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Show • • The Song Hit: New /I • ''WillB~~ndDarrow~M_a_k_e_a~M~9~n._k~ey~=~~O_u_t_o_f_M~e?_''_ We Still Have A Few Leaches Who Don't Get The Flea Bite of Prosperity- But Education Is Slow and Painful More People and More Business in Midval~e Why? Don't Forget The Reas&n-G ive Us Your Support And Watch! • ----------------------VOL. 1 NO. 10 MURRAY CITY ROAD MIDVALE CITY ACPAVING CONTROQUIRES PROPERT Y VER~ENDED INCHOfC ESECTIO N Several ()f our good citizens, who are fortunate enough to ow•l and operate an outomo.btle, were amazed last Satu.rday and :Sunday to nn<.l that travehng north to Salt Lake City n was neces:>ary to take to the east side of State Street through Munay City. !'or many months, the official:; ot Murra:l( C1ty have protested again.-;t the great nwnber .of auto acctdents and deaths resulting from collunons on the stretcn or road. They claim tv have sought consultations with the c.ounty and State officials on the ' question of paving the east stue anu contmue the double road from Murray to 64th South. Cla~m!in·g that they were unable to get a hearing, they exercised what .they claim is their right, and diverted all north •bound travel on the dirt road, which is full of hoies, dust) and practically unfit for tra V'Cl. Mo11uay evening at 6 o'clock, afte1 a storm of protests to State and County ofiicials a meeting was hel<l in Murray and a program was decided on which settled the matter 101 ,. tile present. 1t appears that all agreed to begin worK on the road ant• slag will be laid, followed by oil, anu prob.ably next yewr a colliCrete top wilt be laid. At least the road w1ll be placed in condition for travel as soon as poss1 ble. It is contended that Murray Cit~· could have taken steps not so dra::;tic in this matter. Of cow·se, Munay has had considerable paving uone at ~tate and County. expense Wlthin Mur.ray City limits but ,their contentwn 01 safety was well founded, as borne out by the ever increasing- number of acculents. Anyhow, they got results and that was the primary object to the move. • MIDVALE CITY, UTAH, THUHSDAY, JULY 16, 1925. Ol SUBCRIPTION $1.50 YEAR -oiBRIDE S AND VACA- GLADE WRITES IDS GO HAND IN VIEWS ON JOURNAL 1 TIONS HANDTI DSWEEK Drummed Out 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The entire block of ground situated on the south east corner of the mtersection of Main and Center Streets is now the property of Midvale City. It wiH be rembered that ::;ome time ago the City traded the firemen's hall uear the city hall to l\h. Hansen and acquired the s1te where the City Library building is now located. This week the tnrec other pieces of property being the Central J:toommg House, a two "'tory brick, the trame dweliing acroo;s the alley from the Methodist church and a strip O".t 1and on the south owneJ. by C. I. Goff have been tied up witll options and the purchase thereof authorized by the City Council. The transfel" will be iormally made a~ ~o()n as abstracts and titles can be perfected. The City now has approximately $10,000 invested in this block, whtch 1s the choicest piece oi proverty in the city. It is not w1thout the rang·tl of possibilitr that some day, a C!L) hall will be erected which will be a credit to the City and a monument to the men who have made possible the purchase of th1s property. ASLOCALBOOST~ LENNBERG-C RANE Judging from the list of applicants ! seeking admission into the matrimon1ial ranks, the heat of July breaking all records for the past fifty years, has no terrors. Miss Mabel Lennberg, the charming and efficient bookk~per at the Midvale State Bank was married Thursday to Mr. John Crane, of Heniman. Mr. Crane is employed by his father, who has extensive holdings in Utah and Wyo.rming and is engaged in the sheep and cattle business. Mr. and Mrs. Crane departed immediately for Yellowstone and on their return it is probable that Mr. Crane will resume hts work in Wyoming until fall and Mrs. Crane will work at the Barnk for a short time. •• 