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Show THE HELPER TIMES. HELPER UTAH A Gift for Miss Hildegarde OUR COMIC SECTION : Puts An News Notes Bunion Utah By CLARISSA MACK1E D Our Pet Peeve vr 111 ' m -tc: - i 1 J i, r.y,L SL'I NW N M'-X- X I .' I t I . .7 i II 1 KV 1 I ! Richmond The first coperatlre shipment of dairy cattle to enter Grass first Valley arrived ia Koosharem the of of April. The shipment consisted thirty-fiwhich of forty-fiT- e head, were Holsteins and ten Jerseys. In the shipment was a yearling purebred Holstelii bull sired by the famous Marathon Bess Burke, twenty fifth bull owned by the Richmond Bull association, In Cache valley. The last named animal comes from an ancestry whose twelve nearest dams average more of butter fat. This bill will be a factor in Improving the dairy stock of Grass Valley. e early summer when Hilde-gardIT WAS Wood met her ideal man and she, a successful school teacher, had formed her hasty opinion In three It happened on the train minutes. wfcrn she was homeward bound for the long summer vacation; and as be was her neighbor in the puliman, the next chair to her own. It fell to his lot to pick up a huge armful of roses that some of her admiring pupils had Hung at her when the v train started. "Thank vou so much," Ilildegarde murmured as the stranger crouched down to rescue the last delightful pink bud from under his own chair, The porter, hovering at her elbow, offered to put them in the refrigera- cat- Richfield Two carloads of dairy tle were received at Richfield, principally for the producers at Koosharem. HolThe cars consisted of thirty-fivsteins and ten Jerseya and represent an excellent grade of dairy stock. The cattle were selected by a committee representing the cooperative producers of Koosharem and vicinity, and included Edward C. Bagley, Joseph Nelson and Soren Sorenson, Gilbert Hallows, Ralland Anderson and Alvin Helquiat accompanied the committee and selected stock to improve their own herds. Most of the animals were obtained in Cache county, the selections being principally made by County Agent S. R. Boswell of Sevier, W. W. Owings and George B. Cain of the Utah Agricultural college. Layton Reports from the Layton Sugar company are optimistic regarding the outlook of the sugar beet harvest for this season. During the month of March more acreage was planted to beets this year than in any year sinfe To the organization of the factory. been has considerable a acreage date, contracted for, not so much as last year, but more than in 1925. The soil and weather conditions seem very favorable and a much larger tonnage Is expected. Salt Lake Officials of the city and county, together w.th the board of governors and the Highways, civic and advertising committees of the chamber of commerce, will hold a luncheon at noon Monday at the chamber of commerce for the purpose of discussing the condition of the Was atch boulevard which encircles the north and eastern part of the city. At the conclusion of the luncheon, those attending will make a motor tour of inspection of the highway. Salt Lake Flying low to keep beneath the heavy bank of clouds that clung to the western horizon, the huge niultimotored Fokker monoplane, sister-shiof the Josephine Ford, winged into the Salt Lake airport Sunday afternoon at 6 o'clock. Accompanying the ship, which is a replica of the famous craft that took Commander Richard E. Byrd over the north pole, was the United States mail plane. Three private planes from Woodward field met the Fokker on the edge of the lake and accompanied it to the landing tor of the buffet car just behind. "They'll keep nice and cold, madam, nnd no trouble at all, thank you, mu'in." And the porter vanished with e the roses. "Looks like anything except a scboolnia'm," pondered the young man d who wore spectacles, and had quantities of brown hair. It was the young man's ill luck to lose sight of