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Show EVENING NEWS. Wrdnmiliiy. - November meet at 8 o'clock this evening. TRKASUKER JaMKS Jack has returned from California. There is a message at the Western nion Telegraph Oflice for Jas. J. Siles. biiwmax and John More are id the city jiil on the charge of vag rancy. "Natural Gas" will twi presented for the last time at the Theatre this t evening. Tukkk are now three cases of diphtheria and two of scarlet fever quarantined in the city. J. If. BiN.vBTr, Kso , of the D. & K. G. W., returned from the east this 4 morning, accompanied by his wife. wtoo ha had a Ballard rifle Any stolen can obtain his property at oe Depaty Sprague's, next cfoor north of the Theatre. The body of the 4te Elder R. T. Booth, who died in Kansas CJty. vrftlle on a mission, is expected to reach Provo by tomorrow evening. Thk reduction !n the rates charged by the Western Union Telegraph Company for private messages goes , into effect tomorrow, December A mketixu of the Iligh Priests' Quorum af Salt Lvke Stake will be Jbeld Thursday eveuing at 7;30 o'clock, in the Social Hall. A full and punctual attendance is r quested. Wm. Willks, Clerk. Tuk baggage of Chj Lee, the Chinaman whose murderous exploit on a I). B.G.W. train last Saturday Is still fresh in the public mind, came down from Ogden today. The dead Mongolian will be buried tomorrow. Tuk people of the Twentieth Ward are t have an erjoyable treat this evening, in the exhibition of Smith's historical panorama, to take place in the schoolhouse. This is a pleasing and instructive enter talament, es- pecially for the young. Hon. Juiix SiiAjtr has returned from Milford. He states that the snow storm has been general In that region. It is the first time in bis experience that he has seen the whole country, from Juab to Milford, covered with snow at one time. It fell to the depth of lour or five inches. Ik the present arrangement for U. & N. trains continues through the wic-tc- r, the local public, wilt forget, that there is any such railroad. An ox team stage lice will be preferable, and will doubtless be established, until sncii time as another rail vay can be built into Cache Valley. Ogdrn Herald. Wm. Crowthku aud his daughter were arretted today on a charge of Srand larceny. The complaint is wade by Mr. Senior, Mr. Crowther's The troubie Is about some household goods which were taen by the accused, and waici were claimed by Mrs. Senior. The court will de- irmine who haj the right to the property in dispute. w. son-in-la- i robbery was committed at the Beaver Woolen Mills about ten days a?o. The robbery was committed in ha office, no doubt by some one kn iwing the Ins and onts of the institution, la tje desk on the counter was a tin box contaiaiox about M in ctshand from $) to $93 in county warrants. How the person or persons who perpetrated the deed entered the building is yet a mystery, but it is supposed ttw entrance was made through wlwto win ths lower room. Beaver Nov. KKh, 1SS7. The West Bound Express Dasha The Business Transacted at Last Thompson. Deceased was horn at Shrpdham, Kvening's Session. folk, England, Sept. IS, 1807. Yesterday morning at about o'clock as the Union Pacific express was com ing west near Echo, some distance east from Ogden, It came Upon a freight train which was standing at the tank at that place. As the road takes a curve lust before reaching that poin', the engineer on the express was unable to see the other train uutil the two Were almost together. He at once applied the brakes, acd made every effort to stop h!s train, but seeing it wouio oe impossible, Jumped from tbe engine. The engineer of the freight put that train in motion to run out, bat every effort to prevent a col lision was without success. The rear end of the treigut was ruu into and somewhat demolished. A lady standon the passenger ing at a looking-glas- s was thrown forward against It. The mirror was broken and the lady had her face badly scratched on the shattered glass. This