0. S. L. Agent Injured By A Flying Ford M. E. Thornton, 0. S. L. Ag·ent at the Midvale Station on Smelter Street was the recipient of a seV'Cre cut on the hand J rom flying glass caused by a collision at the inter:;ection of Main and Center Streets last Sunday afternoon about 4 o'clock. Mr. Thornton states that he carefully surveyed the corner before making the turn east and could see no cars approaehing. When in the andddle of Centru· Street, a car appea~·ed from somewhere and almost demolished his car as well as their own. It is the suppo:;ition that a pi~e of glass from tne windshield struck Mr. Thornton's hand, almost severing two of his fingers. The aggressor admitted that the accident was his fault and offered to place Mr. Thomton and his car in status quo. JORDAN SCOUTS TO LOCAL BALL TEAM T,HE STEWART'S CELSWIM AT CRYSTAL RALLY'S - SUPPORT EBRATE GOLDEN HOT LAKES NOT FORTHCOMING WEDDING DAY One of the few things which makie this life worth living, and lift for a brief time the oppressive weight of getting along in your pa1ticular line of endeavor, i.s the words of oommlle.ndatioll from some brother who knows yow· game and writes unsolicited approving your efforts. The Journal is in r·eceipt of the following lette1· which ;;peaks for itself: ·· July 13, 1925 The Jordan Journal, Midvale City, Utah. • Gentlemen: .May 1 compliment you wholehearteclly on the splendid etrorts you are putting forth m your paper. 'J:.hat spec1al editwn would do cre<Ut to any pape1· or any town. l certamly feel that a live, enterprising paper of the ty~ you are PORTER-KNO WLES publishing will prove one of the bigMr. and Mrs. L. A. Porter announce gest factors in 'building up Y~t. end of the county that could possll>ly be the marriage of their daughter, La- utilized. A city is nearly always vina C. to Frederick M. Knowles on kiown by its paper. Livepapel·-live Monday, July 13th at Sal~ Lake_ City. city; dead paper-dead city. The you.ng couple left muned1ately Midvale is lucky. for a _tnp to Yel_lowstone Pa_rk, and We certainly shall expect big things ?n th~1r return w11l. make thell' home . of you. But you should not be expectm M1dvale. The bnde has been the I ed to do all of the work. Every inaccou?-tant __at the Utah 1~teel Co:- terest in your city should join and do porat~on o~1ces f~r some ttme and lS a HE-MAN'S share. With several pr?mment 1rn soctal and church af. hundred vibrant workers on the job, fa1rs. your city will be known all over the broad land. WHETMAN-D UNN Goandgettum, Earl Jay Glade. Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Vera Whetman of Salt Vice-Pres., and Gen. Manager Lake to Kennetr Dunn, Monday July Radio Service Corp. of Utah 13th. Wednesday evening a reception Station K. S. L. was given at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Whetman, 3056 South State Street, at which more than a hundred relatives and friends were present. The bride has a host of friends where she is known and has be-en a Notices are out that there will be :upervisor in the Salt Lak'e division a Special Meeting of the West Jordan of the Mountain States Tel-ephone and Milk Producers Association held at Telegraph c()mpany. the West Jordan meeting house, Tuesday, July 21, 1925, at 8:30 p. m., for Mr. and Mrs. Chester J. Maginness the purpose of amending by-law No. of Los Angeles, California spent sev- 14 of said Association, by inserting eral days last week at the home (}f after the word "handled" in line 14, Mr. Maginness' sister, Mrs. M. D. the following wards: "Exceifl; for the purpose of building a local cooling Lester. Mrs. C. M. Watson entertained at plant, the local board shall withhold a Bridge luncheon Tuesday at her the total amount due each member home on Fh·st A venue. T·wel ve were for milk furnished by him for the present. Out-of-town g'uests number- first 15 days of August, 1925 or such part thereof as is necessary to raise ed five. Monday, Miss Laura Gardner, Mr!5. $2500.00." George Gardner of West Jordan and Mrs. Mary B. Stokes spent the day