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Show -- lltfltf XOTICEI The subscription list of the Nephi Ensign has been purchased by Fathbone Bros. All unexpired subscriptions will be tilled by the Tistic Miner, and all accounts due on subscription are payable to us. Rathbone Bros., Publishers of The Ti.ntic Miner. v wjw My VOL. I. L'hristensbs, C. P. f4? t t MINERS' EN ION. MEETS IN Hall i' very Monday eveniilj.' at All members are respeetf ully requested John A. Gaj.i.aumkh. to attend. ECREKA V.itti. J. T. UAKiiisOTON. Kecurdini; Secretary. President. LODAE NO. 12, I. O. O. EUREKA every Wednesday evening. F., f"""" f ft (ilal,alultali(a(iaia(1taaata m EAGLE CASTLE NO. 1. K. of G. CI OLDEN E. Meets every Friday evening at isitinfr Kui'lits o'clock, in I. O. O. E. hall. F. F. Bostwick, N. C. always welcome. H Huhns. M. or tli Vis-ilia- !; brothers cordially invited. L. O. SCHI'FIEI.D, J. W. GBEEK. N. G. I'. Secretary. NO. t. A. O. II.. meets IHVISTON I7"UKEKA Hall at 7:30 p. in. on the lirst and third Wednesday in each month. P. J. Lai.i.y, J. A. Holland, Y. P. & R. S. President. John NO. 7. " NO. f. I. O. KEYSTONE ENCAMPMENT the soentid aod fourih 8 p. in. Visiting month eueli of at Thursday made welcome. I'utriaivhes B. H uus tin Mdeib ridiiu m minus 11. Tintic has been under a cloud fcf many years, but we now to see that Silvery that lines the blackest of every cloud, and behold! in the misty distance begin in Gold : are these words written Tinge CHURCHES. "METHODIST EPISCOPAL ClIL'IiCH. Services are held as follows: .Sunday School at 2 p.m.; Prayer and class meeting it at i). in. t'reacmns: at 8 u. in. every Sunday All services w ill be held ill the west room of the school building until the new church is All are cordially invited to at completed. w. A, iiuntek, tend these services. Jl "EUREKA! The Greatest Mining Camp on Earth!" 1'artor. Professional Cards. J. M. Hamilton. JJAMILTON & MARTIN, C. The Miners' Union made the first, we will now make the Second Grand Strike in the Interests Beginning on the JOth of June, and Continuing 30 days, we will give a of the People. II. Maktin Jttonveys - at - Law, Er f Salt Lake City, Utah. Criminal and Mining Laws a Specialty. C. IIAILEY, rp That will shake the Commercial circles of Juab from Center to Circumference. Within these 30 days we will perform a work that will make County EUREKA and OUR HOUSE FATUOUS FOR LOW PRICES throughout the length and breadth of Utah. We MUST and WELL reduce our stock, REGARDLESS OF COST. REMEMBER, that this ATTORNEY AT LAW, Patents and Land Office Business a Specialty, Salt Lake City, Utah. c IIARLES L. BROWN, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Great Slaughter and Benefit Sale NOTARY PUBLIC. Utah. Eureka M. THACKSTON, Q Tendered to the people of Tintic District, includes our Entire Stock (which is the Largest in the district) of ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. GOOP-- Utah. Eureka, MARSHALL & BRADLEY, JJENNETT, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- Salt Lake City, Utah. Law a Specialty. F. RATHBONE, Q i ATTORNEY AT LAW, J 5 - i IT of unci Practice in all the Courts. Eureka. Utah. In Miser office. Q LI ( S.DAVIS, TTJiMn? JAGKETS AND MILLINERY. and Stock TJroker. Member Salt Lake Exchange. Salt Lake City. Office over Jones' Bank Remember Date and Place, Jline 10th.. Tintic Assay Office, Silver City, Utaru II. G. JAMES, Proprietor. AND ASSAYER ANALYTICAL Lake Dry CHEMIST. ALL WORK GUAKANEEED. A. Bupch. Christessen. ben. D. luge, I Don't Forget the Number, Civil and Mining Engineers- U. S Gl othino, Boots and Shoes, n f cms Hiisniiis, mm oik mm in W, Mining and Corporation Ollice over Jones' Bank. II. ! Having bought the subscription list of the Nephi En-rpwhich will be added to that of the Mimr, makes the latter paper the best advertising medium in Juab county. The Mim r is the only paper in Juab county reaching the masses of the people EUREKA, JUAB COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1891. SECRET SOCIETIES. GEO. UlLI.KSPlK, ' TO ADVERTISERS DEPUTY MINERAL S. SURVEYORS. All Engineering and Surveying promptly attended to. Reliable work guaranteed. Contracts taken for Development Work. Plans, specifications and estimates made on