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Show J. 1 Home Dead.-T- he' painful JtellL2rvc of tB death of John R 1 Harne, at E;ra," Idaho," was receh ed last night. - He was engaged as bookAmple t r !toer j Bannock mine. keeper v Lfifceased waa t)drt November 9, 18&3, cd died Jan. JS, 188.. Ha was the son of Joseph; and , M4 Isabella Home, of NO PENSION-- FOR MBS. IjOGAM thfl city, and Was a highly respected J young man. The funeral will be held on Thursday at 1 p. m.. at the FourMiss Vn Zandt Oets Her w teenth Warrtifrgstmbiy License. A BAD JSKATTNCt I CA1K AXs iri Tuesday 'It wiTKKsata 'ritEAT' vi' s. officer ? iXD HK COUKT PROCESS "WITH IS. ISA 7 i .JrPlSeas?Cattle. The assaulting of . jQbn Jlojme and f'BAG3JENTS. Nieia Bricksdrf,"w1i0 were' Dron. ln A girl wanted. See advertis ement from Bingham. - CaQoa ea Satarday to havetttdr'fahirieaittendea to, Captaix lDovilP jfil seriously III" 01 night waa inveatigatetLfe4ce JgxrrnaUioner pneumoniai . T-flfDLEl'S- : oBli.-Tben- en Hen .18,-r-Th- e Tux sky .v: - overcast aad there (a Is everv appearance of more snow - n ' or nfln. Last night the magician IUrrtftann gave. a performance in the UukJn Opera' Honse at (W&fi. , , irf. . AJtf 5 , combtnatidB1 TfiK Grl3mer-Davlbegin their engagement on Thursday evenJKjr. ei at the Theatre they were in Beauregard's saloon, at BloghaB.' Iloliiie and. another tnan ot intfe an altercation, when the latter made an! assault." Someone present accuse Erfcfcsoa fraying been en- aed it a staBbfwg affats'some time since, and another fight started over This. 1 While the rrow proceeded the! safboflwere! thfr" in lights Holme and Erlckson and out, pat dragged ontaide, wtiere the latter was beaten by Harrington until he - ; 'y f ; The confyrense , committee on .the n Tucker-Edmad- a blli nieetlin Wash-- wasaimost lifeleisaiidwas left, ' 6y the Kroaud until gome passer helped ln2ton;to-orfO; :''t j was hljn to a livery siabJ4. Holna a. revolver.' Two ne. naitrVa of dlpfat&erla were beaten over the beadwitb ro at oy MosMloiauD, and after the battery reported til im aio-r- laK. 347 ., Second South Street!' had; ceased, sdjaepjee tf&d tielped him to bruised nominated a hotel, '. Both men are terribly The Prejfdkn. .' r head and about the body? ttoaincumG. Junes preaamt Kaaney Xb Mlootf kpet, J3earKrd r waa bent, for pbs&naster at ProVo. , , Resent at th row, buti knew nothing ?uk many frlcn'dUof Mr. John Billey a&pit lt( His brof&er had put the -will be pleased that he is lights out. ' tb ist- recovering fr6m t&s protracted ill. j.Pr.lWoods.-who.atteiKl- wl ness. ...r'; isredi .irnen, and JlledsrS. Mc FUa-J. II. BExntrr, Esq., pceial freight gerald and 0 Connell, had been sub and passenger agent of the t). II. G. poenaed as witnesses, but had tailed to the Ioctor W-- , will reiera Jtrpm Denver this obey the adcamons. In fact, ' had,ccordiri to Deputy Vandercook's ; '. evening. statemeipt, told the Matter fa go to the A cask of eQfglctl lostrnments has lflferDll re f ions, and had set hs been found! ''The owner can fee tf.hti Authority at defiance- hi a most unbe property by calling a,t 37, G, Street coming manner. Twentieth .Ward. ,1 . At the request of 'Mr. 1"Dickson, attachments weiu issued for the Marshal Dyer Is eipecWcf tareacM and the eiamina witnesses, Washington, ths evening, from there defaulting was: until' Hon continued Wednesday he will visit his mother. In Mississippi, . at 2 p.m. and then return to Utah. J 4 H J w ' u -- 'ay - " , - - ' "5 There haY4ft9 eyeraIsnowaids mer-cor- 1 ONE PRICE TO ALL. 1 ' UDIES' tiMe-biec- CLOTH "i fi EWMMETS AND GOATS, JACKETS, ONE FOURTH LESS rciaii ! CLOTH SCARFS, all foreign countries except Canada is lZrh- leader strict qaaraatiafa only CArtzona) Herald, permitted He Rays t the 13t . Jkba'a,MiaSol wu ! h.v tbavit rt ti. ii t luvestijnktmi ll.i .t.'itMcarelul thrnnirh th arrested or oa a Bartb cliarge Tuesday be .county recoids. on a dspartment 'of State, shows concln-- 1 mntl latin ztuninaUoo be