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Show Keep the hogs four-legge- the street the off ones. d weather, cool and show ery, is what Tintic is enjoying. Items, on Monday, June 22tl, to this the wife of James Eustice, a son. Eureka, Utah, Friday, June 26, 1891 Location notices for sale at office. ARE THE, The Children's Dance. The Eureka public children WITH, US! had a very entertainment at t not your light under a bushel, is an ad visatory given loner aero, but proverb it aoolies as much today as in the days before the Chris-tria- n era, do not propose, by any means, hide our light, but we shall keep reminding the public that we are still the Leaders. Low Prices and Best Goods ON you to our store.- - Come and investigate if it is not to vour interestto Give us at least a share of your patronage. We are now offering many rare bargains in Summer Goods. A reduction on many lines to PFIVIFRlT vJLvlLlAL close them out. On Clothing especially we are willing to make great sacrifices to reduce our stock. We can save you money on Shea's Hall Friday evening, for which they wen,' indebted to their teachers, Miss Kate Courtney. Miss Maggie Harrington an ! Miss Hauie Lawson. The music was furnished by Banks Beard, cornet, Miss Hattie Lawson, organ, and Florence Harrington, violin. Dancing was kept up till after midnight. A fine supper was served at the Keystone restaurant and the youngsters retired with a sense of having enjoyed the entertainment so kindly provided for them Tiy their teachers. The following were the committees: The Rio Grande Surveyors on Hand. HYDE Tim lord has received the apC. F. IlatlilKine attorney at law. pointment of deputy sheriff, and has LOCATING Office in the Mineu. THE LINE. Anhauser Hecralways on draught, qualified. Maurice Lyons is deputy U. S. at the Silvek Dollar saloon. Marshal now, and has his eye peeled In Camp About Three Miles East of Read the Minkk, the only Homansville, in Pinion Canyon. for business. print newspaper in Juab county. In company with Dugakl MeMurphy offers Pacific Union The special W. J. Ifarley. representing the "Salt Lake Herald, was in the city this rates for the Fourth of July. See ad aMiNEii representative rode east of town Wednesday evening in search of vertisement. woek. Rio Grande surveyors, who were the Attorney Ashman and Prosecuting Judge J!. 15. Quinn was elected to be working in that direcreported were of in Nephi, mining recorder for Uingharn district Attorney Adams, tion. ride we were reAfterasliort Eureka on Monday. last week. COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS. warded by comi" in sight of a lively Carlos Mangum. The Eureka public school ha All kinds of dry goods, piece goods Murphv. Jeiry of tents, which Dannie Sullivan, Alliert Cox. and ladies wear at lien I). Luce's, closed for tin; summer, to resume the little town buh caused Mr. MeMurphy to exclaim, in David Green. Milliard, Main street. No. 4(H). Johnny in first Monday September. Frank Foreman. the words of the scripture, as he said, Mike Loughran. For tine clothing, boots, shoes, G Messrs. A. Frank Dyer and K LOO It MANAGERS. "Seek and thou shall find." On arand gents' furnishing goods. Jien I). Norrell, of the local ''unterrified.' Luce, Main St., Eureka, No. NX). Jerry Murphy. riving at thecamp we were introduced Johnny Mollard. a visit to Eureka yesterday. Pearl Lawson. to Mr. J. H. Morton, chief engineer, Maggie Loughran, Mrs. Ed. Smith gave an ice cream paid Li.zie Giblin, Albert Cox. is John whom uililin we found to be a very agreeable making prepara party to a number of friends last It EC E l'T H I N COM MI TTE K. Monday. An enjoyable time was had. tions to have the interior of his saloon and pleasinit gentleman to meet. Mr. Vinnie Mangum. Maggie Sullivan, and otherwise im Morton very freely gave us any infor Lizzie Kohl. Dannie Sullivan, "For Rent" and "For Sale" signs, papered, painted mation desired, and brought forth d in large black proved. Mary Fullenbach. printed on Maggie Lawson, A scientific paper on electricity numerous profiles of the road, show Josie Holland. letters, for sale at The Minkk office. Francis Fullenbach. Carlos Mangum, Street Supervisor Dutton has had by one who was struck by Jersey ing the route and construction of the Ed. Duggan, Johanna Mulligan! a force of men at work all this week iigntning several times, will appear road from Goshen to