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Show WASPS. then "(rut And be hustled out aa If fearful that aisBora. AN 4UAN STAKE- wAr wodty.Tne take j the brine. of them boiling the capitalist might locate the widow .0ow4rw, ....... ....Chester CaO poarOTr Kt,. A. BAMMOXD. Presldaat water, and let then stand over sight. an&taesvot. ... m. ...... Itrown Jlounttful, Srmth,. Pouroff this water and they are ready Vi. S. Mulr. if'tt, ........ was at El PaaolTcx.. that a Bountiful, dial han Cheny e ior each Cgja,Ipfs. (;riUrriUe,. xepare ySfltiXt Satwrway opt, 14. BS pvejraacn. buckled on two revol vers.selzed i'armington, crrlM For ...J. si. Parker quart or sharp vinegar take an American Za fferin the XXWXST ana BXCHXST DESIGNS to ,.Klwin in bis bands, and was Hooper, south........... Jnan Co., flats. two and a half larre cups of sugar and flag K l'eler Barton WABXS. one tablesnoonf nl each of the follow aout to Jump into the street and yell aytitue manors. S. Cook David South ! Wtbtr, "Down a with Mexico "when Btrang GRANT ON HORSEBACK. JBStJ OMy.! ing spice : Cinnamon, clovee, allspice, r laid his Kelsos. .Jens on arm hand his and Wills hlsck Miiiwr and nntmor. iridipnn T.merj - "Don't I'll give you $1 not To most people, probably, the bual-ine- ss of raisins; scald all together until the fT,dUinta. County, . ot monainent building, seems the EASTERN ARIZONA STAKE. fo- acucumbers are easily penetrated withi0,-,.. H. ,. ftewart. I a fork. you a patriot?" howled the Imaginable, provided simplest thing JESSK N. SMITH, President t Ia ...r...: tlsin f Texan. e ("tttinii, is in hand to there money nought pay Milk broths are great favorites, and A(mcoe . , . the sculptor. But there was never a "Ob, yea." PK. are toe best of lood for yoaag and r "And . ,v'' n...a....,.,...Uo.ylIalls, don't you want to see Mexico mistake. To set np a monugreater .ma. CiBPETS. BABY GJIRRIAGES, EtcEtc, ment to any given hero complete, and Art, Coamfjr, Apcb is made oi vearl sarlev and new or "Certain! " Mu)rnhen in an artistic style worthy ol the subtXntbef C. Bnrnhai. WASPS; sianors. skimmed taste. with to "Then sutftr muk, a nor is what ails you?" pretty large undertaking; ject, .AKdwarrt Noble. KVKB SEEN III UTAH. This is the way A petee of fresh butaV I want lo get rid of $6,000 worth of Mpint Is the raising ot the money slow and Jesse J. Brady (Ar.ttos). BAN PETE. STAKE. Krattu...., f ter the sue of a walaatla pat into the Mexican Central ' stock first. Please Htbrr :. i dribbling; as that process often is the o Williiam aran. 4 rt it. . - . ( ... '. t, ' allowedr broth to ami then pan don't to In have an add ......... We the .melt; war. the excitement." ...... Benjamin isouia. f only difficulty ti'utriotn.... S!i Hnut9f CAmnnf,t!tS ao nan the turned about the that is case In Illustration oi this fact the apt FIRST-LA-SS Valencia Vm If. M. oiled butter will ran aU; over the bot- tell'Perhaps you will be good enough to Gt)0DS ! Jt CANUTE PETESOX, Preside; of the proposed statue to GeneralGrant us, Mr. Teller, where that $10,000 Itamah.. tom. Tola is done as a. pveveative : K. A. Tletjen at Chicago. The funds were raised i f sticking to the deposit of yesterday , has, goue." said with less than the- usual lone 'delay. against the barley the President One-forBank. Apaefco Coamty, ArlsosMk.sound of washed bottom. .in... trustees are all right on that and the sr aw aw risner ' have It on my books J "I i In Is barlev three with score.Hans Hansen. are ShmeLom... t pearl quarts the Neither vexed M. put byf AW . tt. ; bey NAA'Um jMkUS but the what we'd Js "Yef, money of milk. XThls is placed on a aentle Ho at .....'