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Show HELPER THE Page Four Shall the Efficiency of Our Utah State Ag Broadcasts Schools Be Further Reduced Via Radio KSL Do You Know? Are you informed of the fact JOURNAL Thursday, 'LEAGUE OF NATIONS HEADS jPASS THRU WEST ENR0UTE TO WAR SECTION j WESTERN TRUNK LINES WILL COMPETE WITH HIGHWAY BUSSES CHKVn..E7Fel). 17. A spe-cl- al of five members commission CHICAGO, Feb 17. 18, 1932 JUST A QUERY Han is Simons en The Uintah range of mountains one of Utah's prides, is one of three mountain ranges in the world which run east and west. Do you know what the other two ranges are? Western railroads now are going to compete with bus freight transportaThe United S.ates fleet Is com- of the league of nations with secretaries passed thru this tion by going after the small paro o posed of various types of combatBv Carbon Coantv Teachers Assn. Price or Helper lor iubtitute or last Thursday night, crossing cel business, loss of which is makFeb. 12. The Utah ant and auxiliary vessels each ofa jCity LOGAN, meetings, t lie donation Those who are acquainted with principals' the continent enroute to the Ja-- I ing a heavy inroad on their rewhich has been developed for a to and broad state unemployment relief, college agricultural war zone. The corn- - ceipts. The new rates and clasai- the school situation iu Carbon disthousand and one other expenses caslB over radio station KSL ev definite mission though it may missloners Great fications will go into effect trict know of tiie heroic struggle that represented reduced with used be for others are expected to meet ery Tuesday and Thursday at teachers are making to maintain to teachers Britain, Fiance. Germany, Italy March 15, and railroads in the and you 1:45 to 2 p. m. These presenta-kno- effectiveness. keep appearances. states of Wisconsin, Minnesota. and States. the United the high standards of educational An effective fleet is composed where the salaries of teach- - tions are part of the western farm North and South l)akota, Kansas, achievement of which our pat- ers in Most of their all the of is released necessary types go. which meager home hour wage'am make unsupported attacks on bat Nebraska, Missouri, Colorado and rons and their servants, the teachA sta-o- f proper balanced 11 back the into over Francisco San goes pockets f,om right proportion. This tleships under cover of darkness the Chicago district of Illinois ers, are no justly proud. local people in payment for th.itji1B jn the western states, asso-bar- e fleet gives the maximum value They are invaluable in escorting will participate. year's school is one month shorter To onr:juted with the United States for In to life. nation of the necessities naval o security o o convoys of merchant ships thru than those of past years. Teachconservative of knowledge, money appropriated. MELLON'S NEW POST agriculture, p;irtment more submarine infested zones, ers have heen deprived of patrols, bor21 to knot mine The great 30,000 ton, have been obliged CAUSES HOUSE TO Progl.ams for the remainder of heavilv laying, etc. than 11 per cent of their annual teachers Some row mum- - to carry on. gunned, strongly protect The advantage of the submarine DROP IMPEACHMENT incomes, an amount greater than sent home to father to get trans ivhrimrv nnrl March to he nre- ed : bacKoone II forms the 4.. t, over battleship the state sinted most of them are able to nave out Feb. 17. Be- home for Christmas! ti e SaltbyLake station college include the of the fleete. and is a major fight- ,an Individual weapon of opportu- - cauWASHINGTON, It sum- portation , of their yearly wages. M f h , take to are families and of able Heads facing just give ing unit, following addresses: .,, mer school is attended, if exten- - as nity rather than for fleect a.tmn, . frAn, ,hB ,i,111f,.,.,.ri prospects; puninhment. great "Dright ienniug hough it may be of great service sion courses are to be pursued, Hi ..11 tlmi. Byron Alder, "Brooding a ,1 If ,MM ttlU U tl t' f ib. 16 of the treasurv t0 the 1, in,t dual has the battle The cruiser a in defens.ve action. the presonal improvement of the from the door and 'position of ambassador to Great function of providing a backbone facing thei naval jtmsdic- - Brltaln lhe Samoa, under teacher is to be carried on, ehe "bread Feb. 18 D. P. Murray, "Utah's for the scouting fleet, and to form 1, duringMav special hmlfie com. line" after is United the in states tion. only , must begin to borrow money k dropped it9 im. Club Program." j th, vacation. a fast wing ahead of a battleship the long of south the next of equator. year's salary anticipation ainst Mel. ;l,I::nPllt tllarg(w Both possession "Farm .lust where the money is to F. b. 23 D. W. Pittman column in a fleet action. In vacation " before the begins. come from to Keep up wun mu Kerilizers. batleships and battle cruisers are resented