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Show - THE South Jordan JORDAN JOURNAL West Jordan I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hogan and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Atkinson , of Bountiful motored to Strawberry j Thursday ancl enjoyed a fishing trip, 1 after which they went to Duchesne and Soldier Summit where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Barrett.. They returned home Sunday evenrng. Mr. and Mrs. :[ames A. Bateman and family left for southern Utah Wednesday for a ~wo weeks vacation. 1 A shower was g1ven at the home of A. L. Irving Friday night in honor of Miss Reva Emery a bride of the near future. Miss Gweneth Silcox, Olive Leak, Ann and Olive Oakeson spent Monday of last week at Little Cottonwood canyon. Mrs. John Yates is confined to h er home through being kicked by a cow over a week ago. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Bateman visited here Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. J. I. Adams, Sr., Zen c Adams of Kanab, Keith Seegmiller were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Acey during the week. Mr. antl Mrs. A. L. McAllistre en tertained at dinner Tuesday eveing ·in honor of Mr. and Mrs. ,H. 'r. Atkins of Salt Lake. THE VOICE OF THE LIBERTY BELL("' Subscribe to the Jordan Journal Subscribe to the Jordan Journal through your local correspondent. 1 through your local correspondent. Otherwise she will receive nothing 1 Otherwise she will receive nothing for items sent in. for items sent in. Mrs. Arminta Egbert entertained at For the benefit of those who missed an old fashioned quilting Wednesday reading last weeks paper we wish to afternoon, dinner was served to the announce again that the primary oi- following guests, Mrs. George Good ficers of this ward are giving a pri- ridge, Mrs. Lurilda Gibson, Mrs. Wm. mary bazaar on August 16. Every McEwin Mrs. Laun Buckley, Mrs. lady in the ward has been asked to Elzina Buckley and Mrs. Wilford Egdonate a dress, apron or fancy work bert. 1 ! of ' some kind to this orga~ization, Atlon Gardner, Roy St!:'adman, Eli and it is asked that all artlcles be Webster, Frank Traster and Earnest handed in to Mrs. W. A. Mabey by Webster attended a lawn party Wed1 August 13. The children will also nesday night at the Rindelsbach home have their pets on display. A pro- in Riverton. g-ram and other amusements have Wednesday, August 18, from 2 to 6 been well arranged for the day. p. m., the stake Relief society will The funds will be used for the bene- hold a demonstration in the Sandy fit of improving this organization. amusement hall. There will be demParents interest the children with onstrations in cooking, canning, sewing and many other useful features. your presence. A large crowd is expected to take adMr. and Mrs. David Hughes, Mr. vantage of this opportunity to gathe1· and Mrs. Ed Hughes of Spanish Fork, ideas along these lines. Mr. and Mrs. George Emery and famMrs. Laura Stevens and children ily of Salt Lake, Mrs. Robert Hughes visited Mrs. Lydia Seal at Riverton and sons, Bobbie and Ray of Bakers- Saturday. field, Cal., were dinner guests of Mr. Miss Sadie Dwight spent the week and Mrs. R. A. Naylor on Sunday. end at Salt Lake the guest of Mable Miss Leah Beckstead of Magna Warner. LIMITED CLASS TO spent the past week visiting relatives Hyrum Walker and son Randall, of STUDY MEDCIAL WORK here. Soldier Summit spent the week end with his family. A limited class of twenty-eight stu Mrs. James Shields entertained at The pet and hobby show given by an ice cream social Sunday afternoon the primary children under the direc· dents will make up the roll for thr first year of mPdical work at the Unifor Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Hewlett tion of the officers and teachers Monof Sandy, Joseph Stocking and Mr. day afternoon proved a huge succei's versitv of Utah this year. More than twice this number of eligible stuand Mrs. Leo Palmer and children. :md the large number of parents presdents applied to the dean of t}> f> Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bradford of Mag- ent showed their interest in what the school for entrance but most of them na were guests of Mr. and Mrs. David primary organization is doing for were turned down because of the first Shields on Tuesday evening of last their children. At 2 o'clock a minia- vear clnFls in medicine bP.ing limitrrl ture parade was formed showing week. Manv appli· floats, pets ?nd all kinn of characnt e r~ to a definite number. cations have