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Show '"' -7 v EXTENSION 'Nl'feltl-il- i great Ct 'd UU IIEXRY; WAGXEU, HAZARD POWDER Uver -- o- i;l & CO. FIRST SOVTII ar'..s:j;Li STJZJBTtT. " lVASTIllH - P. W. MADgElS 39 and 41 Hot at -- ft , 23. Beet's imos., 1 Anyone buying a Range, Cook Stove "or Heater from as wlll.V entitled to chance In oar QSOOjOO Wlekle Extension Early Brealtta! to be Given Away, Jaimary 1, 1887. Our old customer, Cook Sto-rewill be given a chance by calling or sending us their address. Wrought Iron Ranges, Cook Stoves, Complete Stock ol Rarest: designs fa Hard and Soft Coal Heater.. Tin aad Granlf IroWnware and House Furnishing Goods. '1 Graefenberq ark 1st, 1887. January o tSprings o PILLS. EARLY BIIEAIiFAST COOli STOVE To be GIVES AWAY, a- others that tiipjr had jtist passed 80 WATSON No, I'm not KOifi; to pa ko uBKallant an Ox. as to say tnati than, apn mam Stonecutter and Builders, than 31 or r fl let the audiences do that. these ttld maids Yes. win be groaned HT.B 1U( m toe auditorium, like wax figures in rrldyTombstones, Monument", Mnnleln, iron llantou, Urates ana licarm Moncs. a museum.. Artistic attention will be AND ENJOY TnE LUXURY OF A given to tfia grouping. The sour aid aoiTii iexi'm: ht.. iao PACIKIO COAST NOTKS. maid, the sweet old maid. th mnk. OppoU Aitmblu Hall. old maid sod the old 'maid that has BATH II THESE EXCELLEHT CC1XKD rROM WB8TKRN BXCHAXGKS. never foMa) kissed will be uoou one so as to make a fitting conplatform, WITEHS, in Drammond. tne Carta British trast ia the blending. Bat perhaps of I'm batkDoH on committed Oct. suicide 27, too fast. We have not yet got the old SAl.PiLAKK (1 1Y, 1 SPECIAL IIKAITHFUIj A8 which maid that has never been kissed. She by Jumping overboard. 1)1 PLKASANT. AS snow on WELL) pexnaps, IT Oh, It nav.rma lrt Wth Wm will, no doubt butup thatMonday, there's at vvith net Trask fell taroagh a lallroad bridge, there'sone These PILLS old maid In this city who has least Do not get an idea that these waters disabling 'his a pine, the injury being not been kissed. We'll have ber here, not aa pleasant in the WAliM a In I at LAGER BEER; ALE and PORTER, are fatal. may and; mildness, we If have to send Over to Oakland for A trial will nouvince yoo COLD weather. At Los Angeles, Oct. 27th. Thomas ber. wen, me audience is to vote the be taken WHOl.KSAt.K AM) ltKTAII any time with that they will rest and Jo yon (ood. a- fireman on the Southern nrizes for the OKliest. prettiest, miwt Howell, was Second iSouth itrrtt. Three. Doori Eat ran over by a flat car and aesthetic, gushing pld maids, and then benefit. Pacific, a Wagons leave Uie city eyery boor for frum Main IStrtet. we hand over the prizes. Yes, these killed. $11711 the ngn. Spr were serious and ladies these NATURAL FRISI 1 Ucoree- Brown, a teamster, wan as a. matteraccepted I FLAVORS of business, They cure all forms ol ItKFKITHMKNTS of all kinds for sal killed at JUdwood City.Cal., Oct, 27th. engagements a to is but the it galgreat compliment the r.oml8. and ecry by oeMg thrown irom nisi wagon ana lantry of yoor men and their admira- Malarial Diseases and Fe on raaover, Ut meet the publ'c vtant. Oiliee. OS, Piste ., New lark. tion for female loveliness and beauty used be should MADE and vers, a LVBate'r. such there is PERFECT that of to a eld while riding log' the MOST Ji scarcity Co. Atanll y on BSB'l a roninriwi sawmill at Bogus, Cal., Oct. 30th, had maids in the city. Well, there might to stimulate the 8trMrtl with ntHet rarrd to PnritT. and well known and luclly eclehratoa Prgpowd a feminine little be about the rowdc-neck his 'broken the chain givine comt.im timidity Heaithralnem. Dr. Price'. Bakinu lr-- l'ri?'r way and alio wing, by No. maida the little too. tbree matter, no Ammoota.Lliiw.AlnmocHim.phMm. over tne roll to log . Extracts. YaalUa. lmon, etc, flavor daiicloaidjr. l. trifle him. Just from school have not applied yet." Kidneys to healthy action. Examiner. Han Ifanciueo WCf BJOONS POWDER CO. Chic&ja mid St Lmdk Klectric Fuse. Fair Duck, for At Saratoga Springs, on the Death are lawn, invaluable They Valley