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Show - mi!!! k V v v- - NOTICE! TO ADVERTISERS! The subscription list of the Nephi Ensign has tven purchased by Rathbone Bros. All unexpired subscriptions will be filled by the Tone Miner, and all accounts due on subscription are payable to us. Rathbone Bros., Publishers of The Tintic Miner. VOL Having bought the subscription list of the Nephi Ensfffl, which will be added to that of the Miner, makes the latter paper the best advertising medium in Juab county. The Miner is the only paper in Juab county reaching the masses of the people EUREKA, JUAB COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY, JUXE 10, 1891. I. NO. 8. SECRET SOCIETIES. NO. 8. I. O. KEYSTONE ENCAMPMENT the st'Oond and fourth each month lit 8 p. ni. Visiting Thursday of made welcome. Pairiarohos U. CHIIISTESSEK, V. P. UtLLKSI'IK, Mori lie. (iJSO. til of Tintic UNION. MEETS IN Monday eveninit at All members are respect fully requested MINERS' EUREKA Hall every 7:311. John to attend. J. T. Hahkinoton, A. Oali.aishkk, l'resldeut. Kecordiiist Secretary. LODAE NO. 13, I. O. O. EUKEKA every Wednesday evening. F., Vis-lti- brothers cordially invited. L. O. SCHOF1KI.D. J. W. CBEF.N. 1". N. G. Secretary. EUREKA DIVISION NO. Hall at 7:110 1. A. O. II.. meets p. in. on the first His aud third Wednesday in eaeli month. I". J. Lai.lv, J. A. Holland, V. P. & R. S. President. "I OLDEN EAGLE CASTLE NO. 1, K. of O. vJl E. Meets every I'riday evening at 8 o'clock, in I. O. O. E. hall. Visiting Knif-'htalways welcome.M. of R.V. i'. UotrawicK, N. C. John lirKNs. "irtTHODlST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. j.'-Services are held as follows: Sunday School at 2 p. in.; Prayer and class meeting at '.i p. m. Preaching at 8 p. in. every Sunday. All services will he held in the west room of the school building until the new church is All are cordially invited to atcompleted. W. A. Uunteh, tend these services. "EUREKA! The Greatest Mining Camp on Earth!" Partor. Professional Cards. 0. H. M. Hamilton. A MILTON & MARTIN, J The Miners' Union made the first, we will now make the Second Grand Strike in the Interests Beginning on the 10th of June, and Continuing 30 days, we will give a of the People. Martin. Attorneys - at - Law, SALE Salt Lake City, Utah. Criminal and Mining Laws a Specialty. C. BAILEY, rp Patents and Land Office Business a Specialty. Salt Lake City, Utah. stock, REMEMBER, Great Slaughter and Benefit Sale NOTARY PUBLIC. Utah. Eureka, M.THAC'KSTON. Tendered to the people of Tintic District, includes our Entire Stock (which is the Largest in the district) of ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Utah. Eureka, JJENNETT, MARSHALL ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- & BRADLEY, Clotliincj. Boots and Shoes, Wi Salt Lake City, Utah. and Mining Corporation Law a Specialty. Office over Jones' Bank. r Q V. RATHBONE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, S.DAVIS, TTiiiun? arvd Fiiiiif s, Lies an Cliras its dud Cans, Gents' Practice in all the Courts. Eureka. Utah, Ia Miner office. Q that this L. BROWN, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Q Member Salt Lake Exchange. Salt Lake City. Jones' Bank, Remember Date arjd PlaGe, June 10th. Tintic Assay Office, Goods Branch Silver City, Utah, II. G. JAMES, Proprietor. ASSAYER CHEMIST. ANALYTICAL AND ALL W'OKK OUAUANEEED. A. Chhistessen. Bcrcn. U. S. DEPUTY OFFICE ON CHURCH STREET, Utah. Eureka, Frank A. Bird Max S. Hanaueh. Eureka Assay Office, HANAUEH 4 BIRD, fassayers and limber, 4Q0i Don't Forget the SURVEYORS. All EneliierrliiK and Surveying promptly attended to. Reliable work guaranteed. Contracts taken for Development Work. Plans, specifications and estimates niade. on all kinds of Engineering work. Maps of Tintic District, or special portious of same, supplied on snort notice. Maimer. BEN. D. LUGE. Civil and Mining Engineers. MINERAL s Main Street, Eureka, Utah. All Samples will receive roinpl attention Analytical work a '! Hally. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. half-own- arc-bein- Eurcka-Centenrii- lf CALL ON W. T. FUIMASON, one-eigh- THE Fashionable Barber FOR a FINS BATH Clean Shave North OR and Neat Hair Cut, tddi: of Main Si reet. npposlto Hotel, l un kii. i tali. Geo. Hanson. Eureka 1'etku Bouvr, HANSON k 1SOKUP, (Sin ssors to Carl Borup.) General Blacksmltfis. first-clas- s. n first-clas- k Ilorsci Shoeing and Genera Repair work Neatly and Promptly done. First Class Work Guaranteed shop opM.e fui tilture store. Utah EniKKA, Bii very high grade ore. The Cleveland and the vein grows larger as depth is a continual current of air passing is in Dragon Hollow, which, by the reached. The tunnel is now in 17o through the tunnel and a match or candle Ackers incessantly. way, is just now attracting much at- feet and to follow the ore further lighted mines necessitates the sinking of a winze Carney & Davis are doing the work on as many good tention, this property. arc being opened up in that locality. which will be done at once. Steady Work Throughout the John Burns and F. E. Bostwiek Messrs. Bush, A Min'eii representatives accompanBrown and Melntyre Entire District. were over to the Damflcarc Sunday. have bonded their claims between the ied Noah McChrystal up to the VicThe work clone on this prospect since Bed Rose and Fail-viefor $."(), 000 toria shaft Monday and took a look at the last issue of the Mixeii has devel- with a cash payment of $.",0oo. Prop- that promising property. The shaft THE USUAL IilCII OUTPUT oped the fact tliet the ore body is lar 1)0 feet with about 40 feet erty in the vicinity of the Bed Bose is is now down cross-cut- s of at the Uittom. A body week. last is richer and than and considered reported ger very good going as it rapidly, in fact almost any claim in of ore was uncovered in this mine last is vein The widening shaped, Great and Rich Ore Body in the Bull is followed downward. Mr. Burns is and around Dragon Hollow can be week which assays $158, and another Improvements at the strike was made Tuesday which runs a in Uie I'amiicare anu realized upon, and many of them Good in the Strikes Keystone well in silver, lead and gold. The of having a bonanza in feels confident outside by speculators sought South End and Favorable Victoria is owned by John II. and this property. and operators. from the Eeports Noah McChrystal and Is just above who for North The Tintic the prospectors John Davis has been working North. arc now working for grub stakes are past week on the Lone Bine, about the Eagle. The paid its At a meetingof the Mammoth board to do one-hamile west of the Buckhorn, usuual monthly dividend of $:SO,000 exnected back in a few days, of directors held In Salt LakeCity last work. assessment iron of vein a st has and their he where rong last Monday. Webster & Co. are erecting a com quartz. lie has found considerable week the. regular monthly dividend of Gorman MeLcod sold to Dr. Whit 10 cents a share was declared and will modious log house on the Iowa of the galena float on his claim but as yet interest ney on Monday on be payable tomorrow. The stock will the struck not as has the to used except be anyt hing Buckhorn group in the Taradise for$:tOO. Recorder's olllcc in North Tintic. As best of indications in his shaft, which take an upward tendency just as soon as the new machinery is In place and John Teirnan has four men at work soon as this house is completed this Is now down several feet. The, vein sinking a well on the Iron Mountain company intends finishing its assess hois working on is very extensive no (lie extraction of ore on the lower levels is resumed, The bear story that claim in North Tintic. They arc now ment work on claims located last side wall yet in sight. the mine has pinched will be knocked down 30 feet. The development, work being done into a cocked hat Inside of three year, after w hich the main work will .Toe Biddleeonie made the Minkk be done on the shaft in the Buckhorn. for Bennett and Edgworlh in North months. office a call Tuesday. Joe is better The North Eureka Co. is now work- Tintic by C. B. Smith is progressing The, Keystone mine and hoisting pleased with his property in 'North and grading for rapidly. The tunnel is now in about ing six nun, Tintic as work progresses, and feels a whim. Thesinking works were, shut down from Friday ,".