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Show ;llo.~ -- ..... !!!l•••••••••••llEI•IIIi•m••••••••••••••lll! ln~:n·e ( .. r FREE • •i .. • : . . A BASEBALL WITH EVERY PAIR OF ·. STAR BRAND SHOES A $1.00 BA.SEBALL~BAT~ FOR SOc ' WITH EVERY PAIR OF ST~R BRAND SHOES .. . A BOY SCOUT AX FOR SOc WITH EVERY PAIR OF STAR BRAND SHOES • • LADiES-: A Beautiful $2Ji0 Alaqn Cloek for 99c with every $10.00 pur~lta~ of merchandise r· • ~ ' .. ·- FOR THE ·LITTLE MISS . • See the Murray Mercantile window display of these BARGAINS A Rubber Apron, Just Like Mother's for 25 cents with every pair of STAR BRAND SHOES . i Murray Mercantile Co. 0 Murray City, Utah .- Old • faohlonecl ' '> hand pump. Dripping. wa•te.. ful water lif'" ~ .. . . ..... . ,.__ . .. 1\lill Creek ward amusement hall • 'and' g-;onnds look lilm a breath of 'llring as the buil<ling- has been entire!~· renovated anrl placed in splen.; t t1 id condition:· The Boy Scouts raked 1 i• oYer .and ot!lerwiAe ha YP placed the ~ . ~ .: ;.:rounds in till-top shape. • < . · {~ · ~ t"" • "" • ,. ~ : .~·Now--: ;'~t... \ ' ....~- Yo_u' Can Have· • ~ ~r::, - ... .. I 'ttle Sam WPller, son of the proprietor of the :\lnrray Mattress raetory was rnn over hy an automQhile You need no longer slavp with an old·fas~:- ' ou State st;reet' lust Friday. Young toned hand pump to get c•ster.o water, or fust ::-lnm il:l out ·again, ready for another with a tneaey, expensive water lift. For a few centa current cost a week, this low-priced ronnd with the traffic, only a little • Vairbenks· Morse Home Water Plant ouppliea t . ., f . · t B t f pure, ooft:, hejllingrain-watertobath,laVl!tory, • t~t . "or ~ .OI Ill~ en conn er. es 0 kitcilen an_d laundry-at the,.tm-u.of a flluc:et. < itld~~ ill the uext rm10ver, Running Water ltJ;loublea tlu> usefulness of your etitern.• ' Systems for springs, lakes, . :\Ir. an(l ~Irs. Arthur Townsend entt>rlained at_ a family dinner on Easter• Sunday. shallow wells, deep wells l • Whatever your aource of supply, whether you own a 1mall bungalow or a country estate, we cab aupply you a Home Water Plant that fita your needs and your purse. Every one of the ' outfits io oupplied with the world-famousFair· b•nks-Morse pump. Electric, (l&soline or keroKDC power used for operation. ~ l\lr. nud ~In:. Cliff Van, who are living ll t the Imperial hotel, are the protld parents of a haby girl born ~lon!lay. April 18. See for yourself ' - . • . are the gnc;;ts of 'ln. Laura :\Irs. Jpunie :-.:elsou and 'Il'f:. Ingalls will net H>; ho>:tesses to thP Ladies of Woocl<:l'nft Tue~du)·. Avril 26. nt the l<'raternal Ilnll. Can!~ will i.Je the form :of entNtuinm~nt nnd refreshuwnts will 1be l'lern•!l . I I :\Ir. nnd :\Ir~. .r. l\It-ClcatT haYe as ; their gueRt, thdr daug-hter, Mrs. Gordon Gillisllil• of Ely, Nevada . ~Ir. . and ~Ir;:. Donglns Hnrker entertuinetl tH ltmd1eon Snuduy, April lOth. to the following gueHts : :\Ir. and )Irs. Jlarolcl GloYer of :\Inrray, )Ii~s :-.:ellip neel<er and :\Ir. Wallace Erickson, of Salt Luke. Walnut Bed < FOR THE. • . __ -- ::S lt·hols. Look,··soys ! !IIlli _ . . .__..,__ Come In and tum a faucet on one or our Fair· banka•Morse Home Water Plants. See foryour- aelf the pressure you can have all the time. Thea let us aive you an estimate on ·your .re• Quirement•· W-e can furnish everything eom.