road, Ney., Oct. 25th, AL liry-soa Uamster, was kUleJ bj a man Tor sale at wholesale and retad by all the Billiousness Headache, Rules for Theatre-Qoer- s. at ool. Clean named Wassam. The weapon nsed was leading sloroa in the W.Turrilury. and Sanders A Co,. wholcoale only by J. a shoreL : Bowel and Complaints. The latest rules adopted by theatre AgtnU, Salt Lake City. at lleneret I"Hiier lir On Oct. 29th. at Baker City. Oregon. goers by mutual agreement are as SOLD BT DBuECISTS; 2.CEUS per BOX. E. 1). Cohn, an old pioneer, was killed follows : " , by O.O. iarael, a prominent lawyer. Always go late. THl Israel was indicted ior murder in the Sauuter slowly down the aisle. DENVER and ttoiee aa ' ' possible first degree next day. Make as much ' ; ' ,A ' tCsntaln Hnttonof thft British shin takiDgseat,' nana ana CJltAJEFEJTRKRO beckon to usher liaise your Lncknow, which arrived in San Fran for programme. s, Mau-rlta. . . J . k. .1 27, irom port Louis, cisco, Oct. ' ven CUILDRM'S PAMCE1. oy ;uu pci S. blli.i.1 stieuuon bkd nearly a on the ehip the way it is flourished before look inr of the sailors re at at sea Sept. 20. Fourmutiny it. t Medicine for Children. 60 cent belled, and were wttn ereat dimcuity l RAILWAY. first be inclined to sneer and leer subdued. Theyiwere put in irons and atAt per botttle. the and "Chestaet" play, whisper so for the of rest the voyage. kept TIIE B8T UOUTE AND or Cocoanut m an audible voice. last! Bam has at found curtain When A man ea it the the down six found murdered goes recently UNCLE remedy for Torplil Livar, first act aud great applause follow mllea north, t Coyote Station, Wash ( Sick Headache, Habitoal CoBrtipa&m, identified as get up and go out apparently dis been has ington Territory, Chills and 1'ever, aad all affections of the Wm. Sterhne, of Walla Walla. He gusted. PASSENGER ROUTE Kidneys and Iiirer. This is a New Comhad been at work during the summer iteturn ic toe middle of the second Y- 111 N. St.. Chambers pound, and one trial vill onrince yoQ on the Cascade branch. He had a good act, and smile when all those who have 15KTWEKN THE that it is the Chftapet and Best Remedy in the Market for Diseases of. Kidneys, team and $300, and was returning in to get Up to let you pass grumble. Ask some one if yon ban e lost anycomoanv with a man named Timmer- layer and Stomach. It you iswant a pure EAST AN J WEST! positively yegetable compound, that 89S oaoiiXrax- man. There is atroog. circamstantial thing by net seeing the fint part of the vnaranteed to contain no merenrr. jro to evidence against Thomerman, who is second act, andv 11 so what waa it in Xndmojd r yoor Drugyiht, and get a Bottle of the now in jau at rne uaues. aetau. 'wosvas jiV mi Arkansaw LiTer and Kidney Bomedy. (n At end act veil of LOO the second the . Bottle. pet JWce, f on October ztn. jonn wnson. a "Bravo!" and make a demonstration S1V3V1 JO. SQNI)i 11V BETWEENwell-to-blacksmith of Los 'Angeles, of applause that wlildealen everybody n. It. MOOSE ft SOX. two Cal.. hired ' tramps to work 4n his around you and bring the actors before Oft ouqnd For Sale by al! irrirgist. The onlr tine to take tw te Moiaas tdV SALT LAKE AND Mnrhallwiwn,.'elr vineyard.. In the evening, while one of iri pav CreuiMsna p(u rtxj curtain. IU(iU. eiiaton.Hlvnn, o tnem taiaeo very entertainingly to Mr the i ne eq pasvaid omoji Chicsjro. Milwaukee, and ajl poiau r.t. Don't go out between the second Colorado. Neliraska. of dm To the Wilson; partner slipped op stairs people ; but remain and bore "' and stole $7f0 in gold coin which Wil and third acts, neTaaa, rr;w",au "erior ominR, Utan, luano. t a In by alifoi-nimalting oners bearing everybody It rton aad t son bad laid aside to pay his taxes, and one DO. oi otaar criticism the gusmng t n tin not br aey points possible dvaDtajres puins pio aw gora 'ccain Deioncrinc to Mrs made PATEHT BOLLEfl JILL GO. the actors who won your o. few of the nomerous poit-iAmong a enloVed Wilson, The pair taen.strolied out for hearty by LV'THOUT CHANGE OF CARS. aonlause. by nenoritv a walk and am not return. Work your opera glass to its fullest r...t Ulr,n