was bound sively that lio infectious cattle diseases prelimlD now exist in Canada, and recent adover in t nmof ; ,ooo. to answer. vices received from the Commissioner Xbcre is awetber'- ebmrre of forgery w bo, under the law, resting? a ifBat him. on rwhlrh be of Agriculture, n &ttera, are U Snsve hadj a, preliminary trial last or quarantine to the effect that-ntontagit)us dis night. ' la delaaitt, pf boad oa .the eases hare been introduced JlnVQ.thb first .chirKe he was remanded to 'V from- other foreigri countries. faH. country ot In view these facta, tha. department must decline at this time to enforce ine pr9niDiuon revest in your letter UKymqu, Teeth e)ctrijtd( wHfiout pain.; Best I he Lokbu and JUair Penalont Set of Teeth. tl'i.OdN Sitraetlnr fr-- -. Defeaied. , lAll wtrirk krarrantnl . Jaa.1vX.-i-The I ! bills . WAsnuiGrSiil . to Mra.LuicaD and i aLB"Ance in Herald Building. SrauinKjpensieus of Gen. FrancMILLS lWMr, wqro defeated this mornUijf In jr.the House committee on invalid pen- W o o 1 tar (Q m Sale, sions. There were two. absentees, Wlaou4sJ lk ill l'idcock and Bllsberry. "WBen the com mituee met the members were . Oentlenieai's Suits Ageney. on party lines, seven Democratsarrayed voting 16 against and five liepubjicans in Uvor, 7 re6f the Dills. Ttl0 adVtrsa UiajoriO' JtfO CWTtEO I1K0M on the Loan and Blair bills will ports Ivtiatt 2tt i4 Age oe saade by ; S woue and Tantboel Temple respoctiveTy, and the favorable inraor-lt- y MorriiU and It by Conger reports is understood thattbe basis of the opu position to the bills is the reluctance on the part of the malorlty of tfee comarm mittee to the continuance of the policy 1 of praDLiiiK high pensions to widows of officers who did not die from in- juries Spurred in the' service. .The Only Jf.aJ ptr unum, tutpakt, Ta It fur. only precedents for passing uch-- bills lee. Klrum Parry & 'AbltaneW.1: ' . re found in the eases tbe'widewa And families of Admiral Farrajrnt tlOAL rtlAl. I?rAAf. f . Hancock, Thomas and Graat.and a majority of the committee Weber Kdck Spring, : Pleasant Vl-le- y .believed it will be bad policy to and IJed Onyon All the Coais'&old follow the?e precedents in. view, pf tbe lntha silhaaAkSituAitit-Our Weber fact that there are about 9Q surviving Is from) the celebrated lGrass widows of onlcers who would! then'be mines add we are mining betterCreek coal eutltled to pensions who are now ex- -' man ever Deiore. ho ofrrer- - weoer the 7 .- - uts: 1 OUR One lot of Silica tmk at SO cents p.r yard ; woi-t1 double. One lot ot 9illts and Stln Satins at 75 cents per yard; worth double. OnY lot of Attftillr: llrocWdei at S nti b- -r vard: worth d -- Two-Tone- double, u has-charg- e " bntit. lttOVO ood - . jlndc i for tt lOIi 81?ECIAli GFFERLN - iti60.00. One One ' One One en ei s was-alway- half-bree- half-bre- TIUB i J ','. 3 : k ct to-da- ": Brocaded Silk Velvets pro ITard. $1 I i aUi pet Remnants, Dress Goods Remnants, ete., at LOWEST POSSIBLB PRICE if. and BLACK SILK LACES. CREAM to-da- y. it Jti7itinrrrabl9 totfier bargains; amonff them Ccti'r sfejy FLOICKGS & AIMERS, in Great Variety. WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD. GREAT INDUCEMENTS IN 'I ; i 1 EOT SILKS and PLUSHES. 500 fllMKS! CiillMM'S vaiv iiaaasjay S5.00" TO $15.00 REDUCTION ami Muvav . WRAPS, ssji On JACKETS, r y I AUERBI6H & BRO. F. XIaoIi CrArmoixt ! MUFFLERS FRQJU; $1.50 TO $5.00 EACH I : i , , I - at ileduoed Hates. Mail Orders Filled MARKETS at an vill uw from SHORT lO 04. iXs3 j y, , rt f to-da- . j; . e then-mad- . hundreid at-cot- t. ct y. Cloalta at $6.00; reduced to $3.00. Ladles Jersey., s barrain, at 60ents. ' 1 sd to-da- Chienni if undrejd ' V- hundred ; ' Tcents.' '' " Sti.OO. tliousand pieces ot cleraat Embroideries to be sod at nr( tht i will astotiilKh the ladies. , One huudrled ComblnaUos Dress Pattercs of this aeaaon's lm- i pdrtutlon reduced 2S aarecnt. bundried pieces of UtMt style J Panemenlrrin. Attraehau. Fur, Feather, and Felt TrUtttnlnjs They