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Show .JOURN AL ~~~------------------~, . I ~" 'i!fi!fi!fiYi!fi ~!fi y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;!fiYi!:fi!:fi!fifl~ UB THEA RE {1 {VAT/O N-WID E INSTITUTION- ::: !fi ~DEPARTMENT STOR ES Ill Mrs. Lloyd Bateman and son, Ger~ ald spent Saturday as guests of Mrs. Lydia Bateman. Miss · Lucile Bateman and Pete Hichardson attended a party at South Jordan Tuesday night given in honot of Mr. and Mrs. Brockbank who has gone to Sandy to make their home. Games were played and a chicken sup per was served to ten guests. Willace Goodrich who is suffering with rheumatism is improving but if. :not able to leave his bed. The funeral service of Mrs. Jannet Beckstead Bird, the daughter of Mr. Hyrum Beckstead was held in the Miller Ward chapel Sunday. Janett was the widow of W M. Bird who died a few months ago. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Johnson and Lyman Robbins of Provo were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beckstead this week. M1·s. R. Thayne of East Midvale visited her dahghter, Mrs. Glen Beckstead last week. Mr and Mrs. John Richards are receiving congratulati ons on the alTival of a son on December 7. Charles Cockyne is spending severa! days at Garland visiting his parents. ~ Im y ~ G!<J c.=& ~ lim G!<J c.=& 1:!:'9 ~ ffiB F or Christm • Sh as opp ers lim mB • - • ~ lillJ SILK HOSIERY , ~*;B I G!<1 I!Cl r.m lim r;m C1!l ATWATE R KE~ 'T and SuPER HETEROD YNE UADIOS l.3!.l ffiB r.m I!Cl lim lim WASHING TON HOME HEATERS You'll Save The Price Of Gas By ' = ~~~~ ..cl l-r.. ----- I !fi y; y; !:fi !:fi !fi !fi !ft ~ - TUESDAY ,WEDNES DAY.THU RSDAY -------- DECEMB ER 27, 28 and 29th LOTUES MAKI TWB: I~ATE •·g=· --= • --= !@~ At the IRS THEATRE Of Course "The House or Quality" ~/J!fi!:fi!fiy;!:fi!:fi!:fiYi!:fi!fi!fi I b~ ~ I ~=~·t~::c~eit ~~·=ir G~~~7: l~i~?~'~u~~~ l * I I Coming To Booth's COME IN AND GET A TICI{ET * ~ NEXT ffiB lim ffiB ffiB ffiB ffiB ffiB I M 5 • r;m ffiB G!<J Mrs. J. R. Tipton, formerly of this Holiday Fares to Los Angeles, De- ~ city, now a resident of Palo Alto, Cal- cember 23rd will also be sale date B::J ifornia arrived last week to spend with final return limit sixteen days lillJ the winter with her children in Salt in addition to date of sale. This makes I!Cl Lake. three sale dates namely, Dec. 21, 2~, · Mrs. William B. Erickson will en- and 23. tert:1in the ladies of the S. S. S. Club Authority just received and we are ~ednesday afternoon at her home on!' issuing. tariff todar authorizing Lo• • ""' Vme street. cal hohday excursion fares between 1.!i:!! Thomas Wassmer, son of l\Ir. and all 0. S. L. stations on basis of one SHOCK ABSORBE RS TO THE LIMITED pOCKET BOOK,-I N MIDVALE , UTAH Mrs. Charles Wassmer, was surpri. ed and one third fare roundtrip with at his h01me Thursday evening of last sale dates December 18th, 19th, 20th, week by a number of friends andre- 21st, 25th, 31::;t and January 1st with ~§B~ffiB!ililffiRlilil[ili1liliJ!ili.Jffiili]B§IlffiijffiilllffimJiil£rtili~ffiHffiR!iliJIMJ\Ili*J~ff§li@§il\IlffiBffiilllli!E latives. Games and music were en-' final return limit all tickets January ~ l.!i::l ' ere 0 _ ffiB ~ lim III ffiB 0 Iii ffiB · ffiB liffi Chr istm as suggestio• ns WHAT COULD BE BETTE R? '7? ffiB PHONOGR APH Xl\11\ S EVE I hP "'= "Havoc''is