lady was the only person hurt in the affair. The caboose, and two fl its loaded with macbineiy, on the freight train,, were thrown from the track and considerably damaged. But no material injury was done to the express train. Five hours of time was consumed in the ditched caboose and getting ears into such a condition thatfreight they could be and thus the passenger train did not leave the locality until nearly 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Ogden Herald, Nov. 30. The City Council met in regular ses sion at 7 o'clock; last evening, Mayor Armstrong presiding. The Deseret Telegraph Company and the WesterntUnion Telegraph Company represented that they had two small slms at'aohed to their place of business which they had been ordered to remove by toe marshal. Such signs, they claimed, were really a benefit te the public, and In no sense an obstruction. They were on the telegraph pole in the street, and they asked that the signs be allowed to remain. Beferred to the marshal, with instructions to use bis judgment ta the matter. The Salt Lake Power, Light and Company called the attention Heating of theCouncil to the fact that notwithstanding the order of the Council forbidding the placing ol telephone wires at a less height than thirty feet, the wishes of the Council had been disregarded. They asked the enforcement of the ordinance in relation to the matter, claiming that its violatiou was a great injustice to them, and dangerous to trie public. Beferred to the marshal, with instructions to see that the orders of the Council were complied With. James M. Kennedy asked that bis liquor license he transferred unexpired to M. Fitzgerald. Granted. Louis E. BamberRer applied for a license to carry on business as auctioneer for one year. Granted. James Bussell preseated a verbal petition, asking that he be granted a free license to sell fresh meat in the Eleventh Ward. He had lost his left arm and right forearm in a railway accident. Granted. The committee on police, to whom had been referred the City Marshal's rereport for the month of October,docuthey had examined the ported ment and found it correct, The committee on streets and alleys jmade the same recommendation as to T Thk Territorial Supreme Court will side-frocke- d, First Dfttwet Conrt. In the First DiHrlct Court, at Ogden yesterday, the trial of Elijah A. Box of Brigham City, was completed. Messrs. Peters and Hilts prosecuted, and Messrs. C. C. Kicharda and, B. K. Williams defended. The case was given to the Jury at 4 p. m.t and at 7 o'clock the jurors came in and in formed the Court that tkey could noW agree. They were sent out again, but returned at 9:30 without having arrived at any other conclusion, and they were discharged. It is said t aey stood eight to four for conviction. United-State- s vs. Fred Jensen, unlawful cohabitation; plea of not guilty heretofore entered changed to. a plea of guilty. To be sentenced December 10. John L. Jones, unlawful cohabitation, rlea of not cuilty changed to guilty. To be seuteuced December 10. United Status vs. Jens Hansen, unlawful cohabitation; this case came on for trial, and a Jury was impanelled and sworn. Mr. Hiles appeared lor the and Messrs. Bichards and prosecution Kolapp were counsel tor the defense. Three Witnesses were examined in the case. The court adjourned at ( o'clock and the case was continued until to day. The following defendants, all charged with uulawful cohabitation, were called for arraignment on December otn. Mads Ohristeasen, Charles C. Dunn, Peter Benson, Wm. Chugg, Andrew Madsen, John Anderson, Carl N. Berg- strom, Eugene Campbell, L. Hull, b rank Greenwell, Joseph A. laylor, Gustave Thompson, M. W. Merrill, HyfutB Bowman, Martin P. Mortenseu, Severance N. Lee. Probate Court. Business was transacted in the Salt Lake County Probate Court yesterday as follows : In the matter of the estate of Jacob Stradlemann, deceased, an order was made appointing Anna Stradelmann administratrix of said estate, upon filing a