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Show ! HELPER JOURNAL TOT HONORED ON BIRTHDA' Little Paula Young, with tie News About Our Neighbors From PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, SEPT. 30, 1954 heli) of her mther, Mrs. Paul second her celebrated YCung, blithdav laar Saturday with a party. Invited to Pin in the lun Notes and high' refreshments, Neighboring party By PAT TAMLLOS lighted with a lovely pink and white birthday cake, were Michael and Kenny Barrett, johnny Bl KEMLWORTH Mrs. Wesley Mrs. FultOn. C GAYLE Tel ROWLEY, By unco, Roger and Monty Smith and Bruce was hostess at a birthday Mr. and Mrs. Victor Christen-se- n The guest of dinner Sunday, for her husband HrOadberit. Allen and botj's spent Sunday afterSPRING G LEX Saturday visi- Bason, and at the home of her honor received many useful gifts. and lier brother, julio Savoni. A noon in DragerKm at a family Ravioli dinner was enjoyed on tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. sister, 'Mrs. Rudy T'Opolovic. gathering at the home of Mrs. a. B yd Marshall returned home Helen Skerl and Elinor Tolich to there lawn by the following cou- L. Scow, where a lovely dinner Richard Martjiello were Mrs. R. K. Childs, Kay, Marion and Ro- on furlough after spending three roprado where they plan to ples: Mr. and Mrs. Andy Pappas, was. served by Mrs. Don parmley at port (jrd. Calif. Mr. tinue their nurses training. They Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scozato, Ir. to the bert, of Grand Junction, Colo. fallowing family members: , Lake City Saturday. and Mrs. Jhnny Pappas, Mr. and Frank Olsen and Mrs. Alden Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Richardson and Mrs. Thill Marshall, his par-!- left Salt in Salt Lake City, Helen will take up her studies in Mrs. Lukis Pappas frOm Spring and sons, Mr. and Mrs. j. spent the week end visiting in nts, met him and Elinor will study in Glen and Mr. ami Mrs. Albert M. Chandler and children and theiv were there they while Rifle. C lo at the home of their fim Listello and family fnoni Price, Provo, Mr. and Mrs. Lavar Scow Mr. and attended the state Fair and Ice Colorado Springs. son and daushter-in-iaw- , Follies, when his furlough is overj Elbert Dame and and 'Mr. and Mrs. Al Tittle. Mr and M1-and Mr. and Mrs. Ra,y Christen-seMis. Frank will go to Baltimore, Mary j family of Moan visited Sunday, Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Evan Smith have from PUce. and Linda Lynn, Carry land, for further training. i(,,iav anil Tuesdav at the home just received word thej hae a VVharfl', dan .li l crs of Mr. and officers and teachers of Twelve Mrs. Thuias A. Spencer and her of Mr, and Mr-s- . George Dame. new grandchild. A son has arriv- the Mrs. Wendall Wharlt of Cstle Primary attended the stake son, Tom, visited in Salt Luke Louis Vuksinic left Saturday fT ed to golden the home of Mi. and convention in Price Thursday. Gate, spent Saturday and Sunday Tom remained Salt Lake City where he plans Mrs. Floyd Earckson, Mrs. KM's'.i-soCity Wednesday. Mrs. visiting with their grandparents, there where he is Rhmph and family presently en- in attend the University of Utah. is the former Ionna Smith. f. :Mr. and Mrs. John Wharf from Calif., and Mr. and Oakland, at the University of IHah. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Skrinner Mr. and Mrs. Jlyrum Huntsman rolling The Ascension Guild was held Mrs. W. R. Jensen from Ogden, S'r'cietLv The in and family visited Saturday and Mrs. Rye Clerico spent Sat- wishes Spring Glen Relief of Bob Wednesday evening at the home sister and bither-in-lato announce that they will Salt Lake City. in Salt and of i.Mrs. Nora Hatsis. preparations Diaper, enjoyed a family gathSunday visiting urday Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Russell of were made for a bake 3a!e to be hero t lu.iy attended have their opening social tonight. Lake City, ering w.ith the 1)01) Draper famil1' the State Fair and the lce Follies. This will he the beginning of their Salt Lake City spent the week held at the store Monday the Sunday. winter program and they wOiild end visiting tit the home of Mrs. 27th. "While they were there, they visitCh'istmas Cards were sld Mrs. Bob Draper and daughter, like to see a large group attend- Russell's brother and sister-in-laand Mr. their ed with children, and a dessert luncheon was serv- Emma, and Mrs. Charles Brozo-vic- h