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Show M. I. i a judicial body second only in impor- the sick, etc., who draw away a nheep piled In a heap exposed to air, dust ot wheat in Chicago by him. wnen LAST asked for whom he was attiag, he antance to the Supreme Court of the now and then from the true fold, lu and sin, to say nothing ol the exceedswered that B. K Hopkins, assistant M. seen alive as of have blow I search Elder it health. But it fly. is ingly busy United States, could be used iu any S. .'iVW,r.. .Daily, Sutidayg ICxetpu t, of the Bank, made the cashier In hiS conference with maggots, yet all one to them. wrote Marriott such way. They are all comparatively report, six months ago, "they found it They cat the meat off In small chunks French and English Agents Nego- mirchasfis. andFidelity settlements were al AT ruuR o'clock'. ways mace by k. and boil it. Bones are cast to the ti at ng for Naval Yards iiarper. luese independent, financially considered, not." transactions began in January last. mentioned. above their of hence a will I brief joy give dogs; description hare the largest salaries ol any in Spain. Or for the potatoes, the people dig PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE OFFER A LARGE AM) COMPLETE STOCK OF A MOAKI CHlKt'S FITMiHAL. similar body the in nation, holes in the ground in which they Sot h Failure. the jurists This Chief was & patient of the princi light a Are, heaping the same with DESERET NEWS COMPANY. stand high among New York, Nov. 3). " e are sim are piled. The Gigantic Scheme Contemplated of the land, have excellent reputations pal prophet and sorcerer ot tnls part, wood, upon wii.'J stones tac is stones the burned wood Yvhen ply going lDto liquidation, said the man Oil as citizens, and yet the covert charges who positively stated ttat the by tbe Standard e redhot and all in the hole, upon members of the dry goods Arm of The his would live operation. through CHARLES W. PENROSE, EDITOR. Company. suggested above are already made same prophet has al?e with big words, which a flax ring Is placed, heapeda today. Brown, Wood & Kingman, with is no latlure, as nas oien potatoes, moistened There against them; thesi being unchecked declared it would not be lonir before witn cause steam. Toen ucket of water to stated. There, you have all the statemay blossom into direct and positive he would break up the "Mormous," aey are covered witn ciotn and dirt to Surveying Party of the Nioaragusn ment we care to make." Wednesday, November stO. 1987. accusations. Nor can It be said with for leave the church they must to re-hs hold IN are the steam, by wnich they ceive a blessing at his hand: for Construction bo. in San a In time. way ooked their short in or as are Workers. nor them heal that tilaaa aou'd Flint Tne would neither Ignorant they propriety Francisco. as they were "Mormons." By hey can cook 100 bushels at a cooking,vicious; that class of men may and lobg means THE CASK OF W. H. TOVKY It is shameful the quauPittsburg, Nov. SO! The National: be beguiled a few who if necessary. often do attain to lofty political posl this of food tbey was: e. of Fdnt Glass Workers, Association 'hah Saints tity Our lite Cod. loved rnre uut to return to our suoject : which has been in session here for two Thk case ol William II. Tovey, ol the tions, but very rarely to judicial ones in the case of their chief, predicted his a tor Site Not .:t.O.OOO Enough DURIXU THE EVENING When it occurred, the prophet Twentieth Ward, who was examined wheie the people's will is consulted la death. days, adjourned this afternoon after took flight, for the father of deceased as many as possible gathered into the for a New PostoOlee In of matter their The the a scale ol wages, ine fcaie Nor-rell, appointment. CONSISTING OF adopting his life. He may make it warm House and spent tne time merrily, yesterday, before. Commissioner sought will be presented to the workmen on San Francisco. on a charge of unlawful cohabita- proper thing to say of them is not that for him yet. The prophet claims short If Is not accepted speeches, inging songs, making January 2d, and it be a chosen Seventy of God, and is etc. So we are informed by our the factories throughout tne country tion, Is one that naturally incites they had the hardihood and courage to to sixty-nin- e to crn end of wr the m riunflti V,i did for ml. selecting close down. Employes say tbey I hei brave the t.de of popular clamor working special comment and sympathy. Prohibitionists to Hold a Na- will others to go forth as they of old will not sign until their association Is defendant is a quiet, industrious and which flowed up to them from the did, to "heal the eick, cleanse the trouble. Oa Sundav the funeral sports were tional Convention Next There are about eight recognized. New of York Not 'purlieus City, lepers," etc. laid aside and all turned to worship working man. respectable flint glass workers in I'm thousand Etc. Year, nor so SILKS, SATIXS, PLISnES ASD VELVETS. were ' or weak that a tact well is Now known it ping. "fiv Til Ki FRC1T3 longer ago than last August he vicious as tothey country. and the be ministers that Jed ubiefs, astray by meretri the penitenfrom was released r Shall know them," and he is retting among Tric-o- t Mormons" have tne best singing ana MAKltBTS AND STOCKS. methods; but that upon a full yb well kno n, for nearly all his most enjoyable meetings. Now, to keep By Telegraph to the News, t pretty tiary after serving a terra ol six cious rue New York Htoek Exenanare.