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Show • THE MIDVALE JOURN AL Friday, January 13, 1933 Now Fringe Lends Its Enchantment Intermountain News -Briefly Told for Busy Readers By CHERIE NICHOLAS AMPLE WATER SUPPLY. RATE CASE TO BE TRIED. TAX WAR IS PLANNED. MAKE FEWER ARRESTS. BLISTER FIGHT URGED. • EDDIE, THE AD MAN .(i'\ ARRY 8\CI(EIJ KODP SE!. \&1 SIIJ<!E HE PUT" IIJ "Tl-1AT AD A GOUT FRcSI-I LAID FARM eGGS", HIS 1-1'"/JS !lAVE BEEJJ COMPELLED 7b /..AY "TWO E<'iGS PER-OAY EAC!/-1, "Tt> ~ ORO£R$ FILLED/ PROVO, UT.-Ample supply ot water for the coming season is fo~ enp.t on the Provo river water shed, from the recent report on precipitation. SALT LAKJ!l LOGAN, UT.-A decided reduc· tlon 1n activities· of the Logan pol· lee department during the past year on I T'Sthatfringe ln the 1s noted in the annual report of the police chief. About as half as many arrests were made as in the previous year. lhis and fringe on IDA.-Feder al aid In the prevention of the spread of blis- thing or oUu~r in YOl.lr wardrobe really must be trimmed with fringe. As to just bow many yards or fringe shouh.l be lavished on a garment, there • is no Hmit. Some frocks are literally covered with fringe, yet withal, handled that llrtfully one do~s not feel they are getting too much of a good thing. lllustrating this point, we re. fer to the handsome fringe-tnden dress ln the picture. rt ts blacK crepe with a satiny sheen. The row upon row or fringe on the skirt subscribes to the movement which ls so characteristic or trimming treatments at pr1esent. The draped capt-like scarf ach1eves a high neckline effect as 1t should to conform with th£" dictates of fashion. Then, too, observe that the ends of the scarf are brought to the bnck instead of the front tn latest approved WJlnner. This same frock repented in white is perfectly charmdi~go.nal Ing. Here is a suggestion for the woman who must make one formal evening dress do duty for many occasions. Suppose In order to give a concrete lllustrntlon, your gown ts of velvet or crepe tn one of the rich tones of red which are so beloved this season, or black or white, tr you prefer. It ·ts made very simply, we will say, the skirt cut on the bias lines which make tt snug-fitting, s.Jenderizing, tall and stately. The bodice Is semi form-fit. ting and extremely decollete with sim pie straps of the vel'fet over the shoulders. In such a frock there lurk unt61d possibilities ttl the way of interchangeabl e effects. one of the most intriguing being tbe making of a de- CROCHET IN VOGUE By CHER.IE NICHOLAS / ter rust, a disease which destroys bas been asked by the Amertrees, tacbable draped cape-scarf oi Lhe same Association. Tbe blls· Forestry ican material ns the dress, following the constUutes an situation rust ter lines of the one wbieb graces the black concern in national of emergency fringe-trimm ed model pictured. Thus o, empire-Idah America's inland you bave un exquisitely simple gown Montana, Washington nncl Oregon which depends on fabric elegance to OGDEN, U'£.-In the p1·esence ot distinguish It and which can be transwitnesses, Detecti"'e Gale, paid ten formed into a dinner gown of less for- , election dare by walking in nn oft rpality by coveri-ng the shoulders with from 'Vashington avenue barrel a the fringe-border ed cnpelet. to 25th street. Because of the cold Other ideas for little cnpelets and weatber he was pet·mitted to wear shoulder fancies whlcb are trimmed clothing. Gale had agreed to the with fringe are shown in the tiny stunt in the event of Senator Reed sketches. The cape In the upper right Smoot's defeat. corner Is particularly interesting. U OGDEN, U'!'.-Two million sacks ls made of white transparent velvet ot sugar were manufacture d at the (it can just as well be In any preIS plants o:t the Amalgamate d Sugferred color or black). As you see, ar company this season, being the rows and rows of narrow whJte silk largest production in the hiS~tory fringe cover It from neckline to hem· of the company, 1t is reported. The line. Little evening muffs and bags highest previous production was one are also very cleverly ornamented in and one-halt million sacks of sugar. thls way. MALAD, IDA.