are dlipla ye d on our C centre tables. ll'vi' One hundred Children's svad Boys' Snlts mmA Overc6ati at cost. Odds tend eada in CartalBa, Tarkoaaaa'a. Bod Saa. TldlM. Thi Cloths, Towels, Blarsellles QaUts, etc., t baU price. HOLIDHV SEASON! ; jato-tiay'fKEir- a.. V ! s well-writt- ?"'51. Ose Jot of i UnJ j One lot of llomespunillrf.Linedacketaa redgcrdto$7.50. One lot of Seal PI ugh Coats at $4500: reduced to ft:t7.rtO. n better garmcnJs have been sold all tbe jpait teuwnbyour rompetltort e ;psipoiiiip I IM AM : "i u(ii ttstcrs; ape mrimon omiia f ew, Om lot of Bcle Wrapa at S8.BO; redueedto SS.78. One hot of niaonal Jfackets at tSjOP; ragweed to $d.50. ' Order. ' ,., Jilisil -- nlir . Special Reductions in Stylish Short Wraps, JacliM , i ' - ; . 1 tVAJ 1. ' All: our SaMaLKtvalama. OLroa Gralsi. SaUiba-o.n,i Colored felllc Velvets, Plushes and Velveteens Have beta niiirkfd down tocoat, ndt3itoe!)e!o,ricoit-t- he best barralniVeoftertd In this city. o' - , Foorlb io Price! . , our prices the lowest la thts.cifj, foods the most desirablo and TREAl1Ir3F Tlffi HOSl ; HOMABLE. AND ALL CLASSES OF WINTER WEAR; utaynot irem,iui large to call and bo con- - 1 TtacedlaAt our redacUeas are laonat tide, CAPS, , - .hMon atatTlns beeu tlio lowest lt r as sonic, put all wo ask ''t.t. ox pro-bibitl- . cheap of as as the most accomplished ahopper. Our price throughout im ! MEN'S OVERCOATS, - j caM -- P - Our Surplas S tok and Allj Our Winter Goods Must Got GOODS, NEARLY HALF PRICE, TO CLaSE! trithiUHp !i' IAxrLt A Desperado LyAched.r-T- he Chey recent in Little Cottonwood Cafion, LtcM.tr of January enne, (.Wyoming) causing some destruction of property, 13th,. Rives, the following, account of bat no loss of life so lar. ,. i. - the lynching of the nurtlerr and Thk bearing of, tne appeal ii the casa horfMiMiief, Gus Kernwood; on pe Of the gtatea vs.' ICC. Klrk- - Stinking Water, recently: . veood conips in the Xerrltrial Ku The particulars were ftarnetlyester-- , preme Court jn day from a ranchman" named waters,4 who lives in mat section.' it appears OrjB readers will flhd a that Kern wood bad been stealing stock and Interesting account of the scene from ttie rauchnien iu that aectiou for months. His raids were not tn the House of Representatives dar- the past 18but when. h did come he was ' frequent, Eduiunds1-Tucksure to take away the most valuable ing the passage of the f f atecfc on the ranch. He bin d until lust eluded by aebisted by an old general law. brought i to this market ca compare Ban of in The pievilenet diphtheria with it. All our coals are nicely summer, w.ien one day the body iipveruors Inaugrursted. was old the ana eieanea.. Francisco is causing some alarm of screeneq Jan. 18. Governor-elehear Heart Mountain, havCoal Iiepartnienit, Union Pacific RailHarrisburg, among the inhabitants. During the found James A. Beaver was Inaugu- way Company. been shot three times in the last three weeks of December,, theTe ing breast. It was presumed that he had rated at noon The Governor A. Gcskill, Agent. DO a were deaths from this disease been killed by Kernwood in quarrel read his inaugural address. He was jGfflce.Wa&atcfc,J Cornor of a over After of division the the line and escorted; plunder. thruugh military alone. I the finding of the body nothing was civic organisations aggregating over, over two 7,000 men to the reviewing statrd Iri' TAUIIEI ROOFING FELT L. Tux trial of H. Glenn, for gamb- seen of Kernwood for his appearance front of the execative nansion where mouths. lie y, reIn Court nt DI VW04IDI the4Police Y'5. ling. Patterson and prominent at Mr. Water's ranch upon the north . .an; sulted in hi discharge. The evidence fork of the Stinking Water In the first members of tne two houses reviewed showed that he only occupied the posi- part of October. Mr. Waters was ab the long: )tpe of military and civic or Coca ine Iodoform or and bis wife was the only one at ganisations parading in honor of the In any farm in the treatment