in the commercial traf- Ion. Mellon had been facing im- fact many teachers will be among tauMiinc nrnl'i.ttwinn fin.) In iimlire' Fi b. charges because of actFriw hluiecht, referred to as "capital ships." The fic paHsing thru lhe Panama canal peachment 25 Carl those needing unemployment- re- our children's sitting at the feet Checklnc On Your Chickens." H'nlted States has no battle cruis- - during the fiscal year 1931, which ins as secretaryIn of the treasury lief to maintain the bare necessi- of W beyond us. private business was five fewer than the number while engaged 1 Rena B. Maycock, en. This condition Or growingwe teachers, arch ties of living! The cruiser is next in impor- pessing thru in the previous year. enterprises, which is contrary to go back to the point shall "Home must inevitably reflect itself in where Building." the of the United constitution tance to the "capital ships." The our children are taught by The greatest number of men States. the lives of those we train. with who ever school girls with a smatter- March 3 J. C. Hogenson, "Half cruiser is an ship high one in at served the navy believes No thinking person Your Farm in Alfalfa." between 6 and guns, light ing of normal training and no exwas 507.683. ARE Y0UASUBSCRIBER that such a policy can become a perience, Instead of giving them March 8 W. P. Thomas, "Agri- armor. 7000 to 10,000 tons dis- time The above Nautical Novelties with3 2 permanent guiding principle ad- (eachers with a mature educationcultural Outlook" about knots and were placement If United furnished not, The Journal will be sent the by out seriously impairing the al philosophy? The shorter the Mirch 10 H. J. Frederick, "Ani- speed. It is essential to all three States navy recruiting station. to you thru the mail at the folIn vancement of our children. lower the standards, the the mal Diseases." forms of naval warfare, vi., battle, Salt Lake City, J. M. Lewis, Lieu- lowing rates: term, of the weaker the efficiency of our March 15 L. R. Humphreys, "Im- the cruisers drive back hostile tenant Commander. spite of the cooperation Three months $ .65 teaching: corps, those iu direct Kchools. Home cruisers and destroyers, thus as of Shall we be so shortthe provement 1.25 Six months chil of the of the to training the In as charge Grounds." further impair Say you read it in The Journal. sighted One year 2.00 sisting our destroyer to get dren view with alarm the many effectiveness of our schools by re- March 17 E. J. Maynard, "Mar- their torpedo attacks. They play essential things that must be left ducing those institutions and your keting Farm Products Through the leading role in all scouting out of the curriculum, the hasle servants who handle them to a Livestock." The attach and prooperations. must be work with which units of condition of penury? From any March 22 Director William Pet- tect trade. deficiencies already Htandpoint can we (you) afford covered, the Service "Extension The destroyer is designed pri erson, for creeping into the scholastic abili- to do it? Emergence." marily torpedoes firing ties of the boys and girls. MultiMarch 24 B. L. Richards, "Plant against capital ships. It ranges of a over period this to Human from 1000 to 2500 tons in disthought Diseases in Relation ply Welfare." years! What, of the effect of such placement, carries from six to 12 an increasing handicap as the March 29 R. Scott Zimmerman, torpedo tubes, mounts 4 to vears leave an ever enlarging defi "Rodent Control in Utah." guns, and has a speed of about 35 cit in child training? Situated as March 31 A. J. Morris, "Care knots. Its mission is to make coal of Utah's we are in the heart of Dairy Products." massed attacks on hostile battlefields, we receive from month to ships in the height of fleete ac had have who for The Subscribe Journal. children month, tion. They may also be used to their early training in various the From of the country. parts Under That of Last Lake of the Woods on the north Quota Slightly Year Owing tot General Busi to the Gulf of Mexico on the south that: February sev-je- ii j Notary Public HELPER, UTAH pan-Chi- Only Two Good Places to Eat Home and Here w Try Our MERCHANT'S LUNCH in 40c . j HELPER if . MERCHANT'S CAFE UTAH INSURANCE FiRE, AUTOMOBILE; BONDS Written in Old and Reliable Companies CARBON UNDERWRITERS Hall Buil.liug Helper, Utah GLEN BALLINGER, Manager CASHIER j Carbon County Red Cross Drive a Success and from sea to eea. they come, ness Conditions omeasuring wits with the "na-In None has excelled tives." The annual Red Cross roll call the for grade, training, grade in Carbon county for 1932 has standing of our own children. heads with been proclaimed a success by Mrs. our we held Proudly the thought that our Carbon U. M. Rice, altho returns were schools ranked with any of them, slightly under those of a year ago. anywhere. Must we now give up This