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Show mxc intic lttmcx lureka, Utah, Priday, June 1TC1 3. Grading to Commence ImmeCounty court met on the 15th. diately, and to be Location notices for sale at this office. whom they looked as a pillar of strength and comfort. May his mem ory and the spirit of his noble and Mod oiialitics remain with them. Kkmii.vkd, That bvhis removal the Older ba- - lost an energetic and faith ful member who had endeared himself in all who knew him by his many good uai dies and friendly disposition, and .vliose active interest in the affairs of iiie Order will be held in deep remem- l!y Mr. 1'iank s ' i,M Tl; I'i'l M .rs. l.an. .Inline, E. Arthur. K. . Ar and Jos. i'liillirjs. 5. Coiuio Son: By J.avid II.iil.-r-.-;n- . 4. 19, 1891. Guitar pat urn. 6. MalpQuarti-ttc- Recitation: : Ky John icon. I'rv.-- 7. Sons: "My Western Hi. mi." Grace Henderson. K. Sons: "The Village E. W. Aj liy tlmr. DIF I it ever dawn upon your mind that that is a very truthful saying that "A penny saved is a penny earn- ed?" and if it has, did you ever a attempt of the maxim? demonstration What practical would you do if you knew how you could save a few dollars just as well as not? You would save them, of course. What would do if you thought you could save a few dollars? You would try it, of course. What can we sav to make you think we can save some money for you on all the goods purchased of us. We know it, and after one trial you will know it, too. If you think we might save some money for you, come and see us, and then you will it. Our trade is rapidly incres-inand the inducement we hold is simnlv Bottom Prices for High Grade goods. We purchase direct from first hands in car load lots, thus getting our goods at the very minimum of cost and freight, and the benefit of these close prices we give to aur patrons. 0. Oran Solo. By Frank Eureka is sura enough going to COMPLETED BY NOV. 15. PART II. malice. celebrate this year. 1. Holo and Chorus: By Kiel and i;ioi.vi:D. That a copy of these arid Clioir. C. F. Rathbone attorney at law. be printed in the Tintic 2. Son'.'. Mrs. Lizzie Ciili By be to Between Said in The Terminus the Mjnkk. (Mice Mine!!, and that a copy be presented -:i. Tlie Bank '.me. ! i he Suita-able parents and relatives Provo and Springville, at a Andruw Millward. Anhau.ser I'.cer always on draught, of the deceased, and that our charter 4. Sons.':. "The Old Brigade. Point for a Smelter. at the iSiLVKit Iioli.ak saloon. Mr, Joseph he in draped mourning for a period of Phillips. W. C. Scheu was up to Salt Lake From information given by a gentle 5. Guitar Sulo: Bird.' Frank thirty days. Pat J. Lally, man just over from Springville, the Scappatura. from Monday until Wednesday. 6. Quartette: rh I.ir.i.-'Conn' Win-rJoiix t. Harrington', anmake to is the Mixkk M .Mis. Bloom." gratified Grace Itriiipr your forfeiture notices to Mary Ed. Divine. nouncement that the contract for the J. Keaton. E. W. Arthur. . I'iiiiiithe MiKKit'ottiee fur imblical ion. on Besolutions. Committee 7. Recitation. Ity Miss. Asrirk- GillUpie. grading of the Tintic Range Kailroad Read the Mixeh, the only K. Weli-Air: "Gwefiiih Gwyn." Guii let and tb . work of accompaniment by Frank Scappat Charter Members of the K. of 0. E. print newspaper in J uub county. has already been 0. Medley Quartette. By the Choir. is to begin immediately, constuction The following is a list of the charter Salt Hudson Smith, a g, teams and supplies with the nec members on the roster of the new Lake gentleman, is 'doing'' the dis- the Died. scapers oeing now on uiegrouim essary of the Knights of the Golden lodge trict, On Tuesday. June near Springville. The contract for Vom Uai-1S9I, at about 4 o'clock a. m. Adulph Eagle organized in Eureka lastnionth silver watch. the entire Los'; -- an o forty-twmiles of road has Vom Baur, aged 54 years, of acute The charter membership roll closed