Hildegarde as she left the train, so that he never saw who It was that met her, but the nest day he wisely sought the "red caps" at the station asd made diligent inquiries. "If you means a lady wld vilets," said one of the porters whom he questioned. "I sure toted her bags. I dunno her name, but she grabbed a lady at de gate and says, 'Deah Mis' Gunlow,' or somefin like dat." Remsen thanked the man joyfully, tipped him generously, and rushed off. Surely be knew Mrs. Oun-dlow ! lie hojvd it was his dear Cousin lUith Gunderlow. If it wasn't, Ruth could probably introduce him to ! He some of her Gunderlow-ln-Iaw- s Called IJuth on the telephone later, and told her he had thought of calling. If she would be home that night. Remsen !" exclaimed his "Billy "I thought cousin enthusiastically. you were in Buffalo your man told r me the other day do come to tonight, and spend the evening I have an old school friend here. Just arrived from So happy Billy Uemsen stopped at a florist's, and, laden with a huge box of flowers, he arrived five minutes before dinner. "Hildegarde, dear, may I Introduce my cousin. Billy Remsen? Billy, this Is Miss Wood, my old school friend!" Ruth, not twenty-fiv- e herself, danced off to meet her young husband who was entering I am glad to "Well, Hildegarde! see you," he exclaimed, "and how are you. Billy?" he asked slapping the happy, spectacled youth on the back. "How am I? Starved!" blurted Billy, and just then dinner was announced and Billy offered his arm to his cousin and Hildegarde went to her place with Mr. Gunderlow It was a nierrv meal, and although Hildegarde and Billy confessed themselves thoroughly surprised at the meeting, and explained the coincidence to their host and hostess. Billy said nothing about his quizzing of the station porters that had resulted so fortunately It wiv- - a delightful evening for all of them, especially Hild'gnrde and Billy Remsen but it was when Billy was leaving that Jack Gunderlow managed to whisper a word to him "Pretty girl. eh. Billy?" 'Til say so!" was Billy's enthusiastic reply. "Don't lose your Itenrt. old man. you know she's engaged?" "No-!exploded poor Billy who had shell-riinme- Had You Heard It? THE FEATHERHEADS ' NAMED A CLUB AP'EJ voo - nr has a Shaft akiq no WEAkD- - ilTS CALLED A J YOU TrliNK IK Mi wA5 The VL MV SCORE , ac-- t TlME: I H'V II V MALC SSl PiikVpr y l- - din-De- , v j f 111 DNCE AMD A HALP AMOA MALV WHAT? ' , HI frffifl Ii'l - I J II1 ft I I fF II Ml Sfcu k. GOING-T- o S A Liberal Education MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL AU3 VA LCARU POGBaARAM.VATCMIU' -rvf Eorroa pass1 op chauces Ser t FR IUSTAUe, V' LCARKi HOW CEAP SOXAE roUCS WI4 BS WWEKl TVAGV PALAVER. 'ROOWp --nJHlW T GET WOO "0 EOOCATlC'iri. to KROQUS I. WHO MAVS. COME WlkA PRT mm . i W J! 1. . y 11 vu ." p east-boun- -- ONCE AND A HALP TiMES UhSTHVEQ. ri FOLKS VMA.T HUWVAJJ FARU IS Au-- ACCW ECXTDR. S UATURE. VOU J AaAKSS ' CKA TtCK. tu' Amc cp course, VJPirnw, Spstuwci, CtRAWAAR- - AWO AM, tvC RUPfMEUTS" Of MiJEPAU EPUSATiOKJ CAM GE P)CKI? UP AMV A'EVXSPAPCR. CR-iC- IrP- IM rrj Lvfi 1 A - ak- ill 1 Jp - d J mg Patn. Mi There la one simple yet slve way to reduce Inflame toe joints and get them Qlwn and that Is to apply Mo,. ? ?' k: erald Oil night and morning Ask your druggist or any druggist for au original twnL!,? ARC hot 'he T?-ma- rrd It Dotne of Moone's Emerald dn'T, strength) and refuse to thing In Its place. It is such ah"' concentrated preparation thit ounces lasts a long time and If this wonderful does not give you completed'!' faction you can have your . ac-et,- -- t Aft more S ' t ! vSpecial note : People who want Ictoi reduce swollen or varicose feM should get a bottle of Emerald at once. Applied eight and m.,r,: fit's as directed they will quickly w 'It's an Improvement which will count until the veins and bunches are . rlnced to normal. pr A.t i:iu A beautiful couiu.ejc Lun thud.iri. !ilS ' and tb admiration of eTt-rman. KKI'ii will produce It ft.rrnlTll SSus thousands,.? will fostifr. KKK JiOOKLfcT. ,5'' or write Or. C. il. Berry Oo.,licpU W ' Ave., Chicago. I ? I ill ""'it PLATE ? !'