side the local people there were about 40 invited guests from neighboring towns. Tables were set in the L. D. S. hall and a real feast was served, after which the guests were enter; EVERYBODY IS BUYING tained in the basement and many tales were told of the early days in the history of Plymouth by Robert Nish and E. H. Rudd. Accordeon and banjo solos were given by Olean Phineaa Pierson and George Archibald. After the tables had been Ask your dealer for it. cleared away an excellent program was gken under the direction of Al Wheat taken on deposit for vin Smith, as follows: Song by con Flour and Bran. gregation; prayer, Leon A. Rose; address of welcome, Don R. Lamb; song, Bran, Shorts and Mill Products Wm. A. Hess and family; current Wheat Cleaned. Mill Chopping evtnts, Olean Josephson; song, Iiene Archibald & Co.; recitation, Norma Hess; accordeon solo, Phineas Pier-sostump speech, E. H. Rudd; song, Phoebe Archibald & Co.; recitation, Lucile Hawes; three Ihinute talk, J. Hess of Fielding; accordeon solo, Tremonton ;: :: t Utah H. Geo. Archibald: three minute talk. ' Wilford Sorenson; reading, Laura Fronk Chevrolet HIGrfEST PRICES PAID "Utah's Favorite" FLOUR Tremonton Milling Company n; 3 PROMPT, RELIABLE FORD SERVICE - rv DINING-13- WE ARE J. READY to serve our friends $nd patrons those L Pi jLuJ CHINESE every Saturday till Otto's Cafe six-roo- The Place with a Personality Wanted Oats that would for also Federation Seed; and Early Bart Wheat. For Sale ' - All kinds of Feed Stuff and the Best TREMONT COAL CO. Phone NEW $32. TUDOR (F.O. B. SEDAN Detroit) cen-ter- To help you get the greatest possible use from your car Our customers are satisfied customers because we give good service. We take a personal interest in helping ' you to get the greatest possible use from your car at a minimum of trouble and expense. In other words, we treat your care as if it were our own. Keep our name in mind for oiling and greasing and that checking over at regular intervals. Utah Auto and Implement Co. from! of Tremonton Prescription Work under our supervision and REGISTERED only e, 4-a- We 9t Green Trading Stamps H. G. Scott Drug Co. Phone Tremonton, Utah |