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Show 1 THUBSDAY, APEIL 21, 1927 IfTE ITELFLA TRIES. HELPER, one of tha foremost problems that IS72PIUS z row face the railn ".cli Z'iliLOilUXx In connection with and in addition to the methd3 already in Decided increase- in the demand force to provids greater safety at THE HELPER TIMES Issued Every Thursday at Helper Carbon County, tftah, UTAH OF OF FORECLOSURE Me of sale. LEEii ST0BAGE I:.duj!ril plants operated MAY CONCERN: at TO WHOM Dated activi-IT ! Helper, Utah i'y. Metal raining increased Please take notice that at one u,j 1,1 iprii a. u. 1927 this ties is anticipated in April. Lum GARAGE bering is increasingly active, and o'clock p.m. cn the 7th day of Majr T. A Tf., .... Mrf; night shifts have been a'kd 'n A.D. 1927, at the Service Garage , one of side Main of on East the First Publication April 2l the pine districts. building ! street. Helper, Utah, the under- Last Publication April 2S M0TFE1 signed will sell at public auction One Harley Davidson Motorcycle to I?TFL0YE DE.VO ; SALT LAKE THE tts highest bidder for cash. Said 1,7. A. Ful-ccf Price. wns called auction sale will be made by authvv tha AnS)th nt mn'hrr ority of Section 3771 to 3775 Hall j Laws of Utah, Zh. Compiled Fuller, in Sait Lake ' Cifv. Vedncsday. 1917, for the purpose of satisfying SCALZO AND FASCIA, Mrs. Full-r- , j arc 88, was an early the lien of the Service Garage, a Proprietors Tfh pioneer, bavins crcssed the corporation on said property for 'plains by ex team, and arriving in storage in the sum of J110.00, CIGARS, TOBACCO, SOH Take in the fall of 1 862. Her which said bill has been in default birthplace was England. Fome three more than 30 days; that the owner BRINGS AND CANDY j weeks before her death Mrs. Fuller of the said property is Ira W. was stricken with erycipelas, and Lough whoso last known address The Best Tables in Towa Ihis v.as the cause of her death. was Columbus, Ohio. Sale will be r'h h survived by two sons, V. made to pay tho said bill, together A. Fu'ler of Price and F. C. Fuller r.t Salt T ake Citv: and 01 e flvirh- ter. Nidi. Fuller Duncan also of Salt Twe-lI nice City. grandchi'dren TTTRTT HI? TIT. vmrrrvm,. and seventeen frrest grandchildren u.w.iixuti, f.lso fiirviTe. Funeral services were KUCED . t REASONABLY heh Sundav. W. A. Fuller is one cf th-- for'-ies v.i:i soin K0T1CE be employed. stead- - ! and agricultural ?nd in order to f. r industrial faorenrrrd interest on th3 workers in April is predicted for nfered in the Postoffice at ITelper part cf both the railroads and the Utah and t lie other intcrnnuntain Second-ClasMail Matter. public in the necessity far continu- states in the industrial employment ed care being exercised at highway rurvey r?no-- t of d'parlmrnt of laThe surplus Subscription Rate, $2.00 Per Year i:i 'rads crofrynjn, the railroads thfa bor released. Friday. of in all labor has which existed an Advance vill rondr.ei intensive 'Br in an effort to reduce the ih? states durin- - the winter was C. L. CONNER, Publisher i;mb:r of such accidents. Plans pndu.ol'y being alsorbed during will be discussed at the Chicago ' ,1,rcnKUTH METZ, Society Editor While sub't'.ntlal increase In ng- m;: sting for this campaign. rt Vs of that campaign, thfr ncu'turrii Ia:jor ia Utah is predict- AEB0H DAY American Railway Association has rd for th's n?o '.h, it is estlmted alr.f. ly inaugurated an cs;nv con- - that the supp!j will be sufficient Friday was a legal holiday in the tri annng college, high school anil j to rco't the demand. state of Utah, the iutentiou 'bung school students incf.?sfr;al r!?nf3 rre opercf 5250 each to ating ptf rdi'y. Tr"-- i ard stee-- mil's to encourage tho planting of trtej. t.hrso enh priz-Almost all tf the states la uie Un- he awarded the authors of essays t report a plight temporary reduction forces ion followed the lead of Nebraska enntnniing an outstanding ion readily in during Metal raining, not affected in retting apart a' day to be kn..n available suggestion for preventing March. uch aceirlcnts. Tho esinys pro limit. by c'lmi'i'c conditions is b'it as Arbor day, and daring t'ae pajt. i each and must n.cw (icvc 'of rnd construction the results attained "i to 250 far gr?zer care in bis beeii harap're at the higher al- have been very gona ndceil, espe- "tress (he Copper cially in the great plains states. approaching and .passing over rail- tittups by b?d weather. Th;- contest will! mining Eowa a slight curtailment The pioneers of Utah were tree road (Joinings. end on June 1. The winning csssy3 and coal m'nrs are gradually lesplanters and we are reaping the will be selected by three parsons sening operations. field in of labors this their cf r,f rational prominence who will printing d?