Cqming ffiB FOR THE SATURDA Y NIGHT PRIZES ALSO FOR.TH& BRUN:.,WICK §:3 ffiB ri"' 1 0 With Norman Kerry and, Patsy Ruth Miller Here's The One They Have All Been Waiting For lim lim ..... "Lorraine of the L.IOnS'' , lim \Il ~ f3!l Ill SUNDAY AND MONDAY COLLEEN Ill * * * MATTRES SES r>m !!:a ffiB • ..... ·~ c;; "' FURNITU RE BRIDGE LAMPS = ~I ~~ SLii'PERS and SHOE~, SUI'f CASES, BAGS Q<J - TUESDAY , WEDNESD AY, THURSDA Y ~ Pocket Books n \.RE JEWELRY AND SILVER''' J • FLOOR LAMPS ---- = ffiB FANCY GARTERS lilll CUT GLASS WARE ----------- I I KNIT SPORT GLOVES, HANDI\.E RCHIEFS LEATHER KEY PURSES, boat-the fight in the hold of the tossing <boatlfi the raging gales-the foaming sea-mutin y-villiany on :!:' the high seas-and fighting with the courage of a tigress § defending her cubs is the Girl! Supreme! Magnificent! E Fighting for the man she loves! Here is a picture jam-packe d with action and excite=: ment! From the first scene to the last, there i.-, not a dull ~ moment! Don't whatever you do, miss it! ! ! -;-, "COMEDY " and "INTO THE NE1f" I» C1 ffiB lim CELLI SILK PATTERN S LUlV~rBI~R JACK~ LEATIIE'R COATS 0 yacht blown to atoms-the rescue by the revenue eutter-th e escape in the ~ Mrs. Harold Egbert and Mrll. Douglas Young of Magna visited Mrs. H. G!<J c. Gardner Tuesday. lillJ ....G!<J 1ur. Ed Swap p of Kanab , Norman f!CJ Swapp of Logan, ~corge Cram of ~~* ·t !fi lfi !fi ~ 1motov ~ argaiDS SILK UNDERW EAR f?.~ BLANKET S DRESS GOODS '" ~. SPORT S\t.rEATERS !fi A roar like the crack o doom-the rum-runne r's !fi~~ 19 e ADVANC E SHIPMEN T LADIES CORTI- ffiB lim fl!S "" ~ joyed :followed by a buffet luncheon. !:fi!:fi!fi!:fi!fi!:fi!:fi!:fi!fi~l~ Twenty guests were present. Mrs. W. 0. Ramshaw entertai1:1ed the daughters of the Pioneers of the 4th. Thi:s should stimulate great deal Yet, jolly Old Santa, with sleigh and Cottonwood Camp Thursday at her local travel between 0. S. L. points with pack, Will never forget to bring ChristOgden, Mr. and 1\Irs. Vern Gardner home on State Street. ,.,. formed a party and motored to Salt :VIr. ar\d Mrs. Heber Smith have as Salt Lake, Dec. 13, 1925 mas Lake Tuesday night to see "The Go- their guests for a few days, Mrs. All Agents; spirit rig"ht back. rilla", played at the Salt Lake Theatre Smith's mother, Mrs. J. H. Loury of Round trip fa1·es of $15.00 will be ~ One of the little twins of Mr. an-1 Manti. published from your station to Los I Now we shall have lots of fun in the Mrs. Parley Spratling is \"el·y ill. In honor of the c. Y. c. Olub mem- Angeles and return sale date 21;:;t snow, &0 and 22nd with final return Jim t lG ber.s, Miss LaHue Simper assisted Whic~ makes it look more like days stopover in California only an•l Chnstmas you know, THE OLD SWDI:\HNG HOLE tickets good in coaches or sleepers For good little children can have lots Pearl Pugmire Midvale School day. A buffet supper was served to upon payment of sleeper charge:-;. of fun Every Time You Enter Our Store You Win 7th B Grade :Miss Peterson, Teacher twelve guests. Y-et keep Christmas Spirit, yes, Q<J 'l'he old swimuning hole I rememMr. and Mrs. L. W. White are reeveryone. CHRISTMA S ~ ber best was a ponZl in the meadow . . c~iving congratulati ons over the arlillJ It lay like a silver mirror reflecting · nval of a, daughter. Ardath Rasmussen Age 11 Christmas Spirit wHl ;;tay while she G W the grassy banks and rushes and open I Mrs. Thot11a" Po"·ell left a fe"' Draper Par·k School 7th G a!le 1 can You etA Ticket For1The Five Prizes l.3!.l ~ n " • , ' And help provide joy for every man ~* sky. The crystal surface sparkling day,; ago 'to visit her daughter, .Mrs. M1ss Shephero, Teache1' A h h . J h . . t h e suns h.me, 1oo k e! I rk r I Whether You Buy Or Not . 