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Show 'r: ! " f ; .1 i V 1 i . HaurL ' ''4 i -- 1 combat at the expense of suffering innocence', even though' his calling be to there such A SUt prosecute. Bat of AffAlrs UTthe case of the Too People vs. Thompeoo,as Justified Mri'Varian ia forsaking hhy position lnthe proceeding to adopt thAt of ithe defense? EVENING NEWS. u AT rODR O'CLOCK. PRINTED' AND fUBLKHEO BY THE tlonf If it is not- - the tin written law4 in direct, opposition to the United ineAntng, by its very denomina- Statesr?and said, that, while he Was ' no origin, indisposed to vote for the abolition of hAs tion ; thAti it no! speciAl. record and no peculiar application, what elsj L is - it? It he would prefer to do! so rather than ' - , is aicAbje where there is no ot per form of law, and where other We Answer no,' And mean no,be- - forms prevalTlt passe s into its proper CAase we Are as sure we Are rlicht sphere of a bistoricnl guide, an lllnmi- 13. we . .Are, CextAln thAt.- - the I natorly pracopt only, Jt.ia.4n force fenUemanrrefBTTed" torrsTwrong-- - J where riotnThg more recenl EaiTeen wrong: in law, wrong in fact, morally ere a ted, becAUse, crude Xhongh It; is, and logically wrong". It cont&loj essentially the requisite J. tn h gert S229m8XJQJB' nidanceand gov .AjttgjrjtatijM;. thaAJtfte x 'Q. enactment by a competent body, wl&ey or DOt n officer armed wlto tory i that this bill should be lost. He wanted Utah made so it conld be Admitted aa a State, t. He had previously, charged the Mormons with going to Salt Lake Valley and taking United States lands. Mr. Collins asked him it nOt a fact that when the Mor. -- CHARLES Vf.P!TROSEr 1DIT0R. --"- Is the several precincts of that Territory be the Hast Moadmf Jira&rissmthttia'x visiaaa of thi act ahalV continue to reatain inoperative natil such eonautntioB shall ba preaeuted in tha usual manner and acted on uy cwngreu. T.Be eiecuoas herera for are to Jba . held, condVeteat andprovided returns thereor fnade in the manDcr new srovided by law for the holding vt elections fos county andattprecinct officera. fa aaid Terriand art and parts at acta in ee) tory, i who toe provisions or mis secuoa snail ana wilt remain inoperative natil the exof Six months, and in the case said piration of tha adoption and ratification of said as hereinbefore provided, the said provisions shall remain inoperative natil action on said corutittttjon by CoBfrelfc'' Hi- - mh iim-- frne?, '..iit.,lat - " lr.YO ': : .e. .... 4 AM) . JOBBE BS JQIFOBTJBIIS . cool-head- - 4 - t T1fir WM n y r " M ;u, 1' V- " ! Xtl 4'.' . - nt three-fourt- i(Sj !; country belonged to Mexico?. Hw men coaia inev usurp mas ol tne uniteo states" aa,Mr.dtfforcneo. AMITSBSIKirrS. uouma xs makes a decided dll- fntnnsn In saiii ftirAmsnr ..l 4.M-H- f 111 1 , . . imm juui sLiwiiitiii. A particular snbjecU the1 common fcJi ' UMBTY CKST8 A MOKTH kfOK fa warrant and a Winchester rifle had npon Is mt Wisconsin. was ihe Mri Caswell, no longer operative m Tl-- I E ATRI rlsht to take life la tbe fortfaennce lw next spuaker. The LAKE s"aLt could 8peaker his dntvi anrClhatand ceniDletlonoC hardly getorder, and there was no m - wr subject j.. I rr TTTIP CTT listen :tW,CMweUlind mneMn substance, but In disposition gaid v vv 0 J. II., tut cash collector of ikheha4 devoted coBilfjerablfr-lterjan- d .Jill .4 At bearing, Kir. after futile a attempt y llfty-ceB4her plarr said so ranch, the otfer Leaftaa, is. In trepldatloev sSodr to tb"Bb)ct,-tr.Varian-JAU. the seemlnr success of'Ka two thabUits qeetiovrtnvolves, perhaps way tbfione expression neutralized CI.O8K TUB DnnaTE.! 1 f2 other. he couldn't ihonlff' Sabeeribed CapltaJ, the Baitbat as S0).000 lUrfj He contraction ol taeTeaeral laif hirelings In WaJufntfOn Y?y sneeclies Thd lOO.UOO the of n effedti)f I p Capital, . raid had law a And of Cotvtress thus the statutes as well the Idea that the Job Is -- done. compittely Cai'ne and lrijtfrmntv was isradaally check the flow of balf dollars into fata as the copiltarHoB of the Tesrltorlal rabbi ri oat the common law TnakJngpp.-lyganpoff. these "Singular, - who weigh .every And Unlawful cohabitlon feld- - wearing legislatcrei SMITH, to kindred imatters. (1 Say. ami Zeua. Lands as treasnrsr. Go hclsouV. with Iaw ... ., ; so .uh Sn.I.h :; matter and discriuiinatiiir. dircctors. as all its carefully owrrwork a "of substituted of column League pjKiern myaiscussion to cont.aer.t.ae lni,and I 4 Henry Dlawoodey. I John u.w ly can be blown about by almost everf John Henry taffy for miners.' the rtnrden SI mittex sofely now In the rtfcht" ot the uut we.csn nair.mosNZi ai Omlei.. C .GaMga Bmanr, aJMis. u..w,ddw, the which Is, monthly four Fee raj law. As your honor Is aware, In relation to . the legal measure of upcaker ot power blows innoB them. ivja accuaa, one in Is tbe wheie which those