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Show THE JORDA JORDAN .MUSIC · A Newcomer in Washington OFFICER, CAfi 'tOU Dll2cCT ME TO THE CAPITOL Ed ucation Has W rough t H~lilil~ffiB§BffiB!iillffiBffiB!iillffiB~limliillffiBillilffiB!i§lffiB!*llilil*lffiB!iili A special musical prograJm. was fea- with Miss Hand accompaniest, conGreat Changes In ture of last conjoint mutual program tributing greatly to the success of the School Conditions at Union ward, Dec. 6. The people meeting. They gave four numbers Why Take a Chance On spoiling your Christmas dinner with that old worn out range when you can insure against failure by replacing it with one of our Beauty Banquets. It is the most beautiful range on the market. GoOd big generous ovens that bake and roast to perfection. Large fire box,r and flues, best gray castings and high grade nickel trimmings. W o more appropriate gift can be selected for MOTHER. Price now only $115.00. Generous terms can be arranged. West Jordan Lumber Co. The days, of the old wooden pail in the schools have disappeared with the snows of yesteryear. Boys and , irl . . . . 1 1g .s no onger stand m lme waitmg 1their turn to quench their thirst at ? enjoyed an unusual and very inter- which included a duet between Mi~s esting meeting. A program furnish- Freda Jenson and Miss Berniece Crosed them by the "M" lllen organiza- sgrove, with the chorus, a solo by Mis;; tion of the &indy Third ward. The Crossgrove and chorus ntljl'rubers. program and its arrangement was un• • • der the direction of Mr. Lorus Hand A new four-piece orchestra has of the Sandy ward, as follows: been organizet in the Sandy Tsird A male quartet, selection, "Without ward. They played at a Mutual dance You" by Parks sung by "M" men's last Monday evening and they will quartet, Lionel Anderson, 1st tenor; -play at the Third wa1·d M. I. A. dance Eldon W. Young, 2nd tenor; Carter Friday, December 6. Other music will Grant, baritone; Lorus Hand, bass. be furnished that night by a mixed A.occompaniament bY Miss Rena Hand quartet from the ward. at the piano, Mr. Harold Neilson vioThe Union Ward choir has been dolin, Ralph Edgel, 'celloist. ing good work since they started their A Reading, "Aux Itallian," by Ro- activity recently. The Chorister, Mrs . bert Browning, Miss Lola Grant. Godfrey is 1·eceiving a good support A violin solo, selection, "Schuman's Ifrom the large membership of the Traumerei, played by Ha1·old Neilson choir. the ~om~on bucket out of the comtm .cup. . . . The. sent~ment . of trad1t10n still I. pays Its tribute m song to the "Old IO~ke~ Bucket"-but not as a common cU:inki~g vessel. The. oll! school pail, With Its attached drmk.ing cup, has s~ccumb~d wher~ progress is ~nd has s Ipped mto obliviOn along With the ~ouble seats, th~ c~nt.I•ally located :heap. m~c~ heat rad1atmg stoves and the dlSCiplmary wooden ruler as th~.: dominating factors in establishing the physical environment of the child's school life. These symbols of an age that has passed draw sharp attention to the strides we are taking in the physical as well as the intellectual development Attention to details is of our youth in our schools. Very , necessary to give a well do we now realize the significance of the adage, "A sound mind in smart ensemble , a sound body." No teat·s should be shed for the HERE are two ways of aatlsfy. water pail, the uncomfortable, troubleing the desire of being, or at breeding double desk, the old heatleast feeling, well dressed. ing stoves with their half-baked, halfOne way-by far the most comchilled subjects and the dust distributmon way-is to follow the crowds. ing dusters. These have been supThe man who isn't sure of his own judgment, feels that the majority planted by the individual, adjusoable must be right, so he l!lhifts, from desks, the modern heating and venti11eason to season, from powder blue lating systems, cleaning compounds, to gray, to tweeds, to dark blue, or dustless crayons and the individual to whatever the season's fad may drinking devices for the health and call for. oorrufort of boys and girls who