.:de Reflate nil your silver, brass and ware with pure ullver at home. A ch ,i" do tt. Send 2 cents stamp (or full nr lars to F. J. GRICIUS. 232 B St., Oakland, SALESMEN l;ed hat rhel WANTED r take orders for tailor suits. Have openings in Utah, li Wyoming and Nevada. ISO .New t" terns to sell at $23. Union mad.', age earning from $75 to jio'i week. The A. Nash Company, 3 mountain Branch, EoyJ fBuildllifT.- - Salt Lake Citv. Ut-to Men h( :! SILVER r, 01 M ti elf 501-2-- def h house largest tailoring in the sc !u ws To display our Samples, mod t Women mission. For particulars write ANN S SHOP. 1540 Oakdale Ave.. Chkaso, Hi. t; ha J W$1fC? Off Deseret East So. Temple, 44 ha fx r Any book job -- by mail. 0 Salt Lake DOS on, Book d City, op Ml ' 0: IT Save Teeth and Dalla it s! face horns treatment for Pym; trench mouth, aoft. tender and bl; Lat gums. Send $1 for trial bottle. Guarir Hatlafaction or we to eive 100 Is guaran:J 't ca: Refund your Money. Sl'R-Fla harmless thouKh Wonderfully EJhI st treatment for all forms of gum In UNIVERSAL LABOBATOBIES Los Autrl.-s- , li: 315 W, 6th Stmt T as SUR-FI- ; ( h.e Dwa-- J m thoi buys Interest In thrall California companies. New safe p.ai . Bulletin. Onrn rcu Free Investors. small Crocker Bids.. San Francinco, Calif, i TEN DOLLARS I'll If irt, ;e sp thei SFFFER WITH LI' MB AGO, SCIV Neuritis. Artams (topayn alons Write today All gives complete relief. QOFAYN CO., Aberdeen. Wash. DON'T . ill on t tone ed PARKER'S HAIR shi BALSAM J' no Removes Dandnff Stops Color aad Hsit and tl Kiseox t hem V at Faded l.Jryu'tia, t'a-.- k3 " d to Gray and Beauty m tooc KuJ way was f y'F Removes HINDERCORNS ensures enEiprr. Com- H i lenses, et., stops all pain, feet, rmkes walking easy. If by oiai! or a!5. gists, llisoox Chemical Works, l'atrhuioe. W. N. U., ;iraet City, No. Salt Lake I?-- " on c 1927 honey flow. Bees in practically all sections of the state have wintered well and spring nursing of weak "olonies has been at a minimum. This means the bees will .be able to take full advantage of the spring nectar flow. Provo It is evident, says Dr. William Stuart, potato specialist with the department of agriculture, that the general run of farmers who grow potatoes in the United States do not make efficient uee of the available quite lost his heart. on increasing, per acre pro"Yes just happened she's pretty knowledge duction. Last fall a firm of California happy, rh?" "Seems so," growled Billy.' and potato growers harvested an average of 1000 bushels fron nine acres. The therefore when he said farewell to rest of the country harvested approxiHildegarde, he was In the lowest 113 bushels to the acre. Farmmately depths of gloom. ers of Great Britain have been proAll that summer, Hildegarde Wood an of 200 bushels per ducing waited, hoping that Billy Uemsen acre for a average number of years, cites Dr. would find out her home address and come and see her. He did not come, Stuart. but one glorious August day there Ogden The route to Fish lake from Salina will be shortened thirty miles came a box of flowers for her. con tii'.ing Billy's card. White roes and by the construction of a sixteen-mildirt road between Gooseberry and such bride rose she had never seen, and she knew that Fish lake, it is shown by forest servIn the bottom of hpr heart that she ice officials who gave evidence to S. M. Jorgensori, !e-- l Billy Remsen. speaker of' the house of Of course she must thank him. and representatives of the last legislature and J. M. V. Crandall. yet she did not know his address Logan Production for March In the perhaps Ruth could tell her. So Ruth told her gladly, and Hildegarde wrote third annual intermountain egg laying a happy, cheerful