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Show Cite (Cinttc tttncv are given to him by such location vest in him at once, and even the person locating such absentee cannot, withI'KIOE OF Sl'BSC'KIPTION'.-I- X ADVANCE out authority, take down the name of .KlOft One your such absentee and insert another, even Six InniltllM 'i'liri-iif he do it before the alent locator 1 0 months If not paid in advance: Ou yeur, $4.00; has knowledge of the fact that he has six niomli. .-; tiirte iiioiiths. Il.j0. been located. "o express authority is requisite for a person to locate an Entered Ht the at Eureka, I'tuh. absent party. " for through tlie tuail a 1 .'- INist-offl- re mutter. PUBLISHING Published every Friday imriiliiK liy C. F.&E. H.RATHBONE. Eureka, Utah, Friday, Juno 26, 1891. SILVER IN EUROPE. It with pleasure that the Western people read the reports of silver agitation in European countries, anil observe the interest taken in this question by Europe's most widely known financiers. There is a general shaken-irigupthe dry bones of the gold bugs in consequence, and they are driven to the most perplexing extremities to counteract the influence of the agitation of this now most important question. It is becoming more and more apparent each day that there is not a sufficient amount of money to tran sact the business of the world on the basis it should be done on, cash, so is the fact that there is not, nor is there any likelihood of gold becoming plentiful enough to supply the in creasing demands. With this fact be coming recognized silver at once be gins to climb upward. With all the talk by the advocates of a gold standard that silver can never be anything but a "commodity" in a financial point of view, when there is a short ness of gold they all turn back and look upon silver as the only metal with which to relieve the depression. The English financiers are becoming alarmed at the scarcity of gold, and silver is being talked of to supply the demands of trade! Germany, too, is not adverse to having silver added to her volume of currency, as also is Austria, Portugal and many ot her European countries. The amount of gold produced today Is nowhere near sullieient to supply the demands of these countries, and they are compelled to seek other metals to take its place in the avenues of trade, and silver is at once recognized as the most available. With this being the fact, is there any question but what in a very short time silver will be on a a parity with gold as a cireidating medium the world over? It is hound to come, and is only a quest ion of a verv short time. is MINING NEWS. Mining is the great industry of this section of Utah ; without the mines we would practically be bankrupt. Therefore, the Mixkb differs with those who think the paper contains too much mining news or is too prolix and persistent on the merits of the silver question. Too much cannot be said about the mines. We are aware that many exaggerated statements are made about mines, which may lead those who investigate to believe that most of the statements are false, but the facts do not support such a conclusion. Newspaper reports are rarely inaccurate where a representative of a journal speaks from personal knowledge. The aim of the press is to give news and not to perveit facts. There would be little capital invested in our mines If newspapers had kept their wonderful wealth away from the knowledge of the world. Few mines can be developed or successfully worked without the aid of capital, and those who have money to invest in such enterprises are generally on the alert for an opening for investmenthence they care"ully scan the columns of the local mining papers for the purpose of learning of new strikes. To those who have mines or good prospects the Miner would say: Give all the information you can in regard to them, but tell the truth, and the Misicit is ready to publish your story, so that in a very short time it will catch the eye and invite the attention of every mining man in the country. INCORPORATION. The questi tn of whether or not it is time for the residents of Eureka to incorporate the town and thereby secure the benefits and privileges of a local government, as provided by law, should at once receive the serious consideration of every property holder who is interested in the welfare of himself, his family, or the district generally. The Minek can see no valid reason why the sentiment of in corporation should not prevail; and, certainly, as every resident can testify, there are numerous reasons to commend the move to popular favor. Without mincing words, it may be said that the streets and alleys in our town are in a disgraceful and most unhealthful condition, and that this very disagreeable state of affairs will necessarily exist until some regulations other than thoie from Xephi can be presented