· plete1••at a 611ure you will find surprisingly low. water under preaaure iathecheapesiaerv. The ~emi-final t r)·onts for the t.. C. )lillPr 'Public Speakin.!!: Contest, were held at :\Imrny Ili;.::h School, l\Ionrlu~ nnd Tuesdn~· nftemom1s. l•'rom tlw thirty shtdent:-1 who entered the l-ontest, the following six werP chosPn: Leone SlatPr, Stnnley Watts, BPth :\Iartin. Helen Rothwell, Charles Hilton, and I•llmo Hutchison . ThPse young Jl<'Ol)lP \dll c-ompPte lfn Monda~· night, l\lny 2, 1()27, for the mednl which is offert>cl br :\[r, L. C. ;\Iilll'!', of Murray. During- the paNt wintPr the :\I. :\len of ('ottonwoocl ShtkP hHY<' gaitwd re<'Oguition for tlwir many netlvities. ~'hPir dtUIKPN hHYe hPPll WPll attended anrl a great deal of interest has heen manifest in the suhjpets that have heen con~iderNI. 'J'hpy ha ,-t• given a 111llnher of clHil<'PS Which hllYP prOYPll :l f<Ul'CeSS, sorinll~ and finan<ially. A Ycry C'loHei~· eoutestefl basket hall tournament was put on•r in a way thnt wn~ a crl'dit to the organb:ation. SeYernl l\I. Meu qnm•tt>ttes were or~nnized and lrn,-e ~ilJ(·p takt>n pnrt in the different wan! prog-ram,.; ami ,_.acr!llllellt Sl'l'Yic·e>:. At present they n re preparing for the approaching- hnse ha II l'enson. whPII the representajiYP teams from the ten ward:-; of Cottonwood stnk<> will }lln:r for honors in the l\1. :\lpn's league. Debuting will also he a fpfltnre of thl' sprin~ ncth·i ties u nd many te!llm; are getting rPndy for rl'l ,h t ltet are ~ettin~ rencly for n real hnttlp In in putting over thPir argumentl'l. Xo doubt the mPmhPr>< of this or~anization wlil look bnek o-rer their season'" program with a great ·deal of pleasure and ,.;atisfnction, hecnuse of their ac·eomplishments. 'l'he ward organizn tim1s hllve been to the stake officer:-; in their pndenvors in putting the work over. Tlw offit•ers of the C'ottonwoocl stnJ;:p M. :\len art> .Tames 've~t. President· Robert Gt'rrarcl, vde president, and Glen l'la~·er, secreta n · and treasurer. R. K. Bif<hoff, a • lllt>lither · of tht> :\f. I. A. stake honrd -is ill chn r.~c of the activities of the :\I. :\Ic1i of C~ttonwood stake and is to he. commendp<l for the intPrest Jw ha:-; taken and enrouragcmeu lw hns given thefh. i11 thP young mPn nnll the a~sistance It ifl to i.Je hoved thl'Y will keep up the good work. ALT/lR SOCIETY MEETING , "If the smallest hole appears after and :lficlvnle Catholic Church· meeting ~i'l ' months' wear," says a tailor's ud- wn s held Wednesday, April 20th, 1927 Yertisement, "we wlll make another at thP Fraternal Hall, Murray. ant YOU CaD hire. Mono;ignor Hunt of the CathPClral nhsolutdy frPe." of the l\Iadeliene of Salt Lake City, spoke vPry lengthly on the "History ZOO iat, capaclcv 60-cycle motor Mr:l. )!at:joric Austin from Los of the Bible", a most inter<'sting ad35·••1. 1alva• Arrg-eles Calif. an<i Mrs. Vernetta dress. nbed tank Ice rrea.m and c-ake was sen·ed to lr'• Aonomallcl Duffey and Daughter Betty from o'·er thirty guests. The refreshments 'l'ooele, Utah have been the guests of were in eltl! rge of :\Irs. Keomin Bra<l:\Irs. Bessie Bergen the past two weeks. ford, MrA. L. C'. 