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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1929 Miss Virginia parents here the Deweyville Mr. and Mrs. Duett Loveland pre- sided at an attractive house party Saturday evening at their home en U. I. C. avenue. The tables and the place cards and favors were in patriotic designs. Progressive cards was the diversion of the evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vetto of Madsen, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wheatley, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Norr, Mr. and Mrs. Con Fryer, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dustman. A sumptuous tray luncheon was served. Prizes went to Alvin Norr and Mrs. A. R. Burbank for high score and Marvin Dustman, consolation. Miss Erma Selin and Miss Phyllis Armstrong, our school teachers, rewere in Salt Lake the week-enturning to their school here Monday. May Gittens of McCammon, Idaho, visited her parents here the week-enMr. and Mrs. Parley Watson and family have moved to Idaho, where Mr. Watson is employed in a blacksmith shop. Thirty-fiv- e from here enjoyed the Farm Bureau banquet at the Bear River High school Friday night. All expressed themselves as having a good time and the dinner was surely a dandy. Bur-ban- d, d. k, d, returning to Salt Lake Sunday. Kenneth Germer returned to his school at Logan Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Fred C Farmer was in Salt Lake Thursday. Mrs. John Spackman and daughter Ogden SunStella visited relatives day. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brough of East Tremonton visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Marble, Thursday. Wednesday night the Honeyville Mutual put on their drama to a well pleased audience. v Deweyville MuSaturday night the three-acdrama t their tual presented to a large audience. Misses Mabel Ault, Hilda Knudson, and Eva Gardner entertained at a house party Monday night. Mrs. J. A. Fryer was in Ogden Monday. Merlin Fryer made a quick trip to Ogden Monday on business. Monday Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Miller entertained the following at a card party: Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dustman, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Norr, Mr. and Mrs. Duett Loveland and Mr. and Mrs. Con Fryer. Prizes were given to Jtfrs. Marvin Dustman and Con to Mrs. Con Fryer and consolation was enjoyed Fryer. A dainty lunch were decorations Patriotic all. by used in place cards and favors. it Bur-ban- k, Collinston Every Monday at Miss Adams' Beauty Shop Duart Permanent Waving No finger wave, no water waves and ringlet ends. Given by GEO. HODGES Dewey visited her week-en- of Brigham City Baby Chicks From the famous Vestal Hatchlive delivery guarery. 100 anteed. Quality unsurpassed. Ask any of the many satisfied customers in Bear River valley. White Leghorn Chicks $12 per hundred delivered Tremonton. Order from F. B. Barlow, Tremonton, or direct from Vestal Hatchery Petaluma, Calif. Garland Milling Company Manufacturers of the Famous "PRIDE OF UTAH" FLOUR Also all Kinds of Mill Stuff. The Best Mill in the Bear River Valley. Highest Cash Price Paid for GOOD WHEAT Near the Depot Garland :: :: Utah One of the most interesting features of last week was the banquet and card social given in the Collins-to- n hall Friday night. A very large number was present to witness the generosity of the losers in a shooting match. Mrs. Mary Fryer and Arthur Saunders carried off the leadnig prizes while Mrs. Etta Kidman seem ed satisfied with her lemon, as con-- ' solation. Mrs. Helen Berlin entertained at a meeting and social Tuesday afternoon in compliment to the Relief Society. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Erickson and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Simmons enjoyed a visit with relatives in Mendon Monday. Public School Notes OUR FUN Last summer Harold, Bert and I were playing in their yard. They have a uog. We would get a rope and drag it around. The dog would chase ii. and pull us and jerk us and pull us down. We have lots of fun playing in their yard. Warren Holmgren, Second Grade. j L Most men call a spade a spade until they drop one on their toes. West Point Pointer. 1 New 1929 Wall Papers Now in Stock People, who trade at ordinary grocery stores, are often at a loss to know what to serve the family next.'' In the olden days, when everyone was compelled to make out a list of their requirements before going to the grocery store, this was especially true. O. P. Skaggs System customers, however, never have this experience, because they are always picking up something new and different when shopping for their staple foods. Miss week-en- d d Store Planed Most of the housewives, who shop in our stores, plan several meals ahead. They plan while shopping, then select the various items desired for each meal. Our customers not only buy the items they know they need before leaving home, but always find many others that are highly desirable as something new or different to eat. Try it once yourself. good-heart- ed and-Mrs- week-end- ." fill WASHINGTON was a boy his parents were rich. They had a beautiful home, pretty clothes and used nice manners. After Washington grew up these were his rules: 1 Think before you speak. 2 Always speak the truth. 