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Show a EVENING . XT vol. xrx NfcW fiUtked arcry Evening, txeeft Sumdmf. ne Cbpy, one year, with Postage, Jit) 00 B 00 2 Ml three months, b i h it FCBU8HKD KTKRT TV Kg DAT AMP SATURDAY -- Jwt ; Copy, ose year. wiUi Postage, . . six montns. " h ' $3 04 1 75 1 00 three months, ' DESERET NEWS: TCBUSUKD KTKRT WKDHKSDAT. filpf n bo 60 1 . Another .Party Indian Incidents-Logan- 's Views. A Cisat Vis If a a Telerapb pra(er A lBKlliatle Castieat, Eie. ' By Telegraph to the Kiwi New Yokk, 4. The i Central Labor , Union Campalcn Committee met to tit and considered the question of political organiz formingAa permanent call will isaneaoon to all tbe ation, districts for delegates to tbe convene tion which will be held at an early date, and at wbich it is proposed to iorm a new party wa snait use an active part in the canvass of 1888. Denver. Col.. 4. A Pueblo special to tbe Aews r ays: Afangus Colorrow, the Apache chief, in charge of a de tachment of colored troopa on the way to Jjionaa, attemptea to escape Pneblo this morning. When tb train was three miles east of Pueblo, and running at the rate of forty miles an honr, Mangus asked permission to go Into the saloon, wnicn was granted As soon as he entered he locked the )oor, smashed the glass and leaped through the window. Ther tiaui rau nearly, a mile betore it could be stopped." Wh en It backed ap, Mangus was lound ljlng on tbe Bide of tbe aud badly cut and track unconscious bru , with three ribs broken. He was taken aboard the car, and when he marvel ot came to bis senses be made ." il i : One Cony, one year, with 1'oalsge, ' SIX MODthA. three months, GENEKAIi NEWS. YyRK" TRADE. mm BESERET NEWS: - we x sr, s f .80 TUB LIS HE D - THE DESERET NEWS CO., lM-a- CHICAGO TRADE Pure. Absolutely never ,arlea. wholei-omenes- AWABDKD Kstabllshed 1839. Saapaiakera, Perfumer?, Cheinists, ; World's Industrial and Cotton Cci te natal Exposition, New Orleans, 18 S4 and 1885. Extracts from Jurors Reports to the Board of Awards.) For olieetirs Display of Toilet Sosps an! Perfumery. For Fancy and Ordinary Toilet Soaps. For Excellence of Material, Delicacy of Per- lume, ana ncuacH 01 sijta For Zenithia Sharing Soaps. Yar Laundry Soap Specialties. For Excellence and Snperiority of Laundry. unrufrss, aim neuicinai Jtuiwiroupa. t and only Award for CbemlcaliT Fore Olycerise. fllg-hce- JAS. S. Ist-d- A powder afore and purity, strength I'.'uiMHinial thnn the ortlinnry kinda, and aold in oomwetitien with he mui iitiiien of low tentl, aitort weight, alum- 0 , ilxmiilale )ww4nff POW Sotd onJu in etna. KoruBAKIN V. Wall Street. Hew York.,. ..kk Ttiiw of th.. First Class v 'FIOHtI One band had slipped ontof themana-leaving them banging to tbe other. and be slugged one 01 tne soldiers wiln it. in tne lace. Knocting mm down. Then be got on the floor and thence under the seat, straggling with half a BRINCKERHOFF, TURNER & CO, dozen soldiers and bowling. The rest 01 tne Apacnes set np a roar, But eacn New Tork. I09 Dtmaf was guarded by a negro with a cocked Manufucturer. of and Dealers in Cottcs) carbine. 1'or a while bedlam prevailed Sail DUCK. " WooUberrv." Iruid MUlt Finally Mangos was stretched across "J'olh Bates" and oibcr iuvorile brands,aL' two seats, with tbe bell cord wound ana tsoft. nnroijcrs Murd.filoniuin around him all the way ap his legs and I 't''-"OQCK FOR Of EfilLLS.BLI.ufiGWI.QB 1H THECRB .'t'.i' body. Tbe sudden death on Tuesday at ban COTTOS Canvass 01 all numbers It t 12s Maria the of inches wide, for lcck. Car.- TmnL ataj Spanish interpreter made Waclnno Atrona anl Mangns sullen and he took It to heart Waicon Coverings, , for oilier constantly in store an4 greatly, wbicb is supposed to have made to caused- his lit for V. S. TJuntlnjr Co.. "Standard" Kansas City, 4. Mangns. head chief and FjizIc. by the Case or less qnantity of the Chirlcahuas Apaches, and tbir--r obtained at Z. C, M. L Theso Goods can teen bucks and squaws passed, through nere under guard to day en. rouia 10 Fort Marion. Florida. While the party were' going through Colorado, Mangus and - ran tnrongn a car wmeicrw jumped 1 he was reaap-turesome before distance uairrno. Tben be obtained 'a knife and stabbed himself in half a dozen places, inflicting serious wounds, t This morn ntnk og be attacked A' DE8PKRATK . ce, " pui-eos- - oruer-srent- a Wolfe, Pattonft Co., d. Lug the man about the.head.witb his shackles on his wriata. 