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Show i THE 1\tiDVALE JOURNAL AND 1\IURRAY EAGLE { r • J. 11 (I uy MIDV LE. UTAH ere Our~ gre~test" "where savings are where savin2s are streatest '' MIDVALE, U1'A ow! Silver Month • Man" 25th A nniversary Feature V alues One and Two Pieces Getting Better A cquainted Another purchase of these ex cept ion<.! dresses! You can buy several new frocks at this price. The fifth week of the celebration of our Silver Year continuPs v. ith intcrc ,t 1m abated. Each department continues to contri bute to ·the enjoymc nt of the crowds who arc finding here presPntations of the season's most needed goods in qualiti e that pre-C'minm 1y "at". fy and at p'"iC •:s v. hich substantiate our statement that it is here that sa ing; are greatC>st. More and more the public is r ealizing that in ovr !,'Teat huying powPr the;re is a r:saving power which means considerable to every t hrirty housewife or woman wl10 demand. the utmo ... t in style and quality at the most reasonable prices obtain able. Spring shopping has never been atlended with more satisfying experience"· (25th Anniversary I Home Frocks j25th Ann ·versa 79c These dresses of rayon and fine ginghams are always "at home" to unexpected callers Varivu~ nyles. ~,.C{P-1~~~~~ ~ H.C.S. Gingham Aaaiveraary Value Women find . ,Ill = this gingham high I y satiafactory-be!' ·=~~~· ·~··~ll~l.~lt~ '''"!··~11!!!11!''!·'! cause the at. '!"~ · ·~··!~~~~-~·'! : ·~~~~~~!··~~~~~~~-·: tractive p a t~ , •!u!n!••~n!••!-;! l• I~II~U~ll~ll~ll~·;~ terns w a a b ' · ·~~~~~~~··~~~~~~~ ·~ welL '!'l!ll!!l•~ll~l·~~~~ , .iuiult••iuir•,i-·i ••••••u••••u••••·•• i : ,;";; ........ l .. ii ; Belle Isle Our Percale Jowl Yard. • - - ·- - - - · 11!11!11!'1 ~·'!11!'1! j25th Anniversary J This muslin Is known bi our CU3tomers all over the country. 36 inche,.s wIde bleached and ~ 9 in ches unbleached. The p rIce I• so : ;llf..-·( .... .~o.,~ ~ I25th Anniversary Exclusive }Vith Ua '' i 16c f25th Annivt,TSary I Overalla . Union 1e. Of heavy, Cturable blue denim, c ut extra tu •. , . .iple stitched, s1x pockets. tacked to preven t ripping. Engineers' cuffs on jackets Overalls or Jumper- " ) :...:_s ) \ · l .... I .Jf Skirb Are Pleated 1\:ec~iines ~ E\'ery detail that ·will be found on hi~:1er priced rire~ses m~rk:- these for {eatnrc oiTcrings-muJish styles-line materials-and such a price! ~ation-Wide • Our j2 5th Anni~"i"f" :i Towel Val [_5rh Anniversa ") J 'Pay Day 11 ! Boys' Overall, f urkish-Large Size Here is your chance I To re" Ienis!. that always diminishir. • •owe! su;•ply. Large size, extra :,eavy towd5, each Union made. As ' .rab le ''ell made as "P,1 ~ -D y·• f r 1 en Heavy, erv1. e a ,Jc 2 •.2 l hlue de~: ;m Cut f 11 n g back, two-seam kgs ' "• '" 3 · kctsS 'r ara • 10 to 17 Ye!lra I25th Anniversary I ~t~ Anniversary) Lunch Box Our "Compass" Work Shirts r Work Shirts and Vacuum Bottle Our own make. The "Big aiac" label spells value and loar wear. Plain blue or .,e)' chambray; cut full; room)' sleeves and body. Slim. replar and extra sizea Combination