Omahaof Slid fliirso, era MAT ( OA HIT Vitt : No. S3 North TtcvU' fllwt; iwo tratas a day At Newtown, Douglas Island, off capacity during the third act aad ap- art an, hum. which are tha fluert that Cast. OJit: 21 SoutA l impu on the night of Oct. 18th, tbre glaud vigorously every fine point made Alaska, a i. a v a Intr.nn If v ru Tirilt : lis iUJL.L.MAN BUFFET favorite actor, even if it man ... Street, Wt. was a row betweea ., some, drunken InI.triMIII. tTAUH. whirhlis sre imxlf. a tathetie scene. ;. AMD OO TO TUB diana, and one Prlce.a gambling-hous- e of comfort andveiecance: fourth Go third between out the and a ana an soot BRANDS: trice gun Kuun s. a as, uDuri.,p got keeper, deal of bustle and as Indian boy turough tlie heart and sen acta with a irreat A I come in after the curtain OXjXjXAk. IIN1NH ('ARM, tbe equal a wounded the capCaia of the surance. and . ,r:AaXJe,-Hr ously which caa not u fouad elsewhere On all Through rassengcr Trains. eteamer Lucy, isotn were innocent in has gone up with the .unmistakeabie psurixs ffjjbs vraET flocb, At Con ncll Bluffs the trains of the Urloa the matte t.- Next day very man in smell of liauid refreshment upon yenal nml IAne from SaUO ELnkmAwCUm to be predl-g- MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTMfl Pacific Kr. eoniteot la X'aiun Uepot with . r wn . .. .JL. Newtown was arrested, and peLng un- and a hilarious disposition .no ttHi 1IS3EST E158 fBJCEJlia FBB HHE11 of the ChiAajro A Northwetera ky. those witb applause. able to furnish ball, they were all sent use of ' Patttmicrt --holding Second class and la Chicarv the UMns ot this Iloa mske close ' It is Be sure and leave before the last act to to Sitka await iatlat trial. connection with those ot all Eastern liars. jackets, aa AND FURNItHINO GOODS. h dying and mi Tlhoa H: KX. Ofics Telepkea stated that whisky is brought to the la over, Juat as T,'t Detroit, Columbns. ladunapolls. Cln a low, tremolo voice, and by sloops eauiag from Seattle speaking In, THE ATLAUTIC EXPRESS lltUb.ir, Plnnsti. Naara Kails. UiiBslo New txiaa MORRIi. lept Indiana m a : which it is impossible to apprehend don't neglect to snap your pera n York. a. Specialty 9 iu. leaves at Clothing Alostreul,' notion. Torontoj nj'v f,v lJiifl.rin in cosing lbenju and.atnmbia T Ulroct 11:10 PhiladalnliLa. Hxlc wltDoatthe assistance of a revenue glasses Ilalununs. at a.ir. Washlorton, Eitr saj Daily over the knees of those who ignorant t the ticket steal . : ut muii. M fuebio ana utiin all p oinU In the East cuttervv "Wi. i X03STGr2irOS.3D . j ' ly desire to see the curtain go down. for Omalia. Kansas City aad all polnU East. for ickeu via the r M W. rirai ... M NORH-WC!TFIl;0n October 81, a fatal accident oc " THE PACIFIC EXPRESS at currod on the Oregon Bailway and L'Ve City frahi the East Salt at rnves . Soutb. . line IT Africa. near The Starbf acommodatiom best wish tbs Alkali, j yon Navigation Company 4 p."i., ticket in., aiid leaves for Ofoen as SUPERFINE Ulraiifina tcRl A liebook ot 100bookpnge. Oregon An extra irvignt train, wneat sjsaU seW tickets vis this line. av o pjn., " arrives roi farmpv.vii with Its a In table a bonnd ran iiCYforMrcra for Portland, into house, large laden, k. a. atia, an aavertifer ie- the Central Pacliic for the west. t..;.nroiiiTT, HOLE-WHEA- T boulder which had fallen on the track and bureau oeanng a Kioieiana two or Uea'l rasseutsr V't be he cx consult,' vanagef. can b and 15 the Dutch old The engine and books, cays went into the three clumsy olh T.ckcU for all points East and West periecced or GEO. P. W1I.MAMSOJ " at tne oeno.umceiBiwjuj It eontalnr ditch. All were piled np in a heap and riile leaning in the corner, after the A teat, Hoom B, Windsor Block, tlenvet Cltr. Salt jcn1: cot-House Vaiito of corner, a iMLce. in the and estiinates cf were and the liataot aewapapers half the cars the locomotive evening readiug chapter I ' WANT HAWCOOK The advertiser who want- W.ll.RsNCtiOFT. D.C.IODK. J.H.lWIfSETT smashed into prases? Saactus Silva, Boer fnhlon, a trader named Nlekirk, radverusiug. Weetars Igeat. Omaha. )ab ....... . a. aw Ueaaral rata. Oea. A(taaer. WU? Uea. ,uw II. Ceo. UUia be Haul. to Who told chanced the instaBUT" wasl killed. gHn present, J the fireman, while for him who wUl ir vert requires,thosMBtl the kead brakeman 'was yrouw Jacobs that the great white iloa ho huDuml dollars in adverhearhad been atones Just they bruised and badly scalded, and died hlnig a scheme is indicated which will white. few hours after. 