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Show Drive safely, follow the rules of the road The road can be dan rous. Anyone getting behind the wheel should rememhxT not to drink and drive, alway wear f nure passengers are buck!-- up. and drive friendly. The Air Force Safety Center and I 'tab Safety Council provide the following information to remind everyone to May safe. Drinking and driving Statistics show that alcohol consumption is responsible for a large percentage of traffic accidents. In most states, the laws against driving while drinking are usually quite strict. Often they result in license suspension, with a heavy fine or imprisonment, t'tah's Code H1 1 says it is unlawful to drive or be in physical control of a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content of .08 percent or more, or be incapable of driving safely due to alcohol or drugs While strict law enforcement helps reduce the problem, all drivers should be aware not only of what alcohol does to the brain and body, but also how it affects everyone's safety. It doesn't take much alcohol to influence a person's driving ability. Although many people may be able to take one drink and drive capably, each person's capacity is an individual matter. The ability to handle alcohol not only varies as an individual, but it varies from day to day. People shouldn't kid themselves. Drivers who wouldn't wear a blindfold while driving do worse when they take the wheel after sending alcohol to their brain through the blood. In spite of what most people think, alcohol is not a stimulant it's a depressant. Hie ability to perform a task is lessened to the point of eventual unconsciousness. Most people aren't aware their ability to perform simple tasks is greatly impaired. Some may even get the feeling they can perform better and do things they wouldn't ordinarily try. The part of the brain that flashes a warning, keeping them from acting without caution, is numbed and finally out of commission. 1 Seat belts One out of three people will be involved in a serious car crash during their lives. Wearing a seat belt is the best protection. Contrary to popular opinion, people don't die in automobile trashes. They die from a separate event that is caused by the automobile crash. It's called "the human collision." This collision is a second crash that usually takes place inside the car. as the occupant hits the dashboard, windshield, or other interior car parts. Just as the car crushes and breaks when it hits a tree, the human body crushes and breaks when it hits a steering wheeL The problem is when the car crashes, it stops. But the human body inside the vehicle continues to move. It keeps going until it hits something that is harder than the body is. This is where the injuries andor deaths may occur. Nothing can prevent this second collision, but people can reduce its severity with a device designed for just that purpose seat-belt- s. The seat belt gives the body something softer, more hit than the hard, unyielding surfaces of metal a car. inside and plastic In a concrete bridge abutment crash, a car would suffer severe damage. But, a car wouldn't suffer as much damage if it hit a wooden fence. A person can be severely injured in a human collision against a dashboard (even a padded one), but he or she will remain relatively unharmed in a human collision against a nylon seat belt. "ft iendly to What's the choice? Without the belt, skull fractures, facial lacerations, broken teeth, broken ribs and internal injuries ... and on and on; possible death. With a belt and shoulder harness, probably some bruises. Driving errors Be a responsible driver and obey the rules of the road. Ten top USED COMPUTER SPECIALISTS COLOR RAM USE O CARD $5 USED MOTHER BOARD ATX CASE $39 MONITORS 800 FAST REPAIR 3. Pulling out of a parking oncoming cars. $35 because brakes were slammed and the front wheels locked. 7. Internal distraction such as a crying baby, fighting children, talking on a cell phone or adjusting the radio or tape player. 