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Show he :; ..'will n.T.o:: the '.Tivals in ibis week, and registering at i Mlii le.'i the Eureka Hotel, were the following: Euivka-llii- l mine. m ! six T. C. Kookledge, Albert Shaw, J. C. a death on the lb Shulman, O. P. Weston, o'clock Wednesday ehing. The llll- - Mmphy, Dr. A. M. Hank, Louis A. Dillon, w e a in work man stop-furl limit as at , : hen a heavy tai him Jacob.-.- Will Faviers, Salt Lake City; lock' sir ,i;ie, L. Steiihouse and son, Provo: J. C. Upon the lower pull of the Mortran, Nephi; and Lake Voorhees, breaking Ids l ack, and this v. Ogden. mediatelfollow I by aaoih. which caught him in be hee frac-Stationery, confectionery and fine r. cigars and tobaccos at Sleeper & luring the cervical veriebra. lift Campbell called to bis partn- r Anhaiiscr lieeralways on draught, he rock off him, and ha! w - In la-- t at the Silver Dollar saloon. sii h vViy he deal time sjKike. after he was brought to l he sia face, K. of G. E. Election. Justice llavne-.- acting c'i:i:n r, im- The election of officers for Golden paneled a jury, coi.-iingof Ed. Herd. Castle No. 1, Knight of the F. Cullman and Al. C ubes, which re- Eagle Golden Eagle, was held Tuesday even-in;- :, thai the ii' ft turned a Veidii June 9th, with the following remet his death aeehiehia'.e, a iii uitb-ou- t sult: blame attaching to anyone, William Hatfield, P. C: F. E. Post-wicCampbell leaves a wife and infant N. C; J. F. Herr, V. C; C. II. fell is for whom much babe, sympathy M. of Ii.; M. Friedersdorff. C. of Cody, by all. The funeral v, ill lie under the E.; ('has. Hanks, K. of E.; II. II. t he Eiuvka Miner-- ' Union, of auspices Parion, Vr. II.: Peter Carney, Sir Herof. which deceased v. its a n peeled ald. member, and w ill lake place from the This lodge is growing rapidly and is family residence at two (.'(dock today, the funeral services being held at the quite popular. Catholic church. Musicale tnttc lHuci Lawrctiiv ( '.i .me m; .VSI r in t he the eii v v PuMUhetrevi-r- C. F.&E. Friday morning iy H. RATHBONE. Eureka, Utah, Friday, June be-Il- 12, 1691 Friday eveuiny, June li'lli. Location notices for half at tliis otlicc. John Jugga;i Hin-man'- s. left Tuesday fur Colorado. I a- lirhitf your forfeiture notices to the .MlNKu'otlice for jiulilication. "William Kadclitr, of rittslniryli, l'a., is in the city on a tour of sight- g st seeing. Try Sleeper & Jliiiniiin for tine stationery, confectionery and sinokciV articles. The warm weather of the past a week has made business for the Ice Co. All kinds of dry tfoods, piece Koods and ladies wear at lien 1. Luce's, Main .street, No. 4:0. Henry Adams, iirosecutinsj attorney, favored the camp with Ins genial presence during the week. Go to Sleeper & llininan's for line stationery, fresh confectionery and all kinds of smokers' articles. For tine clot hing, boots, shot's, and gents' furnishing !4dods. lien I). Luce, Main St., Eureka, No. Jon. Dr. J. E. Itice, lias been in Salt Lake for some days visiting the family of his son, our popular banker, Geo. Arthur Itice. Last chance to get photos is at hand; the gallery will positivly leave town during the coming week. Come in Sunday or sooner. There was a draft Mondav night men were at the Heck. Twenty-fiv- e given the run. The cause of the discharge is not positively known. Anyone desiring to purchase or lease one of the most promising claims in Tintic district should call on or address C. F. Uathbone, attorney, Eureka, Utah. Letter heads, note heads, statements, cards envelopes, certiticates, in fact any kind of commercial, book or job printing, executed on short notice ami in the latest styles at the M in nil ollice. A telephone line was constructed