'Sam Tucker, the en fing of reminded him of the pebbles the tisioff, ,E. J.H.BKIOKBLL, meet nis everyrequlreiaent, or can bo made S. J. Lnn, KADOCB. LIKE THE BEiSArttTHEH KINDS gineer, was severely injured, but prob children played with, picked up along to do so by slight changes easily arrived at Cal. Lake. Salt MILL. and Tracks, PLANING AND banks the oi the hundred One not Orange a train neighboring ably by latauy, wrecking flavor: But IT As he spoke, there entered rifty correspondence. have been issued. Sent, wa eent lo.clcar the track-ra- n liver. three editions wbicb 4 into a lock slide and threw two cars I'lteilly, an ostrich hunter. They tried post paid, to any address for 10 coats. A P P. ROWEIX A COJ In bneof the stones on the window glass nly fo GEO. iecAUsrliTfefttMS ALLthe roff the track, killing Jonn Aldrich BXTHBAU, ! ATVEIrTISINO the scratches it. and all a scratched over, and young stantlynamea fatally injuring Bpraoo St. (iPriatinit Hooaa Sq.). Vew Tork. was till this there It day.. nan remaining bpenman. creed that ji it. turned out a diamond THDVnDUCKkilrrUKI riL.u At Baker City; Oregon. October 27th aall to haj-- equally. On his way ' W - ' fed , ikieuauj v4feaded guilty of to were, DEALERS IN Town O'KeillV showed ta Cape ,Tmi3 IS; Bp , I was tne second in murder and was laughed at for hlscre-luUtdegree and sentenced to the penlteutiary for life. it was even- taken from- - bfrn, years oic. two years and recovered with difficulty from the head to of hdrses ago he stole four get ttreet where ,lt bad been thrown, even on a man who would not pay him but i M , best; who laughs TA& OH Hid II PRICES IIA9 COM tS0UDv BV ALL DEALERS, a bis wages as camejifcraer.ana start ' ShlBKles, MonMlnra. Frame. Doora, Wledov In. Town for LATH, r T Cape j meneed! last, T Fish my frel Rocelrlniy vtheA ed foe Idaho, j lie ran horses at the from banks the HUnda, Wod Pumps, racking Boxes; Ifnlldrfrs' very day direet from the nsfierie. 1 cxi 1 was night and slept in the daytime. Two 0f thepebble do sell cheaper than any dealer ii aad JStC.1, Etc. 'Orange pronoonced 'Hardware Saab WelghU, GASS, oicr residents of Oregon, searching for adiamood, and thought by bur Philip towa. " ':'v to:-i came asorn DaUvered atyamr doors fresh every lost cattle, upon Winkleman for "O0. Ten more, such lUX. Whtla r ut, Biamon. NIADK while he was asleep. The boy, aroused Wodebouse TO OR0I r DESCRIPTIONS .Troat, ALL OF TANKS WOOD vrouw were the found 'by tne omcers were in iJaCbbsieasily j inougnt suddenly,siezed and early ia the next yeaf.iSKS, rifle and his shot Henry pursuit, were picked up along doww ; with nioij pricks ootn men aetta . w nne incarcerated ne several of the Vaal. among them the tfraamaa ia the ran with Low Prices. 4.211' set fire to the Jail and waa nearly banks to- I Star of .South Africa by a burned to death. His wounds at this renowned ax to sold It who Hottentot its at Mail shepherd, Mlh time are horrible. It Is not likely he Nlekirk, the trader; for $100,- - who dis. will lire one year in the State Piisou. same on for of the l2,00tk it day Jposed DEALER IN FEESII FISH, earnest first to Near Eureka (Nev.), October 20th Then the rush began in vev aaa . xirkus ; and old-ti. on "the the l'niel river diggings an BEQ CROSS CflTTACE CQLOBS M. & PiBKEB, CiBYQGOEN Foley, Captain J. which with Its iVaai EAST OF DEPC: stretched, Puiel, miner and prospector of Knreka dis sea of 'HANDY PAINTS.1; "'' tentf, its hive of men and checktrict, met with a dlstregglng death at o '" his cabin; in Secret Cafion. During er of. claims down to the loud and ASSESSMENT NOTICE. fASKEB'S CEariTT. PaIT, the tne eveatag ae visitea some neignoor- - busy riveri (and ofup again to Here PAINTS v! FINEST OHTICI