- their people trom attending our meet- months lor the same offense with which and fair hvaring of the case, and after patients of late have failed on mm. Desirable Novelties. in all In Oue Week. com me the liut luueral: Ine aiezza due and it dslibera tue attention ior Rg, giving Cblcaaro and Liverpool .ttarfcets. he is now charged. birth-plac- e, and d miles from his tribe 30. and to his son is schoolmaster It .nine piano bring Montkeal.Nov. KicW YOKK STOCKS. Steel, Th evidence lor thejrosecution, in- tijn, they arrived at the conclusion Waiapu Valley. A messenger brings have the children do tne singing, which Steel, IJUTTOXS, the defendant had been tried by word, at wnich gun reports echo Irora that - that tbe Sault Ste. Marie bridge will be s an rare Maorie w V o rfc Nov 3tf Noon. own in his with exceedingly thing line and the cluding testimony, given for completed opened methods too little and by other pah to pah, up tmsand down he other dom and of course they tnought all the tralllcon Wednesday Bar Bilver Navigation ssjs frankness, was in substance as fol- legal the river. All know what la up, Saints .would attend their service, Tranaconlineufi 39 too much; and if improper sideasolsoon methods Money two on wives live the a 10 lows: His as dies for adjoining Mail.. guns at Cacioc of But .126 now, person 4's (Church coupon procedure elsewhere caused them to are fired "to scare .off the Ktnua" a.m., when England). Important Hcaotlatlous. Ti KOC 18IUI1U t'aCinC 6 8 the bell raog,. our room, lots. Since his release from prison he enter . S. r COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OK more St. L. men from Pacific... Central here go eerlousiv, over studiously 30. the to was rilled of (irhost). Leading Nov. (liiiCAGO. Aeen's about IjO, holding bad made his home exclusively with bis 2S' St. t'aul imiana own over to his the that a Burlington we had corpse and bring and meeting. good impartially pon the investigation tribe murht bear his Itinera! expenses. flowing Klo Grande prominent French and English ship 'i Texas a in. .V legal wife. He had, however, with more the otherlparty being far more numer the matter in hand, York renlral.... TH Union I'aciflithat, we believe, With the prin are. builders On Friday, the ilst, everything is ous we negotiating' as or less frequency, on evenings, of the . ,1 our them left house, large Northern Pacific. 22 , Kargo Kxpreus . 3 I in consideration ot this death. faints were the cause ot tne iu- - cipal iron works of Bilboa, with the Pfd .... 46 Western Union. TfS visited the house" of his piural wife, was as far from the beaten path as dropped,men a S1, Northwestern i,eral being held here, this being the object of establishing In Bissay exten rally around, ouicnerwo they permitted yffifcmselves to be taken xouug remaining probably at no time to ex- at" ol beeves and hogs, while the most convenient around, cooks naval varcis Minuar io me Arm any time( or from any cause. lot Quiet, aeavv; weak at lowest prircn ceed two hours. The reasons lor these men get potatoes, the btdding etc , are again busy piact at tneir wora anu sive in Italy. It Is stated that FOR LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN- strongs a new gets ready. Then they come according to strangers are scattered abroad ou the Spain win consent to give contracts vo reached. visits were, to attend to one of his Sharp undoubtedly iuet uui urni. ai market Mock opened one small tribes, with their carts heaped, green, most of them participating in trie was because old - The market the to advances of children who was sick lor several trial projectors io uuuu to strong in early trading was not legal, and that portion of the drawn by from three to five yoke of sweet slumber, After dinner we again steady in his children to instruct 11 o'clock the weeks; reaction occurred and nt cattle, to the spot woere the funeral assemble in church and have a good ' Won't Consent. market was heavy and dull at insignificant their lessons; to convey means for New York judiciary which Is removed will take piace. Teamsters return lor time. Shortly alter church fires are of field froin the active participation wood, wane otners busy themselves by again seen heating up the rocks for opening figures. their support ; ti carry water, which Iron New Havks, Nov, 30. The new changes of making preparations. Oue would by this supper. cooking at has Harvard MABKKT. has to be taken fcom a point some dis- ia nisi prius affairs merely records a way CH1CASO comUte governing word is brought almost think the Toward cannot row p.m. Nov. 30. decided frcshmn the that tance from the premises, and to saw degree in accordance therewith. Tney that all the evsuing Chicago, that from quarter people b'.GGEST KATER Jan. the Yale freshmen at Kew London next Wheal Strong, higher; cash. firewood. Tne reason given for his did not have a case befoie them m are cominz with the corpse, out wou did the dead the most honor , a g90d summer. 7 U ; May, 84. bo as most as which social here uui.il at well the belief the which tomorrow, t attending to the vo last mentioned '. .l.i a Corn steady; casn, return for the nig'it, as this guess, but it is, however, the one who IN WOOLEN. MLK AND MU8LIN. private practicss of the de outsiders the items pertaining to the household was public and ine a is Mrbeme. greatest and don't quantity. "Mormon" bnegs 8 n Ciljrantle pah, Jan. ihey May, , were Oats into the fendaut forced nave Menu; issue another meeting church want to come to our karakia (charck.) English that his plural wife had been lame WOODS IN . Chicago, Nov. r?0. A special from 32'. at one in tne eveulug. but Elder Davis arid I doing. Nothing from childhood and is compelled to such a case as Judge Gary had btf ore All theforpeople of a pah meet Barley now com some thiuk 15 Oil do not 20. may attend; Toledo says: The Standard Pork Steady ; Jan., M.fiO; Mat prayers morning and evening this use a cratch, while nsne of the chil- him when he triid the