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Show Mr. Jra P. Wetmore, a prominent red estate agent 'of Ran Angelo, Texas, has "used Cliamberiain's Colic, Choir yubllsbed every Friday morning by era and Diarrhoea Remedy in his fam-- . NEWMAN H. MIX. ily, for several years as occasion required and always with perfect suce Entered at the at Eureka, Utah, cess. He says: "I find it a perfect cure fur transmission through the malls as second-clas- for our baby when troubled with colic mutter. or dysentery. I now feel that my outfit Is not' complete without a bot- THE TINTIC MINER. Post-offic- s ADVANCE. PKICE OF sriJSCHirTION.-I- N One. year f.'1.0O , , HU montlis 1 i.") Throe months.,....'. If not paid lii advance: One year, months. 12.35: three months. fl.50:' 1 00 PAdlFlfi UNIOW TIME Ar. from Suit Luke... Lv. for Salt Lake Ar. atSalt Luke Lv. for Silver City I. .. six W.0O-- TABLE; a. .in. p. m, fi:l(i pi nj If Ar. from Silver City. nil p. m. 1 SJO Through Coaches to and from Salt Lake without change. Shortest Line and l'atesfc Finie.- - , ... Rio Grande Western Time Table.. No. No. 0. No 10. 27. Arrives, Leaves. i. in. a.7:45in p. in. a. ni. t:00 ...Oliver City... ... .Eureka K:15 (ioshrn .Santaijuin ay.son ...Spanish Fork. l:2J 0:i ; .. Arrives- ....I'rovo ....American ....Lehl 11:05.... ;:.. 11M Loaves. .6-- U:;i5 EAKTBOIJSiD, 10:40 a. in. 11:10 a.m. a.m. ll::i0 a. in. 11:50 1 :00 p. in. 5:i)0 p. m. (i:00 p. m. This arrangement gives a convenient and rapid service into and out of THE The FA1U. MJD-NVIN'T-KK Fair at San Fran- er cisco will soon be Mid-Wint- er flrst-cla- Cars. from ing ss trains daily. Two 12-3- 1 Have your prescriptions tilled at the Eureka Drug Store. our people spent Quite a number of Go to the Eureka Drug Store for Christmas with friends in other places. medicines of any kind. The New" Year vHll.'be observed by Two second hand cook stoves a dance ia the L. D. S. Church Mon- for salegood at the Eureka Tin Shop. day night. , For fine Cigars and fresh Con Prcf. Stott has been quite ill for several (lays, but, we understand, is fectionery try "Tile Euikka Fruit Stoke," now cbtj'clesceht. Lower Main Street. On tccouat of the illness of Trof. To Rent. One house, En Stott, the public schools will not quire at Eurek Drug Store. yntil the 8th. Any one who has children wili rere-op- Mrs. 0. Shaper, formerly Cusick, add joice withL. li. Mulford, of. Plaintleld, His little boy, live years old, husband, were guests of friends here N.J. was sick with croup. For two days week. of the first, the and nights he tried various remedies recommended by friends and neighMr. and Mrs. arid Miss Judson, of bors. He says: "I thought sure I Tayson, were guests of Rev. Comer would lose him. I had seen Chamberlain's Cough Remedy advertised and and wife, a portion of the week. thought I would try it as a last hope Telle of the West Flour is the best. and am happy to say that alter two Asi your grocer for it and take no doses he slept until morning. I gave 33tf. it to him next day and a cure was efctrcr. fected. I keep this remedy in the Mrs. Van Leuven and sister, were house now and as soon as any of my show signs of croup 1 give it guests of the former's daughter, Mrs. children to them and that is the last of it." GO dinner. Christmas for W. Allan, cent bottles for sale ' by Eureka Drug Several plain and ornamental jags oiuie. contributed the usual assessment to the city Tuesday morning. THE DENVER & RIO GRANEE will Council don their new The City togas Tuesday