the latter part of last week and the first of this from the lieck mine to the water works of that company at Homansville. It connects at the and will be (if great benefit to the company. If there is one thing that Eureka needs more than another it is the removal of the telegraph and express offices up into town. It is indeed a burning shame that one has to travel down to the depot to attend to this class of business. Thos. Jieesley, of I'rovo, was in Eureka for a short time Monday on business connected with the Ftah Valley & Manufacturing Co., which he is interested in. See the notice to the public by this company in this 1. k, Ku-rek- quence. The Misku w "Mid like to see a lodge of Knights of Pythias organized in Eureka. should attend the Everybody Mimrs' Union hall this evening al I. ().(). F. hall. That a splendid time will be had by all who attend the ball this evening goes with the saying. llev. AV. A. Hunter and wife returned Tuesday from Ogden, where they had been attending conference. H. G. James and S. M. Stone, of Silver City, were in Eureka yesterday on business. Mr. James is the popular Silver City a ;sayer. M. C. Sullivan returned from Salt Lake on Saturday. Mr. Sullivan repents the town dull but progressing in a very substant ial manner. Martin Malioney Went, to Salt Lake on Wednesday for the purpose of meeting his brother John's family, from Los Angeles, California. The MiNKii job presses have bee.; kept busy since we first opened un in Eureka for business. Good work, no matter in what line, always brings Us reward. S. D. bullington, one of the min ers in the keystone, has been sick and off duly this week. He was overcome by the gas arising from the discharge tank-hous- of a blast. II. C. Scheu We see by Salt Lake papers that Dodge, general manager of the Ilio Grande Western, is in Salt Lake receiving bids for the construction of of the Tintic Kange .Uailroad. The contract will be let very soon and work will commence at once. C. J. Mulkey was up to Salt Lake over Sunday, returning Monday. While in the city he talked with several prominent Rio Grande Western officials and from them learned that the building of the Tintic road was only a question of a very short time. The tailings from the Ontario Mill are being tested by the Russel lixiviation process. Mr. Kussel started t lie work before he left for Montana. If a success could be made of working over these tailings, it would be a big Col. possessions. The site for the court house w.is finally decided upon Saturday last by the purchase of the lot just west, of the Minku ollice owned by W. II. Itoyle. The property owners on Main street subscribed the necessary amount, $."i00, and deeded the property to the county, for the purpose above named. The location is central at present and will give satisfaction to most of the citizens. left for Salt Lake on Saturday. It is Mr. Schea's intention to visit, Denver, Leadviile and Aspen in tlie interest of his great properly in t lie Tint ic district. The canyon west of town is still ut ilized ;is t he dumping ground for all t he tillh of Eureka and t he coulagioa being generated therein is many fold. It ought to be stopped. John Davis and 11. M. 