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Show flREWORKSDISPLAY ON FOURTH OF JULY WILL DRAW daRADE. BAND CONCERT rah 7Z7 iivit,, PUBLIC SPEAKING AND RIO DANPF. AMONP. MAJN EVENTS . TOIELPER FOR GRAND CELEBRATION TH0y5i Now Great Britain has been compelled to send a couple of warships to Egypt. Evidently this mandate business isn't all it is cracked up to be. You Did Know G Times pessimists . I gives about Helper? Helper, Carbon County, TOLWE 17 Co&l l.ci i ui Lonirati Glen School Spring of to been HON. WALTER ADAMS WILL BE SPEAKER OF THE DAY; GRAND de- STREET PARADE AT 10:00 A.M. MBS dam a tfcit have that the younger genera-- , tion is soft and rapidly going to the dogs is "Lindbergh". wide thiS who claring published world Sewspaper jn The best answer we know the Helper the the only is THAT Ut, Htlp3r Utah. Jane 23. Company Loses Appeal 1927. NUMBER 17 Salt Lake D. & R. G. W. Shop Ball Team, 1926 Amateur Champions and Helper to Play. Many Free Prizes Offered in Parade. Helper's Fourth of July program tntertaiumeut looms bigger and better as the time for celebration draws near. The Chamber of Commerce are putting forth every to make the day a gala one for Helper and vicinity, and their efforts will be rewarded by what appears will be' a recordhbreaklng crowd In Helper on the natal day. The first order of the day is the parade, and it is reputed that It will be the biggest In Eastern Utah June Buss of of-fo- rt Petition for the return of contractor of Provo 0 paid by R. L. Bird for coal sas awarded the building contract land in Carbon county) which he r the improvements and additions Talboe, A. q $16,-60- to the school house, by subsequent!! y- relinquished was denied in a ruling government County School Board received at the Salt Lake office he Car'ton their regular meeting Tuesday. Friday from the! commisstoner rf met the general land office. twenty contractors Probably to be present at the . In the decision it is held that ivih the board the coal land to. which Mr. Bird ree.jening of the numerous bids and the Great Western Coal Mines that Mr. company ked. Survey showed title was relinquished was .the lovest bidder, shown by the government to have raltoe and giving Nov. not been acquired for the use of noting $26,519 the entryrnan. as the date of completion.. The petitioners have thirty days g ventilation and plumb-sHeating, tci appeal from the decision of the contract was given to E. K. commissioner to the secretary of 'erguson of Spanish Fork, at the the interior. Officials, of the comgares of $4100. pany stated Friday that an appeal will Construction com would be made. work mence immediately on the school A tract of land at Gordon creek and will include the was purchased by Mr. Bird from siruaure, of six additional rooms the government in 1921. He later uiiding hallway. While the work can transferred title to the Great Weshi completed in ime for the tern, whose claim to he land was classwork of ginning jn the fall, conested by the government on the rangements will be made to han- - ground that it had not been pur;'e the TheV available chased for the use of the entryman students pace will be limited tJvfour rooms but that arrangements had been nd it be might necessary to ar- - made by the coal company to take ialf day sessions for & while. over the land prior o the time the The plans for the structure are certificate was issued. milern in every The coal company then relin- respect, and will the iiake the Spring Glen school one mdshed title and acquired f the most in the county tract through federal lease. "Apwiring will be very complete plication was made lor the return affording period bells in each of of Mr. Bird's purchase price and rooms. Local men will be em hearings were conducted before Eli ployed wherever F. Taylor, register of the local possible A general repair program for land office. .the Spring Glen at !her schools of the county needt-attention was approved bv the 3:ard The total amount appre ciated for