evening, the regular iday of meeting bsing a holiday. The Scenic Line of the World, All members of the Knights of be to are requested present Tuesday night, luislness of importThe only line running two through ance. fast trains daily to The Tintic Mercantile Co. will have Aspen, their establishment closed Monday--' Lcadville, ' Pueblo',- Colorado and Tuesday for the purpose of taking Denver. inventory of stock. Springs We vToudor what has become of the November 1S93. railhoaij. Ty-thi- as ...... - . KepUf copy of Ccut-kr- J . and , We,..Wychy"6cen' a Effective, toth, tnat estimable sheet for a long' Train No. 2 wives Ogden 7:00 a. m.. time. Keep ctnoing, Charley. Halt Lake 8:05 a. m., arrives at Pueblo 5:o0 a. m., .Colorado Sprjngs at 7:20 a. have for sale, We hare prciayrtl iil, Denver at W0 a. m. Train No. 2 blank location notices. The form is leaves Ogden at 8:20 p. m.. Salt Lake 0:25 p. m., arrives at Pueblo at 7:30 large, with ample room for descrip- at Colorado Springs at (1:07 p. in., p.m., 50 cts. dozen. tion. 6 cents each, Denver at 11:30 p. m. Oinncctions 7;i:trw at Fueblo, Colo Dr. Rostwkk has located at Aniori-ca- rado Springs ami Denver with all line Fork and will hegin the manufact- east. Elegant clay coaches, chair cars ure of a line Of patent medicines. The and Pullman sleepers on all trains. D. & IL have, a genial Doc is quite sanguine of sup Take the and G. and enjoy the tlnesc scentrip cess and we hope it may be so. ery on the continent. A. S. HUGHES, S. K. HOOPER, ofthe We are requeued by county Traffic Manager, G. P. & T. A. ficials to state that all persons having lieiivor', Colorndo' no business and found hanging around the court house- at an unseasonable B. P. NEVINS, General Agent, hquf, v)'ill be corona i Wed for vagrancy. Salt Lake City. Soruo provision should be mude by Notice to Alias Summons; ing District,. County, Uttih Territory, consisting of 207 linear feet and 200 fe,e't In width Of surface ground shown on the .plat of saidelaim posted on the ground, being MinEVERYTHING FIRST-CLASeral Surrey No.L'Kl and described in the field nptes of the oflicial survey on file in this office with magnetic variations at 10 degrees. Any other information as to rates of far, 30 minutes east as " Commencfollows, etc., will be eheerf uily f urhishpd by at the ing northeasterly corner of said claim, J. n. Attew, J.'S. Tai,bo, at which stands post No. One U), of said claim, T. F. & P. Agent. Commercial Agt. thence north rf degrees and 31 minutes west ' 15 West Second South, Sal.i Lake City. 200 feet to post No. Two (2) of said claim, from . M. which M. No. 5 bears ujrth 2 H.0DG1NS & YOUNG, degrees and 5 min westl K.4 fi et, from which quarter-sectioalso on corner west side point 1 of sec 31, twp 10 south range 2 west bears 1 M north 40 degrees and 55 min west 2007.1 feet, thence south 40 degrees and 30 minutes west 297 feet to post No. Three i.'i). of said .claim, thence south '4 degrees and 31 minutes east ' 100 feet to post No. Pour (4) of said UTAH. claim, EUREKA. thence north 40 degrees "and 30 minutes east 297 fet-ttASHEK BIDJJLEGOME, ' post No. One (1) cf said claim being the place of beginning. The discovery point of said lode location is shown upon the plat posted on said claim. The total area of said claim Is 1.3"s acres all of which is claimed and applied for. there being no conflicts. The said lode location is of record In the office of the Recorder of said Chimneys a Specialty, mining district in the County of Juab, Terr53Leave orders at the Miner office, itory of Utah. The Sunbeam and First Southern Extension of the Sunbeam, Patented as Lot No. 61 ad- EUREKA DNDERTAKIKG CO joins this claim on the Northeast and the JAMES. EUST1CE, MGR. First Southern Extension Sunbeam patented as Lot No. 64 aud adjoins this claim on the Southwest. I direct that this notice be published in the Tintic Miner, the newspaper published nearest thoi said mining claim for the period of ten weeks. BYRON GROO, Register. IFirst publication October 2jith, IbX. S. to-w- it: ' U.