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Show .. THE JORDAN JOURNAL• • • 'sATURDAY, JULY 18 Pete .:Horrison in "WEST OF ARIZONA" "DEAF. DUMB and DAFFY" and LEATHER STOCKING j/ {VATION-W/0£ INSTITUTION- ,. SUNDAY and MONDAY, JULY 19 and 20. E OUGLAS 1/liC. DEPARTMENT STORES Main Street, Midvale, Utah Facts, Not Fiction, Guide Us! • We do not sell $35 dresses for $19.75, $9 shoes for $5.90, $3 full fashioned hosiery for $1.49. If the dresses were worth $35, the shoes $9 and the hosiery $3, we would sell them at those prices. We DO sell $19.75 dresses for $19.75, and not for $35. They're worth $19. 75! We DO sell $5.90 shoes for $5.90, and not for $9. They're worth $5.90! "Got NO. We DO sell $1.49 full-fashioned hosiery for $1.49, and not for $3. They're worth $1.49! Facts, not .fiction, guide us! Mr. and Mrs. N. Watts had as their guest Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Henry Watts. Miss Hazel Erland very pleasantly entertained the Gleanor Girls of Grant Ward last Tuesday evening. After the usual business hour refreshments wet•e served to Miss Ella Smith Miss Ellen Lundskog, Miss Alice A~undson Miss La Rue Simper and Miss Edith Amundson. ~ Good Gingham Values Assorted Patterns and Colorings Quality is given first consideration when we buy ginghams. We seleet materials which will stand long hard wear and la1mder well. Next, we consider attractiveness of designs and colorings, and leave the price until the last because our vast purcha~es as- sure us the benefit of the lowest possible prices, which we in turn pass on to you. APRON CHECK GINGHAMS, durable and economical, lOc all of the popular apron checks. Our price, yd. ··-······ GLASGOW DRESS GINGHAMS, very pretty patterns. Assorted colors. 27 inches wide. l~c Yd ................................. H. C. S. FINE GINGHAMS, our own exclusive brand, made from fine selected yarns, iu attractive patterns. 32 inches wid!'. Murray !Society Mrs. Glen Hales had as her guest Tuesday Miss Norma Sundstrom. Mrs. C. Malstrom was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Edwards, Thursday, of Salt Lake. Mrs. Jack Pr:i.mo had as her guests Wednesday, Miss Bernice Watts and Miss ·Lucetta Malstrom. Miss Torena Skillicorn and Miss Mrs. L. Watts was a Salt Lake Cora Eggett entel."ltained at a anliscelvisitor Thursday. laneous shower Friday €vening in bonThe Gleanor Girls will spend next ot• of Miss Neva Evans, a bride of Tuesday at Liberty Park. the coming week. Games and music Miss ~arveta Reta.lic had as herj were enjoyed and refr~shl}'lents were guest Miss Lenora B1rd, Wednesday. served to thirty guests. of last w~k. . I Mrs. Albeit Bergon and children Mrs. Laura Enckson had as her I wet·e the guests of Mrs. Bergon's parguest Thursday her. mothel', Mrs. Or-Ients, Mr. and Mrs. Oharles White for son Barrett, of _U~on. • the past week. Mrs. M. McMillian was the guest I Mr. and Mrs. R. Labrum have as of _her mother, Mrs. M. Johnson, of their gue~t Monday Mrs. E. Hawkins, Umon. of Salt Lake. Miss Mary McMillian entertained Mrs. Kate Gilbert was Sut'Prised at the members of the Laugh-a-Lot club her home Thursday by the members Friday evening at her home. of the 0. N. 0. Club, the time was Miss Lena Hubbard entertained the enjoyed in sewing and music after Sea-Gull Girls of Grant Ward Tues- which refreshments were served. day evening at her home. Games Mrs. Amelia Holt and children, who were played and refreshments wet·e had been visiting at the home of Mrs. served to twenty guests. Holt's mother, Mrs. Thomas Wood, The Grant Ward Sunday school of- j for three months, left Saturday for fleers enjoyed an (}uting in Mill Creek their home in Idaho. I ~~~BOOTH"S~~ ~ ~ All Shades and Patterns---Light and Dark ~ ~ ~ Also Amoskeag Chambray Ginghams 16c at this price. Yd ....- .......................... - .................................................. . • 19000 RANGE FINE GINGHAMS, one of the popular ' standard ginghams in assorted patterns. wide. • Yd Terry Towels Strong and serviceable is this Cheviot Single loop, bleached terry in ·ompers, for men's plain white or with a colored etc. stripe. terns and colors. rurkish Towels, at, each, One-half and three-quarte1· SOX for Children all sizes and shades Mercerized and silk. (See window!:l) Good Value! can't do better than these! Lay in a supply of Tissue Ginghams, Values up to 98c, Now - - - ... _........... 