Anarchists and place cowardice, but knowing the crazy pany has a gigantic scheme on foot to Misses' Haft, Flowers, Feathers anfl Un Saturday Lard Steady ; cash, 7.2i; Jan. 25 May, so doing by the Sn was in sustained we tne nJinwter of stay 60. disposition dren are old enough to perform those to WK WKRK AWAKKNED pipe line from Chicsgo Court of Illinois; public policy away lest he should order us out, which constructs labors for her. The defendant had not preme w Yiirt. rneline win csr. aooui a nence would laae up, samts the livebpool market. UL0VES, HANDKERCHIEFS and LACES, in to exer was not ot of the bells and bi guns firing ringing permitted Vic would not like while fit 000 000 aBd willconDecttheOaio and Nov. 30. Close. whlriti only never slept at the house of his elsegeneral row, Liverpool, On the and red, seeing dominion over concrete law Iu de gettiuii up n muuc Wheat Holders offer firmly ; new No. i l ennsyivania neius. toa bis GOODS over head, we the corpse is vet on the ground. plural wife, but had never even taken tail in t e white aud bine mostep increase in wiDter6s. 24tn. snortiy alter prayers necessary owing Saarp case, and the result is are reminded ofwaving 9'i., steady; ditto spring, Us.Hd., a meal there. our uation's birtadav andMonday. the upon railroad consequent rates, Davis Elder gone breakfast being At 9 a. m. people are "swarming like steady. WhatTrbuld necessarily be the com before aus. r lout' "Mipi froou ; :ni au., uicauj. take cbarge of the school. I notice carrying into effect of tne inter-stat- e It is sterling, patent tact that evi bees, upon the little green, of about 10 to commerce law. a Com Supply good, with future ovoffered of mon sense anu consistent view ol a terrible little but from my rushing centre at the about acres, wheteon, of 09., strong; freely; spot.4s. 5s. people to wnere tne corpse lay. case like this, and therefore the legal dence was admitted tor the purpose , stands a !X)x30 covered building. Peo the of hpii., Trade. nrm;lec., me inform no Brltlsti that the had which Friends lather proper ptekeep coming, bringing cart loads of Arm. and Just one, for consistency and convicting Sharp deceased, being insane, did not pop go the long the fop. drivers Manchkstr,Nov. 30. The Guardi sense are, or ought to be, inseparable place ia tha proceedings. The pro- feat. (lood). his son buried upon "Mormon" waut the at as the Carry a Complate Stock lu Every Line. yell enraged whips an iuformal before tribunal anu commercial article says: Business ceedings to hence from law and justice? TdIs would according agieement; giound tne live ot likewise tneir top voices; he was not on trial and where pigs at the he was trying to run off with the on a full scale continues lnfeaslble. rough treatment they re necessarily be best ascertained by a when SALT LAKE THEATRE. and When stopped threatened not were corpse could rules we hear CJive. observed, the greater part of yester- closely gun reports of Presently consideration Throughout what would have Carry a Very Desirable Line of to he two lu that and the corpse split the Dartv brinsine the ecrpsrj, lit Tues for were rtftv'a market.sales light a been the course of the defendant had not according to accepted methods from each have "Mormons" the iraigat which a eannon and a succession! Manager. h. d, c 1. AW SON, The firmness of sellers was doubt OVERCOATINGS & TAILORS' TRISIJIIMS. he gone further than n cbd la his ef- enter into the investigation. Such aout 'M guns are red one after the piece. While this talk was going OA dav. trie cause tne main oi slackness. ipsa at comes another was evidence tangi hanga, objected to and protested orripr Ten minutes ls.ter thev norue along difflforts to keep the law. the which the tune changed and the although In a few sections i sight which excited our party. Then TUESD lack of ln- the He would have neglected the educa- against, but all to no purpose. The there were carried outv r.ultv was due more. to usual :- n proceedings .4 A more was i inessen i Kin. AND i. shooting. to be and the uu had defendant iui is vuiu is convicted, After tiiis over ieruauu and (mines, tion of his children and allowed them speech making iu'jh now brings word from tie presi ger weakrecent The is inactive. WEDNKSI) a the deemed the in material it staples people generally engaga point in dent ot tht is branch and chief of the ended, to grow up as rank, untrained mem- Caurt and various games. Xne bur iicww in exenanee niu tr urusicsj. .i Eider Davis and myself to feastinv :at trio of comedians, small miscellaneous business has been bers of society, jfhich would, as well accomplishment ol "high public po- place, for off been till ial has tomorrow, put Keep out ot siclit ol toe Ditte Hnnc fnr minor foreign &0Q ncmc mar as the innocentthemselves, thus have licy." The court of review must also please tnat Unite the IN IS. upon might place. they i nemits, lest tueir seeing us would A1N1 A. are kets. Export yarns quut tncugn Gilbert, Donelly and Girard ! suffered injury. He would have re- have thought it material, so material hinder themfrom enjoying their tanrji Before evening I'pnprallv firm. ANOTHER TROUBLE seat at adistanc fused to support tjera and their that its cllioe in connection with a (crying).we We took asee Buyers are rarely able to purchase at where could And Positively the was mischievous yet criminal proceeding camts up. Two young men, the easier terms than tney got on c riua mother, entailing suffering upon them In of home was for a & DOOR MATS, iu and demand correct The deceased relative it CK that the of consumption AN PERFORM brother ALL Tlii: derogation SMYRNA or causing them to be a public burto a place near by for a Sluggish. Cloth sections are ve:y Best Musical Come dv Company