- endeavor. Municipal and 9? th? iprovecients he visited the Helper and as iiulge'f end who will be annartment, are scheduled y.,!,,vay rcnstructlm When Columbu3 discovered Amto this month in severs! coun- Times office before returning to his erica great forests covered huid-n-'d- s nounced later. on Mondnr. Tn 19 ?5 there were 5,921 highwith lsbor ample. Railroad work ties, of n:(illi3n3 of acres of land. rrn accidents crc'sslng shop and maipt.etianco-of-wa- y These lands have been logged until way Tell the news to The Times. wifh 5,479 in 1925.. In 1920, lncreaned lc slightly but a remnant remains and it long '.?2G ?nts accid were reported.' J'arch and grerter Increase is ex ago became apparent that unless in April. the work of reforestation was im- While the number of grade crossing has not as increcsTd Tcidortpi of a cl added in"rea"f mediately begun and incessantly m all major' lines in carried on the United States would rnpid'y since 1920 as the number in 'f jautoino'iilo accidents on tha iSalt Laka was noed. soon be denuded of timber for comCalls for gen- evil vri:uituial vorkera are In mercial purposes, for. owing to the !)'ghwavs, rni'road officials Li' a considerable proportion of the crc.sing. Moat industrial plants prodigal ity of nature, we gave no accidents ,',t railroad crossings can nrr? running herd to the morrow and slashed pxrant a tem- b3 prevented, if adequate preporsry cf and clacbenlng left among the trees unlarger ma right are taken at such places, chine shoT?s. Sunp'.y of ski'led an;' til we are now confronted with the Vhlla th.e entire elimination of unskilled raotr.l mine workers cx- probability cf a lumber famine. graae crossings would be the ideal ceeds demand' North America, with abaut 13 Ln 0sd?n of the world's people, uses bo nVM Lwa T?01"' employment continued im- - on a winUr ba3i( Ju March with about of all thr timber , in'.ceiio.'is 01 improvement for Imp consumed in the world. So we are Marked progress has cwitctujr month. nlonfc - ' O not only destroying our own forest3. Mannfprtnrlnoara i'VU.liLO " msdo. by the raiiroad3 in an but are bringing about the destruc- effort to operating eatisfactorily and the surprovida greater protection plus of agricultural workers is betion of the forests of other countries ft grade crossings. devices absorbed. as well. of various kinds havo been install-whil- e ing 01 In Idaho industrial activity an i.haries Lathrop Pack est.imat-- s ob ;triir f(ion which obscure employment showed slight improvethat we use, in one form or enoh-er- , a view cf th?, tricks have been ment about twenty-threduning March with indicabillion cubic In addition many other tions for a material Improvement in feet of wood every year in this hav? been tacn to incrcasj Aprtl in lumbering, building, muThi3 mrnns that about !: fiountry. 01 tns puoiic at cross two hundred and fifty million tres mgs. nicipal Improvement, highway bnginemen are alsol devot- of average size are cut from the for-r- t metal mining and agricul1 i.iuiu cueuuuii man ever 03- - ture. every year, or trees that would to th of giving adeqtnte cover 18,500 square miles or an jTor:. Calls for agricultural workers wnen tneir trains era cucl to all Massachusetts. Conwere increasing and indications are doare grade and crossings necticut and New Jersey. Forest ing everything rosibla to avoid that tile surplus of labor in the dt- fires, decay and .insects destroy anaccidents at those points. nually about two billion feet more. Creater realization on theDuring 1924 forest fires swept of the motorist, however, that part he, e twenty-ninmillion acrts of private tco. must cooperate with the railand public lands. roads and use increased care in The only remedy is the systematgrade crossings is necic planting of trees on a large scale essary. ins'.e of the crremowlous planting In conducing