'Daring the consequent uproar the train started, party except the carrying off all the interpreter, who was left behind "and will follow Carlisle, Pa., 4. dian children In- n Thirty-seve- arrived, at the Indian CHICAGO; ' CIV B. E. POHIB, Pillar aaafsetarer f Kstea wasn aassasa. .....t'.M aU..,t,.g, Mmmfnmrwrt Oar Goods are on Sals in all the Principal vtvtca training school in tbis place They were brought here from Fort Marion, Florida, and are part of tbe Apache band capturecL by General several months Miles, in the far West, ago. They will . remain at school until they have completed tba lull to-da- y. SIDE BOARDS - and B00K; CASES; la Wabrat, Ckerry sad Aaurteaa Xafcacaaj, Center, Library to-nig- ht. AFACHK CHILDREN. of CIIASinKIt SUITS, s,AJtcAaaBraaAral - 1 & C0MP7, CHICAGO. UiD HJUBUT, . - F. MAYER & CO.. ill - l KIRK MAKOFACruaaas . B BOUGHT sasaTs.fsrs tm BRUSHES -- course. Chicago, MCKIPTIW, JPJ. covered bis predicament aad subdued bis captor alter a struggle. learned that the It was suseqoentlydesperate stransre visiter resided at Sheridan Station, nearly a mile away,' and had escaped from bis home about mid-nitrht.' New York, 4. The heavy weight. jack bmiihoi KDgiano. wuo won me last year's championship tf theNew xork Athletic Ulub, ana uuiy winn, who has successfully encountered Jack Falkiii and other rood men,- - fought a tight in iew Jersey tbis merning. prize In the first round 6mhb got ia neavy with hia right oa his antagonist's left cheek and partly dazed him. I he call of time saved him from furthsf injury. One of the ioints of Smith's first hoger on the right baud was dislocated. In tbe second round' Dunn became verv airzresalre. Smith tried tae ,wi- per cut in return jor a oiow in inc rios and followed it np by three good ones about the neck, when time was called. Smith was doing capital worfc. , Smith opened the round by swinging bis right; to 'Dann's left eye, bringing the first blood. Suddenly Duun bwodk his right and landed It. directly under his opponent's left ear. Smith fell like a log, knocked completely out. lie bad not recovered consciousness when time was called, and the. purse and battle were a warded to bum. J ' Cellejre Celebration. ' Boston. 4.Tbe Board of Aldermen have voted to extend the ceurtesies of tbe city to President Cleveland, who wjlt attend the Harvard College cele bration on Monday next. it nas been arranged that the fresi dent, after his return from tbe ceremo. ntes in uamorHiKe on Monday, win hold a reception, at Faneuil Hall for the general public at 6 o'clock p. m. After this, he will return to the Hotel venaome. wnere a lull dress recen- tlon, under tbe auspices of the City of uoston, win ue held m tbe evenmg. After this tbe PreMdent will be escort ed to tbe Boston & Albany station bv the cadets, where he will take the 10:30 train for New York. Mrs. Cleveland and Mrs. Endicott will arrive here on Saturday morning, and a will be guests stater of Mrs. of Mrs. Seweil Mason, Endicott, Oa Monday, Mrs. Cleveland and Mrs. Endicott will be the guests of Mrs. Elliott, the1 wife cf Tresident Harvard, returning to the Elliott, of evening reoe sOloa at the Hotel Yendome. r,. if ' - The IntetlOcten VDl follow log publish the, , PrrTSBTTEa-HUeneral Logau was cnatting wtb a number ot friends at the Grand Pacific sy yoiriT For sale at Z. C. M. I. and its branch Hotel yesterday, and ;in "response uiuweu on tae re stores. Sears A liddle. Godbe. Pitts A Co.. inquiries Barnes A Davis. Messrs. Allen A Co.. Cun- 1 u Incr V ITXKT r TO A STANDSTILL. One or two trains, bad been stopped for the signal to go ahead. The crew of the first train finally walked np tbe track to tbe telegraph ofllce to find out tne cane ol Me delay, when they dis- r ; 3Vn?TDATiS bis work, ont',l startled by a touch onbia eoatsleevef. ; lie' turned around and, tq bis horror, saw a tall, pan at figure, tlressed ia white, with a lorg knife in Its band, standing directly over him. lie cleared a slight rallinir surrounding his desk at a single bound, but the strange visitor .was between him and the door and be began plead ing for his life. The spectre made no move to follow Mm, except to prevent his escape by tbe door, i As the gbostiy creature toade no advance, tbe opera tor in a measure recovered his self possession and stood on the defensive in the farthest corner of tbe room. 'Tbe apparition then seated itself in the chair before the telegraph instruments, keeping a close watch on tbe movements of the od rator. They re tained tbe same relative position for nearly an hour, during which time tbe trains on tbe railioad approaching that point were . SALT LA XX CtTY. UTAHl ST.TSS A." IN" JD Xj SALT liAKJE CITY, UTAH TERRITORY, EVENING NEWS: OHo TT 4. to-naorr- WASHINUTON. Ankerfca The Kext too I IB 3 T "3T 3R, Will AY EVENING, with money Itill the last yote wa polled . I n tbe Democratic counties of Morgan and Sangamon, where he and I are best known, and in tbe Demo cratic city of Springfield, where b nas lived lor twenty years, be ran behind tbe mort. He is the only Democratic candidate