must The other way Is followed by a smaller group of men of taste. They spend their formative years at their have the courage to adopt a style desks. The equipment of a modern or a color before the crowd takes it school house has gained a new emup; to pass on to something else when the crowd adopts what they phasis as a vital factor in the development of youth. are wearing. This ::eason such men-the real Regardless w.hethe1· it is the growstyle leaders- are partial to the ,. ing complexity of a civilization or a bracken shades of brown while the decrease in resistive power that has crowd lS clamoring for blues. They necessitated these changes, the fact know what to wear with their suits, too, so that the ensemble is pleasremains toot in an equal degree the ing. need for adjustment has been experOne of the best dressed men we ienced in plant, animal and industrial know, had on, the ott.er day, a life. This is evidenced by the fact double breasted suit of bracken that the Department of Agriculture brown, a felt hat of a little lighter found it expedient to set aside a hali bracken shade, a foulard tie with a dark green background and small million dollars to combat hog cholera and six hundred thousand dollars to figures set close together, a white shirt with small green stripes, a check tuberculosis in cattle. We must white laundered collar and custom not overlook the tremendous loss inlast shoes of dark tan or bracken. cident to wheat rust and the destructIt was a very smart outfit with iveness of the boll weevil. The farmer every detail carefully worked out. and the fruit grower now must spray his fruit trees, seemingly unnecessal"'' relatives here. wh en we middle life weretheyouth Those whoofhave eY'n<>rienced dust. Mrs. Jesse Booth was hostess• to ........ v W. W. Phelps of Salt Lake visited member·s of he>·• car·d cl ub "· 'o d chills of a night following a dav at J.u n ay. the threshing machine know 'the Monday at the home of his brother, Prizes were won by Mrs. H. P. Miller changes wrought by the modern rna- H. E. Phelps. . and Mrs. A. P. Ra.smussen. · chines. Tuesday at the Marion and Lois Mr. and Mrs. Alex Beckst ead and Education has played its part in Tea shop in Salt Lake, Mrs. H. P. Hyrum Beckstead of Soldier Summit combatting t:hese destructive forces Miller, ~r~. L. A. P_orter and - ~rs. were Midvale visitors Sunday. l\Irs. and safeguarding plant and animal W W. 0 Bnen entertamed at a bndge Beckstead remained the week. life. Our schools, too, have benefit- lunche?n, honoring Mrs. D. .A:· Drown ' The U. A. Club met at tde ho:ne of ed by constructive programs. With who will leave soon for a VISit to Los Mrs. Frank Richard.son Thursday of deeper knowledge of social hygiene, Angeles. Besides the hostesses and last week. health preservation through play has guest of honor the1e were present been encouraged by equipment of from Midvale, Mrs. J. A. Alcorn, 1\hs. schools with adequate play ground ap- Wm. Waters, Mrs. Jesse Booth, Mrs. Mrs. Florence Stuart was hostess paratus. By means of this equipment C. 0. Watson and Mrs C. M. Burg. Mrs. J. W. Farmer will be hostess to the N. B. Club at her home Thurswe find the school districts energizing their play activities. The interior to members of the U. A. Club Friday day evening. Sewing featured the of our school houses need no longer evening at her home on Lincoln street. entertainment. Supper was served to be cheerless and depressing. Surround Mrs. P. S. Roberts and her moth r, eighteen guests. Special guests were: ings are now designed for cheerful- Mrs. J. H. Rugg of Murray expect to Mrs. Wallace Anderson, Mrs. A. B. ness and comfort. Equipment is more leave early next week to spend the Williams, Mrs. J. Butterwood and compLete and better adapted to its holidays with relatives in California. Mrs. L. E. Peterson. purposes, creating an environment A pre-Christmas food sale will be The ,~econd Ward Gleaner Girls enmore compelling to sustained study conducted by the Ladies Aid Society joyed a turkey dinner at the home of and physical vigor. Boys and girls Wednesday December 23 at the Com- Mrs. R. White Monday evening. when properly surrounded physically munity church. Mrs. J. H. Brown entertained in and mentally may go happily, not reMrs. Olga Whittemore who has been hono1· of her birthday anniversary on luctantly, to school. in Wisconsin for the past two years Friday evening. Supper was served The attitude of the public with re- will spend t:he holidays with her dau- to a number of relatives. gard to this program in our schools ghter, Mrs. William Waters. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Swenson were is encouraging. It has gone a long Whittemore will leave for the coast guest;, at a party given in honor oi way in .making easier the task of following her visit here. Mrs. Clifford Swen:;on at Riverton on maintaining the schools at the high Mrs. Fay Richardson assisted by Saturday evening. point of efficiency where physiool de- Ll?yd Gar_dner of "':'est Jordan enterThe I. 0. 0. F. Lodge gave a dance velopment will not only keep pace tamed Fnday evemng of Ia~ w~ek. in the hall on Center Street Wedneswith but aid mental advance. The guests numbered th1rty-f1ve. day evening of last we;ek. Boys and girls demand clean, Games an.d refreshments were enjoyThe Sandy Firemen are giving a healthful, comfortable environment ed. , series of.old-time dances in the amusefor both work and play. The comThe L. D. S. Relief Society con- ment hall every Wednesday evening. munities' inclination to meet the de- ducted a Bazaar Tuesday at the ward Miss Kattie Jensen and Miss Nell mand is the fruit of the seed planted !house." , Clark entertained at the home of Miss Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Drown, Mr. and K<l.ttie Jensen Monday evening of last Mrs. J. A. Alcorn and Mr and Mrs. week. Christmas suggestions were William Waters were dine1· guests on carried out in the decorations. ProSunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. gressive games were played. Supper Enno Drown of ~'lagna. was served to sixteen guests. Mrs. Sena Tracy or OgdLn was a Mrs. L. W. Nielson was a guest of visited at tne nome 01. hel' uau~;;m~r, Mrs. E. Morris and Mrs. H. Mitchell, (Chiropractor) Mrs. H. E. Nelson Sunday of last Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. week. , E. Morriss of Bingham. Mrs. Geo. A Wright will attend a The seals sale committee met at meeting of her club Friday which will the home of Mrs. R. W. Born, Chairbe held at the ·h ome of Mrs. Sterling man, Wednesday evening to check up Colton of Salt Lake. on the work. Mrs. Born reports a At six o'clock a. m. Chrisbmas morn- successful campaign is being conducting, a pageant will be presented at ed. All al'e subscribing liberally. the L. D. S. Chul'ch. Mrs. Born entertained at luncheon Dr. 0. H. Dewitt of Denver spent Wednesday afternoon. Covers were last week-end at the home of Dr. and laid for Mrs. A. J. Butter and Mrs. Opens New Offices in Midvale Mrs. H. E. Nelson. Adaline Driggs of Salt Lake and Mrs. Saturday evening of last week, Mr. W D. Kuhre. at Main and Center Streets, and Mrs. K. A. Carlson entertained 'Dhe Fh·st ward Seagull Class enmembers of their club. Dinner was tertained at a handkerchief shower over Corner Meat and Grocery serve-d at small tables. The favors Wednesday afternoon of last week at Over Corner Meat and and decorations were in Christmas the home of Mrs. J. Butterwood, boncolors, Progressive games. were play- oring Mrs. Almina Larson and Miss Grocery Store. ed during the evening. 'Dhe guests Virginia Butterwood. were Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bloomquist The fifth group of the Firat ward "SERVICE" IS OUR MOTIO and Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Beckstead I Primary entertained at a handkerchief of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil shower at the home of Mrs. F. BaguCome in and get acquainted. Goates of West Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. ley, teacher, in honor of her birthday Office haurs daily 2 to 4 p. m. E. Allen Bateman aMd Mr. and Mrs. ' anniversary. J. L. Meyers. I Mrs. Procter of Union who has been and5to7p.m. Mrs. John Nelson of Silver City ill at her si!'ter's Ml'S. Nelson return.