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Show Paints, oils, varnishes, brushes, etc. E uiieka J ii ug Stoke. Pest meals in town at the Keystone Restaurant. Fresh fish and oysters always on hand at the "Eureka Fruit Store" Lower Main street. C. 3. Markland F. 0. Horn. Mr. Ira P. Wet more, a prominent re Restate agent of Ran Angelo, Texas, has used Chamberlain's Colic, CholPublished every Friday morning by era and Diarrhoea Remedy in his famNEWMAN H. MIX. ily for several years as occasion required and always with perfect sucat Eureka. Utah, cess, lie says: "1 find it a perfect care Entered at the for transmission through the mails us for our baby when troubled with colic mutter. or dysentery. I now feel that my outfit is not complete without a botJ'lUCK OF .UIiCRI I'TIOX.-I- N" ADVANCE. tle of this Remedy at home or on a One year trip away from home. For sale by Eu1 ' Hix months reka Drug Store. 1 00 Three months Additional Cripple Creek Service. If not paid !n advHiiee: Oiic year. i'1.00; six jnonths. E,S5i three months. 1.."0. Commencing May 1st the Colorado Midland railway will put on and run PACIFIC TIME TABLE. daily thereafter additional suburban trains to accommodate Cripple Creek 11 :'!0 a. in. A r. from Salt La ke Florissant business, as follows: and :.':'K p. in. ,v. for SaH Lake....: THE TINTIC MINER. I'ost-olTi- second-ehiM- s Ar. atSalt Lake hv. for .Sih'er CRyC Ar. from Silver ity ?. 0:10 in 11 in. 1:;;U p. in. . Through Coaches to and from Salt, Lake with- No. 10. a. in K: : I.") . ni. a. in. '' 7:M Uoshi'ii Santiiioii.'i 1'ayson Sjianisli Fork ):4ii 10:03 Works Op. U. P. R. Depot. 12S Main Street. Ores carefully sampled and sold at highest market price. Returns made on day of sale. Consignments solicited. Address The Conkling Sampling- Works, P. ('). Pox 942. Salt Lake Citv, Utah. - Alias Summons. n- - m. a. in. a. m. 11:10 Woodland Park Woodland I'urk Colorado Springs 11 a. in. ::( a. m. l!:.Mla. m. :Mt p. m. 5::i' p. m. 0:00 p. m. l'neiilo Deliver This arrangement gives a convenient and rapid service into and out of sW'O Eureka aW Cripple Creek. T:(K) ti:'13 i'Alli. San Franat Fair 10:43 Sprinu'Ville "..5:45 l'rovo U:(r. soon be will cisco opened. The manAmerican Folk .f::.'l 1!::;I 5:1 j Lelii I!::1', have agement very carefully selected 4:4:1 Liiihani .Jc r:i;o 4:15 the best of the World's Fair exhibits Si.lt Lake so that those wdio were unfortunate MAILS. in not seeing the Chicago Exposition Silver City and Mammoth closes at 11:00 will still have an opportunity to ina. in. SUt Lake and all other points at 1:110 p. in. spect the foreign exhibits at San Silver City arrives at 1:4 p. m. Salt Lake'and all other points at 11:00 a;ni. Francisco. The llio Grende Western a. m. to T:;;o General delivery open from in line with its usual proRailway, p. m. Money order and registry window from 8 a. gressive spirit will, in connect ion with m. to f p. m.. and from ii:.;ti to :' p. m. ;d delivery from 11:110 a.m. the So. Pae. Co. put in effect a to p. m. J as. '. Ditiscoi .1,. I M. trip rate during the existence of the Fair. The II. G. W. Ry., as you know, runs through to San Francisco without change both Wo wish you a Merry Christmas. s Pullman Sleeptourist and C. M. Tnackston is in Provo attend- ing Cars. Two trains daily. ing court. A NKW UEl'AK i I Ki:. P.ert Clark attended the tax sale at With the new time card in effect Xephi Monday. Sunday, November Path, the Rio Western inaugurates a special Grande. Lake to went Salt Koah McChrystul chair car service between reclining aftcrnoon"Wednesday Ogden and Denver. The chairs are I!. .1. Grayninre, a resident of Park of a special pattern and for comfort and elegance are not surpassed any .City, was in town Sunday. where. These cars will be free to J. A. Drown, of Salt Lake City, was holders of all classes of tickets. here Tuesday and Wednesday. Have your prescriptions lilled at the L. ft. P.urton, of Salt Lake, was doEureka Drug Store. ing business here yesterday. Go to the Eureka Drug Store for The K. of P. ball Monday niht medicines of any kind. promises to be a grand success. Two good second hand cook stoves Wcrk has been completed on the for sale at the Eureka Tin Shop. new road to the Ceiiteniiial-EurekFor fine and fresh Con u :7 ,vs THE ti:15 Leaves. Tlie 6:00 Mid-Wint- MID-WINXE- K er . H 'i low-roun- Suiidny-tjener- Mid-Wint- er iirst-elas- 12-.'