had gone den. He would have failed to principles. we as wished to take notes. As the drink, no doubt to drown sorrow. niiiei. while the DnviousM ull rat ?s aie AKI Olfc. EVER ORGANIZED IN AMERICA. coming crowd came near a constant They pot a littla too much. A quarrel riaia lor small Quantities, nuautua perform inauual labor connected with continued from both parlies ensued over a sword Which one of concede somewhat to Important or A MADRAS CURTAINS, the household thai could not be at- A CHENIL.L.K Latest Musical Farce LACK, Not considering poverty, they will them had. They camo to blows an CONTRADICTORY SITUATION. ders. The best shirtings and some Presenting tlie Comedy, tended to by a lame and consequently kill or cent last nrro last the the spend the one with the sword struck the mediums arc sold, rrioes very & Upholstery Window Shades, Wall helpless woman, and could not be done Tun trial and conviction of Uerr Most, beast the tribe has but what they will other a blow across the neck, causing .laconetts are inq ilred for, but at cx a an occasion have time arc oraers ana upou lew flow glorious However to the low blood by the children of tender years. the rates, exhibit th notorious tremely freely. anarchist, this kind. When they got witiin wound is not thought ! West Chicago. dangerous. Thus practicable. There have been some He elected to extend ia these partic- some interesting features. The charge ol The Mont Complete the sound of voices, our party shouted there came very to near iufeasible icuulries. for best prints. another being ulars that assistance the refusal to In the indictment was inciting to riot. as they waved their handKe rchitfs cry over. After dark this evening, is fnmmon rerv dull, stocks increasing tender which wonkt have been disas- The offense was alleged to have been "llaelamai! Haelemai! IJaelerhai'" looking around upon the flat. I behold There. have been maajraie saies ui By II. U RATTAN JDONKLLY. Guns continued to be ilred. As they many great tires, endpon inquiry am heavy goods. trous to those who were benefitted by committed in a speech delivered ou a where .we were siltin iniormeu mac oreau is ueiug uwwu it. If a man with any responsibility specific date. While the accused was inarched past was One Hnia- - I.bukIi from tinning ouoattentiou drawn to the order for the special meal tomorrow Oil for ."HarK CARRY A COMPLKTE STOCK OF in the premises, under similar circumIo the end on the stand as a witness !n bis own in which they did It. The bier and Tuesday. 24th. The same proceed this irly Nov. New York, stances, were to refuse to bestow such behalf, the prosecution questioned him footmen, nutabering about 60, marcht Mir ings pretty much, were carried on till l.mtrat Op irhip from tUf under rugs in the front, being lol about noon, when it was agreed to moraiugthe surveying party wmcn, Smews necessary benefits, bis course would be in relation to expressions attributed to lowed tntradared. was A of the Same number about the here. by plaoe corpse the direction of the Nicaraguan condemned in any moral community him as having been made ou other oc- horsemen. Last of all was one in nni bury the Seasonable, and the grave dug. The under will in existence. How It can be deemed casions than in the Speech lor the al- form, a jing through" various motions prepared Maoris have no selected graveyard, but Canal Construction Company 51.00. 53c ... and 25 e.. PRICES 75c, boarded the muke the final surveys, to express sorrow. within the spirit of 28tli. bury on any hill at their pleas the law leged Incendiary part of which he was apparently 'a.t her dock. The Hon- - Sate commences Monday, Nov. I wish my pen could describe tne ure. time this At another steamer Hondo to hold a man such indicted. He objected to answering on was upon noon and accompan nailed at th, wome came some of the tanoi hanga (band of mourners) motions x.ouo.u as those adduced ap- the ground that he was not on trial for peculiar ied down the bay by the Ham ISloan.on went through) cxprossing griei. ine lrom afar: all on horseback. I sua almost pears to torture themselves by cutting pose the additional party altogether wblah were the general oflicerB a of the WATSON incomprehensible. anything that was outside of the facts used large t company, its directors and ir flvfh in oldcu timun. Tbia tano numbers abwut io, Commissioner NorreJlevUeJtly had no for whioh ue was or, trial. is to take Honda The of an 2 mrtv guests. m. about after At about hour, (crying) lastrd p. and Builders. heart in the case, indicating by direct ' on a force of eighty native laborers st The court overruled the objection which the women of the first party FUNERAL SERVICES THE anu ca he win Vnnn that and doubted whether a and permitted the questions, but after went to preparing kai (food) for the Jama island expression ToTtilMPtonea. Monument, Mantels, Tron Now the preaching hav reach Grevton abOHt Dscmeber 9th, the presi tookallpiace. conviction would ensue if the accuse i wards party. Meanwhile came an second before Mantels, Urates and Hearth Stones. Instructed the that the once u- marched at done been Jury oe ing they to us to when the lorce oniaoorers win were held. It would have been appromentioned, naa tue exthe Alter swers were not to be considered as dent, n, grave. ; pneat is men 'JMe we now nor, win and said could go at large th survey ted. IS HO SOI I il ICirLE ST, a few words about "dust thou art priate with this condition of the mind evidence to the detriment of the pris- fantfs-inuntil April or 378 , be completed over, he d:ao't tnink read Oiwsite Atttmbhi Bail. to dust thou shalt return," etc., an nected. ol that official to have given the defen- oner. The court also instructed them anything being would be said. Thus