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Show VOL EUREKA, JUAB COUNTY, 111, that school, tax. The company is preparing to build That Eureka needs additional into the camp, starting in from school facilities cannot be gainsaid. near Lehi. The question is .bow: they, can best The Duty of Economy. be ecure4,;tne trustees seeming to think a tax the best way to reach One of the, chief causes of poverty in that end.. We; .think not. IT the the United States is the wastefulness tax is Je.yied,iit is the intention of of our people. They have so long been accustomed to abundance that when th board .to- bqild, two additional scarcity comes they are not prepared rooms .to this bujltling, novy used. to successfully combat it. There are We think-thiwould, be a mistake, no people on earth who wantonly defor if thetowngoes, for yard, as stroy so much that is useful in sustainall expect it will, the rooms so ing jife. It has frequently been said that half a dozen European families tmijfc will(mct the requirements no could be supported comfortably from Abetter than the present structure the refuse of the table of an average i,i i . i,. t American family, and the assertion is levied iqr naorrooni and, the pro- capable of proof. A warmed over dincess would be, continued indefinite- ner Is seldom seen upon the table of a o American. Whatever is left ly and, tiie, result would be that the from a meal is usually dumped into the " district WQuldj in. a few years, have swill barrel. Fresh, wholesome meats a lot of .buildings, totally unfit for go to feed the cats aud dogs of the the purposes, intended and an eye- neighborhood; vegetables that have sore, to the .tow;n. The better way cooled, ,but are yet far from stale, go into receptacle for hogs anc bread in our judgment, would be to wait that the has dried goes in the same direca yea?; or so',. and. bond the district tion. The hired help we have pay for a house, that would be ample little attention to economy in the manfor seyerai yeays in .addition to be- agement of household affairs; the mistress of the house is too busy with her ing a credit to the town. It should social duties to devote much time to "be a inatterof .pride that Eureka, the details of housekeeping, and, as a the center and commercial metrop- consequence, the domestic animals olis pf thej richest mining district are often better fed than human .wia the West, should have a temple beings. It is different in Europe, and espec. .of learning inferior to none of her. France. The French women are ially - neighbors. We, are aware, that it model housekeepers. They allow nothi i i ... as jpome inconvenience to nave jne ing to go to waste. The scraps from the table are carefully utilized. The is better so uow, than to have it so meats furnish the basis of a bullion that isboth appetizing and nourishing. , a few years hence, as it surely will The cereal products are warmed over into puddings, and the vegetables enWe note,' with considerable sat- ter into cold salads of various sorts. Even when bones and gristle are all isfaction, that we are not alone in that remain of a repast, these are . the position we have taken in re- turned over to the manufacturers and " gard to .the iorniation of an editor- ground into fertilizers, the housekeepial assoc'atioa for Utah. Such an er receiving a few sous in return, which, carefully sufficient to purchase organization can be made of ralue, all clothing she may require, or not t alone to the .newspaper men addthe to her stock of finery or jewels. , i xi i l i j ji me mseives, oui aiso 10 meir pat To such habits of economy is attribrons. At present, rates for adver- utable the fact that there are few pautising are in a chaotic state and an pers in France, outside of the lower when given a rate, is strata of Paris. In the smaller cities , advertiser, and in the country districts almost evsuspicious that some one else may ery family has a hoard. No one thinks of living up to his income, but provisen cp u himself. This is not as it should ion is always made for sickness or disbe, and the duty of such an asspci-tio- n aster. Probably the most striking ilshould be to regulate this mat- lustration of the frugality of the common people was furnished after the ter, as well as the publication of close of the Franco-Germawar, when notices, "and the general better- the enormons indemnity demanded ment pf . the "papers themselves. by Germany was paid promptly withJf the organization is effected with out the necessity of asking any foreign power for a single franc. The this" object in view, it will be a common people came to the rescue of if it is done, as the, Logan the government and subscribed for Nation suggests, for the purpose the loan cheerfully and immediately. of enabling tho editors to take Thus the bonds of the government junketing, trips over the country, were kept at home, and the interest on them went to swell the savings of then will it be a failure, and - , . - s -- . well-to-d- . j lc-;g- al n so. The committee appointed by those who met at Lehi, last; Sunday, lio wqyer,, 6eem to have the proper conception of the matter, .and.'