16c Strong Cheviot Splendid Value In inexpensive Towels, you ~nd 32 inches for children's Proces-19c, ,29c, 39c. 49c 59c worth up to to 75c shirts, Pleasing range of pat- · The yard, only IOc 18c L::::============::::=!;=.! B I Let Us End Pieces in Corticelli Silks at Remark· able REDUCED PRICES (while they last.) • UNBLEACHED SHEET 77x90 ·····-········... ···-···· .. ·-·· ............. $1.19 BLEACHED SHEETS 77x90 ... ..... _ ·- .. . ............. $1.29 c I ~ FURNITURE Walnut and Golden Oak R<n·kers Genuine Leather Cushions $9.95-$11.00-$13.95 These Rockers must be seen to be Appreciated We carry at all times a full line of Prices the Groceries and Hardware. ~ I lowest. I couldn't have had a better Hair Cut had I gone to New York City is a rema1·k passed by a lady after visiting TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THUmmA Y, July 21, 22, 23 A Wonderful Show "THE SPIRIT OF THE U. S. A." Johnnie Walker with Mary Carr. Produced by the man that mooe "The Third Alarm" and The West Bound Limited" Its a Wonderful Program Regular Prices At the Of COurse IRIS THEATRE "The House of Quality" Mrs. Minnie Kair, who has been vh;iting at the home of Mrs. Sarah Lemon, in Holiday, has t·eturned to her home in Grant, Montana. Miss Daisy Simons left Friday of last week for a six weeks visit to Portland, Ore., and Spokane, and also Seattle, Wash., on her ~ay home she will visit relatives and friends at Boise, Silver City, Burley and Ameri·can Falls, Idaho. Lake to be gone three weeks. Mr. and i\Irs. C. L. Anderson and Mr. and M~s. J. W. Fanner spent las week at Bnghton. i\lr~. Victor Ander~on and children le~t Tue,;day for an extended visit With relatives in Pasadena, California. .l\Irs. }1. 'I'. Goff returned Thursday of last week form an extendetl stay at the home of her daughter, )Irs. C. .:\-1. Wamer of Herculaneum .Missouri. ' Anouncement is made of the marriage of Miss .l\Ieli.ssa Bateman to ' Parley R. Glover of East Midvale. Wednesday evening, Misses Laura and Dean Bateman, sister of the bride Mr. and Mrs. Albert Watson and entertained in her honor. Thirty were small daughter and i\h-s. Kate Wat- present. Out-of·town guests were: son are spending two w~ks at Yellow Mrs. Jane Annmd::;on, Miss La on ;;tone Park. Amund::;on, Mrs. Hazel Cassidy, Mr.s. Friday evening of last week, i\1rs. A. W. Bird, Mrs. Frea Dust, .Miss E. W. Bluemel, assisted by her mother Emma Dust, Miss Hazel Peterson, of Mrs. E. F. Lennberg entertained at Salt Lake, Mrs. Alllla Fairborn of a shower in honor of her sister, Miss Crescent, Mrs. E. Allen Bateman Mabel Lennberg, a bride of the month. Mrs . .l\1. Swenson, Mrs. Albert Glover: Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Carlson and Mrs. Ja.me;; Glover of East Midvale, Helen Westlund returned early in the !\:Irs. S. C. Sorenson of Riverton, 1rs. week from a trip to Bear Lake. While Nelson and Mrs. l\:Iaug'hn of Cedar there they were the guests of Mr. City, Mrs. Jas. M. Holt of South Jorand Mrs. R. T. Bloomquist of Salt clan, Mrs. Janette Muir of Sandy, Mrs. Lake. Chas. Beckstead of West Jordan and Miss Lucile Woodhead is spending Miss Portia Rawlins of Honolulu, who the week at Brighton. is visiting relatives in the State. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Maginness who were enroute by auto to their home in Bell, California after visiting sometime in Missouri, spent part of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Lester. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Clyde and A Good Meal is Wort · small daughter, Virginia of Spring· ville were the guests Sunday of Mr.. and Mrs. E. W. Bluemel. Mrs. D. A. Drown will entertain members of the Birthday Club Friday at her home on Center Street. "As Clean as the Cleanest, Clarence Mitchell and his mother, As Good as the Best" Mrs. Eli Mitchell left last week to vis.it points of interest in Southern Utah. A picnic party was given Monday evening in a near-by canyon in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hamsteacl, Mrs. SAMAS & THOMAS, Green and Jack Green who will leave Proprietors. soon for England. Midvale Utah Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Alley and children left Friday of last week for Bear I MIDVALE ITEMS 35c l'ARLOR make mother's work easier and more pleasant. Also our Friend, Larry Semon in "The Gown Shop'' Whether Pauper or Millionaire Mrs. Joyce Clark at Booth's Beauty Help---- If Flying Interferes With Your Love-Making Swear off Flying Eclipsing the record breaking musical comedy success of New York and Londou. A Whizzing Whopper of a Screen Comedy Sky Rocking Roars of Fun! ~ ~ ~ ~ U. S. CAFE The "Flo1·ence Oil Stove" serves every purpose of a Range-less the heat you get from a coal range. No Smoke No Odor Midvale Furniture Co. Midvale 119 Box 367 Everything for the Home "Service Our Motto." "H. GRASS FURNITURE STORES" MIDVALE, UTAH Let journal Want Ads ~ Ladies Silk Hosiery Every shade that is new .. ·····-····-····-····. _.... 45c to $2.98 o. If You Don't Trade With Us MIDVALE, UTAH . I do the Work ~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~ ._______ ~ W_e_B_ot_h_L_o_se_·_ _ ____; .. |