bond In the sum of $1,000. An order was made allowing sup plemental final account and discharging the administration In the matter oi the estate of Thomas Howells, de ceased. the supervisor's reports for the quarters ending May and August, and the report was adopted. Anna Moses was granted a free license to sell candy. John B. Williams was granted a free license topeddle small wares. Louisa JJecker's petition to run a boarding bouse free of license was granted. John H. Freeman's petition askinsr that a portion of his license be remitted, on account of ill health, was favorably reported on. George B. Jones was granted the privilege of conveying water along the streets from Sixth North Street to his residence. S. A. Wanberg's petition for a deed to Lot 1, Block 161, Plat D, came up, but was laid on the table awaiting a report from a committee. The petition of the Bocky Mountain Bell Telephone Company, representing that they were about to rebuild their tine on First South Street, fast from the office, and asking as to where their poles sboukl0e placed, came up for consideration. There was. some discussion, during which Councilor Grant advocated the idea of planting them In the middle of the street, and said he believed they were less of an obstruction there than those now on the side. Councilor Davis thought that placed in the middle of the street, they were really a protection ; it is true, they were liable tb stop runaways, but he knew of nothing so effectual as a good' stout pole to do this, and the sooner they wr re stopped the better. Mr. Annett was present, and made several explanations, as they were asked for by the Cauncil. In response to the Mayor, who se id. that he noticed in most cities of this size, the companies were compelled to pot their wires under eround, he said that was true, but in such cities the rental for Instruments was about $20 a month. If he were compelled to .do this he would either be compelled to close his business or else run up bis rates. Mr. Patrick thought that in view of the use of the streets obtained by the company, tree telephones should be furnished to the city. To this Mr. Annett said tw,o free instruments were furnished, and another one put in at half rate. In addition to this the company were furnishing the city a eood fire alarm system, entirely free of cost. Some of the members thought the company received really as much benefit from the fire alarm system as did the city. The company were allowed to erect their poles in the centre of First South Street, East, under the direction of Mayor and Supervisor of St'reets. The following amounts were appropriated to tUe departments indicated : qu't-clai- ed Special Notices. WASTED. to solicit property for sale; must be an old resident and well acquainted. I want business, residence and acre property to sell. W. J. Milks, 27G S. Main, next to Clilt Housei qi km in :. m.T Kid The best Bargains in Ladies'Aukr-bioGloves are those offered bytT. & Bko., at 50c and $1 a pair. A good man on jou amr R.E.TH0MAS Eagl Em poriu: 1 CO-O- LL&X o PLl'SHES, ' COLORED HI)H at At $1,00 a yard Bbo's F. Ar Kim .veil One Price EshtfHishment. CANDY XtHEKH WANTED At Deseret Steam Candy Factory. J. McDonald & Sox, & . BOOTS CHILD'S JERSEY SOTS Boys' Casslmere Knee Pants and School Solts cheaper than ever at F. Apkrbach & Bro'8 One Price House. List vour property with W. J. Miles, Boom Beal Estate Exchange, if you dtf want to sell it. CLOAK DEPARTMENTS! vvrvvv Would enjoy your Jin 3 ner and are prevente 3 DyspepsU by Dyspepsia, use Acker's Tablets. Tliey are a positive cure fdr Flatulency Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Wo guarantee and Constipation. them. 25 and 50 cents. For Sale mt Z. CM. I. Drag Store. CIO ! Special Attention is invited to the Manufacturer of Fine Havana Cigars 171 4. 173 s. Main Street. 