note or rather she ! sponsored at Logan by the wrote half a doz'n notes to Billy be- Utah Agricultural college, was 20.1 fore she had one that suited her, and eggs for each bird, an average producIn R she told him that she was so tion of 61.8 per cent, It Is reported by happy because she was engaged to Professor Byron Alder, station in charge of the contest. The teach at Blue Lake school for the pen entry of the Imperial Poultry oming year. The next day. Hildegarde, picking Farm, MantI, continues to hold first roses In their garden, was surprised place in the contest with a record of by the sight of a 'gray' clad young 852 eggs. The pen of the Sween Poulman sprinting down the garden path. try Farm. Redmond. Wash.,, placed "It cannot be a messenger boy," first for March with a record of 232 ttought Hildegarde. and, of course. eggs. It anybody but Billy RemRichmond "Black and White" sen I day, 20, will be a big day for the April "I understand that you were dairy he breathed heavily. industry of Cache valley. The proHildegarde bnikcd puzzled. "Oulv gram for the day is as follows: Cattlo to teach school another year," she ' on grounds at 9:3C a. m.; lunch, 12:30 stammered. to 1:00 p. m.; meeting 1:00 to 1:30 "Resign!" shouted Mr. Remsen Joy. p. m., at which Secretary of State H. E fully, "you're going to marry me and Crockett will be the principal go to Bgypt for a honeymoon !" ladles' milking contest at 2:00speaker; p. m.; By the time Billy met Jack Gun- - students' judging contest at 1:30 pm derlow, he had got over Ids chagrin, horse pulling match. 3:00 p. m.: banfor he was the happiest man In the quet at North Cache high school, 8:15 world, rind as for Jack, he bad for- p. m.; dance at opera house at D 30 ' P. m. Music for the gotten long ago his silly Joke day will be given by the Utah Agricultural college band. Tunneling by Electricity The new tunnel of the Great NV ern railway under ttie Cascade tains is literally being driven by in tricity. Blasting shots planted rock are tired by it, shovelin? chines are driven by it, rock and are hauled out and materials ha' Into the bore by six, ten :.nd tw? ton mine-typ- e electric locomotive lighting and some special I'M and around the job are all done' tricuily. that Must' !ni." ha e Mlttl Inst h. movii cro: r, t I" as ittve church hell in r ton, Mass., has been repaired by being trie arc welding after 40 years. A 022-poun- d left o est i btft sil am f-- "n Why He Succeed ii 'ythlni! and PTOif Niodj 1 pi was his lifetime, Dr. Honored politically ally, during It r fierce, Torture ifH mircess "1 cl t a as Lj. H herbal have r ,Wh " Shi H j the test are years among the J fond. thoi s t l' sellers." ude Go.- Pierce's I, 'd the 7a iH the blood "I f s! ha 1 for e shf Hie His? ,.,iis( Cluu makes which' alterative . . t aIaA it 01" 1 !'t. II, oeaunn" it clears the skin, desk. i vanish quickly. and eruptions ' Fhlon covery of Dr. Pierce's puis you thai condition. All dealers have it Uh t or tablets. Ai . . J "nesB. Sc:nd 10 cents lor trial Pv J'l lets to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, se write for free advice. a hoi fled a ) nn . a 1 af4 W IB , U lldni((S dropped r, y and. A omniu effect.tTe, sate remedy .lAVj la best Ho cent -- all ' ej'es d ay find u aTla"hu0K hi J I isn't t V'o'Kf i. it, and nndy Muklnc In Yonr Home. nhl. KiperU nco unreeestury. r"'(J .... q I free. CRBOI-130. Wall St. Sift.. New TurK. The rause of .ntlmlon. Vou may have an ' '' t, end still he Ipated. I'ri"' p. dleeovers It. Wrllo for ililli" Slinplo home cure. M. I'.. faitl-tilnt- . If s "'"'ng nnde, lover 1 1 . 'hoiyl ! BBORNSjg 0 'ori: J "le'd f i lJ CI No Need to Suffer Another ...vuumj lortaj. Perec Salt Lake Opinions of Utah beekeepers in Salt Lake Thursday of last week talking honey marketing problems is that the outlook is good for i CPUs I field. poul-tryma- AuOtwPi TH1U5 i P Ilk. ' (Copyright.) D End to It a. I fn iHr e, |