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Show The Leader is the Farmers' Friend, ?Uways Ready to Protect VOLUME VI. TREMONTON, OUR THE STATE BANK HOMY D Their Interests UTAH, THl'KSDA V, MARCH 27, 1919 Beimre!! NUMBER 0 REQUIRE TO BUILD ANNEX Business Increases, At a meeting of the directors of the which was held last Monday, they decided to erect an ad dition too the present bank building, on the lot back of them, facing Tre- ' i ..moot avenue. ..;. The new annex will be built to con form with the present bank building, in every way, and will be' arranged jo open into the main building, both as- - to be con up stairs and. down,-s- o venient for use by 'the bank at any . Jtime in the future, when they mjght deem it necessary through the growth ' . of .business, which is bound to come in Tremonton., Jt will be a two story building, 25 by 30, witlj a good basement, a store room oft the ground floor and three " good office- - rooms up stairs. The store room will more than likely be used by the Tremonton Auto Sales Co., as a show room. They will have room to exhibit 'three or four cars oa the floor, and room for a business of fice as well. , Plans will be out, and bids will be A lively neighborhood interest in let next Wednesday. The architects are Shreve and Mad good roads is worth all of the taxes you can wring from unwilling pocketbooks. son of Ogden.. No - . ' CLUB CALL FARMERS The Tremonton - 1 ; , Infant Boy Dies. 7 ATTENTION Commercial Club, has before it a report from tae Van Alen Canning Co., which shows a misunderstanding on i the part of our farmers, which threatens to close the factory for the' summer run on pea can- sou Harold Newell Burns, of Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Burns, died at the. family residence, Monday, March 24th, after a brief illness of three davs. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 12 o 'clock at the home of Ursal Rose at Garland. Burial at . the, Garland cemetery. '.'-- Now,, the company has spent the entire winter making costly improveMrs. W. H. Stone is slowly improv ments in the machinery; and equip ing, from her long illnes. ment, which Will eliminate all unnecessary waiting for unloading and checking purposes. They have ap- hA. R. LINDSAY " Wads W. W. new manager, pointed a DIES IN PRISON worth, who is all that can be expected in a hustling accommodating man, and who will see to the patrons interest in Sunday night, W. B. Lindsay, a prisevery way; so' that now 'the; farmers oner at the state prison, died of influcan be assured that they may safely enza. Lindsay was sentenced in the go aheadt and not "only realize the big District Court in this city, September profits from their pea yield, but reap 28th, 1918, to three years' imprison:;: all the well known benefits of crop ment in the penitentiary o na statuary ' : , rotation, etc. charge. It will be recalled that the ' ' . IJeaUf ing the advantages to be had young, lady in'the case, the late Elfeer-tfrom the large monthly pay roll of the Phelps of Garland, lost her reason ' company, not only to our merchants, as a result of the experience she passbut to the farmers because of the same. ed through and was placed in the state An . appeal is hereby made by the mental hospital . at , Provo where she citi: died a few days after her arrival there. Commercial Club,, that all zens would lend a hand to encourage Lindsay ;was a married man. and was the raising of the required acreage, of given a tria lin the District Court in which only one sixth is now contracted, this city, was found guilty and senten "and that all our farmer friends, who eed as above Box Elder News. , ' a of-o- " ' ( LEON ROSA WRITES ABOUT LIFE IN THE ARMY SERVICE Shaw & Iverson have finished their plans for the new addition they are about to erect, in connection with their present store. The building will be a two story structure, 90 by 23K fet, including a basement under all the building, the ground floor will connect with the present store, making an imposing double front, conforming with the other building. The second floor will be fitted up for complete undertaking parlors, and a show room for ruggs and linoleum. There, will be an elevator- from the basement to the up stair floor. The Tiew buiding- and the old to gether will cover a flotr space equal - to two Tremonton Citv lots. , -- k .... . - Vou-hea- r - -- WAR II. Stevens, Parma, Idaho. Robert Allen, R. F. D. A, John Bloom, R. F, D. A., Adolph Harris, Tremonton . D. at' ' v fc ' Tremonton, R. G. Brough, R. F. P. A.,' Steed Bros. Tremonton, A. J. Goss, Tremonton, R. F. D. 2, Guy N. Rose Deweyville, W; H. Stone, Tremonton, Carl Weiss, Tremonton, Geo. E. Cropley, R. F. D. A., Godfrey Anger, R. F. D. A., N. E. Iverson, Tremonton, Thomas Payne, VR. F. D. 2., Joshua Schrenk, "A PRAIRIE ROSE" The Grouse Creek Dramatic Co., sucdny "A