Eureka. In Mike Hanley, who has tended bar on Main street. He is doing a good in our next issue. looking over these we found that from s to in the Cosmopolitan saloon so long, work. Col. T. V. Murray came in from the interception of the Flowers and trimmings for ladies Salt Lake Tuesday and took a run out Eureka there will be four tunnels. left last Sunday for his old home in 1800 feet, and four loops, Wisconsin. He will stop on his way A large line of sun hats and other to the North Eureka property, in the lggregating and that in this distance the road at O'Neal City, Neb., and will probis of Luce'i he stock which interested lien. at I). largely millinery goods will twice cross itself. At the mouth ably visit at the Calumet and llecla Main street, No. 400. The Territorial Reform School of Homansville pass the road makes a mines in Michigan where he formerly The lady who lost her watch last building at Ogden burned Wednesday circle, crossing the mouth of worked. complete week has not been successful as yet in Loss, $40,000. The board of trustees at a height of some 60 or the canyon Among the arrivals to thecamp finding it. The finder will confer a met and determined to rebuild at 0 feet, and then DEALER IN swinging entirely this week and registered at the Eureonce. favor by leaving at this office. around and passing under the bridge ka Hotel were: C. G. Matthews. L. G. Mr. I rank Merrill, an accom enroute down the John MeChrystal lias now pur canyon. Twice liurton, A.G. Norrell. Frank H. Dyer, chased the line Diamond S Baking plished organist of Salt Lake, was in does this occur in a distance of three T. P. J. Riandly and Ike Powder. It is sold for its purity and the town last Saturday. In the even miles. Taken as a whole, for fine Woolf, Murray, Salt Lake, and Loraine Ashing he played several tine selections at scenery and expert engineering, this man, Nephi. strength. All miners use it. A number of Leadville miners arCall at the Mixku office and see the concert. piece of road will only be excelled by The Liberal committee of Juab that of the Denver & Rio Grande rived in Eureka Sunday last. the finest line of ball programs and invitations ever shown in Eureka. county will hold a meeting next through the famous Royal Gorge and Ice Cream! We make a specialty of this class of week to set the date for the Mr. Morton county over Marstialls J'ass. work. at Mrs. Cole's resiEvery Sunday, make convention to the nominations stated that grading would commence dence. Made from pure cream. On Monday last Mrs. C. C. Higgins for the next the early part of next week at differ August election. returned home from a visit of several Milk Shake! Milk Shake!! Our local Aquarius recently ap ent points along the line. He and his weeks to her friends in Missouri, in And all kinds of Cold Summer as a matador on the divide and ussistants will be in this vicinity for peared Drinks, at the Eureka Fruit Store, consequence, of which Speck wears an came out victorious, having van from three to four weeks. opposite Shea's hall. expansive smile. RAILROAD CONTRACTS. torn. a vicious For further quished For fine biscuits, light bread, particulars see M. L. Powers. The Salt Lake Times says: The Millenery at Cost. for four tunnels on the new contract cakes, pies and pastry, use Diamond S For the next twenty (lavs I will sell Rev. J. D. Gillilan, of the Meth Baking Powder. Obtain it at John odist church, preached in Eureka last branch of the Rio Grande Western any and all of mv large stock of ladies bonnets, not ions and fancy goods McChrystal's, Eureka, and L. E. Riler Sunday evening, and will in the future between Snringville and Eureka has hats, First-Cla- ss at cost. Call early while the stock is & Co., Silver City. & to Messrs. V'eraud. been let lligbee hold services here every other Sunday. Miss J. Malcolm. complete. Miners and Hotels, to be healthful Rev. Hunter, former pastor here, left The tunnels aggregate 1800 feet. It is said that the road to Eureka will and have good bread, use the celebrat- for Ohio on Tuesday. Notice1. be completed by the first of January. ed Diamond S Baking Powder. It is The veteran prospector, Pat Mo We wish to announce to people truly pure. Sold by John McChrys-tal- , han, is feeling rather poorly these The fact that the Rio Grande Western of Eureka, that the report the in circula management has already let a number tion