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Show . . • # c • THEJORDA 5 COOLIDGE TALKS RECORD CROWDS ATTE 0M.l. A. JUBILEE MEET! TORNADO VISITS ~T CELEBRATIO PFIESIDENT IS GUEST AT .CEN TENIAL CELEBRATION ; PAYS NORESMEN TRIBUTE COLO RAOO GITY HUNDREDS OF BUILDINGS ARE DEMOLISHED; MANY ARE INJURED IN GALE SWEEP • ephi Conductor Joe Brownson, In charge of the Union Pacific freight Parade Largest In History Of Tho train from Lynndyl to Salt Lake, BUB Inter-Mountain West tulned a wrenched back and minor inClarence Darrow, Noted Criminal juries and Harry Shields, brak man Mile Section is Swept Salt Lake City.-The ~yes of many World Co-operation Is Theme of Aci Twenty-five Mark to Left Lawyer Agrees to Accept Case And Wreckage is and William Manco. received cut and dress Delivered by Executive at thousands of people In Utah and the TeachSchool It; City Defendant For Tornado; of Path bruises when the cabooHe in which State Fair Grounds of surrounding states, reaching as far er John T. Scopes Darkn£ss In Left they were riding ran off the tracks Minnesota north as Canada, and as far south as and turned over one and one half. Arizona and Mexico, are now turnPd miles west of • 'ephi. towards Salt Lake City,-and many young Scopes, T tornado-like of John g-ale York. ·ew • Colo.-A \\'ray. State !<'air Grounds, Minn.- 'Yorhl have attended the great Mutual lmOgden -A legal battle to obtain th~t Da yton, Tenn , high ~ehool tead1e1', provemPnt Conference and Jubiltle corporation among nations for peace proportions '!wept through an arc• of which Charles .K Chatelain besection I has found himHelf the. suhje<'t of all $::800 held from June 6th to June l&th. was visioned by President Coolidge about twent v-five miiPS in this queathc.d to l\II~s Lavon Deloney, & , hundn:'li liher York ew . from advice of t:; r so a than more demolishing cenNorwegian the at speech his in LakE' Salt I to brought The Jubilee nurse in the llee hospital, bee usQ builrlin,;s and injurin a score of perof her kinclness to him during his City one of the greatest gatherings tenia! celebration here. I nls a-; to th £ conduct of his tri• l nrxt sons reports het·e indkated. The au. of Yolln • neople •'v··- a~sem' \c·' in 1.,. m,,nth for vio.ntmg tile Tennessee dying hours, promises to ensue, with 1 , Amer cas succes::; m 010 umg a na- 1 thorltlrs here received unconfirmed the mt~r-mountal~ ~·cou;;try. '"R~vre1 law a ,aJu,t tE'aching of ~ volutwu. Chatelain's Jmmediate r elatives seeksentatlves gathered from Idaho, Wy- tion from polyglot peoples demon- reports (lf three fatalltits in outlying \\-l:!.'le he Ia \'Ors accepting offers ing to obtain posse!;sion of tbe es. omlng, Arizona, Ke\·ada, Oregon, Col- strates "that there is a spiritual ')ual- farming eommunith·s. of i.td fro n Cl.l.rence Darrow, Chica· tate. Telephone unrl tC'le~raph communi orado, and Canada, took part in this ity shared by all races and condi-1 Th b oar d o r commls .. ncl Dudley F!dd go , rimina1 law,-cl·, Rooseve 1t.- e lions of men which is their universal cation faclli tes were put out of com · ~reat celebration. .1alonl•, : t>W York, oth,ers urged the sioncrs of Duchesne county, together It was fifty yeau ago, on the lOth heritage and common nature," he m!Rs on. eln t <Jil of ( h'lrlc.::; f,vans Hughes, with A ssessor J ames ... .... l\lickelson • The twister ~tarted fourteen miles of June, 1875, In the Thirteenth ward, said. form r ec retr>r) of :;tate, who recent~ met as a be1ard of equalization at ·'Powerful enough to hold this peo· souther.st or here and passed o\'er an In Salt Lake City, that the Young t o n n 1·ncrease 1·n . of, In" Rooseve It . 