cessfully presented- the Praisie Rose," to a very appreciative audience, numbering over 200 people, last Friday evening at Grouse Creek. The Y. M. M. I. A. supervised the ' play, while Newell Richins managed the business and financial end, aud Claude Adams the stage and dramatic affairs. Following are those who made up the cast: Silas Wilder, a deaf old rancher, Newell Richins. Dr. Robert Raymond, a Chicago physician, Claude Adams. Philip Bryant,, a Chicago lawver, 2 DEWEYVILLE - T. Rohde, Tremonton T. D. Holdaway, ' -- PRESENTS Henry Baer, Tremonton, J. . : increase the aid given by Utahus to French children rendered fatherless by the war is well under way, the drive being conducted by the Utah committee for the Father leas Children of France, Mrs. J. B, Whitehill, 967 First Avenue, Salt Lake City, chairman. At present, Utah resi dents are supporting 360 orphans, but in comparison to other states on basis of population, this number should be more than twice as large. Committees all over the United States are working diligently to in crease the number of orphans suffi ciently to take in all the 250,000 fath erless children. The mothers often are in dire need of aid to care for their growing families. The sum of $30.50 provides the necessities of life for a child an eutiie vear, and $3 for one . Our . Floor Space. to month. La Ferte Benard, France, Feb. 18, 1919 with a dim candle Drug Store Improved. (windows and It is the unbreakable rule of the Dear Folks: cracks carefully stopped up) and listen committee for the Fatherless Children The Davis Drug Co., have altered I just . received a letter today, and to the shells flying close over, and of France that not one penny of the their store, by taking away the paryou saying you were expecting, me on some even lighting in the yard. One money subscribed for the support of tition that separated the front store every train, and here. we. have not night I almost killed one of our medi- orphans, shall be used for expenses of from a refreshment parlor, and moved even started! Thank goodness you cal men, I was ou guard with my auto- the local committees, the national com- the cases back, making more floor are still writing and continue to do io. matic ordereJ loaded, as they had told mittee offices in America or of the space m rtont. They Jiave nicely You can 't tell a thing about this army, me there were a lot of in U.'S. Paris committee in France. All ex- white onyx tables, and made repairs to spies I night be out of it in one month and uniform. This fellow jumped through penses of the society are met from the fountain. may be in for six. I" hate to write a "bunch of bushes The store will be calciminied and right in front of voluntary donations for that purpose discouraging news, but you had better me, I commanded him to hault with my or from dues for membership in the painted. know the truth now, as any time; God finger on the trigger and the muzzel society. knows we are " the moat home-sicThe work is carried on through local right ou him, it scared him so he eoulil AMERICAN BREWERS bunch of boys that ever were; but not each of which is provided committees, for which several, speak minutes, I almost cost him his life. The same with a list of French children. To thing-o- f .what it might' be. TO LOCATE IN CHINA I am getting a quart or so of mi'.k night a big shell burst within 15 feet every subscriber who pledges the care V! eacn day, at a small dairy, sure tastes of our shack, the burning powder al- of an orphan for one year is given the Recently there' appeared in the Japgood. It costs 50 centimes a litre 10 most stifled' me, and at first I thought name and address of tlie particular anese Advertiser the follow press cents a quart.) You want me to tell it was gas. You should see the holes child to whom his money will go. from San Francisco: dispatch viie of vthose, big. shells make, some Payments my be made quarterly or geac-rs.' iu oxpJiis of 'brewers M'fom I would like to have ah iml ''are big enough to drop a couple of big monthly. " fjJouey i Wbscribc-tj- l j SyVUjiited States the to China may be extation shell coming. When we went box- cars into. I never in my life was America is sent to the mother or to a statement made pected, according in quarterly 'pay up and over, the first Sight we saw was as mad as I was when they told me guardian of the child here by Rudolph Sammet, president of what once had been about 8 men, all my best friend got killed close by; a ments on postal money orders bearing the California State Brewer's Associalaying in pieces around a shell hole, bunch of the dirty scum passed by the name and address of the American tion. He said: ? donor. so we then saw what one might do, a right after (prisoners) and it was all "We are looking to China sas the All subscrmtions and donations in small oneHt was though. One can