5 00 AHESTS MILLS FOR Flannel. Shawl, Tarns, Jeans, Li it ney s. Kepellaiils, Tweeds, Hose, etc. Blnukets, Men" Suits Made to Order from Provo Cloths. Old Constitution No. Building. (UtJ CnssimereH, Xaftck of room WALKING JACKETS, BARGAIN SALE ealoyBiot forts Cheap at DISiWOODEl'S. SALESROOM, SST First Door West 1MWIV COEUH and Tar Troches are invaluable in every family lor Concha, Colds and Sore Throat. BKOWVI ARNICA SALVE is every box warranted tor Cuts Sores, Files and Burns, Bruises, Old no No core Sore Eye pay. BROWS'S SARSAPARIEEA has no equal. Stands alone as the Great Blood Purifver and cure for All Wholesale DrugRneumatism. Brown's Family Medicines, gists sell M. Z. C. I. Drag Store, Genera Agents. WASTED. A man with a family, who thoroughly understands farming, to take charge of a farm containing about 160 acres, six miles from city. Would prefer to let property out ( n shares to right party. Address: F. P. O. hot. 262. dlw DRIED FRI'lT. market prices for Wk pay the all kinds of DBIED FBUIT. 5t3T Our teams will call for tht m is any part of the city big-bes- t Bamb8 d&s & of Mmportum Corner. ia CLOSE HIT TO US e 111 DKA T II n" -- "!l&heT DlstrtetCourt today. ' The ttrurt gae Arronnt. Lost week we gave a brief notice ef the defendant a lecture for his reprehensible conduct m deserting his wife the fell, air of Abe Polleys by Erb Ste and going off with another woman From further facts gleaned 4t U under an agreement to live tolearned that Abuer Polleys and in front of Miner's saloon, gether. The Judge Stated that he had no sympathy for the defendant, bat Silver Beef, where words be- t for his wife and children, and senhad twmneat about a chafr. passed It seem J tenced him to imprisonment, in the tBH during the day Stewart had taken for six months and to penitentiary the frin'mnhE? "d carried it the cose of the prosecution. Ah to"- - Poileys pay ll2TZ??JLthe 'bout anneal was taken and ine defendant chair from Bt get and was released on $1,000 bail. in the struirgle it wag broken. swart Polles . JZ I as prepared to rxpresrhiraeeU for the chair 11 he had broken it, Killed in a Mine. goinifta the saloon for the found it rocked. RtarnlDK topurpose where eldest sou of William John Gillins, Stewart was, hard and abusive of Minersville, was kled at GUUns, words were aed. sat ih Cave Miae on Fofh?ys down en a beach, when Tuesday last. He Stewart struck him a powerful blow,' warfatwork 1n tire nrini. white in another part of the same mine a blast was Knocking him backwards on some rocks some below. sot off. The shook no doubt loosened a The for.ce.of the blow distance carried Stewart quantity of eartn above Which fell over on to Pollers, whom he pum- - upon the unfortunate mau killing him. I" f ; Wghtful manner. When tie wsh burled to a considerable depth, auth. aSSSSk Jrm. Uls JailanU it was but was soon dnr out dead. He em montan, Nov. 2.5. was carried olieya home w'jere he died in ll time! . !a$iJh- i wwuueu nis spree tbla until muiciiiirii about the town, but was finally arrested by ah Jo hfl free ce" was arrested In Davis officer and locked up. A coroner's inquest developed- the fact that Cjunly last evening, and was brought came to his death from injuries There U an indictment done at the hands of Erb Stewart.witb tothUclty. him with an assault to commalicious Intent." Stewart waived examination and was bound over in mit rape, committed at Farmicgton in Ho was released on $1,000 11,000 bonds to await the action of the July last. i w-a- StsW-artm- rt. et 1'' Q pro-uctlii- ic u"" i . - -- "de-caas- ed cha-glr- .g grand )nrj. Southern Utonian. bail. v C November 27,1S97, of typhoid pneumonia, Sarah Jane Asbton, wife of Joseph K. Price, and second daughter of Kd ward and Jane Treharne Aebton, born 'in Salt Lake City, Nov. , 1881. She leaves two children and a large circle of loving relatives and Mends who deeply mourn her loss. Daring her brief sickness she seemed fully aware of her ap proaching end, giving minnte directions concerning her burial and the car" of her children. In her closing hours she sang with plaintive sweetness several familiar hymns and her words were indicative of her faith in the work