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Show M t'. VOL 111. EUREKA, OFF WITH T1IK OLD. during his term of office. The inThe year just closing has been coming council can enact an ordi an eventful one for Eureka. It nance 'regulating salaries, and bewas ushered in midst a disagree- come beneficiaries of their own act. ment between the Beck and its emDon't forget that tomorrow, beand this, dissension ployees, tween the hours of 3 and 7, you dragged along until more serious matters claimed the attention of will have an opportunity of exall. The panic came on and with pressing yourself on the question of a school tax. There should be, it, the clump in silver, which at any rate, a larger vote, pro or brought dark, gloomy' days to the than was cast last year, eleven eamp, and completely demoralizing con, in all, we believe, being cast. For and prostrating business. weeks it looked as though Tin tic Where axid. How to Ulg lor Gold. District, the monarch of them all, Mr. W. P. would have to go to the Avail, and An old California tominer, Australian the Blaokhurst, writes a midnight stillness would settle press as follows: "If I had a friend down upon the place where, a year going to start farming, my advice to previous, all had been life, bustle him would be, shun all poor, hungry and activity. It was not to be so, land as you would a pestilence. Get into a district noted for good land, and however, and as soon as our people you may succeed. Well, it is just the gathered their senses, they began .same iu mining. If a party is forming looking around, and the casting to go prospecting, the lir.st best thing .about revealed to them that they to do is to secure the best mining maps the colony, and then trace on thini might he a great deal worse off of the auriferous belts on which the they hr.ving, witlm their bord- richest diggings have proved to exist, ers, not utilized, resources suffi- shun those that have never proved cient to sustain an empire. The re- more than 'tucker diggings.' They sults of this' apparent inaction, we are like poor land will always keep a Shun South Africa and be think, will begin to be demonstrat- maa poor.West of Aust ralia. Having dechary ed early in the year, so soon to be cided on the field you intend to try, with us. get well within the limits of the proved Heretofore it has been the cus- auriferous belts, for gold bearing countom for the mines to utilize only try generally runs in belts for miles the richest of their products and eist and west or north and south, as prospect in whea the market justified, a large the case mayor be, and then untried or deserted bethe gullies force of men would be emplyed, tween, but in the line of old paying only to be drafted when a drop in diggings. A capital plan, which we the price of silver would occur. used to adopt in California, where we As a consequence of this course, did not look for the government to do business was unsatisfactory and anything for us (as I fear is too much .the case here), was to form a party of precarious and merchants, in order six with confidence in each other and to protect themselves, were com- divide three parties of tvo pelled to charge a high price for each. One couple would go to work flie goods they sold, in order to washing over again old 'tailings' of ffest the losses occasioned hy the some rich gully, or tunneling claims, or some little paddocks that drafted men leaving accounts un- hadworking been left untouched between the paid. In the future, the business workings of some deserted deserted methods, as well as the manage- diggings to make tucker for the six. up-int- ment of the mines, will be changed. Mills will be erected for the treat-- , ment of the low grade ore, more steady employment given to the men in the camp and a general improvement will be noted. On the whole, we think the dying 3'ear will prove to have been a In one and that out of tlie chaos wrought by it will come a now condition of things, better than the old. Senator Chandler, of New Hampshire, who is a recent convert to ,the cause of bimetallism, has the most radical plan yet evolved for the solution of the silver problem, lie proposes, upon the reconvening of Congress, to introduce a resolution the Senate, and will advocate its adoption, inviting all tho nations of the world to a monetary conference. Tho invitations are to contain tho declaration that it is the purpose of the conference to establish and maintain an international ratio, with a further specific declaration that in the event of their failure to do so, the United States will maintain a single standard of silver. As tlie invitations will include all nations and not be confined to the gold countries, it will certainly give an opnaportunity to the silver-usintions to express their sentiments, with the possibility that they nun have sufficient strength to force an international ratio and compel a more extended and libera! use of filver as a money of redemption. g Tho retiring members of' the city council would have done a graceful act had they enacted au ordinance regulating tho s'd.iri of city officers. There is nothing of the kind at present, the only g thing bearing u.ot the subj-- ct u resolution thing tie' c mp ' for Uw year ju t r territorial law proud s tV l..