such work was $6000. ig the Helper building the laying hardwood floors will be among he majorre pairs. Castle Gate will iave a concrete stair case and side-aH- t, and possibly a retaining wall There were no objections or sug-'s- d changes 'to the nroDoserl More Than 14 Phones to Every 100 People Commenting on the latest annual report of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, a writer in the London Daily' Mail points out that for every hundred people chool States there are budget so the same adopted. in the United J Lee of the taxpayers associa-'1- 0 more than 14 telephones, while in as present and the budget the United Kingdom, there are with his fewer than three. approval Much discussion and The condition h ascribes to the thought "'a given to the adoption of a fact that the British telephone sys"ral manual arts program In tem Is operated by the Post Office !he Junior high school grades of Department, while in America the 'be county. The program woild. service is owned and managed by inc'u(is leather, fron, wood work, private enterprise. lls mechanical drawine and other "In this country" (Great Brin& along the same line. Tne tain), the article says, "the iI10unl f money managed telephone is a necessary to pur se the In Amerequipment necessary and luxnrv of the "employ efficient instructors i3 ica, where there is a telephone to Mbitive to carrying out the every six or seven people, practical'tas in an extensive manner, how-"- ly every working man is on the the work wll be carried on in wire, and so Js practically every 'imited way. In England large houses farmer art colleccontaining invaluable s'rs. Mary Allison and daughter tions bum down because there s r'd,"i returned home the first of no telephone to call the fire brie eek from a month's vacation gade. People living in the country A s'Th bureau-cratical- well-to-d- relet I All business concerns, civic organizations, lodges. Sundayschools, and Xaomi Wal emnift I m:i. sl . ''ice .... lute inursttay work candidates. s,n HI . 't.ation Ur O.E.S." he'd chapter, was pui a iwrtrtuiwv:, evening for on Afi thcr-- i n"lr and was pleasant social refreshments. This nvect-- J the lodge for the sum- Cc,lderab.y - ied i'mJatl:'" '' on foot have to send for the doctor as they did exactly horeback or on in the Middle Ages. -All over Europe the telephone by mismanaged is manarjri, or telethe America In officialdom. ins. i u lon .nd phone IB a Private Uwted States, the the result Is that has inhabitants, with 110.000,000 as twice more than mon,,ln's' untu p- a! as mBny telephone many as with four times inhabit ..Marshal of the day, a,,sn M ssour home in St. Louis. . ' Mrs for .anl John Laboroi and 0 had been vision, Mr Guerien j Mrs Tony Laboroi returned two weeks at the Eugene Vm Mon(iay evening from an ex- ti home. ."lv rtlotr -- i. .ki ik. 7,ee Thomas and or California lh Thov visited V;r. and Mrs. p'"n? of interest In he sun- d U,X ft n i ,1 "lrtl time Vet 0,3 again h they are happy to . ': nf. I lx1 fan "y over rnnv,nre some of 1nV8 'nMt"rPran . city i"ir";,,v!in Thomas's Thomas, and day. Mr. . naMons ,hat t,iey. not treat us too roughly, Sunday. mother. Mrs. r Hon returned home -- mrpd to the capl- - Dr. C. R. Fahring. Salt Lakers Visit Helper The Business and Professional Women's club of Helper will their nuttings unti'u the president, Mrs. E. H. Thomas is able to continue in her official Since most clubs rule a capacity. and August vacation period July this plan will be in keeping wnth The activities wjll state rulings. continue some time in July. ' The Twinklers Club, an organiz-- . ation of Easter Star ladies of Sol- Summit have completed the' Mrs. and Rev. W. F. Bulkley Mrs. L. G. Con don of Provo motored to iieiper Friday. Rev. Bulkley is pastor oi the Episcopal shurch at Provo, and while here he met with the Lad tea Guild at the home of Mrs. M. C. the home of Mrs. L. R. M'etz. First thing you know, this thing of crossing the Atlantic in an airAmer-iac- n plane is