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.} spent Tuesday and Wednesday with 1ed home this week• 1 ! m.umty ~UILVI N() WHAT'S SMART IN MEN'S WEAR T Shop at Home for this Christmas! Christmas Greetings CHRISTMAS goods from the great merchandising CentreS Of the WOrld have been brought here for you. There are variety and quality-at right prices. Best of all, you can count on what you buy' because the men who sell it to you • hb OrS. Th ey Want an d nee d are YOUr ne1g your support. Buy Now-AT HOME-and you WI"ll help yourself and the COmmunity. • d I s B k M} Va e tate an , _ UTAH ...,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _MIDVALE _ _ _ _ _ _..;.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,: ------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~~~~§~~~~~ ~ HOLIDAY Excursion Fares DENVER and RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD One and one-third Fares For The ROUND TRIP Tickets on sale DECEMBER 18 to 25, inclusive, 30, 31, 1925, and January 1, 1926, between all stations on Denver and Rio Grande Western, in Utah: also to points on Western Pacific, Southern Pacific and Los Angeles and Salt Lake 1·ailroads, whe1·e one-way fare from starting point to destination does not exceed $30.00, adding suf· ficient to make fares end in multiples of "25". Minimum round trip fare $0.50. Original starting point I must be reached by midnight January 4, 1926. ~ Call on nearest Rio Grande Agent for detailed fares and train service. With low temperatures already sea- gasoline for the initial start. This soable and zero weather on the way, i~ the Electro-Fog. Current to the starting the motor car after a period generator is automatically cut off afc.f exposure begins to assume the pro- ter a few seconds, thereby protecting pertions of one of the major opera- the heating element. tions of motoring. Unless some effiNaturally, such an advancement in cient method of vaporizing fuel is automobile engineering was not acemployed the car refuses to start complished without exhaustive experiwith'out iong and continued cranking mentation. Furthermore, the experiwhich quickly e~hausts the battery J mel'\,ts could be conducted only in the life and the cylinders are foooded with winter temperatures. For one entire gasoline which leaks past the piston, winter, the generator was tested under rings and results in oil dilution. I various conditions. In the spring Engineers of the Lincoln Motor Co., when the cold weather ended, the exhave definitely removed cold weather !periments were not yet complete. Not annoyances and dange1·s by the ad-. to be balked by Mother Nature, howclition to the Lincoln carbuetor sys- ! ever, the engineers fitted up an "_artem of an Electro-Fog generator. tic laboratory" in the Lincoln plant, This feature of the Lincoln which cooling it by refrigeration. During facilitates startin'g the car in cold the hottest days of summer, when the \weather is s~:n.ple and positive in ac- ~ercury climbed, the exp_erimenters tion. An electric heating element pack- m overcoats and heavy mittens pered with mineral wool is loeatecl di- fected the operation of the generareetily below the carburetor a~r intake tor. They varied the te_mperature of and kept saturated with gasolme from the laboratory from m1ld to zero the carbuetor. A thermostatic switch i weather and only after the Electro,aonnected to the choke button makes , Fog generator had proved that it ~ontact after the choke is fully closed, would function properly in every low causing the element to become red hot : temperature, was it adopted as epuipand thoroughly vaporizing sufficient ment for the Lincoln ear. 1 1 1 l r1stmas Candy 5000 lbs. 47 Varieties to Choose from 15 to 29c lb. MIDVALE Sandy c.·ty News Via I • Dr. C. K. Berg I • NUTSMixed, for. 45 C 2lbs. No.1 Extra Large 2 ltis...... Assorted Chocolates 1 Five lb. box, Eight Varieties to choose from - CHOCOLATES 5 lb. Boxes Very Best Fancy .................. $1.48 1.87 |