for Congress, as I am iu- lormed. who baa tailed to carry San gamon County, since Abraham Lincoln carried it as a Whig, forty years ago. NOT ONE CENT of money was sent to my assistance from any eource,.and this attempt of his to pose as the victim of "Protectionist gold'? is an insult to- tbe independent! voters of this district, who made a vigorous, honest and open" effort to rid thenrseives of htm. Jimes A. Conntslly. (Signed) - St. Louis, 4. A Waterloo; Illinois, special to the Globe -- Democrat says Colonel Wm. R. Morrison in response to inquiries: as to the causesof his defeat, said Jarrett. the tinplate emissary of .Pennsylvania and other protectionists professing to re pTesent the Knights of Labor and otner laoor interests, were in the dis trict ten or more days Just before the election hiring and bribing. such as could be hired and be bribed, and continued to consolidate in Baker's interest most ot the labor element.in proof ef. which hiHoir and bribery we have letters:.-wnitmis yras to jarreti's ing on, Baker was declaring for apure oaiioc.' Mr; liewitt's ia erview as telegraphed to the tit. LonisPof-L- j pfticn, miseiy nrfpri-- nvmg me as in tne way oi tanii reduc stanuing tions, facilitated Jarrett's mission of briberr In tbe interests of the urotec- uonists, out it is an rigbt, ii tbe : to-nig- ht, s - , BLOOD OF THE MAKTYRS is still the seed of the church. ''To the qnestion whether the result waa a sur prise colonel Morrison saldt I.recognized the inflnetoccs that wre at wora as l went through tbe district. I received a great deal of information as to what was t6 be expected. Heretofore, 1 bave bad mv sbare'of tbe labor vote of t&edUtrict. This time it was bandied as I have indicated." Colonel Morrison does not entertain the idea that the cause of tariff reform has received a by reason of bis deieator LOatol Mr. Hurd or (Carlisle's close call. in answer to tne Question ir tne re- suits would bear tbat interpretation. he replied : ''Oh. no. not at all: Our cause is growing right alonit. We bave lost do strength." iotbe loquuy whether any senti ment antagonistic toward the Aminis- t ration bad bad a bearintr on tbe result. Colonel Morrison said : ''No; I think not. These are bard limes. There is some feeling that tbe change of Admin istration has not been followed by some effect on business and by such a revival or gooo tiroes as was antici what there was of pated. Tbis feeling, it, produced some apathy among the out! did not dis Democrats, cover any perhaps, senti ment based upon any specific objection to tne course oi tne president." Indianapolis. 4. It will take an offi cial count to set-ba- ck . to-d- ay DECIDE. THE STANDINO of the Legislature. The Democrats claim it by two majority and the lie. publicans by six.. Tbe Neic$ this af ternoon publishes a list, not official. gtvlngithe. Kepnblicans two majority. There Is no change in the congressional delegation. ' Holman's majority is about 700. The Republican State Central Com mittee has official returns from 82 of tbe 2 connties in the State, which show a, Republican net gain on the vote Of 1881 of. 6.654. Estimating tne ten remaining counties; on the basis of lew, " grves tne .Republicans a plu rality on the State ticket of 8.142. There is no farther change la the legislative situation, onl ne committee oi outu par ties insist their respective claims. 78 members, and Republicans claiming the Democrats SO.. The Legislature consists ot 100 members and 60 Sena tors, and Senator Harrison's seat at Washington is the prize to be contested No positive : Statement eaa Tet he made about Gover nor Gray said tbat while the ' present conunueo in tue ratio oi .returns, ii Kt'PUDJican gains, would "elect the Re State ticket, it would read ire publican an official count to determine whether tne Kepu oilcans or Democrats bad carried tbe Leglslatnre, The Republican State Central Committee sava that. ossmg tne claims upon tbe returns from mote than ono-baof. tbe counties, the Republicans will elect tbe NO. 291 5, iSStf. NOV. THE UKKMAN ELEMENT, especially in Bohtmia. It was agreed to organize a movement in the German Universities to oppose the persecution of the German students at Prague and other cities, and a committee was appointed to prepare a memorial to the government to authorize Germans EPTE3I BK T , AT 1880, TEAS DEL S. the Austrian Universities studying atcourses of studies that will to pursue qualify taem lor a degree in Germany. Other Universities are wady to support tbe memorial. Prince Bismarck will not return to Berlin until the middle ol December. Ilia wife is ailing. The oldest cilizen it Germany, Mar-ea- s Jordan, a resident of Bielefeld, celebrated on Tuesday the 1071 h anniversary of his birth. His health