'McDonald, from North Tintic, were in town TI104 are more than Wednesday. pleased Willi the properly the) own in t hitt promising I 1st rict Tlie boys over at the Spy know a good Uiing when they see it. A.J. Sharpecame in from there Wednesthe necessary day and deposiled amount to insure weekly visits of the issue. The Chief says if interviewed the gentleman accused of ' back capping" ami that he denied it, and branded the statement as a falsehood. The Chief might have stated whom it interviewed so thiil the Minimi could determine whether or not it was the identical person we had reference to, and thereby prove its assertion that our statement was unt rue. Geo. Havercamp, of the linn of Haven-am& Clark, Abstracters, i'rovo, anil Mr. Wilson, also of I'rovo. were in Silver City Sunday examining some mining property on which thc are talking of making a deal. Mr. Havercamp is just tlie kind of a man we would be pleased to see obtain t ii le to mining property in Tint ic. as he is a hustler and would sunn develnp his work. Flowers and trimmings for ladies. A large line of sun hats and other millinery goods at Ben. I). Luce's, Main street, No. 400. The flag and banner w hich were mentioned some time ago as being or dered by the Eureka Miners' Union, arrived yesterday, and are even more attractive than any had anticipated. C. F. Uathbone attorney at law Offiee in . MiNKii. Win. Dallou has been appointed road supervisor and intends to make (Mir Main street a credit to tin' town. Hisinientiiin.asexpre-.sto us, is that he will expend every cent collected, on the st reels of Eureka. Mr. I J. It. Mitchell and. Joseph Gerber, trustees of Mammoth district. iNo.M, were in Eureka yesterday making ar- rangeme ni s to d raw t he seh.iol nioiiev for their dis: rict preparatory to the erect ion of a commodious school house in Mammot h. No other town had t he size of Eu reka is mated so shabbily by both the Western Union Telegraph Co.. and the Pacific express company. That a vigorous and eniphai ic pi keeping t hese office s w le ie they now are should be made will with the saying. II. J. He!n;er, jr.. see etary of he lelmer Manufiie1, uriug ( i.. dealers in furniture and barbers' .n plies. i.eilV-.enworlh, K.ms.-isf. K. dlllsoil, of Johnson. Pratt Co.. leiesale and retail (Imuuists. Salt Lake. and S. lb Marks, the furniture and ca pet lliill). also of Salt Lake, made Minims w hi!,- in ollice a very pleasant Eureka Wednesday, in t he liter, st of t heir several houses, If there is one t hirg t ha t the Sill! Lake Stoi-- Kvhahe-- nee is more than anot her it is i, pi: p. r w in el, rpi'ise enough to eive t he n ning hews of It the Territory. The Lake I.x- change dep. nds upon th dilPTetll ca nips in Utah for s rl and t have an i.illeial r.'an t b only p, - the Mixer. Advertising in the Minkk brings a sure reward. The Mixek circulates among the people. Toilet Soaps. 15e to 75c a box ! 5c to 25c a cake. ATest pocket perfumery only 15c. Lundborg's, Swinton's, Lautier's. and Palmer's perfumes. Full line of toilet articles. Everything the best. The Eureka Dkto Stohe. Entertainment. Attorney (.'has. I., i'.rown was up to Salt Like from Thursday last till Monday. Wednesday was pay day and everybody wore a broad .smile in (.on. se- s, thing, as they contain nearly ifsno.ooo in silver. I'ark Miner. Tonight is the date of the Eureka Miners' Union ball, and a very pleasant time is guaranteed all who attend. The committee on arrangements have spared neither pains nor money to make this ball one long to be remembered. The members of the other committees are also working hard and everything indicates a splendid time. If all the residents of i'ark City are as elated as the Miner over the fact that the city now has tine water they are indeed a happy people. Pure water goes a long way in adding comfort to the residents of any city, ami to call It water that I'ark City has been using in the past was a scandal and falsehood. home print newspaper in Juab county. '"For Bent"' and "For Sale" signs. in large black printed on card-boar- d letters, ror sale at I he Mi nek oilice. Call at the Miner office and see the finest line of ball programs and invitations ever shown in Eureka. We make a specialty of this