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Show Aft 99 iRIfWIB SPONSORED BY ANNUAL RAILROAD and MINERS' SCHEDULE: aisibow Gardens SPRING GLEN CASTLE GATE vs. SPRING CANYON COLUMBIA vs. KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS BLATZ SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 2 5th KENILWORTII vs. D. Good Music Guaranteed By DOWNEY'S ORCHESTRA BIG DANCE of the Year -- - Everybody's Going! ,,,,, intT'Tii"Biiiniiiiiniiirn)ii n rjiiiwn-iii- ,,71 SSL T- -T SCHLITZ and LUCKY LAGER ON TAP EXCLUSIVELY Cold Drinks For Hot People BOOTHS 999 mr kjvf. vQf XS r Yv 1 SffV. PAL TftKE A SACK SEAT I'M GOING TO FfJTPDTAIM TUIC; rUflD BIE p tlTV n tn tfff? fyi afc ifmimnMiM SB I "RIDE ON ROCK ASPHALT" 'SHIP BY RAIL' - 'TRADE AT HOME' "BURN UTAH COAL" -- Sum-rnita- rnn IITlll nnn ; INSTALLED COMPLETE With All Controls lidJryval 44'80 The Hunting Season is About Here See Us For All Kinds of Hunting and Camping Equipment PHONE 7-- HELPER, UTAH 1 III Mill llllll III llll I TTTTT 0"! III lil III The Strand Sweet Shop welcomes all Teachers and Students at the beginning of their new school year! WE SERVE HOME -- COOKED MEALS AT ALL TIMES Full Course Dinner Special School Lunch Hot Meat Pies and Brown Gravy Real Mexican Chilli and Wafers Home Made Home-3Iad- e Soup III I nil WHITE PORT 78 Jg Walters - ill j $17,-118,5- mm ' ' ! 7 -- - a Hk year-producti- on ALCOHOL er volume ; iwo spotted night snaKes, a species of reptiles rarely found In Utah, have been obtained by the zoology class oC tue Carbon hiKhi school for study during the year, Instructor Itosa Hardy said this week. Lss than 10 of the snakes have been captured in Utah and conse quently little is known of their habits. The Carbon students will attempt to compile information not hitherto recorded. Another rare reptile In the school s collection is a skink, a species of underground lizard. CALIFORNIA WINES BRANDY CHAMPAGNES I 1 J3A".. ?'' CLAD or PORT PORT I TOKAY TOKAY SHERRY MUSCATH MUSCATEL ANGELICA MO IRANOY CM QmH CHAMPAGNE TAMPER PROOF POUT TAMPER PROOF MOSCATH, TAMPER PROOF TOKAY I m 'Km ton 1032 t64 H7 W6t 407 4M eOtRANOY 9 H. Oak P-- ROMA FORTIFtlo WINES (AlcaM HO CAUFORNIA KAPi MANDY San faancisco i rSjJ Hare Snakes Found By Zoology Class At ft froam . M0M1 V'-N- jgg Lng I H) SWEET SHOP of less than 1,000 tons, was 29, TREAT OF WEEK AT OUR FOUNTAIN Emery county being listed with re six. Grand, Iron, Kane and Fresh Peach Short Cake credited with a total of five minesr Value of Carbon UIU1 UUAL M 9 pavmnl VC IllVl CvinrloA ULj..V.l4.V & county's production was placed at ?y $5,494,163 for that year, the Erne MIME V IM 1 Q Frosted Lime 4 Rickey Qg UlillMJ 111 being placed at $474,926. Wages paid in Carbon totaled and the Emery figure is We have Blatz and Beers on tap Coal mines of Utah, chiefly in as $203,853. Electrical powgiven Carbon county, afforded employand in Bottles er used in this county for the 1935 ment for 2,816 persons during was valued at $297,162 production 1935, according to a report re- and that for Emery at $30,331. cently issued by the department of of employees working Numbers commerce, the value of the pro- in Carbon by months are reported duction that year being listed at as follows for 1935: January, $6,091,918. 