is excellent and his mind clear. Advices have been received from Constantinople that Prof.Wetriun.oIthe Pharmaceutic Academy theae, who was by the Sultan, has recently appointed hav made a disappeared. The police search, but have found no .thorough bim. It is known that he trace of drew a large sum ol money on the day of his disappearance. It is supposed that he was murdered. :Ot- - ARRIVALS EVERY DAY FOR THE FALL AND OTTER TRADE. ,0 An Immense Stock ot Ladies' aid Misses' COATS, ULSTERS AND NEWMARKETS, OF TI1K NEWEST STYLKS, AL.li And in the LATKST and MOST FASHIONABLE AN KNOItMOUS BTOCK SHADES. OF MEN'S and BOXS' CLOTHING 11I11MNIIIG AJVI) Appallliig Death Scene. GOOIIN. The Largeat and most Complete Assortment in Mime Linos over brought West to Uio Kagle llonso, embracing fall lines of SUITS, OVCRCOAT8 AND EVERYTHING FOR BOY'S AND MEN'S WEAR. Captain James Dwight.of St. Paul, Chicago, Minn., was &on the Milwaukee St. Paul trtttn which was wrecked at East Rio, and described the scene to a reporter, Capt. I) wight said: The GROCERY DRY GOODS, BOOT AND SHOE I was all through the war, but I never witnessed a more frightful death scene AND STOVK DKPABTMKNT8, than tbat of the poor woman, Mrs. All Well Slocked, sad EverjrUUBg- at Courad SCherer. Whenfl got to the Beciein rrieeo. day coach it was atiluze. The il- tines AT around.- Mrs. lighted up everything Scherer's lace was plainly to be sceu. She partially leaned out of the coach and made two or three efforts lu extricate lier Lmbs iroin tbe wreckage that held her down. We pressed to her aid. Quicker tban thought she bad lilted a little child a or 4 years of age and placed it in the arms of the first man to reacn ner. ib utile thing screamed and cluug to Its mother's neck, but sne tore its hands off and threw it from hen She turned fairly oaca into tne car, toox up anotnc ! baby, clasped it to her bosom, and then forced it from her into the nandt stretched out from without to take it Give them to tbelr!' letber," she gasped. "Hia name is Seherer, and be uvea In Winona." Just tben I saw two men grasp ber on either side. The 11k tit was bo brll llant tbat tbeir figures and laces were perfectly distinct. One of tbe men I WARRANTED THE BEST, at once recognized as Bishop Whipple of Minnesota. 1 bey tried to lut he out. but she was wedged down. I hey endeavored to move the debris, but it was unavailing. . 'You. cannot ... . i save me Save your selves." saiu tue wuiuaii, She threw up ber bands ana moanea In her Agony. Her bead f?ll forward and though ber body was erect she seemed unconscious. Tbe good bbsb 12 CAMS. Ote. On was still vainly trring to extricate her from the weight that held her last Tbe flames were creeping upon bim and already singeing bis clothing and Send tf our Orders to 135 to 141 Main St., Salt bead, lben, when a tresn volume oi fire burst up directly in bis face, he LaJce City, or Main St., Post Office Building, reached forward and half supported Ogden. the dying woman. Ue placed one band CASH.- on ber bead and turumg bis lace up ward his lips moved as in prayer 1 hen tbe man who had aided him in his endeavor to save bee pulled bim SALT WATER FISH, MOLESAIE A!fD RETAIL. away. The woman's rig n re burned until SKMD FOR TRIAL ORDER. HesDectfullv. was blacked and charred Across the car from Mrs. Scberci COFFEE JOHN,-Jo- hn A. Sole Proprietor. some one was wedged down out oi The bands the arms; sight, except moved wildly lor a space, tnen But tered convulsively, and finally dropped ont ot view. VMcago JVewt Ill-fat- - lor-wa- TEAS DE US. rd Coffee John's Challenge CAN OYSTERS, Per Single Can! Only 40c. . IN LOTS OF 35 TERMSNET - i, Fitchet. - . ilbwae, Kte.' WASHINGTON, 4 The Secretary of Init oVnl innjrton A Co., Clark, Kldredge A Co. 'Hat Rtckt and Whatnots, the Board for the promotion of the ass am a t&e to sit tor eiect goou Mayor great m Mrtil Sonth Oliaton Stroot, Obieao. permanent exposition of the cities as it was to elect good Goxer-no- rs proposed ITS OoAm M. Ka fnamil at tha three Americas In this city u lf2,Ht the IndeedJ States. for in many Salt Oat. sad other Daira at rareUor. rr 13: received letters t4. acceptance from instances the Mayor of a great city was menibers LaAa Cltr. ly Of the Board,'also called on to exercise much raoro m f.ntn U.rnK Pmj.II iiwt PAS II AKDLE CARPET WARP nerve tban the Governor of .tM Ibe Arab Soldier. the Geological Survey; in which he The frequent riots, th mnttetingadf Socialism and Anarchy, all these were says mat a feature oi great interest WHITE AN'U COLORED. The Arab looks very well on horse collecting, say but arguments for ibe election of mignt be madeof by back, thouga he might not altogether most distinctive the groups twenty and " 33X2 JETT ixx TXJS33r good, strong