class of It ever dawn upon your mind that Tp i n "that is a very truthful saying that iJL "A nrmnv p,?ived is a nennv earn ed ? " and if it has, did you ever attempt a practical damonstration of the maxim? What would you do if you knew how you could save a few dollars just as well as not? You would save them, of course. What would X "VI; I do if you you could save thought Y I v l a few dollars? You would try it, a W lv 0f course. What can we say to make you think we can save some money for you on all the goods purchased of us. We know it, and after one trial you will know it, too. If you think we might save some money for you, coma and see us, and then you will Ourtrade is rapidly incres- ing, and the inducement we hold is simply Bottom Prices for Hijh Grade goods. We purchase direct from first hands in car load lots, thus getting our goods at the very minimum of cost and freight, and the benefit of these close prices we give to aur patrons. f "tTf,T ' 11 I W lt' At the Mormon church Saturday TTVItT.1 I T For Sale. GEO. H. GILLITT, Manager. ).. evening, June 20th, 1801, under the flat Clarinet, inquire at the AnE. of the Sunday School. The. photograph tent. auspices new ly organized choir will be assisted by the following local artists: Send the Minim: to vottr friends. For Sale. Programmes, wedding invitations Mrs. Grace Henderson, ) and announcements, elegant and team A of Soprano. horses, wagon good spring Mrs. Lizzie Gillispie, f at the Miner oftice. cheap, of Ed. and harness, cheap. Inquire Miss Mary J. Keaton, Contralto. Scroll Work Brackets and Leppert; just east of the Catholic Mr. E. W. Arthur, Baritone. MAX FRIEDERSDORFF, church. Vf .M.S. KIM S Dealer in Jos. Phillips. t, lj;lssWAP3 TO OKPei? Evan Arthur, f Wanted. California and Utah Fruits, Ami .ii N,.ii.v. I" rank Serappatura, Instrumental Confectionery and Xotions. Half dozen judges to try my cele- JAMKS I'.l.Hi'i: ;:, uml Builder. Soloist. brated Brand "Don Caklos, " 5c Fine Cigars a Specialty. Accompanists, Misses Larson and cigars. I fear no competition. door cast ot MeMiirplry's saloon. One Harrison, assisted by James Knowles. Eureka Fruit Store, E. W. Aktiiuk, Conductor. Hall. Shea's Opposite 1110 GRANDE DENVER For Sale at a Bargain. Silver City Notes. MA3DI0T.it, UTAH, A new two story building and large The country around Silver is a poor at Silver City. The house is 17x40 'hijiririur. man's country, as ore in paying quan- lot 4 in second story. It rooms with large tities is found at the grass roots. is built of redwood, and handsomely SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. Will be sold at a great barS. Fancy, a mining man of Aspen, ceiled. Apply to Adams & Sons Co., at Excellent Ae.'oi.inmdalions for the The Favorite Route to Colo., is in Silver City, looking over gain. Tables supIT. P. Depot, Eureka, or to J. S. Trawlingv. ':ib;;e. I; ii tic ir the1 the porphyry belt with a view to in- Mackintosh, Eureka. plied Glcmvood, Aspen, Leadviile, market aifords. vesting in some of its bonanza propNOTICE! erties. RATES REASONABLE. Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, To whom it may concern. All A big strike was reported south of parties are hereby notified not to erect Opened Tnr 1891. Silver a few days ago, but as the or cause to be erected, any structures iij.y, May 7th, And all Points East and Sonth. parties owning the mine were reticent or buildings on the "Wolfe Tone'' or 13 i E. Lee" mining claims. in giving information, their names are "Robert T. D. Sullivan'. TRAINS DAILY. suppressed. Prank Azzalia has opened tip a For Sale. and Tourists Sleepcozy barber shop, close to L. E. Kiters a valuable undeveol'ed 3iisixg You can do so 1y Buying Elegant Pullman