0 wmg to the pra<:tlce h returned • • Men's Mutual Improvement Associa- pie to a high Ideal in time of supreme area a\,ont twenty-fh'e m les long and ,ve1·e nlanvtl. t' 1 C.eorge Senator Statts t:mte<l h<'rc . , va 11111 1ons us year thel'e . tlon was ore-anlzed, by Junius F. trial, why may we not hope that the two miles wirle. The center ot the f r reduc k' t wa;; Peunsylvama of Pe:pper '\Yharton o mg as taxpayers presen \\'ells, under the direction of Prest- 1 :;ame influence wlll at length rea('h !!ale pas~;ecl a half-nlile east of Wrar MlckelAswessor to According tions. _ . . _ also suggested dent Brigham Young. A few years rnen and women wherever found on and destro) cd ten buildings in the imssessmcnt roll , the valuation CANNON NAMED G. SYLVESTER AND SOVIETS At a luneheon of the Ct\'tl ltbertws INVOLVE THREATS causing town, this of vidn•ty mediate asked. son ,s a f' . pre'l'ious to that a Young Women's earth?" the president I d AS GRANT E!Y PRESIDENT urn 1- of property In the city of Roo:sevdt umon, which has gum·ant e JAPANESE; SIDES ARE NOW Organization had been started, which 1 "If one were seeking proof of a injuries to four persons, including one is $SO!i, 233 as against $450,000 for lalt PRESIDING BISHOP MOBILIZING 1 n.1P dal hacking, Scopes "as plainly afterwards became the Young Ladies' basic brotherhood among all races or woman. "'hile the winrlstorm passto was he inRisted He hewilderf"d. year. Association. men, if one were to challenge the Ni by \Vray the town was plunged inImprovement Mutual be the final arbitet· in th <'boice of darkness. pitch-black to aspira· of support. in Babel These organizations together, now riddle of <:ounf'el to assist John H. Nral, for- 1 Eureka.- John F . Rowe of Eurek11. The windstorm subsided several United States Government Sends A Served City of Salt Lake for Twelve have over 100,000 members. It was lions for a unity capable of assuring mer dean of the Univer,;itv of Ten· was elected prPsident of tile state Years As Official; Wilt Resign Warm Note to China Placing th<9 annual June Conference of these peace to the nations. I suppose no miles northeast of Wray. The gale nessee, his friend an<l chief ocunseL grand lodge of the Elks and BeiL As City Engineer Blame On Them for Shanghai great associations that occasioned the I better testimony t;ould be taken than reports here indicated, did not strike Spl'al;;ers at the luncheon opposed Beveridge of Park City was chosen At Once Disorder-; any town In the Hection except \\·ray. Jubilee celebration of this Fiftieth the experience of thls country.'' Darrow and l\lalone and argued that first vice president; Thomas J. N.aStrel'sing repeatedly the hope t~ the twister had Its origin twenty-five Anniversary. Over 25,000 guests !n man ginnis, Ogden, second vice president; outside counsel should be a Salt Lake In addition to the local cit- mankind In what he termed "that miles southeast of here. Reports inbe W . H. Nightingale, Salt Lake, third not "hose religious views could S1lit Lake City -Sylvester Q. Canizens witnessed some of the features magnificent and wondergus ach-en- clicated that the destructive effects of \\'ashlngton, D. C.-Information bas Dar- vice president; J. A. Boshard, provo atta<·ked hy fundamentalists. ture, the making of our own Ameri- the gale had been wrecked mainly on reached the Associated Press point- non, city engineer and president of of the occasion. row. speakers ,;aid were reported to treasurer; John A. Barclay, Salt. I,ake ra," the president recalled the doubts outlying farming <'ommunitie~ and ing to direct Russian soviet partie!- the Pioneer ~take of the Church of be an atheist. Starts With Reception named secretary at the twelfth anthat beset its origin and drew from ranches, razing building~ and killing pation in an impending armed strug- Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was • 1 conventin of the Utah State nual Authorities here gle fot· the control of all China. cattle and sheep. Scopes spoke three timrs In reply • 1 A receptiOn for all the delegates was them inspiration for the future. association which was in seaElks' H~ said he to \'al·.t ou"~ sug"'estlons. ,.. "Out of the confusion of tongue~. estimated tlte damage in the section Tl1e prepara ti ons a Irea d y ma d e uamed prestdlng bishop of the <'burch riven In honor of the First Presidenand s!on here cy of the church. It was necessary contemplate a civil war of major pro- to ~<ucceed Charles 'V. • 'ibley, who considered Darro\\' an a~nostlc to utilize three large buildings for ethe contlict of traditions, the va\i- woud total approximately $150,000. Provo.