Mayors Mayors wba suit the taste of the shires. His sad were not only amenable to themselves Indian races in the country with their dle Is generally red, peaked beiore anc Wishes to call him Z. C. M. I. SOLE AiiKSTS. Can'l! ob tmd th the tUUmtion implements, etc., and a strong, bnlted party lor all habitations. botto behind, and placed upon d several col adds: tnincd ntiUI their brsuch stores througliou hiSc tbeir ..the to in cloths the felt conduct.' ored saddle his stirrut opinion, jmhlic generally, exceptionally selected large tne lcrritory. should , Amorj( the tribe.' a.sait Republicans' broadena out so as to awn a wide space occopied in eVerr be tbe Eskimoi with their summering complet s tne on to is at it ; rest for the foot respect pointed Ha with Wai. tbeir Pun dwellings; the 3- i2 Jso the corners, thereby t naming tbe itdei STBCNGKST POSSIBLE POSITION, cheon houses, and the Totem Posts, 9 to tear the horse's ms even without or winttrns their earth with MtDdaw, Ask for the and if it only stands firm and does not the aid ot a pointed slick or a steel 5o tbeir stone ledges; tbe Zunis, with -- 13 rferragikted Move hwavpr frnm it a eMlahllHhpd linn of pueblos, spear-lik2 spur ' whiclib tie oiten 3 Indians-sbenlto and. etc., t.lhoir. it np tbe bis supper ann the will future between years being principles, pushes t; Best Satis with them their, ponies, dots, gives to it many more grand victories have; stirrup aide. Tbe Arab soldier, with faction and meets i To etc; caged eaglesi caged turkeys; Above all tnings. tbe SepabJlcav party .the greater nnmber4 of. ae people of his while burnous fluttering behind with QuickjPales. .wants. to steer clear or at tneaeis' ine united him, his high red saddle! aud saddleEach Foe ssleby Z. C an tne out innian is Arriving states, tickev and fool theories that are afloat. To historic tradition. The tmw scaUered State cloths, bis knees hitch and body bent by 6,000. , That ta at. A. branch stores. tsd forward, With bis Jong stoop to Inject Socialist Ideas into Iodlassseen incivQizationto'ho;loger '. LEGISLATCBE 18 IN DOVBT . . a gua nourisning in me air, looas, as ne uwviu oiv tne mvauii, liiustrate habits auj traits, primitive on nowever forward in a Cloud of dust the the it may s gallops strong t appeaf In of tbe Indian i is conceded. The Republican expect very embodiment STIR DORSE S.ULS, of tho picturesque, lace oi tne returns, wnicn does not re . to .gam it, ana. the Democrats bold exultant war BIS PRIMEVAL HOME. J 1 .6 !m H oi past ages, not gard tbe sacredness of lite, litterty 4qd spirit tenaciously to the claim that it will be sobered down by rcitntilic formulae propem. to abandon a aingieone oi L s ltit yet POLTSHKU OB BL.CED, ex- 1 to roe make trve Auch.ao two to by possible tue principles oi tne tfepablicajt party i for murCer, bat free to carry out hi a roe id but few uoncressionai oeieca difficult, hialtton, though majority, own bloodthirty purposes with as would be to commit a great rdistake. Will hold a shoo oa Laager than as) tiou is uucoaugcu since yesterday. iLet the Democratic party paack f to all Tear morpjt will be Impossible," r much swagger and ostentation aa pos other. Wo gvaraatoe oar Nails . can NOinin Cincinnati deunite tbe low elements and oocmnsticiaeas, 8lble. As a horseman, I bsiieve the intention of Mrs. Cleve o b Equal ta gnaltty a ad present firm' let tbe but is- to accompany Secretary and xroa on stand Arab to have an excellent seat but an Republicans land B m .VmMt K i bnlll the official count is com execrable DarsblUty t any ssado. band s he loves to keep hi tbelr own Dlatform. Mrs. Endicott ou I heir triD to Boston An : Immenae Stock In all tae Newest Style, Iscladisg pleted. This rlir befefn' 'Prlday after beast's bead blgn in the air. and 4. A fire so hi AtJ Memphis, Tenn., fol .will .tomorrow. The President noon. Root Mad from the . . TOLtDLHO BatDS, for SdCJts and children. r.: Norway noon ourneo tne uutcaasaw tjooperaire low on Sunday. BANKS. upon Joggles at the bit,- wonThe 7YwwSVavs This mrrIriir ceaselessly ne one Iron. Finished AJrasdy noes, wnicn until Cooipaoy's works on Front Street? en Ait tne memoers ei tne cabinet were does not always the outlook, which ia ders bow tbe wretched brute can put a loss oi about aiuu.uw. in attendance at tbe. mectlug this af consideredclianee tailing favorable to Carlisle U tfriva, by th, bf a bis leet safely do wn ; yet be docs some SouthamDton. Ont.. 4. A flrethis ternoon, except Whitney and Vilas. ' vote. Close ,:: ',. ' "r how. No one' rides camels in tbis RAM, morning destroyed ' two and a ball 'Assistant Secretary Pali child vB Loolfrvn e. UKIOX UORK NAIL. CO., Journal country, blocks containing . 