ers on Each Train. store where the dusty and tired in claim: A full claim 600x1500 feet, joining your let: (hii'ino' tin; hot vestiyator after mineral can be laved on the ay ('it he r o! tlie ground first-claand shaved in For full information call on or adstyle. the north. Title perfect. Address dress W. J. SIIOTWELL, Mr. Joe Lynch, one of the genial or call at Tintic Mixer office Eureka, Agent, 58 W. 2nd South. landlords of the Condon Hotel, has Utah. O. T. SMITH, A. S. HUGHES, gone over to West Tintic on a pros Notice. General Mgr. Traffic Mgr. pecting trip. He will be gone about Leave onlors at Noalt To whom it may concern: All partS. K. HOOPER, G. P. and T. A., two weeks and has some locations in ies are fc Cos meat market. hereby notified not to erect or Denver, Colo. view. cause to be erected, any structures or " Little Chief" minon the buildings Joe Perrizo and Henry Yaston sold U ' claim. Jas. P. Duincoll, the llomestake, south of Silver City, ing John Driscoll, jjj a few days ago for $18,000. The pur T. D. Sullivan, John Moore. chasers are Colorado parties and in tend developing the mine for all it is Notice! worth. DEALER IN TI'HOM IT MAT CONCERN: To A very valuable cave was struck in The public is hereby warned not to the Golden Treasure Tuesday. Mrs, purchase any of the lands within the Carson is running the mine now, since bounds oi the iron nacer jno. i, and the death of the lamented "Kit." Iron Placer aSTo. 2, in Sec. 20 and 21, $ 10, Range 2 W., S. L. M., the George Garnett is foreman and reports Township same being patented ground, and the rich ground on every level. property of the Utah Valley and ManuJohn Hardwick left Eureka last facturing company. A. A. Jv'oon. President. week to resume work on the Damflcare in mine Dragon Hollow. Inside of a Notice. week he lias struck a foot of ore which WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: To 171 in assays gold and eight ounces in Notice is hereby given that the folsilver. The Damflcare promises to be lowing mining claims viz: Austrian, come a tine property. Bavarian, Columbus, Francis Joseph miles Lich st rikes in the porphyry seem and Ludwig, one and of Homansville, are the propnorth to oe of everyday occurrence. Follow erty of the undersigned. The said ing close upon the gratifying assays claims have been duly recorded acobtained in their Bonanza claim, the cording to law, and all persons are said Scheu Pros, on Wedntsday struck notified not to trespass on tlie A. Assmann & Co. ground. another vein which gave a return of First-Cla- ss sixty-fiv- e ounces in silver. Lucky is Notice! no name fortius kind of mining, for Whom it May Concern: the stuff is right on the surface and ToNotice is hereby given that the easy of extraction. Golden Treasure and Annie Hurley, . Hen D. Luce and W. P. Conner made mining claims situated about one mile north of the Northern Spy, bea sale yesterday of a d in tween that property and Homansville, t crest in the Sunda, Adda May and and adjoining the Stanley and Chance, buzzard claims, located about four are the property of the undersigned doors west of Post office. '.' . new hitiidinsi-tmiles .sout h of Silver City, in the lead and all parties are notified not to tres pass on said ground, iy entering upon A a LINE OF to FINE Salt Lake district, gentleman, or erecting buildings thereon. for .i.",iM), Some excellent assays have ItANKLIN h . J.rsii, James A. O'Bkiex. been had from croppings on these claims, and it is the intention of the owners to do some extensive develop l- RITER HOUSE, tt rnni KEE F1RLT-CLAL- S ss mm m w). Mc-Cliry.t- StK J tit A fur ndise, FANCY NOTIONS. one-four- Boots, Slices, Hats, Caps, Etc. Fresh and Staple Croeories a Specialty. GE.frR 