3 Always do your best. 4 Obey your father and mother. Beth Allen, Fifth Grade. Mrs. Wm. Bowcutt and daughter Riverside Tuesday, under the direction of the Farm Bureau, a lecture was given by Prof. Chester Meyers of the U. A. C. on the drama. Miss Davidson and Mr. Owen of Logan also were present. The Primary gave a dancing party for the children last week. Mrs. Glen Walker and daughter Betty came home Friday after spending the past two weeks in Idaho with Mr. Walker. Senator T. R. Welling and wife came up from Salt Lake to attend the Farm Bureau banquet. Mr. mother, Mrs. Effie Welling, of Brigham was also here to attend this social. Mr. Welling returned to Salt Lake but his wife is spending the week here. Glen Walker left Sunday to spend the week in Wyoming. J. A. Capener and son Leland of Salt Lake were here last week. Lorenzo Bowcutt has been ill this Well-ing- 's OH! LOOK WHO'S HERE! Tit-Bit- s. . r i t Drive the Chevrolet Six No matter how closely you inspect The Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History you will never appreciate what a wonderful achievement it is until you sit at the wheel and drive. So this week has been set aside as National Demonstration Week, and you are cordially invited to come in and drive this sensational automobile. d motor 32 Not only is the new more powerful, with correspondingly higher speed and faster acceleration . . . not only does it provide a of better than twenty miles to the gallon but smoothness it operates with such marvelous that you almost forget there is a motor under the hood! Regardless of the car you may now be driving come drive this new Chevrolet Six. Come in today ! WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY PROGRAM The day before Washington's birthday the Fifth grade had a program. Everyone took part in it. There were poems, songs, stories, and piano solos. The song I liked best was about our mothers. Some boys sang that song because the Fifth grade invited the mothers to come to the program. Fae Marshall, Fifth Grade. six-cylind- valve-in-hea- er fuel-econom- Penrose Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Miller were shopping in Tremonton Saturday. Miss Helen Granger, who is a student at the U. A. C, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Granger. Miss Maudell Seager spent the latter part of the week in Salt Lake Now is the time to put new paper on your walls. Winter is almost over, only a few short weeks and spring is here. Come in and see the new 1929 styles, uur prices are lower tnis year, anu we can also recommend a good pa- per hanger. Hyrum Jensen Furniture & Hardware Co. Phone 73 Garland, Utah City. Mrs. Wm. Miller and Mrs. Wilford Miller attended a ward reunion at Plymouth Saturday, reporting an en- joyable time. Fred W. Petersen was a Tremonton visitor Tuesday. Thursday evening the losers in a rabbit hunt entertained the winners with an oyster supper and dance. An enjoyable time was had. Miss Marie Call has returned after spending a week at Evans. Jack Stokes of Promontory was visiting here Thursday. NOTICE Notice is hereby gtven that a meeting of The Tremonton Gem Club will be held Friday, March 15, at 8 o'clock Barber p. m., in Leland Crystal's Shop, Tremonton, Utah, for the purpose of deciding whether or not said Tremonton Gun Club shall bo incorporated, and to transact such other business as might properly come before said meeting. (Signrd) GERTRUDE SPANGLER, Secretary. y six-cylin- -- i S mm SSSlfe 4 ft a Six in the price range of the four! fjSi:tl2L. iSLT""' The co5C25 . ""I pSwlj HHindff g The $C1C $-- s. Q- ibU Sedan Z725 $QC All prices . o. b. factory, Flint, Mich. Fronk Chevrolet Co. QUALITY Bllrr la It was the evening after the night National Demonstration Week! Washington Lo-rel- to North Ogden Sunday. They were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Marsh. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lv Bronson of Tremonton visited with the family of Lorenzo Bowcutt Sunday. ' Clarence Hallons and Grover Petty of Farmington were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Udy during the week. Frank Benson, father of Mrs. J. H. Ward, returned to his home at Logan lasf week after spending ten days here. The family of Delbert Bowers of Collinston spent Sunday here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Udy were in Brigham Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Davis went to Brigham Friday with Newell Udy. Horace Udy went to Salt Lake on business Saturday and returned before. j "How did you find yourself this The family of George Bowcutt have asked one participator of morning?" the mumps. j another: Mrs." D. H. Johnston and daughter, "Easily," was the reply. "I just Cloe came down from Bear lake Sat- -' looked under the table and there I urday and they accompanied Mr. and was." week. MTU BIRTHDAYS Washington was lone of our great He was called "The Father of men. Our Country." His birthday is on the 22nd of February. We always celebrate his birthday. Another great man was Abraham Lincoln. His birthday is on the 12th of February. Edward Paik, Fifth Fifth Grade. When . FOOD Jbr Eeoncmieal Tranifarlation last week. Mrs. E. E. Lefler, who was taken very sick Wednesday, Feb. 20, was taken to the Valley hospital. At this writing she is much improved. