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Show i77 Cth M. TilUZ tifci MINING A VOLUME 48 NUMBER RAILROAD AND DISTRICT NEWSPAPER HELPER. UTAH 39 First Friday Rites At St. Anthony's Starts Tomorrow INSEPARABLE Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will 'be he.ld all day Friday at the St. Anthony catholic church as a part of the observance of First Friday, it was annunced this week by Rev. E. F. Dowling, pastor. Mass for this observance will be at 7:45 a.m. instead of 8 a.m. Mission exercises at 7:30 that evening will conclude the ceremonies. Children of the Notre D-- m e School will be served breakfast after Mass by the First Friday committee of the Altar Society, with Mrs. phillip Vea in charge. Father Dowling said members of the League of the Sacred Heart should sign up for Adoration during the day. Civic Groups Plan Meet In Price On Saturday, Oct. 9 THURSDAY, SEPT. CITY'S COOPERATION ASKED BY SHERIFF IN CONTROL OF OFFENSIVE MAGAZINES, Civic clubs of carbon and Em-encounties have ibeen invited to an intercity meet by the Price Rotary club to be held in the Carbon college cafeteria Saturday. Oct. 9, at 7:30 p.m. according to John Yack, chairman of puMlc information committee of Price Rotary. The Associated Civic Clubs of Southern and Eastern Utah will meet with the Price RHarians as host. Prof. Spencer I,. Kimball, university of Utah law school, antf former dean of the school, will speak on the junior college transfer question and closing of Carbon College. The Helper City Council last Thursday night, was asked to cooperate with Sheriff Joseph and his department in suppressing on local magazine stands offensive literature for juveniles Hoi-ma- n 30, 1954 GARBAGE, RUBBISH ETC. BURNING "OUT" IN THE CITY LIMITS Helper Soldier Plays . Army Football At German Station Following ciompaints from residents in Helper, particularly in the East Helper aTea, about of. Pfc. Gean A. Plaga, 23, son of tensive odors created by burning such as Horror and Crime maga- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Plaga of and other refuse, the garbage zines, that are flooding the coun- Helper, has joined the 9th DiviHelper City, council last Tnui-da- y sion Special Troops football team, try. night, instructed the police Sheriff Holman asked coopera- last Dear's southern conference denartmpnt to .hHrii- - in all viola- tion in that the city should champions in Germany. Pfc. Plaga and ftaked vhQ are along with other cities and the is currently stationed near Leip beeing submitted o the nuisance adopt a uniform Ordin- helm, Germany. countiy to file complaints against the vioance the publications Plaga, a jeep driver in the 9th lators. banning fiom magazine cunters in the Reconnaissance company, entered City attorney Stanley Litizzette county, and carrying a warning the Army in April, 1953, and ar- informed the council that they ere to dealers of possible license re- rived Overseas last December. acting fully within their powers He attended the University of by. vocation for the violation. asking enforcement against this, Helper city through its attorney Utah, where he was a star play- offense, because Helper's OrdinSOCIAL SECURITY ances cover this practice under Stanley Litizzette, indicated that er with the "Redskins". the nuisance clauses of the law. OFFICER VISIT Helper would cooperate in every Fire Chief LAuie Martinelll also Carbon Dist. Scouts way with the re6t of the cities in Local Golfers Plan AT PRICE OCT. 5TII movement. approved the action of the counPlan "Roundup" Immediately effective is the in- this Another "Foursome" cil, stating that in years past hia crease in benefits to persons now Juvenile Beer Sales Price Oct. 8 - 9 For Sunday, October 10 department has answered calls to on the social security rolls. This also spoke Holman Sheriff out fires that very possibly will be reflected in the SeptemPrice city park will be the scene Another Scotch foursome golf put on the incidence of beer b'iefly has started from such fires. ber checks which will be mailed of many and varied events Friday sales t juveniles in the county. event plans have been completed Some residents have stated and SaturdaB", October 8th and early in October. for Sunday, Oct. 10, on the Carburn garbage because if they He said he was happy to inform they The present minimum payment Dth, when the Scouts and Explorbon Country Club golf course, leave it in cans overng'ht it will ers of Carbon District hold their of t$25 to a retired worker has Helper officials that no infringeto the women's eolf in ments be tipped over and scattered by had occurred Helper, maxir Annual Overnigrt "Roundup". 