the campaign the 1 of a few shrubs or a single tre?. railroads hon- to impress cn the 5 t i. 2. public tho for continued EEDFCE OBVDS CS0SSING3 precaution being exercised at grade cr essiiigs ard that, ft there is to be Posoibla means of reducing the a reduction in (he number of such number f highway grada crossing accidents, motorists and carriers must cooperate to a still greater accidents which in 19 26 took extent in order to bring about the Mvra and mained 6,99J. persons, a rfcrrr sa.faty possible at those f TTC v.ill be the principal subject of discrossings. cussion at the seventh, lannual OWNER OF A CAR to knew where to meeting of the Safety Section of you ought If tha Chinese go bolshevik some the Ameican Railway Association eorno for the be;ter grades of all come home the collars will at the Palmer IIouo3 in Chicago, day Auto eupn'.ics, since out store is tha from, red. laundry dyed brginang next Tuesday, April ID vdl knv,'a ty automobile owno The meoting, which will be attenders in this territory. A.1J necesof wars, they certainly ed by prominent Sneskini; safety men from sary parts, tcols and implements all the railroads in the United do things differently in th? Orient. dceired are here 'for quick servTtates and Canada, will last three A battle in China was suspended two at rro",t reasonable prices. on ice, week last account of days rain. days. o Carry our card with you. In viewof the increase of nearly fs3 A couple of months .1 after the 300 fatalities in 1926 over the o K CARBON UBBER & REPAIR the fellow sits diwn and year before due to such" accidents eloprmc-.ber.lis to wonder why there was Phone 66 together with the constant increase such a hurry about the thing any- in the number of automobiles in use, this subject is recognized as liow. i rowings Us?, J i s NEWS-AW2CAT- cam-?r-!- - if E Canyon Peel ! p.-- j Mo.--- t j ' op-cm- , wo-d- half-centu- in-- nt J j rd e s News-Advoca- ve Far' be-i- n d-- com--rc- d f h. ... A37-1- 0 i ; cu-.'on- one-ha- Accural tes is at the great rovmsurounc T, lf ! , - -n ct-p- -i Buick?s sturdy - structure and powerful s Si Prices ALLEN Par Furnaces AIUJUHTS WAEE LISK GBAEC WAEE CHINA AND CUT GLAS: better and lasts longer than most paints covers UTEKSIIi Dependable Ik and riven iiicd.slio?; Vario-a- ftni part of every Dollar you spend for Painting, It all cars are n, HEATE2S in and Varnishes is the one certain means of saving e and Eang-e- The use of Lucas Paints - one-twelft- M0E4ECB Stoves of E very olla In'M-at!-)'!- -. j SaUARE E;ai MAT2ZSS2 j Cutlery The Helper Furniture and Hardware Company LUCAS PAINTS AND KIL3E3fJQ VARNISHES CALS3MII-IE- r-- itOU 1LJL 1 Engine still saining in 2,-4- THE HELPER GARAGE K efficiency at the point in miles where Auto Supplies other car Telephone 44 and distinctly on the down grade. ' We J j PRICE, W at the GIFT SHOP, Jeweler the latest in clocks I lOOI W TV 1 11 K pall 1 hnr 'Salt Helper, Electric EVEIiYTIIIXG ELECTRICAL Phone H 100-- w Radio Dial $3.50 ff i KOrT)irtn tjSTT?.rTtT K, ,UJ i in the center of town I .'J F j i,..,.. j-- ; . .s t teJ";l frV S! Utah Helper, - F0S at I THAT IT'S FREE mm lea 'be fr.a fee Greenhalgh's Drug Store that money can boy ye; tail hi in Saw -- 8g DRUGS AND MEDICINES su ;r.s 13 TOILET GOODS GALORE sby. "5' Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Compounded From Standard Drngs of Known Qaalift ;'cnc pas. 'JcTZ.'?2.TC;rX!2' Th ir L . DTAH ret WOM, PC? SAID I VVV3 TO ASK VO'J A QUCSTlOMa ii . is the time to figure Where you get the best Soldier Summit . . Helper Lumber & Hardware Company nrrnr lool tables, fixtures complete with all necessary implements; card tables with license, also 25 rnnnth. ioni, on the business. Present own er wants to sell and go to his family. Rent on the building is $.10 per month. S. H. TEDESCO - . 27-- ASX US FOR A COMPLETE COST OF MATERIAL H located Manager HELPER, UTAil . V i 0MTimyG System for lifetime servia tir L. L. DENNIS, Plain Dial $2.50 3 and NASH always have used cars at a bargatit BUILDING UTAH Agents for Automobiles. that New ouiiding. We have everything m Building Material tional service! Utah Carbon Motor Co, Manager First Class Repairing CHEVROLET INow Buy a Buiek for years cf excep- L. WILLIAMS, r -- S vas i wnieSM Ti'JiMe. P mom. cue woulo f: " "(ill ) I fin! |