Lunch Bo:t of good size, with patent holde r on inside of cover for th e l ey-Hot Vacuum Bottle. Sold separately-Lunch Kit, 49cl Vacuum B ottle, 69c:. Outfit comp lete for- 69c $1.1 8 Clyde Edwards and his gang of ball warriors had an easy time winning from the D&RGW team Wednesday attemoon of this week at the Utah Copper ball park, by a score of 9 to 1. :Murphy, a new pitching star on the Copper squad pitched the first five frames and showed a world of stuff, with Bert Mcivor hurling the last four innings and showing his old time form. A cool breeze ki!pt the players from "opening up" although the lads showed enough to satisfy the most skepti- Varied Elaborate T r1mm:ngs· l25da 1\.nniverso ~ j COPPER TEAM WINS .• able dresses-. ,;;.in colors are comL:ncd with printsand two sl;ades of one color. The Values are r ema rkable. See them while the stock is fresh. ~ 49c and 59c Mac" · 1 an · 'vh·1te ,~ , .L> -t.. ~ Fiat crepe of heavy quality fa>hions these very wea r- Naticmal Standard $1.15 ..... • 14.75 10c "Pay Day" ~ig \( .t.J... AND a l25th-Anniversar)· J -- ·' - ... _!J, '·•:r•••!''!ll~l·~ ! • ~ Jw or Y] Spring flowers-are no more delightful than the wash fabrics that we are showing this season l Every conceivable color and combinationginghams, .batiste, solsctte, pongee prints, rayon alpaca- and a score of oth rs. Prices range from $1.98 - I.,.. ~ 1 ar:...:~ Wash Fabrics Are Charming in Spring Colors Prints and ginghams-so becoming that . they actually m a k e housework easier- more deat least. '''l· '_!.;'I'",~ 1\·,·o-p: ·ee styles on tailored linea with plc;.ted ski;-ts are popu::-triach:t rGc-ts <>nd bo'Lros :'.!"<.: vu.ria tion:, of t l. e t•.\ o-picce 1;10de. New Pat erns . lossom For Home-Makers I re ses r SPRINGVILLEEN fERTAINS LOCAL KIWANI;, , The Bingham Can n Kh .. nis Clull left at noon today t,,!' Sprin1 iiie to join t he other Kiwanis clui:ls l:'f the state, the invitation being- l:Xtcnd£ I br the Springville Kiwani& club. Thr various organization. w·n be the g uests of the Spring-.ille Hi"'h sd0ol and look over the Art Exhi:•it, uit{'r which a banquet willl.le sene!. Be Ot:r own make. Of se!lll viceable, staunch blue o~ g rey chambray and khakf je an; coat style, two button.o fl a p pockets, con t in uou• fa ced s le ev e s , doublclt stitched- 98C I s.! The Relief Society of the L. D .• Off1c .s of the Primary a~sociation l\Ir. and Mr~. H. C. Aylett were the churlh met in regular sess;'Jn Tul".- 1 m t Friday of lust wPek at thP resi-~ hosts to the Rasmussen family club on day. The le on in IitPrature was . deTJre of 1\!r.;. Zach Drown. Twelve Wednesday evening at eir home on given hy .Mr<. E. E. Grernwooct. : »ere pre .ent. North Main Street. A dinner was ser Mrs. Eli Mitchrll entertain d at a 1 Mrs. G(.o. A. Wright and Mrs. Gr:1n vcd to twenty. Games followed in the lund><•on WednestlaJ. Twelve guests 1 ville Der.ting expect to attend a m~et-~ evt'ning. :vere pre ent. ing of t'1r W. H. Club which w,ill be Mrs. W. F. Wanbcrg entertained t he Mr . AnniP Nelson was h0ste!Ss to ht>ld in Salt Lwt> Fridav. memb rs of t he L. F. A. club Wedthe afternoon hritlg • du', '\Ton lay at! Mrs. C. 0. Wabon wil entertpin the nesday evening. Refreshments were h ... r home on South Main Street. members of her club Monday of next 1served following a business meeting. i' lllr~- Fretl Hyke was ho«ll?ss to the • Wl ek. ! :\Irs. H. P. Miller was in Salt Lake I member., of the 'a tNohl.