- . . Work SsEplin Olliee 10:40 a. m. Divide: P- Silver City 7:4." '''' 10 Leave Florissant Arrive Time Table. Leave Arrive No. No 27. " Arrives, Lea es. Ccii T!i3 KASTllOUSI), out chance. Shortest Line and Fastest Lime. Rio Grande Western 8:10 NOTICE NO. T H IC Milwaukee & C2T)i. United States Land Office, Chicago, fait Lake City. Utah, Cctober lsth, lsf. f Is the only line running Notice is hereby (riven that the Tintic MinSteamheated and I LIE." SHORT "CHICAGO St. Paul R. R, Solid Vestibulad. Train d Electric-Lighte- ing and Milling Company, a Utah corporaDaily between Chicago and Omaha, tion, with its principal place of business at eoniposed of magnificent bleeping. Salt Lake City, Utah, has made application cars and the Moon Silver for United States Patent for the MinThe Finest Dining- Cars in the World mining lode location, situate in Tintic ing District, Juab County, Utah Territory, consisting of 2l7 linear feet and 200 feet in width of surface ground shown on the plat of EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASsaid claim posted on the ground, being Mineral Survey No. 2053 and described in the field notes of the official survey on file in this office with magnetic variations at 10 degrees, Any other Information as to rates of fare, 30 minutes east as follows, Commencetc., will be cheerfully furnished by' J. 8. Taldot;j- ing at the northeasterly corner of said claim, J.H.Allen, T. F. & P. Agent. at which stands post No. One (1), of said claim, ; Commercial Agt. 15 West Second South, Salt Lake City. ' thence north 54 degrees and ill minutes west 200 feet to post No. Two (2) of said claim, from which U. S. M. M. No. 5 bears north 2 H0DGINS & YOUNG degrees and 5 min west 1:106.4 feet, from which corner on west side point also quarter-sectio- n of sec 31, twp 10 south range 2 west bears north 4G degrees and 55 min west 200T.4 feet, thence south 40 degrees and :J0 minutes west All Work Guaranteii. 29T feet to post No. Three (3), of said claim, ,; thence south 54 degrees and 31 minutes east EUREKA. v UTAH. 200 feet to post No. Four (4) of said claim, thence north 40 degrees and 30 minutes east ASHER BID1)LEC0ME,J 297 feet to post No. One (1) of said claim being the place of beginning. The discovery point of said lode location is shown upon the plat posted on said claim. The tot al area of said claim Is 1.358 acres all of which is claimed and applied for. there being no conflicts. The said lode location 'is Chimneys, a Specialty, v of record in the office of the Recorder of said Terr-ritor- y of the Juab, County mining district in iSLeave orders atf the MiXF.R-oflJce- . of Utah. The Sunbeam and First Southern Extension n rv i inn of the Sunbeam, Patented as Lot No. 61 ad joins this claim on the Northeast and the JAMES EUSTICEpMGE, ;a, First Southern Extension Sunbeam patented as Lot No. C4 and adjoins this claim on the Southwest. I direct that this notice be published in the Tintio Miner, the newspaper published near est the said mining claim for the period of ten weeks. BYRON GKOO, Register, First publication October 20th, 18IO. " - wi:STi;otJNi). Leave Colorado Springs Arrive Divide Florissant Application for Patent. a. Cigars Mr. and Mrs. John MeChrystal feciionery try "Tin: Eukeka Fivtit Stoke.'' turned from their California trip last Lower Main Street. night. To Rext. One house, En Hilly Tolman returned from WyoStore. ming fast night and will remain until quire at Eurek Drug re- to-w- it: . In the Justice!." Court, Eureka preceinct, Territory of Utuli, County of Juab, K. G. Wilson, plaintiff vs. A. A. Waggoner, defendant, lit mai.d. 8C2.O0. To A. A. Wasgoner, greeting: You are hereby summoned to be and appear before me. the undersigned, at my otlice in Eureka preeinet, Juab County, Ctah Territory, to answer a complaint filed against you herein by said plaintiff withih five days, (exclusive of thtt day of service) if this summons is served on you within Eureka precinct, within ten days if served on you outside of said Eureka precinct but within the county of Juab, and within twenty days if