going to become an habit. Pes-sett- o. d Buried Saturday . and son, Bill, also . Utah traveled having points, through the Salina canyon route to Price and Helper. arl R. Marcusen, state republi-o- f can chairman, entertained in their honor at an informal luncheon at Price. The g'uesv.s included two Helper men, C. D. Pope, chairman; of Helper, and Arthur S. Horsley, justice oi me peace 01 una. cuy., Others present at; the luncheon were n. l.. .rrau, coumy cnairman; Rracken Lte.' secretary. county committee; J. Perry Egan, chair- roan of Price; Gomer Peacock, for- mer county chairman, George E. Nelms, former county secretary, and A. J. Lee, state committeeman. I Kiwanis national convention !altj company. Cornet Duet, UmUrto Bovero Jennie Bovaro. Address of Welcome, Mayor F R. Porter. Xylophone Solo, Louie Bovaro ' tlU-t- n' Oration, Hon. Walter Adams of la Provo. District Governor of Kiwa nis Clubs. Band Selection, The Helper City Beginning at 2 p.m. there will be continuous picture shows at the Strand Theatre, featuring Rex King of Wild Horses in "No Man's Law". The management has made these r per1 a I, arrangements for the showing of the picture for the ac comodation of the vast crowd of people who will be in th.e city durSuch arrangements ing the day. will not interfere with the regular i program of the day. A Salt Lake chmaplon baseball i y k m team, the D.&.R.G.W. Shop team will compete wl the Helper nine for honors on the local diamond at ' ' 2 30. The game will b? the fastest 7r flnytd In eastern Utah on that will draw a record and date, breaking crowd. These two teams SeliRiiian gnllerlM In New York will also match their skill onSun- ChnpllD unveiled ut the Jacques Omrlle .. the former dav. Julv 3. .. . iniirchioness of Qtieensberry. ih hv if ,,no .i , ii rr f,T iiiiiii'i, i vi'"". msirclibitess and the shows vlewiug The Children's sports will b'gin Chaplin The photograph Cntlileeii Mann. at 5:30, taking place on Depot the palutlng. O 'l HI m eh -- " . I' i n, er Incvoation, Quartett, Mrs. W. H. Bash I 2:30 o'clock Saturday la'ftermjon from tho Price Community church. The Rev. H. M. Merkel, the Rev. Ralph C. Jones and Ernest S. Horsley of Price gave short talks. PeJlbearers wjres O. K. Clay, George E. Nelms, Carl R. Marcu-soH. S. Robinett, Charles James, Hal MatKnight, II. H. Holdaway and H. S. Blake. Burial was in the family plot at the Price City cemetery. Mrs. Crockett died in Price on June 11, after a long illness. She was born at Boonville, Mo., April 4, 1837. the daughter of William Her father was and Sirrah Rayl. a veteran of the Mexican war. Her husband, A. M. Crockett, whom she married in 1862, died' in Oklahoma in 1898. For the past t,wenty-i- x years Mrs. Crockett had made her home in Price with her two sons, R. W. and John A. Crockett, Two other sons, Monte V., of Bentonville, Ark., and Harris R. of Dallas, Texas, also survive. A half-sisted was the grand-mothof Mrs. resides at Dill, Okla. The deceas-E- . F. Gianotti of this city. Many Helper jfrlends it the and He is proclaimed Memphis, Tenn. as one of the outstanding speakers the state of Utah, and will be well wort h hearing. Especially will j the older people and citizens enjoy j this opportunity of hearing Mr. Adams. He is a real Utahn, a buos-ditcr, full of inspiration and exper- in icnce, ami a loyai American He is not only inevery respect. terested in Kiwanis clubs, but also in Rotary, Chamber of Commerce i club and various civic organiza tions. The Kiwanis club of Price have been extended a special invitation to come to Helper and hear their governor, and also enjoy the other New Jersey official records show- - urogram numbers. They will no doubt take advantage of this op mat sportsmen repuitsa uae6"'s million dollars worth of fish and portunity, take part in the parade game, in 1925. Well, for our part, and also paricipate in other enter they would have to show us the tainments of the day. up an Interesting U o shrdlu py birds and the fish. Other numbers