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Show THE JORDAN JOURNAL , MIDVALE , UTAH -·----- - ----- --- IS HE R BO DI ES Q nv E N E R A L M OTO f\.S JAMES OLIVE R CURW OOD (@, Doub!Pclav. Page 8t Co.) WNll S.rvlce Nepeese would pause t9 lean over and It was then that she stood straight, hand on his hP:HI, and talk to and tlung hack her head, with eyes put h _ 15_ Back to Lac Bain, late In Septem- him for a ruoment-som Ptlmes in her that glowed in rivalry with the stars. "Bar·ee !" she called. "I3aree! Uaber, carne :\1acDonald thf! map-rual;er. soft Cree, somptirues in English or her flnrc>e !" ree! For ten d11.ys Gregson, the investigat· father's French. have been near the edge of ' nru~t Ue which voice Willow's the wa~ lng agent, had been nush !\1cTug~.;at·t's • It she had drawn a slow, for fore~t. the anrl understancl, to ll':trnetl guest at the post, anrl twil'e In that Ban:>e had or two before he was hn_•ath waiting ge~ture, her lips, her time it had come Into Marie's mind to the lllOYCill<'n't of But he hat! come, side. her at bacl> changin;:: the bocly. creep upon him while he slept and kill the poisf! of her and he whined arrow, an as stmight sunor him. 'Jhe Factor him;;elf p:lid l!ttlr> moocls whic:h hrou~ht shadow put her :\epeese face. her into up It what attention to her now, a fact which light into !Jpt· fate. ne knew head. his to hands would have macle her happy if It harl r:.C'ant when ~he srniiPd; he shook him· "You nr·e rif"ht, mon pere," she sold. not been for Gregson. He was pnrav· ""If, and oftpn jumped nbo;;t her in will go to the wol\·es, but he will ''lie she "'hen re]l)rcmg. tured with the w!ld, sinuous beauty f:)·mpathetic of the Cree girl, and 1\IcTnggart, with- laughed: her happine::;s was a part of come baek. lie will ncYer leave me out jea)Ousy, encouraged him. He wus him, a stern word from her was worse for long." \\'ith one lrancl still on I3a· T1viee l'ier-rot h:ul rC'e·s hPad, !>he ppinted with the th::n a blow. . other t I red of :\I a rle. forcst. the of hlal'lmess pitlike the into h.tcl Duree Il e ~trul'l• him. and t\l'ice · 'I "' c T aggart toll] C regson tl trs. whispert•tl ~he !'' Tin;·,•e them, to wanted to get rid of Iter·, nn 11 if he-- ~pnmg ht:c:!; :m;l facerl him with h:u·erl "Go Gregson--co uld possibly take hr>r on fau.~s li!HI an an;::ry ~narl, the crest "I:ut you must come back. You mu~:t with him it would be a gn•at fayor. :rlon;J hi!< hack stantling up like a Cheamao !'' · \\'ith l'ierrot she went into tlle Hall one of the other •logos He explained why. A lit tie later, when hru>::ll. the deep snow came, he was going to ,;one this, Piern•t wonltl have half c:n hin: the door <'lOsE> !I bf hincl thern, A choldng bring the daughter of I'ierr-ot Du ':illed him. It woultl have been mu- and Dan•e li'as alone. threw np Ile throat. his in gathPrecl ma~ter. be must man the nnrl 'iny. rotten· the In Quesne to the Post. ness of their brotherhood he told of l:ut llaree wns always l':afe. A touch his head. Straight above him was the his Ylslt. of the manner of his recep- ,,f tire Willow's hand, a word from Hell !