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Show eAPITAL S D. VE.R Time to Pay Up Uncle Sam to Debtors: • ~ =~ 1 ~~~=~!r~::~ II : ~~~~~~~~5~~ pommel. w-. bJ8was. as pod u "'t waaSehrood. The • It?" said "Didtrader shot 1stjaw, h1lltbe vllable ID •wa1 outwub a the speaker tookla•t aad the journe7. . ·~=~· ~=='rf~=~~trede I.Qto the leeJ,ean stroke, timed a half·aec:oad 800ilo thoup other had a er puaed : =~~~: h1ll It anappecl lt. upec:ted, expected had the be thaD leD· of afor lbop. a few head baek on h1ll lbouldera, bat did .Jillii'lliiiJt._it ..,,, --tJ'adlq not make h1m stagger, and the next o.Uf1i/_.ltj, ·· •••-Mdtn• ot moment he had met McKane half·W87 ,........ aad with all the force of bfa two hundred pounds of bone and muacle. Ia the midst of the wblrlwi.Qd ftlbt doWn eaatetbla ~lilt tJle wdaaD followed, Kate Cathrew, huina tlaet eeated be eablDa the atreet between oa her gloves and eool17 tied ~ baD4a ldll ID ;piiDter OD the in place 011 her aaddle, -.cit be ad watdaed her. She wu well wortb and rode away with· Blueflre mOUted •atcblnl. too, tor Bile wu lltl'alaht look. backward a • IDdlan ancl lbe rode like eu. 'rwenty minutes later the sheriff ~ half dozen men louopg oa .,_e up the trader and rolled hlm Ul' picked •tore porch ID tbe- drowar taft~ porch. Be stood pBDtlnc blmthe on DOt GDe but &Ued at ber wltl CO'fetoua llelf, one haDd on the worn plaDklog, A ~ ll'8W up Ill MeKane.. keen the other wiping the blood and dirt face. • utlatactlon, u appredatlon, a from hbl tace. "Get lOme water, bo:va," he IBid reeopftloa rrt excelleoce; "BJ (feorje I" be aid 10ftl7. '"Bop. quietly, •aDd when be comes around l don't bow wblcb Is tile mollt worth tell blm PO be back tomorrow for mJ wbUe De balf·bteed Blaeftre or Kate eoffee aDd tobaceo-ftve pounds of each-aDd anJtbiDI more be wanta to · Catlarew oa bla back l" "''D take the woman," aid a leo pve me." Be pleked 1lp hla wtde hat, bruahed ;roatla Ia worn leather, h1ll llta1'Vecl with b1a torn Bleeve, let lt back oa It yoaq faC!e atteatlq to the woaumhead predllely, walked to hla own hill leM wtlcletD.- of tile Upper Oe1lDtl7 wbfcb wu tied 10me ilatanee horae, trom wbeaee be balled. '"Yea, Lordand rode lOUth toward moaoted away, 1'11 take the woman." open country where Ilia OWD more the "'You meaa 1011 would," ulcl Mc- ranch lay. Kue. 8IDIIID& "'It f41U eould. MaDJ a 'Tm d-d I" aald .the bearded maD au baa trled It, but Kate rldea aloae. softly, "It didn't take her lone to atlr Y-. ancl rul;aer li:(JICdom with an up 10metbJD' on a ~1 day t If wrooc-tt'a atee1, tt•d been over Blu.e8re, now-there's troD hand-ala at that, t81Qel'ec1 ~ and Toledo aomethln' to 1lcbt. for-but a womu ; ADd mercllella.'" h-11" '"Y oa aeem to Jalow til' lad7 prettJ "But-Glory-Gloll1l" whlapered the well" 1418Jl boy who had watched Kate •AJ1 NameleU RIYer li:Dcnn ber," huncrtly, "alo't oe worth It I Ob, just :aid the trader, ~ bf8 •otce u ai.Q't abe? Wlabt I wu McKane tbla ~ drew near, "ud the Deep Bean., minute!" '"' .. far .. C!ll.ttle l'UD... "Drutber be th' Bherllf." IBid the -Pake e• ketP yer woman-If te ether enl~~Datlcall.Y. ean-• put l1l a bearded man of lftJ who ll8t ap!alt a post, hill booted feet CHAPTER II .u.tched alOGS the tloor, "but live me bene. r,.e loved blm ever aenee I The Homeatead on Namele-. Gnt laid eJet OD btm two yeara back. Wbea the sun dropPed ov.- tbe "Be'a more thaD a horae-be'• pt western ridge, the &irl In tbe deep IUJl· b...... bebllld 4bem apealda' ill. . 