3,033; February, 2,738; March, The figures show that producMayme Hanson attended the April, 1,992; May, 1,772 ' tion dropped almost fifty per cent 2,402; 1,768; 1,773; August, state beauty meeting in Salt Lake.' ' June, July, below the mined product in 1929, 1,749; September, 2,321; October, as an oniciat representative of a total for the latter year being re2,859; November, 3,289; December, the Helper Beauty Operators. She ported as 5,131,634 tons while that 3.332. was accompanied by Sophia Rob .T 1935 in was 2,946,918. Value of Tho rpnnrt shnu'pH fhnt Wvn- - erts, president of the Price It unit. the 1929 production was reported showed less of a drop in the It was decided to hold the at $13,145,832. .VB m .. M two of the coal between production state convention from November mow automatic wrung 1935 mines were comparative years, 1929 and 1935, 14th to 17th. During forty end IHCUNZD tQHTRGL PANEL operated, the same number in pro- than was the experience of Utah. duction during 1929. However, New Mexico, however, showed a during the latter year there were much greater decline in produc3,452 wage earners employed as tion than did this state. compared with the mark of 2,619 Wyoming's 1935 production was two years ago, wages paid in 1929 listed at 5,177,142 tons with a being $6,635,673. The 1935 wage value of $11,405,454 as compared total is shown at $3,229,849. Sal- with the 1929 production of 6,700,-27- 2 aried employees in 1929 earned with financial return of $825,248 and in 1935 they received New Mexico mined the number of such 1,388,877 tons in 1935 and 2,631,-51- 2 $405,293, workers being reduced from 281 in 1929, the financial value bein the former year to 197 during ing placed at 83,723,082 in the 1933. former year, $8,324,312 for the The figures show that the num- latter. Wyoming had sixty-eig- ht 1 i ber of mines operated during 1935 mines in operation during 1935 and easy terms in Carbon county, exclusive of wa- New Mexico had forty-nin- e, ex gon mines with a clusive of wagon mines producing less than one thousand tons FIGURES RELEASED PLUMBING and HEATING - STRAND The United States Civil Service Commission has announced open competitive examinations as follows: Medical social worker, $3,800 a medical social year, associate and assista ?3,2(K) year, worker, ant medical social worker, $2,600 a year, Children's Bureau, Depart ment of Labor. Associate bacteriologist, $3,200 a year, and assistant bacteriologist, $2,600 a year, U.S. Public Health Service. Junior graduate nurse, $1,620 a year, U.S. Public Health Service, Treasury Department, and Veterans' Administration. Civilian Instructor of Spanish, $3,200 a year, and civilian instructor of French, $3,200 a year, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, Treasury Department, New London, Conn. Associate medical officer, $3200 a year, for general practice and for various special branches. Engineers, and senior, associate,) and assistant engineer, $2,600 to $4,600 a year. Associate dentist, $3,200 a year, Veterans' U. S. Administration, Public Health Service, and Indian Field Service. Associate botanist, 13,2'00 a year, and assistant botanist $2,600 a year, Bureau of Plant Industry, Department of Agriculture. Full information may be obtained from Eugene Gibson, secretary of the U. S. Civil Service Board at the post office in this city. i EMEY MALL STOKEL STOKER J CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS , 1 DANCING Tl To R. G. W. R. R. ,.,1---- -- Public Interest No. TOWN TAVERN & Games Start at 5:00 P.M. HELPER LIGHTED BALL PARK , iMiwiMMWtiHiiiiVtoiSiimBwiiaaffia vs. 00 f5J 92 rati hHYAw)fl . rrowc CAORArS rtVI CROWN BLINDCD WNIH mrm In this wtilht lht rvtniiKhl mora old, 2S mhfhmy. mt4 yura utrl trljMfrom Anwrlcaa spirits dlstllKdSnSBrsm-OiatlUBO Prool. Cost. It37, E rains. arporarlan. Eaacutlra Offltss, Ptsw Yarl. KfcY. S 7t r4ct Taper clips may now be at The Helper Journal office. Buy second sheets by the renm at The Helper Journal. 3ALT VV - C..O ibshsh V , " . Ini ma .' FHEE TRIAL ,yfrf k'V i i .tie t. sji"" i ,r .... ..... : i i k 1. 1 UVOpf- f , ' - &svw- -. twy d UHU X: .. I I lf 'if k' HELPER FURNITURE AND HARDWARE Helper - - - Utah , ' y |