OJf TB Klipdriff. ln g- miners and talked ei navioircon QDAUTT OCAKANTKEO.' populous heights POOBH, LUMBER, 'muTCH Miireo Coarixr' upon the slope.are sideraKle writing to do.' A 'little after and there.but rarely Cary, Ogdcn A Parker, alan aKD . HosrsB A ldrkdk Hvivonto, s o'clock he KAKH, took his departure and canteen of dirty- -: canvas, or a piank-bui- lt LATH. . trarturers 6f Taints. For salt SvaXT L4KB ClTV, UTaH roof store with a corrugated o'clock loud aboutexplosion fcy Z CL.w.'I. aad us bratoeUM " JMOI XDISOS, the slope, ail pocked with iXTOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN TOAf SH1NULES, roused the entire settlement. Foley's iron ; upon soma 111 looked like rude .AX at a meetlns ot the uorporanon boles, so tbat cabin, sonio distance oil. wu aeen to and I'KA MLS, named above, held on the r inn aay or uc- careless cemetery. Within be a it ass of t flames. AU possible unice or tne uompany, aa aoI the lirat discovery tpvre tober Ism, at oftneTen months waa to made reach and haste scene, the, Cents per Share- was FLOORING, Assessment Iwere C.OOO . jdigging there.? found mkilt waa Cr a against Foley? body CO levied on tho "Capital Stock of the Coraad payable to the Treasurer N. stomp probably feet f ronrthe cabin. magazine. llABDWAItE, poration, nyHTIt, W. Clayton, at the offico of the corporation The head was torn completely off and above ataed, on the Minth' day of Noveir 1 si,' Much SASU HEMiHTS, ULAMl, For the body stripped of its clothing. The ber.18S0. Any Htock upon which thia assessis that when he went to V n.r general belief Noon said rerauin ment day, may unpaid toe tcpmtnencvdri to do his Ilere Is a story of Gloucester: which will be deltnqnent and TfSlSIOrf r J and while so engaged either Jt may benecessarv to prelace Uh the vember Wh, TIME1 1, Aj?ITIa aWe at pablie auctioa, aad writing, for ; . r ALL BILLS rKOMPTLY F1LLKD his clothing or bedding caught lire, and statement oi me lact, lamuiar enougu unless payment is made before, will he sold live on the coast, but ea the said Stb day of November, 1836, to somogisnt to people who' pat it J tiafeadeavoringipbeen TRAINS LEAVE SALT LAKE 'DAILY. AS roUOWS) FA8SKKOEB . so stored there be 4 'possibly not familiar to Inlanders, pay the deliaoe.t aseessmeat, powder that baa v,ir of and cost of man with a expenses came ignited and. the exphjsioQ fol- that when seaiaring dies' away advertisiug 'Ooialjltalh.''e .130 . V Atiantta Express tU...s........M .M am I MOford Exprea at.... lowed. (from borne a point is made of packing tola. rara uity and C. A N. Express. ... 4.00 p -m - . . . it.- ; fleets in his chest promptly and By order of the Board of TMrectorji. a At Victoria (B.C.) October 20th, bis t N. W. CLAYTOJT, inemw returning aa follows! Salt ia Trains Arrive Munttiuct Lake, Kvaa for dailywasiexecoted Robert and Paasenger irei. riprpule Wasatch A in Contractors, 8ecrf tary Mining Company.' 5 deep mourning, .. t; on was butydressed ,1 HertAw the mordeif pi Thomas rllamw'l, rren aatslb Fiam CHoucester iSalt take Oty. Utah. October IS, 188C. street in car, t)dug I Kootc-ne.40 p.ta clB Kxpreaa at 7 .SO p.m. Mllford Express au.. . .......... I y when another June 3d, 188o, on the border of ' daod of feature lady, i sharp' :' A TftTLOa. HOME! & HBSIBOK, Park City and U. N. Express. ...11.3.) A.m. lake. There has been a diversity and xinisiMve kf came in and Rar, e of plotoB ai to Ike guilt of the sat down by her side. The . KANCI3 COPE. tiavlng baen convicted upon Lato Latimer, Taylor Jt C woman about for a minas sender Aft. General bt aad r Frcif WOTICB.'