Finder will please leave at this been secured by Reynolds & Co., of last Tuesday night: pneumonia. office. The deceased was the t ime and book S. I). Biillington, Springville, and calls for its compleM. C. Sullivan, Xorman McLeod tion L. S. Allcock, by November 15th, of the present keeper at the Eureka Hill and KeyAnlelo Castcllini, are in Salt Lake City vear. This means work and lots of it. stone mines and was around and S. Jacob-soattending Hanks, this week. The road will start between Provo to his duties as late as Monday. The (.'has. Jl. O. Daly, Eureka-Hilon was a l The .1. M. and Springville, at point where there attack of pneumonia, which resulted pay day Hart, Peter Carney, Monday and the town was lively in is a suitable location for a smelter, it fatally, came on suddenly and before T. F. Jeffery, HYDE & BECK. GEO. II. GILLITT, Manager. consequence. being understood that a large St. anyone hardly knew he was sick the Max Friede'rsdorff, All kinds of dry goods, piece goods Louis smelting company has under intelligence was received of his death. Richard Johns, . and ladies wear at Ben Frank E. Bostwick, Luce's, consideration the erection of a large He was buried Wednesday in the EuWilliam Hatfield. Main street, TSo. 400. plant to reduce the ores of Tintic dis- reka cemetery, Iicv. Hunterolliciating -- Send the Miner to your friends. Barbery, Programmes, wedding invitations trict just as soon as cheap transporta- at the grave where a large concourse I). W. Smith, Advertising in the Miner brings John and announcements, elegant and new railroad. of friends assembled to perform the a sure reward. The Mixkk circulates tion is afforded by the E. I. at the Miner office. Forester, ast sad rites for mortal man. De H. If. Barron, among the people. Brackets and Scroll Work cheap, M. Robinson, of the legal Arm ceased was born in W. W. T. Furgason, Germany where MAX FRIEDEESDOEFF, J. F. Ilerr. the painter, has greatOF ALL KINDS Frank Zamboni, of Bennett, Marshall & Bradley, Salt his relatives still live. A floral Dealer In large ly improved the appearance of the Peter Andrews, TO OKJPGK Lake, was in Eureka this week look- cross which was taken charge of bv Noah W. California Lochwitz building this week. and Utah Fruits, McChrystal, And on Short Notice. after his interests in North Tintic. Dr. Kiausch, will be sent hy him to John Burns, Confectionery and Notions. JAMES El'STICE, Carpenter and Builder. For line clothing, boots, shoes, ing B. A. Goodman, M. Lochwitz, of Salt Lake, interrelatives in Germany. and gents' furnishing goods. Hen D. Fine Cigars a Specialty. Geo. Gillespie, ested in business property in Eureka, Luce, Main St., Eureka, Xo. 400. One door east of McMnrphy's saloon. S. J. Connors, was a not There man, woman or Mr. J. T. Harrington, recording secre- was in the camp this week. child in this community who did not John Brown, busiinto and will locate go Lochwitz was of feel Eureka Miners' the at sudden Union, the demise of G. W. Grant, tary regret John Collins. Mr. Vom Baur, the time keener at the MAMMOTH, UTAH, up to Salt Lake the first of the week. ness here next spring. Eureka Hill mine. The departure of Thomas Hodge, of Salt Mr. Frank Lake, Merrill, Judge Pclos Lombard left Sunday this courteous gentleman, was, to J. F. Ilerr, - Proprietor. for Salt Lake, and from there went to an accomplished organist, will assist many, like the loss of a near and dear C. II. Cody, Arthur Hanks. all He at relative. in the Musical word Entertainment in was, that the the SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. Nephi to attend a meeting of the Mormon clinch tomorrow night. See implies, a gentleman. His death is a county court. loss to He the lived with Excellent Accommodations for the community. in this issue. Notice. The Favorite Route to Flowers and trimmings for ladies. programme elsewhere guile towards none, and so he died. A