ing. Vuksinic. Mr. Mis. and Louis Mrs. Bo Colton, Mr. and Mrs. ed to members in attendance. Speof Wattis and Miss Meriene Mr. and Mrs. TOm Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Judd and cial and Mr. and Mrs. Von Hunts-maguest was Mrs. Ira Smith. Dixn spent Sunday in the cai-to- l SaH in the week rla spent visiting ughters. Marilyn and Charlotte, Keith Huntsman. Mr. and Mrs. Charles They city visiting friends. the home of their spent. Saturday in provo on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bradley "Of Lake City at from Wattis were Sunday visitors also stopped at Provo to visit Mrs. son and daughter-in-law- , and Mr. Juanita Rowley spent the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. San Jose, calif., were week end .Us. John daughter, Draper's week end visiting in Midvale at visitors at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Les Haycock. Clumbus. Ralph Skinner. of Mr. and Mrs. James Morgan the home of her sister, Mrs. ColMrs. George Fullerton. Also visitMr. and Mrs. Pete Crety and A personal shower was given prove visited over the week end leen Dalton, and her family. ing with them were Mr. and Mrs. at spent Saturday and Sun- for Rose Marie Columbus Friday family son his their and the home of and Mrs. and Oliver Mr. Jensen YVattla. of Twedell Mrs. Ray Mr. and Mrs. William family visited in provo Saturday day in Salt Lake City attending night 'by Mrs. Virginia Poulas of Bradley and Mrs. Twedell are family, was Price. A delicious luncheon was Morgan. at the home of Mrs. Jane Jensen. the State Fair. Mr. CO'iey sisters of Mrs. Fullerton. on the aid. first judge a had served to the following guests: MIA the A Sunday, night turkey dinner, celebrating the Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Marchell. Mr. Mrs. and Jensen program was George special night Sunday of Marilyn Scorzato, Pemia sacc Miller, given Dry birthday who are now making their home In Spring Glen, traveled to salt which was centered upon loyalty. Wednesday at. the home of Mr. spent the week end in Pueblo, Julia Hatsis, Margie Winn and The meeting was conducted by and Mrs. V. L. Walkington. Those Colo., with their daughter and Emma Columbus from Kenilworth. Lake Citiy Sunday where they Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson. Mrs. Klva Junes anil the opening in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. guests were Esta Lee the State Fair. from 'f Mason, RowHarmond home was Deiores was held the ihy Shirleiy at given Bridge Mr. and praytr Judd and family, Stanley Mrs. Shirley Wharff spent the were week end visiting in Drageiton ley. The scripture was given by Mrs. liry Miller and daughter, Mrs. Jim Fulton. Ladies present PnVe. Many lovely. gifts hride-toJbeat the home of her mother, Mrs. Lee Rasmussen and the theme by Sharon, and Mr. and Mrs. V. I were Marin Rcbinson, x o r e n e given to the Siven Walkington, were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bruce and Viola ROwletf. Talks Frankie Jewkes, Jewkes, Gayle Marie Byers. afternoon five girls Harris, Eloise Woodhead. Olive son, Thomas, Mrs. Andy Pappas Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reed of by WFawn Jnes, Richard JJuke.j Mrs. Mary Duke! from Spring Glen attended the Hughes, Amanda Tittle. Prizes and Mrs. Al Tittle motored to Wayne Clause, Los Angeles, Calif., spent last were lea given by the Pi Gamma Chi were won by Olive Hughes and Salt Lake Saturday to attend the week visiting at the home of her and Calvin Taylor. Songs the Mia Maids and also Sirority of Carbon. Theiy wre parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard sungtheby The closing Madge Rwley, J'Oyce Judd, Patty by Explorers. prayer was given by Jim Morgan. Dunn, Gayle Rowley and Shirlety Mrs. Edith Hunter and son, Ray, Ann Fazzio. spent the week end In Salt Lake Roger Hansen, who is now emCity visiting at the Wme of her ployed in Salt Lake City, spent brother and 'sister, Mr. and Mrs. the week end visiting at the home Giant Rowley, and Mr. and Mrs. of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. HarL. Donaldson. While they wre old Hansen. there theiy visited the State pair Mrs. lnza Jacob of Ogden Spent and lee Follies. Thursday through Sunday visitLee Rowley and Joe Bonto vis- ing at the home of her sister and ited in San Juan county Wednes- Ibrother-indaw- , V AUAWl Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Tai.vl.or. day on some business matters. j:i Cnstagna and Mrs. T"ny Mrs. Cliff Hansen reports that IT'S THE SEASON Ortgonl of Draper visited Satur- Charlene Bordener, her niece who FOR STORMS day and Sunday at the home of spent the summer visiting at her ARE YOU PROJECTED! Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pinarelli. home this summer, wag injured in John Fercik visited in Salt Lakfi iln accident Sunday afternoon INSURANCE Citiy, over the week end at the wnpn she fell over a 45.foot ciiff. home of Mr. Wayne AshwWth. Of All Types Mr aml Mrs Jim geevers, who Mr. and Mrs. Jaeji Pintus left have been living in Price, have LIFE AUTO Wednesday for California where igade their home in Spring Glen. FIRE they will visit tn L"s Angeles Dean A. Rowley, who for the with Mrs. pintus' daughter. Miss past two months has been visit Public Liability Patsy Strong. They will then tra- ing at the home of his sister, Mr. vel to Temple City where they Edith Hunter, left this week for Equitable Insurance will visit with their du?nter and Spokane, wash., where he will Agency Mr. and Mrs. George investigate an offer he has to M. Tatton G. Patterlck Williams. enter a hospital there and wrk - Prlco Phone 202 Mr. and Mrs. John Skei'l took in his specialized field of gene- - The t (Utah) of Interest from SPRING GLEN 399-R1- j 1 i s Bur-dic- I'm-'bl- Fl-'i- Fair. Thomas J. was one of the lucky ones to receive a blue ribbon on hs work. He had tied many lovely fly s. Kauvirous Mr. ami Mis. S'-cand two children and Mr. and and son, Jim. Mri. pete were dinner guests at the home Cf Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tainlios Sunday. left latt Wedjohnny nesday where he will start school at the BYU. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Jorgeson. Mr. and Mrs. H arc id (JoiiHich and children were Sunday guests at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Andy jorges(-n- . The Relief Society Union meeting of the North carbon Slake had a social in hono,- of the teachers in the Price tabernacle. were from Kenilworth Ladies Mrs. Eml Jones, Mrs. Evan Smith, - Notice To Creditors DECEASED. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undesigned at U'S Sunset Avenue, Helper, Utah, or to A. John Kuggeri, at Law, Price, Utah, on or before the 24th day of November. 1&4L. At-,:,n- ev MARY YAKOSH of the Yak-osh- . Antone of Estate s Adminijarat'rix deceased. Date of First publication, ember 23. 1154. Date of Last lication, October 14. 1954. Blackham, Mrs. Oai-Mrs. Jean Owens, Christensen, Mrs. June Bott and Mrs. Jennie jorgeiison. Mrs. Olena DEPEND OH US! Depend on us to keep your family dressed for liand-some- Bioz-ovic- PHONE laundry bag and do them up with utmost care - - deliver them sparkling clean 540 OVERALL SERVICE TOO! WE'RE READY TO SERVE YOU son-in-la- HELPER CITY LAUNDRY HELPER PHONE 540 Angelo Georgedes, Proprietor ' - - son-in-la- Here is a great new motor oil lubrication in a class by itself. Almost unbelievable in . performance, it cuts engine friction so much that it all-aroun- HD M SflllE til 1 0 i H em iiilnJ job of lubrication and full to YEARS at poof . tcHQ sfiiNg no increase in price iuiiuiKC all these Cuts oil consumption and protection that money can buy. Now Prevents with an amazing new feature Reduces combustion chamber depositl it cuts multi to 2 10-3- 0 rusting trouble r Greatly increases engine power. engine drag and stop-and-- Hundreds of thousands of miles of test driving prove New UTOCO's amazing gallons of gas in a tankful. New UTOCO valve-lifte- results. Ready now for your fall change- over. Costs only a little more and it will MOTOR OIL not only saves gasoline but does the finest actually pay for itself. OLD. NOW MORE THAN EVER... A TREAT WORTH REPEATING! it gives you advantages: driving you can actually save up gives you quality, age and value unsurpassed by any leading whiskey l MM MOTOR OIL friction so much that in average ECHO SPRING KENTUCKY BOURBON w gives you the most complete lubrication grade viscosity p 10-3- 0 ... d o Hi New UTOCO twm, icmsviuf. uNiycur You expect more from ( UTOCO iff andget j xl S Corner Janet and Main ly schooi, business and special occasions. We pick up shirts, linens, everything; in the bus-Mis- s YOU CAN! SeptPub- il Iiaycck MATCH THIS WHISKEY VALUE-- IF YAKOSH, ESTATE OF ANTON'E UTOCO SERVICE PETE PALETTA, Owner UTAH 0IL refining 45th Year of Srvi Phone 336 Helper, Utah , CO. |