of God In Which her yonthfnl life was spent; evor taking an active interest in the Ward Sunday school' Mutual IiuproveuientAssociatien and choir Her funeral services were held in the Fifteenth Ward meeting honse on Tuesday, November 2 li, and were l.irjre! ylatton ded The singing by the ward choir and the remarks by Blders T. O. Griggs, J. R. Morgan and Elias Morris and Bishop Joseph Pollard were characterized by much emotion and were of such a nature as to ftff ord consolation to the bereaved.. . The floral tokens of regard were . numerous and appropriate. The remains were reverently followed to the cemetery by a large number of relatives and friends. The dedicatory prayer was offered by Elder Elias Morris. The recollections of her ready and hearty services in the sickness and death of others and in her many acts of kindness to all will be long remembered. Com. Millennial Star, incase copy. that we are in earnest. GOODS WILL BK SHOWN ON THE FIHST FLOOK. Lot of Men's and. Youths' Suits, Stylish aul Iurable, at the following Closing Out Prices: $. 00, $7.r(, fcs.fio, $10.00, $12.00,. $13.60 and $lf.oo. I Lot each of Gents' and Youths' Overcoats, at $4.00, $4.r, $fi.OO, $0.00, $7.00, 8.m, $10.00 and upwards. 1 Lot each of Men's and Youths' Pants, at 80c, fiOc., $1.00, $1.76, $2.00, $3.50, $:.00, $3.fi(, $4.00 and 4.5o. Lot of Child' Overcoats, 2 to years, at $2:36. 1 Lot of Childs' Knee Cants, at 2oc. apair. I Lots of Gents' Underwear, at $1.76 and $2.60 yor suit. 7 Lots of Ratting Quilts, from $1.00 to $3.00 each, s Lots of White and Col oral Rl.mkets from $1.76 to $16.00 a pair. These, arc tht LOWEST PRfCES estf wide, for Nero (tvd Desirable (loads. The weather is mild woio and me have an overstock, but don't delay. Winter is sure to come before Spring Lot each of Cents' Fashionable Satin Scarfs, at 16c., 26c., 36c. and 60c. each. Positively worth hulle. I Lot of Gents' Chamois Skin Lined Vests, at $1.00. One of them may save .you a doctor's bill. I Lot of Ladies' Chamois Lined Chest Protectors, at $1.26. You cannot buy them East Or West for less than each. I Lol of Silks and Brocades, at 76o. per yard', worth $1.00. Lot of 10 Ynrd Lengths, Double Wide Diagonal Dress I 1 I Patterns, at OUR PKESENI STOCK OF GOODS, WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING 5i-ine- AT Dress Goods, 75c yd., formerly $1.00 yd. h Men's Oyer Shirts, $1.75, formerly $2.25 each. Men's Scarlet Underwear, $3.00 Suit, 100 doz. Ladies' All-Wo- Hose, ol i l PRICES: REDUCED GREATLY formerly $4 Suit. I $2.26. ' at 40c pair. I ' Our Bargain Table is Sure Is now Iteudy to Give Satisfaction and, $1 26. Lot of 10 Yard Lengths, Double Wide Armure Triootino Dress Patterns, at $1.86. I Lot of 10 Yard Lengths, all Wool, Dress Patterns, at $3. 66. Lot of 10 Yard Length, all Wool Chuddah Dress Patterns, for $3.76 Lot of Full Measure $7.00 Combination Dress Patterns, for $4.76. Lot of Full Measure $10.00 Combination Dress Patterns, for $0.75. These Bargains ate worthy the attention of the most fas' m lidioU8 ladies, bring this Season's Importation. I Lot of Imitation Paisley Shawls, Cheap at $2.00 for $1.00. Lot of Imitation Paisley Double Shawls, Cheap at $4.oo, for $2.26. i Lot of Woolen Dark Double Shawls, Cheap at $4 00, for I . Davis. Good wages. Cook Wonted Apply, 29 Brighnm St. Me Call Early and QUOXG WING SING, Yam Selections AS THE 8TOCK IS LIMITED.' A LOT OF HAS RECEIVED Lily Bulbs. Has on, hand and b constantly receiving Chinese and Japanese Crockery wares Silk Goods in SJiawls and otler Novelties, Curiosities, Ornaments and Toys, at Hand-kerchief- ; a E-- , nri son tu St., s. JU "t Lot of Extra Fine Double Shawls, Cheap at $7.00 for $6.00. Lot each of Childs' and Ladies' Woolen Hoods, at 26c., 60c., 75c. and $1.00 each. Lot each of Uair, Shoe and Cloth Brushes, at 16c., 20c, 25e. and 40c. each. Ei" DBlPAHiTM'T Tant to Sell Of"(dA and and tome fall finet of Ladict Mutes' an Child' Nhoe at Less than Cost ! We mention a fe.vt articles only. 1 Lot of Infanta' SUppera, at 'IAc. a pair a 1 LX of Laaflea' Webb Slipper. H, 20c. pair. 1 Lot of Infanta' Kid Kboea, wrth 7Bo. for ftflc. pair. 1 Lot ot Cbllda' Calf Shoes, worth $l 00 for Ac. a 1 Lot of Cb ilda' Calf Shoes, worth l.sO for H apair. pair. 1 L t each of 50 La a pair. r Hhoea, at $1.IA aud $1 fioja 7 Lots each of Ladies' Knttso Htios, reduced, rasping f rom 7fc to $ I 25 pair. 1 Lot of Ladies' Low Cut Kid Button Shoes, at 2.oo. Cheap at $2.73. 