that will make Looks like Volstead also changed up an interesting morning program our standard measure scale. A at the Strand are: C, Leger, Pres. of C. of C. Master quart of gin now means a peack of of Ceremonies. trouble. Portsmouth Star. Band Selection, Helper City Band Unveils Own Portrait :rfT is always lots of excitement when the children line up for the numerous races. The young and oldr children will be given chan ce i to compete, and the prizes to be awarded will be in charge of Dr. C. R. Fahring, R. A. Nllson and Paul Pessetto, committee. Helper's newly organized City Band will make their first public appearance at 7:30 in the evening. when they will give a concert on Main street. The young mutdcians are under the leadership of Prof. H. Bovaro, and are rapidly forming an organization to be proud" of. The band will furnish musical sel ections throughout the day. "A fireworks display of unsurpassed splendor will be witnessed beginning at 9 In the evening. The lights will be set off from the hill west of Helper, which will afford all of Helper and vicinity for miles around opportunity to enjoy the display, C. D. Pope, Dr. C. R. Fah- Mrs. Crockett Harry Chambers passed through Helper last Tuesday enroute to his home at Soldier Summit. Harry is a student of the University of Ohio, located at iColumbus, and has now completed his third year. it io nn liTi av in thp win- nnNf dow of the Lowenstein Merc, com-- ; pany store at this city. The pro. Ho tr. i, t ,u i:Hti j..a iiuili iiic i uiu niaopd in the Mason ic build ins completed! fnnri for the recently temple at Price. There and A. Litizzletteiei are Jin American , Colors, Legion Color ring charge of this brilliant display. Guard. The festive day will be fittingly Helper City Band. close with an Independence ball at Helper's City Fire Department, Helper's open air dance hall, the In charge of Fire Chi?f Paui nusic Amusu. The usual peppy will and be than the beter ever, Goddess of Liberty Float. is preparing to give management Officials City of merrymakers Officers of Chamber of Commerce a capacity a haapy time as a close to the day. Business fPlits, Lodge Floats, o Eiriikt Bamberger and Unfttidt Decorated cars; comedy; Utah's States District Attorney Charles M. Best Crop; Autos. Hon. W'alter Adams of Provo Morris, members of the national republican committee" for Utah District Governor of Kiwanis Club were in Helper Friday, shaking has been secured as speaker of the hands with old friends, and" rnak- - day, and will deliver thg address Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah ing new friends. They were ein at the Strand Theatre at 11:00 route to Salt Lake from southern 'Mr. Adams has just returned from Virginia Crockett were held at (MEETINGS POSTPONED ;z&rifwy veral cars of Helper ants. officers motored down the meeting ,srs and to enter order: 1 Colorado. urged Not only for the advertising genefits derived but for the generous sums of prises offered. The parade will assemble at the school house and will begin the line of march at 10:00. They will pass In review in the following ly o. are individuals floats. T ni) in I ... er er family motored to Price ."flor the services. FIBiST PASSPORT JSSUED TO TELPE7 MAN ROE AMERICAN 7 EGI0N PARIS MEET John Leodakls, of Helper, was the man, Carbon County resident to recejlve iis passport for the AmerkWn Legion convention at Paris, France, in Sept'inber, according to County first Cler' Elizabeth A. Hadley. Mr. will sail September JO on the Leviathan, and before refill ing will visit In Greece, Italy, G many and England. According to Mrs. Hadley it takes Leo- - - .lakls three wc'pks to secure "ssports from Washington. D. C, id she advises those who are nlannlng on making the trip to apply for their passports early. The first radio newspaper has been published and Ve suppose they will blame all the typographical errors on to static. Whoremembers the girl who got vaccinated on the calf of her leg so that it wouldn't show? |