I could do to keep from emptying my hear those demons coming about o vo revolver among them. They have any amount should be sent to T. W. best place to locate. I'm going to 10 seconds before it lights, it begins taken our revolvers away now. Boyer, treasurer for Utah. Continen- China in a few days to arrange for the dollar construction of a tal National bank, Salt Lake. with a. slight whirr and increases in One day I was standing around jusf plant for one brewery. Other brewvolumne until it sounds like a dozen or after eating our scant dinner, when I ers are making similar arrangements.'' so steam sirens blowing, the louder they heard a big one coming elose, down TEACHERS TO SELL comThis dispatch-wa- s know are the closer printed in papers get you they like lead I went just as a big chunk of and as well as in the of Korea China, ing, and believe me one hugs the it whizzed SAVINGS STAMPS right over where I'd been; of Japan. press ground for dear life, for the veteran the fellows thought it had got me I It is a confession that the brewers always drops like lead, when lie nears droned so A lot of the German quick. A meeting of all County Superinone coming, it is this suspense of waitanil distillers know that their nefarishells were "duds", imperfect an. tendents of public schools throughout ous business is doomed in the United ing for it to come that gets one 's would not explode, one day one came the state, was held recently at the ofloud know for it if States. They will continue, doubtless, gets nerves, you down right in front of a couple of our fice of State Superintendent of Public to fight Prohibition in our country, enough, they might not have to dig men, so close they could get up and Instruction, Dr. E. G. Gowans, at which a hole for you. Us radio operators touch but evidently they believe that they ? had exploded, it if it, meeting it was decided to adopt a uni- are making a losing fight. had to stay up by our instruments, inThe. machine gun makes a noise like form course of instruction, throughout stead of hunting dugouts. One day Neither they nor the friends of temall the schools of the state on Thrift loud typewriter, a we privates dug half a day on a dug a few would have believed and Savings, and to organize in each perance out, as the shells were getting close at believe me they can surely shoot fast. doom of the liquor the that ago years You know they are just automatic class room in every school, Ijoth prinights, they had got 4 of our horses traffic in this country would have been rifles on a small support, that swings, vate and parochial throughout the and 4 or 5 men, and then when I start fixed so soon. But it is fixed; this reWar Savings Society, with the ed to go to sleep in it, I was told by they shoot rifle cartridges from a belt, state, a formation will not go backward. Tha in each room an authorized teacher a the top sergeant that I would have to several hundred minute. Well, guess false cry that "Prohibition does not so selling agent of the Treasury Departstay'up in the shack, so they could get this is enough gas for one night prohibit" cannot be made longer with ment, to sell stamps to the pupils thereme easilv for shifts, tnv that is a dolegoodnight, lots of love. show of sincerity. Prohibition is any k in, LEON (Rosa.) ful job sitting at the radio at night prohibiting in America, and hence' a new field is sought in China. GROUSE CREEK DRAMATIC CO. keeuini? up her ir.b- tt, Tromnntnn Honor Roll. "and standard supplying their wants, TOM MIX, COWBOY, last our1 Since, report, the following "opt in touch" with Mr. Wadsworth by TO THE AMERICAN persons have enrolled as regular sub COMING f ar and phone, and. he will gladly call seriber9 of The Leader: ranee a satisfactory contract. 11. P. Waples, Tremonton, One. of the growing favorites of the ' . Wake up every body! Lot's go, and J.W. Idaho, Shelley, Tyner, Tom Fox lrtnit. star, screen is the William keep ur enterprises going the 8. Q. Getz, R. F. d! 2, one been play J. A. KING, President, presenting Mix, who has Leo Peterson, R. F. D. A, .' " ' F.; C. GEPHAET, Secretary, after another, everyone of .which has H. M. Reese, Mountville', Pa., increased his reputation and popularFred Barkle, R. F. D. 2., ". ity.. ANNUAL MEETING OF W. R. Allred, Tremonton, His new 'play will be shown at the Moses P. Jorgensen, Tremonton COUNTY FARM BUREAU American Theatre, next Monday and Frank PoWell, Tremonton, ' Tuesday. It is called "Ace High, During the same period, the follow Due to the "Flu" situation, the an and it leads the William Fox star up yg have renewed their subscriptions: where he can nual meeting of the County Farm into the Northwest J. K. Haws, R. F. D. A., a show all of bis prowess aa a horseman until Bureau was postponed H. K. Fridal, R. F. D. A., rather late date. It will be held next and 'all of the daring