• Grand Club ; Henty Frrd S:lYS that whrn the au- Tut>sday to meet he r mother, Mrs. W. of the TielJerca Lod~ We<lnes•lay af- t m'>bil came booze had to go. Anrl 1T. Vincent, of SanQ.y, who has spent ternoon. Hefrf· hments were ren ed mJst .of it went by automobiles and the pa~t three months with relatives and a social hour was enjoyed. Fords. in Los An~reles, Calif. 1 I OR l r~OlEU ~~ • r ""F.o 1 I j GO TO CRA 4 • 1! d ueal 1 C:lO L·nole 1 c;_nd A t Grea~·ly Ln · oletrn ~noleum r1nstrong's educed Prices gs t I ll linoleum and lil1oleum rugs have the i !f urlap back assur~n g satisfactory lvear in I every yc r ~ ~!a c.h ot r wu1dows for the ' l\lr. 'lnti l\1rs. Howard Fi her entertainrd Wul. r d.1y e~ ening of last we k i at S ciety H ll, tlm ona"ion being ' th ir w dtfr !!' .. nn liC'I -ary. C:uds ormul ti,r divt>rsbn, ' 5 0' was played, fiin,t riz' " n by Mr .. Mikt 1 Parcc, ·ec ntl by 1\Ir:>. G. Newitt and consoJaticrl my ir' Janibelle Sullivan. Gen tlemrn'., Hr. t plizc was ,,on by Mr. G. • rewitt, s cond by 1r. G·•orge Sliker, ano. c n. olati m by Mr. D. J. Walters. ~ie c. hm r.~•. were served to one hunlrt'd gu t , lncludin"' Mr. anti Mrs.IJ D. J. Walter,, Mr. ana Mr.. Wiii Car· 1 ver, Ir . J le C0 yar and l\lr. George • 1 lJu y, of S:1l. L, ke City. Music war; I , fumi h d by thl' SynLopating Sailors 1 Gir1's Jazz ot·chestra. ~ f 1 ! Pullma n Company lost half a m:Ical. Iion in three month·, which will afford . fiendish delight to its insomnia We wouldn't mind g1vmg a lady victims. Mr. nnrl Irs. W. B. Hull. Mr. T. H. ~ Blr 'k f'll and !IIr. n, n Wiedman atdriver half the road if she would only e .<!e.d t'1e \\ ::.te1" tun ral in Salt Lake " take it on her own side. Ju ~ ti ce Charles L. Guy w nts to 1 make marriage harder. \\'ell, it's b· rd City Sunday of thi:; wr k. George B. Cutten says that too much enough for o~din;:tt1• .folk no'-Y· But 0 ten a m n pay· a lawyer for arlvariety is worse than too much same- . perhaps the JUstiCe IS a pat tl~:ul,trly vi c his wi"e coul•l ~rive him for nothDeas. . George will like heaven. I hard Guy. -----ing. The sueeess of prohibition may posDean lnge say>< th·tt ,h .,nl:r wa)' aibly be reftee m the recent 100 per to be r eall y orthodox is n'Jt to thmk at A"'lr-J·r n progres w;Il not halt so cent atoek d. nd lfeclared by Coco all~ Many find no difficu'ty in being long as there are enough corners for Cola. •orthodox. the filling stations. EW AT E I S AN PRICES run~wiek Phonographs and Light Ray ~ Electrical ec rded Records. _Something 11ew .e very day. Tcrms Extended I• ' Phone Midvale 119 u i i I Silw~r Values Are Typical of Anniversary Celebrr' tit..•!"a URE COMPANY • H. Grass Furniture Stores ' |