11 y 11 Ch .· t m ncl of t en I e < 1amon! ~. Le onar d Mil Ier and family of Idaho Oh'. f or th e f un of th avt JU e WI 11 eave on t e W' ""S oc 11s thes nigiht ~ Later in the afternoon, as the sun I Falls, Idaho. mas! With, "l\Ierry Christmas to all, and Every $1.00 Purchase .Gets You An Addition- ~ cast its rays into its still depths, one Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Shaw entertain- Never could there be such a da~ to all a good-night." !3!.1 could ~ee all the g?1:geous colors of jed. a h~~t.J.1ber of friends Thursday ev- As the <lay when Christmas came al Ticket ~ .-... the rambow magmfied there. No enmg of last week at their home. flown to earth, ~ wonder the children loved to • swim I Games were enjoyed and prizes were And now we celebrate His noble birth. Learn Other Bird•' Note• there on a lazy summer afternoon. 1won by Mrs. Guy Reading and T1·uBird~ Inherit calls they utter when 1rnan Carlisle. We have Job> of cancly, and nuts on ln the nest. hut In many Instance. TOYS1 TOYS I TOYS I §B THE GIANT ELM John Cook left Wednesday for a that day learn the notes ot the birds within · · • ~ six month's mission to the northern But the Spirit of Chrisbx.as is giv- ~ound of whose voices they have been DOLLS! DOLLS! DOLLS! Re x Whi'· . 7th G.ta d ,-states. ing away. '!"eRred. ...nore ~I , G . H. h · Midvale School Mr< Gregor Teachere • r~. eolge ISC er and :\Irs. EhSLEDS I SLEDS! SLI)DS I ~ It ,tood in hont, 'of the ohl fam' Izabeth Moore enterta~ned ~he m.emof the Commun1tv h ouse, an elm three of noble propor- bers , . -' Aid Soc1et'·J GW ~ tions. It's massive trunk with its I '' et!nesday afternoon at the Huscher · roo t s I oo k e d l"k · home. •· ~ 1 c th e g1M . lillJ Our Stocks Are Arranged To Make It A ~ numerous gantic hand of Hercules, thru~t into rs. J. Premo e~tertamed the memthe earth to keep the tree firm. Ibers. of th; Sta~ Six Club Wednesd~y Pleasure For Xmas Shopping The branches of this aged monarch; even~ng. * rhe tlme was spend ~n stretched upward as though trying . dancl~g and games. Covers were laid W · j for s1x. !!:a 1 to act as a restmg pace for the. M. B . W tt d .... J §B clouds. '" IS~ er~1~e a s an mrs. . \Ve Wish You A Merry Christmas Beneath the spreading branches, the D.. ~:vlett weze the guests of Mrs. A. children spent the hot hours of the WaHle! of Salt Lake Saturday. ~ ~: long summer days. • Mrs. L. Watts had as her guest ~ Suspended fro:n one ?f its great ~~t~~day, Mrs. R. Anderburg of Salt ~ 1 ELECTRI CAL GIF fS B::.l arms was a swmg, which afforded M.1 R h 1 G.bb . h , G!<J much pleasure to the young people ~s ac ~ I s was t e guest l.!i::l FANCY CHINA WARE W who loved to swing up into the air, of Miss Berm?e ~att~ Sunday. " ~ over the house tops and see the val- . ~Irs. Ilo. Enckson v.:as a Salt Lak_ W ley spread out before them. v1s1t?r Fnday. . . f3!.l The chiidren loved this tree be::\:IJ:s~ ~ache! Gibbs gave a dehght- ~ year.