to the effect that the "store of J. Eureka, and L. E. Riter & Co., days. Pat has stuck to his prospects of the contracts connected with the A. Silver City. Gallagher & Co. is a Miners' Union many years and it is to be hoped that construction of the new line has in Store" and "that it is opened up for The gypsy camp east of town has he may realize from them soon and the purpose of being used to boycott a of fused business, spirit enterprise been the drawing card the last week, live long to enjoy it. other stores in Eureka," is false in ind encouragement among the worthy the and many young ladies and their fact and doubly false in nature. We Several midsummer weddings are people of that section of country. The own the store ourselves, are liable for beaux have seers and seeresses to take talked of. The Mineu is always will people of Provo, Springville and Eu- the contracts we make and no one else. EUREKA, UTAH. a look through the horoscope at coming and anxious to publish such reka are already engaging in the new We have no string attached to anyone ing events. of means we which them pull events, so, boys, do your prettiest and and in it they see a feeder into byour place of business thereby Jackson McChrystal returned get settled down before the time enterprise and outlet to a Held which has long forcing them to trade with us, only by from school in Michigan last Monday comes to stow away yoilr winter WILLIAM HATFIELD, Proprietor. needed such a line as the Rio Grande selling as good goods cheaper than and was given a hearty welcome by can be We elsewhere. they bought Western will construct. his multitude of friends. He now expect to receive the trade of Miners' The citizens of Eureka have good Union members and other citizens is a sports military moustache that reason to feel proud of the Eureka' SATTTEDAY NIGHT'S MUSICALE. only so long as we treat them right, bound to capture the girls. and sell as cheap as others engaged in brass band, as it is a credit to the Class Bar Connection. Every Particular. same business in Eureka, and no the Dr. lievan sent Major Clifton, town. Their music, which is fine, is A Successful Entertainment by Very We men believe when that longer. Sam to Thornton Frank Harris and Local Artists. appreciated by all music loving peowork for their money they have a GEO. ARTHUR RICE, L.L BAILEY, Marysvale last Saturday with a big ple. They should be encouraged in I'res. l'lrst N'at'l Bank. musical entertainment at the right to buy what they piease and The Col. First N'at'l Hank. Rico, Col. load of tools and supplies to work on every way possible. Pies. First N'at'l Bank, Ouray. Grand Junstliin, Col. where N'at'l Hank. Ouray, Col, Cashier First please. they Mormon church on Saturday evening Yours Respectfully, the "Uncle Sam," from which properThe Odd Fellows throughout the for the benefit of the Sunday school, G J. A. VLLAUIIElt it Co. ty the doctor has assays that run away CEO. ARTHUR RICE & CO,, Territory are going to have a grand under the direction of Mr. E. W, up in gold. excursion to Provo where Arthur, was a very pleasant and in Sale. "Will Homer, of the Beck blackin enjoyable time is insured at the teresting amur. lengthy program An E. flat Clarinet, inquire at the smith shop, "set them up" for the lake resort. The Miner acknowl had been prepared, and as many of photograph tent. boys in grand shape this week. lie is edges an invitation and regrets the the selections were encored, the exernow a happy benedict, and swears by inability to be cises laster till a late hour. The new present. Salt1. El'KKKA, UTAH. the gadtongs that marriage is not a choir rendered the open The Knights of the Golden Eagle A good team of horses, spring wagon failure. The Mineu congratulates, No. 1, of Drafts drawn on Eureka, have just had ing and closing numbers in a very and harness, cheap. Inouire of Ed. Transacts a General Banking Business. and offers the Irish toast that "they at the Miner office two creditable and satisfactory manner, Leppert: just east of the Catholic all of the printed nited States and Europe. Intermay live long and prosper. hundred copies of their and the vocal solos of Mrs. Grace Hender- church. est allowed on Time Deposits. Johnse Barbee, Josh Alphin and rules of order. The Miner is prepared son, the leading soprano, calling forth T. J. BLUE, Cashier. Kent. f. w. BLUE, Ass't Cashier. John Forsha, three