8i GO., Main St., jreKa. It. UNION PRUG one-thir- STORS! wo J- - Chemicals, Drugs, ing. The best strike of the week, per haps, lias been made over on the Butte Consolidated mine, near Diamond, owned by Dr. B. I!. Clark, the Eureka physician and druggist, and A. Lee. The ore is two feet wide and will in gold. The gold strikes average in this vicinity are rapidly bringing his sect ion of t he Tintic district into pleasing prominence. Old Diamond will yet get to the front again. . ( . Ndii-ireports two fine assays Iromthe Bonanza. The shaft is now through the porphyry and arc working in the quartz. Two feet of this quarts goes ;.Vi minces silver and $2 gold. Another assay gives 58 ounces siiver and jl in gold. The Scheu's have a good properly and arc not sorry hey left Aspen. In the old shaft a pocket of tine ore has been found run nil away up in the thousands. h - i CCpt ible obiecl I w there was a big st rike made on the '1 Ala-kiup a deca in:, pal en; in Ibiby Hollow, last Thurs. is n a published in Ui ,a h's day. 'I bis property is under lease and II to be commend, d. but lie r bond to pen. D. Luce. Chiis. Creppell t 1,11V lleplol. .. and Nimuel Bailey. The last two - Tiie M n clii'v e. a ins en. a named gent Icincu were prospecting on tin- claim a nd struck a streak of needle material to print a six column d: and jiisl as s n ;e w-- lie gi a ill t d quartz in the p n phyry which asasyed s silver and were following it loll subsia ibel s to ,1 da ii ii jl id s so. n t W ill We ; oiiinielie. Wilh down to ascertain the extent of the j able id! ;; it. i it camp II of Tint ic in aineei vein, when it occurred to Mr. Creppell be io have he tale-lik- e formation adjaany ot her count ry a da i! w he en ing need of he h ir. a id it cent thereto assayed also, which was Wi h a1 done anil was found to run K'S ounces should In- so wilh Tintic e i: s diver and? in gold. da ily paper Knrcka v. The talc is lit- s. and how erally filled wilh chlorides. The vein population in six ne stein is an at a depth of about four feet is over (hat tlie bio (.r.indc assured fact, t he dad abt lob. iirour fee( wide, and if surface indication go for aught a big mine is there. go. GRAND BALL! ' ALL, NKW AjSID r..i,.- BY THE hikI c"t ymir !.i"i!i-y'- worth. Medicines, FRESH ! Our motto: Live and let live. DRS. BOSTWICK & GRANT. i ' 1 i TO UK HELD IN- l'rv. i'lrs. - i , i. . i ' i ! ill-- I i . ir-- i t v,ri .Vil'l Haul.. ISnnk. (iiirav.Col. I.O.O. r.MALL. Friday Evening, June 12,1891. COMMITTEE i ON ARRANGEMENTS. Chaa. Fisher, D. B. Cronin, J. A, FLOOR DIRECTOR, 1 Ed. Lew:s, David Rmglan, Gallagher. J. A. Jas. O'Neal, RECEPTION GALLAGHER. n Tnui'-ac- all a pail-c- i' K ERS IIKKA, VTA II. (icm ral Hanking Uusincss. Drafts drawn on t ht nilcd states and Enro)e. Inter-c-1 allowed on Time Deposits. Bat. Sullivan, D. Ringlun, Ed. Lewis. T. COMMITTEE. Chas. Fmher, Wm. J. Williams, James Sennet, Willis Knapp, Patrick 0 Hata, Jas. Campbell, E. Oats. Wilfred Frecklcton, D. R. Wilkinson, John O'Leary M. Holland. TICKETS, $2.00. 11 are cordially Invited to attend. THusIc by the TVepM IJaivrL J. 1. CKONIX, Manufacturer of Fine Boots Shoes. liF.I'AIKIM; NF.ATI. V 1HINE. u flieu s uiill, - Linekii. ojiiKi-llfliiip s 1 I FLOOR MANACERS. Hebt Mangum, Jr., Harry Forsyth, BAILEY, s. First Nal'l Hank. Rico. Col. Cnliier First Nut'l llauk, Ouray, Col. Vieo-T- n .Illusion. Col. CLO. ARTHUR RICE & CO,, r- ; 1'ir-- t v i . L. L. GEO. ARTHUR RICE, 1 I it. h V 11 L tali, J. CLUE. F. W. BLUE, Cai.V. Ass't Cashier. VSLL! Y6S! Noah MGGlirustal & Co 9 Are the Proprietors of TIIE MEAT MARKET Of Eureka, and sell all kinds in theirZline. Give us a call. Market just north of John McChrystal's store. EUREKA, - UTAH. |