been recc>ived from stuMr. and Mrs. W. E. Brockbank and gotten up by the children. Prizes dents of California. Montana and all family motored to Spanish Fork Sat were given as follows: The prettiest narb of the west for entrance thi ~ urday August 7 and attended the float, Hope Yates, "Uncle Sam"; fall at the Utah medical school. All Smith reunion held there. A program, Eldin Diamond, float "Utah"; "Queen of those students have already com luncheon and dancing were the main of the West," Donald 'Bateman: the features of entertainment. Mrs. prettiest doll carriages, Mari P pleted at least three and many four ,. Brockbank was a Smith girl before Ohwiler, Hazel Maxine Gardner and vears of college wor'k: in preparation This Is one of the two new official posters of the Sesqut-Centc mtal Intermarriage. Ruth Bateman. B2st ho1·se, Howard for their study of medicine. national Exposition, opening in Phila delph ia Jun e 1 tu ce lebrate 150 years <~'More doctors are now boosting the Barbon; best dog, Donald Bateman· of American Independence. The J<Jxposition will continue to i; Pcember 1. Mr. and Mrs. Leo · Palmer enter- best characters Beth Peterson as a Utah medical school and they arr Dan Smith, the artist, has symbolized the epoch In history which the tollln3 tained at dinner Friday for Mrs. monkey, Alma Richa1·dson as clown; sending- their own sons here," de · Martha Todd, Mrs. Belle Mackay and funniest charactPr, old maid and cat. clarPd Dr. R. 0. Porter. <lef!n of th" uf the Liberty Bell In Independence Hall, Jul y 4, 1, 7 6, La:k c ci and has Mrs. Hattie Mackay of Garnger. Mr. Pearl Hibbard, best wagon, wild cats, medical college at the University of depleted the growth of the United Sta tes from the origin.,, t"liru en states. represented by the thirteen stars wh1ch emerge from the mouth of the and Mrs. R. W. Palmer, Elton and Max Malstrom; goat wagon, Wyne Utah. "Our school has an enviable Liberty Bell. Vaughn Palmer of West Jordan, Olsen. Keith Bateman won the tri- record particularly throughout thP Claude Sheppick and Mrs. R. A. Nay- cycle race. Wagon and schooner race, northwest. Some of the reasons for Oxskooze It lor. "But where's itc; tail?" Dimar Butterworth; Afton Gardner, this are the stiff~>ning- nn of re('JuiremPnts both for the students and for Operator (to supervi sor) "Is there "Oh, that's still in the ink . bottle." The majority of young folks from ogg race. River-ton boys won the the faculty of the Utah medical school ·mch an exchange as Bon Bon?" ball game and all won a merit badp;< here attended the M. I. A. outing at in the past years." Supervisor: "No." • Saltair Wednesday, August 4. Bath in their make ups. It was one of thl? Considerable remodeling is bein" Operator: 'Well, that's what thi s I Fire. p r~v cntio n will be. b; ught. ~raing, luncheon and dancing were thr hest and most successful affairs ever done at the university among which subscriber is calling." matlcally to the attentiOn of m1lhons attempted by the ward nrimary. main features of the day. is the enlargingof the anatomy de Supervisor .to operator) "Put him of American s in a cc ..1paratively A surprise party was given Monda~ Many people of this ward attended 1 Complete new equipment on my set." nartmt:'nt. night on Evald Henrlrickson in hono' 1 short time, when "The F.i e Brigade" general conference held at Sandy Sathas been purchased -for the phar· Supervisor (to subscriber) "What will be r cle:J<:<>d in ,tl1!- 1 ading roonf his birthday anniversary. Game ~ urday and Sunday, August 7 and 8. macology dppartment as well as for number did you call, plea se ?" and luncheon was enjoyed by the fol J tion pi d ure t heate ..·s of L ~ word!. Joseph Stocking left Monday for the department of microscopic Subscriber: 'Von von seex seven J.' _ lowing guests, Afton Gardner, Rober! his ranch on the Weber after spendanatomy. Trane, Fay Orgill, Wilma Ham, I 1925 f ig-m·rs s l' lW t hat New 1:·ork ing the past week here. Lovell Silcox, Den and Orling Haun, OVER THE SHOFLDER :state produce d one-sixth of the elecWallace Shields of Salt Lake and Ralph Gardner. "What are you drawing, Beulah ?" tl icity, and one-fourth of the manuAce Maxfield of Butlerville visited The engagement o f Miss Rev:' NEIGHBORING RAILROAD Beulah, artist: "A cat." fact ure d ga>; of the C' ni te<l States. here on Friday. , Emery to Lovell Webster of Sandy CROSSINGS BETTER Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Beckstead and relatives of Idaho have returned hom" has just been announced. The marTHAN OUR OWN after spending