-iu- p-js- . Sulnry of naotlker shall be changed JUAB UTAH, FRIDAY, COUNTY, DECEMBER order to get it saws the limb off between himself and the tree. A ship without a rudder, a clock without hands, a.sermon that is all text, a pantomime of words, the apotheslsof talk, the incarnation of gab. Handsome, vivacious, muscular; as neat as a cat, clean to the marrow; a judge of the effect of clothes, frugal in food and regular only in habits. A noonday mystery, a solved conundrum, a cipher looking for a figure to pass for something. With the brains of twenty men in his head all pulling in different directions, not bad as to heart, but a man who has shaken hands with reverence. Such is George Francis Train. JUST KECiUWEIJ, handsome line of boots, shoes and Tintic Mer. Co. rubbers. A NOTICE Is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the resident taxpayers of Eureka School District No. 5 of Juab County, Utah Territory, held at the Court House in Eureka, on Saturday, December 30. 1893, for the purpose of (I) of voting to levy a tax of one per cent on all the taxable property within the district. Said tax is for the. purpose of building and furnishing a new school house, estimated to cost two thousand two hundred one-ha- gay colored streamers, evergreens and mottoes appropriate to the Christmas tide. In one corner was the children's Christmas tree, laden with presents all. An excellent programme was rendred, after which Santa Clans appeared, dressed in becoming style, with snow white beard and hair, and with his pleasant words and happy laugh causing lots of fun and frolic. The presents were then distributed to the children, and for a time nothing could be heard but the blowing of trumpets and the noisy laughter of the children. The Mission Band of Sunday School, which was organized a few weeeks ago, had made a handsome quilt, each block being made by a different little girl, and faring her name in indelible ink. The quilt was exhibited in the front of the church, off, Mrs. Con Sullivan off the prize. The chairs carrying were then put to one side, and the children allowed to give vent to their spirit in games of all sorts, which they did until midnight, when all went to their homes, tired but feeling happy in having had such a jolly good time. A The tables were laid for the tirat meal. There were no cloths, and it ia almost needless to add that there were no napkins, although these are considered eq essential in France that even in the rnosB wretched auberge one is usually laid be fore the guest. Trappists, however, have little need of thern. At each plaee were a wooden Bpoou and fork, a plate, a jug of water, and another jug a smaller one of "beer, and a porringer Boup, which is the chief diet of the Trappists. Very thin soup it ia, the ingredients being water, chopped vegetables, bread and a little oil or but- fr ter. Until a few years ago no oily matter, whether vegetable or animal, was air lowed in the Boup, nor was it permissi. ble, except in case of aickuess, to hav more than one meal a day, but the necessity of relaxing the rule a little wea realized. Now, during the six Bummej months of tlie year, there are two meahf a day nameiy, at 11 and 6, but in winter there is still only one that is called a meal, and this is at 4. There la, however, a gouter just something to keep the stomach from collapsing at 10 ia the morning. No fish, nor flesh, nor anir mal product, except cheese and butter, is eaten by these Trappists unless they fall ill, and then they have meat or anything else that they may need to make them well. There is, however, very litr tie sickness among them. The living of each Trappist probably costs no more than sixpence a day to th community. Assuming that the into the common fund by thoe who have a private fortune the father as a rule, are men of som independent! means covers the establishment peruses, and the taxation imposed by tb state, there must remain a considerable profit on the work of each individual, whether he labors in the fields or in th dairy and cheeeerooms, or concerna himself with the sales and the accounts, or, lile the porter at the gate, teats with an Instrument the richness of the milk that ia brought in by the peasants, lest thef who have been befriended by the monki in sickness and penury should steal from them in return. To devote this surplus obtained by a life of sacrifice, compared to which th material misery of the beggars whom they relieve is luxury, to the lessening of bnmp.n suffering, to the encourage ment of the family, offering the hand ot charity to the worthy and the unworthy, expecting no honor from all this, and not even gratitude, is a life that makea that of the theoretical philanthropists and humanitarian philosophers look rar ther barren. Temple Bar. LOw HATES Are still in effect to eastern points via the Rio Grande Western Ry Remember the R. G. W. is noted for the elegance of its equipment, its new coaches, its free chair cars, its tourist, dollars, ($2,200). The polls, on the above date, shall or colonist sleepers and its new and artistic Pullman Double Drawing open at 3 p. m. and close at 7 p. m. Room Palace Sleeping Oars which run John O. Freckleton, through to Chicago without change. James P. Diuscoll. Trustees of Eureka School District, 'Speed, Safety and Comfort" is its No. 5, of Juab County, Utah Territo- well earned motto. Two main line ry. Dated Eureka, Utah, December fast express trains to the East daily. 