99 bnlldings.2 iTh.a berealter aet aa eeretarv ; . t the but the Sul'an H said to bave received tne ionowing some au on t SALT neet dromedaries, capable CITY. set LAKE very uu fort tbe tbe uisu uit apart? s4aiaHM. days flreasury f, CHICAaOCovington. Nov. 4. I am elected b of doing marvelous Jowrseyst aad, of internet meeunrs; ia otes to m ow . miu THJRTT FAVILIXS ARK BOMXLKSS i, iruui Tvt Sal. by &. O. M I ,a4 it . n majority ; s comae, la those uarts iot: Morocco JL. Secretary Mannina an oroortunity to 034M.OO OHX U.CTARLfSLK. AIt IP CAPITAL, C9igoed aivs ir Xrach Storea. some uiei'KO camel of attend ol and them into the which deliberation the the destitate Cabinet anara,the .entirely . . 4St. Paul. - .Beturoa all day have is louispen-abiCt7aLElrS., 2uooe Los. $50,000; insurance. $12,000. r The Barbary donke) without interference with the duties of been i rr rrs. ii fiYl ; generally favorable to the Dtmo- - is a soort-jegeeindis Winmpko, Manitoba,. UispatChes tbe office. most crata. nananlBe Reuubli and tbe Is: case fl. S. EldkedOE, President, to N. W. Tbe of al beast. Irom John easy It , compre T., report that Bailey, et Battleiord, GRANT now claiming the election pensabie hend tbe ass existing without Tangier, t ekamokz UrTLK.Vice Presto that town Is on fire, but tbat the flames front tbe Walla Waila land district, cans are not i as uovernor more Join Suarp, Tan- oi than jvicoiu of to is are but under tbe conceive poby control it mounted Washington Territory, involving the o.uuu, wmie tne impossible .. DlSBCTOBS VfU. KITES, ass.- - Ills FHE LATEST AKD MOST CHOICE DESIGNS IfiO CDLOBIRES. ueinocraus elated ne to A n nau, tne American status of certain land, selected. arb without the Hice. gler rxislicg Jlie i A. J. (iltOESBECK, News establishment and McDonald and Coinmls.'flOheis of Walla Walls Couu- - and confident tbat Dr Ames, wiil re patient little body bears every possible L. S. 1HLI.S, Ciifhier, elected by small' majority. ' Ketnrns burden, from tbe Foreign. Minister's linker's store were burned. T&e Hod ty. as ttrdemnlty for school lands, lost are as. T. LlTTUi, Asst.. Cashies. , coming in slewiy. hundreds of ore wife, for example, who aits apta the son Ba v store was saved . , - . Ahe - deficiencies; canst d. by JAroagn. JtCAMPBELLTOwN, N.' B.; 4. A "deV fractional school sections, the Secre - clncts in tbe State beius remote from pack with great diaoity, aad, preceded istructive 11. e occurred at Dalhousie tary of the Interior has decided tbat. tctejrraphlc communication. ,lt la quite by her Moorish soldier, psyscalis upon other mlnUter'a wives, to the Istctt pruoaote tuat it may caxc ue last night, and the best portion f the the act of Jfekd-aartitb,.U$Sk ,autho-oi the town is- ia asheff. izod such selections and their1 (subse thing in iron bedsteads to be sold in part I Buy and Sefla ExcUnuare oa Aon J)uslneis iKkm.cAiV3otJ3t toWode; were consumed. quent approval by the Department, Twenty-tw- o the buildings public marxet. (jorvuur Magazine. ferk. ChlCAffo, st Franetw, sun mat consequently said lands were In Henderson County, the home of Dr. uc ui c ia taiu iv a in viiKiuaicu i Loula. OinaBa, Londau, and priivrf tenement .over the pest oiiiee. 1hr pot theretteT'wrjeet tq - part A wee, some! LflOO baKotsfor htm 'were enlrya s j ask cxsk . . ' niiiHU rrra m a i n ;r iloss is heavy. aJ CaXluJaUU Cities). r--x 2 throws opt. because the word.,' Labor , BonaSxA. An. .Knglish magazino r ilii'ifj V "r"f ."'T"' ItTradhbuncedT f MkxiCo,'4. Cittof THE-EXI . ticaei BOOSB tnerroa." Llflset- - publiahes a aeries of words, which it TUB IaAHGEST AKI MOST . COMrLETE WMaaescotcpoas. romiuiaa aroixada here tbat General Garcia De Lacedena, ... .' ' STOCK.. da mextea. SHE Americanisms, la the list ' ' LITEPJ, FEED ine antnor oi tue aooruve revolution - Edward McPberson. Secretary of tbe ting this, the Bepublicsns ' i . " -''- "frauds in this (Ram declaiesaie . IN ta given and defined UTAlIa' Bouahza tbe word ary plan at zacaiecas, who waa re- uepaoitcan congressional Lommutee. sey) cousty. Whether McGUl as a big scheme by which. ii Lentiv captured pv the Government makes tbe following comnetatioo laor ed or. not the . Republican Stateis elect niiiVf Cjs.ss ticket honestly or otherwise, much money b ILL r iSRABESv BF, BECbRATlYB IHD Ptilll on ME. F1KST SOUTH ST. nis to tois city. tue way y to returns troops, received up PAPERS. as a whole ojciock as ran be a e about r certainly is, A msfBiiloient stock Of SUk &umb. Hand binder a strong guard. me coinuiexDoiiticai eveninsr tuis oi C Behind , St. iz.wu 2d South 24 26 kerchief. Chtnmcmrt, Jauantte and, Chinese 41 At Jempore. a church paper of lnnu- - ion of tbe House ol Represtntallteaof Mate oilices. ibe other candidates lor and says that bousjiza ineiiua "good Bulbs of the or gooo iockt" muiaeca is m Omaientt. at Low ncr, urges max ine same the Jj uiietu t;ongreaa.