() feet are now indications and the is house hoarding confident of having a big thing. The. work is being done on the last to "Wednesday through an imin running order. Mr. John Davis inThe Tribune reports that the Samp- forms us that he sloped at the dump Copper Onlcli, one of llveclaims owned perative necessity to clean the boilers son mine, Bingham, lias Just been sold on his way to town Wednesday and hy Messrs. Ilennett. and Bdgwnrlh and and make other pressing repairs. The four-tocrusher and by James Johnson to A. E. Hyde, Geo. that ho considers the indication for is adjoining the Mammoth of the new were also put in place in power engine Arthur Rice, J. Scbcnck and II. Ilea, ore excellent. of the Biddleeonie, North, property ore in house the this interval, and for the sum of 05.ooo cash. These There is still being much work done BarUett and Hunter, in which the now alwmt the Keystone is JI.'iSO per ton pay streak was struck everything gentlemen are all citizens of Utah. on the Mammoth of the North, the s shape for a prolonged and mine the st.-- property of Joe liiddleeome, John of which meiit ion w as made Mime! imc in At the Bullion-Becprofit ;il Ii! run. The mine Is looking tion is being cut on the ti'HMcvel and Hunter and Win. liartlett, in North ago. million some ore is oeing Taken out. r.e-t- Tintic. The pay streak has yielded AVIiile working in the tunnel in the bigger than ever, and the ecu the 500 ami (ioo levels a large them, since mi nt ion was made of the ,(ld Dominion aud A nacnnda, ronsuli-- j dollars offered for it last winter would fail to capture It now. hi iily of rich ore is being sloped and faet in tlie Mim;u some throe weeks dated claims la- -t Tuesday, tin- woik-mesent up for shipment. of lie ten ex The Eagle Is shipping considerable a is si ruck iinwlv over koo into cave, mure, which ago, Capl. ilvan lias bis ore house at Hie now in sacks aw ail ing shipment This which lias n it as yet been ascertained, high grade ore these days, despite the ore sampled in Salt Lake l,.Vu silver tut it is known to be large. There is report that the mine was exhausted. Cleveland full to overflowing with ion-Bec- Chemists, Cloaks, JACKETS AND MILLINERY. Stock broker. Office over B. ! That will shake the Commercial circles of Juab County from Center to Circumference. Within these 30 days we will perform a work that will make EUREKA and OUR HOUSE FAMOUS FOR LOW PRICES throughout the length and breadth of Utah. We MUST and WILL reduce our REGARDLESS OF COST. ATTORNEY AT LAYJ, QIIARLES we Tintic has been under a cloud for many years, but we now begin to see that Silvery Tinge that lines the blackest of every cloud, and behold! in the misty distance are these words written in Gold : CHURCHES. J. Thus Hand Mug - I . r n I The Bed Rose. When the ore body was struck on this mine a few weeks ago, which caused so much excitement throughout the Tintic district, developments proved that it was dipping away from the shaft: but the owners decided to keep on sinking regardless of the fact and cross-cu- t to the ore chute later on. From a gentleman who came in from Silver City on Saturday it is learned that the ore has straightened up and is again showing in the shaft. The assays are said to be as high as ever and promise that the lied Kose will become one of the best properties in Tintic Times. The Anaconda Mine Sold. A special dispatch from Butte City, Mont., says August Belmont, as agent for the Rothschilds, has been instructed to close a deal by which the latter, will September next take possession of the great Anaconda copper mines. The price to ho paid is stated at bemillion tween twenty and twenty-tlv- e dolhus. The purchase by Rothschilds Is said to be for a foreign syndicate. Keaarkable Tinlic Shipments. Some of the ore produced by the Tintic mines this year is richer than any of the mines there have previously produced. "George Arthur Kice says that he has sampled some big lots Rinec he started hts mill down there, which, if he dared to make the fuels public, would create the wildest kind of an excitement. Times. Frank Bird, the assayer, has melted out several pieces of bullion from the sellings of the old chloridizing furnace of the old Ilomansville mill. The mill Is to be, "cleaned up'' once more by Billy Keeler, the mill man. Fine specimens of stalagmites arc obtained from the Northern Spy mine. Some of the specimens have beautiful coral-lea- f fans and are highly prized for ornamental purposes. The Pasadena Mining Company resumed operations yesterday morning. well-know- n |