. something of practical bencfit.tp all may bo expected from their efforts. The Oborlin "Opinion remarks that ."Ascertain preacher. in South Dakota gives nohep that henceforth no in&fe prayers will be offered to the Lord from his sanctuary that wisdombo sent to the president of the ,. h nited States and. .congress; thai'sucJi 'petitions have gone amiss and that he' will try a new track, praying for ordinary horse, sense for the voters. It looks now as if the latter petition had received favorable consideration tho first , The Tribune of Wednesday morning, copies from the Chicago Times an article that is a fearful arraignment of the President. It directly charges that august individual; JM. ad: endeayor to tinker with the tariff in a manner that, will enrich bimeelf and business associates at the expense of their countrymen. the common people. Such an achieve- giv-loj- zr DECEMBER XOTIl'E Is hereby given .that there will be a meeting of the resident taxpayers of Eureka School District No. 5 of Juab County, Utah Territory, held at the Court House in Eureka, on Saturday, December 30. 1893, for the purpose of (i) of voting to levy a tax of one per cent on all the taxable property within the district. Said tax is for the purpose of building and furnishing a new school house, est imated to cost two thonsand two hundred dollars, ($2,200). The polls, on the above date, shall open at 3 p. m. and close at 7 p. m. one-ha- Jonx O. Jajies P. lf Fkecklktox, Dhiscoll. Trustees of Eureka School District, No. 5, of Juab County, Utah Territory. Dated Eureka, Utah, December Jth, 1893. COMMUNICATED. Editor Mixer. I see in your issue of the 15th inst., and also by notices posted, a call for a meeting of the taxpayers of this school district totlevy a tax of five mills on the dollar on all the taxable property. This meeting is called for Saturday, the 30th inst. It is said this tax is for the purpose of erecting a new school building, etc. About this time a year ago, a similar meeting was called and the same amount of tax levied for the sarar purpose and, I understand, that most of the taxpayers have already paid it. Now it seems to me that a little explanation is needed right here in order that we may all understand what we are doing. That we need an addition to our school room, no one can deny. Last year the Methodist Church was rented to accommodate the overflow from the district school h mse, and $150 had to be paid for re it. this yeai the Episcopal Church w cost $100 for the the same purpose. It is bad policy in my judgment, to tihus pay reut for school room, besid( the accommoda tions are not so gocidfas a house built for school purposes' only. So the necessity for addit;2:il school room is not disputed, butfl ve want to know why we are callell ipon to pay a tax this year and next .year too, providing we vote the tax lit the meeting to be held on the 30th inst. As far as I understand the matter, the Eureka Mining Co., the 13. 15. & C. 1 the R. G. W. Ry., and the Mercantile Co. objected to pay- company, Tintic ing the tax because of an inaccuracy which occurred in the notice for the call of the meeting. An injunction was obtained, restraining the collector from collecting the tax, but not un- til he had collected it from many. So this special school tax will be returned to all who have paid it, and the work of levying and collecting the tax will have to be gone through with again. A Taxpayer. prospectors, attention. Parties intending to take advantage ment would have been impossible in of the relief assessment law can secure any other country in Europe; it would notices on the new copyrighted forms scarcely be possible in the United of C. F. Spilman or Fred Nelson, sole States. agency Tintic District. Frugality in small things is the basis of the wealth of France. WastefulFor the Christmas and New Year ness in such matters may yet entail Holidays the Rio Grande Western Ry. much trouble in the United States. will make a rate of one regular fare For we waste far more than we con- for the round trip between all stations sume. Food that might maintain mil- on their system. Tickets will be islions is wasted daily; clothing that sued on Dec. 23rd, 24th and 25th; also would serve to make the poor comfort- on Dec. 30th and 31st and January 1st. able through the rigors of winter is All tickets good for return passage cast into the rag bag; building mater- until January 4th. ial is destroyed ruthlessly in the haste An entertainment will be given in to remove ruins or to construct new edifices, and material is needlessly de- the Methodist church next Thursday stroyed that might be profitably used evening. A small admission, 15 cents, for many useful purposes. Americans will be charged. need to study economy; they must A sign was stuck in one of the winlearn that it is a commendate pracdows of the east room of the Giblin and is wastefulness sinful that tice, and impolitic. The extravagance of block, this week, announcing that it our people is the marvel of the world, would be occupied by W. F. Shriver, and it is not a characteristic of which Jr. with a stock of clothing, about we have any reason to be proud. at. Feby. 1st. Mr. Shriver expects to be here about tne 15t h of January, his dePaul Ghbe. lay being occasioned by the arrival of LOW HATES Are still in effect to eastern points via the llio Grande Western Ry Remember t he It. G. W. is noted for the elegance of its equipment, its new coaches, its free chair cars, its tourist or colonist sleepers and its new and artistic Pullman Double Drawing The Kiq,tGra,n(le.)Vcstcr.'n, with lioom Palace Sleeping Oars which run its usual enterprise, has gotten out through to Chicago without change. 