served elsewhere. Said action is brought to recover from you the sum of ftS.OO. alleged to bo due as follows, the sum of Wl.00 for boord and room furnished you by plaintiff at your special instance and request at Eureka, Utah, also in the further sum of $41.00, being a balance on an assigned account from O. Chauiberlin, all of which more fully appears in complaint on lile herein. And you are hereby notified that If you fail to so appear and answer as above required, thepliiintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of $:2.00 and costs of suit. I hereby direct the pnblication of the above Application summons in the Tint ic Miner for the period NOTICE NO. 225S. of month from date hereof. United States Land Office. I Given under my hand, thisi 14th day of DeSalt Lake City, Utah December 12, 193. cember, a. D. m. Notice is hereby given that Lee Hopper, I loci) Xki.son. Justice of the Peace. whose postofflce address is Eureka City, Juab ('. L. 1;ho,n, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication Dec, 15, ISM.! County, Utah Territory, has made appliea tlon for a United States Patent for the Gene A ppiiCLl vieve. Yorkville, Annie and Retribution. consolidated, lode mining claim, situate in NOTICE NO. 2250. Tintic Mining District, Juab County, Utah United States Land Office, Territory, consisting of 1407.7 linear f ;et of Suit Lake City, I tub, December 13. 1MW. f linear the said Genevieve vein or lode, Not ice is hereby given that Hczekiah W. feet of the said Yorkville vein or lode. 1407.7 address Is Eureka, linear feet of the said Annie vein or lode aid I5rant, whose Juab County, Utah, and his 1172.6 linear feet of the said Retribution vein Charles S. Vnriao, of Salt Lake City, Utah or lode, and surface ground as shown on the I.k..ie P.. O'Ci ieu'. of Mammoth, Juab County, plat posted on the ground, being Lot No. 34s; Ulah and David Phillips, of Eureka. Juab and descrl bed in the field notes an 1 official Comity, Utah, have made application for a plat the of o;i survey United Slates Patent for the Golden Chain file in this office, with magnetic variation at Lode mining chum situate in Tintic Mining 16 degrees 28 miliutes cast, as foilows: ComDistrict, J nab .County, Utah Territory, con- mencing at Post No. 1, a corner of said Gene sisting of wa.51inji.'iir feet of the Golden Chain vieve, Yorkville, Annie and Retribution Con Lode and surfaqe ground as shown on the solidated lode mining claim, thence south 9 plat posted on thk ground, being Lot No. 339. degrees 44 minutes east 1497.7 feet to Post No and described ii Wie field notes and plat of 2: thence north 79 degrees 54 minutes east the o.licial stirv.V on file in this olTice. w ith 20K.8 feet to Post No. 10; thence sout h 1 decree magnetic variatn at 16 degrees 30 minutes 42 minutes east 1062.3 feet to Post No. 18; ea.it. as follows:- - Commencing at Post No. 1. thence north 68 degrees 05 minutes east 383.2 ;. corner of thi clflini and running thence feet to Post No. 17; thence north 12 degree north IS degrees, 15 minutes west 1S5 feet to 55 minutes east372.7feet to Post No. 16; thence Port No. 2: thence north 9 degrees 53 minutes north liii degrees 05 minutes east 103 feet to w est 08.5 feet to Post No. 3; thence south 74 Post No. 15; thence north 2 degrees 57 minutes degrees 30 minutes west 500.7 feet to Post No west 843.7 feet to Post No 14; thence south 68 4; thence south SS feet to Post No. 5; thence degrees 05 min west 2s5 feet to Pot No. 21; south degree 57 minutes east C09.5 feet to thence north 9 degrees 41 minutes west 363.6 Post No. (i; thence south ISdegrees 15 minutes feet to Post No. 12; thence north 8 degrees Of east 1S5 feet to Post No. 7; thence north 74 de- minutes west 908.2 feet to Post No. 13; thence grees 38 minutes east 000 feet to Post No. 1 south 79 deg 54 min west et to Post No the place of beginning survey of exterior 1, the place of beginning; containing an area boundaries of the claim, containing a total of 32.18 acres, all of which is claimed and ap 'area of 11.10 acres hereby applied for. The plied for, there being no conflicts. areas in eonaiet with the "Dolly," "CleveFrom Post No. 15 of this claim, U. S. Miner land" and Middle Atlas Lodes. Lot No. 205 al