Traveling Public. Tables supof to L. conscientious desire We wish Rev. the to to announce the with best A large line of sun hats and other Scanlan, the Bishop discharge the plied Right people Glenwood, duties of his oilice kept him at his or Liiiicka, that the report in circulaAspen, Leadville, market affords. millinery goods at Ben. I). Luce's, Salt Lake, has been in Eureka a desk when he should have been at rest. tion to the effect that the "store of J. this week, the guest of Mr. Pat Main street, No. 400. The deceased was a native of Is'ied- - A. Gallagher & Co. is,a Miners' Union RATES REASONABLE. Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Shea. The project of establishing a dringhansen, Ilhenish, Prussia. Prior Store'' and "that it is opened up for "Propeller" Davis, the school under Catholic auspices will be to his coming to America he had been the purpose of being used to boycott Opened Thursday, May 7th, 1891. And all Points East and Sonth. real estate, excursion and newspaper engaged in mercantile pursuits with the other stores in Eureka," is false in successfully carried out. his father in the old country. He has fact and doubly false in nature. We hustler, of Trovo, is paying Eureka a J. B. Mitchell, clerk of the Mam- been a resident of the west since own the store ourselves, are liable for brief visit this week. TWO TRAINS DAILY. school district, made the Miner and was in the freighting business at the contracts we make and noone else. moth Mrs. Deprezin and Miss Mary Corinne was when We have no that the attached place to point any Sec notice string a pleasant call yesterday. of departure for Montana bound mer- one by means of which we pull them came up from Eureka Thursday in another column of the receiving of chandise. into our place of business thereby You can do so by BiiYiiur Elegant Pullman and Tourists Sleepand stopped at the White. The lada of for the sealed proposals building ers on Each Train. Subsequently he came to Tintic and forcing them to trade with us, only by ies went to Ogden Friday morning. was a tor time at the selling as good goods cheaper than school house at Mammoth. your Ice during the hot Bullion-Bec- k Times. mine. He also conduct they can be bought elsewhere. We weather of the Charlie Staley, who worked sev ed a school in Eureka and later tilled expect to receive the trade of Miners' For full information call on or ad-The Cosmopolitan saloon has reeral vears on the Blue Rock, and Tom a position as clerk with Cant. John Union members, and other citizens dress J. SIIOTWELL, cently undergone extensive improveThe deceased was 54 only so long as we treat them right, Agent, 58 W. 2nd South. Haskins, owner of the Tennessee Re McChrystal. of ment, such as papering, ceiling, etc., bel sell as as and age. others engaged in cheap and other prospects in Mammoth years G. T. SMHTI, A. S. HUGHES, As an evidence of the universal es tne same tnismess in juureica, ana no and is now one of the most attractive General Traffic Mgr. are working in the Bright teem in which he was held, the, lit- longer. We Mgr. Hollow, men believe that when in the city. Leave orders at Noah Mc-Diamond mine in Ouray, Colorado. tle children came to see bis remains, work for their money they have a S. K. HOOPER, G. P. and T. A., M. M. Kellogg, one of Trovo's Co's meat market. for he was in death as he had been in right to buy wdiat they please and Chrystal The boys report the camp over-ru- n Denver, Colo. leading attornevs was in Eureka and with idle men and Haskins says it is life, their friend. They brought wit li wnere they please. flowers them and their Yours tears, Respectfully, Tintic a couple of days this week, lie as good a camp as Eureka for idle men heartfelt- tributes to the worth simple of Mr. J. A. Gallagher & Co. made the Mixeh office a pleasant call to Vom Baur. keep away from. The deceased had been for a long Wednesday. Tor