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Show FAMOUS CHARACTER NO. 9 HENRY STAGG (Continued from Last Week) Well done, Harry, you beat the cops out of 3 pounds alright. Well, in the morning I had to take my medicine with about 30 others who had been absent without leave, and when the Commander and Master at Arms came to me. He says "Stagg yoti were absent without leave 89 hours. · What have you got to say." I says "Nothing Sir." And he said to th~ Master at Arms, "stop his pay 30 days and stop his leave 30 days and put him in the 2nd class for le~ve. Well Volum~ I thou~ht that was easy, he could gwen ~e 6 months in jail, be~-------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------ have cause the ship was under sailings orders. Well, the next day we got under way for India and stopped at Gib araltar a few days and I remember taking the Captain ashore in the steam launch one day and he says "Wait here until I come back." Well there was the Coxswain and the BowThe Board of Education of the Jor- man and me famishing for a drink On August 15th, 1929, Mr. Norval Office Secretary & Treasurer Parks and Brownie Mrs. Dunn Owns Orioles dan School District is re-advertising of beer and we tossed a coin to see Midvale, Utah J. Vincent purchased the business for bids, to be opened at the school who should get the beer and it fell in Midvale known as the H. P. Miller office on Monday, August 26th, 1929, to me to get it. When I was coming Drugs. The business will be known at 10 oclock a. m. for the erection of back I saw the Captain turn off the MILK PLANT a Senior High School Building at Cop road through the underbrush towards as the "VINCENT DRUG". at West Jordan, Utah perton. During July the Board of the boat, and I put the beer in a SenMr. Vincent, the sole owner, is a At a meeting of the Board of DiEducation advertised for bids and the try Box and told the soldier to drink local man, having been born and rearrectors of the West Jordan Milk Procontract was awarded, but an injunc- it quick. Then ! put on some speed ed in Midvale. He is a graduate of tion was filed by Bingham residents and caught up with the Captain just ducers Association duly held at its against the School Board asking that as he was getting in the boat. He the Jordan High School and a gradprincipal place of business at Midvale tney be prohibited from building the says "Stagg, where have you been?" uate Pharmacist of the Capital Colon the 15th day of June, 1929, the I told him I had been hunting a toilet School at Copperton. lege of Pharmacy, Denver, Colorado. following resolutions were duly and The Court ruled that a certain sir. "Alright" he says "Let's go." For six yea~s Mr. Vincent was assoThe next day we left for Malta and section of the instructions to bidders regularly presented and unanimously remained there about a week and then was illegal, but did not rule on the ciated with tb.e Midvale Drug Comadopted. sailed for Portshead and steamed Board's authority to build at Copperpany as Druggist and has held a Utah WHEREAS since the organization ~on. Therefore, it became necessary through the Suez Canal into the Red State Certificate in Pharmacy for a of the West Jordan Milk Producers for the re-advertising for bids. It is Sea and through the Straits of Babel number of years. presumed that another injunction will Man Deb, to Aden, where we made Association the members of the AssoAfter his return from Denver he be filed against the Board of Educa- our headquarters, which is about the ciation have paid membership fees hottest harbor in the World. We tion by the same parties. associated himself as a partner in the and have pa.id into the association were now in the tropics, and all the Parties favoring the new school Wm. Thornton Drug No. 8 at Brigother fees and subscriptions that have site at Copperton believe that Cop- Engineering Department got a shillham City, Utah, for a short time. perton and contiguous land will be the ing a day extra pay when uned steam. gone into tJ:v! plant fund and assets of Leaving Brigham City he returned residential district orf Bingham not Well, I got the extra pay every day said Association. One of the two women to uea<t 11 far hence. The y point out that the for running the steam launch when baseball orgunlz:Jtion in this coun· to Midvale as Druggist for Mr. Miller. 