--circamstantial evidence. A miner ute or so, and fidgeted fjI'IsSOAtt then began catechizing J", v General Soperlntendeat.' . P. O. BOX C23. , ,, , d aj d Ve 1 arvweWi, who was mkiiBg on the woman in mourning ; ,. , Ia the Probate Conrt ia and for Salt lake s, Kootroey lake wjth Thomas Hammil "Be you inoornin'; the ' loss of County, Tertitory of Utah, on"' the 'rtoTirfngof the ddrder was .01. cDa'auiJ" Blue Belt Claim, on bis the 'the' passing Yes." Thomas In A. matter Estate of the their-dairwar to at noonrwhen he ' or biotherr'. CESTRAL BRMCII nOUSI r discovered "Husband; Judd, .Deceased. , ' IIammU lyhiff ' prostrate ' ' "Both 1 and) almost 4 unceascloaa at the en vLaw Bakes t .Waa tbey lost at sea?" Kotlee of time and place for the hearing, of i or" THE trance oi tne mine, uc saiu uiit ne Btoaiseiua i rouavo ir tt ui. Theydled at New- Orleans of' the ijreuuoe bad been shot and wished to die. " fever." WHO 18 UNACQUAINTED WSTH THE CEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTVYr .WlU. Dan-caUKSTJANT TO AN ORDER OT SAID called a comrade named 'enx died o' on , sucf Both , BEB BT UAM1HINU THIS Haf, 1 HA I IM Dear me, la Court in said matter, notice hereby and tbey endeavored to get from the yailer lever, ebr" S HaromU t 6th day of the that Satarday, the name of tbe nardereribat MYes.M-- ; 1 . . j. r. given IX18.-3at 11 o'clock a. m., at Uie he was too far pone to speak, and died The inqnsltive woman wiped away a County Court House in Salt Lake City.Utali ? t without giving aolae tor the perpetra- tear, court room of said Court, tbe aadthe Territory, la paused, for: au Oaatant.i tor of the deed.' Sproule waa convicted resumed:.,-.,has been appointed the time and. place tor of Phebe T. Kimol the charge, and executed, protesting Was' theybbpef ally pious, nja'am?' the hearing of athapetition admission to probate of a his innocence to the last. ball, praying (or BUXLUEBS Of Yes. they were." m-mt docament certain therewith rSi 1 presented, purdid their "And (eagerly) ye gtt 'Governor TbfreaVbi Sonbra, lexrco', Will to be Testament and porting ' Of Thomas A. Judd, deceased, when and engaged in a fight with the revolution chlsts?' FINE CARRIAGES "idid." kafd where all; persona interested may appear lav on October '2GtbV' After the killlbg tbVfahkrpifeatnred and oppose the, probate of said will, or Oh, weM, of Pretecto Tones, who was a cousin irrantinfr of letters Testamentary to her whh a alga or satisfaction, the Governor 'resthe of the woan; loternor, BUSBIES & SPRING WAGRHS olved upon some sort,oL vigorous prayed tor in said petition. "if they died hopefully pioue, and yoa asDated Lake City, October tSrd. 1886. A eoaple cf weeks ago-thgot their chis,ts, yen'v,CQtagrat deaf .... .,.. .,, at rSalt Mtcord.t joHjr 0. 'OUTLSR , 1 Governor, accompanied, by Commanr to,be tbanklul iojl"!- '.iTobate derk. Salt Lake Conn 'M'i danto Torres, mnotber couslh bf his, i FREIOIITj? TalOt'" - ' with 150 State troops, started for effect of Mctbers who dread-tba, dlstrieti Atrtho tow of morphia hold use lied iStar Cough the capital, they met the Ore and Trav ellog Wagop! beaded byiSVfiorYaJlarde. VH,y N. This waa the same party that killed Preiecto Torres, Gorernor. Torres, .ins ( on aeing the party, made ready for a bi la 1 a a. armistice 11" STfPfS filUltuttaubaeoaUjiVan waa held.' The blood on either aide Tit amicable. conclusion &!log warm, noaad Udtarbor Torres, it ' ' r fired and killed ' hjs pulling fj,a.-.iijl Irl-IIVERiiv,.n i to kla pistol, tracks. A fierce fight " wr maae r in coueetioBa aii; 15 which resulted In a.iuvp. menJetnir Asia- aad Africa aad the Waited States, of 4 kUled wounded it is ko !,-- y l'l' ' '.Hi' ' " AOMrtlwv, XiaSi Ilnwaat reaaad and remts collected, and a relating to i tarJSibJi to get at ike factsaod ill t u J I lfiewubr-efwoundothe na jrcncral real esUte business transacted, at I & taste ia CVfl bad Situs er of toe wounds, but enough is flTnlf. rants, Wafon Corers, Hobet, ture I UiiiQ. Bteatbi t6nrua coated at. decedeats o? estate aad tinea HAt Of ChloaM to relation close known to warrant the atatemtnt that a Ollttr rlrlnclpal reason Its of central -position, Sr liite orettvred with a brown tat: mum- in ' I t i the to.i Wftlps, Waajon Elxtrasj Lstmpat, good deal bf blood waa shed. contumouisUnea at twroiiuu points Weat, Nortb week and aad the lack. aides, or Joiuta f lea mUtakesfor leaded raaeon-aW- e a a ud faoU-iiatU j nvit at i. done ea Middle-linwh k transcontinental copyiBff tlxat true system la tf ouly Iwsm ; aour nheomattsjn trlomaeli; t Robber, Coach Candles,. between th Atlaotio aaid'aotaa. 