9th, 1893. A NKW Jt El Alt T U It E . For the Christmas and New Year With the new time card in effect Holidays the Ilio Grande' Western Ity. Sunday, November 19th, the Rio will make a rate of one regular fare Grande Western inaugurates a special chair car service between for the round trip between all stations reclining and Denver. The chairs are Ogdea ison their system.. Tickets will be of a special pattern and for comfort sued on Dec. 23rd, 24th and 25th; also and elegance are not surpassed any on Dec. 30th and 31st and January 1st. where. These cars will be free to All tickets good for return passage holders of all classes of tickets. until January 4th. money-brough- DREAMING. s g half-ounc- TRAPIST REFECTORY. Cold and Gloomy Snrroundfucs and 4 Scanty Ulll of Fare. We reached the Trappist refectory. A great cold room, with whitewashed walls and five long, narrow tables, with benches on each siite, stretchinsr from end to eud, was the place where the monks took their very frugal meal3. lf Jess Shanklin came over from Mer-cu- r Saturday night, and went to Springville Sunday morning to visit with well, friends. He report the in Mercur as doing Eureka The other two couples would go pros- well. contingent pecting in different directions in the If it continues to snow much more likeiy.or promising looking gullies in the neighborhood and if either of the as it has this week, it will be possible parties struck any promising ground to realize here, what it is to go sleighall would unite and work it, always ing over the top of fences and houses, bearing this in mind, viz., that quartz as some of our friends try to tell us is the matrix of gold, and whon any they have done east.. The snow yesgood alluvial gold is discovered in a terday was about eighteen inches deep gully or creek there is pretty sure to and, this morning, was falling quite be a pay ledge somewhere above, and rapidly again. tha'i is the place to look for them, alFor rheumatism I have found noththough the formation of the ing equal to Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Calcountry here is different from relieves the pain as soon as applied. It sinkis more t here Here ifornia. deep W. Young, West Liberty, W. Va. J. for alluvial gold. ing affords is worth e Never leave diggings to The prompt relief it50 times its cost, cents. Its conThere, is one other many go prospecting. will effect a permanent use tinued point that may or may not hold good cure. sale For by Eureka Drug Store. here, as it did in California, but which prospectors would do well to carefully For the holidays, the Union Pacific observe and take a note of one of the will mako a rate of one fare to all d things our California geologists points within the Territory. Tickets gold-bearin- 29, IS93. The cooling fingers of the twilight lay A balm upon tUe fevered ebb of dcr. And, languor lulled by dream winged spirits In their flight Between the half uncertain hours of dark and light, I dream of thee. Trilled through the silvery sphere of fading day, A lftte bird homoward wings its wearied way; And, through the wide tranquillity of upper sea Attunes his reaper note of faroff minstrelsy To iqncn of thee. Far from the west the sontinel of light Sets the dead altars of approaching night Aflame, and paluts the ambient ekios with mystic Kold, Whose liquid light reflects the happiness of old Of me with thee. The iky, the air, the sea, the earth. Its flower. Lie steeped in magic of the moonlit showers. And I? Far out beyond the waves, where ky meets sea, From star to star across tho eight's tranquil- lity, I come to thee. The evening winds, distilled from fragrant flowers. Pour out their Incense on the dew wrapt hours. And on the still, eweet harmony of tsky and sea I stray a little npoce into infinity To dwell with thee. t Origin of the Peach. Nothing is now more universally aor cepted than the fact that the peach is an improved variety of the almond. The almond has a thin shell around the stone, which splits open and shows the stone when mature. This outer skin has simply become fleshy in the peach, 60 that it is all that gives it its specific character. It seems now clear from investigation in the history of ancient Babylon that in their gardens, nearly 4,000 years ago, the peach was cultivated then as it now is. f It must have been many years before this that tho peach was improved from the almond, and this fact goes to Bhoy the great antiquity of tho fruit. Possibly gardening in some respects,, at least eo far as it relates to many of our cultivated fruits, was as far advanced 6,000 or 8,000 or perhap3 10,000 years back as it ia tor day. Phoenicians, many thousands of years ago, as is proved by the records, had in their gardens