1AND :WHEREAS since the organschool will have ample room for all in harbor entitled me to it. Our misUpon learning of Mr. Miller's deization of said Association certain try Is Mrs. John Dunn. owner of th"' school activities and a much better sion was to protect commerce and to school building than now used. They put down slavery which was carried members have disposed of their in- Baltimore International league team sire to sell his business, Mr. Vincent did not hesitate in buying the same state that the recreation facilities of on between Arabi~ and Africa. We terest in said Association by sale, She is the widow of Jack Dunn wh1• the Copperton townsite would be avai spent about half our time at sea and until his ~eatb managed the Oriole as it is a profitable and growing bustransfer or assignment. !able for students of the High School. the other half in harbor. The Red ' AND WH!l:REAS certain members <'I ub. She Is not only Intensely in- iness. Those opposed to the new building Sea is very treacherous with Coral G. A. Pu rks, govemor of 'Atasku, terested and entbus!astlc over her Mr. Vincent has a great number of with Brownie, a cub bear which at Copperton state that a large ma- Reefs, which spring up and ships have have thereby withdrawn and have new role of becoming a busines~< otherwise ceased to be actually affil- woman but Is making a grent sur- friends here who wish him success in was captured near Juneau and pre· jority of the High School population to change their route and take soundhis new venture and he has an abun- sented to the executive as a maseot- lives in the Canyon proper, or which ings to avoid them. Our ship was iated with the Association. cess of' lt. She attends all of their the present school property Is a cen- nearly wrecked once but the man on AND WHEREAS the Articles of games and Is an Inspiration to all dance of faith in Midvale, and with tral part. They state that with a the mast head look out, shoutedhis qualificatioJl.s and friendly and small portion of the money needed "Breakers Ahead" and we got the sigIncorporation and the By-Laws pro- 11er team. :::ourteous disposition the business for the erection of the new building nal below, full speed astern, but we vide that membership in said Assoat Copperton, an addition could be felt a slight rubbing on the ships botshould continue to grow under his ciation shall not be transferable and About seventy five people were [n built to the present building, which tom. Aden is a great coaling station ownership and management. that upon the withdrawal or disqualwould amply accommodate the school for ships of all nations and they have Mr. Vincent will have associated . attendance at a special meeting of the population for a number of yoars, and one of the largest warehouses in the ification of any member, such memwa~d and Relief Society Teachers, Twenty graduating Beehive Girls which carried all kinds of ships bership shall lapse and terminate. from various wards in E.ast Jordan with him as druggist Mr. A. L. Irving which was held last Wednesday even- that it would be time enough to build world stores and provisions from a sheet the new school at Copperton when NOW TH~REFORE it appearing that Stake, together with Beekeepers, Mu- Jf West Jordan, a University of Utah ing in the Ward Chapel. Mr. James the shift in population justified it. anchor to cambric needle and they Officers, Friends, parents and and Capitol College of Pharmacy Brady was responsible for the followthe memberships of certain members tual have a large distilling plant for makthe General Board members met at graduate in Pharmacy and a Regis- ing program which certainly was ening drinking water out Of the Red in said Association have lapsed by Draper last Wednesday for the anjoyed and appreciated. Sea, the same· as we had to do on tered Pharmacist for a number of reason of a failure to comply with the nual Swarm day of the Beehive classCommunity Singing "Onward Chris board ship and they say it rains tian Soldiers" provisions of the Articles of Incor- es. A lawn party was held in the years. , there once in 7 years. Well I was afternoon. Games were played under Opening