80ft bonnet unbltebed her hof81!8 from the all' :..bladt when he'l peaeefUI. bat 'Plow. She looped her linea on the liar· bnmla' UkiJ coall when be'a mad. I'Ye Deu, rubbed each sweated bay bead a 88eJl blm mad, aD' ltcbed to o1nl him moment, carefully cleaDed her share then. Kate'• a brute to him--don't 111l- with a amall wooden paddle wbleb abe clerltaDd blm, all' don't waDt to." took from a poeket lD ber callco aldrt, McK•ne droPPed h1ll c:balr forward aDd tipped tbe Implement over shareand roae quickly to h1ll teet aa the race down. womaD eantered up. Then lbe untied tbe slatted bonnet •Hello. )[ate," be Bald, u she ut a and took It oft, carrying It ID her baDcl moment reprdlng the IJI'OUP. "Jaow'a aa IIJle awanc away wltb her team at the world at Sky Line ranch?" her heels, and the cbaDp waa marvel· "All there,,. 4lbe Bald shortly, "or oaa. Where bad been a somewhat mp. wu wbea. I left." culiDe flpre, plodding at mao's work a She 8W1JDC out of her nddle aDd few moments before, wu now a yoaq Bunc her relDB to the ground. Sbe goddeaa atrlding the vlrgiD earth. pulled off her cloves aDd pushed the The rose glow of comln.r twlllght in Jaat bllr;k from her forehead, which the mountains bathed the stern alants showed .Weated white above tbe tan with magic, fell on bel' bronze head of ber face. She passed Into the store like ethereal dust of gems. All In a with McKane. the BPUra tattllnr oil moment she bad become beautiful. The ber booted heela. golden abade of her amooth akin wu Left alone fbe big, blue etalllon but a tint above that of her baiJI. and turned bla alert head" and looted at the brows aDd lashes, \1 blend to delight u mea on the i»>rcb. drawing a deep artlat, 10 rare waa It-though her breatfl and rolllq tbe wbeel In bbl mother said they were "all off the half-breed b&t. aame piece." There was red in ber It wu u the -bearded man bad 1ald makeup, too, faint, thinned, beneath -IDtelllJeea m a marked decree the IIcht tao of ber cheeks, flaming looked out of the starry eyea In the forth b~tly ID the even line of ber blue tace. That IDdiYldual reaebed oat tuU llpa. a covetoua bancl, bat the horse did not Out of tbbl ftare of noonda7 eolor move. Be kDew hla busineaa too welt ber blue eyes shone like calm water• Kate Catbrew's servant. under aummer aklee. Some of the men Inside the store tbe woman took two ot the country bad seen John AllliOD'a lettera wbleb McKaDe cave Iter from d1lughter, but not one of them would the dingy pfleon-holes that cUcl duty u have told you abe waa haodaome-,for post omce. read tbem, frowned and put not one ot them liad aeo ber without them In the pocket of tier leathet rid· the dl88cur1Dg abetter of tbe bonnet. log aklrt. Then lbe aelected a few She went wltb the weary boraes to the di1DJ8 from the lrhelves wldch she edge ot the river, flat here In the broad atowe4 in a tlour aaek aDd ,... nadJ meadows, and stOOd betweeu. them u to co. McKane followed her cl011e, Jtta they drank. seareblnc her face with Ill-eonSbe ~laed her head aDd looked cealed desire. She 4ld not nott•.t the acroaa the swift water-stream to the men on tbe porC!b, who regarded her bleb shoulder of the distant ridge, but frankly, but palllled out amODC them u there was no fear In tbe ealm deptba thoqb they were not there. It -.ru of her eyes. She atood so, quiet, tired, tbla cool Insolence wbleb cJ•red the at eue, UDtll the boraea bad drulllt path before her wherever •e tllelr llll and wtth wludy breaths of peared. u 1t all obaervera, feellnc the lliltlatactlon were read7 to go OD acroaa 1Dferlorlt7 ber lbdaiD lmp1lecl, ac- t'be Aat to the atable aDd corral. knowledced It. Bat u abe descended tbe tiYe or u atepa tbet led down from tbe JIOl'da. Well, you've had a look at eame face to tace with a ...,.. aluetlre ancl Cattle Kate. Do comer, one wbo neither raPed w )'OU prefer the wonderful horee ablfteU back, bat looked .._, ~QBN Ia to the dominating womanr tbetaee. Thla waa a maa of 1101118 tblrt)'-tov or ave, big, braWDJ, lelul qt ... ot • (TO a• COIITINUIID.) rather laomely eounteullce Ucbllad b7 JI'B1 Qee