-iTM- s returns, as SALT LAKE CITY. Tbe MlnnesoU Leilalatofe has 150 fortune deed a Spanish word, and Very natur ('Aie - Lily, a most bean) if Klowenng oe displayed towards mm magnanimity as tue as tue yueen oi indicate election lar 47 received, members Senators and u. tr. viz., riantisox S7, bait iuxe uuy. ! came into use In Califor nia or Ne pf Spain recently showed In the case 154 Republicans, 159 Democrats, lve w reseu tatrves in - the last ally A Large Assortment of j vada. Rut --It doea not mean " big i tbe rebel uen. yillacampe. .w- Labor and Indepeudeut. six jfioubtful senate epthere t r Arsre, ,W Republi me uovernment nas sent Mariano and one vacAicy--32- 5. scneme" or good jock." it is a nau-- . 11 cans and Democrats. in DOUBLE IAND SINGLE VEHICLES, fl uT7llTi I1TT1?! TTfTTTPT? b arcena. TUX MADK. MST g aa eminent engineer, to stndv word, and means Tbe doeoiiui are. one :in Illinois the House 79 Republicans and 24 Deruo tical a ue causes oi u ir 4 4 r ( Lanes, one in Kentucky Carlisle). crals. It la lmposaible to nlva reliable fair weathes atsea lf the reader w'll vii SADDLE HORSES, Eto Etc. U I JJJLUJIXllXf v. MUUU4JI If one la nOhio in (ignres in the composition of the neit lefcr to St: Matthew, yiH,2. .he will (Campbell), and three COSTINCJtD KRTJPTtONS a a ' . i aa n II lii .' read that, alter the Lord rebuked the manta:ovt:r-;aunissuun out me estimates give t he wind 'attention Id FtJNBItALb xegisiaiure, tutruj, and the sea. "there was a arrest t3T.8;tecial a, ot volcano bf Collma. the ,J5e&or new MAIN 18 15 Senate; STREET, Repnbiloaas and Ill IIW VMT DMUaAiui;"'BTlLKSj f . calm." And If reference la next had V. who in XX0UB8I0X3. ine Aaboa and rndenendent are. one Democrats: abroad, Js 75 Rennblicana. House the . . ... a to New K tbe of Tea k I tbe version an oi bcicdubc aviaanaeau uu- in iilad,4irendIeton).oneia Indiana o uchuuhi uuj cariHers Alliance. facie ntSpanish XJtatla. JL3lJ be will ' find the phrase there ;4 an interaat- (.Kusni, one in lowa i Anderson l, one wuitu nuuiuiivo in iceDDDllcini a e wui great unoouDiaoiy maxe f ! GttJLNT BROS.' A COM ; malt W. A, PXTTi f Is "una bonanza.". t It . given, grande i in One Wis Id and x ng (Uonkras). Virginia PiopHelor. on report. oi K. U M Soocad Boat M majority 4 Thejoint baJloV easy i to understand bow the word --r The newspaper nere nave a report consanlSmltb). r: : .i i ALL TUl x?:r , Helena ludenetubtnt came Helena; LATEST ITiXIS, ' . . ut-into Its figurative use aa mean If the Deiaocrats ret four of the estimates the rnalnrllW hat General Garcia de Lacadena has vr T..l- ' 'i . itaasCrtaaa;ias; n shot for hisrh, treason, i doubtlni they wilt have ICS, or m ma- (DeUti. for Delegate ta Con? rasa, at ing a happy calm, and good, hope After J Caargoa, ILM IM for day. 4. An the llonse. 2J; McPherso tiuusn eiljLi. haTAiiiaiik.u lMi cays Important Philauclphia, lority! atWade of the Dtmocracytowsrd inference waa held this afternoon.be- - the members of tbe AM Commute the preaeati admlnistratloa is similar roatsi-ua- r ,t JOSEPH E. TAYLOR, BMiaiiB KEALJ9. - S8 CBXX3. ween Ifw ti :.h ,i I. match, .TBaMurirpa facts, to that of, the Bennblican toward the 1 the PnUadelpbia Manuiacturers MUler' Mr. Harrv iadiana J polls. ' Admiaiatcation of President Hayes, and CesrOrai Cattfs-l- kt nd the General Executive Board ol Pioneer Undertaker of Utah assavtoOaea rinaatetal Ind., was cured of severe rheumatism Day aad Vbrki. aad front Doaota, .. many uissauanea uemocrata votKnights of Xabor, by i which Lhe tnas ' AlfD DOWlf . oy sujacooa uu. 'eoina;.. PRIM K LIVE QEESK FJKATH ed are Labor ticket. Set the Labor, be thinks, rank.ord troubles practically Jar-oh-l will recM TJKBUN. an were Labor factor be In tbe poliThe Knights of organized Secretary . wail UCVVJLOli Med. Resented by General Master Workman tical, cantesta .of the fature,aad the uas uceuatwuincea Ksicratarv af Kat ' i XU JVJT I th labox vote mast be taken into aerloua for the Imperial Treasury. Ayie-ort naves,' owderiy ana Messrs. " Exconsideration. Stock of. Choice. Wans BUAltKHTH and Carleton of the General !' i.. Large Also, mow. .while nearly tall ,tne "Mr. Phil. TbomTJSon. secretary of the toe Trar a increase' in tbn in ni TeAchku or piano avd . organ: rillow oils aa i sKATIlKR iliDU. cutlve.Board, DemOe?tfe savs low Dem AssoclationCommittee Onnesxe. iko Soatheait Gcrmsn exports to America la $17,000- ,the Committee, aembers of the Otf of Xbe maave. ocrats will nave a good; working aoajor- - OOOJnClUdlBg $4,000,000 worth ot ianr. corner of tho bth Wfcrtl Uqoarn- were present oa .behalf ATTRESSESi MATTRESSES! BED IDUHGES! BED LOUIiGES! f actorers. This --bractlcaUtr eeltlos the wim tbe 187a in