all kinds of Engineering work. Maps of Tintic District, or special portions of same,, supplied on short notice. OFFICE OS CHURCH Eureka, Max s. A STREET. TRIP OUT Frank Hanauer. A. Bird Eureka Assay Office, HANAUER k BIRD, Vssayefs and Chemists, Main Street, Eureka, Utah. will receive prompt attention. Analytical work a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. A Wonderful Country Now Being Developed. NORTH EUREKA COMPANY What They Propose to do, and Other Matters Interesting to tne People of Tintic A Short Resume of Some of the Great Proper- ties in This "Favored Locality, W. II. Smith, superintendent of thn Hullion-Ileck- , II. V. Gear and Erank CALL ON Newton, took a short trip to North W. T. FURGASON, Tintic on Sunday, arid Mr. Gear is responsible for the report of what they THE saw. The party slopped at the now celebrated property of the North Eu reka Mining company and Pat Donnelly showed them over thatsplendid roil a property. The unprecedented sale of FtHG BATH OK stock lias made it possible for this company to make ninny valuable im Cut. Hair Neat and Clean Shave provements on the ground, amongst which will he a commodious hoarding North side of Main Street, opposite Eureka and hunk house, a convenience sadly Hotel, Eureka, Utah. needed heretofore. The gentlemanly Peter Hour p. manager showed the party over the (Jko. Hanson. ground and they are highly pleased & with the out look. The shall is now down .'10 feet on the vein and the bot (Successors to Carl Itorup.) tom shows a magnificent ledge, carryGeneral Blacksmiths. ing silver, lead and gold. It Is the intent ion of fhe company, HorHo Shoeing and General under the able management, of ('apt. to develop the proj-ert- y Repair work Neatly and HugoandDepre.in, a shipper in a very make it Promptly done. short time, Mr. Gear says that the First Class Work. Guaranteed. North Eureka company lias a splendid showing and when a wagon road is Shop opimMtc furniture tore. Utah. constructed a big shipping mine w ill EntKiiA. All Samples Fashionable Barber HANSON HOKUP, Manager. 4000 begin to add its output to the value of and at the Ilully Hoy, the property of R. C. Chambers, which is now being The party met John Davis and go- worked under lease and bond by other ing with him investigated his wonder- parties. He prospected in that counful mine, the "Huekhorn." After try for some time and left his partner viewing this embryo bonanza they there to look after their property while were led, willing captives, by Messrs. he returned to Tintic. Mr. Morgan Davis oand Webster, to the cabin, has some property near the Spy and where the gentlemen named set up is endeavoring to make arrangements what is craved by all mountain ex- to develop it. plorers, a hearty meal. They were John James Harrington and next shown the Admiral Farragut D. C. liolger, have some very Harrington, group, owned by Jimmy Harrington. valuable claims about two miles north John liolger and D. C. Harrington. of Eureka, on which they are doing The tunnel seems to be following the considerable Messrs. development. same vein as indicated on the Spy, and and Harrington have already liolger every indication is that the great run a tunnel 30 feet and a drift 20 feet. north country will be a repetition of While they do not claim to have pay the great mines here in Eureka. ore, they do say and so does everybody else who has been in theirtunnel, that Mining Notes. the indications are very good, and W. I). Meyers is elated over his re- that they may strike it any time. cent strike in the Young America. Some of our citizens are very earnest The assay runs 210 ounces silver and in developing the mineral resources of there is a large vein of it. the country, and tbe Norwalk one lien D. Luce was over south of mile north of Diamond is a good illusSilver City to the Galena lode last tration of the fact. One year ago t he Sunday, where he has some valuable Norwalk was in the sage brush, but lead claims. He brought a milling today it Is a paying mine. The ownsample of fifty pounds surface indica- ers are C'has. L. Iirown, J. A Gordon, tions home with him which runs HO Dennis O'lirien and John Martin. per cent lead and 20 ounces in silver. An assay from this mine shows 2i The festive