\loon, inYiting him to the thrill , tlon, and of the lnciclent at the chasm lr('r lips. antl tlr~ crest slowly settled nncl mystery of the opE>n world. The In sl\ite of all this, he assurerl Greg· :mel the l'nal'! went out nf his thr·oat. sound grew in his throat, nne! slowly It rose In volume until his answer was f'ierrot was not at all ,;;:-;pleased. son Pierrot's girl would soon be nt go ~o far as to risin:; to the stars. In their cabin ne.-er will I "llieu. L ac Hnin. It was at th!s time that l\IacDonald try anti whip that out of him," he told I'ierrot and the Willow heard it. Pier· came. Ile remained only one night. himself. "lie is a harha,rian-a wild rot shrugged his shoulders. "He Is gone," he said. For her he beast-and her slave. • nJtd without knowing that he was acld "Oui, he Is gone, mon pere," repllod In" fuel to a fire already dangerous!~· would kill.'' peering through the window. !'lepeese, himSo it came, through Pierrot blaz\gg, he ~ave the photograph he us in thP. days of old, did longer, No Plf-an<l without telling- his reason had takr>n ot Nepeese to the Factor. the forests hold a fear of darkness the a become for it-t hat naree rlirl not It was n splendid. picture. night his hunt·et·y This Bar·ee. for "If rou cun get It down to that girl ,Jc•dge dog. llc was allowed his fr('e1 and the moon, stars the to risen had !om. an<l IY!ls nl',-er tied, l!ke the 11 ome day I'll be migi;tily obliged," he tor the first had he cry that :\epeese was glad, but did and in Bald to McTaggart. "I promised her '•thers. of night defiance his one. Her· father's nam~> is Du Quesn<· ·rot gue"'s the thought that was In time sent forth wild, the all to »:tmlng hi~ To himself Pierrot and ~pace, -Plerrot Du Que~ne. You probahl~ f'ilt'l'ot's mint!. I3rotherthe of ·lluckletl. She would neYer know why and his acceptance know them. And the girl-" kept BarE"c always suspicious of hood. In that cry, nr..d the answers , :,e dr•scrihf'rl he as wurmetl blood llls to l\IcTag!!;art how beautiful she wa~ l.im, evl'n to the point of haling him. that came back to him, he sensed new that day In her red clr<'ss, which harl ~t required considem:,te skill and cun- power-the final triumph of nature In \Yith himself he Impinging on him the fact that the taken black In the phntogmph. He 1dng on hls part. forests and the creatures they held l'l'aSOill'<l: boiling cllrl not guess how n~ar the were no longet· to be feared, but that will he me, hute him mal;e I "If point McTa;:gart's hlnorl was. thing-s feared blm. Off there, benll good." is That r,fl·~·-oo: lll<,n. all The nPxt day llfaePonalcl started for >ate the palC' of the cabin and the in· yond future--for the into looked hP So Norway House. :\Il:Taggart did not of ~epeese, were all the things flueiwe show Gregson the picture. IJe ket 1t it . 'ppeese. wolf-blood in him found now the that cold, anrl days ~ow the tonic-filled to himself, ann at night, under the companionsh ip o:r his de~irable: most brought :\loon TINi ~rost~· nights of thP glow of hi~> :amp, he looked at it wit! ad,·enture, the red. ( of IUJ·e the kind, wn<: It Baree. in thoughts that filled him with a grow- .. bout the h!g chan~e chase-and mate· the of blood sw~>et Ir1 wo it that 11 lng rf.'