1\Iillpr and Mrs. Raymond Krlngle. After Monsignor Hunt's r<~m4rks, the arrangrunent,q . for tlte r.h. and Mrs. H. ~·- Benson are re- eard party were di>:cussed. The same l'eil·_ing congmtulations on the atrival i1: to bP held at thP Laclies' Literary of fine ,baby· girl at their home this Club of Salt Lake City, May 12th, at week All parties concerned are report- 8 :00 o'clock. It is hoped that Murray and Mided as feeling fine. ,-ale, as well as the entire Catholk . Diocese of Utah, will he repre!:ented . Tickets ean be had from Father ll!rs. E. P. _llnrket• has arrived in SALES AGENT McGuire or any of the ladies of tlw . .:\ttu·ay City after a long stay in CaliMurray and Midvale Altar 8odcties. fornia. GIRLS TO ENTER PASTURE 4369 S.outh State St., .• ' ' ' Ml'H. C?ldgro\·e and daughter, Della, Phone Murray 242-J Murray Utah 'J'he B. Y. n. ha;; Pxten!le<l au in· have arrived in :\Iurray City from Filll'itation to the l\Iurray Iligh Sr·hool Phy!c<:ic41 Education Departnwnt, to pa rticipntc in 11 rmsture parade. which will he n special feutnrP of it>< 17th annual im·itational tra<·k meet anfl rcluy carnintl to ,he held on tllP Y ,. field -at Provo. April 30, 1927. Thirty-three girls will enter thiR f'Vent with the hope of hriuging honors to Murray High . On thf' same day Murray High School will enter a traek team at the B. Y. U. Imitationul IFJgh School ~'rack Meet. u .. $92.50 FIVE PIECE SUITE COMPLETE · $132.50 Full Vanity, 3 ·Mirrors, Beautiful Walnut Finish Bird's Eye Dresser ·Bird's Eye Bed Good Coil Spring Cotton Felt Mattress COMPLETE • 5-Drawer Chest Carved and Decorated to Match Full Bow· Front 5-ply Bed-Very Beautiful Bench and Rocker to Complete one of the Most Beautiful Sets Ever Sold-Only $132.50 ACTIVITIES OF l\1, .'\U~.N OF COTTO~'WOOD ST.\KE The Altar Societies of the ::Hurray • COMPL.E..'TE • $99.50_ ... Decorated Ivory Dresser Decorated Ivory Chiffonier • Decc:--t:e-J lvory Bed COMPLETE I Decorated Ivory Dresser Decorated Ivory Chiffonier Bed- Spring Mattress COMPLETE We can arrange terms for you A small payment down will hold your order for future delivery $110.00 ~ .... U _ C _Il_C_U~0-11-11:+ $105.00 I Let us help you at money- Tlnlie Burl'e ........ Maxine "'illiams: I~li:mlwth Poynter ... Margaret Gaufin l ' Jl(lct· the <iirpdion.. of l\li!>s Belle Hall(lers. · · 'I' he pprformH iwe • wns w<"•ll l'!'<'Ph·ed h_r u ;;oorJ. sLwll audien('e, 'l'he Jn·oeeecl~ .art> to he n~Pd in the erection of the Murray ,First Ward Anmsenwnt Htill. · 1<~:'1/TERT.\IXS The Murray ltor~e that ltn;; a good tem1w rament has big, mild, bright eyes, His hcad 'H wide between the onrs. Hr c~hl'yH command!< r eadily , tllld hu!'l an ulert, graceful l'Uniage when he',~ moving:. ·I CL'UB l\lr. und :\Irs. P. ,J. Knsst•e t'uter'talned their dnb, "'l'he Ac·c of Ulubs", Tuesday en•ning. J •'onr t11 hie:-; .of !'iOO were pla.rl'<l, prize!" being won ,hy 1\lrs. h ' P. J,anson and :\Ir. Ike 8oreuso11, of 8ult Lake. HPfresltments- were sen·etl at. small tahle>~. .• --....,..--LOST-An old fashioned bar pin wit h3 diamonds, in )Iurray or Sandy. Heward. 1\1. DeVries, Hillercst Apts., Salt Lake City. · :. u • E~gle -15!2 Cottonwood ,Boulevard, Holliday Utah. Phone Doug-la11 51. m17·4 • ~ The ~lurrny m_rrchants are trying to prove to you tha t you ('an buy chen per und better at h ome. Show your appreciation by cooperating with them to help build :\iurray City a nd That 'l'h<' mo<l eru author has his community. wuy wlth him. -Iu n reeent is,.,ne of ' , onl' of our lw:-;t aU<l most staid mngaThnt The clean-up and bc ttPr ziu es, th•• heroine wus dPS l'rLbed, "all hoy hehind," all g-irl in front," Now homes campai~n is showing a lot of rP><nlts and a lot of pep is g-oing t o wherc- <lo we p;o from here. hp displayed in the coming few days. Get a start now before somebody J<'OH SALE-Bnby Chicks-By breed- eutclws you off your base. ers are ccrtifi<'d. All chicks hatched from chieks laid by my own hens. Wateh the llnrray merchants' ads W_ulter park, Hatcher and Breeder, for IU~AL VALUES. • •:•~-n-~-n._..o~--..