w May. set tanoi other about in, lasting general h ana went wit and shook hands lnends dant the benefit of the doubt, sin this that there was no people re expression in the looked at the corpse, which was sur- ten minutes, alter which the UEGAli HOTICB. Ives Bobbins; l'p. Instance the benignant rule in this to at turned their get their pleasure as in relatives near who the trial that rounded by tne speech presented even nirciNATi. ().. Njv. 30. An grand meal. Some however kept up a In the Probate Court in and for Halt Lake respect .was reversed aud it was came within the statute. This was al were mourning bitterly. lawn till nearly evening, County, Territory of Utah. has it asserts second had that into Now awarded to the prosecution. the rtspon gone paper ing party most if not equal to an instruction the house. Strangers always take the Alter eating, the greater number of sible autboritv for the statcmsnt that if by any possible chance Commis to render a quite In the matter of the Estate of Ann verdict of acquittal, as It house, while tne people of the place tae large crowd returned toa their re movements are ii which Yet in Jenkiafe, Deceased. homes. Bioner norreii saouid be mistaken in was tantamount to a declaration progress number. spectlve qaite made remain until have of his they outside, wili result in placing Henry two who those tbe weeks, his view, which conflicted with his innocence before the law. In the face their short brought including welof speeches Order appointing time and placeto for settle tne uincin corpse, remain to eat the Test of the s. Ives & Co. in &control oi K ment of final account and hear decision, and indictment and convlc Lot this the Jury returned a verdict of come, and these arein acknowledged K. lhe Hamilton kai. uayton natl, same the second the by way. party petition for distribution Ives has made that is tion ensue, it would be a good case to an to want I idea of how assertion freely give you Then the people of the place go in and guilty. is and able When the kai is cooked, found substantial backers READING AND FILING THK PE present for executive clemency, with a There are some shake hands all around. The making they do it. xpoints that are con of it is put into milk pans and small iiax to become aggressive. tilion of Richard U. Lamueri. is in e'ear statement of all the facts. The commenced short speeches de in this case. It has always dead earnest. baskets holding enough for about four ecutor of the Estate of Ann Jenkins, spicuous final filed aitnimstratio.i his flu expressed in . Prolilb'ltion. ceased, setting fonh that he has In this part of the pans and baskets are persons. The account of his administration upon said esTHK ONE Sl'KAKINU favor of the execution of the law with- - been understood strung out on tbe ground in long rows, is bound by the 500 tbafthe th debts have 30. workers Nov. country Over tate in this Court; that all jury and Chicago, around which the gather people iat vindictiveness, the Chief Magis construction said been fully paid, and tbat a portiontheof heirs law by the takeaa war club in band, which he dip into it with their fingers rather in tbe prohibition cause gathered in estate the upon put divided to be among remains runs as he trate having stated that he did not toward the freely swings seem to enjoy it, court, it is not so iu tais instance; as arty spoken to, speaking as he runs, greedily, but ttfey Battery D this morning, at the session of satd deceased, and praying among other final wish the "Mormou" people to hayetbe Wednesday, 2otb. The funeral has of the national central committee of things for an order allowing saidresidue of the judge and the F le walks back and takes another run, now the interpretation the of distribution of ana a account and siock anye turned into to of show with rea say, opportunity Among the of said estate among the persons entitled. verdict of the Jury were in direct con- bounding like a bull dog, thus con- mercantile business. When breakfast the prohibition oariy; are ' It is ordered that all persons interested son, that they were maliciously treated flict. tinuing until he has delivered his was over, tbe young men rallied nrominent leaders present one sings a around and drove P. St. John, of Kansas; in the estate of tbe satd Ann J ennuis, ernor John Occasionally speech. by the agents of the government a of herd eattle It is evident, however, that although pioriori, in which ail take much joy. and a band of horsesup. Others the Probate E. Willard, ol Illinois, and deeeaaed, be aad appear before brought Frances Court of the County of Salt I Ate, at the was In the- - Judgment of the conrt was the Now lust as speech-makin- g Mother Btewart, of Ohio. in the County said of Room Court, Court STORE GOODS, Tbe committee this afternoon deheadway, bang goes another volCourt House, on the 3rd day of December. HOW THK LAW IS D1STOKTKO antipodes of the action of the Jury, the good we bear loud ciies of and of a hold to convention national cided guns, ley there to and a. 11 then o'clock m., 1S87, at sentiment of that functionary was in "llaeremai! haeremai! haeremai!" by such as pants, shirts, shawls, various the first week in June, 1888. show cause why an order allowing saidnotAnal during some Maori of kinds etc., capes cloth, b a tangi hanga, account and of distribution should Did Justice wake up in New York and keeping with it. He permitted tho in which ofwe understand mats, all of which were bung uponI of the residue of aaie estate among are coming. Now and made (f)aud in of matter More mourners) Attachments. traduction the evidence a line where they could be seen. find that during her slumber she had ! the heirs and devisees of the said Ann they come arouud the foot of tbe from the