>:<nlutlon. There was hut om• 'neY!t:Jhle. l'ir>rTe knPw nil, was the after ln~>t, This hoorl. nm·"l' that wft!.. The scheme hurl bei'n in hi' come. anrl the fi1·st night was urging that mystery <lominnnt and cttiPll bac·l; on hi~ hnunches mind for weeks-ant! the pktnre d.! he unliC'r· did all of least yet ancl him. Pienot :\loon termill('(l him. He dared not whispr•r :rowled up at the ned ~tand it. his ~ecrE>t f'\'l'll to Gregson. But It r•repar<'ll XPpl'P!-.1' for it. He ran straight Into the darlnwss "lie is a wilt! t!og. :\fa !\epeese," he wa,; tire one way. It would gh·e hillr un- 1 ~epeese. Only-he must wait for thP sulrl to her. "lie I• llalf wolf, and the to the north and west, slinking low his rlt·ooping, tail his bushes, deep i"nows, t11e mitlwirrter ~nows r 'all will come to him strong. lie will der the wolf runs 1t the as wolf a,:lant-the ears !!O into thr> forests. lle will di~ap)ll':ir ThE>y buried their tragedies deepest. The pack hud l at times. But we must not fasten him 011 the night traiL c;regson when glad 1\fc'raggart was followed the map-maker to :\'orwu.' fie will tr>tlle back. I\:a. he wlll COllie swung due north. and w:ts travi'ling hacl; !" Anti he ·rubhetl his hands ln faster than he, so that at the enrl of IlOLlse. Out of courtesy he acc·omp:r nied him a rlay's journey 011 his way ~he 1110 nn-;.::low 1111 w his knuckles half an hour he could no longl'r hear it. But the lone wolf-howl to the west Common Complain t 'Vhen he returned to the l'ost. Illar·i,. ~rac:l;ed. Baree times three and nearer, was tlrlef a lik<• nuree my spoon i~ mi!';sing.'' to came ""'uite1·, Call The was gone. He was !-[lad. He sent oft lt. ga Ye answer to 1 1 f we lose quite a few, too." · 1 sii·, "Yes, At the end of an hour he heard the 1 a runner \YII r a otH o presents fot· .. nterin!: slow!~· and cautiously into a her people, arnl the message: "Don't forbiddPn place. lie did not unclt~t·Btand It at first. [l made him ll<'t'Yous pack aga'in, swinging southward. Plpr. beat hc•r·. Kf'l'l' lr~>r. She Is free." Cuticura for Sore Hands. IL\lone! witlt til.., llnstle ancl stir of ami uneasy. su restless tlrat Nppeese rot would easily haYe understood. I Soak hands on retiring iu the hot suds the l~<·:.:·rrriln:.: o; rite tt·nppirrg sea~on freqtwntly lr<•nrd him whine softly in Their quarry had fonnd safety beyond of Cuticura Soup, dry and rub in CuRemove surplus 1>IcTa("ao-t ht•;.:an to [)repare his hous!' Iris slePp. !le was wuitill!!: for SOH1e· water, or in a lnke, and the mulwkuns ticura Ointment. for the coming of N epeese. lie knew t lr i ng. \\'II at was it? I 'ielT<)t knew, were on a fresh traiL Dy this time Ointment "'ith tissue paper. This Is not more than a quarter of a mile of only one of the thln;:s Cuticnra will do what !<he li!;et.J in the way of cleanli· : nd !'nril<'d in his ill~<'r·utable way. the forest ~f'pnrnted Barep from the And then it cantP. It ll'us ni;:-ltl, f< lonp wolf, but the lone wolf was also if Soap, Ointment and Talcum are used nel's and a few other things. He hncl the log walls painter! white with th<· :.!loriom; night fiil!'cl with lliiJOll mttl an olrl wolf, and with the directnesR 1 for all toilet purposes.