- ~Two of the outstanding athportions, centering in the northern I _was 1·ecently elevat~d to the first pres· as such would not prejudic-e any fair this reception. It was carried on sim- ations of historical setting, the vast an himself ('filll'rl He juror. minded made was letes of the Brigham Young Univerprovinces, and dwarfing iu import- 1dency. The appomtment differences in talents and tastes there U. S. High Court Closes Sessions magnificient the ultaneously in his in religious devoutly agnostic, conand Grant J. Heber President hy disturbansporadic sity, Paul Packard and Elwood "Rlp"' present the ance union has been evolved a spiritual \\'ashlnRton.-T he supreme court 1 own way. church office building, this being the first the of members Gledhill, haYe signed contracts to the by firmed accompanied by a range of capacity has rlo~ed its pre~ent term and de- ces in the south. first function of this kind ever held se(·retary former the of Supporters roach at high schools next year. PackThe ultimate political consequen- presidency and the council of the and genius which marks this nation livered opinions In a number of the In the building, the Deseret Gym- for a elcc. Darrow's that of state arf!ued ard will be at Richfield anti Gleclhill The twenty cases awaiting decision. Some ces can only be conjectured. The twelve apostles. destiny. predominent nasium and the Odeon Hall, were usLoeb Leopold the inject would has signed a con trlict with the Korth_ tlon acthe that announced Cannon commanded Mr. have the in American people of the cases probably will be carried area of probable operations is ed In addition. Over three thou'!and a put and trial the Into case murder Japan to Sanpete high school at Ephraim. Interest greatest of the respect of the world." over to the new term, whleh will be· sphere ceptance of the position would necespeople were at the reception. .Jennings 'Villiam of hands the In dub The president paid fine tribute to gin October 5th. One of the most im- and the aid of the soviet is being sltate his leaving the po~ition of city Salt Lake c 1·ty.-Fe<leral a1'd In the . Bryan of coun~el for the prosecutiOn. During the three days very Import- the part played by Norwegian stock Feng t 0 th portant decisions awaited is that In thrown behind the standards of take up his new will He engineer. • Leopold and Loeb construction of highways defended Darrow ant general and departmental meet- in this building the nation, and Ills t dl tl d least faction the of leader Hsing. Yu 1mme a e 1y. 569 .50 was rece I ve d b•6 the M. S. Daughterly ease, which will as u . ' , $1 of amount the and probably 8aved them from . ings were conducted in which vital audience, many of them descendants . Opposmg Feng determine the power of congress to friendly to Tokio. The . new presiding bishop comes death penaltv for the murder of Rob· the state treasurer, John Walker, t~ Tso-Lin, the ManchurChang mutual improvement problems were of the pioneer Norwegian colonists stands compel the attendance of witnesseH Chicago. Br.,·an in his be applied on four projects, viz: On was born In ian war lord reported to have the ~om PIOneer stock. He 10, dlacussed. This organization was who arrived at New York 100 years 1877, the b~ Franks m and the productiuon of books and paI f;alt Lake City in June · • speeche.s has held up the vouthful project No. 98, Reaver county line· d El' under the direction of expert Ieaden1 ago aboard the sloop Restauratlonen, sup- 1 s· t .,. •1'81 01 pers. Daughert •, as president of the moral 1f not the actual physical · 1an Cannon Q. George of ~on slayers as specimens of the evils of Cove Fort, .. • - ; proJec ·"' o. '• Th and afforded an unusual opportunity to which the president compared the b th H 1 d C Midland National bank of 'Vashlng- port of the Japanese government. 1 andnon. 1 d ely cUatmle "over education.'' Advocates of !