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Show i l" wr'tfciir EUm Ig I TTYES. ETLPES. UTAH "V. . Biii'i'ii T7 T7 iiolpsr 3 s 60c Olive Oil Imported Ess-Jay'- l&c tss-Jay'- a 4 .... Z Ci7T:fefShw OSC -- - ' w-s"- T . J - - t "3--- i -- s 35c Pure Food Lemon Flavoring Extract Ess-Jay'- ift-no- S pi.-- e tract - 20c Oil - -- 2 for 20c lOcFels Naptha Soap . miL. Hair Oil s Pure O.'v? Jergens' Castolay Soap. Castile rN IfTX 3- 2 FOR 35c Ess-Jay'- 2 for 10c T. Ess-Jay- 's 50c Kirk's Cocoa Hard water 10c Pure Food Vanilla Bean Flavoring Ex Polish, nil 2 for 10c 2 FOR 35c 33c Shinola 10c tnr CfU TOf AspirinQ Tablets; 100'g 15cLuxFlakcs2forl5e c f10T '1IDC AspirinO Ess-Jay- 's Jotis 2m6Q Tablets, dozen 69c liE0 Mi n- - for 10c 2 ,, 7( .ii l- ft 2 FOR 50c 15c Lyndhurst Silk Tissue? Toilet Paper; 1000? for 15c sheets to the roll Ilinkle's 35c 2 for 35c Pills; 100's . 15c Boric Acid lor 2 2 for 75c Mm 25c Aromatic for 10c Cascara 2 FOR 250 Durham Duplex Kazori. plete nitb 63c h In lies ?r.c Tooket Comli. In case B."o Men'a Drcsslaa; Z FOR 2 for $1.00 Penslar Liver Saline. creases the activ- ity of the liver 714 inch, lolld 2 FOR $1.00 11.00 IIoum IiciIiI KhcarHi 0 to 2 FOR $1.0Q JI.IJ Hair Cllirr Donl,Ie O Trii.lK 2 FOR $1.49 lock Uilb Dynamic Tonic. An re- - 0 tnr C1 s'orative tonics lui vphuy Q and tf excellent 2"e Penilnr llegulax 15o Penslar (olil ' Crenm Cimiiiliiirlee omb lect brltlc 0 (nr IU1 In- $1.50 8 250 2 FOR 350 Pullman Style Hair 81.00 Sc: Com- 2 FOR $1.00 nnrhcr Slu.Trsi fl.OO ii 2 2 FOR 250 10c Epsom Salts ktrel and rs 25c Mercurochrome, 15c $1.00 Clean, $1.00 Liquid Veneer Floor Mop. (H dusts and polishes. t) fnr I WU lUI P With handle O f a Cfl 50c Cedar Oil Compound. w1 For floors and furniture ..... Milk 50c Pcrs'ar ,. Efl Q lUI of Magnesia .. $1.00 Penslar, Beef, Iron and ?l.(IO Bri gh, Cod Se- Penslar Pnlntablr l.lvrr i:xpart I'enilar Ton'b Pa 2 fcr 25c 2 for $1.00 2 FOR $1.00 $c OR The orliclual milk o( $1.50 J all $3.50 bottles 2 FOR $3.50 51.00 Russian Oil. O fft? fistra heavy 1.00 . Uih, t r n.,..,.,.,, , f i; I L. t ,1 ...WAfaUJ.l.4iau.i.---- ir?"HW,'8 hUU Shavlns Miavlnic Itriixhe Ilrii.slK- LJ. - Pnrltee Rubber Gloves f 2 Pair $1.00 Klelnrrt'H liublter SheetinJt. n'l(l Warranted r d proof. 1 j 35c Hiilrose Witch Hazel Lotion. 5R Keeps the skin soft Z TOf OOC and smooth 2 for $1.00 75c Hillrose Witch Hazel Lotion gl.OO Nfjunre fl.OO Rubber Tea AiiroiiH. Atlraeflve colr eoniblnatbinn 2 for $1.00 , ' V Hillrose Theatrical Cream, pound 50c Hillrose After 2 for 50c Shaving Lotion .. Lo$1.00 Hillrose After Shaving tion. Soothing and 0 (nr C1 AH VhV healimr I Cloths. touble knit 2 for 10c 50c Hillrose Rouge. 