Monument No. 2. in the tow n of Eureka, are expressly included in this application. bears south 9 degrees 13 minutes east 3439 feet From Post No. 4, the northwest corner of distant actual measurement. From Post No section ::o, township 10 south range 2 west 15 of tliis claim, the nw corner of section 24, bears no't'i C5 dfgtees 36 minutes west Tp 10 south range 3w of the Salt Lake Merid27!.'4.5 feet distant, and from the same Post U ian, bears south :i6 degrees SI minutes west S. M. M. No. 1 bears north H5 degrees 21 min 5376.3 feet distant actual measuremen t. The nles w est i.3 feet dist ant, said Golden Chain said mining claim being of record in the ofLode location milling claim being of record fice of the Recorder of said mining district in the office of the Recorder of said mining at Silver Cit y, Juab County. Utah. The near district at Silver City, in Juab County, Utah est known locations being the Gladstone, U The nearest known locations being the Dolly, it. Lot No. 127. Danifino, U. S. Lot No. 262 and Mi. Idle Atlas.Cieveland and Dom Pedro lodes Peru IT. S. Lot No. 341. as shown by the official plat. I direct that this notice be published In the I direct that t!i!s notice be published in the Tintic Miner, the newspaper published nearTint.'C MtM'it. at Eureka, Utah, the news est the said mining claim, for tho period of paper published nearest the said mining ten weeks. claim, for the period of ten weeks. BYRON GKOO. Register, BYRON GKOO, Register. Edward Pike, Attorney for ppiicant. T. C. Bailey. Claimants' Attorney. First publication December 15. 1803.1 First publication December 15, 1S93. to-w- it: IB Practical Bricklayer. for Patent, I for Patent. I FULL LlNE'bF fit cois m wm. EUREKA. UTAH, Any one who lias children wili reCharley "Weber was over from Mer-c.twilhL. P. Mulford,of Piainlleld. joice and the last Monday camp reports N.J. His little boy, live years old. in a nourishing condit ion. was sick with croup. For two days P.elle of the West Fiour is the best. and nights lie tried various remedies Ask your grocer for it and take no recommended .53t f . by friends and neighother. bors, lie says: "I thought sure I John S. Cowan, theeou'ity collector, would lose him. I had seen Chamberand James Cowan, a Nenhi wool and lain's Cough Remedy advertised aud hide dealer, were guests of the Eureka thought I would try it as a last hope Hotel Wednesday. and am happy to say that after two S. If. Hill and family. Mrs. Dix. sis- doses he slept until morning. I gave ter and family, of Salt Lake, were oc- it to him next day and a cure was efcupants of a special car that came out fected. I keep this remedy in the on the U. P. last Tuesday. house now and as soon as any of my P. J. Fly mi, a prominent railroad children show signs of croup 1 give it man of Denver, accompanied by Su- to them and that is the last of it." o0 perintendent Young, of the Union l'acilie, paid the camp a visit last cent bottles for sale by Eureka Drug St ore. Sunday. The wife of a prominent resident of Mammoth went to Provn, with her THE DENVER & BIO BBANDE babv. recently, and ap plied for divorce, alleging cruelty aud KAILKOAD. ir tvo-wf('I;s-i.- ;f o MESME; 0 F. LOOI'BOUROW Attcraeys OFFICE Rooms ail WILLIAM KAUN, A. Si CoiiMllors'aflaw; 70, 71, 72, 73Commereia,T Bl'k. , ' ' SALT LAKE CITY, E DWARD PIKE. : i UTAH. rr ' Altonej at Law itt u. S. New Court House, Office in cci&M. - ; "Eureka. H M. THACKSTON. Attorn Office ey-at-Law- yj. at Union Drag 8tor"Oi EUREKA, -- : . ROBERTSON, With Bennet. Marshall Braidtpy. MINING LAW A SPECIALTY. 163 S. 1 spring. HAirr TAILORS Main St., Salt.Lake.Clt ' OAH W. McCHRYSTAL, Office J! C. L Notnry fubl'loi'' in Tinti6 Mercantile Co.s 'store. BAILEY, Attorney -a- i-LcLii)2 Patents and Laud Office Business a Specialty sr' Salt Lake Citt. Utah." SAM HING (i.1 'Sci iitti LAUNDRY. t.;' is Washing and Ironing equal Tray Steam Work EUREKA, - . UTAn lo Route.' Notice of Forfeiture, desertion. I i To J. Cable, your heirs and assigns: P. J. Daly, a prominent politician RIO GRANDE COLORADO MIDWESTERN, You are not lied that the undersigned, as and attorney, if Salt Lake, accompa- The Scenic Line of the World. In of undivided each of an owners A interest ANIP& LAND, ATCHISON, TOREK