8. Inadequate defensive driving techniques. Sometimes following the rule of the road isn't enough. 9. Unjustified assumption such as turning across two lanes of oncoming traffic, and assuming traffic is not coming in one lane when a driver makes way for you in the other; assuming an oncoming vehicle with turn signals on will turn before it reaches you; assuming another vehicle is required to stop or yield at an intersection when it isn't; assuming another driver will stop or yield at an intersection when it isn't; assuming another driver will stop or yield even though he or she does not have a sign. 10. Improper maneuvering or driving the wrong way on y a street; turning from the wrong lane or proceeding straight in a turn lane and overcompensating, accelerating, braking too fast, or turning too quickly. Safety information is courtesy of the Air Force Safety Center and one-wa- Utah Safety Council. Summer Sale Carrier Air Conditioning MHZ Systems 150 tl. Wl40 V CItttoM. U1 i &44 V WO W. UT 44OI0 S J ftounttful. 776Q9O0 292 I I , I I ttHOi S. AOO ITT W. K4047 wwwcarner.com &68-271- One of the few loyally owned r VAC HUTWt Companies in Utah. is Checks & "More" . 1 1 $995 ea. $1600ec. DIGITAL 1961 Wash. Blvd. 0 Ogden II C0NMT1MMG Hnnt HEARING TESTS FREE1 1410 X. Hillfield Rd. Ste. 5 9 Layton, 392-431- 668-647- ,. 44"' Now Serving r Motorhomes and Receive a Small Fleet Vehicles 2 Road S Out from Changes & uj ttuiy Loans Sa&te ?uuittcial lac. v jj. Quick In AND ; A Make Your Appointment Today mm "Your Personal Loan Center" A ea.. 544-040- 4 J w-s-s- wn-l 4 J Zero down, seller to pay closing costs. Available in Clearfield, multi level 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, upgraded flooring, wood laminate in kitchennook, bay in livinn rnnm rnnnrlpH rnrnpr firanrl n walk-iMaster bath, closet. Payment 5 $1.059 A 898-678- FIRST & SECOND MORTGAGE S. LOANS Rates are down Refinance Now! Funding Group Inc. lot, secondary water, animal right, brick and stucco front wtile entry. Country living at it's best. 4x I1M ggUBBflTTRgRfl bedrooms, 2 12 baths, 3 car garage, fireplace, AC, Grand Master bath. Bay 3 window and vault in master, Bay in kitchen, microwave & refrigerator included. Stucco and brick front, huge flooring upgrades. S 'J' ' 0 VA (801)774-556- e or Cenventional 0 Layton Pain Clinic j corners. 12 acre -i ' C o vg rid n t PJ.T.I 4 bedroom, 3 bath, vaulted ceiling, multi level, fireplace, Grand Master bath. Rounded t.4 J 7 am - 6 pm Mon-F- ri It .v'l fcr K?tie Ask 645 N. Main, Layton 776-140- 0 WHEN YOU USE MARYLEE AT CRAYSTONE MORTGAGE, "Jri ' -- L . j" BUILDER DISCOUNT $1,500 LENDER CREDIT FOR BUYING IN MAY "1 S-U7-- i Mention I This Ad Oil to Major Repairs Trained Technicians DR HORTON r tSlCSS FREE 2182 N. Hillfield Rd. 2 'LAYTON m-.- PavmtrJtt Plan Available X Pay Day iMcated at: PROGRAMMABLE Hearing Improvement Centers, Inc. Davis- - 444 9751 Mtrfv-it- 600 $395 ea. REPAIRS DONE WHILE YOUWAITI ARMADILLO BROS. COMPUTERS Weber- - 782 9751 Box Elder- - 723 844 FULL SHELL CLASS A 100 Bare Bones System "Serving Utah for Over 20 Yean" space without looking back for 4. Excessive speed. 5. Inattention. 6. Improper evasive action such as no attempt to steer around an impending crash or an attempt to steer that was unsuccessful BE COOL COMPUTER . printers . computers Upgrades Monitors passing lane. Don't sweat it... COMPUTER PARTS 128 $39 17" driving errors, in order of frequency are: 1. Improper lookout such as pulling into a street from an intersecting alley, street, or driveway without looking carefully for oncoming traffic. 2. Pulling out to pass without checking for traffic in the J Call Brenda Volk at 420-318- 9 for more information V CTEGRATIVE PAIN MANAGEMENT 1992 W.Antelope Suite 1B Layton, Utah (801) 779-054- 0 Orthopedic Medicine, Acupuncture, Pharmacology, Pain Management, Rehabilitation, and Physical Therapy Dr. E. Alanjeppsen Dr. Beverly Hurwitz Alan Kerbs, PT Dr. Kenneth Hurwitz For the treatment of chronic spine and joint pain disorders, headaches, back and neck pain, and fibromyalgia Please call for an appointment! |