tbet read hla ldD(Illb iwbat. Be looked llke a attlemaD ••• for Tile term "Trral of the PJx," bl ap. oae a~D~t-the aUver atar pbllled to plied ID Gneat Britain to the ollclal the lett ,..... of hla ftiUIDel lblrt, t• ......,... an'l!uallJ made to determine lai .JifiJI:t tbla was tlberHr Prlee Selwoocl. the 1HIIbt ua 11nevea of tbe atandard "Q((o4 clay, Kate," be aald. eoiiUI lll8aed from the mint durlq tbe A red .ub roee In the woman•• faa. preeedlng year. It 18 ao called from It wu Dot eet there bJ 8DJ llkllla' the "pyx,,. that Ia; the box or ebeat ba who aceoetec~ Jaer, t1aat wldch are preaerled the apeetmen p\d tlle ud allver eoJu of the realm. The ll'llt meet.. trial II salcl to line bep ordered bJ t..e dar a badI oae. "Jt'awbea .at4 4!IWIIII1t. ~ BeDrJ U (1154-1189). The earner teats oectarrecJ at lrreplar Intervals, but .sac. tbe paaaap Of the eoi.Qace aet Ill 18'10, the examluatloa baa' been an• •ualll7 ma4e •t Goldsmltba' ball, b7 a PldamJtbe pNtlcled Mer 1tr tile ~-., ~.. : 4 t• *" l,tt======== ====::;t • W tiona affected and the ruoctlon of our diplomatic representative& Ia merely to car.ry out the wlabea of the debt ':om· mlaslOD. While one statement made in ao authoritative quarter wu Interpreted aa meaDIDa that tbla covernment had sent a cln!nlar note to the DIDe debtor uatlona, expresaiDg Ita ~nclua\oo that the time had arrived tor deflnlt• funcUDc operatlona, the tact appeara to be that the procedure haa not taken on 1uch a form, suggestive of a de mand, but baa been definite enougb, ID the representattona made by our dip. lomatic oftlcera, to show that tbts gov ernment believes that a more conCl'ete bJUJia for dlacunlng war time aa11 postwar debts should be reached. In what baa beeu. Bald bt our ambassadora and miDlatera under their lnstructlona there Ia 0(1 auueatlon tbat the government dealrea to force pay· ment. Every coDBlderattOD 18 beiDC shown for the fiDanclal and economic dlstreaa of the debtor countrle11 affect· eel, and the debtor nations have been so given to undentand In an lnforma• way. 4t the same time It Ia clear that, however Informally the covernment 18 proceediDI. It Ia aeeklng to lmpreaa 1JpOil the allied debtora that lt expect• aome exchanges with reference to debt adjustment to take a definite turn. Comfort IsWear SPIIiNf.~P ,_ ,_.,..., ,.... _ ..,..... _, ... ___ ...........,........,.._..,_ Rubber Heels • • el Spae,..r •••• - - .............. ,..... USKIDE United Statal Rullber Company For Refonn of Deserten From Navy T HE ultimate houalna of all deaerten ot tbe naYy In a model penal lnatltutton, such u the naval prison at Portsmouth, N. B., from wblcb they may enntually be llberatea aa useful cltlzena, ta the hope of Secretary of Navy Wllbur. The advlaabWty of recommending to the coming seaslon of congresa tbe dealcnatlon of Portsmouth as a reformatory tor deserters Ia belni con· sldered by the secretary. Early ID biB administration Secretary Wllbur atudled the queatlon ot making the naval prlaona aaetul, not only from the atandpoiDt ot punlshlog ~e pUty, but fer reforming those whose IDtractlona of mllltaey dlaclpllne 1¥re ot the mind. lA pursuit of this afud:J, seeretary WUbur, accompanred by Rear Admiral JullaD L. Latimer, then Judge advocate general of the navy, vlaited Portsmouth and Initiated a novel experiment ID getting to the "heart" of the men Incarcerated there u desertera. Directing that the 150 deserters be IIDed up In the prison yard, Secretary Wilbur presented to each two aheeta of paper and a pencil, and asked that each write one hundred words or more on: "Why I Joined tbe Navy" and "Why I Left the Navy." As be handed the writing material to the erstwhile aallora and marbaea who were paying the penalty of "taklna French leave" of the naval aervlce he informed