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Show I . rAuc ttip - 1.10111 - -rr r" r." f v n -i n" n- s The club is a newly or- Sheldon, Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Allen, ganized one and promises to be Mr j. Jouflas, Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Bosone, Mrs. WiKe and the in-- : very successful. Mrs. R. A Xil-t- o A delightful dinner wai served; vited cw the guests with bridge follow-- ' son and Mrs. Downey, Dmner Fete ing as the ina'in diversion of the j J J J Compliments Guests j evening. Dr. and Mrs. Merrill were the Mrs. Nihsoa wen the prize of the; hoets at a delicious dinner served evening, in honor of their guests. Decora- Those attending were Mr. and tire flowers graced the table in Mrs. August Litizzette, Mr. ana an exceptionally beautiful array. Mrs. C. N. Mcmmott and Mr. auu Bridge was the diversion of the Mrs. Chris Jouflas. evening. The guests go compli-- ! Surprise Party mented were Katherine Dart ot Fetes Birthday JUlapp, Mrs. Kesler and Mrs. R. A.! A delightful surprise party was Dart and family. held for Mrs. George Wilson at her home in Royal, Tuesday, the occasion being her birthday. 50 Club Cards were played and a del- Entertained Wedensday tat Mrs. Wanda Olsen entertained lc,ou3 iuncneon was served mier. Mrs. at ier home at Castle Gate for Those present were Dr. and Kath-was yOSlP-- F ... TTLE0 the 500 Club last Wednesday. 500 Merrill of Spring Canyon, of Royal, and Mr. and Dart rine luncha delicious and played Mr8- - I)art of Hefper. ; eon was served. ggg lfTy Prizes were won by Mrs. Rutb Br,dae Party Evening Johnson, and Mrs. Becky Hansen. Wednesday Mrs- - M- - Brlsnahan entertained Eight members attended the af-- ! ! i ucr uuiue IT.. vveunesuay evening. SCVIN CROWN blkndco whis-AEBridge was the diversion ot Ue fEAORAM-Tlx straight wtilikUa In IM prxlucl arm wMMm, mra old, 37 tandyaar2S or iMtitra. evening. Ameripirtu dltUId tram Mrt, Kesler The members present were Mrs. can (rains. 0 Urool. Copr. 137, NSgnm-OisUUVark. CArparaBon. bw Oltlca. Entertains Club Mrs. mmmmmmamammmmimmmmttwtm'mMmmm Mrs. Fahrlng, Memmott, Mrs. Kesler gave a bridge party ' " ' " sg at her home Tuesday for the mem-r- a "" of her dub. A dainty lunch I i " eon wah served. WHAT CARBON COUNTY PRODUCES Guests present were Mrs. Floyd, "Mrs. Stafford, and Mrs. Merrill, i MAKES CARBON COUNTY" Prizes were won by' Mrs. Colzani,' Mrs. Nyman and Mrs. Dart. BURN UTAH COAL SHIP BY RAIL Members present were: Mrs. RIDE ON ROCK ASPHALT Oolzanf, Mrs. Dart, Mrs. Allen, Nyman, Mrs. Pettis, Mrs. WilTRADE AT HOME liams, Mrs. Brisnahan, Mrs. Gib soe, and Mrs. Wardell. v t-H A E L THURSDAY UTAH P E R. ;re 3 WORKUAm wl & 3 ft If'-- ' 1 ff-.-a- Tt r m j s llUlilj JL TTnlnnit . TTf'iri i ilii DO n e r ,T . j r J i77i r r -- y t toy d. ?Alfarf-- lnninr. xa Tennhoa fnr or.fi i I3l .J.B. Prices Effective Fri. Sat., September 24 - 25 PAY lb Tin SPECIALS DAY i, ISclilliiUa stms sua i ar 1 I niuci iaa lg a as HQS E Powd er CORNED BEEF S0AP niiu ul; ivuiiu r1- - mm Just arrived, a laree shipment of men's and young men's suits for Fall, in the famous Curlee and Vlx iLondon Fashions, in the latest styles and shades ' Vi priced from W( up to Cf fi (1(1 C A" it- SHOES -- - IREFRESHO itf s 1 ' " Ij 'j to I i priced from PORTIS and up m HATS ivnllllll CHILDREN'S priced from (JJ SHOES and up CHILDREN'S COATS ranging from jjg an(1 up $49,95 BLANKETS Winter is coming your way and you'll need plenty of warm bedding fo keep you comfortable. Luxurious oversize blankets and down-fille- d comforters as beautiful as warm. Cuddle your childare they in bed ren and enjoy the comforts yourself. and up priced from aaiaat. - HUMP KUA5IS VeaI I9f ! APPLES flval lb 2$M (m Fres 3 ,bs 3 ibs s 5 Ben w ; iis 10. :ae tl ' !Ir. 10 f 25 50 Ib bas Te ' 49' lb Grccnrivcr ?ri As ''Ho :e!d .art; fat c!,oice OF LAMB ISLICED LIVER O lbs for ib 11. ..l St life MtlS 'okt j4 - 1 w Ci he W aV I. . IT- - g -- njr 'trr reai Pro' PRICED Th( tnei - I'kJ 1 T mini ami Cream Daily - A the REASONABLY aa met LAM ---'!r I noli IfM BUY