at Vivian Park, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Wright. Milk Producers Prepare To Build Cooling Plant Crystal Hot Lakes-July 20 to 23, and 27 to 31. . The Jordan Seout Council has arranged for a swimming oourse of nine lessons to be given at the Crystal Hot Lakes pool beginning July ~0. Lessons will be ror one hout· each, beginning at five, six or. seven o'clock p. m. The instruction cost will be paid by the scout council but entrance to the pool will cost each boy 15 cents a day if the resort fumtshe~ a suit and 10 cents a day if the boy furnishes his own suit. The scoutmaster should get every scout to take this course. He should arrange for tlransportation to and from the place of instruction. This will be a great oportunity to give your boys expert instruction in t!wimming and life-saving and thus prepare them f<>r advanced work in scouting. • Tim~Monday, July 20, to Thursday, July 2a inclusive: Monday• July 27 to Fnday, July 31 inclusive. Tru:ee periods of instruction-five , six or seven o'clock p. m. Register for any one period, but only one. (Open only to scouts and scout leaders. Midvale broke a long :;tanding jiux The P. J. Stewart home on Center last Thursday when they beat the Street was the scene of pleasing fesSalt Lake Pressed Brick 10 to 2 with tivities recently when Mr. and Ml·s. "Chub" Utters on the mound, this P. J. Stewart joined with friends and left bander has beaten Midvale twice relatives in celegrating the passing this y('ar and every time the\' went of their golden -'Wedding anniveraaxy. agamst him last _ear·.. • They were married in Benjamin, Someone suggested recently Jtha~ As usual, the visiting team had the Utah and both were 68 years of age Mwva:le l,;tty o•· .:some local orgam:.~a best talent they could get out of Salt on their 50th wedding day, there betion, worlung under authority ol the Lake and expected to fatten up at ing but 10 days difference in their our expense; but with the ~ome boys ages. clty, could ea;;t!y mstall a rountaln at the mtersecuon 01 <Vlatn and l,;enplaying the class of ball they put up, Among the many present were: Mr. ter ~treets wnere tne llghteu come1 it would be hard for any semi-pro and Mrs. B. M. Davis of Benjam:in, s1gnal nl>W stan<.ls. team to beat thetm Utah, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Hand The water 1s available and a !lush The writer has played ball from of ·Benjamin, Utah, ?r!r. and Mrs. tank 1s located at that pomt. It woula Malad to Salina and out side of the Enoch Ludlow of Benjamin, Utah, Mr. not use any more water antl oy placCopper League, our team composed and Mrs. Loren Manwill of !Salt Lake ing coloo:ect light~ m proper potimons of: Attwood, c., Bockstead, p., Porter, City, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Stewart 01 playing- on tne spraywg waver; it 1st. b., Schmitt, 2nd b., Walbeck, s.s., Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Heber A.ecording to the em~ployment rolls would t>e a most pteasmg sight. Whitmore, 3rd b., with Goff, Reading Hand of Salt· Lake City and Mr. and at the U. S. Smelter and Mills, includSuch mnovatwns have been made ing the new construction department, Stauffer and Albop out fielders, will Mrs. George Hand of Sandy, Utah. in many cit1es thi·oughout the land. there are now employed 825 men. stop anything aoin aoin nni oi1miooi A remarkable coincident was noted Tl;\e Joumal is of the optruon that 1t stop any of them, :;till when we play in connection with this event. At the This is a high water mark, the is only a quest11>n ot wne bewre such number usually averaging about 600 at home, $13.60 is all the gate re- time of the mariage of Mr. and Mrs. ceipts a move is made. amount to. Stewart, three other oouples, relatives men. Why not talk it up now 'I lt costs $3.00 for umpii·ing, $2.00 of the Stewart's were• married and There are 67 men in the carp.enter for advertising, $5.00 for balb, plus they will also celebrate their golden A BARGAIN-Gn e and one tenth department and other