eacb that bls atatementa would be considered by tbe Navy department at tbelr face value. Later a similar experiment waa made at tbe naval prison at Parl1 Island, s. o.. In the name of the naval secretary by Major General John A. Lejeune, commandant of tbe Marine corps, and at the naval prlaon at Mare- laland, Oal., al10 ill the name ot Secretary Wilbur, by Admiral Latimer. Under a critical analysis of the aD· awen the ~ental q~alttles of the de8erten have been classified. or the 481' prlaoners only 61 were Classified aa Tboae of "superior Intelligence." listed aa of "average lntelllgence" totaled 228, whlle 163 were marked aa "Inferior'' and 15 were Jl ven tbe low mprk ot "very Inferior." The present prison popUlation of the navy Is 1,057, wltb Portsmouth baviDI 342, Paris island 354, Mare Island 310, Cavlte 13, San Quentin 1~ and At· lanta 15. Fully 80 per cent of the prlsonera are deserters. Economic Problems to Be Solved by U.S. R EPRESENTATIVE S of the American energy and Ingenuity which have advanced mankind further In material comfort and oppol'tunlty In the last-balf century tbflp It had advanced before in a hundred centuries-delegates to the thirteenth aJlllUal meeting of tbe Chamber of Commerce ot the United States-conven~ ID their first general session at the Washington Auditorium tbe other day. They gathered to bear from their president, Richard F. Grant, aD appeal for continuation of the fundamental thlnklna and altruistic aggressiveness by which In a century they bave built the world's IJI'eatest civilization. President GraDt enumerated economic problema wblch confront the country aDd which business must solve or aid In aolvlng, including these: The adjustment, ln co-operation with tbe International Chamber of Commerce, ot International economic questions IUfectlng American commerce and IDduatr:J arising ID the wake of tbe adoption of the Dawes plan. Further reduction of taxes to at!mulate IDdu• try and the ellmiDatlo of "ridden Education N • m taxes," such as insurance taxes, of which there are in some states aa many as 15 kinds. Appraisal and lm· provement of the banking aud credit machinery of the country. The formu· lation of a permanent merchant marine policy. The safeguarding of the public Interest ln the adjustment of rall· road !abo disputes. The application ot sound economics to the business of agriculture. The maintenance of adequate cotton production to protect the position ot the United States. Cooperation between business and agrl· culture for the proq10tlon and stabill· zatlon of regional agriculture, an appraisal of co-operative marketing, and the determination of tbe effect of the "exPortable surplus" upou domestir prices of certain agricultural com· modlties. Restoration of normal buy· log methods and aid for the small manufacturer ln maintaining his posl· tlon In the economic world. Tbe adjustment of supply to demaDd ln both agricultural and Industrial production. T!le study and adjustment of tbe processes of dlatrlbution. The problema lnvo!ved in urban congestion. Our ATIONAL parka are becomlog til e educational • recreational ceatera of the nation. They are ID effect field laboratories tor nature study and playgrounds tor lovera of tbe outdoors. Some ot-the parka, u for Instance Yel owatone, coDBtltute ID8plr1DC geopbysleal laboratorlea where aclentlats aDd students ma7 study ceyaer formatlooa and the proceuea of eroelon; ID othera are muaeuma cont•I•Ioa permuent botaDlcal and zooloafcal exhibits. MaDy UDlveraltles allow credlta for field ex· tamlton work ;un4ertaken l1l the parka by their students. In Yoaemlte an ID· tereatlnc development of tbe nature study Idea Ia found. A nature plde aervlee waa started five yean aco with private tunda but baa craduallf been taken over by the government These guides take the tourists on tleld lecture trlpa and deliver campfire talks at the large hotels and cempa. The Yosemite ll'ield School of Natural BJatorJ thlll Je&r wlll offer couraea In ~-----QQ Datale ltudJ ot unl1'eraiQ' P.'Ade. hactlcall7 all forma of healthful depeadlll& upon the oat· JIIKNatlOD l • • It tNn fc.