YOUR Him 1 rito 32 lb - 1 to 23 ,b NATIONAL LAMB WEEK -- har rui; U)ft Mi,dcream HERE ont Con' lb POT ROAST llFrcsh Iirge Colored Frvrr.! . ( : T r x 11311 Trio ' 'MKinds " 1. af i'ncn Meats of all M vrvsn ti choice v ib32J Tiuri Mr. ,b SLAMB CHOPS CHEESE, "g. MarM U. S. Inspected Meats ISLICED BACON whole or V. 5 fi lbs Jonat"ans ion gulk Missi0" w,,ote m Mr, '.e urp Jhankless HAM :nn: VEGETABLES pirm and ripe ONIONS L0NG HORN CHEESE IMAM - Jolid heads iTOMATOES lb SHORTENING iSKINNED b a MUTTON CHOPS m 49 55 eedless ;6RAFES FV RRiO AND BRISKET BOIL ipiokic arki I: pesh pSIDE PORK SLICE, '.do 59 lb bag for FRESH FRUITS MELONS PPORK SAUSAGE vf GARDEN lb BEEF half gallon mi '!d lb ILAMB STEW GE01D 150 is: camera for 2 'CABBAGE or Beef 1VEAL POT ROAST 4-- JJQ Steerbeef ,b ROAST ' 29! 02 14 CJ M mS soodcuts MUI.IUH KUASI Don't wait for cold days get LOWENSTEiN'S SAY your winter coat now when you Give your feet a lift with these can make an unhurried selection sports and dress shoes in a wide from our stock of stunning coats. and leathers. A LADIES' COATS rane;e cf colors . i auuJ fiuui new note m smanness to comrort. ranging from $1,95 and up ITT not saMaAn - r 29 o cans fellow jjrip ieisiicK lb.H1 CI 3 for Delonte lOATS lb 2Sf gallon can for fSYRUP Mi,kIeed 3 for 29 3bottles yeonardts lb can LAMB ROAST 22 - N. 2 A I IPI ICATSUP bushel 63c 2for 29c Iarge cans wm BUTTER CHOICE BIEATS U. S. Inspected Meats nULLcu ROAST no bone fat waste gj SPORT AND DRESS SHOES 1 UNION MARKET Portis Hats for men and young men in the latest styles and colors. We have a very large selection in stock. Come in and get yours now. priced from 5 up lo (j , EA fUKILI IJONATHAH APPLES OXFORDS 2,95 cans for 29 3 cans 21c 10 bars 19 A,If,avors bottle iMALTED M!LK MEN! Come in and get fitted with a pair of dress oxfords or shoes. We have a large variety in blacks and browns. Real value's here i PEAS, CORN, BEANS se,f "olhUn Q Igcans SOAP, S"60'31 W!!ite TUNA FLAKES 1 ? mz DUTCH CLEANSER J bars for yyoodbur's nna,nP,on w SI YF wwnw iiia.ii w Iarse packase TOMATOES 1 iiiLii u 1OXYDOL ,s can CABBAGE FURNITURE POUSH it 3 lb can for SPAGHETTI and AEROWAX WAX J 'GRISCO lbs 214 19c 2lbr PEANUT BUTTER Qinty Moore brand HELPER, UTAH the veTect pectin iGERIO WASHO TMa1 C Gallons Piae Dozen Fig Bars lb Ginger Otiaps WINTER TROUBLE Prepare Your Car For Winter Driving Wre Carry A Complete Line Of Firestone Tires - Tubes Standard Oils Etc. Automotive Electricians Expert Trouble Shooters N PHONE 342 e 'Blue Quarts SERVICE Sunday Evening Dinner Club The Sunday Evening Dinner club held its initial meeting at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. R. A. :PineappIe2cLasrgeSgc BEANS CORN, Schilling B RYNER'S - PEAS, 2 Cans No. 2V2 Cans Hi - T03IATOES, 9 s! At All Prices VeSo R33s r naiv IS A" JelE S OUT-RU- All Star 481b Bag 13 Ifoffer our many Railroad and Mine patronslj IJthis week-enLet us supply you m .1 nfi,r s eived from the Railroad and Mine emnlovPoJ fin the past year - It has been a pleasure tol .serve you - Ana nope we may enjoy y0Ur future. the siatronage in Prices Effective Fri. Sat., September 24 - 23 Workman's Market - Your Home Owned and fiillome Operated Store - uongratmaie me fStail Merchants and Rio Grande Traffic Club for the splendid project in sponsoring "Rail-- I I JI read and 3Iine Week" in Helper this week. We have an unlimited stock of specials - railroaders - mkess ,w (J.'is ;o:i know, this week has been dedicated I B.s ::Lii:hccLd ana 3ime wcck" m Helper. tmsL. done to show the appreciation I Tuesday Evening Bunko Party fr. and Mrs. Roberts entertained at a Bunko party Tuesday ening. A dainty Scotch lunch and refreshments were served to the guests. Mrs. Jensen and Mrs. Jones won the prizes. The guests were Mrs. Acord, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jensen and Mrs, Henna of Castle Gate. Mrs. M. Deitz, Anne Crowley, Mrs. Wm, Maulsby, Susan Maulsby, Mrs. R. Reynolds, Mrs. H. Hall, Elizabeth Patterson, Mrs. P. Greenhalgh, Miss Carrie Aahton and Jack Houston. mm . Nils-on- Mp uft' Mtr J W I oa mi con |