'TOomesnd losK. No cbarre for show tag Goods. We know they are cheap. FRANK W. JENNINGS, STRAYED OR STOIiKW. TWO ! Lot of Last Season's Ladies' & Misses' Cloaks at Half Price. KT All our departments are fall of no v r:i.T irs tad our prices are the west In the city. We hare but ONK price to all. A child can buy as cheap s the most experienced person. o YEARLING BAY HOUSE COLTS;t bas three white feat and wiiiu-spoin forehead ; the other has a white spot in foreheaa. isacti eon i tht Fk01-.!1- IT THE will convince you . A Wood - . PRICES 0 1, dtf newsstores For cleansing and healing foul and indolent Ulcers, 8ores and Abscesses and removing bad odors arising therefrom, and for sloughing, contused and lacerated wounds, Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is uuequalled. VI have used Darbys Prophylactic Fluid In hospital and private practice betfor ten years and know of nothinglaceter for sloughing, contused and rated wounds, foul and indolent ulcers and asa disinfectant." J. F. Hkubtis, Professor Mobile Med. College. Co. and the Increase of Hnlee of enr Iloyn' end I DANIEL'S DREAM." a Cartoon with a local application, is for sale at the book and No, Ills Deseret Woolen . Gents' Clothing Stock! Our R.K.TH0MAS. Bl-pt- ChlldV CLOTRIXO Department, compel na CLONE OUT onr 65c. on the Dollar! W. J. Milks, Boom Beal Estate Exchange can .get you good money for your property. Elixir is warranted, ifi because it is the best Blood Preparation known. It will positively cure all Blood Diseases, purifies the whole system, and thoroughlybmldsTtptheconstitution. Remember, we guarantee it. f or SaUe by Z. C. M. I. Dm Dept. Down Quilts and Bed Com- At- F.AUERBACH&BRQ TO WOOLEN CO COOP. FURNITURE CO. 41 MITV STREET. W. N. fOHN C. CU1XEB A BKO., PROVO run. URE P P, WILLIAMS, LEVY. 8AM a. h oaxhoit, nam TRKA. the market. Buyers and Visitors invited to Examine our Goods and Prices. Our Prices are the Lowest and we guarantee SHOES, Extensive Fall Stock Just Received An WANTED. Three January Nos. of Leslie's Popular Monthly for 1887, at Dkskret d3t News Office. rSTTIT, SBC'T O. H. tractive. Our Home Made Furniture is Neat, and the best in CLOTHING, Main St. 268 & 270 AND rum and Walnut. x Goods Reliable and Prices Low. Carpets, Lace Curtains, and Ruga, New and CARPETS, u sairrw, Have doubled their Store Rooms and increased their Stock of Furniture. Everything is Substantial and Stylish. Chamber Suits in Antique Oak, Mahogany, Cherry, - on co'i-brtatl- Nor- Millennial Star please copy. m The bond of James T. Monk as ad ministrator of the estate of Theophilus Hofer, deceased, was filed and ap proved. The claim of J. M. Benedict, M.D., m the sum of 136, against the estate of Mary Ana Hooper, deceased, was allowed and approved. In the matter of the estate of Lydla G jmbaf, deceased, an order was made of publication of notice to creditors, f 1,000.00 Supervisor of Streets SCO. 00 Watermaster also an order appointing Heber J: 5C0.U) Park Liberty Water Works 2,000.00 Grant, Junius F. Wells and B. S. 500.00 Fire Department appraisers of said estate. louug The marriage certificates of Brlgham Council The then fcr one adjourned Arthur Bidd and Fanny Louisa Jones, Died from Diphtheria. . and Albert Swain and Mary Mammie week. . Yesterday afternoon Miss Mary C. Marsh were tiled with the clerk. A Peculiar Case. Baker, of tan Nineteenth Ward, fell a The suit of Sallie B. Scott vs. John -victim to diphtheria. She was 22 years Natural Gas." which was being argued in the Scott, and 10 days old at tho time of her As a dramatic clothes-lin- e