Mercurial of catarrh tion of "lookout," and did not handle sent home. The thief made away with three event. oriiay fever should be avoided, as they ? the cards. a of set horses and Percheroo are grade both injurious and dangerous. IN &BLA.WARK. Two other raids were afterIodoform is easily detected" by Its Casti-- lioct .tunnel, in Echo Cafion, narneits. wards made upop other ranchmen in Doveri Del., Jan. 18 Governor-eleoffensive odor. The only reliable and the longest 4 UDnel on the Union that vicinity. The last time Kernwood Orggs was duly inaugurated at noon catarrh 'remedy oa the market to day In his tuaoguraJ aotirsss he Is Jly8 SCream. Balm, being free from Pacific Ball way, is to receive attention visited the ranch of James isennett, that the men were away, but favored the continued of sUvct all poisonous drugs. It has cured In the spring,' and the linings and thinking it happened that four of the ranch- ana a req action or thecoinage He re- thousands of acute-- sad chronic cases; tariff. facings, which are now of wood.are to men of the vicinity got wind of his garded Civil "service reform as some- -. where all other remedies hava failed be replaced by iron work. coming and were lying in ambush for thing to be confined to the party in A partlce Is apphed Into each nostril ; him. As soon as he appeared one of power. i no pain, aimussbla to use: Price 60 1ST NKW JERSEY. The Beaver 8take Academy closed the party would have killed him ceats of iUruKglsts. had he not been checked by the its first term en Friday, the 14th Inst. Trenton, N. J.fJan. who, waiting until be came rest, Fifty-fo- ur have in been baved nis Life. Green was Inangurated at noon pupil regular with them, asked him to halt, leveling Mr. Dl I. Wilcosson. tof Horse Rave. attendance. daring the term; there their guns at him. Quick as a flash he. Kv. sayfc he was, tor V were 20 classes with 114 weekly recita- wheeled and put spurs u bis hoi se, but yeara.badly Sate Will D a tile ted with .Phthisic,many 20 had before also Diabetes; not he there gone yards exertions. In addition to the dally were .the Jan. Van JS.rrMis CnicAfjio, almost unendurable was the snarp crack of a rifle, and Zandtj, paiis cises, a night school has been con- horse and rider tnmoled to the ground. the young woman announced to marry and wotld sometimes almost . throw him the condemned Anarchist Spies, took He tried Klee- Intq; coiwofstons. ducted onjToesday and Friday even Kernwood was- pinped 'to the ground ; ' Bitters and go: relief from tne first ute by his horse, "wnicti had been "shot out a marriage license, iHga, andv all who desired were and bottle aid alter taking six bottles, was When Kernup'on him. ! ' f: y i , permitted 'to attend and receive in- wood fallen, saw .the p urea, ana naa gained in Hesa party appfoaching he struction fjee. ciiruuicu soucdu. aars na nosiuvi tried to get bis weapons,. but .could . FOREIGN. UCUCVCB-4MWOS 11 not He was then captured and bound t .been for 'the relief afforded by Electric and a confession of his numerous d LSo,ld thefts and the murder of tbe flkjcsBto a bottle at IvOCAL, NEWS. ox f forced from his lips, ills fate may bet,a,ss4i. urui store. be imagined, thai) explained- Mr. Admitted. This raornlng-' Mr. ter a ,Brera'i Branchial - Tpai1im A'ostal tne ooay ne neait rraierscaiue upon adwas White, formerlv' of Idaho, are excellent for morning hanging 'to1 a pine tree near of Hoarse. mitted to pracfJce'as'a'Q attorney In the the place whers the body of the or Mow nes are exceed.Throats Ther " " . a d..- ITIi I BR GUNBOAT I i. was foirad. KernWeod was a WRECKED. jngiy eneetive."