7 Jf r raised to W-and tfrX-,' been the I I V $30, Will ,TJs:f;'? incidences have several that but d?gs dming the night; and some mum of $S5 has gone up to J98.50. Activities will begin as units This event will again be a mix-- ! wa-ra- nts indicated that their gaiD&ge have in the occured that county an means This increase in payed affaii with teams consisting register between 4:30 and 6 p.m. service is not frequent enforcement and pickup tighter ments to retired wO,kers of $5 or of a man and woman. those wh feel theJy are I and To f taverns other enough. So vou watching This National Week. may is what, more a month, depending upn Newspaper uolfers interested in entering A camnfire nrOerani is sched-- i of beer. neglected in the sellers being justifiably this event are asked to contact laftPr rofsnprf if was suggested uled v 7:30 with a special camp- - say, "there are lots of weeks. Why pay more attention to one their average monthly earnings some said He stringunless that the golf shop on the course for upon which benefit amounts are fire lighting ceremony. This will than another?" they dty &M r6 based. Dependents and survivors ent punishment is inflicted The registration. lead into a special court of Honorin.the cUy thft that maUer go is Week as dfm.t tnm t, serious. Wd, become now Newspaper very receiving monthly payments practice may ninneri ui year where the boys will receive their can rectify it if it exists. will the met with to us. to as it Holman Sheriff is get proportionate increases, yon, According to the rating sheets Scout Badges and otner special Pi"t"t Tile newspaper conies into your home awards. TwJ of the highest awardsi dailey, perhaps, with every faniiliy, unit assured of couniiy, commissioners last week in local play the champions for a minimum increase of about $5 and brought to their attentian the this year in the women's uivison CARNIVAL will be given ta Scouters of nel-- t imt jt ,rts there. And, we hope, you're glad to a month to the QUEENS W(vkiy family. The maxi- &uuaun pointing out Wat just a are Afron Ruggeri, first in the per. see it. For the newspaper is your handiest link with all the mum family payment has 'been few days before police apprehend- champion division; Clyda Ham-mPn- d The purpose of this "Roundup" in the 'A' division, and Vir FOR NOV. EVENT world your neighbors, your town, your state, your nation raised from $168.75 to $200. bene- ed eigut juveniles, four boys anda being to let outsiders know someThe increases had purchased in the 'B' division. wo lour Garber present girls, ginia and the rest of the kaleidoscope called civilization. thing of the Scout program. ficiaries aie automatic, and do case )f 'beer, and Uie bys in Oai'bn wemen golfers this year ARE ANNOUNCED We newspaper people like to talk about Newspaper n- -1 have to be applied for. Saturday's events will consist were named the champions in the particular we'e intoxicated. of demonstrations in Seoutciaft in Week. The amended law also provides southern division of the state. because .it. mux help "s- - Second, and First, sheriff the of naturally, matter The being rhe following fields: Fire Build The Carnival Queen contest of in benefits for" persons increases lito pick up lll01'' important, because it can help you. given the authority annual St. Anthony datholic the who become ing Use of Knife and Hatchet, for eligible .... .1 ... censes of violating taverns was Local Woman's Mother vi i... i.i.. ,i..:i.. i newspaper Signalling, Knots and Lashings, nappca.. and survivois insurance benefits Carnival lists 'the names of eight :m,i or uan.v jum uui-hsus-was the First Aid, Cocking, Camp Making, It is the product of sweat, and sometimes blood and tears, in the future. Under the old law discussed, as Honored 80th At charming and lovely gi 'Is of the pension of licenses