\lr. Scipio-Holden, ~4822.04 ; project No _ hoaglani tor Mutual Improvement workers. In its last analysis such a strug- 1 ~a e arrival of the Mayflower, responded ton Court House. Ohio. refused to ap87 p roa 1 , Hughes' selection believe he would 77-A, Ric hf'1eIIc- El s 1nore, $2"11 n settf e an ns a p e t across . . . ~ • ; th , b One feature of the Jubilee was a appreciatively. . war a approximate eas1ly mtght gle R • d A 1 in1 7 committee pear before the senate •nf 0 ctoh er • • ' on y a ew mon s al'rept . . w1th anc h · T on erson s ject No. 81-A. the grand pageant "The Torch of InspirRuss1a. and Japan between · Yestigating the administration of his :1 ter t e first settlement. • Scopes indicated his willingness to querville, $7i54.63. ation" given in the great Tabernacle. , . actual campalgnmg carried on by atas Daup;herty, M. Harry brother. Heat Wave Is Broken of the n· t c·t S 1 L k For thls special occasion a great cyl\h- Cannons boyhood was spent accept any assistance which meets Feng and Chang and the supplies furtorney general, or submit bank rec· nished tree ors 1 y. e a t a the outside were just lives 605 farm of family total the on Chicago.-A Tokio. and Moscow bv 1 clorama, or stage draping was used com the approval of the civil liberties Sll ver K'mg c oa lit'ton ..'l' . , 101'ng ords it demanded, and his course was Already considerable quantities of c1ty limits, He was educated at the for the first time extending across lost during the most dlsasterous heat pa11y declared a dividend of 25 cents upheld by the lower federal court. arms and ammunition have been sent 1 L. D. S. university and attended the union. the entire end of thia historic bUild- wave In history, which ended abruptly .11hare at a meeting held in the coma the of To that end a ~uh committee University of Utah in 1895. In 1896 Ing. affording a stage setting and only after establishing a death toll across the frontier from Russia, and he entered the Massachusetts Insti- union will confer with him, Darrow, pany offices. The disbursement will Ovation Given King back-ground for the pageant. The greater than that which marked the the Russian army Instructors have amount to $304,025 and covers the at Boston. After Malone and Neal. Rome.-Yictor Emmanuel II, at the gone into inner Mongolia to cooper- tute ot Technology principal feature on the stage was a sinking of the Lusitanla. The victims quarter of this year. The regsecond making epoch an be to this want "I he course completing a four-year Greek Temple, around which was de- who died from heat, in storms, or by expiration of the first quarter of a ate with the officers of Feng. of 20 cents a share was dividend ular anywant graduated in 1899, with a dergee of (:ase," he said. "and I don't In some places steps have been Pleted the development of Mutual Im drowning wl.iie seeking relief from century of his reign, received a popdeelared for the first quarter and bachelor of science in mining engln- thing to spoil it." provement Work-Past, Present, an'l the tropical weather, represented six- ular demon11tration which could leave taken to mobilize rililroarl equipment Scopes and Neal called on Dr. Hen- paid last March. This is a five-cent eering. During the summer of that l<'uture. The cyclorama is necedsar· teen states. The death roll caused no doubt that, whatever party differ- In Mongolia for Feng's troops while Fairchild Osborne president of j extra dividend made possible by the ry irriyear, he worked on a Canadian lly of great dimensions, consisting of from the heat wave, as compiled by ences divide his subjects, the~· are at other northern points railroad fagatlon colonization project and in the 1 the American museum of natural hill- high earnings of the company wbi !1 a complete set of beautiful velour by the United Press, follows: New still united in their satisfaction with cilltlet~ have become a prize for active is considerably In excess of this pay1 tory and one of the toremoRt authorfall returned to Salt Lake. curtains, which wlll form a valuable York State 140; New England states, the present monarchistic form of gov- but inconclusive maneuvering. After a few months he was called itles on the Darwinian theorY. Dr. ment. The dividend will be paid July Washington.