-S- n" In the Justice's Court, Eureka .precdnqt,. Territory of Utah. County of Juab, R. G. Wilson, plaintiff vs. A". A. Waggoner, defendant. Demand, K2.00. To A. A. Wagffoncr, , greeting: You. are hereby summoned to be and- - appear, before me. the undersigned, at my office In Eureka precinct, Jiialr County, Utah Territory, to answer a complaint filed against you herein by said plaintiff withlh five days, (exclusive of the day of service) If this summons is served on you within- Eureka precinct, within ten days if served on you outside of said Eureka precinct the county of Juab, and within tweuty days if served elsewhere. Paid action Is brought to recover from you the sum of 262.00. alleged to he due as follows, the sum of $21.00 tor boord and room furnished you by plaintiff at your special lnr stance and request at Eureka, Utah, also In the further sum of Wi.00, being a balance on an assigned account from C. Chamberlln, all of which more fully' appears In complaint on tile herein. And you are hereby notified that If you fall to so appear and answer as above required, theplaintlff will take judgment against you for the sum of ItiS.OO and costs of suit. I hereby direct the pnbllcation of the above Application for-Patentsummons In the Tintic Miner for the period NOTICE NO. 2258. of month from date hereof. United States Land Office, ) Given under my hand, this 14th day of DeSalt Lake City, Ctah Decern uer 12, 1W)3. f cember, A. D. 1803. Notice is hersby given that Lee Hopper, Fiied Nelson, Justice of the Peace. whose postofllce address is Eureka City, Juab C. L. Brown, Attorney for Plaintiff. (.First publication Dec, 15, 1SU3.1 County, Utah Territory, has made application for a United States Patent for the Genevieve. Yorkvillo, Annie and Retribution, Application for consolidated, lode mining claim, siv.fatt in NOTICE NO. 2259. Tintic Mining District, Juab County. Utah United States Land Office, Territory, consisting of 1407.7 linear feat o Salt Lake City, Utah, December la. 1S0X f the said Genevieve vein or lode. !4fr,-.-7 Notice Is hereby given that Hezekiah W. feet of the said Yorkvilk- vein or lode. Lnear i497.7 Brant, whose postofflce address Is Eureka, linear fact of the said Annie vein o, loil ami Juab County, Utah., and his 1172.6 linear feet of tho said Retribution veil: Charles S. Varlan, of Salt Lake City, Utah or lodo, and surface ca the ground a sifo-.vLizzie B. O'Brien, of Mammoth, Juab County! ou the ground, being Lol No. :!4,i plat posted Utah and David Phillips, of Eureka, Juab aud descrl bed in tha field notes and County, Utah, have made application for a plat of the official on strvey United States Patent for the Golden Chain file in this office, with variation ht magnetic Lode mining claim situate In Tintic Mining 10 degrees 28 minutes cast, as follows: District, Juab County Utah Territory, conat Post No. 1, a corner of s i id Genesisting of 863.5 linear feet of the Golden Chain vieve, Yorkvllle. Annie and Retribution ConLode and surface