~ l>..0 cause around it clung many of the ful. bl Hlge tea Mtonday aftern.oon at ll1!l ""' FOR CONVEN IENCE OF CHRISTMAS ~ memories of childhood . he1 home on 64 ,h South stteet to A d D F !!:a . J ho11or Miss Ruth Blackmar who will lillJ SHOPPIN G WE WILL REMAIN OPEN ~ be married soon. The rooms were .. gay '"l.th br1·ght ,.ellow chr"santhe- ~ EVENING S COMMENCING SATURDA Y r;>;J Urray OCiety "' were "'present. I!Cl ~ • • mums." Twelve guests ~*:ll:""' ...,. e r;m~*: !!:a !fl Don't Miss This FOLKS! It's A Great Picture ~ Mee t Me at Booth's !!:a ~ "The Danger s·gnal" ~ - G!<J !:fi !fi SUNDAY and MONDAY THRILLS, ACTION, SPEED 3\Illll~ffill~lllilllilffiBIDB~liffiffiBliffiffiBliffillilffif*l~ffiBllilti!IIffillliJllillllllilffiBffiB!lffillllllllilllllllffiB ~ ~ Wolves~' Christmas West Jordan ~ "The Timber A Merry Wiliam Steadman died Sunday, December 1~. Funeral services were held Tuesday, December 15 at 12 o'clock. Mrs. Jim Cliff and bab)', Alen of :Mr:s. Charles Hogan is staying at Blackfoot, Idaho and l\lrs. Victor Pro- Soldier Summit with her daughter, gress of Spanish Fork are guests of Mrs. Elden Barrett wiho ha:; a little Mr. and Mrs. John Steadman. ~In;. child very sick. Progress was formerly Miss Verda 1\fr. and Mrs. Edwin Diunond and Burr. family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dimond Miss Rozella Ste:1dman has return- and family of Magna, Mr. and Mrs. ed home after spend;ng two weeks at George Dimond and family, :i\Ir. and Spanish Fork and Payson visiting l'e- Mr:s. Frank Goff Jr., of S~lt Lake, latives and friends Mr. and :\1rs. Cliff Holt and family of The engagement of Clarence l\lar- Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Mearl Allsop, getts and Martha Nigreen of Murray Mrs. Saphrona Bateman of Sandy met is announced. The marriage will take at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert place in the near future. K Dimond Friday afternoon of last In honor of Mrs. Bill Margetts, a week in hono1· of ~Irs. Dimond's 63rd party was given last week. Games and birthday anniversary. Dinner was serv luncheon were enjoyed by seventeen, ed. guests. The ward choir has all preparations Mrs. Cora Murdock of Pa1·k City made to put on an operetta, "The was a guest of )Irs. 1\1. S. Newell on Bells of Barcelana," about February Friday and Saturday. the first. Mrs. M. S. Newell, Mrs. H C. Hart Don't forget the dance Saturday and Miss Lillian Hart motored to nigJJ.t December the lllth. Good music. Salt Lake Thursday and spent the Miss Myrtle Cundick is spending day. I j several weeks at Riverton. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Goatts attendMrs. Hattie )lcKay of Granger and ed a party at the home of K. Carlson Mrs Roland Page and family of Riverat Midvale Saturday night. ton were guests of Mrs. James A. The little baby of 1\fr. and 1\Irs. Bateman, :\Ionday. I BUCK JONES In MIDVALE, UTAH .t ~ FRIDAY and:SATU RDAY OH, BOY! HIS LATEST. INC. ' !fi "The Center of Amusement" ~ FRIDAY AND SATURDA Y '*' ffiB ffiB ffiB A Beautif ul Vase Filled With Flowers you Owe it to yoursel f at Least Once a n on 't orge t H E Phe JpS FJOfaJ c0. ""' E*3 * " Phone: l\fidvale 49. G!<J , B::J "Every Day is Flower Day"!iffi Vases, Jardine res, Baskets for Flowers Call and Inspect Them ~ ffiB ffiB '*' '*' ffiil \Il ffiil '~!!:a~ *' . * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§;; I!Cl ~ |