Compared th exports waa also ncrease wio oiMimm. tim mill. It amounts to Troth's at EifflcnlUea mi niAJ IeIndf the EST BXDXQUWQI IS AMXEICA. the General Executive m cob Laoor oi Board of the Knisbu Funeral Director and ,vw,vw waras, oi wnicn iu per cent Urtdertaasf, ' ' . . toTlAmerica. nection with tbe Aid Committee of the Th XleelloM UaUteeMef fm laapev went VEmbalmer. vyi k ji BOOKS NOW RADY. t Maaafafitarer aad Paalar MM. AaOCla z ran Ixi. on. y.envnn ihhaiiiimi CBR18TVAS sendinr for clrcalars Manniaeioeera' aud ine Philadelphia . tnatrnnce-KisroarckJL roll Use or riao Cloth. II et.il lie aa . lion nave formulated a'set of rvtes 16cu. Euergetic ladies can desbite th .nw terms. Ontnt a to aettle-ine1500 to dia. Spbxkgpixxo. makoflOS Chriatraaa. tfETlLUC. WObHiiIlOTI C01EEEI ted wood Coffins aad Caskets. In the Address: tvhich shall Kovern them by oi me erunGlty Council. Inlo . xhe Associated Press, sent jecuona SAlUUIAtiUliKAIlI ASatK'taTlUN,111 iuisvj nmaasock iwnn. ot all further difficulties betwooa patch WUY if"f"ufo uermanys -Mi support o HDrU) UrtS andTtTa A xron dtato Ht, Chicago, Wilcomplete i end the to Paris tiltbe and ny jiem jesiercay employee emp4ojers,Nto ExnosiUon, regarding it as ciskfts: ? koi :ertakers Uoods of ovory . f hereafter' prey eating' strike! and liam 14. Springer upon the reault of m wa peace. ' oomtntfr oir aanL' ' ' i deacnptioa iiuhuik, tbe Oevireasionai election In tbis dists- Callctnd examine mu floods he for otircJias At conference of the Natinnal T.1h. ockouti. FXKXiaiTTJiaa 1 araUUao o OOFT trict bis opponent. Major James A. erals y, was resolved to nomi liodie nresorred wlthoat Ice for' an ' it tUewhere . Every article tcill be sold CHEAP am kept coastaatly oa haad. tng Connelly, this evening famishes tbe nate a. canaiaate for tte Reichstag la AlMt, eunn oi time. (..i the iarrihOrBtnr arMtiHA fvia'fa ouowTOff tara A for BK WILL M1ETTN0 . Ot 4. Peter Kenney, PiTTBBtao. Pa?, Mtiaih tne nrsfcuenin electoral district, made TBXRX CHEAPEST, WholesdU giTea Telepboas aad Telegraph Orders promptbaapublications MrrSsrlbaer announced ibronh vacant h rh H..tl..n( r Stockholders of tho North 'olDt tomptng and 'are of bodies.a 5.at y a ' ta their ,i;'i Ir si'eu. operator telegraph j mployedas d slrinptng speclaltr- Eiauata-iIrrif atlag Oonpaoy. for the iEIaetloa-ob Org, the Associated Press tbat his virtual A thousand . students of the Halle OOioau lsi 'to "preferred char. aatoral; eoa; ograham station, on th Pitts Lots Ska graves forma bod ia aay oom and auch other baataess aa may Juonia tuuiway, naa aa defeat was caused by money sent Into university (uok. witaoat extraAND 4 n i a et. tncinnau neld meetlna to Hi. ' coma Uin meeting, toibo held at before this district from oatakle the tbe JflQlTT. DAY by mora an hOCTtbu aOPXf All . .rdra by tetearspa or telephone, da adventure at Oiiica.Jno.4S tt. Main express oyoapatny with, thera (iermta- - Tbomaon'a Beat Estate earlyaeon one ' . want that to I Preterttonlsts. aay r ova Austria-linnatot Ue avuuents Laka Salt will Street. CitT. at S o'clock, on the win cbvit. DromptJ.vcuupu,. in nr. raosrr asd Wae Jtsonap. forget. speaaiBg I ! Z ingtbat.be Was engaged at bit Instrument, when of tbe notations facta of tbe campaign a nnmoer.oi professors attended tb MrA.lnr.4 In Kvomber,!iss second kloadar b..wuuLl. 'lOifice Kovr Closed. Toiephono KofAP t tne JAAUb!, C he heard a noise as if aoinf oae frvi Just cfosedfwas that my jbmttf was . rpeakeis Were One aad ft half blocks East of Theatre, , , 1; m&iif Mr. staaenis. escretary. , sths trying to open the , door, tat thoutif icuant ynront money, iru youtn I jm Salt .JDatsd at tAke City, j were wey trjpUed prgaoixed iiWt-.mEpriieKli.keri botbiag of it, noferpn T9tPel p tr 4TTKNTIO TCAEXrUL OIU)EE3 UJ XI1IL. xa'A7AlataAaari41af. nj-resse- . al tjse r. cx-ofll- jqdg-ruenta-ad - XMr-a-U- . to-d- ay d H. DINWOODET, mm an ' e FALL : . lf JaUy in - BaaAA-va- friends tins of department. silver-mounte- onar Q and-custom- rj anti-itepubii- can - . - . to-d- ay . - . 'f - he ht to-nig- aa-ora : : e. 1 ii d. BROS. CO., long-sufferi- r , ng -A-SP- . EOlIAIiiTY! -- Jf -- 1 . - uc m m 1 W -- -,- iD . nnivftii'nsiJ v.iu wa' . "Sr-abis- imi is-no- -- " a East, '' sire-Democra-tic Prk-.es- . -- nil .m. in n.ni.a Linoleums! Ixinolemnis I ar .m.--r.- - '1.!. sea-goin- - -- - : a OIL CLOTHS RpGS and' HATS, n a. u Bar-cen- -- was-educate- d . . "" -- -- -- CURTAINS CURTAINS . 1 - Tlpholsteryt and ;l)rapory natorial3,r to 'nna --- 'M-- - -- mm - --j 4.r-Und!- ef. jrosEPii I ' V' ... i- -' . I 1 . D OMBviammaaaa JJ - IU . . 5- i tl ir a , V . . V - Air-tir- h nt - r 'rannin f- . L. -- '- i usuj - -- to-da- and . - n' f , to-a- ! ' nia-nz- ay -- . - . ... . -4 nif,iw, ai z street .,ti, l mtj. |