which fias Cmpass and Map Reading, and There are the the limitation m amount on the parish competing for the title of been the practice in the past Birthday Celebration big stories like wars and floods and many others. Catholic Carnival Queen of 1954. of annual earnings subject to so. against violators, And there are the much more important stories Mrs Sai ah Vance Snow, mother All scouts, explorers and lead- disasters. seeurity taxM and uMd n As a part of the Observance of next door or clear around the world. Hut no' figuring (benefits covered the full Sheriff Holman told the com- af Mrs William Flaim, was honor ers who have a hf'bby are urged about people 10th anniversary of the es- the he the missioners thought ob-' ed at Oiien House Sunday in to bringg it along to te displayed matter where the the earnings of only 40 per cent of story may come from, it's told to you of St. Anthony's with the scoutcraft. the Nation's regularly employed suspension period upon conviction servance of her 80th birthday aW8l"nent for reader and event was the not ish' was carnival offenses of such strong you; The fete was held at male workers. By raising the base Each Scut is requested to incomcarn'" a of annual the ade asked the that and This inventiveness enough over The man of nirht. didn't to her home in Fairview lrm 2 to $4,200 in a year, the amended happen vite his parents and friends to action firmer take 5 p.m. be there V id:;y night and Satur- has gone into making the newspaper. More important, the, law makes it possible to maintain missioners covet- MmSont. contestant will vie for the c'ose1' 'elatinship between the when las department brings in ' trhirh ua day morning to view these events. courage of man has been hammered into these pages vou read n . honor chances , by selling i a .k f w3rker s earnings and the bene- - evidence of a violation. Saturday afternoon the District merthe several very outstanding f:Ia hu :iml hiu ,1 Pnuiwl unfa nill The commissioners assured the day w it h all of her sons and daugh Committee will be host to all reg- tday. sheriff thny would cooperate fully ters present for a family dinner, chandise items that will be given "Let the people know'" is our motto. A good one, too. evcJUually receive. istered Scouts, who attend, to a way the last night of the show. The maximum benefit payable with the law enforcement agency except one daughter living in CalHut the people weren't supposed to know until some free "eats and drinks'. Carnival dates are November 11, this out a in for workers who ea'n $4,200 practice by ifornia who was unable to attend stamping While it is this eKse, take this 12 and 13. men made it possible. Those writers and editors and year will be $10S.."0. sell- because of illness. and others tavern operators Benefit opportunity to see Scuting in stood up, stubborn as they come, and forced the high amounts will be computed as 55 ing intoxicants to juveniles. Mrs. Snow, who was born in' Along with the prizes the three action, for Scouting builds a boy. printers IKMKon's average FJirview in 1874. has spent 25 t0" s',lers wi" r1'''Iv(', each girl and mighty self styled lords of creation monthly to give ground. on wl" receive a mmiss,0n as a practical nurse. average monthly eani- years ' Enumerator Application 20 next cent of the She has six daughters and tw ings plus per Helper Legionnaires t ion along the outstanding prizes with freedom of religion and other fundamental $240. Census S(me sons. 11 grandchildren. 17 great' Agriculture Attend Dist. Confab will be offered to carnival that inforAnd we're determined to keep those rights. Anyone desiring further two and greatFor Area Requested grandchildren, Cioi-qlffiiniu and .Ifilnti.o rights.1 televiwill be a patrons mat ion the contact social may great grandchildren. 