their offenses that subject bits must be gtlllJonbcoDii there Is. no common lawcriminal provision they J. CRA!ST CO., Ageafs. are not immediately coa , as there will be lots.of work to do, for ftbmmon law known to the arisprud-enc- e arc misdemeAnSr.41 'palely,' simplf "And cdntfrttufentfl 46 att .mtf St Salt I,ak CUy. OJkmt cernea. tint, wnen jur. xncaer arose, the object ot the League Is "the overof the United States. There are uncontrovertlbl r Was it not beeatrse he attracted inar.taurla.tore; throw of Mormonlsui as it exists And Ho common law offenses. Oar ances to have dose bo, would have been and, warming himself op until 'hi would bak and and the has existed." This, hesayi" will b"e tors did not bring with them that por to fully represent; the calling he is snp roice House laughed again at taw! ridiculous contested by the "Mormon? lede tion of the body of the common law." nosed to follow, by appearing as the effects caused by ita impotence to- do "to the bitter end,' and "It Is probable This was a .very ArUal commence- People's Advocate andemanding At justice to the aacendioglcnoleric of It that this generation will not witness ment; It has the ring of fairness in It the hands of the: Jury simple Justice possessor, the thermometers gradually in the bosoms of his hearers. the end" ot the labor of the League. when .consrdexed per set I It is only for Che people? And, further, btcau?e arose lhocte .who applauded. Mr This means that half A dollAT A roon to when glyen itaplaoe la the chain which the defendant' was' in ' jeopardy.' only Bennett nowerstwhile applauded; Mr. Tucker s, At was least for as and aodt at: when a Unk for be be follows will genera and .onaidred ,Mormob,V! guiltlv of the' chest-- '' killing; required about tbe Honso beingjth tionof the fool'sh people who haV thereof thAt its: iairness withers as that to hAebeen oonsistent therr, nutiAn cant tae uucieus vi oiTerameot ne was apbeen caught in the tolls of the League TSu proceed, and MLnAlfjr dlsappeArs would have been to be Inconsistent plauded to the echo. Htf became-- ' ' AtdgetiieJ' with his inconsiderate, unconditional, . collector of revenue. Ua'wpnld hart tt iande'r-stoQUITE BJCSipE UIMSKU1 ; G.O. J. II. makes the. thing, as easy as unreasonable malignity toward everythat the qnestlda lnvolten when the he revealed word 1a appealed ent and for of , the likewise the federal w, the Loyal Leaguers, thing possible everybody wearing ' . tne Omnipotent; and never was a 1WTKAY, NOTICE. 'Mormon" lAter da fiAme ' ot bide of steadycontributlons.totbe ot the TerrltoriAl; here? It of AND Q$LA- -. V..".., voice morel aulty to the pressure put ''.'''" looks" HvAy; ':thst of he hive would rfther upon it than when' this eminent ln the' reader will", fund that he fingers for lore r HAVJC irt Mt 1038 ESSIONi' difficulty in And A fladins the place where J hro w Vm le$ Thompson ko, with twenty: mortal 'jurorical" monnfebank screamed ont cause, hatred ot "MormpaUm" Hi 4toteTU- BT i' r f.. una spaa, or nay cajSKS. about I years they twain, they twain, they, twain valuable consideration.- He says they latter eretooard altogether! repudl murders en. his crown if peeds be, than shall old ; ne brands or marks tijible ; one with be one flesh," the effect became j HERRMANN, rop.arounaiunecx. njed . not attend meetings; Indeed ales It as'so indch surplniage, words Jeopardlae what he doubtlesa cherishes ludicrous and laughter followed from It the above described' Animals are not ' meetings? are not obligatory" at All. and aenUBcea .naving a meaning bnt ao dearly Ills rindictiveness Howard the treachery of bis 'voice ;'! Not they 7a Alt Ineeaiparable JSntertaiament. Uv claimed and taken h.f.M Jaimi... as forth buadle"calied cucujaa; j ... A S7th, 1987. they will be sold atanhUc auction htngbter again, The obligations ot the concern,, he no actual force or tljecii TUla wonid ihe people of UUh. 1 fallowed the after words at Cirv Immediately Katrav th , Washingtoa round. !'.) fc one flesh"; or as soon alter as tae ,'rf says, are simply these: "Enrollment naturally give rise to the question as id 'V'" 1 Squara, toths highest responsible bidder, at ,, as donne'oNly by Hm" 1 could be What of dues." At sncb cracs of he in and payment tbe voice wottld be mended. He discussing it necessity "Caine as aathoricy diRLS DREAM. easier? All yea bare to do is to enrol great length, or, for that atter, of lelegate; of OF THE BILL tiounttd Ood had to be set the th& Kingdom JT. till to , X. CK, Jan. 17, 187. Beaatifii; Rctaresqiiel WetW' Jf dttdsSlDilt il ill .Onerhisf kq d3t; your nanus anil pay jofaptfTflf.1 of Ihli govern' up at the .expense t '' an ot BAM orjreatJiistoTyafMi-eaejrII. will take all yon Uk to tha paea ' S4 . 