the past week at Eph riage will take :place Wednesday, August 18. riam. Every motorist driving south from zMr. and 1\Irs. Austen Peterson have Mrs. Perry and family of Philadelthe c~ntpr street intersection with phia have returned back here after arrived home after spending two State street must have noticed that touring in Califo-mia for the past two weeks visiting Mr. Peterson's parent~ the L. A. & S. L. railroad crossing ? weeks. They are now spending an in at Scipio. Mr. and Mr~. Robert Gardner aPd few hundred yards south is a model definite time visiting with Mr. an 1 crossing. Mrs. Joseph F. Palmer and family daughter, Emma, motored to Lehi Several organizations in Midvalo They intend making their home in Sunday evening, where Miss Emma rec~ntly moved to improve the rail spoke at the regular meeting. Salt Lake in the near future. W. W. Malstrom met with a very road crossing-s within our boundaries Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stocking a: The railroad did not t~ke kindly to Magna anrl Mr .and Mrs. Harold Gor- painful accident Sunday evening by the change and the matter seems tc. don and daughter,__Dorothy D. spent being cut with a piece of glass, it tak- have been dropped. Saturday' evening visiting with Mr ing six stitches to close the wound in But just outside the city limits we his foot. and Mrs. A. R. Stocking. now find a model crossing like thP George Bird had the misfortune of Mr .and Mrs. W. E. Garner ancl one we advocated. son Judson visited relatives in Sal < getting his thumb crushed very bad Lt looks like a challenge. Saturday afternoon. Lake Sunrlay evening. Let's accept it. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jensen, Mr. Mr .and Mrs. John Wardle attend~<l What do you say about t~e citv the theater at Midvale Monday eve - and Mrs. W. L. Egbert, Mr. and Mrs. officials and others interested petiGeorge Henderson formed a part)' ning-. and visited Timpanogos cave Sunday tioning the D. & R. G. W. and L. A. Miss Elsie Winward is spending an Mr. and Mrs. Harold Egbert of & S. L. (Union Pacific Svstem) to indefinite time visiting in Riverton. give us ·railroad crossings like the one Miss Lucy Stockng joined a partv Magna, Miss Louise· Atkinson of on State street. Bountiful, Mr. and Mrs. Earl P. Bateof friends and enpoyed an outing at 5 North Main Street It's FlO smooth vou hardly know you man and Vernal Jensen spent last Lal!'oon Tuesday of last week. are crossing- a railroad track. Yet we week at Brighton. Miss Dona Beckstead was a guest Next Door to Corner :\!feat Market Mrs. Edith Tripp and daughtPl', must submit to wooden crossings that of Miss Olive Beckstearl on Sunday. Heloise of Lark spent last wPek with "shake the liv<>r out of a car" year Mid vale, Utah. Mrs. Cl~ude ShPppick and sons. after year. Why? her mother, Mrs. Earnest Silcox. Junior nnrl Billv, MiRs Golda Soffe Because we don't object and apMr. and Mrs. Ellie Bennion of Benand Miss Hazel Lewis attended the nion ward are receiving congratula parently don'~ care. Utah Coppr>r clay outing at Liberty tions upon the arrival of a son. Mrs park 1Monday. August 9. A program BC'nnion was f ormPrly EffiP PalmPr MINING PROSPERITY ltmeheon, hoatint>; and other sp'">rts Mr. and Mrs. Earn est Silcox and HELPS EVERYBODY were enjoyed throughout the day family attended a.' party at Herriman The mining industry has been able Miss Soffe and Miss Lewis joinecl last week given in honor of Mrs. Ar- to deal successfully with most of the the crowd at night and attended the mintas Miller's G2nd birthday anni issues that have confronted it durbig dance given at the Bluebird. versary. Light refreshments were ing the last few years, when higl1 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Beckstead served to 24 guests. costs. limited markets, high taxation. spent Tnesdav evPning of last week Mr. anri Mrs. Ezra Miller and chit regulatory legislation, rev1s10n of visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Egbert dren, Calvin and Ora were guests of freight rates, and other questions of of Wc"t ,Tordan, Mr. Egbert is still on Mrs. EarnPst Silcox Frirlay. more or less importance were exertthP sick list. We have been asked a good m<J.ny times, how it Mr. anci Mrs. Simen Hibbard and ing their influence upon sales, William Soffe returnPd home last family of Salt Lake visited his par- profits, credit, stabilization, labor reis we can have so many well plea,;cd customers, WPek from the county hospital very ents, Mr. and Mts. Joseph Hibbard lations and general business condiand such