upon Third District Court this afternoon, death- - The funeral was heid today. which all kinds of raiment heavy, presents some peculiar phases. Mr. Scott is well known in mining circles light, different sizes, and Y. L. M. I. A. Officers. are hung, "Natural Gas" is a great here, and some time ago he began suit success. The title of the piece enters for divorce. Mrs. Scott, who had reAt 11 a.m. on Saturday next, re sided in California for some time, reKember 3d. a meeting of the officers of into the warp of the fabric only by is the and here nil, sisted the application. She now brings ference there; plot the Y. L. M. I. A. of thUJStike will be offered exist for reason suit and asks that her husband be rethe and only heid at the residence of Sister Ellen C. is providing a place and op quired by the Court to support her. v iawson. a lull attendance Is very ence at all for some very funny situaThe defense claim that the Court has portunity much ('esired. , tions and some remarkably clever spe- n jurisdiction to compel the fulfilment of the marriage contract. cialty acts, neither having any Arrests. with any other, to be pre J. B. Forbes and S. Glenwood, of sented. The male trio was quite anH The Railroads. American Fork, Utah County, were ar- original combination and scored aay The coming of Mr. George J. Gould rested on Monday on the charge of un- number of encores; they are comedi has created considerable interest lawful cohabltatlou. They-wer- e taken ans beyond the average in ability, and amoBg railway men. It is generally to Provo and were placed under oonds deserved the applause they rceived. mission of the young of $1,500 each to await the srand Miss Ames made a big part of Kitty believed that the Jury's Is to settle the terms of railway prince action. The witassses were also re- Malone, and all the ladies did well. It the Missouri is the best show of the kind we have the contract between quired to give bonds. & Bio Grande for and .Denver Pacific On Saturday, at Provo, James It Hardy had here since the "Rig Baby." and trackage privileges from was discharged from when the house terminal on tonight, goes again the allePoeblo into Denver. Mr. Gould b en custody, will doubtless be as full as last even unlawful gation, of route to Los Angeles to confer with the other interested parties in the Los against him not being supported by ing. Angeles and Salt Lake road which will sufficient proof to satisfy the Commisform part of the Missouri Pasioner that be should be held. Third Comrt, District to coast. cific's the chain v Smith of the Manager John Manchley vs. Ell Curtis; court General Bio Grande, met him in Kansas City. Sadden Death. Mr. Gould will probably come to gives Judgment for defendant. States vs. Thomas F. Harris; Pueblo in time to attend the opening Richard Preston left kU home ii United of bis road. While there iq believed American Forte several weeks ago, ac- polygamy; defendant sentenced .to six to be some grounds for supposing that and to the months' pay imprisonment the Missouri Pacific would like to own companied by his family, f6r some costs of the prosecution; court allows the Denver & Bio Grande, a prominent place In Nevada, where he has bail pending an appeal; bond fixed at official of the Bio Grande is authority been making a home. for the statement "the Missouri Nobody tl.OOO. had any idea Pacific has not got money enough to but that he was vs. Aus W. H. H. Bowers Edward getting buy the great Colorado railway." The along nicely theie, until St. a message was received in Am..