drop. Mrs. Rice believes, is this attitude? To cut the year, nd she has expresed pleanure at to leave out much essential work, due to general business conditions can ultimately mean only one the splendid work done by the thing a prolonged school experi chairmen of the various districts, ence that will require our boys Kenilworth answered the call and girls to stay in school one by subscribing 271 per cent of its; encan before they years longer quota. ter the work-a-da- y world, to beThe returns from the various, come wage earners, or to enter districts are as follows: higher institutions of learning. Castle Gate, 106 per cent, Earl Consider again, the shortened Durant, chairman; Clear Creek,; term and the consequent reduc- 75, Ed Tinkler,; Consumers, 89, tion in salary from the stand- J. R. Roalf Columbia, no report, point of the teachers Reliable C. J. Roberts; Carbon Dioxide, statistics show: 100, W. C. Cavenagh; Heiner, no 1928 report, Frank Hennes; Helper, All gainfully occupied perKenilworth, 59. Glen Hallinger; ; sons $1920 271, William Woodhead, who reAll salaried empployed per ceives a framed card of apprecia2075 sons tion; Hiawatha, 50, C. N. Orr; Federal government employLatitcla Rains), 112, (Mutual, 1 S63 es Schult; Miller Creek, 115, George suAll teachers, principals, Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Garlick; Na1364 pervisors tional, 65, M. O. Carlson; Peer"Latest comparative figures. less. SS. K. J Turner; Price, 107, It will he seen that the aver- W. E. Fleetwood; Rolapp, 103, J. age earnings of these school peo- 15. Holmes; Spring Canyon, 190. ple were only 65.7 per cent of the George Murphy; Spring Glen, 40, average of all salaried employes of F Steele; Scol'ield, no report, R. our country (based on second fig- W, Crane; Sunnyside, 99, A: A. ures in table!. Further statis- LeRoy; Standardville. 100, R. R. tics show that the living costs Kirkpatrick; Sweet Mine, 200, Jothroughout our country have low- seph Seaton: Wattis, 120, J. W. ered only 13 per cent since 1913 Hildabrant; Wellington, no rer (the period) and the buy- port, Mrs. Clara Milner. o o 0 ing power of a dollar Is still 45 cent under its calue at that per Here's a safe resolution to make This for the country at for the new year If anybody tells time. large! you that you don't know your Apply the situation to Carbon business don't ask him to prove it. district. It. is a recognized fact that living conditions, as they apply to teachers, are more costly here than elsewhere in our state. Some teachers are working for the short period of eight months on Be Sure to Read Last year aver$85 per month. weer as follows: salaries age the Elementary teachers ...$ 906.25 Junior high teachers 1199.00 Senior high teachers 1625.00 GOLDEN RULE STORE 1133.34 Principals 1134.97 Average for all Bie Sale Ad Deduct from these wages the cost of board ($35 to $50 per On Page 3 of This Issue month), the expense of keeping up with the professioon in books, magazines, dues, etc., the cost of transportation, from the camps to J.C.PENNEYCO. Utah J&ftth ;t Helper 0 No Need to Pay Fancy Prices for Style Shop at Penney 's! Temple Square 200 ROOMS 200 TILE BATHS Rates $1.50 to $1.00 RADIO CONNECTIONS TOR EVERY ROOM MAKE TEMPLE SQUAIU: HOTK1, YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHEN IN SALT LAKE CITY. - LL?f vMSfi li r.sv. " I fiNSfif and yon know it's worth the price but where do you get more for your money than in buying lien yon take tlie family to tlie movies .u know, au-- iliey know that three hoviv of feature entertainment is well woi ill the priee. l anil V $6.90 Newest Fashion of I9J2 , . . gay, bright colon as wed as dark. Plenty of arate with jacket sep- dresiet m I McV2 (I Now Showing New 'Beverly Ladies Net Hose Rayon Dress Prints in new spring shades in Dainty Patterns & Electric Service? serv ice. Fork STYLES and SIZES for MISSES and WOMEN 79c Bl Consider, loo, what Milues you and the family j;ei when you huy eleelrie serviee. The sehedole helow will give you an idea of the purchasing power of just one penny for such' I 98c pr. Now 59c yd. FIRST SHOWING! In Ladies Spring Coats New 1932 Prices-$6.- 90 to $14.75 - ERNEST C. R0SSITER. Manager Stays' for the whole family Salt Lake City's Newest Hostelry Hotel dteSt A Movie Treat ADVANCE SPRING pre-wa- ... ... -- New Spring Hat Arriving Daily Fashions Newest You can use any of the following elec- trical devices in your home for the approximate period of time shown: On our rule, in combination uitli Electric Cooking one-met- On our regular lighting rote 50-Wu- Lamp Hashing Machine Iron Radio (Average 150 Watt) Percolator Toaster , Vacuum Cleaner 3 lt hours 6 IK' " 3 Y " i hours . . See your dealer in electrical appliances or vi?it our store for further information concerning the advantages of these household servants u !M FUwhR b. LIGK I CO. EFFICIENT PUBLIC SERVICE f j |