dapartments acres on 1State Street for sale cheap. about $1.50 for care of grounds for wedding anniversary this month. have grown in proportion. Four room fraane house. Outbuilda game at home. Then when we go Thus four oouples have gone down A·lthough the cry is heard in various ings and orchards. Call Perkins. away it costs something for the the road together for a full fifty localitie:; that there is no work and time lost by some of the players, plus years. In these days of divorce courts the country is going to the bow-wows REPORT transportation and you have spent and domestic troubles on every side, The Midvale Lion Club will hold a let it be broadcasted to the world that Made To The $23.50 for two games, showing a loss irt is indeed refreshing to ponder over • l"egular meeting at the Balsam lnn Midvale workmen are busy and conBANK COMMISSIONE R OF THE STATE OF UTAH of $9.90. this quartet tented. of golden It is truly wedding a place cele"Where in Brighton, l::>aturday evening at Of The Condition Of There-to-fore the ball team has brations. Health and ·Plenty Meet." The Midvale State Bank located at Midvale, in the county of Salt Lake, 6:00 p. m. Mr. Stewart is at the present time State (}f Utah, at the close of business on the 30th day of June, 1925. The Annual Bachelors Touring paid the doctor bills for players hurt '!'om Uavis, who owns and operates while playing but from the looks of in charge of the Stewart Cafe on party left Thursday morning comRESOURCES th1s popular utah sununer resort posed of G. F. Cooper, J. R. Wheeler things the boys will either pay their Main Street and also maintains the Loans and Discounts ..•.-.... -................ _ .... -........_._ ..._... - ......._...... $377,208.59 will p1·epare the banquet and furnish own bills or quit playing. Central Rooming Al. Malmstrom, House on Chas. 547.91 Center Dimond OvCLrdrafts and ··-·-· .. ·-· .. ··-····· .. ·-"··-.. ··-.. ··-···· .. · .. -· ... ..... _ .... -.. -··"-····--·-····-the mu.stc, And he promi:;es the Lion:; When such towns as Tremonton, Street. Stock, Bonds 35,000.00 and Securities, Etc., ··-·-·-··...-.... - ... -----·-·-·-·C. M. Christenson. and theh· guests that it will be a real Banking House ........... _.... -...·-·····-···-····-·· .. - ......-..... _ ... _ ... _. ___.___ 6,784.65 Lewiston, a_nd the Pheonix Utility The They Journal will joins visit with Yellowstone "all hands" Pat·k feed. It is one way of auvertising and Beginning about August 1, the J. Furniture and Fixtures .............. _ ..... _. __ ........ 3,474.10 .,·-····-.. ·--·---... .. company ~111 pay ~20.00 and $25.00 in wishing them still many years ot be anticipates their early return to C. Penney Co., will 1·emodel ~eir and on the return will detour through 11,107.80 Other Real Estate Owned - ..-...·-··.............. ···-···-.. -· ..-·--·...··for a catcner and p1tcher respectively I unabated joy and prosperity. Wyoming and will use as a side line Due his apode of mernmerut. form 56,805.96 Other Banks ............... Midvale Store. --·-·· .... -.. .,_ ... _._ ..... --·-------·· for one game, it looks as· though MidFishing and General Civic DiscusCash Items .... -· ·-·-····-·-·-·-.... -·-··-..-.........._.._........ - .........._.__ ,___ .... _.__ 1,813.82 The Llon Tamers will .participate in A classy up to date front with a vale with its desire to fw"'Ilish Rome sions, from man Gold to ............ monkey. _,_,.,._ .... -.... _,.,,_ ... , .................................. _ ... ,_ .. ________ ..... .. 500.00 th1;; afrair, as weH as invited guests double entrance will be built. Large Th~y will not transg-ress the fish attraetion for. its own people as weil SN ver 1,961.07 .... _ .... _. ___ ........ -.... -.................. ..... --········-.... · of Mtdvale Lions, display windows will feature the and game law but on their return as give the rest of the valley a boost Currency ···-··.. ......................... _ .... -.•- ......... ,_ ... - ........ -·-·-···-·-··-·-·--·-- 12,692.00 The ~retary, P. S. Roberts, will change. should snap out of it and help the 16,966,89 Total home Cash on Hand -·--...-......... -...............-·--·--·-···--··--·-..-will produce evidence making Dr rende{ his report on the Cedar Point A balcony will be built in the rear Hosmer's ball team. At the rate we are going, catch look Itke minnows. conven on and try to instil into the and a complete ready to wear departTOT AlL ................ -....-....-··--····-·-........................._.........-·-..·-·--.. ····-·· $5()7 .895.90 The Boy Scouts, Fathers and Any grass widows along the route, we will soon have to play one-o-cat. Midvale Lion's Club some of the en- ment maintained therein. Getting baek to the game of last Sons outing of the Jordan district, at whether under irrigation or dry farmCapital Stock Paid In ._,_............... _... ,_ ... _ ....._...........- -.. ·--··-·-···thusiasm that he witnessed at that The store will oo refurnished lOg, 35,000.00 will do well to avoid this party Thursday it would be hard to pick the Wigwam in Millcreek Can)1on, 20,000.00 Surplus Fund through out with Grand Rapids Fix··········--·-.. -·-.................... convention. ..... ·-·-·-···-·---····· the stars for that game. Walbeck and July 10 to 13, was attended by about 1,491.92 The nint!t annual convention of the tures carrying all the latest innova- enroute, notwithstanding the fact Whitmore had a busy day fielding 100 scouts and some fathers. There Net Undivided Profits ...._ .. ___........-........-......--..-·.. -·-····-·..-·-·that they have fallen into a state or Due 15,322.30 to Other Banks .............................. -.. ·..·-··..·-·--·-·-· ..-·-···----Lions International was one of the tions. every thing with out an error. were also in attendance Mr. Goff and Deposits Subject to Check ... ~-·-.............-....._.._______ .........- ..... 166,483.~3 innocuous desuetude. best Service Organization conventions Business will be conducted as usBeckstead pitched in his old time Mr. Stephenson of the District Coun- Demand Certificates ..- ...................... -·-·-· ..·-····--.. -......_....-··-·-·-·44.20 held in the western hemisphere since ual during the remodeling, and they form, and from the look:; of things he cil. Seout D:Lrector E. Allen Bateman Cachier's Checks ..... -...·-····-· .. ···-...................... -··--·-·-·-··-·-·--·-.. 2,370.86 history began. Any man, woman or ex~t to complete the job in from has arrived. was in chavge, and showed the boys Dividends Unpaid ............... -.-................... _... _,_.......- ... -··-·-·--··-···-·-·-"702.00 child, witnessing the progress and re- four to six weeks. ' 169,600.99 Porter, Sehmitt, Stauffer and Read- and others a good time. Hiking Total Demand Deposits ,._ ......__ ....... -......... - ...··-··-·····-·-..-·-·-·-···· sults of Lions Clubs throughout the The J. C. Penney organization can ing were heavy with the bats. This horseshoe pitching and baseball were Time Certificates .......... -...·-·-·-.... -......... _, ___ .......- --·-·-·-·- 4,876.57 U. S. and Canada cannot but wonder be counted on to keep pac~ with the Savings Deposits _... -...·-- .. -···-·-·····-....-.... -·--···-..··-··----·..·-·-·-- ·261,539.97 boy Reading could be the best ball some of the sports indulged in, Total Time Depc)sits .....--......-.... -....-........- ... --···-·-·---·-· .... 266,416.54 w.hat the ultimate outcome will be. times and E. R. Benson, local managJuhn R. Pteterson, age 46, Sandy player in the league if he had the As to horseshoe pitching, that was Cash Over _,_ . ---·-·····-.................... -.•. -....,--·-··---- 64.15 Truly the Lions have started somle- er, has ooen working on this change Route No. 3 unfortunately had ambition of Benny Schmeitt. somewhat professional, as Mr. Webb, for many months. He has realized that his leg broken shortly after he rething which cannot be stopped. Ringwood, G. Miller and Peterson the Salt Lake County champi·on was TOTAL ..........--....................... _,_..................-·•-..