-uhrittton Territorial Supreme Court. Judge P. I T"U"tf IT"" World, Of iStf? yhrtnt, "'hwas fjfnt, 1J. EmerfMjnpreCTter his name. aTid zs years or age. ue a nanasome . i mar Booty. and this, conjoined with his many stated that he held certificates from main, , j were Bitter Angostura.. prepared oite of the out- V;FAKi3,an the Supreme CChrts of Ohio; Main acts ot daring, remind chief "clerk' In bri)rJ'G(a,SleerVfor his private mTha laws Qf .ftflcknt ' Utttory. ;Tbf IM; the Paris' postofflce nas itolen $40,000 ua. . inrir. repoiation is such y and Michigan, j.' for lnajabefiof idaya expoeetu in hung an that have become known posul mosey ordprs and fled, Chief Jnstrbrr Zne then' Baftf in Until hermit the moun610, living a thethey beet appetising generally tonic.- Beware down cut tains it at state the and buried the jona'teoait of to it Wrecked. of counterfeits,. Ask yonr RTOoer or feeling "Owing peculiar In this Territory of the people toward foot ot the tree." Jan. lS.The British gun- dragfdst tor the" genuine article, mann- ' ' London, ' t .'.'.a i ;" t boat i Firm was wrecked on tbe iaciurea,Dy Hi,. J. U. U. Siegcrt . the laws of thVtTnfted States, U nJ ..a, M! ni.A.l. KJ VOaei,, OOUB,; 11 IU Bit en UI 7T Tn n0 Prnon ""uwwjaun has decided to ask of all ap atl.mnr v e w, wsw saved by means bf tbe ? i if A V7" I 1 V f plicants for achnlsston to the bar Engmrer's accountf the trial Of the f rocket apparatus of the that they answer certain: ques- Provo drngsist . Ilines.vor eetflpg. service. :TM rate 01 tne others Is as THE Ekir ftlfn In rVa itaa.U , The Firm, Is a conapo-sit- e ilnta. .' HMniaii,, Cam. .art il tions. Will yon obey all the laws of liquor without a license, the testimony vet untaown. 455 of and been has ton's, gnnboat : Tetter. the United States, including those of thejdef endant is given as follows Chapped use a as atenqer to serdn turret ship au bkia tjorna, aaa aaiuvwuraiiM, Against polygamy and like crimes?" t.S krentionb: and. poaitivelv "R. S. "'nines, the defendant,' testi- Dtvaslatn carea Vtiaa. Mr. Whit-r,- 'I will.' renUM-udfied: Tbe Green boys were 10 my store Or BO Ml It la mun.t 8 p. ra. ao nre perifsot. sallalactloaj or Saturday, between 1 and Judge Zane "And will you advise on . Tfaef-eam- e claimedand in that Price tS Cents they boriiim all those who consult 2fUi jcu as an were sick. As pisgah burvi?Q oiioi7irt. ' hrefaodsxil FOB at Z. C M. I. they came lo isaid t Mr. Deal, here conies a axMiple of rnKSEitf ATrrJif or aCRKiy nrs1-,- ', ' Mr. Whltep"! wlU Lehi spotters j jt'll tlx them." The TORICUSroT " one ol and them sakl tirMcawe-ir JadxeZioe "Yon willteadinltted-.CJX.X.EII DESKS. .. be was sick, aud I told then) I vyanlU Uxtheafi something that, wopfii'de . ASD SIMILAU signal asx-- ,y Uritaieo.ej anattteran waikea on wiu Jap..ati8yThe J o'ciocz the CardweH shortly af- th that reports reacbedi i ffee rowest pointy UUs teTir4Qth'lned to the pol.ee, aaet winter, marking 36 below "Zero. the arret was madc'Thls mora lseMd CaU. ' ing" 'wien,,rihf ,accnsea was 'VIaa h i at ok Jan, ISrrA letter w i for tfrooahf bat trial, the recently received at the Treasury Di- an explanation ws settled .by partment iroipiit.Vr. Ila rresidentpf Dter return, of "tha watch. Justice an order be issued dlsinlsHel the case on the payPfPir asking that the! impdrtation of cattle in ment jarcpsts,' at the same time glvlag the belted States from ail countries Mr. Heton a warning that If he per"where Contagious diseases exist. The bf joking ttr might Secretary has informed him in reply sisted in uiat el tgat under the, txUUnft department. Jea d tu injore aeriovs coobeqaences. St. v.ce . SCMFS, H001)S;W00L JACKETS : pejof 1 j; WOOIEN GOODS, ATiX ooms.-yrUeda - evening. IflflL CLEflRAUCE SALE McM-riag- e McKay at I ck dealers are reaping a harvest in who are accused of having committed the offense are John, Harrington and the present cold snap. By Telegraph JjUie If Yji. I t . ...... r i. i TaKea lo --Joke- Lsst night Fre4 ( David. Mnsselmann. t Harrington la ? There are plenty of night prowlers under at the was Jan. was1; ajTeste . and JDomlpion on a charge of present arrest, arouna tne city at ue present time., Parliament Is 'called" to meet- - for the 4 stealing a watch, the examination, but thus far Muasiemann dispatch complaint being of business on April 7th. itadff lr Charles