-T he United States zo.l!d permanent equipment for 11ucb 67; Ohio, 40; Illinois, 40; Michigan, ernment and with having that monarWisconsin, 18; chy personified In the house of Savoy. government has joined with other on his first mission to the • 'ether- Osborn declined to go to Te~nessee 1 to stockholders of record at the similar events as rr.ay be, in the fu- 33; Maryland, 23; After ten mon- as a sl'ientific witness for the de· close of business June 20. This will the tabernacle. Washington. D. C., 14; Indiana. 11; It was a day of patriotic festivities, powers in directing a sharp note to lands and llelgl·um. t nre, presl'nted in over fpnse, hut agreed to serve nn an ad- bring the total dividends paid by Utis. Over seven hundred people took part Iowa 10; Minnesota, 9; Missouri, 4; with a veritable rlt of colors so dear the Chinese government at Peking, ths he was appointed to preside at vlsory board of Iawyen; anrl !<den- company to $17,880,760. In the pageant. Ahcve the ~tag.'> was Delaware, 3; Tennessee, 3; Texas, 3; to the Italian sense of gaiety and joy- rejecting Its demands and placing full the mission with headquarters l)elta.-The Delta chamb _ o.i comuounted a great torch, significant c•f Colorado, 3; Oklahoma, 2; Georgia 1. ousness. The national tri-color pre- responsibility for the disorders and Rotterdam, Holland. After the com- lists. Ile warned S<'opes not to beTotal, 605, dominated. The participants in this bloodshed at Shanghai on the demon- pletion of three years he was select- come marked with radicalism In pre- m"rce has obtained a written agreethe theme treated. ment from James A. Clover, Indian ed to make a suney of the oriental paring for his trial. manifestation were drawn from every strators and rioters. Music Contest of the Goshute tribe of Indians chief 0 neck and corner of the empire. l~ight The note from the powers followed m_Isslo~s ~ the church. In c_ompany j Slayer Hacks Professor to Death Another special feature of the Juof Baker, • ·evada, to hold pow-wows, France Has Reply Ready Baton Rouge, Ln.-A student in the thousand mayors came at1 spokesmen rec:elpt or a note from China which With I' rancts llf. Lyman, preHident of Tabbilee was a Grand Concert In the l'arls.-The French reply to Ger- enter foot and horse races and fur-· demanded release of arrested rioters ~he ~nropean mission. On that trip agronomy class of Professor Oscar B. for millions of subjects. l'rnacle, which brought together the security pa<·t proposal, upon ' nish stunts at the Fourth of July many's ancl held the foreign authorities re- e VIStted ~hlna, Turkey, Greece, Turner hacked the teacher to death wmners of the M. T A. Contests-the sponsible for the kllling of Chinese Italy, Palestme and other countries. which Great Rritian and France lin- celebration to be held a t Delta July Coot idge Asks Gas Conference after being caught pilferquartettes, the male chor11ses, the with an ax On his. retnm _to Sal~ -~a~e. M'r 1 nouneed_ complete ugreement at Ge- a1·d and 4th. Geneva.- Repre~entative Theodore students. ladles choruses, and the bands. These lng examination papers, pollee here \\as appomted f1rs. counsel-~ neYa, will be forwarded to Germ. ny Cannon American deleing represented their winning numbers. believed. A score of students at the 1:<~. Burton, head of the Prov'l.- Fifteen da)·s afte first l."l_oneer _stake org~ni- within a few days. It has been sent the of or Title MacFarlane Wins Golf d _ conference arms the to gation sum· were university State Louisiana There was also an ensemble includ'Vorchester Country Club.-Willie I zatlon. He marned Wmfred Sanlle to Brussels and Rome tor approval. leased from the Utah state penltento the conference he wa~ auIng 22 contesting male choruses, and mooed before the coroner's jury tor clared June 15, 1904. In Belgium is familiar with the note tiar}' where he had served an 1even to annour.ce that President MaC'Farlane, Oaks• Ridge professional, of Salt Lake on one of 42 contesting ladies choruses; questioning, as a ~esult of this theory. 