by local authorities who will have full control of the city and the power requisite to enforce sanitary measures. The great need of an organized fire department, and the reductidn of the present high rates of insurance, entitles the matter to the immediate consideration of every business man. In an interview with Mr. George Arthur Rice, the other dav, that gentleman, who is thoroughly posted on the outside feeling toward us, gave as hisopinion that the greatest drawback to the pro: perity of Eureka and its advance ment In connection with the commercial world, that the town was not yet incorporated. It is that life and property will be better protected and under more watchful care by organizing municipal government than under the present county system. There can be no argument on the question of taxes the difference will be that the taxes paid by Eureka will be largely expended for the benefit of Eureka. That is the policy the MiXEit believes in, no matter whether our Xephi friends like it or not. Let us incorporate. extremely anxious to enter the arena with some distinguished advocate of the gold standard. Senator Stewart is probably the lest known and most distinguished advocate in favor of the free coinage of silver in the United States. He desires that the arena for discussion of this great question shall be New York, and that his opponent shall be a leading financier. Almost ever since the adjournment of Congress, Senator Stewart has spent his time In New York. He has bearded the lion in his den, as it were, and has entered the counting rooms of this great financial centre and discussed the silver question with ourmonomet-alists- . He has told them that free coinage is bound to come, and that they may as well make up their minds to it. He claims that if the people were familiar with the subject the great majority of them would hold views similiar to those prevailing in the south and west. He declares that the newspapers of the east have refused to recognize the importance of this great subject, which he claims to be the foremost public question now before the people of this country, and one that will determine the result of the next presidential election. It is generally conceded the silver ques tion will lie the most important ducing many to invest and thus identify themselves with us to their own benefit and the advantage of the disThe mining men of Utah trict. should extend the Stock Exchange a cordial support. It Don't Read This! encouraging news that the of mining properties in the vicinity of Old Diamond are taking out plenty of good ore and making lit tle "stakes" for themselves by their faith and persistent efforts. Nothing Is Unless you are Looking for Bargains. lessees :- McCHRYSTAL, -: 03 o o The "Wjiolksale and Retail E H DEALER IN Ui h trict. Park- - O is all camp, o The Salt Lake Herald calls City Utah's "great" camp, which JOHN o 2 pleases the Miner better than to re port that all parts of the district are in bonanza and adding to the already great fame of theTintic Mining Dis 0 right. Park City is a great Utah is a great Territory, great mines, farms, lakes, valleys, scenery and everything that makes life en joyable, and while Park City is Utah": "great" camp, Eureka is Utah": "greatest," the Nonpareil. V) X Dfsdrus to call your attention tu the.fuet that his m CO ; Q O O O One - of the best statisticians of the country gives the opinion that "judg- cc ing from the present outlook, Europe at large will have presented to her, and that before Christmas, the alter or bankruptcy. one that will receive the con native of bimetallism is a question of silver or bankruptcy It sideration of the next Congress. The and silver must win. opinion has been advanced that at s least of the lower house of The Aspen (Col.) Times correctly Congress will vote for a bill authoriz- remarks : It is more a question of ing the free and unlimited coinage of than politics to put silver patriotism silver. It is also claimed there is a where it justly belongs. decided majority in the Senate in favor of this measure, so that such a Bring your forfeiture notices to bill will undoubtedly pass Congress. the Miner office for publication. That the President will veto the bill, should it reach his hands, seems to be Sealed Proposals. taken for granted by both opponents Ih hereby Riven tliat sealed propos and supporters of it. In the house an alsNotice tor the uuimingor asciuioi house in Mam(School District No. Hi.) will be receivet effort would then be made to pass it moth nv the Trustees at Mammoth until Julv 211th, over the executive veto. Senator Ste ISiH. Plans and specifications can be seen at Postortice in Mammoth. The Hoard of wart believes that when the time the 1 riiHtees reserves the riht to reject any and ti. niTVHBi.u comes it will be shown that the senate an mas. j. 1(4)1. Clerk