Card well. It appears Cuss, an Indian confined In the hat eluded the officers. - f , Cox's Condition. Aleaars. Holme and Erlckson, the that Card well wanted to sell his watch, penitentiary io murder. Is 'jeported JaJL account of WASHWfffOs? And ivas fxhibPMag :I to a taumberof TCI J 111. f Wt injured men, gave their Cox rested, well fast night, and his the 'affair. They are txth standing arOnnd. lleton took condition rmprovod thin vtooiiag; j 1 It Hkrmank, tlje magician, gives hiS tlves of a of a )oktrjf way put It in his in Finland, province and, first entertalnmerit "at the Theatre this ' " f CWa Russia, and on Thursday . night pocket The rpwrrer betttne slightly 4 F. AUERBACH & BRO. spuing Iotection'Against ' I 1 W-de- y.,, - '. . wj ! ! S1?; sw,uuu melt half-bree- Iff i .derir. - ... i - Gr f ths-relie- half-bre- K..1W1 AS. IR--. ed I W 1 - . . lOQO. 1BQO. . ., 0Barga IH ALL CLAS5E3 OP SEASONABLE JOI- i ns JF0Br,TEB GOODS to-da- - ; " to-d- . thf9-Cour- - r" " ay m : i llfe-ssvl- j - ! e? a, i .1 ;4i.H..'i l J .Vi..:. ' .1 a-- , SiTrt.?? . ir -- ' ill a J nn. (! i 11 ' and Beit StoefcUf i ; m vcea wu a ; noirtore consistrng of j ua lor receiea a letter from a gentleman up cunniry.f fbU find ' U. l oaoet-ol- ' tOfwa7where tie laud at were burled enjoyable affair took place Sanday, la Harops lyini, owningoX the aaiuts Fisgab, r ox panwaric, In a aOfpaaeMcroton many fil their Ward cttool bonM. the i then water aflde.1 rowjou l UinJKU wineor tbe exodus twm Nnuvoo tOritwseiuoun- occulon was the annual review ol the amount e t'nalce' eeougt babbatb school bl that' ward. .Two it would act a r.',!A. Ci: IVhUo Tbe pintlfmfln. wpoweriapargaiive ; eUtttito peat Kxperlmeait, i're?t. 'fay lot- - Uiathe baa hours in its morning and three in - the cansein'lptDjrpaitsr7" . . . M I Voo cabnot afford to vrastetima In A.i ,t .VI ne land to De plowed ot l 'Alfr IliueA wabowi a.8maH ntyer snnerea occupied by the mem evening were are In Xar Isntrft oerro known there as the "Old r experiuiehOJWtifn of oil of crotou marked "F&mBa t dlaturbea, tutrnt-r- . bers of the-- school, la reciting lessons, tiebeware.M.lIe&diiixtidlt Mot ijjrti i5LirftK Orom. always and ;cftAnMioa cams'from a t Do not cold. flaat, kuOW anawerloi f qeesttons, reading essays his wfi'aMbeneonle here nyjch-ale- enlyto-- impose upon youpermit .tbe maurver la wanted to with and llsteaing to reports' of the condi whJcD he labelled Ubat article, 'Oave in Utah, uobad friraMc'baried.therai. 1Tli,l a'fhpon imlt.tlnn of ao w wanied toout i. Koof-UlttJo' the Friday ?c6r tion of the achool, etc. history of then no UIcorerf,4orJ ,Cbiwirtlott. of Abcovcotfg la remains of thdif Had knowledge be aor y au get the organization from its inciplency to on -- f letter his te in cnt uareKOtlc.'' Satnralar '.'aorfi -:. v. name. of Win. lliuilinsitosi . Uecause he can make x mr arUer iiilS. the begin Sing ol the present year was Sn,oe TrTOTe; be waa tell The senlencftd defeiaclant Htnes may yon he ha IS" bavlDic been buried tnere. prdht hu waT read, and appropriate and 'spirited e SQJiufhlng inst as officer of th to fisetJaif preshilflg lAJJisbopor days'.imprlsojauicntaad samet uon t oe deceived, bat insist anq i08trucUon4'Were gtyea Jby Benlemtnt. opa setting ur. Kinra New Dls- the Blshojrl'c and Other vlsltorstlzes rippettled ia theA)striciJtjoatt,., President TAvtOMnt' fV WW'. coverv. which Is riiarant-r- l tn viva m letter to were dlstribufed to those' of the siad-to- ts with'inatrHCtionswhav. a.