-Durln g tbe past 'ro vary the theme some designers are year 450,000 dozen eggs passed tbrn nsing hvo kinds of fringe in alternatthe local candling plant. 'VhlJe the Ing rows. 'l'he black dress pictured egg mn.rket was in a slump for a would be very effective trimmed in algreater part of the year, eggs deternating rows of beaded jet rringe to· livered here were of such high gether with the usual silken type, quality that local poultrymen rein made ls pl~y ceived over $73,000 tor the!r crop. dramatic m0$1 A cos· evening the BURLEY, IDA.-Sheep , chicken~ tor fringe treatment the Here right. the and turkeys on farms of the Bur· tume shown to model ley irrigation district have shown creator of this stunning considerable decrease in numbers achJeves a high waistline by means of since the 1931 census, the livestock; a scarf and girdle combination made report recently submitted to the ir. of red creve in contrast to the white rigation district board shows. The crepe frock. The long frlnge is handreport show~:~ 5781 head ot sheep, tied. Often very se,·er.., silhouettes 29,650 chlel~ens and 1542 turkeys are relieved by sections of long knot· BAILEY, IDA.-Tbe Blaine conn• ted and tied ti·lnge which is worked there. and here sectfons ty Farmers' Cooperative associa· in panels or 6!l 1932. Western NewanaDeT Unlon. tlon assisted state nnd federal vet· erinarlans in checking se..·eral epidemics during tbe past year. Tbis ODD NEW FEATURE Included testing of 400 en ttle tor · IS VELVET JEWELS contagioU9 abortion, 8 per cent, beIng found infected. LOGAN, UT.-All records for ls· this go. styles As tar as the Paris of marriage licenses were upsuance runs is a yenr when vell'et practiC'nlly according to the records 1932, ln set away with fashion. It ts being used clerk's office. Durlng county the of in Parts for dresses, daytime or evethe past twelve months, 696 marning, and ror wraps and suits. Bnt riage licenses were issued, as com· thnt is only half .of ft. The shoe match pared with 603 In 1931. ~'wo-tbirds tng a black dinner d1·ess may be vel of the licenses Issued were to Idaho vet; the muff worn with a winter en couples, tile records reven1, 414 Idsemble may be velvet; hats, bags. aho couples recelving Ucenses in vel· be may all bracelets, evPn scarfs, as compared wi tb 231 Utah Logan, vet. 11 couples. 0ne reason for the dominating po PRICE, UT.-Tony Myers, 18, of sltlon of this fabJ·ic ts the challenging died of internal injuries Oonsumers, variety of new weaves," says the Com· be crashed into a when suffered tesse Tol tol in the Woman's Borne on the hills coasting while signpost Companion. "There are dull mnt vel· nenr Consumers. The accident ocvets and rough velvets, ribbed velvets curred while be was traveling down and corded Augustnbern nrd's after· the hillside at a high rate of speed. noon dress Is in the rough crinkled SALT LAKE OITY, UT.-An area with smart Is •peasant velour,' and It 25,197,820 acres, or about 40,000 o:C one of Oescnt'P velvet cap~ bordered miles, in the public domain square Molyneux's in bll.ndmade cording. is unappropriat ed and open Utah of white evening gown Is rii.Jbed an<l he and of this amount, 13,· flUng :tor uses tbe materin1 efrecttv~ly with the have been surveyed, acres 656,351 ribs going up and down, around and by tbe register of announced 1t is diagonally:• here. In 1932 office the U. S. land Velvet jewelry might seem odd If l1 nearly 200 final certificates for weren't done In Paris, and uttrnctlvely. homesteads were granted, comvared A set or three bracelets In bright vel· with more than 400 1n 1931, Mr. vet. rolled like R cigarette, is perfect Taylor, the register, reports, ex· tor sleeves that fit tlghl at the lower that the decrease is due plnlning a.rm. largely to the extension of time granted by Congress as an economPlump Figured Ladies ic relief measure. Adopt Two·Piece Dress Many o1 the choicest Paris frock::. are trimmed with crochet, perhaps in the form of a yol{e done In mercerfzed cotton either tn contrasting or mRtchtng color or possihly ln~ertlons or crochet motifs or bnndings and other equlflly us nttrnctlve !deus. fhe vogue for lin~erie c~lllRr and cun sets which are croC'het-edgf'd Is reflected throol{h out neckwear sections. The edge on the set pictured ts done in mercerized cottnn. This smnrtly clal1 .voung wom an carries a pocl{etbook crof'heted of brigilt-rf'li mercerized cotton. Not~ the cunnin~ sailor hnt with Its shallow crown. It Is up·to·the-ruoment In chic. 