'Speed, Safety arid Comfort" is its a circular letter to its agents, well earned motto. Two main line information about Lewiston, fast express trains to the Eastdiiiy. - UTAH, FRIDAY, a 10i pound boy, a few days ago. We arc pleased to see the gentleman re- turn. With the increase in the freight business, as well as i lie passenger t rathe, it looks to us as if the roads running in here could put on regular passenger service again. Yesterday the mail was two hours late, audit has been tho exception rather than the rule, when it lias been otherwise, for some time. So long as business wa light hi both freight and pi cii 22, 1033. 35. ger, our people made no kick, but now that a good business is being done by Mrs. Elizabeth R. Talmer, says that 6h both roads, we have a right to expect originated the idea .while recovering from a severe illness that was wholly better service. the result of a hard day's packing.' For rheumatism I have found nothBIr. Dr. I!rechrr' Sentiments. ing equal to Chamberlain's Painliahn. Dr. A. M. Beecher, a woman physician It relieves the pain as soon as applied. of Newtonville, Mass., is a cousin 't)f J. W. Young, West Liberty, W. Va. Henry Ward Beecher, and has the typThe prompt relief it affords is worth ical Beecher face and, it may be added, many t imes its cost, 50 cent s. Its con- the typical Beecher straightforwardness. tinued use will effect a permanent Recently before a club, in the course of cure. For sale by Eureka Drug Store. an address, Dr. Beecher created a decided sensation by putting herself on recThe mining suit of Valentine Thom- ord with the opinion: "No woman who as vs. F. K. Morris, trustee, for the has the spirit or instinct of motherhood can fail to mother something. Batter a possession of the Alamo, came up beat all." fore Judge Smith, Mondav. The case pet dog than nothing reached the jury Tuesday afternoon Chicago nai Six Women Barber. and a verdict was quickly returned Mrs. M. E. Willard keeps a barber for the plaintiff. This is the third Bhop in Chicago. There are six chain trial of the case, with the same result in the shop, and each is attended by A in each instance, and will probably woman. The names of these are Mrs. terminate the litigation, unless suit is Kitty Carr, Mrs. Emma Chase, Mrs. Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Hannah La- brought to determine the value of the Johnson, londe and Miss Stiua Erlandsen. They ore, alleged by Thomas to have been attend strictly to business, hone their who razors and taken out by the Pull take tips like little men. are the actual defendants. They get $12 a week and work from 7 a. va. till 9 p. m. and half of Sunday. We, last week, made mention of tne Chicago Correspondent. receipt of a calendar from the Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co. It is a work of Helping One Another. ' Miss Lou Brett of Thomaston Sallie art, and the company announce that has been elected the beneficiary of the a they will give similar one, without Georgia Weekly Press association at tho a of to every purchaser lettering, pair State Industrial school at of their ladies' $2.50 shoe or gents' Miss Ellen Dortch of the Milledgeville. Milledgeville shoe, purchased between ChristChronicle proposed at the last meeting mas and Jan. 15. The request must be the plan of giving $130 from the treasaccompanied by a statement from the ury of the association to assist a deservdealer who sold the shoes and a copy ing girl. The beneficiary is to refund of this notice. There are no better the money when she has passed through the school, and it will then be used to goods than those manufactured by this some other girl. firm and it is excellent opportunity to help get a handsome ornament for your ofThat's Another Story. fice or home. The popular crusade against the of birds for their plumage has We are in receipt of a letter from a slaughter been resumed in London. Even the ponformer resident of this district, but derous Times has turned its editorial who has been for some time, at Quartz-burg- , thunders against the feminine vanity Idaho, stating that Mr. Nesbitt which gratifies itself at the expense of has had excellent success with the cy- such cruelty. The frantic indignation anide process in treating the tailings has not included a single voice of protest against the annual slaughter of tame from the Gold Hill mill, saving !)0 per is birds, which, under