ground as shown on the solidated lode mining claim, then; c sojthf plat posted on the ground, being Lot No. 889, degrees 44 minutes east 1497.7 feet to Post So. aud described In the Held notea and plat of 2: thence north 79 54 .minutes east degrees on official file In this office, with 29S.8 feet to Post No. 19; the survey thence south 1 degree magnetic variation at 16 degrees 30 minutes 42 minutes east 10ti2.3 feet to Post No. 18; follows: Commencing at Post No. 1, thence north C8 easty-v05 minutes oast 303.2 a corner of the claim and running- - thence feet to Post No. degrees 17; thence north 12 north 18 degrees, 15 minutes west 183 feet to 55 minutes east 372.7 feet to Post No. degrees 10; thence Past No. 2: thence north 9 degrees 53 minutes north OS 05 minutes east 103 feet to west C7S.5 feet to Post No. 3; thence south 74 Post No. degrees 15; thence north 2 degrees 57 iiiinut-.-degrees 30 minutes west 500.7 feet to Post No. west M3.7 feet to Post No 14; thence south (SS 4; thence south 86 feet to Past No. 5; thonco decrees 0 minwe;Jt 2.95 feat to Post south 1 dogree 57 minutes east 6095 feet to thence north 9 degrees 41 minutes west 30.';.8 Post No. 6; thence south ISdogroea 15 minutes icei. ao. .uj t neneo north s deaws 0s vohi uj east 185 foot to Post No. 7; thence north 74 de minutes west Kfs.2 fw;t to Post No. 13: Iheneo grees 38 minutes east COO feet to Post No. 1, south 73 d.'g 54 min west 59 f et to Post No. the place of beginning survey of exterior 1, the of bugiuniiig; containinst a:i ar ;i boundaries of the claim, containing a total of 32.1Splijce all of which is claimed and apacres, area of 11.10 acres hereby applied for. The there being no conflicts. for, plied areas In conflict with the "Dolly," "Cleve From Post No. 15 of U. S. Minerland" and Middle Atlas Lodes, Lot No. 205 al Monument No. 2, Inthis claim, the town of Eureka, ' are expressly Included In this application. bears south 9 degrees J3 minutes east 343!) feat From Post No. 4, the northwest corner of distant actual measurement. From Post No. section 30, township 10 south range 3 west 15 of this claim, the uw corner of section 24. bears north 65 degrees 36 minutes wet Tp 10 south range 3w of the Salt Lake Mtrid-ia2794.5 feet distant, aud from the same Post U. bears south 30 degrees 51 minutes west S. M. M. No. 1 bears north 85 degree 21 min5376.3 feet distant actual tiieasuremen t. The utes westlS8.3 feet distant, said Golden Chain said mining claim being of record in the ofLodo location mining claim being of record fice of the Recorder of said mining district In the office of the Recorder of said mining at Silver City, Juab County. Utah. The neardistrict at Silver City; la Juab County, Utah. est known locations being the Gladstone, U. The nearest known locations being the Dolly, g. Lot No. 127, Daui&no, U. S. Lot No. 232 and Middle Atlas, Cleveland andDom Pedro lodes Peru U, S. Lot No. :41. as shown by the official plat. I direct that this notice be published In the I dlreet that this notice be published in the Tlutlc Miner, the published nearTiktic Mime, at Eureka, Utah, the news- est the said for the period of paper publisbsd nearest tho" said mining ten weeks. mining ciaim, claim, for the period of ten weeks. BYRON GP.OO. Register. BYRON GROO, Kcglster. Edward Pike, Attorney for lippl leant, T. C. Bailey, Claimant Attorney. irirst publication Dumber 15, 1803. First pulilicatlon December 15. 