-A dYertiscmen t. le d and oil that were intemlecl for his stars. uncll'l' \\ lrkh till' l'arth \l'a,; wilit· and prE>rision of lOll!? experience. he I York hoats. Certain partitions \\'f'l'(' l·Hir:g with a film uf f1 ost. wlwn they S'Yer·yerl in I he rlirE>dlon of the lrnnt· I 'Vhile W(' read history we w;tl;e llis. . torn clown, and new ones were huilt: heard the fir;;t hnnt-call of tlw woiYP~ tor~·.-Cm·ti ~. the Tnrlian wife of his chief runrH•r l'it-rTot l;new that at last lind eom~ pr·s. com~nssmg his .tnul so that he I ;:::;:;·:;;-~:-;--~·:-:-~~~;;;;~ made curtains for the windows, Hilt! 1lrat for which nar·ee harl t.l'lll wai in;::. was leadmg for a pomt half or tl.tree ~:;;;~:;:;:~:;; the ot ad,·anet' in 1 In nn in-;tnnt Baree iutl st•n,·t·tl. i.t c]'llllrtc•rs of a mile he contlseate<l a srnall phono:.:mp!r opr.wu-.s.T. ~C . , _ • .;~ f pnc;. . d h · f t k t . 1 . . , 11· I of 1 L pree<•s l au! a:; ~~ nrn~·· E>s :.:rew ac u t h a t ~ , wu ld 1nn·e gone on u 1 1n< waR a r 1c o t 1I<' 11rnt .er 1too . • > ' 1 ro["' as I ll' Hontl u:1 111 the 1 11·: He had no doubts, anrl he st rPtehc•d UidrC'. " 1 i <· 11 1,,nrl'P 1rar1 \'e t t o 1e:Jrn; aiH 1 t 1lP :~ · ~ : . f · 1 · 1 1 · . t. f It fr·or:t rrel'tltl!l < I IIronrrlit: 11. at:lll.:.: t re 1 1 1 1 1 counter1 t II('< a.rs a" thC'y pas~erl. "Crcpette'' fat:-lc woven ac; o rr:.:trlr- ,.f c~p(·l·ia!ly II~ IJ!'!lOr:;nc!'. :till 0 n•,:u . . I 1 ·· I • · .· 1 ., 1 , ., . tor only 10 ct.:nts and ""' tl· l · ,·. I lown on t l1e G'ray Loon l'rPrrot un1l 1\'lrre 1 IH>:<ll 1 t re lll~:<L<'l'.l' and llrrrll .•.. 11 I xt 101 H t lt.rr.t 1\ ICe ll\ ta , ... II , "'" . 1 1 1lt·:ll· Ium 1 ']'! H'Y c·nu' f 1 If . "' •,epeese were b U!'Y at many tlrin!!'l "n ·• t rc· snlll<. 1Ia If• 1IOU!' 1le f Olilll 1 1lllllSP nenr I 1IE 1 d,ng: lf'iiiiUl~ ~oftl,l': :lllrl l'H'I'I'Oi, lJ 'I bu,;~· t]l!lt at tl111l'S ['lt'lT••t's f('lli'$ or pac·l; without hrin:r nhle to ,iPill it the F:t<·,or at L:H' nain wc>re f.,r~-:nt· fo\\'r. ;,:n tint he r:.ruglrt ll12 li.·~lrt or Tl1Pn c:unP n hnt!'! an~I final sil( nt.•f• I, ten, anti thE>~· wpnt out of the \\'illow·s lrlr.• tli;..lrl properly. conitl ><l·e hitll TIJP pack had [Hii'l'cl rlnwn its !;ill t 1 ntilltl r•ulirely. It w.ts the ltt'<l ~.!o'lll. I tn·Jtl•lil !;. 'nnrl in !heir fl':t~!in;; thl'y ma<lt- nc 1 •·!: k .l:r'l'·Kto :· Jte :saitl in u wlris· aud H thrilled with tlrP anlkrpa!inr, :-;n•1!Hl. • 1 f t 't to :\t•pc:•se. pt•r I ' lrutlt, wrnter re t o ellH'II arH exc1 ThE> r<'~t of tilE> ni;;ht TI:rn•p wan- 1 Nepeese c·arefully dipjwrl a hun<ll't'd TIJt:t "·as it. the en II of lrt> li't>n.! <ler,•tl alniw, or nt least until thE I 1 1 mixl' P::r:hr>u-fat boilin;,: in trap~ thHt wns r t~nnitt;.! ~wifl in H;ti·t>~':;, rnonn \Vil~ ''"PI I nn the ,vane. lle "'~~~ It mac lib nntl I'ierrot while cabin, the fl'ntn l'<'r·;:t·e:•~C'. a wit!! he ·d.!ilts-r,ot .done thP call ot his ~·q,e- a loTH! way lftresh <lPaHlfalls r.•acly frw SPIting on l.'ies. hut tliP •·nil of 1-azau ani Ur·ay trail lwei !wen an unccrtnitl :llld twist hi,; trails. \\'lten he wa~ gone mon• \\'nlf :md of IJi,< ilil'l·lit,trs fur "'"IIl•ra· ing Oltl', llut he was no loll'cer !