Mammoth, Utah, June hi, will pass the bill in the face of the veto. In a few days Stewart will Forfeiture Notice. write an article for the Evening TeleTo William your lioirs or assigns gram on the silver question for the You are herebyRoley, notified that we have expendin ed and labor the Hum of one hint money purpose of provoking a discussion with dred dollars $HX)i as assessment work on the some "gold bug." If the article be Stewart Spring Water I'hitm, situate in the iiistrict-nine Juan mining county, answered the sage brush Senator will Territory, for the year mi that heme Man tii required lv law. Your Drouortioa reply and the discussion will be kept amount of such expenditure upon said claim amounts to thirty-thre- e and dollars (fciit.ra1) up until the gold man is floored. " Q I one-thi- and unless the same, together with the eosu of advertising, is paid to the undersigned within ninety days from the expiration of this notice, your interest in said claim will mu'onie forfeited to us. in accordance witu the provisionsof Section 2C4 lie vised St at uten of the United States. m SPRING STOCK HAS ARRIVED! CO And ttiat his assortment is larger and more complete tliun heretofore, by all otitis. Amonj the late arrivals in our Iry (iootls Department may be found elegant CASSIMERES, HENRIETTAS, TURNER DRESS GOODS, LINSEYS, BRILUANTINE, PENELOPES, . SERGES, BR0ADCL0TH. P0NGESE, PERSIAN MULL, CLOTH, WASH SURAH, CH ALLIES, CAUC0 AND GINGHAMS LLAMA LACE CURTAINS AND SCRIMS Fin- - est line ever shown in Eureka. Fine Line of Dress Trimming's, two-tbird- o Tensils and Plain Gimp. FUNNELS, Plain and Fancy. OUT DOOR SUITINGS, RIBBONS, CORD and TASSEL. pjlDT UVO and Fixtures, New and Tasty. New Styles and Patterns in Ui CC OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Is Again Complete, Q With Stylish Suits, from Latest Patterns. Hats and Caps, New Styles and Superb. CC In X B00tS and Shoes Large and Elegant Assortment. we carry a We have Large Stocks of cc D H 2 CC When you need GROC CRES l New York, June 21. Senator Stewart has had published the first of his call and see us. Our stoek is Large and Fresh. series of articles on which groEverything weusually found in a William Hatfield, store, cery carry. he invites discussion. Here is a por First pub. June 19, '91. J. W. Wilson. tion of the first installment: "The Forfeiture Notice. Lowest Prices I Best Quality of Goods. demand for the restoration of silver is To Thomas McDonald, votir heirs or Asshnis becoming imperative. This ought to Yon are hereby notified that I haveexpended and lalH)r the sum of one hundred be satisfactory to the advocates of In moneyiIkkii each as assessment work upon dollars for that purpose. It would the T. J. and U. S. mlninj; claims, situate is legislation THE WESTERN MINER. Tintie District. .Tmib conntv. Utah Mining be more satisfactory, however, if the Territory, for the year Imki. that, Ikmiir the amount required by law. Your proportion of be gold side of the question could In the usual Comstock letter to the much expenditure, upon ;m teet in each .claim, to fifty dollars itTM. each, and The silver men amounts fairly presented. Salt Lake Sunday Tribune, the writer. the suae, together with the costs (if was dishonest tfijlemon unless d and an Do Quille, pays a charge that it advertising, is paid toi tne within ninety days iroiu nie eApii iimm t'l i iiis hoi ice, your ill' etize silver and deprive the debtor of terest merited tribute of admiration to the in each of said claims will become for, H; to me. in accordance with the urovisin felted or to the silver either gold pay brave and hardy miners of the West right ions of Section 2i4 Kevised Statutes of the according to the contract. They deny I nited states. Gk.oikjk Navi.ok, It is so truthful and vivid a descripKlrst pub. May 1.1, '01, there is gold enough in the United tion that the Minek takes pleasure in assert as States that money. Do Dan They it. Quille Says reproducing Notice of Forfeiture. ' 1'eople in the the gold standard means contraction g East, in To a falling in prices, stagnation in busi Michael Bennett or your heirs, assigns parts of the Union, will probably won : : and legal representatives: ness and hard times. They assert You are hereby notified that we. the under- tier that men can be found who arc nave expended roryou.VM.Vtforyov that the value of money is governed signea, willing to work in a place where in labor and improvements upon the St. LawOres sampled in the most careful manner and sold on by the law of supply and demand, and rence Lode mining claim, ami also expended danger that means almost Instant for you Ktt.XtS in labor and improvement an intrinsic value upon the Aspen lode mining claim. Tlies the public market if desired. that nothing has The works are using the death is hanging over them day aftc in Tintie minim: district. Juab and that gold is no exception. They c minis are (lav. There is not the least trouble in county. Utah Territory. n order Ut hold said most improved and modern machinery, and are managed assert that whatever substitutes for premises under tlte provisionsof Sect ion lliuling men to work in such places u. K. of the t inted Mates, being nrn by a thoroughly reliable and competent superintendent. money and credit devices may be in- portion of the amount ran it red toyour Their business is mining, and they hold Your, patronage is respectfully solicited. Kates furnand if within ninety for the year vented that the same proportion must same after take a certain amount of pride in be the expiration of the service of days ished such this notice fail or refuse between exist the of by you by the superintendent at mill, or at main office rooms lie publication, do to able aggregate to ing anything required w conmoute tne aoove mentioned amount, 32 and 33 Gladstone Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. and substitutes and devices volume the as done about or in a mine. In the West your Interest in said claims will necomeme property 01 tlie suuscriottrs, un of standard money, and that the gold der is a body of men many among whom 'i.'.Hi, said Section GEO. coin in the commercial world is in Dated this 1st day of May. 101. RICE, have been mining twenty to thirty Kkank iilTKTER. sufficient to sustain the fabric of Henry Hildkrbkanp, years: ot iters ten to fifteen years and M. Utah. credit which now exists. They deny & CO,, so on down to the new recruits, the business of the commercial world Among these men exists a certain is on a good basis, but has expanded DENVER fi RIO GRANDE esprit tie corps. This influences even on credit sustained by the belief that the raw recruits, for they attentively there was gold coin enough for im listen to the talk of the veterans and KAILKOAP. mediate redemption. So long as such soon become versed in the traditions OFFICE AND STORE FITTINGS A SPECIALTY. erroneous belief existed, confidence SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD of the lode. They hear dangers of was maintained and credit and busieverv kind discussed and hear what The Favorite Koute to ness expanded. Recent events have Plans and specifications furnished for those we build fnr was'done by brave men on this occasion redisclosed fact the the that and that and insensibly they Imbibe gold only. Our work guaranteed in all cases. Aspen, Lcadville, serves of the commercial world are in- Clemvood, the courage which always supports the Office and shops on Main street, opposits adequate; confidence is shaken; new heart of every true miner. THE LESSON OF IT. .McChrystal's Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, enterprises cannot be undertaken; Miners, like soldiers, go wherever Utah. warehouse, Eureka, is established business curtailed. in being The demonetization of silver by the duty calls them. The great trouble And all Points East anil Sonth, t ime of fire in a mine, bad air, caving act of 1873 is justly denounced as be The. genius of each business man is ground, or a.iy other great danger, is ing the most cruel and suicidal blow employed not in production, but in TRAINS DAILY to hold back men who wish to push to American labor and American in schemes to save himself from bank- TWO forward at the risk of their lives. The dustries that has ever been inflicted. ruptcy. The remedy proposed by the superintendent or other officer never From that time the business man, the silver men is the restoration of silver Elegant Pullman and Tourists Sleep AND has any difficulty in finding men ready farmer, and laborer, has felt and suff to the place k occupied as money beers on znvn i nun. to push forward and risk their lives ered from its deprefsing Influence. fore It was excluded from the mints in anything necessary to be done in the The products of the farm have fluctu of the civilized world. They contend For full information call on or ad time of mining disaster: his only diffi ated with the price of silver, and kept such restoration would add to the dress W. J. SHOT WELL. for volume of actual or redempmoney men tiacK in even tne is all its with it (luring pace culty homing period Agent, 58 W. 2nd South. on a credits safe anxious to rush ahead to plunge at of degradation. In the meantime we tion, place existing J. T. SMITH. A. S. HUGHES. 