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Show Page Two f o r The Midvale Journal Thursda y, October 20, 1927 • E c o n om i c a l T r a n s p o r t a t i o n DO YOU KNOW You can make your old Ford run like new by having your repairin g and servicing done by .AN AUTHO RIZED FORD DEALE R. CHEVROL ET SALES AND SERVICE • A good used car at the right price is the best automob ile value in the world. You can have your car overhau led or replace Tires, Battery, Radiato r, Etc. These cars are priced right and ready for driving to school or work. On Our Conv enien t Paym ent Plan 1926 Chevrolet Coupe, looks like new ............... ......................... 1925 Chevrolet Touring, mechanical ly 0. K. Redueoed good tires .................................................................................... 1926 Dodge Coupe in dandy condition mechanical ly ;tn~ af'pee.rance g""od, balloon tires .................................... 197~ ('J,':!~r .... l ;.. .. To uri ... '!. New Duco finish, new tires............ 1926 Chevrolet Ton Truck, a good buy ........................................ 1926 Dodge Roadster ........................................................................ 1924 Chevrolet Coupe ........................................................................ 1924 Dodge Touring ............. .'............................................................ 1923 Ford Coupe ................................................................................ 1923 Chevrolet Touring .................................................................... 1924 Ford Touring ............................................................................ 1923 Ford Touring ... ......................................................................... 1922 Ford Touring ............................................................................ With No Money Down. $525.00 350.00 Genuine 640.00 360.00 450.00 360.00 225.00 200.00 125.00 100.00 135.00 110.00 100.00 Part s and Factory Service Equipm ent The City Motor 460 South State Street Sales Co. Opposit e City & County Bldg. SALT LAKE CARL SLE MOTOR CO. . See them at 4800 State Street Phone Murray 483 1 Real Anxiety This Way Out - Tramp-"Ha ve ·you a gqod square meal for a hu,ngry man, missus ?" Lady-"Yes, I have. And he'll be home any minute, so you'd qetter beat it.'' MoUie-"I'm to be married tomorrow and I'm terrible nervous." Chollie-"Do you think there'-s a , chance of ...the man getting away before then?" • Not So Clever Fond Mother-"Do you detect any sig,ns of genius in my son?" Art Instruetor-" Madam, I am · I not a detective." ?Jone1f Javing "' territory the . Week in all of the I served by the U,nion Pacific System, NIBBLE ~APPLE WEEKlY SLOGAN 1:~.· ~!~ti~~::·;.~~fi:h~~:;: Fed Up "National Apple Week" will be And are you satisfied with marcelebrated this year beginni,ng on ried life?" Monday, October 31st and extend"Yes, I've had enough." ing through to Saturday, November 5th, inclusive. The Slogan this year is "Nibble A Napple." In past years we have encouraged the enthusiastic -observance of tre va ue s 11 SPARE TUBES FURNACE FOR HOMES .-e•aa....t.u c-daaa axdatin. OctO I kkh n t•Kw..t:tutx .flae -et«'k ,m~ae Jfi«: C& More lon11 ~.r ftw the luJuling compan~/ Ir you want to cet tlae facta about tires, tab the word .C people who buy tlirea f'~ buai· nesa purpo-. The additional trips that a set of'SUYot towns will cive mean pluaprofltfor truclrinc computies tlult Jet paid by the trip. ADd SUYertowns, on your car, clve more miles at no more coat. When you look this matter of buying tires "ri&]:ltin the eye"-you know that a standard brand costs least in the long run. And a lot of times, it costs no more a! the start! We liave a large range of standard values in tires- all produced by the tremend ous resources of Goodrich. - Come in -name your price- and see us produ~e a real tire to meet it. With or Without Basement uta de ••the tlirl, 'liJorj.. 0 WhCG,_awa lllt - in )'GOt tires, Washingt on Home Fur- our cuurtc IKIS abo tendauts do the work while ycaa sit in the cu. nace requires no basement. Can be installed in living room. Will heat as much as Radia tor Hose two or three stoves, or five or six grates. Costs no more cut to fit your car. to operate than one stove. • ''No-This is not a Victrola" Goodrich Quality Full Discount ON NEW TIRES Ask us about our plan of applying all repair bills on the purchase of new Silvertowns. A better Furnace for less,. money. Call and see it, a_n d be convienc ed. Smith Hardware I tmrn-ay, Utab IN THE LONG RUN Investigat e this new won derful furnace. Special air duct draws air from outside righ t over fire and forces it out at top, making it most econmn ical heating system known. • BEST 1s cooperatmg WJ.th the International Apple Shippers Association again this year. They intend to feature apple dishes on the men cards of all the dining cars restaurants during the week. As apple producing states, Utah~ and Idaho should be greatly interested in seeing that "National Apple Week" is observed in a fittb'\g manner at home. • "The Winches ter Store" 4814 South State St. Murray, Utah I ,J |