>OS I than a tlay from the cnhin, ;;he wa ~ u_I'!IS l(lllllllllh~·l·c·d: It \\'as th~::_ Yoke of I ~('Sl'Pcl with the lli>'C'Otllfortin~ ~en~a· I always with him. The last t wu or 1 111~ l'PII[III'. So i'rc•rTot llarl \\·rusperl'd, 1 i"n of being lost. tu Hut at the Pahin there was much anrl h."' was r·it;ht. .h1 t!Jl' ~o~dt·ll night three months hnrl been deYelt.ping do, for l'iPrrut, !il{e all his NortiH"rll the\\ lllol\' was wartru:.:. for rt was sh~> strong:] I· in him the ;;pn,.;e of oril'llfH· 1 ht-.nhel'lwod, drcl not l.w[.:iu to pn·pan· wh~> h_acl ·;:-amble<! nlw;t .. <ln.r_l it ~~·as ti(lll, tl;at "sixth sc•nse·· which g-uides Sire 1 th~ pigeon uner-rh:l;IY 011 Its wa,· il!ld UJ:1 il til<' keen tang of autumn \\'as in she "ho nrust lo;;e ot "111. Then~ Wl'l'l' ~nowsltoes to he' ~~-·~:l'~led. T\;,ree a~ he s!":'·ly ..r.ul~:l j tal:es u bear ~traight as a bini ·I:Jig-ht , tl;P air. I rewt>hberl with new habkhe,. thC'n• .1 ll.t.'. step h,1 ;;t( [1, in the sh.t,lm\ :s. Oy to its la::;t ypar';; clenning plar::.,. i (TO H~; CO;o;TI.Kt.:ED.) was wood to be cut irr l'<'atliiH'SS f"r [u a feW 1110 IIPfllS IIIOI'P he Wa:S ),;ulle. .JVn t liPJorc t:t: <.lanl!'"r llfpsla (!If' Wiii!Pr S!OI'lll~; the l'llhin had t•l ,.f acbinJ.r ey"~. rt!d l!d .. , Llocd• r;a1•he:1 eyPba.1:'. "hot be banked, a nPw har·ncl's tllatlP, :-l<ill· Eye S::dve rt>:nm:l'!~ irrit-a· tion. rt·JlH'!'Sinilamm.IO. 'l••n. ning kniYes shar·pen<'d and wiute1· lh.)Vtl1eS (!liiD. mocca:<ins to he manuf<t<·lure t!; a hun H A I.t, & R':YCK:SL dre<l. and nne :·ffalr,.; to he ath'ndecl tu: l U7W:tvf'rlyPl., Nb';JYCrk lie l'<'iHlin•d the rnc•at nwlc :•t u·,. At rlti~ min•HP if I Rhoultl be askerl i There b nolllin:.: on eurth thal ~o back of thP cabin, wner·e. from the g-rinds one as to he nret with dis to n:rme thr> bi~.gest rock on which ' be;!innirJg of told weathl•r until tlw •·otu·te:<y and rude!IP!:<S In daily life. I matrimony stands, I would put my ~ end. would han:; th<' !.ruun<'he,.; of tfl·pt·, lra1 e 1\':tll'ltc<l f,,r tifly )·ears and I fing-Prs on the thing that start• eli•· 1 Quick relieffrom painful caribou nrul lliOt>"e for· the faruil.1· haYe ffluncl tlnll thP nasty little cancer content and unhappine,;s, as l:H·k of, corns, tender toes er:1 larder and, when fish was scarce, t111· tl at eats ti·P ri•·PpPst aiHl hud~ the cour·tcsy b<'twel'n Illt'll and 1riri!s. 1 pressure of tight shoos. wor~t in nratTiPcl life is lack of 1\'hicn vr>ry shorrly culminate~ in d!s- 1 dv:,:,;· ration!!. ever.vday gust and disrespect-G ene Strattnnjust cnulln,m, courtl·s~·. Wh& ~epeese this all of At t!ru;: In the bustle and Jhoe •tot-eat • eonrpelh;rl to giYe less attention tu pol itf'npss in the "uy you ni.!Lires> Pol·ter in a posthumous urticle irr !\!('. £t'e:T:')'WhC1'e than duril<!! f'·tree ·· th<>· l'receciine!, t•at· 11 ol 1a•r un d in the all<'ntion ~·ou Call's Magazine. ,, ..,. ~--p rm~ IF>; o#'>~l play su mul'lr; I pay f'Ul'l. nthPI', ;n the wn~· yuu ra: not tli<l. They ~n~ek;:. ~ ~~~~J :rn~~ tf:l.f,"?