prayer "Hans Jensen. poration, the By-Laws and the Rules the . there 18 months but never say a drop direction of Eva Crapo and Vera Singing "Put your shoulder to the of rain, nor never tasted a drink of and Regulations of said Association. Peterson, Stake Beekeeper. A basket wheel." cold water. It was so hot there, we luncheon was then enjoyed. Remarks: Bishop T. F. Greenwood. had double awning stretched the enIT IS T{IEREFORE HEREBY reAt 8:00 p. m. the Beehive girls Short talk--Mrs. Lester Forbush. Funeral services for Lorenzo Howtire length of the ship, one about 3 solved that the Secretary be and he is from nine wards presented a program President of the ward Relief So- ard Beckstead were held in the Riv- feet, above the other, and the steam ciety. hereby authorized and directed to in the Draper Amusement hall. Mrs. second ward chapel Saturday, launch had single awning. We didn't Alta F. Andrus took charge. The Tenor solo, (a and b) numbers, Oluf erton serve a copy upon each member fail- program was as follows: August at 2 p. m. under the di- have ice machines in them days like G. Olson, accompanied by Miss E. rections 17th, of Bishop Wilford Meyers, we have now. As soon as we arrived Ing to comply with the Rules and 1. Congregational Singing. Butterfield. Singing conducteli by Ruby Broad- in Aden we received a boat's crew of Regulations• o1lt the Association. and 2. Address of Welcome, Stake Y. Elder Carter E. Grant gave an in- bent. A quartette by Orrin Crump, natives and an interpreter from a gun In a setting of tall baskets of sum teresting talk on the Importance of Mr. Stevenson, Ruby Broadbent, whose membership has thereby lap- W. M. I. A. President, Mrs. Alta F. Es- boat homeward bound. These native mer flowers, one of the most enjoya- Ward Teaching and Impressed the sed and terminated. A notice of Andrus. ther Stevenson accompanied by Miss sailors were for working in the sun, 3. Pageant explaining Beehive work ble social functions of the season was Necessity of Regular visiting. Peterson. and they eat and slept on the upper which the following is a copy: Sandy 1st, 2nd and 3rd wards. held Monday evening at the Ward Two young sons of Mr. and Mrs. Solo "Gathering Home" by Bernard deck of the forecastle and they were "You are ~ereby notified that by 4 M. I. A. Song ........ Draper Ward Chapel in the form of a Mothers and Lawre'n ce Peterson of-· Sandy gave the most wonderful swimmers and 5. Tableau representing Field of Daughters of the M. I. A. party. two Harmonica and banjo duet num- Anderson, accompanied by Marie Holt divers reason of your failure to comply with that I ever saw. I remember, Duet "Some Sweet Day" Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Clyde Soffe, President of the bers. the Articles of Incorporation, By- Public Service ............ Crescent Ward Lee Beckstead. Duet "Shall We Meet as we lay at anchor, we went thru 6. Playlet representing mother and Y. L. M. I. A. presided and conducted. Mrs. C. C. Jensen of Sandy East Beyond the River". The speakers the maneuvers of man and arm boats Laws, and Rules and Regulations of daughter, 'Past and Present . Miss Freda Jensen of the Stake Jordan Stake Relief Society President and a case of shell fire overboard, and were B. H. Beckstead, William Holt, the Association, your membership in 7. Saxaphone Solo, Weary River- Board led in some lively community also gave some very enjoyable rethe gunners mate was blamed for it. Reuben Peterson, Bishop Vernal Webp Venice Beck, ace. by 'Farol Smith singing. The opening prayer was of- marks as did Mrs. Mary E. B. Fitzsaid Association is h~reby formally Well, he felt so bad about it, he didn't Thomas A. Callicott, Henry Bills and 8. Tableau illustrating years profered by Emma Greenwood. gerald of Draper who is the Stake revoked and terminated. know what to do, so the interpreter Bishop Wilford Meyers. jest "One Hour A Day With MothSecond Councilor Mrs. Parley Glo- ·reacher Supervisor. T action is taken upon the ad- er" ... ................. Midvale Second Ward ver g·ave a welcome address. told him that he would get the shell Invocation, H. B. Beckstead.' Readings (a and b) numbers-Mr. for him after supper and he did. I Benediction, David Bills. vice of our attorney and in conform9. Piano Solo ................ Allee Ohlson A very approJU'iate Mother and Lawrence Peterson of Sandy. saw him go down and open the case The beautiful flowers and the large ity with the By-Laws, Rules and 10. Dance Review Midvale 1st ward Daughter Papeant was then given by Miss Maxine Clayton rendered two and then come up for air. The next assembly showed the esteem in which Regulations of the Association and 11. Stunt representing the Spirit of the Beehive Class under the direction very enjoyable recitations. The clos- he was held in his community. time he went down he came up with the Hive ............................ Union ward of Mrs. Clarence Millerberg and Mrs. ing song was Doxology. ' for the purpose 'bf avoiding· any fu- 12. Song ................ Spirit of the Hive R. H. Sharp. a shell in each· hand. They weighed 12 lbs. each but he stayed with it unTHE COl\lMUNITY ture complications or misunderstandAll Beehive Girls Miss Mabel Larsen also of the til he got them all up, without any METHODIST CHURCH Elsie Hogan of the General Board Stake M. I. A. Board made a few reIngs. It has, however, no effect upon diving suit and the gunner's mate just D. M. Kitch, Pastor any other interest In the Association gave a short address and then award- marks. got a reprimand. ed the twenty graduates with certifiSunday School, 10 a. m. Three musical numbers from the that you may have retained. (To be Continued Next Week) cates and awards. Katherine Folsom Junior Girls Harmonica Band were Church Service 11 a. m. We thank you for your support and of the General Board was also there. enjoyed very much. The East MidMost of the teachers are back from their vacations now and will be presvale Band won the Stake Championgood will in the past and assure you ent on Sunday morning to take charge ship in the M. I. A. Contests that that if you desire we shall be pleased :w-hen the gates swing open to ad- of their classes in the Sunday School. were held in May. Mrs. R. A. Clayton mtt the usual throngs of visitors at It is hoped that pare~ts will cooperto malCe arrangement for the renewal is the director. the next Utah State Fair, October 5 ate in encouraging their children to of our membership and active particiMrs. Annie Greenwood gave two to 12, they will not be the old fam- be regular in attendance. The gradThe Midvale Second Wara Relief very humorous readings which were pation with the Association. iliar gates that have served so long uation and promotion exercises of the Society are giving a dinner Tuesday more than appreciated because of the Yours very truly, and well, according to Ernest S. school will be held sometime in Sepevening, August 27th, in Goff's Hall. aptness and ease with which "Grand- Holmes, manager of the association. WEST JORDAN MILK The purpose of the dinner is to raise ma" Tenth grade students entering the Greenwood recites, in spite of her A new administration building is now tember. The Fourth Quarterly Conference PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION ·funds for the new ward house being seventy two years. Jordan High School for this term will in course of construction at the east of the church will be held on Monday be transported to school on Saturday, built. Misses Grace l!iddleton and Evelyn By Niels Lind, Secretary. and will se.rve as a central evening at 8 o'clock when reports will The dinner will be fifty cents a Carlsen favored the guests with a entrance August 31st, 1929, for registration. of all executive officers. A modplate. Tickets may be secured from Steel Guitar Duet (a and b) numbers home be heard from the various departBusses will call at usua.l places aern gate will be erected at either end The foregoing resolution is duly and Relief Society Members. In addition ments of the organization and some bout 9 o'clock a. m. of said day. Mrs. Chris Christiansen also read of the building. regqlarly passed by the Board of Di- to the dinner a musical program will some humorous selections, a, b, and Assembly will be held in AuditorThe new building is said to fill a plans made for the coming year. The rectors this 15th day of June, 1929. be given. Annual Conference of the Utah Misium at 9:30 a. m. for general instrucc numbers. long-felt requirement of the