almonds, apricots, bananas, citrons, figs, grapes, olives, peaches, pomegranates; and evon sugar cane waa in extensive cultivation. Certainly this ehows how far advanced theee nations were in garden culture many years ago. Detroit Froe Press. Thus when the fingers of tho twilight gray Peur balm upon tho ebbint? tides of day, and ridiculed, viz., that on the on sale Dec. 23rd, 24th, 25th, 31st and I, languor lulled by dream winged spirita In their flight g tints up on the side Jan. 1st. Good for return Jan. 4th. Between rich the half uncertain hours of dark and of a mountain, in the gold belt, the light, The K. P. ball Monday night, was Can live with thee. -- Amy Sevffle Wolff. same class of vegetation or a certain kind of tree predominated, though the what might bo termed "a howling The strongest animals in the world are diggings were sometimes seven miles success." About 78 couples were presthose of all into that live on a vegetable diet, say entered and the on a tree the surface has ent, 'What spirit apart. to do with the gold 30 to 50 feet below'-- the occasion with a great deal of zest. the vegetarians. The lion is ferocious rather than strong. The bull, horse, says the geologist. It's puzzling, like Financially it was as much a success reindeer, elephant and antelope, all conas net $76. the socially, receipts being many other tilings in gold mining, but for strength and endurance, spicuous there was the fact, which many old Tlds places the lodge out of debt, a choose a vegetable diet. A certain class of condition in which it has not been for miners noted. When you speak of been, designate the strata, thrown up in the upheavals some time. The boys are to be conItind on referred to. There are 4,500 species affairs. of state that favored have the gratulated ages ago, may growth of a certain class of tree.'" popularly known as "wild bees," 3,200 Swen Nelson and a fair and frail fe- being natives of tho Aiuurieas. Britain ami Train Chicago. male, started for a sleigh ride, Sunday has 70 epeciea of bees and 18 of wasps. George Frauds Of tho latter, there are 170 species known is Musical Tonet. If George Francis Train not mis- morning. They were accompanied by to entomologists. A frieu John another a s is on anr", foundation Barleycorn, stringed instrument suspended in a taken Chicago built favorable position near a pianoforte will of rock salt. This salt, he says, is slow- as a consequence t hey got into trouble. Ia the Vatican library there is a trea- sound whon tones corresponding to the ly disintegrating, and when the rock The couple were dumped out and the tise on dragons, a manuscript in a single on the pianoaro open strings produced lias been honeycombed by the process team brought the empty cutter back roll 800 foot lows and a foot wide, tho forte. Tlie volume of the answering of decay it will crumble, and the city to town. Brown started b:ck ovei matorifJ of which is said to bo tho tone will depend upon conatmospheric of "tanned a great dragon." gut will disappear and be covered by the the trail until he met the couple, when ditions, the quality and color of the perof the waters of the lake. But Train's state- an altercation took place, Brown A woman wearing stay3 as loosely as suading tone and the sensitiveness is a familmatorial. Thora ment must be accepted with a few upon driving them back and is responding possible for such arlioles to be worn be is very erratic. He Swcn objecting. They came to blows exerts a pressure of '10 pounds on the or- iar anecdote told of a famous tenor, who grain.- - of salt , and tho team Mile.i the matter so gans which they compress. Such figures by Binging tho tone that waa consonant 'tt.ee visited the Laii viile Out with that of a wineglass, could make the r as they were coiwrncd by coming in cold print aro startling. had he and alter office, gone, j glass shiver so violently that it would ick alone, and the trio got back as George D. Prentice, the famous editor fall to pieces. It is because of this tonal It is aaid that the Duke t.f York has sympathy that the cause of a harsh, ratof that paper, wrote an art.cle thus o t, they could. Brown with a black Urn: A locomotive I hut u.is e,vc and ot hcrwiso demoralized. Swen requested his bride not to wear the faah- - tling tone that may suddenly pjxarin a i and she has obeyed. pianoforte is detected with difficulty. n;:i o;T the track, turned urnide down, so l.ij companion were arrested and lonablo big fclt.evee, ! t. .,.;,,; tii i uin. d in ; nllnnp Though it may appear to be in the incity exchequer for v.i h lh. cow Tho women of Kansas cast 43 ppr cent strument, it is often far away and may 1 "'00 I li;Vo;U-i,and in- tViicOfs r.i: d tho total school vole this year. The coma from a loo?- glolte or pendant on a lli.- in" i i , icil'i'.j A fote increased 100 per cent in a year. chandelier. Even a key in a door haa : ' a ... f n , n o I ,' r'. ;r. h er,r r.t- au been known to bo the guilty c&usm. St Tho National League of Woiwn Law- - Louis 1.. ,. .i, , i . 'J nM l t. nxA is tha latest organization rjwi'tol i Jf theoCc.&i pooh-poohe- gold-bearin- j " tier-Jonrn- al L--- kg - - ' J ''' dvC'.lalV'j Globe-Democra- jii, wuh ! |