·-·-···-···-- -507,895.90 the remodeling must be done and it ported for work at the new flotation played the best ball for the looser;;. present and directing this activity. State of Utah, Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Pomeroy of Salt was only a matter of time. plant of the U. S. Smelter C()mpany Batteries for Press Brick: Atters, On Sunday morning devotional ser- County of Salt Lake. Lake visited Tuesday evening at the Leon L. Olson, being first duly sworn according to law, deposes and says in Midvale last Saturday morning. Pepperson, Smith and Austin. For vices were held in Church Fork, up that he is Cashier of the above named bank; that the above and foregoing home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Phelps. Mrs. A. A. Larson, Mrs. D. A. In some manner a fellow workman Midvale: Beckstead, Cushman and At- canyon. report contains a full, true and correct statement of the condition of the said Dr. Pomeroy is well known in Mid- Drown and Mrs. J. A. Alcorn were rolled a large stringer on his leg. The wigwam and surro\lilldings pre- bank wood. at the close of business on the 30th day of June, 1925. 'f&le, having at one time been pro- guests at an entertainment given on The broken bone was set at the emMidvale plays at Hunte1·, today at sents a beautiful view, and accomoLEON L. OLSON. engaged here and latet· at Tuesday for Mrs. H. Campbell of Salt ergency hospital of Drs. Hosmer, Al- 6 p. m, They go to Am~rican Fork on dations are splendid. Improvemenlts Correct •Attest: Lake. ley and Quick and Mr. Peterson was July 25th. are being made on the premises, by • .#'./ Dr. W. A. MARSHALL. piping a cool spring into the building. " ;-.-..-~~~.JOSEPH M. HOLT, ~--~~----~--------------~---.~~--------~ then removed to his home on State • ••• Street. .....-"' ~ HEBER C. AYLETT. Wednesday evening of last week, The place is kept clean and sanitary, , Directors. a care taker being on the grounds alMr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Peckham enSubscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of July, 1925. Friday of last week, Mr. Earl tertained at a farewell party for Mr. ways. WILLIAM WATERS, Smichle entertained at a children's and Mrs. Jas. Hamstead and Mrs. The evenings were spent around a Notary Public. party for her daughter, Betty on her Green who will leave for England hug-e campfire in singing, telling siding at Midvale, Utah. fourth birthday aniversary. Ten small soon. Music and refreshments were sto.ries( true stories,) ooar and mounteal) My Commission expires the nineteenth day of February, 1926. guests enjoyed the affair. ain lion, not fish, and everY'body had tate of Utah, enjoyed by fifteen. Number This Week ·····-··-.........- ............. ·· 183 carloads Mrs. B. J. O'Connor and daughter, Office of Bank Commissioner. a good time. • Edna .1, Seth Pixton. Bank Commissioner of the State of Utah, do hereby cerand Mrs. E. E. Eleison and The Cvnical Bachelor observes that Number Last .Week .... -·-·-···-·····-·····--·· .. 225 carloads tify that the foregoing is a full true and correct copy of the statement af daughters, Ruth and Clara left Fri- the woman who treats her dog better It was an evident oversight not to Same Period Year Ago ....... _.-..-·-······-····· 157 carloads day of last week far a trip ·by auto than she treats her husband doesn't persuade Chin.a ·to interest herself in the aibove naaned company, filed in my oftke this 14th day of July, 1925. SETH PIXTON, to Kemmerer, Wyoming. desell'Ve to have either. a disarmament plan. Bank Commissioner City Needs Spray .tlountains at intersectio ns Smelter Employs Reach New High Water Mark Uons Will Roar at JJa.tsam 1nn-Br1g hton Bills are out for the big celebratio n at WEST JORDAN July 24th. You cannot afford to miss this mammoth event. Bachelor Party Touring Around Yellowstone Penney Co. Will Remodel and Refurnish Store Boy Scouts, Fathers and Sons Outing Held Carpenter Suffers Broken Leg at New Mill -· Carload Shipmen ts .Received At Smelter ~ ... |