1893. but-withi- n to-w- it: Patent. Com-menci- uiiiUfiriiuLUud - PraiilJriigjeF. . FULL LHSE OF Coffins EUREKA. UTAH. v FE0FI31M: x Qt - LOOFBOU&OVt at WILLIAM KAUN, iii Ceussllcri tLi. AttoriBT OFFICE EoomsTe, Commercial BPk. 71,72, 73 ?ALT LAKE CITY. Jr DWARD - UTAH. P1KK. ad u. A:tor,3? it Law i cojiiagjir. 0ce in New Court Ilouse, - Eurska. M. THALKSTON, (J Attorney Office T t-Law, -a- at Union Drug Store . - EUREKA, s No.-21- V- CAM A. ROBERTSON,. UTAH. .; With Bennett. Jtarshall St Bradley. MIXING LAW A SPECIALTY. 1G3 J. Main St., Salt Lake City. ; ' VOA1I W. MoCHBYSTAL, Oalce in Tintic. Mercantile Co.b store. " ' rp c. BAILEY, Attorney Patents and Land -a- - t-Law, Qfflce Salt La '.''"'": Business a Specialty Cnr. Utah. n, new-pape- SAMHING: LAUNDRY. r Wasfeira; , J ; EUREKA.' Ironing .equif Jf .Steam Work - " UTAn 1 u corn-fortrb- le - the cKy council Cofflc Samft Work Works, 8th Souttiand 4th West.. Office, Opera House Building. Ores carefully sampled and sold at highest a, m. a. in. . return . 8:19 a. m. 10:02 Leave Florissant Divide.... Arrive Woodland Park Leave Woodland Park Arrive Colorado Springs " Pueblo " Denver Mid-Wint- .5:45 Fork .5:21 Dr. Clark is expected to Jiis eastern trip Monday. W WESTBOUND. opened. The man5:15 have very carefully selected Blnirham Jc......4:43 12:011.... agement 4:25 Lake.. the best of the World's Fair exhibits so that those who were unfortunate MAILS.. Silver City and Mammoth closes at 11:00 in not seeing the Chicago Exposition a. m. Salt Lake and all other points at 1:30 p. in. will still have an. opportunity to inHll ver. City arrives at 1:40 p. m. spect the foreign exhibits at San tvalt Luke and allother points at 11:00 a. m. The Rio Grende Western Ueneral delivery open from 8 a. iu. to 7:0 Francisco. m. 8 a. Railway, in line with its usual prowindow from and order Money registryto 7:;tO p. in. to. to 5 p.m., and from in conneetion with enoral delivery frum 11:30 a. ni. gressive spirit will, flunday the So. Pac. Co. put in effect a low to VZMp. in. Jas. P; Dbwooix. P. M. round trip rate during the existence of the Fair. The R. G. W. Ry., as you know, runs through to San Erancisco without change both Write it 1894. tourist and Pullman Sleep11 ElecULc-Lighte- - : ) n, Additional Cripple Creek. Service. market price. Keturns made on day of pae,.. Commencing May 1st the Colorado ConslfBmeiit8 solicited. Address Midland 'railway will put on and run The additional suburban thereafter daily Conkling- Sampling- Works, trains to accommodate Cripple-CreeP. O. Box 942. Salt Lake Citr,- Utah. and Florissant business, as follows: Leave Colorado prlnifs Arrive IX vide; " Florissant...... l hi'i-eb- reka Drug Store.' Cripplo Creek. .8: .ti:15 . 1 J0:45.... ....Siirlii(?vllle 7 :2 7:0 ,. 10:02 10:27 ' H trip - ; - :20 2;(iu . this Remedy at home- or on a away ffomhome Forsalc by Eu- tle of Paints, oils, varnishes,' brushes, etc. Application for Patent. "CHICAGO : SHORT-v- Et'UKICA Pni;o Stokk, LINE." KfiTici: no. :;.:,. Rest meals in town: at the Keystone t'ni'i-iStat'--L,i Offiep. Milwaukee St. Paul R. R, Restaurant. Suit Lake Ciiy. l u:h. isth. If93. f Chiccgo, Is the only'line urmlig Solid ,Vestibuld. Fresh fish and. oysters always on Nvttirf bt given That th..' Tintic MinSteamheatcd and d Trains hand at the "Eureka Fruit Store" ing and. Willing Company, a Utah corpoia-tloDaily between Chicago and Omaha, with its principal place of business at Lower Main street. composed ct naKnlflcent. sleeping Suit Lake City, Utah.