-;,tin; demurrer to complaint argued and official explained that the Denver ' Grande Bio Missouri the may grant ,,FrWT statins submitted. terminal and racka-- facilities, that the family were morning returning home, Matilda Openshaw vs. U. P. K K. Pacific but denied peremptorily that there br ngine a corpse withtlem. The surP. as to U. were any negotiations pending for the prise of those who met tie train may Co.; complaint dismissed be easily Imasined when the B ii. Co., and Utah & Nevada Railway salel of the Bio Grande. President corpse turned oufeto be the remains Moffatt, of the Bio Grande, is in New Richard Preston. No particulars, ofas yet, Co. made B.defendant.vs. York, and there is no doubt bat that John 8. Scott; there is some important deal under Sallie Scott ha been obtained as to the can., nr and motion to way, but it is regarded as conife, demurrer to complaint the extensions of the road in strike out parts thereof argued and cerning north of Glenwood Springs, and also submitted. of the Bio reader a.statement of facts imoossi- relating to the absorption ble. xae luneral took place Grande Western. Denver News. J Saturday. at s p. m "tlCMeu was a yonng Six .Month for Polygamy. man, well respected by all, and leaves a famliv Dlnnvrd into the deeocKt iS . Thomas F. Harris, the ronjr bysnm death -- Vew Enifer was convicted of polygamy, who . , mm Fjui'k. In the 15th Word, bait Lake ity, was called for sentence in the Third varl-color- ; Union, Bolt Lake County, C old age, Ann Maria THOMPSOK--A- t CITY COUNCIL. Into a Freight Train. 1SS7. FRAGMENTS. latRKITORlAL ACCIDENT ON THE U. P. on eft thigh. They were taken to herd by George B. Hoses A Sons, last spring, in what is known as Hnrker's Cation, 6ft Lake Canary. Any person returning said colts, or giving information that will lead to their recovery to Angus M. Cannon. Salt Lake Citv. or ot Wm. Xewbold. North Jordan, Salt Lake a sw Co., win ie iioersny rewaraea. TAYLOR. ROMNEY. ARMSTRONG CI INCORPORATED. tor 4p 0. We h m AlfTOHC, TJIH3E OT OB8: . Ta A Glass Works will be held at the Office of the President, on MONDAY, the 12th day .f DeeemberJlSn, at 7 p.m., for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors te serve for the ensuing year, and for of Mich' other business a- - may be brought before the meeting. J. A. EVANS, Secretary; Salt Lake City, Utah, November JSHh, 17 dtd . H SOUTH Business, Salt Lake Frincipa Place of Utah. City. XTOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT at a meeting of the Trustees, held X October 1st, W87, an aaeessmrnt of Fifty Cents per Share was levied cpon the capital stock of the Corporation, payable on or be fore the 10th day ot November, If 87, to Jesse W. Fox, Jr., at the Company's Office, Main Street. Any stock npon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the loth day of November. 1887, Will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment Is made before, will be sold on the 30th day of November, 1887, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with coU of advertising and expenses for sale jesse ieiiMi nrfafci ktmm if Shingle. 8Mb Midi Doom. BUIL.DEBS AND OONtCBAOTORS CM MMFY Inara. R. H TATUL Asst. Secretary. Secretary. would nay that we MAKE BOOTS and SJiOKS. equal in Style and Finish, and MUCH MORE DURARLM than any Imported Goods brought into the Market, and tee guarantee all Seams, and that the JPrioe is as Low as any goods that are Solidly Made of First Class Material, SOLOMON BROS. Jb GOZJD. NTRKFP TSo. A P. Vk VVV sv W. MADSEN, Importer and Manufacturer of PTTR WTTTT'Rli! VwA .M.KK.NParlor Sets A CHRISTMAS pt a if- sIII! ISO ARE NOW GETTING RATTAN GOODS! nci Cliilciioii'si and PLUSH ROCKERS, CKN'TER TABLRS, and a full line of BED BOOM and PARLOR SUITS. SOREN8EN Specialty or PR,CES ROCKERS, CARPET BOOK CASKS, DESKS A FULL STOCK OF in fJlsSa Is fact ion and !Ci5V00DS CARLQUIST CARPET IN A LARGE LINE OF GOODS FOR THE Ufa w. rox, Jr., The above assessment will not be delinall Dequent until December 10th, 1887, and30th Stock will be sold on the day linquent of December, 1887. By order of the Trustees. JESSE W. VOX, Jr., dAs 1m KILL end LUMBER T AB! PT AMN . JORDAN CANAL COUPAS TO TO THK FRIENDS OF HOSE ENTERPRISE: m. M. TA YL0K. MEETING GIVEN THAT IS atHEREBY tne Stockholders of the Salt Lake MAIN STREET. SOLOMON BROS. & GOLD ISo. & CARLQUIST. WALL PAPERSV 51 ASD 53 E. FIRST SOUTH STRECT?X Uetween Deseret Bavak and Theatre . i t ..SksBOHjnaSfsnHBasHnVnaB |