'l'he e<'nrf pictured is crochP.tefl In lacy stitch of merC'erlzed cotton. Smurt ~perjnlty c::hops display scnrfs of tbls ••rllP Among the-Ir newest style Items. • • The sculptural llnes have evldPAil.v been too great a tax on the Hgures ot many women, or rather thE> f\gures have taxed too greatly the nerves or dress sculptors. because o1 a sudden now. one ls discovering a good many smnrt women wearing two-piece dresses. Tbfs Is a great brenk after the past seasons of trying to look llkr a plaster relief. And those who aren'1 fldoptln~-t the two-ptece news are al most gulping down the lowered waist line. Warmth in Color rl'hls Is lbe season of tbe year to select warm colors for frocks and coats. So a "·old steel ~ray~ and certain colorless. chilly tones of green. Burgundy Is a fAshionable color and lt Is becomlnjt!: to blonds, brunettes and between shades. SALT LAKE CITY, UT.-Tbe Reconstructi on Finance corporation has made available an additional 2 m11Uon dollars tor the use o:C the tarmers and U\'"estock growers of the west, it Is nnnouncPd by the manager o:C the Salt Lnl~e office ot the Agrlculhnal Oredlt corporation. "Father said I would cough my head off. I waa frJghtened . But mother laughed and oave mo Bran. chi-Lyptus." At your druggist's. For FREE sample, write to 732 Ceres Ave., Los Angelea• A New Method Doctors Everywhere Are Advising FOLLOW DIRECTIONS PICTURED BELOW @, 1033, Western Newspaper UnJon. SELLS FINE GOWNS AT SECOND HAND If throat is sore, crush and dissolve Woman Finds Customers for Di<carded Finery. BOISE, style parade this up to the fashion live 'l'o season. pace set by smnrt Pn.risiennes some- and coats, obviously expensive anc! 1 bearing the most fashionable labels, all pric€'<1 at a fraction o:C thelr orlgtnal co£t. HOW TO STOP ACOLD QUICK AS YOU CAUGHT IT · CITY, UT.-Hear- ing of the application of the Utah Citizens' Rate association tor a 50 cent a ton reduction tn intrastate freight rates on coal has been set for January 24, at tbe stAte capi· to!. RIOllFIELD , UT.-Movem ent for a state-wide strike ot Utah property owners against payment of any taxes llDless the present Jevie~ are reduced at leust 50 pe1· cent, was launched at n mass meeting of Se. vier county citizens, called by the county tax committee with Abe Hansen as chairman. The resolution flatly demands the reduction and calls npon property owners of other counties to join in the demand. people who wlsh me to sell. thefr dresses and to examine each garment carefully to determine whether it .ts likely to have a quick turnover. If I think not, noth.lng will induce me to handle ft." As a result of this careful "edittngu there are hanging on her racks no e.....:.treme creations that would bave an appeal only to a few whose taste is especially unconvention al. But there are many beautiful evening wraps, sports ensembles, gowns The business o:C selling second· hand clothing. Ion;: in disrepute, has been ''glorified" by a New York woman, Mrs. Genevieve Berkeley. who is maklng a snccess of a shop where she displays only "discarded ward· robes." She calls her store "The Dresslng Room," and has made a commercial as well ns artistic success of the venture. She buys her stock from wealthy New Yorl\ women who do not care to be seen in the same go\vn at society nft'atrs more than a few times, or from those who, having had a dress made for them, finally realize that the color is definitely unbecoming, or from actresses who feel that their wardrobe must be kept as upto-date as the morning's newspaper, despite the resulting depletion of the bank account. Mrs. Berkeley is fortunate In having a wlde acquaintance among such women : as a matter of fact. she