1 ... , K ..... rueqt. Caine The "Delegate trcrta omelukt to "immediate coinpafl- - GRAPHIC (ACCOUNT Off THE Utah. treasurer, secretary, promoter, manipDelegate floe Colored. Movable lISaOIJV'INCl o: . uade no such asar4jioa. ulator and grand centre of cAah gravity, iiniWllsjctrtaivVeiwU: what IEWS, af the highest order: ' iMr. Tocaerl ,wloa e gentleman i ' itfd ttany Wpnders of'. Your name and haljf ,a . flojlaj, to T HAVE IX.MT PpSESSIOX: 1.wojildtellas' '.; .the 19th Cenrary. d' "a moiifh be assart d, be Acta a mcaniDi, begin with, And flfty-centIt COW. "le nan old. branded II s Our CorrM&Kkndeiit aa tCye ...i Keaorved Seats on eale,- Monday, at enOae lor a generation, .make yon a fall- and it was nodhe dramatic effect tonlet' red hip, slit In right ear and hair crop in Mr. Came 1 a ado-- use of no Un- - 19 a, m. left. fledged Loyal ttagWwlttpnUuijM Oiie dark brown heifer CALF, about Iff irnajte that could be construed that .a. SJioll nu,t effort. IlolllsUr will do th lent) J He Attdgcther.' either--: ... monxns era. . t ,J. ., .,JW Way. 1 save voa tbe'tronblareJtnyhZjik't raaa r4tvTeTT known H&at Mr. will said aiauaals are not claimed and taken Mr. Tocker Okit tbe cenUetnan baa ":or'tEiF.8SirrA tH? house ten from f away, date within, .v1! hereof, days t hlsepeecti. Ins; or other responslbtlitysOI tawnef ij.n. a thematte'f ol re- tlaeyaJUbe sold at i nblic auction at the THEATRE. South Mr. Caine I jald nolsnch, thing, TIVES A TEMPORARY BEAR .j SAIT, Bountiful estray pound, at 1 o'clock a ''Mormon'? who Is suspected otacW VarJn nrneiiwnejioccasion-TequireMr. Tuckerr-- I did not mean to mis vrrsrag p, m , i nurgaty, jamiary S7IB, 1S87. ing on advice from others Is a rebel BQChapeiforiaanee.' tha gentletnaa. I hope, bis ThJOse who do represent wm and a Slave ; but a Leaguer whojpays his rot Record. in tbe Fenndkeener. appear fpeecn kniOTtttsCTi"pnst themselves by Sooth Booahful, Davis Mr. Caine Il is already la the hands itiu. monthly tax jasr thattnd nothmg looking ovcj hi- record as an attorney And Oat of!fonfaslbn tjbe Infamy RS7. the printer. i ; v , . ' more-ri- s A "loyAl" And "Llhar; f reftc pi !, Upraua;. , He then described the colonization of InffJLaJnnvVntera onw Instance;; l man. t Utaby tbe establishment of the Gov, YVM tert&ln.offlarh of tki tttr ev$ KSTIiAY WOTICB. eminent of the Stat of Deseret, de- GRAND;:;. SATOjrUJAY MATINEE. doaators, cfqn'ti emmt,Hnothlnji;over s year,, Agcf,' So, you incorthe act ' that 1887. f Jan. by 12, It claring WasmxaToar, passed Engagcraent'ojf the' Popular Favorites HAvE IX lilT POSSESSION: imagine for a mement that there u took such steps as seemed to them. of Jesus ChrUt of Church the Edmunds-Tucke- r porating The bill to be any let up to the fifty available and effective to abolish thn Latter-da- y, Saints was a nullity. DurOne cream colored HOBSK, branded passed the House. The Judiciary cent demand, li'tfr liouister says ing the course of hi remarks later on was on in were be a forder two to make ob left thigh. L in a circle on riehtthiarh. compelled, Bonday given "No, the . wotk . we, Mte thAt these acts to aatcia vi declare our aiaca ten, two wane reel. years old air jwum good, i point tbe consideration' bills for of taepraf (Mf days to us is enforce growJJUA 'weffe un nay huksk. big lert biad leg. star in v a re an bseq uently adopted by tbe J j ! brotrgrl which they might present to tne House, Legislature 01 the Territory of Utah, forehead, shod ah rouitd, no brands. rection, and growth regardless of Appealed to the District , com-a selected by carefully If not claimed and taken away within lime." The growth you see is to be here Mr. - VirlAn, In his totfi- - end even in the Assignment of time. lit then iundertook to lear away the Bnpperted pany, in the following repertqura. IS days from the J a to hereof, they will be of Maine, began rasping the objections to tbe bU), but it was . Keed, sold at tbe estray That is the proper term cial . "enforced." Kockport, sfoa- ! ' canacity, again went over to the willowy Tocker about the urgency ot 8 D A Y.jantiary oay, January ztin, Jrs,, at l o'clock p. ta THilR PAISVUI. TO S0T1CK ,, to use.&PsymentOt harfdofrtis ;4s,td &Jense 'Jismlm , ' JOHN HORTON. and mdV'Io J. R. ft rU mer's Drrfmatiration of Hugh ' Wtry the .tftah bill, and wanted an assurance that he . ! be enforced by the discharge-- of Lwerk--f . Poundkeeper, kept shyof the remerks thst Conway's wonderful navel, excuse that it would WA'oCthiaies7krfegIng'asaiis Summit l attenreceive immediate a., Jan. 1J, lrftfT. . Eockport, had been made by aim on tne Edmunds men in miuei and tmelters who will that he would not believe the wit- tion. This Tucker could hot give, bill end Against some of the provisions not submit to be bled for the bnafitof whb&e festlmony jtfs con- which he now the House to "Growth-t- o stating that his committee would meet Adopt. It was alurged aJ iwiihisefVpla HollUter League matter fori great re K&F R I D A Yv