50c Hillrose Shampoo, A thorough cleanser 2 for 75c Pffii o . r..wD! ft n ) In all the Q fr Kfln 2 for $1.00 Business Envelopes. High cut; 6 Inch 2 packages for 10c 20c Hillrose Powder $1.50 Paramount Foi tain I olf r:ii t cna. oeiwiiier; uarai Gold points 9 fnr 55 1.RO n.i 2 for SI .00 2 for 50c PI Cfj J I $1.00 Garment Bags. Iirge size, side opening, dust and 2 for $1.0 iJU 4 oc tarbo Cleaner, f) rft I Of The grease solvent 2 for 20c Puffs l,.'7 ' -- I I .. i if; m .ir 40 C Glyceri.:j and Rose water, 6 c: aces 2 I!W1 llolW.lerBilllJ.Nji Moulded from live. wi 9,0r!,SU 4Cc ' 0?V'yw 3c Tooth Hrush Several 3 50c Tooth Crush. to choow from sizes and mylcs .tlMi.i-- t N 25c $1.50 Home's ' ; 10c Hillrose Face Powder. Im $1.50 Hillrose Double Compacts. O lUI Compact, Powder and Rouge ... 2 for 50c 2 pkgs. for 15c - i.f i $1.00 t'rnr $1.00 Eaton's Ripplemarque Stationery. Lined envelopes all the new tints 50c Hillrose Bri'Jian-tin2 for 50c Liquid or solid 23c Hillrose Talcum Powder. The O f.- - OCfinest Italian Talc, ance so much desired 50c Hillrose Hair Tonic 2 for 15s Puffs 2 for 50c parls that smooth, velvety appear 2 for 75c popular new shades 15c Hillrose Powder , re 15c Dellt Linen Envelopes e. r: 1 Delft l.lneni 72 double theeta to the bos Her sortmeni r d 50r nd Pike's Lotion, Cam phr. Glycerine and Am n.onia, 6 ounces 4 JaSJJ 2 for 59c MORE YOU SAVE SPERJP-T- IIE C'.a K n 50c Eaton, Crane and Pike's Linen; 21 double shec's. 21 envelop? .. H Of. 73c 2 fcr $1.00 I 1 Oil 2 FOR 450 I The amount you spend is the amount you save. You buy one article, absolutely no charge for t the second it's free. Don't overlook a single item. Hundreds of irresistible offers, many not ad- i verfispd. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Not more than two articles of any one hind r to a customer. No sale merchandise, and no goods sold to dealers. If you can't use two articles fi of the same kind, share your purchase with a inend or neighbor, Drimtlos 2 for $1.00 SI. (II WW 'Ty,' 1 Ab-crda- THE MORE YOU 2 for 75c (loth ygr 'WWW M fin 2 fcr 50c 91.00 tS Vi - Uru.shei l.UO , Alcohol 2 FOR 750 Half pronhylnetl Snnltiry, dnrnlil nubbcrset HO Rav Rum rte'iT: 2 FOR 330 45c Cod Liver ouv. 2fca:$l.C0 i.d us 1? 75c Alco Mas- - 4. fUI Ifnnrl ScrnltN. ilrntvn Den-tlfpl- ee 33c all $2.00 bottles 2 FOR $2X0 f Jlaanenin 2 for 50c all $1.00 bottles 2 FOR $1.00 ate 14 Kas-ta- e TooSSiPasS 1 Exquisite Perfumes and Toilet Waters. Narcisse, Jasmin, LaFee, Rose, Lilac, Violet. all $1.50 bottles 2 staffs' 2 for 23c 2 for 15c .2 fcr 10c "r ;W HO . i. j ') M Bishop's Sweet Mills Chocolate lb. cake 2 for 40c for 25c $5.00 Martha Washington Electric Flat Iron. A full iron, six-poun- guaranteed for three years d 0 fI Ul fir .......4 $3.00 Cooper's Sani- - tary Vaginal Douche O tM I til (111 tfdiUU (JJQ nft p0iUU fl.OO TiirkKh Hath rt P frl f Jo wel, Inrae aire lOT di.UU fl.00 Ili.fh UrUiBC, White Duro flnUh, detnehabl O r b.-d- i. tor pl.UU LI |