1,at s wl,-- .Wl' ','1,,ljt' National Newspaiier Week and as of Carbon Post 21, American Le-- j sion motor Pr a cedar set, a Applications employment scooter, escntative when he Mr and Mrs Flaim were present gion, Helper, attended the District' hipe that vou 11 join us visits Price on Tuesday, October enumerators for the 1D51 Census for the family dinner' but were chest filled with choice linen, a N'o. 5 Legion convention heTd at or girls bicycle, and a Brown 5. He will be at the Courthouse of Agriculture in Carbon and Em- unable t ) attelid tile HELPER JOURNAL STAFF Open IPuse boys Ferion last Sunday, according to ery counties will be accepted be- celHiraticfli. Mr and Mrs' Vaughn ing shot gun. The gun will toe between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. John Diiscoll, post commander. ginning October 11, it was an- Cull of Rains attend'ed both. given away the night before pheaLET'S MAKE MONEY! nounced today by Field Superseason starts, Father DOwl-in- g sant Attending alng with the post Heard in a local furniture store commander were Joe Pavignano, visor Mr. Quayle Cannon Jr, FOR OUTLET said. UTAH COAL IS SOUGHT Wednesday during the first World longtime residents cf CaRtIe Hy Deeben and Jack Busato. Persons interested should noti'Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Jones, Queen Contestants Gate, Also attending the confab were Series game: "Hey, Tina, let's fy Mr. Wallace Guy Grange at and 1 go in together on BY U.S. SENATOR WALLACE F, BENNETT in poeatello, Idaho, The young ladies entering the nw living Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Willis, Mr. and just you who 2nd 316 X. ice, Utah, Fast, pi a "pot" and split it." contest are the iMisses Sylvia Mrs. Jack Pintus, Mr. and Mrs. is serving as crew leader for this left Sunday to return home after Sen. Wallace F. Bennett tax The reived income better fro (R.. a boys letter which Stassen a four day visit here with their Iiendetti, Caroline Busr, Shirley, Gabriel Mangone, Mrs. Leo Dunn be can area. forms Application watch those two fillies. They're Utah) Thursday continued to seekj indicated that Utah coal produc-and Mrs. June Buchanan. obtained also from the agricul- daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kssman, Sophie Garcia, , Merlene due to make bucu money foreign outlet for sme of Utah's, ers might be considered in thi Leslie Refd and sons, Wayne and MontoP'a, Beverly Terrei-oJoyce coal. transactions which were to center ture census field office at 1750 8. Lynn. Smith and Baibara Starr.. Lake Salt Redwood City, R"ad( The lawmaker said he had learn- - in states with high mine unem-- i Utah. officials' ployment. ed from Ital uftilroad PRICE ELKS LODGE GIVES AMBULANCE Applicants Pr enumerators jobs that the Foreign Operations Ad-- J Sen. Bennett said that he and must be citizens of the United CARRON COLLEGE AND HIGH OPEN SEASON Sen. Watklns ministration were omitted Utah hjad advised about; HOSPITAL TO PRICE CITY-COUNfrom plans to ship 10,000,000 tns a month ago that Kentucky, West; States, have a high school edur furnish evidence of commar- - Vhglnia. Pennsylvania and Illinois cation FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ON PRICE FIELD The fine work and efforts of who was sent by the lodge to of domestic cal to foreign experience, be in good parable t would tons .bulk some the of the foreign! get 2,500,000 fraternal organizations the coun- Cosclusko( Miss., pontiac factory, kets, with of excellent and health come from southern Wyoming and coal business but they hope that physical there will be a big Football the first conference win or lose try over was' well demonstrated and drove the new ambulance Colorado. Utah would get a share of that; character and be between the ages games of the 1954 season for the Hello Dance held at the college is from it valued $7 $8 to the home, Price when week last locally of is to 65. They must have suf- CSrbon In a wire Thursday tv Harold assigned western states. College Ragles and the gym, with specialty numbers ofLodge No, 1.150, Benevolent and thousand dollars, completely equipficient financial resources to sus- Carbon sen. FOA E. Dinosaurs is await- fered during intermission periods director, Stassen, High of ped. Protective Order Elks, presenttain themselves for approximately ing the that about Church of Ascension Mr. Engle brought the new ap- Bennett gun Friday and by clubs in the school. startting ed to the City County Hospital at four or five weeks from 'the date 75 are in of Utah's clileKe on U field. afterthe unemployed d a Slates Eagles vs. Snow Helper Saturday ambulance, paratus Service Price, of appointment until thty