.....John SMMH SFECllLTIES question as to what form the monutCPhrmtm, rirtt Ttrd. 1, f. A'leprin a w ate." K. iJd.ll Kphra Are and allowed to boil. ' It is . now Si. Juknt... ....David TO SUIT THE TIMES. tt.". ,;t.C V. N. I terms Second H'at ment shall take, for it had alredy nt,. . M. K. WUlia . . "Well er-t- hat Is I have it In my lo? lor.,..,, drawn to the tide aud aimmered very coat been decided to build an equestrian j. . imifh. j ui it in the next room " ...James O. Owtui r wene, ........ i .i.j .. d.Jirhu Woodruf... All In One llalldlng. , as it statue. Yet right here, strange ecnuvior inree nours. dibc aurreti H. Ueo. t'umiuUrin Orem..k.. Crosby Presisaid the "There, gentlemen,' to occasionally prevent the barley dent to the may seem, the trouble berias, for be M rti!'i A t (innnUoA,.. "Ain't get much to tell you." said from ....'. Directors, "I told you OAIX AND AT W fore any statue can be made some ratrolman sticking to the bottom and get- Teller . .1 ' Sin'iirr would AT as be I his it. knwhe Strud, np AS hung ting "singed." Before serving add was an honestproduce . . . .....Win. T. liriA design has to be agreed upon, and the tfnhll. Aorlh, . . . , EMERY STARE. , ( roan." at this, nome. morning about 1:30 and sugar to taste'. . . . . In nr .Ipimn trustees are confronted with fourteen ciud Uan'i Si.mth....J. Teller room next went iato and stariea the ior i. .Ma r. '. ol,o. SUuery County, TjVaJk. models, submitted bv as manv anony (k.W j R j.... made tell for The the tbe Directors "Well, ?. a said ... I. XV. Iron depot. i.'oruKtj, little," hungry mous are which now from Lhey artists, President. L.ABSEN, CO. new A AA are still convinced that he Is an nan est N. T. Ma.l. rn. t'leaeanl. gatherer. .l.nal . AiitCi.i... ..... r FROM THE FOUR WINDS. engaged in what appears to be the it.. "Well, let's see. Down on Decatur t89an. uwii. Kerley. makendeavor of somewhat hopeless tnree-story NiKU t'oarork. CHAIRS, ROCKERS, in a a newsi&Def 2 mertof i ,HMy dear It seems to me that vou building, Aon't the ing a selection ; tor, according to the Buret, 'Why f f . ; Ctiy,4....(j .snaors. wibds. .,.,a..,J. A. Altrrd. a dance, a the are much morextravagknt in dressing Chicago Mail, the model are a sorry negro gopera company, step ta the- frotf country kaa .. a C.aslUVa.). OUen. re and festival is than go there ,Hotnnr lot. any necessity for," said tcrron exchange; We aB't,- thw Jouraalists the fond husband. r. Ulaeii. Of one It savs that the steed is a "Now.whv couldn't H1itinyto. were there first. .O. Pulsipher. same the "lo bolldlns?" have a little plain- - Holr..... From the Celebrated Manufactory of Haywood you some on your and garments .... .. good horse, fairly 8. ItOttrh. , country on SEVlCR STAKE. "les: the first floor the darkles B "Women's work Is never done." err luetrlmmimrs on yotir dress Muddg. .. Broe Mm., at y farm would command a good price : are , . .. ,C. CnrHlenscn. beare a lis to ran marked bill they the rehearsing; going suggests R A N K I JN ; Sl'KNC Kit, IVroldent similarity of the itoburtNon. which is Grant but up OmngeviUe gvei profile view dreadfully." t Jas)ur uiufi.roi snow, ana tney are good, tween women's work and the under-cruieo. I'raudnen. "That's alwavs the way," was the JJri,.. presented can only be identified by the me tell you. Ttey can beat Barlow Cleveland of some women's pies. J. Altrer. 1. K. label. Another presents "an Indiana let "Whenever I L.areni-plaintively spoken reply. uuo uoues anu Danio. lbeu. on wnu .Caljiii Moore, P. t. ret a new dross you scold about the Upper "Vice circuit rider mounted en an animal the second floor is a orook trout? d ......r: KwcM, V. K. church fatlval in Customer. Got any 51 1 and 53 L First South St., sure I I'm wnich Is crouching as to its hind one end and a treat don't . trimming.. . you 4l eltingten Jc tiers on Xiawoll, P. K. oir. flet-a- s I'eiuer. nu, g the in M that a line S'ARPS. Another way." is anamM, legs." showy f BiHora. Customer. Then ' ' have' one nh m Tnr.i i smoked my dew, there Is uo Bometnine ei . a cross between a uiasr. ami tnev can not, "Certainly A .M.J. 8. Sinker. P. M. i4nHkelie......t...... P.O. EU 1125. SALT LAZE OITY.TJTAE herring. f e floor is an occasion for Shetland pony and aNorman-Ferca- inenonthetop it." Jurcfn I JUAB STAKE,. 