- lias made application F. 0. Horn. cars and the C. B. Markland for United States Patent for the Silver Moon mlnin? lode location, situate In Tintic Min- The Finest Dining Cars in the World Juab fox having the snow Creditors, swept oil the sidewalks Ig'jue princiEstate of Benjamin fVThotua. Ivcftased. pal parts of town particularly, especIS HEREBY GIYLN by theumier-!g- n ially after a fall like that of Udj NOTICE; d Administrator the Ftatu of Ben.morning. jamin I, TliomUN Peoeused. to the creditors and all pcruum having claim anliiht Uio The horses around town 'evidently of, said docoused. to exhibit Uiem with the nerealized1 Coat 'the holidav season was cessary voiiclm!, within ton months afier on and joined In fbffpoftlast Silnday. tlio fust publication of t hi notice, to the halt I'.rown's 'tjray film ran away twice Administrator 'at Provo City, Ftiib. address within hour and had no sooner been tintonice box;i?l. In the wild County of Ctah. Mvured from tlieir last run than an- Vi E. Looe, Samuttl P. E win if, Administratother holse and cutter came tearing ors of the Fstato of Benjamin I). Thoma( jdown the street without a driver. No. iKxuased. i ll t publtcat bja Uoc. i'J, 1SW. Jamge a done. Notice of Forfeiture, "Santa ftfLUVDE , hm To J. Gable, yoar aad a.nrtt rs: You are notlttod tfcattlie undersigned, as owners of tu undrTbiod Interest In each of the following dVscrlN4 mining claims, have RIO FpTL.tt." WESTERN, COLORADO MIDLAND, ATQiUSOX, TOREK A AND ' SANTA EE RAIL WA YS. ' hundred dollar In labor and expended t Improvement upon tto Betmisrabla lode min- Tho Only lino which runs Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars botweea ing claim. 'liUtd Itoreiubttr W, )90 ad 1200 ' in labor and Improvements upua tt Dutch Ggdcn, Salt Lake City and Chicago without chaage, and.'' Empire, wr Dutch Empire lode utinlng claim, Pullman Talacc liccliniDo; Chair' Cars ho- - ' located IVioejuber 12, both claims being tween Ogden, Salt .lake'Cityi" In TDtW Mining DUtrVt, JuabCwuoty. Utah, it i two during am) for each of th year, Denver and Chicago 4. D. 14 and imQ, vpaa and fttr arb of said 1b THE twa eUluut. erdr to WW said claims SHORT LINE Hdir 1 a MiquJrod by the SUPERB SCENERY at ftwuthM i4 vt th Statute of tUn UaiK-- Ntatea, ami a and for the EQUIPMENT UNSURPASSED work and iraprorMMttt rmjalred by law : tv hodotmCM said .that far each your pro portion thrvif Is fed-f- t claim rwijMftlvfly, for each claim fir vm h of said said and If so, be sure and secure your tickets over the that iya yoie fatluw torontrihuro fwvd pay to t ho uudiiixtitd your protxirtion of such "SANTA FE ROUTE." ei ndltures as upon eltKer of said claims, hvfoia th plratlon of 90 day from Grandest and Greatest Railroad on Earth. and aftr this notli B by publication, to-- It: before the eipiratUtu uf W days from and af 23TLeave Ogdn or Suit Lake on the evening: train in order to ter the full 00 days of the- publication of this notice, your Interest In each of said two see the most heaiitiuil scenery in America. claims as to which you fall, as aforesaid, to contribute and pay your proKirtlon of such Train leaves V.'n Grande We.-.tcrDepot, S;ilt-LakeCity, at 9:25 p. ni. become forfdt-- to and beexpenditure o. l. K. Uiiice, Stmih Street ijfKct come the property of t he underslnen, under said section Z4. This notice will be pub lished for 90 days. W. D. Mtkhs, to-w- M tlsl d an-na- si jrrs to-w- lt: U-r- Are You Going respet-Wvol.T- tt yw, - d CONKAII KOPMAX. Date of Brst publication Oci. 10, 10,J 305 Dooly Build i.r;, Gcnoral As,'"t riKieojcf SALT LAKE CITY, UTAJI, ' , . l2partieo6 ;.. - |