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Show BEAR mm VALLEY LEADER is time time is near. Either event moving most invariably makes (some additions to the approaching You will find it a furniture to select House-cleanin- g store. J Jon t the needed pieces at this necessary. delight in now. Make your selection from the new designs we are now showing. wait-co- me up-to-da- al- te . TABLES Most complete line of Dining Tables, ever carried in this vicinity. Tops all sizes from 40 to 54 inches. ROCKERS Sewing Rockers, in Birds-eye- , Ivory, Wax Golden. Gum, and Walnut. Parlor Rockers in Upholstered Geniiine and Imitation Art Leather, in all woods. Fibre, Art and Coneoleum. Soring" Bargains in Wilton's (Large and Small) RUGS-Axminist- Tapestry, e.'r, Beds (No Side Rai'ls). Wood Beds, in Walnut, Ivory and Gum. Steel Beds, any finish. The well known Simmons & Kenney, R:ne Brass Beds, now on exhibition. BEDS-Oombin- ation DINING CHAIRS-- In Leather and Wood Seat, Any Wood, Fume, Golden, and Wax Finish. SPECIAL in this week drily. A Box-bac- k 4 Chairs $1.25, for I few straight back Kitchen Chairs for $1.55. -- EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR THE WHITNEY CARRIAGES IN NORTHERN UTAH TREMONTOli, BABY NEWPOLDS Special prices on No. 2 Spanish Leather Upholstered, fn Golden Oak and Fume Patterns. Also in Bronehoe Leather. BUFFETTS We carrv the celebrated, Baffetts, any finish. ot , New Machinery Added. Additional City and tHadley and Company have installed a' new drill punch, along with many Pearl Spencer went to Brigham Friother improvements that would be beneficial to them in turning out their day, returniug home Tuesday. spring repair work. They have seven Miss Daisy Carroll of Logan, is visitpersons in the garage altogether, and ing her sister, Mrs. J. C. Barfuss. all are kept busy. Charles Barfuss has just completed a large grainery, on his farm. The Leader is the home, paper. N. C. Nelsen of Thatcher, is very ill at his home. .Vicinity' en- gagement of their daughter, Gertrude, to Mr. Leslie H. Jensen of Pear River City, Utah. The marriage to take place In the Salt .Lake Temple in the near future. "The little child of Mr. is Mrs. Meister and ,T. P. very ill with pneumonia. PHONE NUMBER 12 $$&&S39$Q$ a For The first of February we sent out notices to all our subscribers, requestDr. D. O. Beal went to Malad Tues- T. D. Davis. their assistance in a prompt setday to assist in caring for influenza Blanch and Vern Brough have, re- ing tlement. Some have responded while patients. turned from the hospital in Brigham, others have not. We wish to ask the Influenza has made its appearance where they were operated on two weeks delinquent ones to respond at once in the home of S. A. Marble, at Dewey-ville- . ago. and assist us in maintaining the good The Leader prints Butter Wrappers service, in the way your circular exto you. Bert Burns was badly injured re- in the most artistic manner, with plained BEAR RIVER VALLEY Mail ink. cently. He was kicked by a horse vegetable, TELEPHONE COMPANY orders given prompt attention, adv. while caring for it. A. Walton was a passenger to Herman Lan'dvatter and family returned Saturday from a six weeks trip. Brigham Wednesday. Mrs. Landvatter visited her parents Mrs. Lawrence Holler and children in Kansas, while Mr. Landvatter went are all quite ill. to New York to visit his brothers. and April Coming, Monday Tuesday, 7th and 8th, Theda Bara, in "CleoNEW THREE-PIEC- E SUIT adv patra," at the American.' Men Born ' tailoring has satisfied thousands of America's best dressers for a generation. - "ruLtamntxft HAD A DIP in igj Mrs. N Lawrence Hansen of Elwood, made a business trip to Tremonton, tha first of the week. The more you know about fine Clothes and fine tailoring, the more you will appreciate a Born Suit. " O O oo Mrs. Douglas samples for Spring and Summer. let us tailor your suit. ing with Irene Purse, this week. . Waldron Harris Bros. "The Popular StohT OE . 'The Song of the Soul,',' will be shown at the American Theatre next adv Wednesday and Thursday. f TJ. d KILLS UCE. MITES AND FLEAS. DRIVES AWAY FLIES. HEALS CUTS. SCRATCHES AND WOUNDS. FOR MANGE. SHEEP SCAB AND OTHER SKIN TROUBLES. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles : . EFFECTIVE EASY TO USE ECONOMICAL Miss Myrtle Woodruff, was operated on at the Henderson hospital in Brig' ham City, last 'Friday for appendicitis. 4 i H KresoDip No.l Mrs. Vernon Woodruff returned home Saturday from the hospital at Checkets are of a fine baby over the arrival happy -- H0W . It will keep them free from insect parasites and protect them against contagious diseases. Mrs. "Joseph Archibald and Mrs; Marvin Nelson of Gearland were shop ping in town, Tuesday. boy- - & The Utah Power & Light Co., have made arangements so that the highway between Tremonton and Garland will have eleetrice lights. TRY IT 01 YOUR LIVE STOCK was visit several flays Sanderson Brigham. Come in and look at -- the new II. L. Griffin of Ogden and J. P. Sprunt of Salt Lake City, are in town this week, in the interest of the potato factory. D. "Wise" ' s NOTICE. ' Mrs. Geo. Lewis from Malad, has Arthur, who has just, been discharged from the army. been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Mrs. J. R. Waters has vacated the Miss Ellen Beck, went to ' Ogden Mrs. J. Pioneer hotel, at Deweyville. lastj week for the purpose of having her J. Sr., will take charge and Fansler, retested. eyes m keep business going. Buelah Archibald and Ellen Shunian Mrs. C. E. Andrews of Malad, has to went Brigham, Saturday. Mrs. J., B. Downing arrived Monday' spent several days with her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Hunsaker of Bothwell was Mrs. Henry Davis. morning .from California, to assist her in town Tuesday. husband 'with the management of the A large number of the town people Hotel Midland. A jiew baby came recently to the attended quarterly conference at Garhome of John Watt, of Thatcher. land, Saturday and Sunday. V I I 6 6 e L. D. Haws returned to his home in Malad, Sunday. A BORN SUIT Roekford line of Stock complete. "SELLERS OF LIFETIME FURNITURE' UTAH Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Reynolds Mine", Montana, announces the I J J Here is one of those three-piec- e suits In which a satin middy blouse, Mr. Watkins, our loeal creamery that matches It In color takes the man reports that last week they place of the usual shirtwaist. This made 2,700 pounds of butter. blouse has a loose, narrow girdle of satin and Is turned up at the bottom, - Miss lleleq effernian,i principal of forming pockets. The coat Is a new the Union school, had a pleasant visit model and Insists upon disclosing It the first of the week from her brother, satin companion. i PREVENTS HOG CHOLERA 4 Experiments on Kve hog prove that a 2 dilution kills virulent Hog Cholera Virus in five minutes by contact. Ktmo Dip No. 1 in original packM. ForSakb? DAVIS DRUG CO. eau en wmTt rd run booklet on mem mp n. t. II A |