prospector's attention ounces in gold and I!) ounces in silver has been towards the North Tintic per ton. These same parlies own the country for some time past, and the Oberlin. three miles south of Diamond. reports from the North Eureka for This claim is in the block galena the past week has had a tendency to country and Is considered very valuaincrease the interest In that locality. ble. North Tintic is destined to produce T. D. Sullivan and John A. Hunt many good mines and the work now have two men running a tunnel on being done Is only a trifle when com- their consolidated claims' the Yankee pared to what will lie done before and Mountain View. These claims snow flies. are on the north-cas- t side of Godiva John Morgan returned from an ex- mountain, which mountain, by the tended trip through the Marysvale wa; , is now being completely honeycountry Tuesday, He was at the Dal-to- combed by the sanguineclaim owners, which lie thinks is a great mine. and many of them have ore already in NORTH. Utah. I'tah. --- oods Branch. a um sight, and more still, have the very best of indications. We feel confident that before many days the Mixuit will be able to announce the uncovering of large bodies of ore in the tunnels now being run. Major Matt Condon came to camp on Tuesday and denies the sale of the Napoleon as reported in the Salt Lake papers. The major will stay in the camp for several days in order to look after his and Pat's numerous properties. The Major and his brother Pat own a great many fine properties here.amongst which are the Napoleon, adjoining the Mammoth, the Albany group, lying between the Ccntennial-Eurek- a and Mammoth aud others. A few more men like the Condon Pros, would be a great benefit to any camp. Since the first rock was thrown into the crusher of the Sampler, fhe which George- Arthur Ilice has built at Mammoth switch, it has not been idle an hour. The sampler has become popular all at once, something that the management did not aniici-pate- , as it was a radical innovation to the miners of that district. They had been sending their production to the market to be sold, for twenty years, and to be able to dispose of it. at homo was something f hat was entirely new to them. Sincestart ing up, the amount averaged Ion tons a d ty. This is not more than the capacity of the works or as much as it is expected to do when he owners of (he works and the miners get better acquainted with each other. new-work- Iron Deposits. The coming of the Kin Grande Western from the east, will increase the interest in and value of the immense iron deposits east of Eureka and Tintic district. There is no such thing as a successful contradiction of the assertion that within the limits of Tintic are to be found the most extensive iron deposits in Utah, if not in the west, and the prospector who stayed by his discoveries in this mineral is now to benefit by his patience. While there was only one railroad to Eureka, and that one coming in from the west, as it were, these valuable iron mines could not be worked to a protlt on account of the long hauls by team, lint now that a railroad is to be constructed right up to the mines, so to speak, they can be operated and with good results. There is enough iron in Tintic to supply the whole country and then plenty to spare. There is a great future for this district in more minerals than one, and the liio Grande coming will give all kinds of mining and business an impet us. John H. McChrystal purchased of Norman McLeod last Thursday his one-- i bird interest in the Victoria for J.'looO. The Victoria lies just above thi' Eagle, and is now owned by John II. and Noah McChrystal. They have a force of men at work taking out ore and developing the property. The owners, informed a Minku reporter that they intended to do a large amount of work on this property this season and feel confident of making it The north end is attracting con- one of the best paying mines in Tinsiderable attention just now, and tic. Mr. Harris owns some fine property i'i John Hill sold to AV. T. Kurgason a that direction. f Amongst others interest in the Kosa north of is the Minnie Moore, which shows up town. Consideration not detlnitely know n. splendidly. one-fift- h 1 one-hal- |