9 once into the very heart of the danger. have paid tribute to the money loan-er- s basis, restore confidence and add to General Mgr. Tralllc Mgr. current of the for the A superintendent or other officer in money supply DEALERS IN and wealthy speculatorsof Europe, S. K. HOOPER, G. P. and T. A., charge of a great mine needs to have who have been reaping a profit propor- time at least sufficient to prevent con Colo. Denver, the coolness of a general on the Held tionate to the severe losses we have traction. If the gold men believe of battle. It will not do for him to sustained. This condition of affairs there is sufficient gold coin to sustain lose his bead. He must be able to has dragged business men down into credit and supply the legitimate deUIO JIUi think quickly and to the purpose. He the vortex of financial ruin and des mand for money, it would be a great OF ALL K1NPS GRANDE must not permit men to rush to cer pair. The Aspen (Colo.) Times, one benefaction if they could give satis WESTERN WESTEHN for reasons such belief. tain destruction: and before sending of the brightest advocates of the sil- factory If, RAILWAY. them into any danger he must feel ver interest, declares "it lias made the on the contrary, they estimate the quite sure that barring unforeseen Industrious workman an itinerant supply of gold coin is insufficient, the THE 1IK0AD GAUGE LINE accidents they will be able to aecom tramp, cheated the farmer out of a advocates of silver would like to know VOll ALL POINTS. KA8T. a nf plish their work and return alive. He just return for hislabor, and unsettled if they have any remedy to propose. will not send men where he will not the business interestsof the country." If so, what. The proof that there is The patrons of im line, in adPathimself go, nor must he permit volun The assertion is ttx true, and it has gold enough or that a better remedy dition to liein? Metal Flv given the advantteers to rush into such places. In our been a bitter experience and sad les for lack of gold than the demonetizaand low rates, will fit of time quick age Call mines an officer always accompanies son that ought to arouse the better tion of silver exists, would furnish furnished are reiliniiifr elegant some reason against the restoration of every squad of men sent on a danger- element of the nation to the strongest ous mission -- "forlorn hope' and his effort to bring aliout a condition of silver. We invitetheattention of the chair cars, Fbek of C'hakge. These ears run through Lead-villto principal business is to hold hack and prosperity again by restoring silver to gold men to the foregoing suggest ions. is Colorado is Prove that there l'uehlo, his and by men.'' gold Springs as its guard enough, place money. The miner would and Denver, without change, and Dutynot be benefitted any more than any the discussion ends." direct connection for all points class. The other of restoration silver RIGHTS OF ABSENT LOCATORS. bvild Tn would be the financial redemption of The Salt Lake Stork Exchange is east are made in Union Depots, of will The question of a valid location and the whole country. doing a good work in the way of adver- thus avoiding any transfer. ot oy ttie rights of the prospector and those tising the mineral resources of Utah If you are contemplating a trip whom he may "locate." in with him, and Inducing the investment of cap- to California or SENATOR STEWART'S WORK. any point east, nnd have been definitely settled by the All ital in the Territory. The result of are filled own interests, posconsulting your Senator Is Imof Stewart, Nevada, Supreme Court of Arizona, the Its lalxirs are already seen in this diswill this over travel line. you portant part of the decision referring worthy the praise and thanks of all trict, some very promising properties l'artie.s traveling from the Tin-Kito absent locators reading as follows: silver advocates. He Is carrying the being developed by the proceeds of tie "When It cat ion of a mining claim Is war into Africa and becoming a terror stock sold country can reach the for working purposes. The made for absent locator, whether with to the gold bugs, as wit ness the follow Stock Western ut l'rovo. A.l- (irande serves to atcall Exchange the or without authority, or with or withng dispatch from New York: "Sena tention of all dress J. II. Hknnktt, men to the gieat out his knowledge, whatever rights tor William M. Stewart, of Nevada Is Tintie districtmining U. P. (i. 1 A., Salt Lake Citv and Is the means of in- well-earne- pro-silv- er first-cla- ss m John MeChrystal, JOHN McCHRYSTAL, Manager. . Rice's Tintie Sampling Works! UTAH. TINTIO, 1 i ARTHUR self-ev'de- Proprietor. WETHEltELL Contractors and Builders ADAMS & SONS CO. FIRLT-CLAL- EUREKA NEPHI. junta' un Lumber and Building Material Builders' Hardware, Nails, Etc. e, We have iust received rnnslirnmpnt Wire Screen Doors, and the Celebrated ent Frame Window Screens, whirh and see them any size window. before placing your orders. We wish to call especicl attention the act that our yard far the closest nnd most convenientto the Fish Sorines and way districts. Parties who exoect to either these places benefit themselves ouying us. bills promptly sible Prices. at the Lowett o ADAMS & SGi!S CO. Eureka yard at depot. |