1 thorized state and officials said its approval is cer- and on~->-half months' sentenc • for be glad to convoke a won th national open title he;e from 190~. he ~·as engaged with the will Coolidge found was body Turners Professor brass 16 of and a great ensemble Dobby Jon s, Atlanta amateur, in the engmeer m charge of the hydro- tain. Italy's assent Is confidently an- hurg,larb:.ing the home of G. '" Gran conferenee gas polson special ~ face crushed. head the office. his in. bands, which rendered special numof the ticipated. It is believed here that ban-. of Sp1·ingvillc, Harry Schroe er question plal(off of th national open cham- graphic and irrigation survey this providPd ington "Tas I and chin to forehead from open la1d bers. Europe now Is nearer security th!lt ! returnee. to Springville and again began playoff at 'Veber river system. e m pion \lip. th~ throat slashed. All around were cannot be definitely and adequately On Wednesday, June lOth, at 11 Mr. Cannon was called on his sec- at any time since the armistice and burglarlzed the home. taking wlth handled during the present confer- elg-ht n hole in ttie morning· and at evidences of a terrific struggle. in o'clock started from the head of Main tQeP holes the oncl mis:>ion to Europe In 1907. He that a general settlement may come him a passbook on a savings ce vat- tho> end of confere The Geneva. at ence ' 'ad street, the greatest parade ever promen were even with 15 tr kes for 1 was placed In charge of the Belgium within a few monthfl. It is said in El Paso, f,_,xas, where Grahan. In Postal Receipts ed in principle to ac·cept the AmeriShown Decreases States. goc and Netherlands mission field, and French circles, howC'ver, that every- $1000 on sleposit, according to report~ duced in the Inter-mountain In th atternodil .Jon a special protocol th<' round. for proposal can Inrevenue;;, stal Washington.-Po More than ten thousand tJeople relead on hi ol) l{en.t,' more especially assigned the t.,sk of thing depends upon whether Ger- Schruede Is alleged to have been as· adop· a four-stroke be to war In gas polson against contemplatas boosted being of stead ported for participation In this great a publishing a translation of the Doc- many is sincere in wishing a perman- sisted by Joseph DeLoux, who was rebut some spectacular olt Ir this is finally Geneva. at aed rates pot~tage increased the ln ed leased rom the penitentiary on the Farlane enabled him to make tbem rtne and Covenants in the Dutch ian- ent peace. event. It consisted of fourteen dlvlthe suggested make will it adopted are 15, April effective became which ray as Schroeder after serving same On this trip he spent two up. They were all even on the 81!V· gua ~ions, under the direction of former unnecessary. conference ·washington than more of rate the at declining nd one-half months on a third enteenth hole, but on the final hole years 1n Ule field and then returned Governor Charles R. Mabey, as Grand burglary charge at Ogden. Alaska Government Reform Asked In the afternoon eighteen he got over to Salt L ke. to resume the practice Marshall, with one hundred selected $12,000,000 a year, It was Indicated in Washington.-Ce ntrallzatlon of hi llro!essiOn: to ¥ictorr. Dorthy Ellingson Trial Date Set aides. The procession marched down a summary of receipts for May. gden.-I'ire broke out in the furof government administration Mr. Cannon In the .spring Mai11 street to 7th South, thence back San Francisco. Trial of Dorothy room of the pollee station ana On in Alaska is advocated first accepted Plane Drops; Kills Two on Main street to 2nd Soutb; thence Guilty In Stamp Case Ellingson, 17-year-old confessed matriconsideratle headway begained u ply Work. Kine of the East to State street; thence north Chicago.· -A federal jury In the that date he wa Cape Glraardeau, Mo.