Sale. time in the service of Capt. John Milk Shake! Milk Shake!! Sleeper & Ilinmanare selling their of the An E. flat Clarinet, inquire at the McChyrstal, superintendent Summer Cold of kinds all And stock of notions, confectionery, etc., Hill mine, and was esteemed tent. the Eureka Fruit Store, Eureka out at cost. Mr. Sleeper intends re Drinks, at alike by employer and employees. The pitoiograpn HEALER IN Shea's hall. opposite lloral offerings were numerous and turning to Colorado, while Mr. Hin-ma- n Sale. For tasteful. Among the many touching will go from Eureka to Califor MINERS' UNION BALL. tributes, Capt. George T. Bridges, an A good team of horses, spring wagon nia. e friend of the war davs of the and harness, cheap. Inquire of Ed. The cqrd of the liio Grande West' The Most Pleasant Affair of the Kind (id's, contributed an American Hag in Leppert; just cast of the Catholic miniature wreathed in wild Mowers. church. ern Hailroud will be found in this is Mrs. Jas. Bacon presented a rare geraEver Given in Eureka. sue. The recent of the nium. Mrs. and Miss Anna McChrvs- was June 12th, Last For Rent. Friday evening, tal sent boquets of fuchias, geraniums line with its elegant appointments Miners' Union of the Eureka date the roses. Two rooms and a two-rooand store Martin a Floyd presented make this a favorite route with all Ball, and the affair came off according beautiful collection of mountain dwelling house. Enquire at the Banktravelers. The committees (lowers. Mrs. Mills brought a lovely ing house of Geo. Arthur Rice to arrangements. of flowers. Miss Grace it Company. Kev. J. V. liillilan, the in charge had been hard at work for spray nun wild awreatn or exquisite design pastor of Eureka, will preach several clays prior and had everything Jims upon the casket. John II. and Noiri In the school house next Saturday and Wanted. in shape for a grand time long before McChrystal brought a cross of whi 8 o'clock p. m. of dozen and lilies the. Half .s. Sunday evenings at valley. to festivities the for judges to try my cele arrived the hour Chas. Steinbacher contributed a brated Brand " l)ox Carlos," 5c Come and hear him and give him commence. wreath. cigars. I fear no competition. hearty "reception, lie will do you The I. O. O. F. Hall, wherein the Mr. Hunter, of the M. E. church. Eukkka Fkuit Store, good. deand Robert Gillespie, of the L. 1. S.. dance occurred, was elegantly Opposite Shea's Hall. Rev. W. A. Hunter sold his rest corated with flags, evergreens, and the poke at the grave. The uncial ser held from the oilice of Ir. dence and household funiture to Mrs svmbals of the avocation at which a vices were an Notice. intimate and long-tim- e A. Marks this week. Rev. Hunter majority of the male dancers work-pic- ks, Kiausch, friend of the deceased, and the following-nFirst-Cla- ss wife, Fannie Fields, Wjikiikas, my and family will start for their former shovels, drills, hammers and amed acted as Capt. has left my bed and board without , Hugo Depri.en, Mr. .las. Bacon, Mr. cause. All parties are hereby warned Ohio home next Tucsdav. After vis scrapers. Mr. Fullride. Mr. Chris not to trust her on my account. on committee The Hildebrand, arrangsments, a he for time short relatives pro Chas. iting Ed. Lew is, P. B. Cronin, tiansen, Mr. Carpenter. Mr. John 11. IIeiseu Fields, Fisher, poses to enter college again. David lvinglan and J. A. Gallagher, McChrystal acted as f u nera! cornl net r. Eureka, JtmbCo., Utah, to on one to rest And went in the of our best thus hand early were June 17th, 18!l. Toilet Soaps. 15c to 75c a box evening be sure that they had not omitted any- citizens. 