klanuaryi aist,' - ' : ESTRAY KIICK. ueiow, ' I When an the 1h he to "enforced" directinnV arrangeday following. see man s to on aacb Draihalizalioti of Alex. Damaa ret back the or i Th r go ocivpn but under shortly after, oath; deirtng 01 ment for the bringing forward of bills untarnished record a Hie to win a BATS IK irt rosscssicm: and the whole League buaitaeae from f3 fwreal vieanee j:ftaa : roiaanee, ipon the chief wonid be agreed to. It was decided lew plaudits from persons as mercen rone ! beginning to end is a fotclig 'ptocees reas bay mar COLT, abont 9 months old, and untrue he ntmself,. He that one demendlng little .it any con- ary three white, f Set, little white la face, no 1 u the direction of Ff ferred to his course, to the desire he U : l sideration should first be called up, bad to eee Utah admitted aa. a SUte SATU RDaY, January aand, 'vranas. to be "regardless of time." . ... is One roan bull CALF, abont S months old. .indicted ' Barnes! great' mtlltary Praaia, "I do nortcare what yeu believe, bet 1 KUmt and then Tucker's substitute to qlvipsalri nvjver and ander half crop off left crop ef nT Therefore .1 rattle in yonr--' MiAlf-- d te1qe " ' 1 CouBdad on : seincidsnta iu the . : .... . ., .. ... , do not waait yonr belle expressed- - in earf right let Hollister handle and prosecuted for conspiracy to TUB KDJtUSDS BIIX. "" 'liars and ; in VI latecivU:war,)i overt acts. 7 ix saui antra ais are not claimedand, takes rxjlievaitbat, among a. before them;--for- , enrollment and pajment ttle evidence of the m, Jannary 48th. they the rising generation tha disUke of THE FIEfclXOF' IIONOIW away very men he had The result . was that it obtained the polygamy is steadily growing' . I ;i.x . .. OR KfrH'S pEYOTIOX. , " i , will be, sold . at public' auction at the o clues are the signs of "manhood" and few a floor.Aboutia Partners :45, minutes In A( by the estray Court pound Precinct, Bait Id 'were stated to want Utah see t take her posktloh ss a ant "independence,1 of loyalty And previously Jak county. t th hirhest Teanonsible one the discussion bad com- State, by. renouncing polygamy and wifhout u past Iteserved This will extra fit ' eeata, en Udder. charge, AUHAeiUTT. .pftosecatotwitht ..... sale 1 propose A Is why leaguery, and yon can make np your do for one instance, and serves to menced. When the reading of .the bill that Wednesday Morning, at tho Theatre aI'oundkeeper. ' ...... . v ... Box Offlcs and Union Itckat OiHce. . minds that this is a llfUx, fer Ve 'Jannary- 17kb, 188S. was thr Mr. Tucker COXSTITUTIONAL AMKXBMKXT stated concluded, Ter:' used the to to Vrhyie destruction of "Mormotilm whkhis tafnte" for a while and then two hours would be allowed each side so as to prevent tbe possibility of her in ieetrnctlble is tha oate'usrble object lltorial ITke a loatbsomething for discussion, after which and aWSy relapsing, or any other Territory, threw it and thus yoa will bo poarlnjf your cafjh polygamy aq a state. becatisr) jit iye hs pqrpose t useit laove. the previous question. Mr lie was mquenuy ippiaaaed, ina stream Into a botWtcleti bole. ;Bat for a time,,givlng as It does authority t6hg, of Mas ssc ho setts, stated that he when he referred to the fact that lie then while Hollister is there to mane ge to ani JstrSke move to to out desired fifth HI' the was about to -retire f rom' tbe lioune. ofQcer to k a fasUlre when the It who can donbt that "growth will be leave t1' She oSIejBan charged in section, and Mr. Collias, ol the' same ami ,Utat bia- caly wish was to some him that - would enforced in a glvn direction," even if jMiniffli alter ahso said had jeMslaun about State, o fifty (he Ihe jjSen-dertwpjd snbject help to settle the unhappy question his tiat direction Is the revenue thai rn us theitarant amendments, he wished to, propose) mellowing brought down-thIn-- the peartenHodaei tpriOBrinent tj the direction of Ilolllsterr bad not died away before itreason that but tbe discasslon came on, not, bow The applauseiary:; and foe farther . . '.i ... ,. - ' oaeatitma-.he moved the nrevlons ver until lltirlve T Ihta ArcrBlnsnt thaC Mr, Bennett, ol North Caro ol staked "vMr.18cott,i A . . FennsyiTaRia, W V aa a. member of the stated that, lina,' .is necessary vcueermg ui uuauiuious cuuBcu to oaer.au auieuu ' " ' ' ' ' .1 9 ANOTHER COJJSPWUQUA, committee,' he accepted the ment . " Immediately; the wild I ' 1' AtsiprbtWmsivezieAa. Judiciary time i two boors of for 30 est disorder beggarly oppos or 2d. FAILURE. prevailed, Lat tomtit yrUea.'itbrd beoessary ing the bill as a whole, because be shouting a once," "Kegular, ardor ; THE grand Jury of the First Judicial IWJM&BlSlSXfye'z, lld with could not get more, notwithstanding regular ordei I" 'Mr,, Tucker .with a the grave issues involved. Mr. E. JJ. bland smile and WifJl both hands exDistrict has ignored the indictment its assistance and .'