deeds which has Alvin Keller, St. Anthony, Idaho., him famous. Friday, March 28 at one o 'clock p. m., made P. E. Ault, R. F. D. A., Besides, Tom Mix is theJiest sot' at Tremonton, in the Tremonton hall." T. C. Ault, Tremonton, Bureau Farm of the member a lover and he is jjiven full oppor of Every Jacob Schrenk, Ilollister, Idaho, is urged to be' present, and at least tunity in this new picture to display O. A. Iverson, R. F. D. A., have one director at this meeting, or his powers in rescuing 'the woman he John Peterson, R. F. D. 2., men of the : representative for both men and (wo- loves from some desparate Jacob1 Meister, R. F. 1). A, mlnlnff camns of the- - far North. It is men, ami make it felt that every memJohn Schrenk, R. F. D. A., ber of the Farm Bureau is invited to a thrilling story, set in the beautiful E. 13. Brenkmann, Tremonton, wild country, where men have their . Wilford attend, and a big crowd is desired. Johnson, R. F. D. 2., adv. At, the meeting the President and own code of honor. Soren L. Miller, R. F. D. A., Secretary will make their annual reQ. L. Swerdfe'gei-- . R. F. D. A., ports, and project fo 1810 .,willc be Antdne Anderson, R. FD. 2., fMeAljlUt Church Notes. . of offhrers will ; chosen, and It. T. Woodward, Tremonton, Sunday school at 10 O'clock.' Evenbe made. ; T. 7:30. "A A. Carter, Tremonton, ,. services Subject . It is urgent that every; Farm Bureau ing Chained GiantJ-- ' Wayne Blnkley, Treinontoii. if possible be represented at this meet. . SAMUEL ALLISON, Pastor, John Shuman, Tremonton, ' ; ; ing. ; ' STORE , ' . Baptist Church Notes. " ning. ;' ' will Rev.state Mills. first the, 's evangelist year running, During the. factory was not thoroughly equipped preach at .the Baptist church, Thurs with machinery for the swift handling day, Friday and Saturday evenings, at of the crop, which caused much inc- 7:30: thev will also hold . Sunday seems to have been school'at 10 o'cock; preaching at 11 onvenience,-which and services in the evening at 7:30. the greatest complaint. . FURNITURE 1 . HI1I0! Money to Be Used For Prosperous Concern to More Expences of Committee. All Work Done Free. Than Double Their A rfliovement - State Bank, COMMERCIAL NEW ' One of the most pressing questions in the country districts at this season of the year, is the- working ' of the neighborhood roads. Usually the main tharough fares are taken care of by the county or township authorities, but there are many cross country and neighborhood road, that never see ie road overseer or his crew. These are up to the people themselves to keep in passable condition. '"" In years past, our people were pos sessed with a notion that the care of public thoroughfares, was a matter for the state and county, and that person ally we need , not coneern ourselves further, than to pay our taxes and con tribute our assessed quota of 'labor. Of late, however, we are awaken ing to the fact that the roads are' in fact, our roads, and that neglect of them is neglect of our own property, They are one of our greatest assets, more especially if they are good roads. They' are doubly important just at this time, as roads that are repaired prop erly in the spring, will stay in good . shape all summer. '. Ky CHILDREN NEED YOUR HELP A Lively Local Interest Will New Building to Be Uted Determine What Is the Mot Needed. " Later by Bank, As Their . FATHERLESS ' Clarence Ames, Rupert, Idaho, Farmers' Cash Union, Tremonton, 3. Waerner, Tremonton, Chris Peterson, R. F. D. 2., Teter Mortensen, R. F. P. A. Henry Germer, Deweyville, D. 8. Spencer, Snt Lake City, -Harry Drew, R. F. D. A., H. L. Larson, R. F. D. A., Viola Newman, Tremonton, ' Chris Beck, Tremonton, Sam Mortensen, R. F. D. A., Amos P. Hansen, R. F. D. A. R. E. Steffensen, R. F. D. A., Lewis Brenkman, Tremonton, ' 6 All influenza cases are improving. Mrs. E. Buckmiller Ogden, last. wevk. was a visitor to The mumps has made its appearance in quit a- few homes. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lish were in Tremonton, Tuesday. N. B. Marble was in Brigham ou business, Monday. Wellie Richins. John Lindsy is visiting Archie Fetherland, a dude, Leelie and relatives for a few days. Tanner. Bill a cowboy, Oriel Black been mining in Nevada. friends He has Briggs, burn. Mose, "yes, sah", Lcn Lee. Ralph Wilder, father of Rose, W. f. Richins. 'Lizy Jane Sloeum, Silas' houskeep or, Olive Tanner. Dorothy Dean, Phils', sweetheart, Jennie Richins. . Rob's divorced Paskett. Amanda wife, Rose Wilder, "A Prairie Rose," Florence Shepherd. Agnes'-Raymon- night, Mr. and Mrs. H. gave a party. All present enjoyed the games and singing. Ice cream and cake were served. Wednesday L. Andersen Mrs. M. A. Lish aud daughter Mrs. A. R. Burbank, went to Salt Lako Thursday afternoon, to visit their daughter and sister, Mrs. F. S. Hardwood. '; Read The Leader for the newt. |