5c to 25c a cake. to lessen the would tend which Vest pocket perfumery onlv 15c. thing Notice. In Memoriam. enjoyment of the guests. Lundborg's, Swintoii's, Lautier's, and Palmer's perfumes. Cox's new huilding two doors west of Postotlice. At about 9 o'clock the band struck In memoriam of ourdeceased broth- To whom it 3IAY concern: This is to warn the public that no Full line of toilet articles. Everything up the Grand March and the dancers, Lawrence who er, A FINE LINE OF Campbell, is one departed to authorized make contracts the best. headed bv J. A. Gallagher, president for advert ising or job printing or inThe EriiKK.v lnro Stohk of the local union, and Mrs. Gallagher, this life June 10th, istd. John Hard-wic- k Wiikuf.as. It has pleased our cur bills in our name, except upon The Mixek is indebted to John followed by"Mrs. Financial Heavenly Father to call to Himself writ ten authority signed bv us. and Hardwick, It. Park for a copy of the Annual of secretary, Dan B. Cronin and Mrs. our C. F. & E. II. ItATimoXE, worthy and esteemed hint her and Publishers Miner. the University of Pcserct for IS1.) I !VJ Cronin, Recording secretary, J. T. Lawrence Campbell ; and, TOILGT AKTTCL6S, &C. Wukiikas, We, the members of the This University is taking front rank Harrington and Miss Maggie Harring I and Eureka Miners' Union, feel if a dutv reasurer, Jas. Campbell Tor Sale at a Bargain. and should be patronized by all Utah ton, 1 Mrs. Campbell, and the other officers incumbent upon us to express our sin A new two story building and large people seekinganadvanced education. and members of the Union and guests cere sympathy to I he bereaved wife and lot at Silver Come and pet your money s vortli. Our motto: Lire anil let live. is 17x4a The house City. Mr. Park is the able secretary of the with either wives or sweethearts. relatives of our dear brother, whose wit h 4 rooms in second story. It This dance was executed in royal style sudden death has so grieved us. Be it is built large Board. & of redwood, and handsomely which the printed programme therefore after win he sold at a great bar ceiled, Ben Goodman, Elmer Young, Jas. was carried out. in That the of death Hf.solvf.d, gain. Apply to Adams & Sons Co., at ARTHUR RICE, and John L L BAILEY, Coffee, Ed. Harrington The floor managers, Hebe Maiigum, brother Campbell our Union has lost i . r. nepor. T,iireKa, or to J. s. GEO.Pros. I'list Nul l Hank. Onruv. Col. one First Nnfl Hank. Iileo, Col. of most etlicient its dow n Goshen were members, and to Hanley Sunday. Jr., Bat. Sullivan, Harry Forsyth, Eureka. Mackintosh, l'res. First Hank. Uiaiul Nut'l Cel. Junstlon. Cashier First Nut'l Hank, Ouruy, Col. and Ed. Lewis, performed the sudden removal of such a man the first two named gentleman at is. O'Nealverv their dutv creditably, and the re from our midst leaves a vacancy NOTICE! tended afternoon services in that cent bv ion committee. Wm. J. Williams. that will be deeply realized GEO. ARTHUR RICE & CO,, To whom it may concern. All village and assert that the balance of Chas. Fisher, Willis Knapp, James all our members and will prove a are notified not to erect parties hereby the party got lost while returning Sennet. Jas. Campbell, Pat rick O'Hara grievous loss to our l mon. lie it or cause to he erected, anv structures K. furthermore Wilfred I reckleton, I'J. uai. or on the '"Wolfe Tone" o home, which is denied in toto. luiildiiiirs Rksolvk.d. That a copy of these Wilkinson, John O'Learyand M. Hol Hand bills were scattered around land was alwavs on band to introduce resolutions be spread on the minutes "Kuhcrt K. Lee" iniiiint; claims. T. 1). Sullivan. town Wednesday announcing that a strangers and provide them with part of the meeting and a copy be sent, to of 'also wife the the deceased. nan a a was that in all ners. the all Taken KI KKKA, ITAII. grand democrat ic rally would be held For success. Excellent order was copy be printed in the Tintic Min i i: in I. O. (). F. Hall Thursday evening grand Wm. Bam.. maintained and not lung occurred to VAI.UAIU.K r.VDEVEOI'ED Drafts drawn on MINING Transacts a General Ranking Business. next. June i". West, mar the pleasure of the evening. The