- their elljoymeot are dotded A..a...t B...,_,. C...,. ,ltt:Z~~= • ASHINGTO .-Nlne of tbeo foreign governments whiCh borro"':ed from the United States durlnc tile World war aDd aubaeqaeat to the ormlatlee have received more or le&li painted auneattoll8 from thla government that the time Hema to have arrived when concrete nerotlatlona lookiDC to debt adjultmeat are Ill order. Great Britain, Hungary, ll'lnland, Llthuanla and Poland have completed fUDdlog arrangementa with the debt commlulon, a body created by act ot colljfl'eas. The nine nationa which ID effect are now belnl called upOD to follow the example of these five na· tiona are France, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, the KlDgdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, otherwise Yugoslavia; Eathonla and Latvia. Ruaaia, Armenia aDd Liberia, the other wartime debtor nations, do not flpre ID the present effort to produce an adjuatment of Indebtedness. In conflrmiDc the fact that steps bad been taken toward debt settlementa, admliilatratlon oftlclala were careful to polot oat that there baa been no mov.e bavlDC tile color or aug-, patlon of a peremptory demand. AceordiDr to olllclala, the State deputlnent Ia conductiDc exchaDgea OD the aubJect tbroup Ita ambaaaadon and mlnbltera in the capltala of the DB· KRow What Real National Parks in national parks under surroundings of scenic IJI'&ndeur that cannot be aurpaased aDywbere else on tbe contl· nent One of the atate aasoclatlona of the American Legion baa undertaken to develop a camping ground In the Rocky Mountain National park in Colorado. Tbrougb the efforts of the President'• recreational COUDCll more people than ever are ualog these faclll· ties to their IJI'e&t physical and mental benefit. Tbe 19 Datlonal parn and 81 national .monuments under the of the Department of the 1urledl visited by 1,600,000 perInterior sona last seuon. Congreaa appropriated n,:soo,ooo for a tlH'et'-year road proaram. It Ia really a reconstruction program tor the Improvement of national park roads originally built for horae-drawn veblclea but now too narrow tor ufe automobile tramc. Onc:e tbeae park roads are Improved they •IU complete in ma01 loataDe&~ a chaJD of llt:lt ancl utloaal hlghW8J8 which wtu en. able the tourlsta to co froiD park t'* m Altu ~ud cota• PB1'k m the IDit. w.- Wortla It In miles that had don). Australia a man walked tiO In bls Bleep. We underatand when he got back the sermon ftnlahed.-PaBBlnc Show (Lon· WOMEN NEED SWAMP-ROOT ThoW!Bnda of women have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it. Womn'a complaints often prove to be nothing ell8 bti kidney trouble, or the result o. kicbie;y or bladder disease. If the kidne,ra are no.t in a healthJ condition, thq ma;y cause the other organa to beeeme cli8eaaed. Pain in the back, headache, 1011 of am bitio:1, nerVII"'IIIIMI, are ,fte_. times symp· toms of kidn., trouble. Don't del~;y •rting ireatment. Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Root a physician's pre· 1eription• obtained at an;y Urug store, may be just the remedT needed to overrome "llch conditions. Get - :nedium or large size bottla immediately from any dru~ store. However, if you wish first to teat thia great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for Mmple bottle. When writing be 11 and mention this paper. OICourMNot w~ fast; Miss Darling." "No, I dldJl't know you were fol· lowing, Mr. Bore." "My, you |