~ tlrty 110 lon'.!er swum, for with the ~our foorl. lu t!JP "uy ~·ou couduct ~'Tay batr, ~rallnnllyl your lJarl<"D v~·1 J);f Perils ive Comparat tnoming-~ tltPre "us dl'ep frn~t on tlrr> yours<'lf iu tile pd,:rcy , 1f your lH•II· rurely and "'!ely In pri~acy o '1:-~· roby Uscuovcr&Jr~• Mme. your ·eal . · a • in , \'as ''1 an; n 1 An AtcldH>n gro11r d, nnl! the water was turnin~ ..Zrarnher. , { . w.illituls. Money-biU'k Jrna.ra.ntee. { t:1af thin;; the Be gnrcinu..;! ~[or·e men untl \\'<H!Jen torn:nlo 1HI<'f'. gut nom~LL.'T ~·rm:u. :J>, ,-'\ k~· '~r•HI ~ they uo longer wandered allmon~·."i,; ·:tth •! lo me ~"ares by oilier \!nt·h to tlienr,..~ehes lo~t hale and 1\owt>rs afte1· forest tht• deep in "'~~-~V\1 HReastir C:Or>t~.orr Atchison Oloht• hl•: dr•s. l•'or hour·s at a time Ban•e bl'ing rougl> and carelt>s!'< ::nd siek<>n ~-UI..\\..l:l.~ At youzo Dl:'ujgist 7S' little the concerniug olht>r caelt In!( fet't, Willow's the at \Hllrld 11ow lie HESSIG·EWS, CHEMISTS, Dept. W. MEMPHIS. TENN. Au tll'.i•~~t,.hlo.• ,·r•!f·,..f·t'llcl \\'l'!'ncl · --- watcldn" ller r,;!ent!er tlu;,;ers us tlwy lllt'f'ttes of life, wh•~n merely to kl'ep fou !)in~ ··q ,. r i,.,.,.,tl •I<IH'<'ll 1 11:1~ W<)Uid. l>c,.::;n tilt':'· way the in tniug-~ up her with out and w. N. u., Salt Lake City, No. 33--1926. l'.·eaYC•d Sl\'it'tly in nut. ,, ' · 1u' :rl•' ,,t n'n <'f ISHic., s•lll"t;ou wbole the >;:rn'rt have then and now annw~h· u b-rhlche; and Chapter IX THE NEW CAR S-TH E NEW BEAUTY Look at the names-C adillac, Buick, Chevrol et, Oakland , Oldsmo bile, Pontia c-the greatest cars on the market in their respective classes- and attached to them the magic symbol -Body by Fisher. Body by Fisher is the outstanding charm of the new Genera l Motors cars now comman ding public attention . Into the new models, Fisher has introduc ed new standard s of beauty to match the highest standard s of safety, comfort and convenie nce. As the new cars are announced , Fisher leadersh ip becomes inescapable. I Magic because Body by Fisher is the buyer's greatest assurance that here is supreme quality and value. I I . . . . ' l .. . L-V Cl.(} H . 1 I E.YES U~.~ ? Ma!"'ria ge Wrecke d on Rock of Discour tesy COR. .NS DESchon's Zino-p ads II - - - -- 0 Device Shows Strain Incurred by Flyers c ...... 0 Instruments !rave been del'i:sed for me\lsuring an airplane's speed, alti·1 tude and direction; now comes a gauge for the :n·lator himself, called the acceleromete r, an intricate little apparntus which shows how his body reacts to the craft's bounces, sudden turns and dipR. It is the invention of J Lieut .•Tames H. Doolittle of the E>ngineering dirision of the army air· I J'ervic(', according to Popular Me·j chanics l\Iagazlne, and It i;; placed un St re!'<ses and d('I' the pilot's seat. strains on l1i~ l•otly are outlined on a >'mall strip of tilm. Lieutenant Doolittle lm,; fonnll that a flyer can stand inst:wt:rn"ou :s 1non•· nwnts of thP plane without iii effects. lout comparatii'P ly slowpr ciip~ and <liYPR, of contirtUPll :::en•r:tl seconds . ,cr>melimes cau;;e him to lose his faeul ties. In roundiu~ a pylon at !rigl1 ;·peed. fm· iu"tauc~. the> hl<'<'tl i~ tlrii'Qll to thr• ft•t•l. A y1ilot in the pink oF eonditiou can !:'taml tlli:;, but al>out 1~ !