-tJ - ilefia all! Throat, BSrJg and Chet'f. ' In do matter. the Supj-evnConrt rln tAeTerrrtprial who Vnf rtted them, vnd a hand f fecticais. Bottles tree at Z. C. a (Trial i i have .a.i followed .1 t la. I his instrootioei and t I 31. some photograph album was presentee! SDprejma CouitjAo-da- y I to.rtav. Store. th. bloin,,- ' Iv-tfhsactcd WfTllrl to the SapfcrjAte&dtni, Peter Gillespie, bosipew r Canal and Stock Conl- - vvhUe, the "Old 'Mprmotf Biirylua Corlons tuVaiNsfau.au by the obrltfsnd'4eacers; ol the ri- - '.Mart-, h at Pisirtth'-rwrfmi Tk...U. r .wa.i U,rOODd" Sabbath sjbool, as a" token of appre- pany 1 utter! v " . " When all i i i .u r Impossible ii . ij.i i ill .. nr. ii i i.iirisL ciation. Bath, morning and evening from the First JrstricfUoartf motion day baint and the deed thereof is tn the malarial raoisons are driven ont of the ; usL of the Trustee-in-- tr ,4 . system, .leaving the Blood New, Bleb, the house Was Well filled with scholar oideteadant to dismiss the appeal handi TKo liir nf nno arpa (nnii.il nlik anax'ure. no piace lor eruptions, ui- 5." and visitors. !'Ttie creditable manner irranterf: in which j the 'exercises were rendtree-f- et around tbe lfttJnsida the ered made thenl a rich treat to ' those Ing Company v Eureka lUlIxaltrtns Rifji'Si 8aRSAPAKlia.A land Company ; mot ton f J?irrek8 Hill Com- - lenoe., J !' Dandelion who attended. with Iodide of Potas- of witnesses, among pany to dismiss tbinjunction denied. : ?f ' ni7, e , ed by somMM:der to t sium. Thousands uiem. me I Bore- - I Chief uiwuti. JusUce T" ane, Mr. Gvtlas'InJ week Voioa,Df uBd,! that .mojoament of sdme, cUbs. testify to the wonderfulfnyfi cires 1 a tone t, should be; placed in wrought by kinder we made brief mention of Sir. Bt B. man, Jt. J and IICBdexsoo, A.vcon? Jf-the-rar of , whereon shall be c'liJW'S tfjoohfre xneAuames . G win's having, been Injnfed at Marsh - a. . 1V? veo-vpersons airdiseasea of the On motto of JndrWmrSOn Lake, Idaho,: on January 8 thk by beiug Blood, Liver, ahd .the ufned.T2 j iaA ' n.'aacys. yie omy ue best lleaiciaes .A, gored by a- - ball. Dr. UamUtou went white was admitted .tbpracUcsia f This Warskvlll ueeessarlly require . north to attend him,' and be Is how In a. coaf U of Utah Terrltotr.- money, waicn snouia ne lorwsrded to The hearing of the ML &iH u bt fair way to recover, though his laJuries pey LWiUvf?I v.. the eseret Jalt Z are still y7lBfaI.KTheCassla postponed ul IJnday, the ?4Ui las I vary kiodlr and gratuitously attended County Tfwws glveshe following James vs. John Hdth f to alt business matters pertainlsr to Of tt4 tk ri'-which lies In th centre of Bnglton. ef the Eleventh fard,a" on; : bearing pbstboned unin. Thur: I ? et il. mother and IchUd doing well. A "Mr. 0wlaiid one of bis' hired , 1 r '' bauds, ahoy a boat IJ t IS years old, T Hi drirA"." Barftea.Sf:1 this mau were ilxfng. up a by,fack In a largo 1elsy Allen rsf encloore eeaf the corral, when' they IflW, suwnitteci and, -.taken nfcder a4--1 rwspertamuty of the object that will nvlewi'vcr Sunday School loeHiiuiiUrii ih arp -- oae 1 jCV-JU- J ' J.'t) 5IO f i. L li "ii il ' ' aa -- .ii-.- II I Alf I i Triiiy ept's. s FLiaiit 1IDSIGAL 3IERCHMDISE of Chicaffp aiiaa - I I Wst ' ' iia "H are otTering .yimfifial Attractions In our Mace H TITI CmM'-ii!-i- 1 i In' "'...rSsa C, II - 'j? ' t ' . Sa I S I ft va SI 9 f sr 1 'I - rw T - v n T btM ' :fnrs -- cre;,:-bat,"wM r W leeittanttHMaSd.Wlhl)ut nfoWZUfTf . -- V8t Hit n' f - -- hi; !.. ,'. n'.l of,''.' is' ..::!n!hj..i ' - ijr, ' (.t-.r- ,:- " ..I :y V, . I i i , 7. Flush and Ball Trimmipgs. etc.- ML YERY CHEAP for the J5QLIDAYS. of thedayf - - .. re-ma- rts goadr-r-iusttS- -- ie e r"t .ill h theraJndnhia . I , "W OBlrlD ti !,.,.". ittsj.:. curt-toff- . "rTwiis f .:.iaam wall vt -- isaisistit ' tec FIRST '" iMAl-rraJSTi "it We - - 4 , . !,-. 5 VlHV Compass tVtC i '"-- da-Jan:2- 5ru' 0, -- i:j a '. . - 1. -- 45 -- d-- "'.T. 1 :i" -- . . J tlabr Ha-tf- . I -- ,w.. -- tTr t!?' .i..i as-thou- gh . t latc0&a U-rr- rf v .!! ff f - . ti-va- &t, -. i. f1! r a i 4 'X . V' lilAr ) LAI1 ! - " ' f nr nraTrn snvtuu miri UFtL! .h Dt DLfllLfliDI !: ftninrrv TtiiT. niiuTi J vli mxwmm (iOODS:. a a j . Iaa ij J i fifjie, lelralle Qnitlltx otupleto eyerj atawortment for laieav Cleiw aaud Cbtldreau aund 1 a IT'a.. L. II i fJOatli'J store: 1LTRNITUK.K t. .l i i ' it 'S V r"-(- . ici r(. "',!" - ,y; tilJi. ff jy 7 x4 v: St iu.n ii - i.: a i-o-f '!