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Show f'¥jii 'I-- - 11r, _ . Mal J.. Phone Hld. 178 HERRIMAN ITEMS Herrlmon, Aug. 20, :Mrs. Orsen Free man had as her guest last week lire. Glenn Cole and children of Baccus and Mrs. Prescot and children of Camas. The MIDVALE JOURNAI.; a;. Ylelr.ena and ch1ldreli returo. to their home tn NepJd, ntd&y of last week a.tter a weeks vl81t With llr. and Kn. Spencer ~er and famlly. Mr. and Kr& lL D. l'reeman, Marvin Freeman, Mre. Oraen FreeDWl. IIIIa RyWa Freeman and the Kisses Iva and Ella ADdeJ'IIOn of Fe.nnington Motored to East Canyon where they spent part of the week with Orsen Freeman. Miss Annie Crane and Miss Esther Crane entertained at a lawn party Friday tn honor at the birthday anniversary of their sister Elizabeth at their home, games and dancing was enjoyed. A late supper was served to 35 guests. Miss Leola Freeman had as her guest last week end. Miss Laura Rind lesback and Miss Lydia Freeman of Riverton. Mrs. Thad Cole and children of Bingham were the guest of Mrs. Or· sen Freeman and family part of the week. ' The girls of the 4 - H Stitc~ Club enjoyed an early breakfast Thursday morning of laat week, under the leadership of M1as Annie Crane.Those who enjoyed the atfalr were, Lola Make~~!~~ ~U2~&ART Wave the perfeet permanent with Ringlet en4s SPECIAL $6.00 regular prfee $12.00 EXPERT OPERATORS MIDVALE 58 North Main St. Phone Mid 216W- UTAH Silver town· TOUGHNESS 1 gives you longer, trouble{ree mileage! eare. It 1011Dth leehlllcal at &.nt, bat rea1IT It'• ae eJmple•ABC. Evea If 7011 eoald ha::r eo eleverJ.,. ae to equal their efHI ,.,. ...U.. :rear tire 1r011We woald be ba propordoa to the qn•IIIT of die tire 7011 ba:r· water ,.,.., ,... ,....,,. ..,... .... ...., ChristenseQ. Dot Crump. Jessie Farmer, Phylis Bodell, Elizabeth Crane Ester Crane, Leah Christe~U~en, Edna and Vera Bawen. Melba and Hazen Cran8j VioJ& Bowles, Bernice Freeman and Lillis Farmer. Miss RyWs Freeman. Mrs. Orsen Freeman and Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Free man, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cole of Bacchus Sunday. The marriage of Murril Bodell son of Mr. and Mrs. John 1'. Bodell and Miss Lottie Palmer daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Palmer of West Jardan was solemized in the Salt x..ke Temple, Wednesday, August 14th. A reception followed in the evening at the home of the brides parents at West Jordan with about three hundred guests present. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. :Nell of Lark were the guests el Mrs, Olive Miller part of this · week. Mr. and Mrs. Stone and son Conrad and Mr. and Mrs. QecU 0. Poore and two sons J,e Grande and Regin· ald spent part of last week in Parley's Canyon, Heber Ci'ty, Park City and Provo Canyon returning home Sunday evening. M. and Mrs. 0. R. Freeman entertained at a bathing party at Saratoga Springs Saturday Complimenting, Miss Bliss Fraser aad Gerge Usher Including in the group were Nephi Butterfield, Daryl, Vaughn and Ray Crane, Miss Vera Butterfield, Mrs. Ella Butterfield and Thomas Butterfield of Riverton. Luncheon was served Mrs. Jack Crane and son .utck and Ross Crane are Visiting friends tn Salt Lake this week. Mr. and Mrs. Stone and son Canrad spent part of last week at Riverton the guest of Mrs. Gene Stone. Miss Roberta Crane is home after visiting last week in Salt Lake the guest of Miss Grace Swan. Bishop F. T. Crane and son Brigham returned home Wednesday from Idaho where they spent one week. Mrs. Margerat L. Swan of Burkely, Idaho Mr. A. B. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Cronin and children Kath erine, Helen and Claire all of Salt Lake were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Freeman during the week. Mrs. Daniel Peterson and daughter La Rue entertained at a lawn party at their home Tuesday evening Complimenting Mrs. Hyrum Sorenson of Lark. Games were enjoyed and a late luncheon was served to 25 guests. Mrs. Spencer Miller and Mrs. John Webb of Lark assisted Mrs. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Cecil 0. Poore were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. MUton Bodell at a swimming party at the Municipile Baths in Salt Lake Saturday. A theatre and supper was also enjoyed. Mrs. R. T. Bodell and daughters returned home during the week from Eureka where they visited Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rife and family ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Freeman entertained at a dinner at their home Sunday complimenting Miss Hazel Crane and Marland Freeman. Later swimming was enjoyed at the Municipal baths in Salt Lake and a theatre. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stone, Mrs. MUton Bodell and Mrs. Earl Poore were Salt Lake visitors during the week. Mr. and Mnl. Asahel Crump and children of Lark are visiting this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. S. 1 ~()CAL A. J. Mci1f spent Sun day vta·~-.:.~~~,~. tn Provo. Mill. Woodhead, llrll, lL Jf. Ra.sm•1•ea llrB. N. A. Pier~ Mrs. A. w.~:sat~man. lira. c. L Gotr, Mrs. .H. c. Aylett, Mrs. Joe. Belich, Mrs. Horace Jenkins attended a party giv· en at Union Friday of last week for lira. C. C. Jensen of Sandy. Mrs. D, A. Drown was hostess to members of her card club Tuesday evenillg," Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Larson and Mr. and Mr•. Eli Mitchell motored to Sol.. dier Summtt to spend Saturday evening and Sunday at the guests of Mr. and :Urs. Alex Beckstead. Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Alice Jones, youngest daughter of Byron Jones, to Ealof Wal gren of Crescent Friday evening of last week an entertainment was given for the bride at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Emma Jenkins. A number of relative" and friends were present. . Mrs. Mary MUla is a guest at the home of l(rs. Wm. Mutch. Miss Edith Wright, Miss Cora Goff, Mrs. Henry Beckstead, Mrs. R. R. GUl>ert, Mrs. Leo Anderson, Mrs. Orson Jensen. Mrs. E. E. Greenwood, Mrs. R. W. Stokes, Miss Helen Stokee and Mrs. Glen Lindahl attended the Swarm day exercises of the lL L A. held at Draper Wednesday afternoon and evenlng. Miss Geneal Jorgenson is visitiDg relatives at Redmond Mrs. luncheon A. J. Mcltf was Monday a guest at at the Bridge given the home of Mrs. A. R. Worthen of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Steadman and Mr. and Mrs. Thoa. Pugmire returned Sunday from a trip to Fish Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Wright and son, Deming, are spending their vaca-tion time at Coalville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Moore of Los Angeles, Calif., have been the guests of Mrs. Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neils Lind Miss Alta Miller is home again after spending some time at the Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Waters and son Dale, accomp&.llied by Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Christe~ of Salt Lake toured Yellowstone NatloDal Park la.. week. Friends of uman and Katherine Stokes were eJitertained at the summer home of :Mrs. J. M. Despain in Little Cottonwood Canyon. A picnic lunch was enjoyed following a short hike. Later games were played. Prizes were won by Florence Todd, Isabel Rose, Bob O'Brien and Rex Beckstead Mrs. Spencer Miller was hostess to the Sea Gull Girls Monday aftero.oon at a social in the ward house. Those to enjoy the afl'air were Tola Christensen, MUdred Butterfield, Fay Eastman, Vel"Jla Bowen, l3liss ~r, .La Rue Petenon and :Melba Dansie. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Crump and sons, Don and cal, of Lark, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crump during the week. The Warcl Bishopric with members of the Recreation Committee entertained Monday evening in honor of Mr. Hans Jensen, councifor to Bishop Godfrey who recently moved to Eaapt MidvEI.le where they wUl make their ... .rot home. ,1 "· .oo Value KJo.HupJ.Qnatu.twlfe~ ed SUnday from a llhort visit wJth Joe CUshman and f&J:Dtq at RexburJ, Jd.. aho. Mnl. lila.rl llorr18 and lira. Mary Park were the dtnne\" guests of Kr& Ralph Park Monday. Tbe Da.tural gas maJns are laid on Main Street. much to the relief of business men who bave endeavored to keep their premises clean durillg the tear-up of the sidewalks. C. A. Greenwood, in charge of the Roasting Department at the local U. s. Smelter, is back on the job atter a two weeks visit in the northweet. Mrs. P. S. Roberta, lira. Frank~ Richardson and llr. and llrs. Earl Dunn attended the open air opera at Nibley Park Wednesday evening. Mrs. A. J. KcUr attended a one o'clock bridge luncheon last :Monday given at the home ot Mrs. A. R. Worthen, 1902 South on Srd East. Salt Lake aty. Eighteen ladles were served. Kr. and Mrs. A. J. KcUr 8p8llt SUDday visiting relaUvee at Provo. z r B Midvale Maternity HOME Mrs. Wm. (!; MJDer Low Rates, Beat Semce 295 2nd Ave. oft Loau8t Phone Midvale 267-W Milan Canning, tn charge of the mechanical department at the local pubUahing company's plant, had the misfortune to hit a car parke4 OD State s~ Sunday evening witltOut lights, and badly da.mapd llr. ca.Ding's Chevrolet. K1as Agnee W'll1lam8 .of Logan hu been vtatU. at the home of Kra. lel'l•••~- ,_. ..._,.""'•-".,_.......-..........~ _...... - PIQt1RB WBA'l' T.OV Gal' FOft~J&OI·'·AB .lliD D· D TB.A.'IWKG YOU A :DoJJ.ABI WOB O:r VALUZ :roB BVDY DOLI.AB YOU 8PBBD .&-r P. 0. BASJ41188P A ao. WBI!JI' B:l:t'Bit ID.lft 1 ftiAJ. IS ALL WB ABK Wt. 3ift IKI'-= . Stores At MmVAI.l! SaltLike .._ • p. C. Rasmussen & SotlS, Inc.· FREE! EXTRATROUSERS FREE 0~ the August Suit Sale- One Hundred beautiful patterns to select from. Alteration - Cleaning- Presslna H. F. Rasmussen, Tailqr 64 West St. Midv.ale, Utah Phone 117-W BY~~CK BELIEVE IT OR NOT • POR50C COLGATE'S 2- 25c tubes of tooth paste 1 - 50c tooth brush. VINCENT DRUG c Visit Sandy .. Prescription Druggests VICE STATION our New Super Service Station · Utah Fonnely B. P. Miller Drug Next Monday Is Last COUPON DAY ·THIS SEASON CUp your OOUPON and you wiU be admitted at Saltalr next Monday for 10 cent. 3 cents for CbUdren under 12 years of qe. is 1t l COUPON Tbls coupon aDd lOo-eldlclrea UDder 1!, 5o-when preaented at tile Ticket Offtce, eltber at the S8ltalr Depot or Saltalr Beacb, will entitle the holdu to receive one round-trip ticket, good only MOIIday, August 28, on tbe Salt I eke, Garfield Saltalr Beach Ba.Uroa4 Company, from Salt Lake City to Saltalr Beech and return, wbeD coupon .. pareMDted a at depot, or admfaaton to SalWr when preaented at Beach. (H) SALTAIB BEACH CO. And ask theoDE~rator charges, and-~~, C ORADO erseth.e soin•>ne there! • IT WON'T BE LONG NOWI Th1a is the Jut 1\"Mk of 0111" Mle of lt1(\rthelm 1hou. Your lad eh•ooebpttlaecep !llftonhele 810valaee at I&8S. All the ...... soee, "It won't he loJII aowl" Better eome todq ••• ~ _.., aUll plentf to olaoo1e ,_& •••re FINAL VIEEK ... T H E S A L I FLORSHEIM ~S§~ s TRAINS: 7:15 and 9:15A.M., 12 noon, 2 P. If. and evwy half ltoUr . . .,,~ ' .. ... ,~ . I 0 , HOES |