14k . Bgere.4 travel audi traElo in either direction oMertmea ftanne and vraterhvasb, T7T ; Offlca. 5J a, ' Hooper A EldredsEuj:(L-.irChioarOLJ cJiet, Ottawa, -t aaain line and brancJiea-looiuThe Hock Inland or lndireUon; flatoleney aad acid erarJa- n ii dtf Munoa, Xhm-oKMine ejnd. Xtook Island, in IUiriojs; Pavnport, Salle, Peoria, e XI Mt lax: , ions; alda.4 IQld Lowela.alteraatoiy.eoative t Iowa 3ty. ee ' Oskalooaa. ! tvii I Wwl Waliins-ton? tn i i ' I.lbarty, ff ,t.t Ottomirs, taot, loss ot .'.i.-adactie( a memory, wubaaaiaru lubon, Harlan, Outer. Ittofcnea, IndiaaoJa, Wicntexwet, AUantie.. KaioxviUo, Aofct. eneatfon of havlnr. railed .to do something sad I came to see about your advertise- - whleh Trenton, lrr Joaoph, Camwop Cantr and Council liluita, in Iowa; Oallatin. ve i been Oxtne ;. oaht A.lor and Atchiaorv, liauaaat; xaeaX for 100 old maids," said an in LeavejiworUi Xumss tllMy La, iBsourij City, a low Of epirus; tbirk, yellow appeaoraace Fine Harness a Spedaltjv Mimneapolia and Bt, I'aul, la ltIlnnoota; . -Watertown iA Poiota, aod, oadreda reporter last evening to Mr. the akin:aftdeye) a fever i reel intermwdiata cltlea, town and Tillageof colFrost at the Grand Opera House. (he urine isdryoezh; and jf..,:. ., lessees; arii ecau'y a to the lady Who does the engag- ored, and, If allowed J I. ' uWtU, VvoHS stand, IGLAflD ROUTE. iL, j CREAT .: J 3 i a.J ing is not here,' said Mr. Frost, coldly sedimeut. ta roaa We have i)fl!oe who travel froxD onr thoaa Coal to removed Comfort and Eafoty Chiaranteee ALSO BXritESXXTXd 7I e,eing lle.evorteTVftflv 1 5fccaxcely SIMMONS LIYEOEGUUTOR It. luiwoodey'a Euruhure tore to aoiJ bridy-- a ara w-lta bollaatod. Its track la of ia tbaronehlyatone bwvy it. think' -aa hnrnan tbOe la prfot and iron. Tta roiUrnr took rtrnatnrrof I. Caae Tbreetilaa; MacThlaaa. t 1 .'Aiat I did notTOnicto get an en- a V Vegetable-meohariioiU i. tr.nlusi toat f 16 all tha has ,aPurely aafoty applianoea from the hxaminer." conservsuvs and Is general)? iied ia the oatk valoa-bla. urease lk gagement ; I'm operataoo ia Ita Steam Jaglaest Saw Ifllls aoootnaaoda of exacW. 'IhoWnry laael Well,. we 1iave engaged 2, JTerpid Liver to a healthy actloau.t. Ki ji i) paaaeutfar ai' 't'Wi , atnctal vrorld.. to the and Horse" Towers, S and will engage about that many more. tn ft acts, with extraardtaary efaeaey aa; ths the i :utt tiona Tiaun " ,vi,":"'fv'"'i ja)M 'f .Witnaurpaaed v ' ' IDW r. V V V W ' T j a 1 N 4 narWAnTl a ,rilCJTTl H .i';-t' " 2ii-Why, k WhaXtQrttWAnt TULLftlAN VALACiil rAXJJUU. Of comfortable DAY" COACH.E3, rojelfloentAU3 to place them on exhibition. The very MoCormiek ftteel Ilarreetara, and waUrit rnfala, jrovi'lintr afad SLEEP 1NO CAU3, etetrant TtlhlUOt C fact that a lady ackowledgea herself to hGQA-- L between Cfclao, bU Joeepb AAoiUsoa aaa ' and Twine Binders, " to ' bean old maid excites a curiosity i ' v it am vtea.! l FFECTUAl. SFECIKIO FOtt ' acyour-la- dy see br.llw;Jnaay,of tBade-tbv- :- from tha Wasatcfc and Crismon Mower and Reaper, 'rT fA" flfilfTT? at ' Pnaeaida, "K.Urla, "ur-- A r -- - tra l f have (pver ad 4 " Mineti euad'-M quaintances v . ! ItilUtttotarss," one 'Plewa iMHriaueaessf V'w Net Chilled nrHiStooHn MtipMaB, Bead I Soath 1 and Et a Oyer Ktnneapolba Mae lek ' Za kstwew flvrorlte Cntoayo wfl Headache, ce, the direct, R4.T. rrmts mal ill thought so.vjsome of these ladlea that Haaese, AEDTnaa in PLEASiVTifAIIEY .i . i 'okie, - ' f y iCOli; Fut ;Tfetr Steel Plews,' came fora business engagement backed heatsl. ft Dowal eaatalata, ltocalitiBe end buiiunj? and thins Crprtarfrts, i via watrtown. hout at the ktat momtrtitand would not Plow and Harrewi, lands o f lateriorDakota are reachederiof "A a v: .! tV-- i .tXte, n. . ' whA,t flplrta and .;.. Utah' Central. IV.' lnJlioeneta wara-oi- d ' .'jCo'l T,JVo'A Hbabot admit desira short A maids, . they uoe Bot-.tee indorsed of 7 M of . by lllloni Holllngsworta Jlay travelers between Cinctnnttt'., xnuianaponav naywra nou raid tbey were nearly SO years old. to as i v".tiea, aut ana uivrAU Well. I bad no doubts about their be- i MACHINE EXTff "Wm are preaaxed to fornlsb la" any eaai-- i josmh, aaadiote i we iAiMftom-pointa. not 30 from ln could vears'of aire, but Holri .vn,im iti at at tides the the UtahCentralBaitway: yard J1 engage them nnlesa tbey admitted that , 'or CklMrea, for Adalta, aad for the Afea. wmpiSyae oX JUx.it iaiajod tfauie protacUoa, "?ttjrtf,s' Dspot, tr delivered to aay part of tbe etty, ifSal-VS- dl old maids that was the at tention. at regular rate. they were TfAfcat OSl'oaa lathe kinfly '' 1 1 Td v....vior ' 'A awere 5 884V their take tg the dwn .70 ft mTciai eiephoaa O. point; i?anracted isey . 