.it was: nec Taylor, of Ohio, began the debate by tended' ss though in the set of work with the to tt6wtt) eisAry: A short and very watery a against Joel Sicks, of Logan. Quite delivering ssld,: coaldjiot apeecnla favor of it. He was listened dAr friend, I benediction, " and''My would: Iike the right. This is another of the numerone nationals) crest, the statute a measure t of wta for it was .4Jie. rest attention, noise In the drowned Aeliorcanaa Win. spite cases! sent np by the ignoramw flgurejaja Mr. 8cett then appealed,to the House was glar- - was evident that this bill was exciting Goodwin,. which have utterly .failed in fact that this inconsistency woiutttniBg more 01 attention man onij to anow nis. :J;,rrth falsely everything but trouble: to ' . AMBMDMEMT TO BTB BKIO, unr an wnst orerr When it nennougat And to fees and the deputies'' "TUi accused t i '.n: 'i hfMhft? Aa in tha Instance cited, his 'I - , DKlia4XKCAIX !. r but no, not even- - that. The Honse the Comrolss. oner. !..-' And then opposed the bill. He spoke clAmored with arduous. wrath aralnbt U It will be remembered that Mr. Kicks purpose had been Accomplished atajtai. for one hour and a hall, being given the the MormQps. The Speaker hastily put demanded an examination, contrary to stnUlfitfatiQ was att altogether infer!- closest attentlon( the i members crowd- toe previous question ana it was car the usual method 1 before "J ,tne Mawwiift ; r i ing around him. 'His point told well ried with, an r Vaya" eofvehameatly that ha pleaded, a be said, not .Alone tne me 01 u naa Jaot,. .Deai nearxt lor l .... . .t ' Logan functionary' f wfcoi j fayorefl illilheiuUiof ti BTtTbiUdi StAteSUcCAr Attd uu uuv tor uiujseit aa veer. Then the: Amendment offsred liVDiuiueuw, jvr ne as means that by no well, pledging his word and chaiacter by Tucker which is.in tended to vacate "waiviuc," ,froiif!iip; in th,re Jj could grab bU fees and i Sake flislru- t- it Is nottnly Btrperror to that the evidence upohwhidi the bii( all the offices immediately; and inakje was witnout iounoauon lu tnavinunicipad omces also, appointive, trouble and an exhibition of his own bat apaals.a ol thelocal en- - was oasea,snowea tne uaconsuuitioo-lit- y wast put and carried with another as lie the provisions i ignorance of law aod logic. Wnen the acUnent .on . the same subject iacc. of Involved mud acclaraatioa so aod Which Spreader5 qaoteo liberally from the speech of watiajr,; prosecution had rfoaltelitaanimbst, iiDiuiiuaus inafca Mormon gtrooi; aigat nave la i:i att T '. j iioev'Kieoce li I Hloscll lllllilH') vfUeiicpRiliiyew TV f A ' 1881. he baa vehementlv condemnea mat arose -: . dei). was dicharne of tbe defendant lamtiy afterwards only npon It exclaslvely. Another reason thKry ne wu aowaratiiK.' mantled. But Gooa wlo w(Jrti(-Jt- f n iotas'provisions, Um w .uoffj tl)e itjiBW.ilufet But tea ixivn aa aatt lio part..Dl warn Uicroosljp pomgoMlr of 4ika acioonre 1 puieuui ww, hot. nam t,gsmiiomt,wnK:u Si - ilKUR approved. ana maae a jaw June, aays latere He bad any conception of the nature pltho M'3 toumm Hare tH8 Hint, woQld Dcea; il. i. a; l . tviUDpldtl.ifd wh(n he hid Mr. Kicks that if he conld prove his moat of his vapid rhetoric not even' ed. irrniirratniatf.d wa, I maariill. aul deaoand . i Inooceoce and ate says 14l'prodacrift wtt-e)leTe aedd wm Mr. Calac'a Bautea oat avuica. the ayes and toays'Wan-pues that the proaecutien warned bat ma: eotosaont iaw la, not recognized speeoa lot tae House and It will be WAscoirFesioai. found one wllcb neither he nor the iu. could not find, he tyouldjbo dlSc toed,. Qftoole of l it Ah Mta have reason la hu "No. no. !" Ah no: al down. otherwise he wanId stand comntftted. 'wbfdtk s Ane; iad that? thee overa- - MiHbamed of pr-t- view with anytaaag . kaap- - dowut" 'I'hat sucb a stupid; coarse and rl- - auoua a vaafcuaj jaa. oiahiou iw aui. utiug9 tint arli f klndrad 'oaM i.aed,aaileriaa rwiou il D ta tne vlv, rM dicu'oua numbskull is continued In the is ttftramfi,.., Yerj. ..weji.the governan anxioos with as.;Miinni' Speaksi was.looklmj cfficVot U. 8. Commlaslonet in in ment Uw his "(il he hlmsell itited la would bet) their4 IrViJJ1: eje toieeil ol North (jarbllnaUted toik f iV'cs I j "'4 ? . 