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Archibald was badly cut in the face when his sleigh ran into a barbed wire fence. Our young ladies are planning to entertain their boy friends at a coasting partv Tuesday evening on the U. I. C. hill. At A Loss ? George Peterson, who has been vis iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peterson, for several weeks, returned to his home in California Monday. Maudell Seager spent the visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry Furse, of Salt Lake City. Miss Frank Beal came home Thurs day evening to spend the week-enDear Mother Nature: parents, Mr. and Mrs. When are you going to change your visiting herShe returned Sunday evebleak cold form and greet us with Geo. Beal. ning to resume her duties as teacher sunshine and laughter? at Roy. Everyone is waiting for you to send Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scothern of the flowers, birds, and sunshine once South Tremonton were Sunday guests again. When baby buds peek their tiny of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson and heads out, and industrious birds start Woodrow and Preston of Howbuilding their homes high up in the sons tree" tops; when little streams and ell spent Friday night with O. A. brooklets no longer stand still but Seager and family. Miss Olive Garfield was hostess on rush on their way; when the sun permeates the rooms it permeates our her birthday, Feb. 23, to several of! her girl friends. The evening wasj hearts, too. So please, Mother Nature, hurry spent playing games and delicious re-- 1 with your flowers and green foliage. freshments were served. Those en- Just waiting for summer. Bertha joying the occasion were the Misses' Wanda Garfield, Leona Garfield, Lil-- j Landvatter, Seventh Grade. lian Ray, Arleen Peterson, Mildred' ARASHAMA Seager, Lavon Garfield and Ivy Once upon a time there lived a boy Woodruff. He was a named Arashama. The Farm Bureau will hold a meetboy. One day when he was ing Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at fishing he caught a turtle. He said, the home of O. A. Seager, at which "I will not be so cruel." So he took time Prof. J. P. Thomas of the U. A. the turtle back to the sea. Norman C. will deliver an address on Farm Economics. Shaw, Second Grade. All men and women of the community, also club boys and SPRING girls, are invited. Spring will soon be here, and the Mrs. J. D. Hansen returned from cold weather will go away. It is the the Garland hospital last Monday and time we have fun playing ball and about two hours later their little other games. Carroll daughter away, after passed The birds cannot find food for them several weeks of illness from spinal to eat in the winter, but in the spring meningitis. They have the sympathy feed little to the find enough they of the entire community. birds. Some of the birds help the Many from here attended the Farm farmers on the farms. Mary Tanaka, Bureau annual social at the High Third Grade. school and report having had a very pleasant time. DONT FORGET THE BIRDS Mrs. Ray York is confined to her The birds came early this spring. home with lagrippe. It is very cold for them. I have built Irvine Garfield came home from bird houses for them. We must take the university to spend the week-en- d good care of the birds and feed them with his Mr. and Mrs. J. X). or they will go away again. Robert Garfield. parents, Hansen, Third Grade. Mrs. Ira Fridal and family spent in Brigham City with the week-en- d THE NEWSPAPER her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank MerW,a Sail are waitjing for the call rill. "paper." K. H. Fridal went to Salt Lake There is a rush for the door and a City Monday for a visit with his yell. First here, first served. Mae and Mrs. Warren Of course we have to give the front daughters Wright. to to the sport page grandma, page Emerson Abbott made a short visit older brother. with his parents, Mr. Sunday Then begins the war for the comic Geo. Abbott. sheet. Lawrence Abbott returned to PromAfter the victory is won the win- ontory Saturday after a short visit ner comes out, battle worn and weary, with his mother, Mrs. L. E. Abbott. but the comic sheet makes up for it. Mrs. Jos. Crowther went to Salt Alvin Cooke, Seventh Grade. Lake City Monday for a short visit with relatives. OUR PROGRAM Thursday the pupils of the Fifth "Everett had on one of these Wilgrade gave a program for our moth liam Tell ties this ers. We all took part on the pro "What might that be?" gram. Then we called for volunteers "You know, the kind you can pull and it was funny. Wesley Landvat back on the bow, refease and hit the ter sang "My Country Tis of Thee," apple. Ain't you heard of them?" We all "My Home in Germany." laughed at him so we could hardly hear. Morns, Maxwell, fifth Grade Thomas White and Miss Fay Rhodes of Garland were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Y. Simmons. George Hansen and son Roy of Providence and Arthur Ackley of Salt Lake were the Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bigler. Mrs. Paul Hinman returned to her home in Bountiful Monday after a pleasant week with relatives here. Miss Norma Seal, our busy clerk and assistant postmistress, had a delightful week in .Salt Lake City. Mrs. Charley Bishop was an Ogden vsiitor Saturday. and children Mrs. Clark Bowen spent a few pleasant days with her mother, Mrs. Mantlo, in Tremonton. Mrs. Lillie Campbell and children of Kelton enjoyed several days with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Potter. were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fryer in Garaldn Thursday. Lorimer Seal of Salt Lake and Arnold Francis of Brigham City spent Friday here with relatives. WASHINGTON'S PROGRAM Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Jensen of LoOa the 21st of February, at 2:30 here social the attended Friday o'clock, we started our program. It gan evening.was very interesting. We invited our Joseph Seal had a pleasant visit in parents. I think they all enjoyed it. Honeyville, Brigham and Salt Lake Ruby Tanaka, Fifth Grade. ' 0s East Tremonton AT LOW COST f : f; 3 Jf 3 3 j 1 Sip |