-Pearl Bay- cide, scheduled tor June 15 was orwith chemi· extinguished being dt to South Temple, and then passed finger, 20, and Grace Lamar, 25. both dero>d continued until August 11. The $1,000,000 war savlngR stamp conspircals. I<'iremeu raised a ladder to the the Reviewing Stand in front of the of Cobden, lll., were burned to death continuance was granted by Superior acy case found guilty Santo Jamalli, , second floor to rescue Frank Martin. Church Oftice building. This great and John Hunter, St. Louis, Mo., was Judge Harold Louderback at the re- who disappeared last week, and dis- sent. , r 17 years of age, from the juvenile deAs a record of his twelve yenrs as event was called the "The Parade or Injured when an airplane In which quest of Dorothy's counsel and city agreed as to Anthony Volpe. J<jleven l tention room, only to find the roorr. Olwoman, hunone were city engineer, he points with pride the Banners," for there they were flying fell to the ground physician T. d' Arcy Quinn, who said defendants including 1Yacant and the terse note written on dreds of beautiful banners carried and burHt into names here. The ma- the girl's condition necessitated an ive Meyer, had pleaded guilty during impro' ement a pillow: "Goinr; west." ply. the trial. In more than one hundred units of chine fell forty or fifty feet. operation for appendicitis. Ogden.-Joseph M. Parker, mana parade, by representatives of over ger of the Sperry Flour company tn Madman Kills Eight German Financiers In Bad Shape 173 associations, having a total mem· Balloon Collides with Train Flight of Los Angeles Abandoned re Ogden. has resigned his position London.· An Exchange Telegraph bership of more than 100,000. At the Hamilton, Ohlo.-Crazed by Brussels. The British balloon Elsie 'Vashington.- Because of engine e of manager general become to head of these banners a magnificent pllotPd by Captain Johnson, in the trouble developed in the vicinity of agency dispatch from Amsterdam re- heat and financial reverses, associa· Apricot and Prune California banner of silk and gold, perhaps the Gordon Bennett cup race, which start- Cleveland, Ohio, the naval dirigible gard lng the financial crisis througb Russell, 42. shot and killed tJon, with headquarters In ::jan Jo!<e which the Stinnes' organization In finest banner ever seen Jn this localwrecked Los Angeles, which sailed from Lake- Germany is passing says the Stlnnes atlves. Russell then was Sunday, here from ed Cal., lt was learned. He will assumeIty was carried. In the various divia sending himself, on Minneapolis and Paul St. for hurst of ! his new <lntles on July 1. interests are not able to meet liabilisions were eleven specially prepared near Etaples, in the department chest. presihis Armstrong, w. ProYo.-W. twin burnR, the deep to with flight her crimson was abandoned colliding by France, Calais, De Pa8 marks. ties abroad totaling 12,000,000 noats, representing the studies aud cover. The murder r.nd poli~e believe the Yictim ~:as tor- 1 dent of the • 'a tiona! Copper bank of activities of the association-Rel igion, with a train. The crew was uninjur- cities and turned here nose toward The difficulties have been caused, home. Russell's at tured With fire, perhaps by hiJackert~ \ Salt Lake, was elected president of History, Science, Music, Literature, ed. The Spanish balloon Captain her home hangar In New Jersey. The says the Exchange Telegraph combrother his mother, own his ·or rum runners. Nude, except for tlle Utah Bankers' association tor theReereatlon, Fatber11-and·son s Outing, Penaranda landed at Hennes, France, first word of Captain Steel's enfor- pany, by various foreign credits of children, the comforters, there was nothing on I e ulng year at the concluding seaMothers·lilnd-Da ughters Day and three an another Spanish balloon, Jesus ced change In plans came to the navy the Stlnnes Interests being called ln. ter-in-Iaw and their five ln age from 4 monthe to 10 the body that might establish the 1 1Uon of the seventeenth annual twoo papant Doata-Palit, Present and Fernandez, landed at Cay11ux. No department In a message from the Efforts to obtain new eredits ill the ranging day canventlon. years. llll&D'e identity. stated. Is 1t Ultited States failed, rord Motor company of Detroit. hwe. •peed record• were broken. RECEIVING ADVICE FROM ALL PARTS OF NATION .. T l tV~ AGlOUOS ARE GtTY ENGINEER IS SEEN IN FAR EAST CHURCH OffiCER I I j I I I- -· i I I I j ~ - |