'StreeC fudgevwe on their ftdmlsisioas. TJniLed. states and Caaada pr any deaxred iapipiaUoa ad4r 93 ajtd 33 were said E. A, But those that engaged tbey .u:E. STs JOHN, (. ihi R. IS. CACLE, . ,. were old maids, some admitting that aou taorjuETORs. puaADLTi0A;PA Coa'l Tat 4 ti f j Plwt&.Cea'l II yr, CWcap. v. fit,'CWaw T tfrrjiratL; of lew they-TreJusSSQ years rsit:H ttJ ac,ft4 Ba. Secretary aad klaaagar EVENINaNEWa 1 o, (lioii lii c ; CHICAGO ItAILMAV THE POPULAR B-- have now completed arrangements or a Sale of Popular FALL mid WINTER STYLES, at PRICES which will make us We GRAEFENBERG CO, FRIEND OF EVERY THE ' ECONOMICAL BUYER. THE ONLY LINE - do JAWABl - DllolT" - t- - SHORT XiriVX3 Omaha, Council Bluffs I Chicago. y- , . ! ll'VJ LA-laAl- r . i oar Customers and the Public, toat we have and complete line of ESTERN s - -. LJ a FANCY GOODS, MOTIONS, Etc. We take pleasure In informing 1RI (MM, pioneer; We keep the Be3t Qualities; Styles and Assortmentin jORTH- - Rio Grande Westero XT . . , MS i jklXEEli MISSES1 ! AND CHILDREN'S I the-Jaer- o Chile's ! Cloaks! Gl(Ms!MGli)aks! CONSISTISO Of Bouiite ,nuy. N - ALL TIIE Berlin, Twill, inJiagohal, GeAnan Two Tone Latest rDesigps, - , .. Asthri-can- , Frise, Silk, iu iiiui-io- , J(EimsiHS Plush and Velvet, in all Popular Shades, jj - nurc-iiHfi- a . - 1 HaTliig been HeHTr Purchasers in all kinds 61 W are in a position to offer S1ECIAI, V It will only need in IXTPCEMEXT8 a cToe inspectlon to.conviuce you that it Will be to'yom ndvohtage trt BUY Tills CfcASS OF GOODS FROM US. 8 ATat (bis-Departmen- t. 15S.MAIN ST. U!W;yxjro RATED ra 1S3B-- . NWS-PAPE- SIERRA NEVADA LUMBER 11SSIJ. f y'r FISH STORY. - 0 - - ., ea- YAlir LUJVIBER m ' !' -- .. . BmlNGr STAEB A S1?ECIAXTX. fi PLANING MILL, - i ; DIBBOTOBBl - -- Bnxs, CMhiar Dastrat Hatoeaal Baak. Imnw. ' W. F. CpSTrr K -- Axnaae. M. AT COST 1 OOLOB'S. . i AT e s-1 HALF-A-BLOC- DTi Jakzi. R !: mm n L. a. - imwmtw pp.f!hXR flOHEEffltlR mills J , F.-Bur- ! ! nrii - - : ; "Bisk -- .- -( tQ.be-ThalLe- THE OLD.RELIABLE DBUB STORE! the-tcabii- -- k . NEW i.-- et :jii.s6s CARD; - - -- r tog-etbes- -- 1 nis-iamii- tta : : . - -- x 1 , rour-dererh- sharp-lea-tur- ft daya. next - -- : yt Ait PaiBtJariiisliJ'&KalsoinsBriiste, Wnica we win f eH,at COST tor CASH daxlaf IP 4 -. ' WE HAVE ,AN OVERSTOCK OF ) ed - ; ft- - : f rula-tlre- jj- Raw and iBoiled Oils, Tiirpentine, V ' ' . '5 J.I. Varnislios, White lead, Putty, COLORS IN OIL, Etc., KAXZS. Alwaji 1 ttocx and at L0WI3T UA1UT n ! 'v ; i ' -- J LIOUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, 01 exceheut quality and at LOWEST POS3IBLK PSICZS. gauons at Darrei prices. isr IHltlS It EIPiEB CI Mill Vel-nowe- tb : n STDDEBAKEB BR - BKEIIE SPK1U ITTUTIIL - f P' m r WINE! . - :,-- rans Idkttg EXCELSIOR - ffe nU IM FII PIICES ; e , i t Moc-tfea- compaott. IAIFACTDMIi fm - tbe-las- t ''" '''.. T-AR- godbe ' awaaaaaa-a- ma e- Moc-tezam- W. CLAYTON, Cure.iNo-Poisonsww,v- CO.. is m T Jill m ISTAm&lLOAlIlITi T Val-fait- de en-Rn- ' 1 r1. - '". aad-eevcr-ak - Chicago, roc;: islahd d WUla-draw- n - - .nin type-writ- sp-petl- . , . J." ? . m , r . immm PACIFIC ity ee er - cl at em-)Klr- . i- - i Kx-umi- ntr ... i .1- HOC:: THE - 1 ra rrr tl. roethod-ioiripUr- ',ji,.Hiv.,;n:" f ? with-Aiienj?- ,. :i'--t.-- FLATE,:SH EET I R G H, STAMPED AllBE r '';,' MflEBS' TOOLS, -.- - "-- .t - ,v. , jULCTcaia us uis awo visj v.: aou ''f?rT - . - iA . ! - ,:slky - . i . : .rr. hi-so- Jlio DcstrainllyIctliclne rtPja4 -- itain nolo T1LA " NlfainJSireeigi St. Louis, ZlisiouH. i:'" 1 WEBER . nn I i -- ioa' ii. zciLin . co. A . rt v ' To w |