John D.M..r.i.r,, claim: nil parts of the nited States and Europe. InterJas. Coh'ky, A full claim (iooxl.MH) feet, Judge Norrell, Parley L. Williams, music was furnished iy the .xcpni joining Committee on ions. est allowed on Time Deposits. the Frank II. Dyer and Judge Tom Mar- band and was par excellence. ground on thewas imrili. T-- J- - BLUE, Cashier. I'lie Title of total Address the evening receipts perfect. F. W. BLUE, Ass't Cashier. shall are announced as Hie speakers Division No. 1, oi- Ki I"tvii or call at Tintic Mixkk oilice. Eureka, for the occasion. A. (). If. I'lah. Musicale Entertainment. Messrs. James and C. J. ThompAt a regular meet inj; of Hi.0 At the Mormon church Saturday Order of llihcrniaii. son, Col. A. W. Smith, J. C. Moses iviion No. 1. To whom it may concern: All partand James and Kimball Bullock, have evening, June L'oth, lsui, under the held on June loth. I . th,- f.illow ies are not illed not to erect or formed a company at Provo fur (lie uispices of the Sunday School. The resolutions were umiuimi.usU ;i.i.,;itc.: ca'ise tolieiehy he erected, anv structures or he in of will It new assisted ,ie:i-claims WiiwtKAH, th,' s choir has their All.uild.n-ly on Ruby organized the - Littie Chief" min- development mighty (iod in Ili.s iiiNim, uiviotn. t i M'iaim. .Fas, -1'. I)itisf;oLI Hollow. The properly this company bv the following local artists: remove from our iiii:l- -t our helovcd John- Iuuscoll, owns is the December Rose, Silent, Mrs. Grace Henderson, hrother .lerry howiiey. ;nn T. 1). Sl LLIVAN, f Mrs. Lizzie A Gillisrie, force of six Friend and Kentucky. WllKllKAS." His dent h is iml on'-.- n John" Mookk. Arc tlu; Proprietory of THE Miss Mary J. Keaton, Contralto. lilowtohis hereaved re!;0 men were put to work yesterday. hui is also deeply felt hy his hr it hers in this E. W. Mr. Baritone. Arthur, Xotic John Miller, the Main street I ) vision; therefore t e jt Jos. Bass. WUH IT MAY CONCEHN': butcher, is engaging a good trade EvanPhillips, T" That the f vf.I), Arthur, Notice is lierehv t'iveii that the folthese days, and his increasing business Frank Scrappatura, Instrumental of his dentil enmo home io nsuhh the Weight of persoiiiil hereaeii;eii; . lowing minim; claims viz: Austrian, t hue that when of his so much takes Soloist. i'.a while to his fond parents v, Iimi.i variau. (.'oliimhus, Francis Joseph lie purchases t be necessary a rt ides for MVed so WeM. the Mow is ev.,,.r;;, Accompanists, Mr. Frank Merrill. miles ;!y and laid'.viir. one and he household ail. "bos"can replace His true y his E. W. Autiii b, Conductor. norlliof I loioansville. are t he Of .1 all in of the undersiiriied. the respect and oMeem of all v, i; i The said ai iclesof the them with old worn-ou- t Following is the programme: Give of have heeti claims duly recorded ac "Let the Mountains Shout for whom he came in contact. same kind without him detecting the 1. Antle-mto law, and all persons are Uksoi.x f.i. That we tender to i,u hoir. J..y. Imposition; anyway it was dune one hereaved parents our heartf--!. tiecltation: By Mi- - Josephine i... noiiiicd not t., trespass otithe s;iid al iv in the lo-- s o u nol.le son uu,n HH'Mlld. iV O. A. day last week. YOU ber.-ave- Jo-,- all-ho- h . well-know- n KNOW n open-face- d AP6 RITER HOUSE, few-day- s well-know- n KEEP " COOL! FIULT-CLAL- S book-keen- EureKa ice go. H. F. GEAR & CO. old-tim- broad-guagin- g andise, FANCY NOTIONS. Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Etc. 1 Fresh and Staple Groceries a Specialty. H F. GE.ftR 8l GO., Main St., Eeka. ! UNION Drugs, PRUG STORS! Chemicals, Medieines, PSRFUSRY, ALL NEW AND FRESH DRS. BOSTWICK GRANT. BANKERS. i. n WSLL! YSS! Am-ii-n- t - Noah nl iMrystal & 60., i l!l-o- MEAT MARKET iimioiih.-i-iM.---- h 1 jiro-eit- l cor-iiii',- ' I'le.-kle- kinds Eureka, and sell theirfJine. us a call. Market iust north John McChrystaPs store EUREKA, UTAH. |