start was not as and other Maori Nov. 30. The National Jenkins, deceased, according to law. cause New hills the second party come out of the also saw green stones York, been carried beyond her domain by that clerk the ordered that do been is bad which ot further all It germane to the case. It was of a char- house and form a group in front of the valuables, c. amorous demagogues and over-zea- l Park Bank has secured several more copies of this order to be potted lu three The people generally form a nated to this funeral ; valuables yon attachments lnSalt Lake County aud pub ous partisans, when the verdict in the acter, however, that was calculated to coffin. against the property of nubile not circumstances could under any fi.hAii places bee line on each side out trom the cofin the T) racket Evening News, a men the all for almost & are Co prejudice which jury, , of but c ise of the State vs. Jacob A. Webster .uiven firm upon away the insolvent fin. As the coining party came near,' get, newsnaoer printed and circulated in Bait Sharp waa of this kind. When every wholesale liquor dealers, upon claims Lake County, three week successively annulled by the Court of Appeals? are influenced by what they hear and this group gave a haka (war dance) an occasion was notes on minister $23,500 tbe due and got to said 3rd day of December, lS7. arranged; thing observe. aggregating The he which lasted three that about minutes. prior By enly object ex drafts endorsed by the firm and UA8 A. SMITH. ourciy uucu a rearm iooks use the re could have ia allowing the "irrelevant this time all bad gathered, the dancers ud. made a few remarks by way or Tbe Probate Judge. nlanatioh. and read the totals. covery for the time at least of its and then another ensued. retired, tangi store goods amounted to the value of Dated November 7th, 1887. natural position by an iron rod whose questions to be put, and then declaring We not.ced.more particularly 150. Number of cattle 28 head, horses to be improper mark rt torsional quality remains unimpaired the facts they adduced A BROTHXB OF THE DECEASED, of Utah, !, and one dog (which the owner to have been a willevidence, appears Not. 30." The Territory San FkanciIsco, that the County of Salt Lake, J alter being twisted and turned almost ingness for the afterwards, stating brought In a who took dressed find a posiuniform, the Probst verdict Jury to minister bad forgotten to count him, commissioners appointed at tbe last kk. n nntler. Clark ofof Salt to the point of breaking. If that is the AND Lake, in centre, with a drawn sword, also that he could not directly sustain as a tion in the by his teeth that it was a session of Congress to select a site for Court' ia and for01 th County showing repp ao as he sorrowful tan, capers, owes the to the hasty . wept, case, Sharp perhaps cutting a "J erritory thus making laugh) young great t dog, . , and Judge. is a full rue and correct so that tbe water from eyes, nose and All of this property was given to the the new postofflce In tbia city have i.t execution of the Chicago anarchist lawyer of Order appointing time ai 410 place copy Such procedure is unfortunate, be- mouth ran from eyes to waist. He Dartv who Secreto tbe to the their the hear forwarded . final account and Ixtiomant corpse of report brought his immunity today from the stripes cause was bnt a fair example of most birth place of deceased, in fulfillment of tde Treasury in which they it only serves to create sympa- of tit inn for distribution in th matter of tary mourners. This also the principal and bars of Sing Sing. old tradition, if a person dies out suto tbat it bas been Impossible to the Estate of Ann Jenkins deceased, as ap thy for a dangerous element In society a good mourner and one of of of bis tribe and is, by bis own people's procure a site in a favorable location pear 04 record in my omce. The fact exists and must have been that should be suppressed by every signifies sorrow. much ). Tn witness whereof. I have her be for tbe amount appropriate 1, home, to request, ; brought At 2 p.m. this time of crying was seen growing upon the thinking part ol the legal means wtthln the grasp of the unto set my nana ana amxea recommend that the also old and young; They by new comers had and the SKA.U the seal of said Court, this over, to &350.000, increased be honor have the people of late that the newspaper government. Our theory is that if the mostly that may appropriation 7th dav of November. A. IX. -some kai. We are compelled to latfgh, of bur.they to the claim is tbat this nigh and given owing him, have a tendency to forsake their property ing law as It at present stands Is Inade- especially as one of the speakers comes 1897. a this in estate real love as a of tbe token of for their values city, party JOHN 0 CUTLER, but now nominal position of quate for the purpose, let it be amend- out In such a fierce way, that the many who brings bim. and their liberality is suitable and convenient location can-JProbate Clerk 4 14 always rejoice over the exercised according to the rank of tha less. guardians ol the best interests of all, ed to the extant ot the Constitutional doss, (who lor be obtained him are off to bark determined and to assume the prerogatives which Halt. To go beyond that boundary is feast) the grooed. The above amount, and nine beeves LEGAL NOT1CK. Tlaraiter mm 1 they have helped to strike from the unsafe and Out ot harmony with our Presently out comes the mai l ministwelve pigs, which were killed at A news at 30. bands of petty tyrants in the days institutions, but appropriate legisla ter, Mohi Tusel. He is a very bitter and vendor In the Probate Court, In and for the Count; 200 bushels of potatoes, Hublix, thefunaral;flour of the Saints, who has done all