'j , ; . ,1;...' . feet U carry tb demand". Xm Imawnt ', ofthoaghUeaaneas) aet cudgel. He read extracts from the re important county nae uacneargiysa Hut TOta'for' three the" eatlUtm Of i whkk tbe of Utab iat . Coiamlsaioa Uw terrinio,' scarcity iomBVn the ports rsjlo ana iaidje rata which tbey affirmed tbe success of "the sryes nis nays, aarauetfaeaker, We jnaterlai .in the north, gross andK JinlAwl Edmunds ing going otf ypiccAoovs uie-aiadKtorgaay law aud tliesecessUr lur the in ,j den p N tae ol lerlslators ence to common decency on thtfpirt of Qi inhabitation cinitif1 rimes,: lapse of time . that the provisionaof motion to accent the sbbstltatA 4 the Territorial Supreme Court, and a redncad them, to . thl rank that enactment might, have ample op- - asThe ameaded wu alas carried by area' OIT miaieiaeaAora,! i Ufl. Abe iuate results. u aiso uaae deplorable lack It reapea t4r iU oaaok -- aye," while Mr, Bennett raised quotas a lAAa'Itnt of on d,tAMniiurfiMiin It the the part autbonty !' tions from the; report o .Qoveraor motion to C&M .U.. , .3ll!j. the bill drbw ont th ;'.y r ' ' ' States. ' t t again that we are w!er, oetter and West, all showing tiat this H' tf i j AOOTOVal Of tCUADV IdAtV liflM.anrl , loud at tall nctMlfni. Tha rmlnla uu hue ntorat psarclful "now" ithan vtbea .4.he vumt tne Dill isatannlmiw wse- - '.'eooclustveiy telling, bat to oo naa fan tMlf Jaat avaiL taere wa some haptioA Jaw dfcfibad Ho tneA entered, upon a diiscna-- whichnassea j J.i 'J , i'i (. ! ' ' I hshUe was noticed V AU1AN a VAGAKIK3 iodastrtotislv aet i j i " w dilit thftiv Itoi cCthe legal points involved and a. poj 'yjefc' rYarlirj, a m no ne less motion oy than person so blown against illiitron whlcU hls arneltoritd Our dealt turn. n"..AaM Ka.a aatraai Ua maIaS OliKrraced trl hAn. Tucker br .nnotlng hla words, w'jo enas so surnaiiv pates-an- d and the record al alnnv whole the Mr. Caine as bad also pro-and V, read, carefully done, Mr.1 vtolatioa ol voked not a little laughter by UU life, Htndolph Tucker. The Mouse a m auv a c u a waav i viHiMinvaa at wncc aaruurnair."" r.w. lawi. shows hpw certain those. who and biting- sallies. .. Tucker was witty , nd rest, r a f i case Bara-tave at j Thompson lessj c moved about. nd:wben, the mi ,fi .aix?;Bii,roTM IWolationi devoted sufficient tinWto the las ma of jcdtatair,.fjc kaff boar which remained to tne oppo-nen- ta AnbtAnowtfiefoensVlW of the bilt when Mr. Caine was . Tbroairhoat tha dav ' the two B'a tbe oratoj to form coBclusions at all. I changed is a la a thronch had been, cnnaiimfil.a .mnm. were in the House and a smile of aunus-t must, If they reAd co M iL .11 . asked Qnanknous consent, tUA ual f ailslactloa played; About the fea; 2 J' .... ,; j ykg '.d M'.b "liSi,V And reflected Without Bennett be ot Uu . anctlouiJienuett lis tures ss . strode ' , e t'filT.' LUiuBiuiuwbivut uu" uuct iu nviua were a there concluded that great lawful cohabitation in 1663 was a capith rotunda. lit should be a ,.( through Vrocxkd. to aixowkd ati man. His aaceeaa would .iu. rroud many things conspicuous by their ! tal tfttffoe urrfer iheonimoo' liw, and "Go onf Go on I" were heard in; all considered defeat, by s more scrnpa thence and a still greater Array dftnlnu- t '. man the directions.!' law under x.ion l.-punishable ,i wUajletah't , if.' U tlye by their presence. As a whole, of f j f ' Mr. Tucker I will take the floor And ..SDeaaer janiie ana tiovermar Waal r, 1 n'misdemeAnor pnnish- 1 i in marched from arm the speech (to call it an argument is to L able A.witb it s House arm the from the North '.4.1 Caro yield gentleman "r'lifi ' j j. if -- v and fln-- H lina tea minutes of roy time-.tl WaSi-it lnaprtaonjnant, aaoth amillng.' Ai.y number of mem Without it dignify . tV '.('( 1. 1' . . eofflcfo.as)fia . ... . , so ournoargea near is An ex Anus remara was met with a bers aeciare tnat Speaker Carlisle baa '4. 'ercprt m thanjcs mwds strikingly suggestive ... boilddSed Uw storm And throoarb. exnresfllonsof this of thins dissent. a as. as now bad 4ut being panded i a police court lawyer who ha. il SoVJ coming from all parts of like has rarely If aver before been 4 rciicea pi as aeprave llol ' Mt .Ula change of btart Is nn. ,.; ..'.iU "i iheflooru known, read Just enough of Iaw to form levejwaStAnp j Ht j as of .rare, .we 'call ft' a tnisde- - - Tne Speaker pot the e.aestlbrr' And doubtedly iue to Governor,- West, 8 t'i superficial conclusion, aAdV ,h v. men, U'l ?l "J.J i was I have aaid All along' that bis presence meAnlng hereby thAt we heve said he neartr uo It .!ri'! it' - .;.Bwrt!wi .tl" me.AApr il Was lug no comprehension spi the ptnl AdvAnce3 as relites to the title bf the then asked how objection. menace a . here to i.r was much time , I your people, am led now to believe; that I spoke bat its was there and 1 m osophy of : his mstter or wsnted, again sygeaeral bnt reAh the Authors of response "All he wants." And so Mr. fitness for the occasion, put In. his offeFieeonjy, nch i sin with the same punishment Bennett proceeded f or 't anotherbaJf I rode from tbe1 .Cabliol In tha .urn t..i ' efforts wherever there! Is a, place big that ,TiAO-- ' fcAT wICb'fr. Tucker. ii too, year 'ago. thus boar, still exciting langhter and chal Jnflicfed waS Like. new v. enough W receive them. was! be bathed blushes lb bride, and of .the lenging points dark the racllcAlly stlUllingtrlng.tn he lAlddowd. lie also' .was applauded spoke cdnstantiy of