-' e h RHi?thc Trssiaim'li ,it. to..,retut, lice Trslfssnft venial! uvj rlTn:nTi of Desirsbre styles la Ws have a Grjoa Stock aadTull Variety 'na1a Kawa . , ., , Jtni auukjiajt aaaau yitauiataUl O J XPiTT lifTV' A TTr 1 T TV! "iHi fN Wr j orsou If. -- a . li .tS-aT- i -j- ilnri'VafC sb taeas;'"5 istiiUI s f Ttr iwT mm.m a (.11 a-u . i..a s' - i I -- OSersak.JiXCEJWJfrjItTlJIyvSirKtCEa a.targe,enps(e.'ait4 fettt allt'l fx ti a leetien, eapeciauy scicptcu Jp, ec yM, rie'mandi Ql a wodtrate WilmffedfarV1 rtH'u.i.i ' .....iu- - ... . v. --(.ii.. , wall as .the purchaser. J no. 4i main j I.W fTjiEirrrnd oav au 'Kiua awtfjv bni BAX.T U&.KIS tlTtV vt . . ir 71 t - -- nr xitjitxi i r isi rr--n Tlnv& .... 7ir yvr nun tt t n .Tin mttt i ti titi t frTT! : .1 1 'I- e w,il O"-- . it -- - 'v . 1 :" jts i XAIIGE STOCIT01? , . DEN WQOD BT1: KKjqTiTp i. i iVA competition. '- SU t 1 - - tnj-- i i Al rttlbtaT - . u. - 'H-.- 'gtl - , ana a to! i JPHZCESj ?iv 'to SOTEiIvrrTHEt ADDRESS? !u tja lii.,-i.f ?jr 5 COa 1 Mia ' - ' ji ( at '1 no I.,,i -- 'i MTV fcBTTf? TTJkM- and-efj- i WlslIAVlS m l netinr 01 ii, . 5IK IMI iYSlflKto i !. .t,,. were approached Jry Ja savage Jewey of theU A 1 Jelaa-rimiplac- s .i bail. . Tb'animaL- - had. fat ; within .;:.yobn TO DO eWKRAL Warren W cao-ar:iL If thewoney oir thirty ..eet 0 BroksyS;l:bh. tht:tai beTsest J &. houseworkOTRL 'twenty Artnlv to 1 taken wish! before thsy softtrd, him; first gueu, suominea ana any to nnder persons ngr donate for iron) W. Vf. RITEn. MRS. made for the boy who bluffed him off Tls,UMfril.' 'r: ;" S4S Fourth East Street. ;. nJh state .pieftse 'fi.ttrJHiwW ' - . 4f a wltiOs bunch of wire, when be Instantly ui.u auu wutn ii snail oe sent. 1st . r - :raj""f . " 1.. Wlir.wn T.A.n k...i. .' i tr , . i , i sod aaexprctedl changed .his cporse awt. ' dive for Atr. G wis, who and made ! o loin I .V JH?eM,.ltriort delay, whether A 61)iT8! TO JUPRISBNT TItt NA can dodged behind a post and by artistic def MllfOrdt B. Shlpfl4lS feleale. they 'v kv. ui TIONAL. I.I Bit A KIT ASSOCIATION. managed to keep, out oL the the .JLeeds- CoAfereaoxMnxl, aoeeinted ii""?16 anything or not? uoOK'ug V reach until fLoaHy it was csaghtl lUxjk. Aa'nta, ?eachera and 1 Ksperteaocd bull as much send aS "as Vomdon ObnlernWf wS7er.ei??2 name of their nad if I "?4 -- fenperJaks , nniiA, th. anna with Jh. IliiIi'. h..n.T The iraeuisv- prefi erred EkfcrWWC-BulSajSlIf ... . pleaaanter than caavasslng . r n I r. H niTH A. " " ' .C- .,.U for bookacsad workers eaa make ii.. good ' work, may be from SSO to fiooeneraetie uo sooner auruca tbe kfouod tbau thef FreaBt.,ot, fea Jd-Cou- f per week.. Addrets.witb craailaoie Brjaaaear. ' oerersseas; NaUonal Xlbrarr Association, enrajred anioaax. naonniaa mm wut all 4 BlderZBooeTS DaYldse J arorntd I tv...r cu? coutnJeBedvsi fhotoTaph' .ua cmmtw umeaao, ill. . aeoa sa iuuy fours, coiiag, bntung ana, trampling 1 tK-rtiTrA- f r FZ1.? Pro undwill be sent htm las frtgnttul manner, with three Z TZ, ?mrl1'7 to thostf I'ittObnatfaa" don at tne trairs' heels and the hot pounding him over, the, head with a hi heavy ,Hle jTiaAJIy,ttsbBiJ orruKTTJKiTi. puyrogirs I i iwrtiwa4-raJ?- - own accord cesed goring, raised hi I Oovtrnor Thotn.a y; i,r- a ......1, W? -head and awalked awsv seres r rr0 fence: fifty acres ia lucsra; BothlBf bad happened. Mr.6 Owln was f 1W A010. sentenced W9odrldtw set tee. b arts water ritcht. liouieuiautiy pwaed up la a htlplesi rrtca, S3w.vu. 1 neart ItfS farther call at V one uu almost utiuk couuiuvu iuu vv ,Ueas. T t lnfotiaata DlOVe-lOJ . Wa- -I t the rlftrthnrn .bft .i months of his Tsyed to his bouse--' ; I Halt Lake City yet to served it4 Ujuq stt ciflcBtilway. r 3 "VlS.L... John: -- mr t viiw Guarantee, 'alt Ooods, ij ac-CO- for the ;e C ..?arra.:: I'll - r atijiiy.ij f "- We carry evei7thlng necessary i i,;-- WIIITV17.V- - 'i'S 1 -- i iyT,i; (HI 1 1 . , at fUf ! urles.Lat p br GI 1 11 Itd 3 ua a. r -- --- -. V-- - ' . 'a1 j af ; tif .. f- - riv ftW 1S rs. if ,. TT1 : ,1 TT .f - U11L,,LjILLAL.1ji3 UuB OS CO V i |