of the to give estimates on all kinds of print- much applause, her rendition of "The two store rooms and a two-rooof the Silver Reef mining camp, ar- ing and guarantees satisfaction. Maid of Dundee" being one of the dwellinghouse. Enquireat the Bank rived at Eureka last Saturday and There is a crop of young hoodlums most excellent features of the concert. ing house of Geo. Arthur Pice will camp with the growing Tiutic The male is of ..v composed quartette Company. up in this town that should count ry. They reixirt mining matters growing be more carefully looked after by their Messrs. Dan Johns. E. Arthur, E. W. very quiet in the extreme southern NOTICE! parents or guardians. For low billings Arthur and Jos. Phillips, all fine 4 whom it may concern. on thy Pillow" and Jo voices, All part of the Territory. gave street-corne- r "Sleep and gate North Eureka stock still continues alk, the Tintic hoodlum sizes upwith in good style and with splendid effect; parties are hereby notified not to eree cause to lie erected, any structures ''The Old lirigade," a bass solo, by Jos. or to sell well on the Exchange, and the best, or rather worst of them. or buildings on the "Wolfe Tone" or 13, IS, 17 and 19 Commercial St., SALT I.AKK CITY, I'TAH. on later the a re informed Phillips, Mineu programme, "Kobert E. Lee" mining claims. Capt. Dcpre.in John C. Sullivan arrived in In Have tin? lnrgpst line of Imported and Domestic Wines. stock show a voice that in T. I). Sullivan and ing Liquors. porter Tuesday that he had recently L and ( ordials in the Thursday from a three weeks volume is seldom excelled quality country; are headquarters for l'oinmei-- Sec t litiuot. in (XX) II. amateur Milium & Co. and MoiioM,le K.vti-of to shares Eureka 3, l. disposed for Cliaiiiimune. Carl Dry Agency visit m California and reports having New oi k t ijrars, Stratton & Storm and tdiirado II. Ciato Wanted. "Key T est." parties. There are sure to be big mines enjoyed himself liughly. He says the circles. The guitar solos of Mr. Frank SOLE ACENTS dozen FOR to Half CHARLES celeMiss HEIDSIECK found out that way, and the North band was SEC. Scappatura. by try my accompanied judges very kind in meeting him at were musical treats, and prov- brated Brand "Dox Carlos,"' "ic Telephone 365. Carson, Eureka is in all probability to lie the the deiKit Mail Orders Solicited. P. O. Box 683. iixin his arrival home, al- ed that I fear no competition. llrst. gentleman a master of the in- cigars. he Eureka Fruit is He It. though Store, hardly expected strument, the popular "Mocking Iiird" Opposite Shea's Hall. l ne uguen standard says: "Capt. not married. a rerecall. Several receiving hearty Hugo Depre.in, of Eureka, Tintic, is Toilet Soaps, l,"e to 7"e a box citations of a comic nature wi re intery brick and a cake. building a nice .) to spersed through the program by local beVest stone building on Twenty-fiftpocket perfumery only 15c. my wne. raiiiue t leios. artists. The conductor, Mr. E. W. hashhkueas, left my bed and board without Lundborg's, Swintoii's, Lautier's, tween Lincoln and Wall, 4()xS0 feet, Palmer's perfumes. Arthur, deserves much credit for the cause. All parties are hereby warned with two store rooms on the lower Full lineand of toilet articles. Everything successful manner in which the pro not to trust her on my account. floor and twelve rooms on the upper. best. the IIkiikr Fields. gram was carried out. and it is pleas The Eureka Diu ii Store. Reinhardtand Dobson have the conEureka. Juab Co.. I'tah note to i that the entertainment ing June 17th. )!H. Are the Proprietors of THE tract." Titus Hillings and Lee Hopper was also a financial success. A series The Provo Enquirer says: "The went to Diamond, Wednesday, and of concerts will be given by this Notice. capgradingon the Tintic railroad bet ween were mistaken for single-blankion during the summer seaorganizat Paysou and Goshen has been contract- italists from Colorado. They report son and should prove highly mnmlar To WHOM it may conckhx: l nis is iii waniuie public tliat no ed for by Deal Brothers & Mendcnhall. several fine properties there for sale 10 i ne people oi r.ureKa. one is authorized to make contractu The prices to be paid per cubic yard on easy terms, but both being six bits for advertising or job printing or in Hen Goodman is now tilling the cur inns m our name, are as follows: Common scraping, short of having any money, they made except upon 8 cents: soft solid, (ij cents: hard solid no purchases. at wrnien am norn v signed in us. position of lmok and time-keep& K. C. F. II. liATIIIIONK. the Eureka Hill. rock, 70 cents; loose rock, 2s cents: At the rnion &we BECK MERCHANDISE. purchases of card-lMiar- GEO. H. GILL1TT, Manager. foot-hill- H. F. GEAR & CO., General Merchandise, FAHCY NOTIONS. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Etc, Fresh and Staple Groceries a Specialty. F. GAfR 8c CO., Main St., Eureka. ft. HATFIELD HOUSE. First in in Vlce-I'ri'- For a s. BANKERS. For parts by-la- For - m B. K. BLOCH & CO.. . WHOLGSALe LIQUOR AND CIGAR MERCHANTS, (ii.-ur- Y W6tl! Y6S! ic two-stor- h Noah MG6Hrystal & 60., A EAT MARKET gravel, Bicents." J. W. Fil.simmons hasstarted for the Tintic district, Utah, where he will spend the next the months in prospecting and locating claims for Aspen people. Many Aspenites are already in that now fainouscanip, and "Fit," is well able to sustain Ascn's He recently returned reputation. from a trip to Central America, where he was prospecting, but he located no claim there. Aspen (Colo.) Times. (Jeoige M. Scott & Co., on the Ktri Jnst., consummated the largest deal of its kind ever recorded In the history of the Territory, The deal involved the selling to Reynolds & Co., contractors for t he Tint lc ext ension of t he Denver & Rio Crande Western railway, of 10,000 kegs of iwiwder and 0 pounds of dynamite, every ounce of which will eventually "go up in smoke." The amount of money involved is said to be 7.i,(;(Ki-- Ti itiune. 4uo,-00- Drugstore. Instant pain cure. Choice Fresh Drugs. Fine perfumes, cosmetics. De Lis. A full line of sta tionery. Everything new and fresh. HosrwicK & Grant. ;,? D. S. Taggert has recently been appointed traveling passenger agent for the liio Grande Western, with Mr. headquarters at Salt Lake. Taggart was the aceoiiimodit ing and efllcient agent at Provo, prior to receiving this appointment, and is every way worthy of the promotion. M. C. Sullivan, of the Rrunswick, having tired of single blessedness, has taken unto himself a wife. The lady made happy Is Mrs Josie Lynch, well known in Eureka, where she resided friends. formany years and haslio-tsoThe Eureka Rrass liand tendered Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan a fine serenade Tuesday evetiingand were handsomely treated by the smiling couple. Cream . f Publishers Minkr. C. G. Matthews, deputy internal revenue collector, is again in Eureka looking after Fncle Sam's interests. He made the Minkk a pleasant call yesterday. The new store building being erected adjacent to F. liertas is proThe foundation gressing rapidly. walls are nearly completed and the brick work will commence next week. The members of the Eureka brass band will soon appear in their nobby uniforms, the suits for the boys having arrived this week. The baud was nut yesterday and played several Hue selections for the pleasure of the citi- zens. Dr. for Salt valley. ing well For Sale at a Bargain. A new two story building and large lot at Silver ( it v. I he house is 17x40 witii 4 large moms in second story. It is built of redwood, and handsomely ill tie sold at a great barceiled. gain. Apply to Adams l Sons Co., at I', r. Depot. Eureka, or to J. S. Mackintosh. Eureka. Of Eureka, and sell all kinds in theirline. Give us a call. Market just north of John McChrystal's store. EUREKA, THE Cosmopolitan Saloon, I). For Sale. A YAI.UAIILK A full claim UNIH:Vi;ol'-- : tinnx I.ViO feet, 1 I'tah. Xotice. II. II. liarron left yesterday whom it may concern: All partTo Lake and other points in t he ies are hereby nut itleil nut to erect or The Doctor has not been feel- cause In be erected, a N.V s met II res or of late ami hopes hya little buildings on the " Liitie Chief " J vs. I', Dkiscoll. recreation and a change of at Unisphere .loll V DldscOLL, to regain his good health. He will T. D. Sullivan, return in about ten das. JllllN Mooiih. C. HARRINGTON, Proprietor. Salt Lake City Brewing Co's Beer Always on Draught. M1SINII claim: joining the l!iillion-lieek-- ( 'hampion ground on the north. Title perfect. Address or call at nth; .Minkr olliee Eureka, UTAH. Glioice Liquors, Wines and Gioars. El'KEKA, Gem Restaurant, UTAH. Main Street, Eureka. First Class Board Cuarantood. Mi-al- 2oaU. Tor wwk. ?. MINMK I.AV ( ., Vr,t-- . |