sixewtrof a of Salt Lake, Territory of Utah. to tbree and two or three cwt. been sentenced bas agone ; in other words that the power tion on this question may be properly enemy in his power to hinder tbe work of of are tbe for sugar, wielded by the .press has not in al1 carried to the fullest extent of the pop God, months imprisonment selling In the matter of the Estate of Frans but the more be tried the worse cases been properly directed, and in- ular organic compact. copies of United Ireland containing reM.UN EXPENSES llromander, Deceased. bis sheep scattered-and many have of -of suppressed meetings ports heen picked up fjy the true shepherd. of this come creasing strength has not carried with out which of all of branches tbe Order National funeral, League. appointing lime and place for settle He did not say much till his subject leu of tbe tribe ment of final account and to hear it increasing regard for Justice. Senin honor to their departed We and Davis him to Eider myself. AMONG THHJ chief. MAORIS, petition for distribution. S vigrat Ion Baialncss. sation has become the rule, and in no wore at a distance of about three rods to death from davs Six elapsed on can a a in this dangerous social quality funeral ut m t hief, -- queer rather conspicuous way bench, BEADING AND FILING THK PE Tne body was cured by being Buffalo, Nov. 30. The Commer-ciaP- s ON tilion books in hand. He burial. of N A. Uromauder and Pau be so positively put in action as by place,ft with note Tbe funeral 'ii turns. in water. salt bathed of of bnsiness the lake summary situs to his have said heart Crrristensen, Executors of the estate 01 pained his now being over, all disperse, except bounding those who are accused ol season of the for drawfrans fortl I8S7, and pubthere llromander, deceased, words, noting tingbis near relations, who stay to receive navigationy, crims. To such aa extent has this account ol that they have filed their flnalsetting Tkkahui Waiaitj, season as a tbe lished ing says picture. Shaking his bead with and welcome other tangi administration their hanga, whole has been a said estate ia this been the case that the rule of law rage, he remarked: "I wonder why (mourners) as it is customary for East Coast New Zealand, peculiar one. It has Court; that ail the upon debts have been fully them can't stay Away, and give me "a to come for scores of miles around, been unusually profitable to the owntbey a which brjpgs a person charged with of that said estate reaud paid, 1887: portion Octqber24, KtUe time to transact my business mains to be divided among the heirs of aaid to old tradition. It may ers of vessel property, but a most disthe commission of an offense into Editor Deter el Newt: and Now, our not feeling disposed to move according among other thing companies, deceased, prayingsaid even be a before some come, and astrous obe ofto insurance final account aud lor an order allowing court sheltered at all points with the the numerous gales. on account I left my lovely mountain home on at once, as we were minding our bust they tangi year both and the same, they Just of distribution of the residue of said estau nese, will be. endorsed by all, when it their relatives, no matter whether they presumption of innocence until the June 30th In company with 9. Sanders Is amon th persons en titled. understood that the house, land and feel sorry or not; hence Favoravble Indication. It is ordered that all persons interested in OJEP tanking contrary affirmatively appears, has and J. W. Kanlelnamoku. We spent all belonged to the Satnts. But as he seems to be more of a form thaa exto ihe estate of the. said Frans llromander. de been reversed nl it requires all 30. Dr. Fov. the tne fourth of July at San Francisco grew worse, some of his party called press real sorrow. Even at the time of. Felshaw, Bkrlik, be and Probate bet ore the ceased, appear ever applied in ancient or went in company with thousands to for our president to take away cis death all seems to be Joy, to say noth- court dentist, bas been summoned to Court of the County of 8alt Lake, at the to preserve peace. Court Room of said Court, in the County (preachers)our Of the much feasting, which upon San- Remo to operate on the crown modern times to shelter the inaocent the Golden Gate Park, saw the unveil pakehat vVc retired, Court House, on the 17th natural hearts ing of December, yet five lasted occasion this A days. favorable conclusion 1837, at II o'clock a. m., day THE UNDERSIGNED WILL 8SLL OUT then and thereto against the storm of public and pri- ing ol Garfield's statue and many other ached to yield to Satan's command on prince's teeth. be of interest yet Many might show cause an things order allowing said final vate denunciation in their efforts to thlnfts of much interest. our own ground; we bad again to be mentioned were I able; but suffice is drawn from the circumstaoce.as the account andwhy be of not should distribution have been postponed, mad of would obsfetve trom a distance. The next it to show that they are innocent. the residue of said estate among say a Maori funeral very mucb operation Sailing from San FraucUsco oa July chanu-- was a song from the children reminds it is thought, bad tbe prince's conFran one we of read the what about thjbbeirs and devisees' of the said not The sensational papers may say of 5th we landed at Auckland on tbe 27th. of the Hnglish school, rendered In been dition improved. lirnwkndcr, deceased, according to law. mourning over their dead: waa another Israelites is It cause assigned to this district, Engliah. further course that the seven gentlemen com- We were clerk ordered that tbe Following HIS ENTIRE STOCK, CONSISTING OF "And tbe children of Israel wept for ever since. tangi. where I have been this