tho name of cent, of the gold. The trouble there now going on all over the land. sport, London seems to have arisen from Nesbitt al Letter. lowing the men to board where they Woman's Outlook. chose, a privilege previously denied Woman must and will have a more dethem, and in consequence of which termined place. She has .always had matters were made so unpleasant for control of the family. She has always him, that he resigned after serving had an interest in the aggregation of one month, the Utah boys going out families which we call society. Now tho outlook broadens. I believe women with him. should control school boards. As mayor For the holidays, the Union Pacific of Chicago I nominated last season, dewill mako a rate of one fare to all spite much opposition and much to the points within the Territory. Tickets chagrin of politicians, a woman on thtf on sale Dec. 23rd, 24th, 25th, 31st and school board. Carter Harrison. Jan. 1st. Good for return Jan. 4th. An Elevator Girl. There is a hotel in Saratoga in which Bofitonpse. The typical Bostonese yoimg women a.re the passenger elevator is run by a. girl. There is only one other elevator in the presumably making up their programmes United States run by a girl, and she offor. the coming season. What with ficiates hotel out in Colorado. The at a lectures and readings, club and morning House to have a special has social teas, house musicales and charity Saratoga sales for the afternoon, an'l theater, con- clause in its insurance policy permitting the elevator. It may be cert, opera and party for tho evening, the girl to run field of employment for woma new that the young woman of the period has a en has thus been opened up. busy time of it from November to May. Dante and Browning rather lead Enfranchisement and Peace. appears.in the number of classes Mrs. Varner Snoad has been elected and clubs whose purpose is the elucidation of the obscure. Browning and president of tho International Women's a powerful association for the enDante, it is said, stand for culture and union, of women and thd presfranchisement are, in a way, safe. Put them down, ervation of It was founded after peace. therefore, young ladies, on the list. the congresses Chicago by a number of Boston Herald. distinguiuhed suffragists who ' hail from all four quarters of the globe. . Chaplain Harriet Hodge. Mr3. Harriet J. Dodge, the now chapEmpress Elizabeth's Wish. lain of the national department Woman's Empress Elizabeth of Austria lately Relief corps of the Grand Army of the Republic, who was installed at Indian- built at an enormous cost a magnificent apolis, is the wife of George fl. Bodge marble villa at Corfu and christened it of Hartford. She was department pres- ''L'Achilleion." Her inajeety haa made ident of the Connecticut corps for two the following codicil to her will: "I years, completing the second term last wish to be interred at Corf u,' near tho Epring, when she was succ eeded by Mrs. river, so that the waves can continually Augusta Hammond of Rockville, wife of break on my tomb." President A. Park Hammond cf the High raise. First National bank in that city. Mrs. Dr. Julia Washburn of Lexington, Ky., is of but a native Massachusetts, Bodge read a paper on "Women and Medicine" has spent most of her life in Hartford. before the recent annual convention of Exchange. the Kentucky Homoeopathic society. The A Window Garden. Medical Century says of it that it was a Tako a large- "waiter." make a mound masterpiece and was read without fault. of leaf mold and carefully plant tne Mrs. Julia Ward Howe is a slow writferns, arbutus, violets, hepalicas and other things, linishing tho surface with er, elaborating with great care, and only, mosses and placing running evergreen publishing when every one of the half around the edges. Sxrinkle and set on dozen critics who frequent her boudoir a table at the northwest window. Many havo pronounced her every word the happy hours may be spent watching that lest that could have been (selected. bit of green during cold, stormy days, The Ancient Order of Foresters haa in when it is unsafe to go out of doors, and England a woman's branch. The queen tho tiny buds of the nrbntns and violet! has consented to become the patroness will wdl aud finally bloom whilo the of the branch, which has the'diatuictive winter rtill lingers ou tho hills. title of the court of Victoria.1 Good Iloutiekeepiag. Knitted corsets are an invention which A Wumnn'n Device. comes iroin England, and are of service A trunk that can bo elevated to a to the weak and nervous who cannot height fiT convenience in packing bear any pressure cf tight or unyielding ami unpacking is tho recent invention of clot hing about them. a Philadelphia woman. It will appcid to all persons who travel, as It completeThe women of Iceland have .had muly obviates the necessity of hciiilin:; over nicipal suffrage for more than 20 years. into a buck bre:,king position and is They are now eligible to municipal liifst easily cnorutcJ. Tlie is yea lor, tfiic. ion-Bec- k, - Shake-speare.- it . r - d . . |