the bill be bad lust Tne fact that as a prosecuting officer that at the close. Ue had converted an un- bulldozed through CongTess. a smile he struck his colors and went oter to aagesrr'whea.ilt ia necessary House. brutal In Had be marshal tbe played about his ruddy months but he deputy friendly upheld previous not would amount to the opposition, been-pu- t "It would have seamed too aoxions to learn of the apthe alangbtee of a man paly accused ot question thendown. q,iAiHtry If conditions the otherwise I voted belitve been the bill proval of his coarse by those- - aboit' anything v.. , iW(tH-the ,f.tfiai(Jv of .tj j. offense known jfrade" lljatest ElnLto the possessdr ol conscience WIM.'illil.. would have been defeated L.bnt tinj arhad been propert It Is a circumstance V'"' S' w ! ssrtikfled to the with ,Z. was law he a . highest otherwise. statutory A norhad theoorai rangement Liifl occurs ' reason H. !'i i ' bnt rarely, lor the 4 ' which Y.-For s. lawyer, it is absurd to discuss that the accused bAvlng A representa in. jvesxnr:'' , ") ; I ' of the 'peo- the subject of - common' r law took the floor.' Ue'yleldedpart of his tive suppOsedlrtne-pee- r . l'naaaePaaaaSata ' '' . V4 smenrlmciit As is folio VsVfTnat ,frhe tbi . t'-v- i Mr. to Is of It Maine. whose and He to 54 time Seed, oi ijv duty i does, it lBWJhiijiiXvi..yarlaa i.Mva,? i''tilf not attorney effect shall take till act ple's six months after ' 4i t"l to show that ft was not polyg- it approval- by th Preside, t I f " 'i make ,thej details sna tneory or bi for the reason thAt' l he gives argaed and' there j ; j Which tha bin wa designed shall he aajelection held an ta several alone IT ' 4 amy preas no to whether or not- it to correct, bnt that it was intended to' cincts of said Territory on xite tUira case his Special care, the service of satisfaction i i jV-lLf- J the one who prosecutes officially, need Is our reliance now or ever has been as make the Mormons disgorge,' He adthe eaalifled ' " t ' u U 't r of thein, said, Territory inayalecl means of date'nnlulng offenses not mitted tbe charge which the friends of electors not be drawn5 ent In that direction each .legislative district," iii persistently ad- from: people d1have aameer ol lsiegate' thev are doable but bo confined to his own side sufficlehtly explained otherwise. What your entjtJed Tt6 under was ihe oblect.' elect that vanced, of Cpanoilorsi and steWeMntatrvea to ' of the caseStlll.. U; Is. notlonly i thecomaioalajv, concerning, which Mr. Ben sett asserted i o many words the Iralauve Aasewbiy of aaid Territory, t f. it. ' Uv3 . H bis right hut his duty to take the .prpsecuUng Attorney speaks so that the Dili was a lot), Ana clever as an HI UU!em elected nahalb mw . 1 v . r..a IU f u 14V ,a, c I ivl a not of r toaoZs i Is it awiu interests firppanUyfIhto .the collection the uw.tii i.t of intelligent ac4. people afiHii 'however.- eUher April, li&J.at 14 'clocJ, noos, aad .TV t"."!! 1 USI House, "il f .1 and ( practices farm a conafetutionai evolved could not detect eahrlicri-discrep- ij' consideration, and remember that precepts saaii rnmel a4o p bounding A prisoner to an unjust con- oat of the - necessary j "' demands sncies or attached w imoortaoee to said convf ntion in form, ami u deal of bothJs doubW. Jhall prohflHrepublicaa viction is not what the better classes of "people--' safa .. from the them.the A greAtt He n ", v, T LtB-iless umc tihalt poty,OMy cAe chArged the Moc-iia irtr w.. be, rtUid b require at his hands; in short, he Is dawn of Christianity down to tha ra mons with uiurpatloa of lands and the tha Tha votes cast. by the qaabaed etuctora 5? be to hero And the of al preaVci an sot supposed eleelioa fo ba held for that purpose la Aieg pf priatbl steanj loemo-- 4 establishment of a goverumeatal polity I ' .' con.-stitntio- -- ' ' tW. ' Vi r ed hs tK , . : 1R( hmdm ERA1 JU.I-AJ- ? - tp It Ibe-acatte- f 4 i:rb - JW v od , scon-Btmclr- on MANUFACTURERS OP IjolEiBBOKE books . . -4 , BOOITS STATWBY ' " -- i i,!M , Carry a G(niiletoStock in Every Lino , '- 11 lflE r THE-SUV- : ' OYERALLS, Etc. 01ERHE48, ,nr : . v -- V- --v , It- 0 iaw-i-b- at SHOES, cS: ! ' . ji i . , a MD-MT- .. - - -- adeptt ,:'.-- .,. .1: UU -- s - i ' i "' smmm I half-doll- bi.i3orltoiicl9iii ) JOilK-JOtiNSO- Co-Ja- a. Ar to-d- - JOSEPH GRISMER PHJlEBE DAVIES e,c com-rAlit- iitfniJii rs glrrneS-J-Offende- J ay , X)iR"5T IB HPTJB. S WE SIIALIi OFFER BARG-AIN- . rnJ, : ; , CALLED BACK, Montfi of JANUARY. i s t , Id-- T Monte CJristo - JtSlVJriSfJ-,hJLltt S In all Oltjt. DEPARTMENTS during Vie t 0seV&Xim Wi mm For Ludies' Blisses' ad Children. wUl be offered! at RNOBM0U8 o A v k I v i u k; untu tne wboie stocw if ciosea out. TteW -- Season'a Importation ot Shawl Is also offered: t, ACTUAL COST! - . , - . - , ; this Department during; this MontHr Only, AT BARB Hvrrythlngln . COST, and some lines to .be Cleared Out At Less lnan Cost? f : if 1 - :, s : v i it-'- Robes at $12.00 and 15. OO Reduced from tralance ot our stock: of. Combination and the PB1CK. UralPatteriu at 11A.LV nd stripes, Cloth press lwialea ClOtui.7 Ttcou,JL Iln-he- l. . r 'aChecks aa aa '. KtUlTS At AtAUK CUS1. We Clear Out Ilrindsom aao.OO and ., . ...i Tf-.