was an actress herself when she decided to start her novel business. She has never had any d1fflculty in locating clothes of the type she needs; the trouble has been, she says, to retrain from taking certain of the dresses her wealthy patrons: wish her to take. "I make It a rule," she writes in the American :atagazlne, .. always to call _personally at the homes of the 3 Bayer Aspirin Tablets in a half Take 1 or 2 Bayer Aspirin Tablets. glass of warm water and garple according to dtredions. Drink Full Glass of Water. Almost Instant Relief In This Way If you have a cold-don't take chances with "cold killers" and nostrums. A cold is too dangerous to take chances on. The simple method pictured above is the way doctors throughout the world now treat colds. It is recognized ns the QUICKEST, safest. surest way. For it will eheck an ordinary cold almost as fast as you caught it. That is because the real BAYER Aspirin embodies certain medical qualities that strike at the base of a cold almost INSTANTL Y. and dissolved in a half glass of warm water, repeating everY 2 or 3 hours as necessary. Sore throat eases this way in a few minutes, incredible as this may seem. Ask your doctor about this. And when you buy, see that you get the real BAYER Aspirin Tablets. They dissolve almost instantly. And thus work almost instantly when YO\& take them. And for a gargle, Gen• uine Bayer Aspirin Tablets dis.. solve with sufficient speed and completeness, leaving no irritating particles or grittiness. Get a box of 12 or bottle of lOQat any drugstore. You can combat nearly any cold you get simply by lalring BAYER Aspirin and drinking plenty of water every 2 to 4 hours the first day and 3 or 4 times daily thereafter. If throat is sore, gargle with 8 BAYER Aspirin Tablets crushed 11\ \...V ::;NO~T;:A:;:B:-:-L~ET;:S:-A~R:::E::-::G-::EN::-U::-1::-N=E BAYER --:AS-::P::-I::cRI:::N:-:W:::I=TH:-:-OUT=:-:T::-H:::IS:-C;:R:-::0:-:::S$ WINTER PLOTS A WICKED CRIME THE VICTIM S: Those Motors Using Ordinory Oil thot Drains Away from Heoted Working Surfaces. THE TIME: Those Cold Startlns Minute> While Precious Motor Parts Must Run Dry at Warming Speed Until Oil Is Pumped From Below. The Germ Proceu (e:rclusive Coaoco patent) imparu to this motor oil that peculiar ability tO peoeuate a o d combine with metal surfaces, Of the tint filling about one quart will "hide" Juelf up in yout THE QUART THAT STAYS UP IN YOUR MOTOR AND NEVER DRAINS AWAY . motor's preciou• workiag parts. This bidden quart n·e-Y·e-r drains away. It becomes a part of the 7 "'""'" iueU; worth its weight in sold.. A CONOCO The One Oil that Gives You ~ Perfe ct Protection for Winter's Worst Days Ahea d Drip I trickle I drip I through long night hours, ordinary oil drains away. When the pump quits, ordinary oil quits, leaving the motor's parts high and dry. You touch the starter. The motor roars. The pump strains at the sluggish oil. It is only a few minutes till circulation is completed . But, in the meantime, working surfaces only partly lubricated are in contact, while the motor makes three to five thousand revolutions. This causes 50% of all motor wear. Prevent tbjg loss. Choose not merely " quick oil, but an oil that never leaves, Choose the "oil with the •bidden quart that penetrates and combines with the metal surfaces of the motor itself. In the emer• gency of an empty crankcase, users have driven many miles,with outdamage ,on this •bidden quart alone. This proves that your motor need never suffer while waiting upon the pump. Don't remain in doubt. Drain and refill with the *hidden quart oil today. EPHRAIM, UT.-Three hundred to four hundred men and boys of tbls city participated In n highly successful rabb~t bunt Ncently. It 1s estimated that more than three thousand rabbits were drl\'en into the wire netting "V" and killed. .A la.rge part ot the raiJblts were donated to the needy of Ralt Lake City. JUNCTION, UT.-Accord ing to a l'eport of the county treasurer, the ta:s: payments for 1932 are only GO per cent o:C the taxPs ~~~~ssed. I. ' CONOCO TRAVEL BUREAU, DENVER ••• WRITE FOR FREE PASSPORT, MAPS A TRIP PLANNING SERVICE |