order to be posted in three for au Onf break. copiesf I'reparlnK Moab of in Moses tbe posing the Court of Appeals of New The work here is in laboring thirty , plains In Salt a progressive cop-and public scatter County places pub near, being Evcaing a weeping aud mourning Paris, Not 90. Tbe commanders of itfhed in the Dkmkket Evening News, York, or the majority of them, are cor- dition; tbouzb there ia not so much to look alter horses, etc.,people for the night, days, so thewere ended;" which is a tbe different army corps have received newspaper printed- and circulated ia Salt being done now as there was while cooks again busy themselves to forMo8es rupt, or that they are at lest over- baptizing Lake thru week successively that strong evidencea among ofthe many months or yeirago. The people get supper ready. wbicb tbey are to prior toCounty, awed. the aaid 17th day of December,188 is branch the Loose- of sealed Ininstructions, Perhaps nothing containing six this people mucn "cniei riaaen" is one We outbreak-followinmust not very the who oeing an event of tbe forget youth open ELI AS A. SMITH, less of reason or suggestive reason for this, yet we and s convert are now cheerfully --- Trtbe election of a new president. engaged in their Israel. i Probate Judge. THKIR LIB Ell A LIT Y of the possession Maori games, rendering tbe scene of common once In a while. Dated November 17th, 1887. much like that of a Jubilee. Not being and unity are marked features worthy sense than this xne nex&r. could be THK WAIAPU DISTINCT th-cat Style t able to count the people we estimate of Utah, of pattern by Christians and all trotn-loviTerritory of said on the subject. Who is there numbere about 331 Salt Lake, i as as a peowho. are di- tbem at abaut 500, and tbe dogs,, who County FiTCBBtrito, Mass., Nov. 30. The set Tbey souls, people to approach such a body with a bribe? vided Into rive branches. Tbcre are enjoy a funeral as much as any one, ple a fine example regarding Enoch's Raymond excursion train ran into the I, John C. Cutler, Clerk of th Probate Court in and for the County of Salt Lake, ia seem to etc. three Zion elders, one of wnora is at about SO. Kow as the kai for How would he proceed in the accomThey selfishness, order, nd of a freight train this morning. the territory of Utah, do hereby certify a day school of about 40 be prepared for commencing' the The baggage of tbe excursion train that the loregoing is a full , true and correct THIS UltKAT CROWD plishment of his task? lie would not teaching in condition. United Order. good was burned but none of tbe excursioncopy of Order appointing tiros aad place gflaj a lew hlMJ V 1' (SHOW OA8KA for 9ale Cheap! a'are to make an offer in open court, We have aUo three separate priest- consists mainly of raw potatoes, beef from two sisters and The Eldvrs, for settlement of final account aad distri were injured. and if the Judges on the bench are so hood meetings monthly, which are and pork, one would naturally ask how Zion, engaged . in the Australian mis- ists bution In the matter of the Estate of Fran; generally well attended, more esue- - they cook, especially when they have sion, are, as far as I know, enjoying deceased, a appears of reoerti llromander, approachable, why wasnot the money clally Ine Fidelity lMtla;a4tM. in my office. our Sabbath meetings. The from three to six meals a day. In good health and doing all In their used at an earlier stage of the proIn witness whereof . I have here Nov. 30. In the trial of generally is working a great answering I will first state the way power to spread the everlasting Gostiospei Cincinnati, unto set my hand and antxe ceedings, thus avoiding the necessity moral Improvement upon tais native the meat Is handled ; in unloading the pel for the redemption of mankind. the seal of said Court, th:e Seal. for so much bother and expense later people. The Saints are living their beet (divided into quarters) it .is Ever praying for Zion and her wel- E.L. Harper today, the first witness 17th day of November, A. D. this a of broker W. was as as Hoyt, well J. city, ba lo some the off onto I canld and the fare, remain your brother ejipsctod. dmt.ped ground on? It is one of the most absurd religion Ij7; in detail tbe testimonial whose gave 15 oroer a tbe cause JOHN to to false pro- times arasrgeu in of troth, notwithstanding CUTLER, get 21. t ST- -, Lake City. numerous transactions in tbe buying things in the world, the statement that phets who go about niauy JL dd rrobat Clerk. Magleby. claiming to heal scaffold where it and the pork are Z. O. SIGHT'S NlVS VENING NEWS. l. i m WINTER FALL GOODS Novelties i Staples! 1 I , U 11 & Plaid. iin;u' CL.OTHS,in Plain, the TRIMMINGS, .' in Jet, Metal, NEWEST . , - ,V- r. Newest Fabrics and Latest Styles! Hen!i9ijaaBB9w9,!ll Ladies' Misses' and Infants' Undorweai 1 13-I- . en, DESIGNS CLOAKS. SHAWLS AND JERSEYS. . meu-ui-wa- and learl and ; .-- GREAT VARIETY. KNIT Lais' Bi Mmtix and COMPLETE STOCK. fX NEWEST ai ..,., 1011 Frtsiing Gems Dep't SUPIfiS, 11 .... Nov. ) 29&30 Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods, FULL ' COMPLETE LI RUGS CARPETS, :iiOTH, i,ioi.i:riH Trimmings, Paper NATURAL (US of Line Dlesale i 1 ! 8f.-E- STAPLE DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. and Desirable Lines. In all ; BROS., Stwecutters ONELSON & CO, c, M. e . O' ex-G- SpecialSale TO REDUCE STOCK I ov :big bargains IN ALL DEPAllTIrlENTS . he-kne- - LADIES' NEWMARKETS . 1 , Short Wraps . $350-00- AT ACTUAL COST! yme-honor- ed 6t ititr. Kl-lam- ey CM. , - to-da- SELLING OUT!! OIT ACCOUNT RETIREMENT FROM BUS INES W CC e Jewelry,Wat dies k I 'locks! t - g Everything of ag e La' ami Designs. 3 LARGE FRENCH WALL MIRRORS cmt-dr'-- n, - . a C. Co 60 and 02 AMUSSEN, IX Salt |