- i ... 1 mm , i AT COST. 1PXjJ.TSTN13J:m& We offer to Clear Onir, Scarlet Twilled Flaritiels, White Sheik eirs, Striped naets avnd. ajonatorfa, Actual Coat. Jersey IrjLiaamets! . au-siu- eu I . I , I . . iff, We are offerrlna-- Speclat "Bargains ' In. Croehet'sad Martalles .Qnilts, Towels, Crabea, A'apklns, Table ; Linens,. Mottlngbam Net aad Curtains. ' ' i " r ? i ', MUSLIN UNpERWE AR. We offer to Clear Out abont 1000 pieces in this line now being at New York Cost, to anaka room for a New Importation, ' ' ; roAuufactured for us. " i i'., 4 'AND Reduced Irs at recent CIIILDREN'S of LADIES' JERSEYS, portaUo a, 1 THE illK LSRIiEST, . CE : -- - . ! IrolarejUijj: - - Wj ta aJWiM l!i .H,'-.a .ls W And 75c., feedoced vj - at iMl'l T 7 Ba f :.i;. : i'i i SELECTED STOCK -- . f ' - ,--' II 4- " ; c: 4 ' v from 78 And $1.00. . .00 Wool Hose for $1 ; Misses' Wool Hose At 23c., LAdie'. HOSiEItr, three palrsl Reduced from 40 and 60c. a patr.. ...... :('.. :;tif A large Stock of HAmburg Embroideries, to be Cleared 'Out at Low Prices, J Kfrtro h Arrival at a Via lmanrtalnn3Mftnn trffi.'nTii DRESS TRIM MINGS j consisting, of Jet PassementTles. Moss. Feather and and Dress Buttons to be Cleared Out, Regardless 'Galoon - of Cost. Trimmings, . - Prtceai- u . '.tv.v-ilK.,- , . :. j pro-trounci- i .: L lj, e I 0, i lrtt o-calld 2,-0- ,: - l. " ,...1 -- ' JIL ' ' ' J; "'l'naneaiN.iii. j..'. - tn il.in ' mm--ri ' , ..I , ' at aawa.qL-- . " '! i, f i . .- cory - t f M . ... SaaBBBBaBBBBBBBBanrai a i i ata . . itVr. o ' . m. . mm WW Doa-llrino- , vi . ' B" VtiM TMi Vrm '.. M. ; tjj-lslatl- -- 1 I r vuaE-,.aowHo- -- T - IT-Vf.'- ' .;..--.- f3 " JVr' -- it, ; of " '" ' i "' ' - j" " - -- a mm w aw a .'l sledge-hauima- f mmm 1 , i . ' the-oil- wr v Ored'-tsant- -- - Imt u?;-s.ia v ( .' jr i ,j ' " a. r" A - i 1 1 - '1 .. . J', J u , ,ilv4 .... .v. - It.-'- 1 -- .. ay . 1 CWU ! f -- "f r r v TQIBE ,FO0 ND'il N UTAH . ( e 1 i. . oi-tn- ft ! hr to-d- I - -- ev ' a j u4 i : . "n! 1 il T '' . -- v.-i- - - - 1 ! '" 1 'r f' - . .' dHEAl?R . , 1. of goods conBidord. r- 4ft- -. 1 j 1 1 1 -- i " v - , - 't-j- '' .Afon-d4r,tr'J4r- h i 1 4 - im.i,. . ? . a-t- n fetbjSSS J lEGTOOT- p.aU-s- ? zuxyr STREET,- rri o.iurri' of tho AGEIS ThelGBEATESTWONpBR . j ij rVf i tv ia i w " Sa-- t. i mnsJ BLACK 01 rfu f I 1 ' ' ' ' - i i ' ' Uas made tnqre WernderfukCftres of Kidney and" Liver Complalnta than all, Pbyslclans and ' Proprietary MedJefnea OOllBD'ED, rCeiit tbV. ''.- - 75 herein mentioned.. Physicians, who use them in their 'practice, for all disease ,r . . ' u j j'i on uo aaver, aaianryi aDai ADey - act wun ruxTmoruipary uuicacy Bowels.- And la all Colds, Coughs- - Sore Throats. Croup, Mhooplnx Coaftb.ate. Tbev never fail to Cure Uulck.-- They Cut the Disease Short. tr They alpaVenf,t7rlcriAcltr-trr)tlroulating through tbe system. They are wonderful in thedeteftivA labors, arresting and divle through the proper; channel ail waste and elete matter, thereby preventing dlxcaspbr prniH, sap... ping away very vital part of jthelody;tbey will remove all blllloua humor; will disserve into pow1e r ail Gravel and Ktooe in the Bladder, making thei1 will prevent lirhrbtV removal UnU-ss- . This Js. the ()nlx tXietne that Wilt mtttx ara a filleted. diseaan afiilctlnir nermarienttv ran 7i ' Cistttis of iL'Hdaer, when other medicines have failed. Thouri&nds in UUH cauiv ;'. J. j tor them. They will r , t testily what wonderful! t:uxes this.'Aiedlelne has made car yon ami your children. They build. up. They restore the-- eitiUibriun, . 't J Kvery druggist ahonlrt ,kferk tharu. in, stock. PeJiie come from" all paru And . r', Acknowledge tbcirJouperloliy over ill- - other. medicinesT.-DtAltrsiibcan't eil briBr back your money refunded. I take my own medicine tnysdf. Tbey . ar for children, middle age an? old age;7c They keep tbe powder dry. Don't t saffer yourselves; flon't let your chileren suffer or vaurawd parent.. I tell If jruu this Medicine will lengthen tbe life ten years. Read Testimonials. , , your druirgist ooes not keep taem, asu him to order lor you. - internal juiue ' . . . La'jel, fij&i. tach.i'o n,' V WHITiU LAHKL. excels evert othpr rnraratlon for. , ' . Sotes, Wound, UXTrvstire Heads. Uad Creasts,addlc aud Collsrbciaich; in fact, you tau'Cpui taew vtio a ou anything .thai rtiu:res heatiLgou Man or I ! - i . :arr , ., , m i . S i . , At : . AL . SoId.IVliolcsalo or Itefail nt Z, C. II. I. Drui Kforc, ' " " Sail TjU6 Cilj.'rfraTi. CWcisv und 01.00. , ' 4 ' N |