receive Saturday coal mining counties. the will state's the The the noon The to ser-- l peoIt and llinosaurs Eagles with a vicstage to college displayed Episcopal Morning According equipped. Prayer completely their first salary check. AppliHe If asked un8 Utah Stassen over Mesa with at this producvices Junior college of will area of and be held of! p.m. at Church tory along Bill Welsh, exalted ruler of the ple with veteran preference opener Friday night ers on the 2,500,000 tons the Ascension. Kenilworfh, this' cants bid could and a defeat at! the the Grand of der staff, Koran a the Joe Junction, lights against been highly has hospital this Project lodge, who meet all requirements will the hands of Las Vegas, N.M., of the lodge answered queiles of the people in- or coal reportedly assignee neigh-- ; Sunday morning at 11 a.m. The' be regarded Jordan gridmen. finally completed over given priority boring Wyoming and Colorado! Ascension and St. Barnabas', Ilel-- ! The Dinos, all pepped up, having will open their conference season officer and members in this area specting the ambulance. applicants. sen. "ap-which, Bennett He said, stated his that ' two victories under their belts Saturday night against a stroni? trip during per, church schools meet every of over three years duration. Enumerator Jrb applicants must ' this season; one over the Grand and determined Snow aggregation, The finp piece of equipment, a back to Price from the deep parentliy cannot transport rOl to.siinda.v morning at 9:30. and be licensed must to operate all toughened up from working in brand new pontlar. ambulance, south, he visited Elks lodges in the west roast as ee"nomi;a11y as. At parish Ple(;ti"ns last week provide a privately owned auto Junction, Colo. HlKh school, 19-can Utah." was on I r. bis cities and to the royalroute, over beet fields. and other outfitted was Robinson carry Ts Vegas High electa! mobile In good condition. Roy completely pay In later developments. Sen. Ren-- j enior warden of Church of the! With no alMis for the loss with of to f the tune school Nevada, three accident victims, Is also to ly received and praised for the rates will provide for the cost of . the New Mexico boys. Coach Jim-ini- e be fitted with a respirator set, outstanding project that the Car- nctt learned from his Washington Ascension. A. II. Lamoreaux was' on official Census operating office fellow that a final decision on the 'elected seni"r warden of St.1 business. cars Mullins feels his boys are and In the vein- near future will bon Elks had for their generals According t side-lin- e :,.i"miuo ions w"iiui not be made; Barnabas', an, radio citizens. of the game coach Jackson much the wiser for this defeat, be equipped with Robert R. Davis will be on by the FOA fir 30 days. He nlsojWas appointed Junior warden, The ambulance Jewkes has a surprise team this and will give the Snow team a set to that operators of the a received a wire indicating that! The Women of In the development stage to- Dear, and the game Friday against, rough and tough game fiom start with service, In touch constant can be Ascension Guild tomorrow, is the other Wednesday day, In our homes will with members of the Carbon coun-i- y driver and attendant experienced the Port of Stockton, Calif.. wasJttH.et every Big Nine competition should to finish. screen TV that a hang on in will stationed Interested in be first aid. It coal to and Utah witli moving An added feature of the Saturthe fans an idea of how good sheriffs department night. The next meeting will be give like a picture, connected October 6, at 7:30 p.m. The wo- the wall local boys. are. the highway patrolmen In the at the hospital for all calls of an Pacific, markets the game will be the half-timday only by a thin wire to (he TV Sen. Bennett and Sen. Arthur V. men are studying the emergency nature. to be presented by the activities acAfter Game Dance re. Gospel i receiver, Watklns (R., Utah) recently re- - cording to St. Luke. After Friday night's game college band and school clubs. According to William Engle, a fSp At . f-- - - ,, f-- . j old-ag- e y ' ',, ' 30-d- ay hard-heade- d earn-jitrsan'- : 1 ' j l M-- I a I j TY Praver much-neede- j 13-7- two-wa- round-the-cloc- e , |