a splendid tu rnnver. Th~ ans wer is muc·h imnroved, where he has b~cn Sunday. tions. The industry has won public easy. Our customers Lna v when t hey buy from confinPd the past 3 weeks sufferinro· Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dimond art' conf'idonce throu~h the fair mannnr from thP effects of an auto accident receiving congratulations up® the in which its leaders have presented us they g·et good quali ty and we render the real some time ago. arrival of a son. the facts to law-making bodies and service. If any of our custom e. ·s sho lid have had Don't miss the big rlance Friday g-overnment departments, and bebad luck for a short time t!,ey will still get meats MiDVALE WO,IA T. OLD night, Mickeys Meloclions will fum- cause their requests have not been UTAH RESIDENT, DIES ish the music. and groceries from us. \Vc do not tell the people unreasonable or improper. Many of Mrs. Laurelda Gibson left for her the questions that confronted the inthat we save them a lot of mnney, they know good M~·s . FllPn Nayhr Jenkins, of Mid- home at San Francisco, Cal., Sunday dustry during recent years have be0n meats and groceries are ~~!ways cheaper than 2nd val". riied ?t the home of her daug'h- after spending several weeks with her disposed of satisfactorily to all contPr, Mrs. Willi::~m Galeazzi, at Bing- parents', Mr. and Mrs. George Good- cerned-the industry, the governand 3rd class merchandi:o<e, , nd af course every ham, August 7. rirlg. lady knows, there is nobo<'. ' seiling first class ment, and the public. Mrs . .Tcnkins was the wife of Wilmerchandise for 2nd and 3rd cla~s prices. We Mr. and Mrs. Claud Abbott, Mr Western states particularly are deliam .Jenkins. She was born in Not- and Mrs. Roy Abbott, Marie Ahhott. pendent for their prosperity, upon kill and dress our own meats and deliver to good tingham, Enr.-land, June 10, 184!), and Veloy Irving, Lillian Brown, Leah and the mining in'dustry. It is to their many markets in the county.... The marliets buycame to Utah when she was 14 years Olive Yates, Myrtle Cundick, Lucile interest to see that mining is encouring from u.~ get their meats at 7 o'clock in the of age. and Berniece Bateman, Mr. and Mrs. aged, rather than hampered by remorning so the first chill from our modern plant Bnsides her husband, she is sur- Orrin Beckstead, Mrs. Henry Egbert, strictive taxation and legislation. doesn't leave the carcass. vived by th, following sons and Minevera Egbert, Mrs. Lydia 'Batedaughters: L. B. and Samuel A. Jen- man, Ross Bateman were among the When you btty meats at ycur marlret ask for Mter running the C<?ntra1 RQomkins, Rigby, ldal->o; Mrs. W. J. Gough, large crowd from here that attendea ing house successfully for two years . meats killed and cured bv P. C. Rasmul'i sen and Gl~ndale, Cal.; Mrs. R. L. Herrick , the Utah Copper field day ·at Liberty Mrs. P. J. Stewart has moved to her Sons and you are sure to get the best. 1 Lo~ AngPlc>s: Joseph E. Jenkins, Mid- park and Bluebird Monday. home on 194 Allen Street. val"; Ms. William Gal~;azzi of iSingMiss Nathania Ashly of Grant Mrs. Martin is now disposing of I ham .,nrl M··s. Kate Heaney of Los ward spent the week end as the guest •the rooming house furniture, preAn!{eles. Also thirty grand children of Alit:e Hogan. Miss Ashly was paratory to turning it over to Midvale City. i . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . and fourteen great g·~f.nd-children. formerly of this ward. I I l I Buy Old and Out-of.-Date Clothing . Our New Fall Merchandise Is Here Have You Seen the "Twinkies" We Have Them Get a Book Telling- the Story The book is free with each pair of children's shoes 1mrchased , Read the book, then see the Twinkies come to earth at the Iris Theater next Monday Tuesday, \VednQsday and 1fhursday -- ----------~ • The Famous Clothing Co., Inc. Main St. Always 'the Newest Styles Midvale journal Want Ads Pull NEW EQUIPMENT - CALL MIDVALE 28 "It's Personal Service That Counts" We take care of your wants whether large or small. Prompt Service - - Anytime - Anywhere C. A. McRAE, Prop. Midvale, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Utah. I GENERAL BARBER WORK Ladies Haircutting My .. Spe~ialty SAM WRIGH'f, Barber Do business direct with the old reliable, world famous Mead factory and you have a bicycle of real quality, with best materials and skilled workmanship. No middleman's profits to pay. Save money also, by dealing direct with the Manufacturer. THE ST Is the Chett,. e t I Mea Cycle Company Dept. T5, Chicago. P. C. Rasmussen & Sons |