nied by John Peek. Jr., came up the following described mining claims, have Wednesday evening aud are guests of ? SANTA MAYS. RAIL EE expended two hundred dollars In labor and the Pullion-Pecminlode Bessarabia the The only line running two through Improvement upon The Only lino which runs Pullman Palaco Sleeping Cars iltweea ing claim, located December 16, lwK) and !200 Win A. McDonald died Monday fast trains daily to in labor and improvements upon the Dutch Ggden, Salt Lake City and Chicago without change, and'; night, at 10 o'clock, of chronic rheuTii11ni!in T'jlapo T?or1in!nnr lliiir Y'orc tin- j'BitJ Empire or Dutch Empire lode milling claim matism, aged f,S years. The funeral Lead rifle, 12, IsM). both claims being December located was held "Tuesday at '! p. m. DeColorado I'licblo, tween Ogden, Salt Lake City, In Tintic Mining District, JuabCounty. Utah, ceased was an old timer here and well and for each of the years, Springs and Denver. A. D. lvo!f!eOandduring Denver anil Chicago. known. V i H2, upon and for each of said ; asresTHE LINE said in claims to hold SHORT order Lem Williams, for several years two claims, Effective, November jotli, i;!3.1. ' sociated in business here wilh i. pectively under and as required by the proSUPERB SCENERY 23:.'4 and s last Revised in of Statutt came the visions of Section Tuesday, 7:00 a. m.. of the United states, and as and for the an will n main several days. Mr. Will- Train No. 2 leaves EQUIPMENT UNSURPASSED a. in., arrives at Pueblo nual work and Improvements required by law iams has been making his home at Salt Lake i k. Jsr; ' to-w- it ; y, O-d- -n Coalville. ;i Mamtuoth was excited thismorning few minutes bef re noon by the ac- cidental dtath of Am'rew .Ma(h n. lie was at wurk ,in t he incline of about ijio jv, t flown eiiid intended going down to t lie loo on llieskij.i. but gave the wrong ; sig- nal, aud was hoi it p iriM. ad. Ills v.vt n lie1 skip )ic;id was cat;g!it t 'no!)' r. and illa and b'ekpart top .cut off. death re lilting i;i1at.!!y.' A t - coroicr's jury verdict of accidciiia! ;;itd a p'tre n d. was di-.d- was a iiran.!' r and was at one time einp! v.i ;ii jic S; v mine s a li v,;ii :;."i ears of v'. . and family in Finland. Toe lmienii vili Mad-e- n :.") a. m., Colorado al 7:2iia. m., Denver at 0:10 a. m. Train No. 2 leaves Ogdeu at :2') p. m., Salt Lake at '.e.2r p. m., arrives ;it Pueblo at 7:.'tt p. m., Colorado Springs at J!:(.7 p. m., Denver at II ::') p. m. Connections made at I'ueMo, Colo r.ido Springs and Denver with ad lite-d cast. Elegant day niaclies, chair Pullman sh ep is vti all tiains. Take the D. ec V. G. and have ;i trip and enjoy tin- 11m c try on t he cont S. 1C. HOOPEU. A. S. Ht'GIIES, G. p. Traflie Manaevr, T. A. 1 lie !( i, ,' II i I ! car-an- coin-fortrb- - im-nt- " X- - -- . -, le-.- vt ',. V. XEYINS, (,. i.er.il Age;,!.. Salt L.ke Cif. le Are Yg to be done for said years respectively: that for each your piopori ion thereof Is tu:.UH for each claim ri .pectively, claim for each of said said two years, and If so, be sure and secure your tickets over the that upon your failure to contribute and pay '. tot lie undersigned your proportion of such "SANTA FE ROUTE," J. upon either of said expenditures as 00 i lahi.-ibefore the expiration of days from Grandest and Greatest Railroad on Earth and afl"r lids cot'ee by publication, l.cfoic the explrat ion of I1" days from and afZ'jl,' "Leave Ogden or Salt Lake on the evening train,!? order to ter the full !i days e nil of the publication of this notice, jour inb rest in eaeli of said t wo see the nio.4 heaiitiful ycenery in America. V!: . clniini :i to which jou fail, as foresaid, to Ion of such contribute aud pay your proporl Train leaves llio CJraii'ie Western Depot. Salt Lake City, at 925 p. m. ' e p- t.dit ii ri , will become forfeited lo and be' Ti'-ke- t No. 15 W. .Second South Street. Olliee, come the properly of the underilirnen. under TilN notice will lie pub- uM.-a- to-w- lt: . to-w- it: I i i. i P -- ie d (D.-le-- .f for s. ,;. .1 W. D. (INi: M VII U.I. vkiis, IWM'M J", lv..J N. ,'!0.j I),nily Ruiltlinr, o. i3ijirs: Oencral A'.'ent SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, r.t.ssehr Dep'.irtnient nr it |