Utah Vocal Duets, a and b were given by State Fair association. It will great- sion will be held in Ogden August 28 tions before meeting committees. Eleventh and Twelfth grade stuthe Glover Sisters, who certainly han- ly facilitate operations by making of- to September 1st. There will be no dents will be registered on Tuesday, local church service on Conference dled the numbers in a very pleasing ficials accessible from both the inside Sunday which is Sept. 1st. September 3rd, at 9:00 o'clock A. M. manner. and the outside of the grounds. The The Boy Scout will resume their General assembly will be l}eld for inPrizes w.ere than awarded as fol- structure will be modern in every delows: tail, embodying the best and newest regular meetings in September when structions before meeting Committees. school starts. Youngest mother present, who was ideas of exposition architecture. 21 years of age, and has a 2 year old daughter, Mrs. Emery Brady. CLEANUP Oldest mother present Within a few days another inspecMother with most children, who has tion in the Town Beautiful Campaign 11 living children, Mrs. Annie Green- and Contest, will be made by the com wood. mittee in charge. So if your yard or Mother with most girls present, surroundings are not in the best of Mrs. Annie Smith, with three. shape, now would be the time to make Following the award of prizes Mrs. them so, before this inspection is Jack Nicholson and Mrs. W. R. Ash- made. ment took charge of an activity hour. Help yourself and your town by which was followed by refreshments. making it more beautiful. Contest About fifty guests enjoyed the affair. closes October 1st, 1929. ..... ~~ ......,.. One of the most enjoyable affairs Prizes as follows: '; Selected 1 (a) "Overture - - - - - ( , of the late summer was in the form Division 1-All citizens of Midvale (b) Grunn "Toualoua" of a Testimonial of appreciation in living on premises owned by them. )OME DAV Wf.1 LL ,. (c) King "Loyalty" March - - - honor of President Elfleda L. Jensen Prizes-First place $10.00; Second DEMAND PURRING. and Mrs. Clara Hewlett of the Re- place $7.50; Third place $5.00 .. 2 (a) "The Lost Chord" (requested) Sullivan lief Society Stake Board, held last ENGINE~ A~ Wf. Division 2-All citizens of Midvale (b) "Mighty Lak' a Rose" - Nevin Friday afternoon on the Lawn at the living on premises not owned by them HAVt IH TWE AUTO. Union Ward House. Prizes-Firsr place $10.00; Second (Requested) An hour of relay games was con- place $7.50; Third Place $5.00: 1 (c) "El Capitan" - - - - Sousa ducted by Mrs. Clyde Proctor. A Division 3-Honorary · mentwn of (a) short program followed. Vocal duet Business houses with best kept places. "Moment Musical" 3 Schubert numbers were given by the Critten(b) "Old Timers Waltz" Lake den Twins. love from the members of the Ward (c) Bagley "Knight Templer" - - Remarks, Mrs. Horace F. Godfrey presidencies and Mrs. Hewlet~ was ·s,, 4 (a) Minuet from Don Juan Mozart speech of presentation. Response, the recipient of a lovely fountam pen Mrs. Jensen and Hewlett. Short talk for her faithful services rendered in (b) "Popular Fox Trot" Selected - - Mrs. M. Fitzgerald and Mrs. C. I. the past. Dainty refreshments were (c) "Bravura" Dubie Goff, councilors to President Jensen. served from long tables centered in Klohr 5 (a) "Echoes from the South" Mrs. Louisa U. Robinson of Salt crystal vases of summer fiowE'rS in ~! i (b) Berlin v-....., (!;. .-. ... • Lake who is the General President shades of yellow and orange. The "Marie" - - - - - - ~~ i was a special guest. same color scheme was carried out (c) "Sta1· Spangled Banner - - Key Mrs. Jensen was presented with a in the cakes and ices. Covers were beautiful dinner rinr as a token of laid for about forty five guests. 5 Nu1nber 15 Midvale, Utah, Friday, August 23, 1929 WestJordanMilkProdttcers NORVAL VINCENT Association BUYS MILLER DRUG vVeekly- Price 5 cents Sch~ol Board to open bids on High School at Copperton SPECIAL MEETING WARD OFFICERS BEEHIVE GIRLS HOLD SWARM DAY L.H.BECKSTEAD FUNERAL SERViCES SOCIAL HELD AT UNION WARD New Building To Adorn Utah Fair Grounds STUDENTS TO REGISTER AUG. 31 SECOND WARD ·To HAVE DINNER Band Concert PROGRAM ' --- ~I - Ill .. e --:' - l I H Saturday, August. 24th, 1929 |