~-~~-~n-.o_o_n•••o_o_II_D_o_o_o_o-a•~ ~tnrgr 1\. If it's BARGAINS you're looking for, don't full to read the this week. I Acls 3Jruktu.a MORTICIAN & LICENSED EMBALMER Toul erly 8Prl'ing ThesP 14 Y ears.· . _\_ complete funeral for $75.00. An exceptionally fine funeral for $100.00. 1 invite you to investigate ·the high quality of theRe funerals. 4-760 South State Street. Phone .:\furray 50 Why not plant- a garden and make Murray a :-:elf fePu!ng. tow~. • • The crazr nuiu succeeds. We sane, normal, .otandard regular fellowA spend nil night reading his biography to learn how he did H. .. II_D_Il_D_II_U_II_ W. D. HARKNESS ~.._ . '• I . Fordson Tractors •" ~ . - i .a-~ •.- ... And Equipment ' . ~· "' ,. Agricul~ural Industrial Gleaner Combine Smalley AI fa !fa Mills Oliver Tillage Tools Woods Bros. S,eparators Saws and Pumps Eisted-Hyster Track son Full Crawlers \V.&K.Rubber Tired Wheels Scrapers and Graders Locomotive Attachments l\1. I. A. I;\1 DRA~fA ~'he three act drama, "Rose" of Southland" was presented at the Murray Fir~;t ·ward AmttR!•ment Hall, 'l'uesday evening, by the following cast of characters selected from the members of the :\Iutunl Improvement Assoda tion. Cast of Chara.:ters l\fammy Evelina ............ Junieta Little Hose Dorincla :............ ........ .. . Iris Aim :\lajor Dorinda ................ Schuyler Call Grant Lee .................... Leonard Nelson Rilth Beveridge ............. .. I~mma Biorn Alfred Hickson ............ Charles French Burton ( "Bn~l") Dorinda James West Stephanie De Barrie .... Amy Jenkins - FOR SALE Olt RENT . . Utah's Oldest Ford Dealer Is your old roof shabby? 5 room, modern home, furnace, tile druin board. breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms and hath, basement. :l!'iue lcX'ation on ('pntPr St., bPtween Yine and 48th So., all as:sessments pnicl. Wil rPnt, sell, or trade. Small Jlllyment down and monthly payment :;a me as rent. A ha rga in. Call Leonard C. Xellson, 208 Elm St., :l.fm·rny, Ptnh. Phone :\Iurrnd 74-J nnd Wasatch 4186. • 1 > ' D<m'l tlllnA of tu_ 111 people from wllom fOil merely buy lumber. Our senice is broad, helpfol-t:tWeN ,al~ ;our buildittg problems. We mow rou plans attd samples of materials- help Yfl" lleep costs down- put yo11 t014dr with «mtTacum wellnow are rdiab!. m Is there any doubt about the weathertightness of your present roof? If so, it's plain, .common sense economy 'to put on a .new one! And you'll want a roof that is handsome, durable and fire-safe-qualities in a roof that add value to your home. Our roofing service department can show you how to get the best roofing value-can show you samples-can recommend contractors who are best equipped to do the job. Come in and talk over your situation with us. No obligation. Por ct 100% roof call our ROOFING SBRVICB DEPARTMENT We carry the genuine &rrett Asphalt Shingkl Smith Hardware THE WINCHESTER STORE MURRAY, UTAH --• |