<N•t,ud" is the li111it. Co <N ~.l I A .rpra.y a. d~ - Keep.r J'keetr a.w~ let mosquitoes ruin your summer. Keep DON'T your bed rooms free from all insects. Spray Flit. Flit spray cleat-s your home in a few minutes of disease-bearing flies and mosquitoes. It is clean, safe and easy to use. Kills All Household Insects Flit spray also destroys bed bugS, roaches and ants. It searches out the cracks and crevices where they hide and breed, and destroys insects and their eggs. Spray Flit on your garments. Flit kiils moths and their larvae which eat holes. Extensive tests showed that Flit spray did not stain the most delicate fabrics. By the F o:rc!ock ?.Irs. Chnrh'f< :\Innn.v. the "oil '! r:Pen.'' snid at a rec:eption : "Yef', it I~ true t h:rt I'm t'he oil!~· independent wnmart oil operator, an I it's true that 111~· c:onrpany !Ja:; bem1 !·HYing Gl10 per CPnt diritleuds. \\'elL to l:il!Cl'eed nowa"~ucce;;s? r:nys ~·ou mnst be Yery qHick-takc• tim<' and Pvf'rythin.:r dse h.1· tlre for('· lnck-lil'e the ~·ouu;; man at the seu>"hOr<'. u 'J)ar 1ii1g.' the young nu1u ~Hi(] Flit is the result of exhaustive research by expert entomologists and chemists. It is harmless to manhind. Flit has replaced the old methods because it lrills all the insects-and does it quickly. . Get a Flit can and sprayer today. For sale everywhere. STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) to a gi1·1 with whom he was sit tin;; out a d:tllCL'. 'll:· rl i11g, I h"-e you.' ~ai<1 th<· gi 1"1, 'tny goodness u ~But,' me, we didn't meet till half an hour· ngo !' "'Yes, 1 lwow, d<ll'liug.' said the young man. 'bnt I'm only down her·e for the wePk·end.' " DESTROYS In 1930 Flies Mosquitoes Motta Ants Bed Bugs Roaches "llubhy, I utu,Y he a little late fot· dinrwr. I'm taking a taxiplanE> to Paris to do a little ,;hopping." "May be a little late mys('lf. Been invited to try some new gulf links in California." blacll band" ------- ------- HOOKS Any book you want -by mail, C. 0. D. Deseret Book Co., 44 East So. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah - -------- Rather "Anrl Is ~·our daughter happily mar· ried?" ''Yes, rather! ner husband ls scared to death of her." .. Tiur u•llow can with th• HINDERC ORNS R~mon• Corns, Oal- lvuscs, etc., stops a.ll pain, t'lnsuros comfort to tbe feet, makes walking ea.f>y. lf)Q by mail or at. Druacists. lilscox Chemtcu.l Worlu!, Pu.tchO[OUe, N.Y. l'EU Ht;XDRED LADIES: Wl' PAY .$10.50 No man is quite so good as hls son- to gUct grPeting cards. l•'ree lJa.rtlculo.rs fur YOHKVJLLE CARD. adoires>cd emelo~<es. in-law should be. "\V, 864 Lel:.ln¥ton Avenue. New Ycnk. Dept. EX(;IIA. 'uJ.: or llUl: (,W:;:;, IJOG:;, 'l'OOI.S, Alotorc)·c~es, or any seconU-hanJ. article ot ""hat hnve value throug-h our nteJubers. gtate prlco. It n111st be a bar&aln. you? 'l'rial 26c in silvtr and 4c ln Rtamps, SOUTHERN EXCHA>;GE CLUB Atlanta. Ga. 132~ Avon Ave .• S. W. WA~TED-To sell our patent For4 Exctu-:-1ve tm·ritory given. pxternal brake. B£ALI, BROil. Quick seller. Big proflt". SUPl'LY COlliPA:-iY, ALTON, lLLINOIB. AG.K~TS |