'tnaii'un ..II. M. Payna dance." , "Tea there is. Yon go and "get your The use of tobacco T Bkitf to In are erou," the rider having, "the body of- "Hont't tjjey annoy one another?" ... . . . U. S. Kant, P. whiskers trimmed as mnrh von Joab Cousify, Ctaaw Cmnrriilt,... Phil. Sheridan, the lesrs of l)an Vooreyes. Yet at a recent "What? Annoy one another.- - Why, the . . 4. htminore,.. was the nose that were op- choose and I don't say a .word. So J. W. Brlvealrc it head of and Carter the Harrison." bees, meeting s so-- Countm JPatronaae Solicited, will Wat. PAXMAJTJ PreeideaU'-uau, juu uuu suaw a negro, vto, posed to )t.s Ufe.whlW tha eyes were la tnere, now." OIWy , a till another is a horse In a position they You can . don't. Just stand across its favor- Groer,. Jel of colic," tne siTeet last "the stage ..... suggesting JliJ Greenwich,... : Jbellsve ana In you near "Do Juiu. l'.li . mesmerism?' Cbarle. J teUfc. Special Immediate Attention. UV with AlOert Sidney Johnson on his .. -- ..i..4-Ken tuck v Colonefl Waiter'., sotne-- shyly asked a sweet younx, aaald, wbo i waaos. Sperry, 4 ijp0""?10 nao mercy on a em poor aviSHOra A i. a.W. .Ai.UiA. Mnreaedt r .1 uiij Liawa, back. Another model, represents a ..?. will graduate from Komcrvitia hiirh L. llarrta man on a horse, but "who the man Is uinuiuu Kinners wat s aancmg and luiug iwuriut. John Berk. Monroe,..t t ,i sebool next summer, of a von nir H n r. Kurtim, . I. 7 t I. " waiter. xes.san; watah, sljxt . U. i t, , . ....... ......... , vtMiii ..Elmer Taylor, uStra. uiiamii and how he ever got Into his awkward iroiicgin.' nuj vard In a second comes: tnt.nlwhom she uoionel. had met Then r"ira at iouos Ward.. Paul sophomore Poulaon. neatucKy eran,. ... ....;l.....cf.NeUs.Aaxi cannot be seem A known. k They pasition ... t, auuui iusert.. Ill art 'fiimmUlt Stiond Mnrd,. 3: . Mona J. 8. Horns. ...ii W.. . JIt Wan "oay; oonec, ooer dar,Hbawhy' don't want to take a bath. ' to be standing on a hill looking at PnrceU.de Ward Snmna, rvn a r Jena Jensen. J.. hail Ha' dim nl.rpr. replied theTonflg a man one in estate .direction Peters, what magnificent something, the Uoleman, 1'. K. can mesmerize A'tphi, Second Word,. ... ..j.LavM Litfaa. Uta,lale , V wcur' JAlfXS THOMPSOX IIENKT MOORE. I rnmllum,... and the horse in another,1' with a neck 'tesian nen oeiore tne otner end man can Peterbv owns un on the Hndaon. y Peter tiattfrdon people myself." 11113 Uiat any giraffe might envy. And so say i''cause luirifa "Oh, I don't believe it," eeld the he's deep,' some one in the of oawko. on through the list, some of the ani I the Gardenjicsiiii r -riciuiouo of Udetii sny s;iri, increduousiy. "Vou cduldn KANAB STAKE, HfT?"".?11' . umucu vi uucu t t Blue rUay..ilM.;.,lfarT una, p. a B BWJ soesmerize malsbeinir iaasabfe asd some of tha I b vifc me, now, could you?'!. 1 .ao1 s yon' swing dat gal oh nr aK Freeoumt, ..... lnnklnir mnrn or lean lit Runt. Am TlrhtBT rinF ritn.tHI i. ji ' - tk.l -Bh.nla vK.ll. Klarkbura rtdn "V"! S a at, ibmm " Hatse couia County said nbti i neiit Ii. Wrteht. 'Von young try," 4v... a .. J..1..I.BrlnkerhofL nut the two not combined In any one man. 1 k.nnnflrlatlv lunlmr . nave are a iaiivI .m.u ' soiba in time." the nngav bit; rney "Ah, they ThurlJ4 having .,.V.)-i-nil iviiaui j pupils model. ' It will be seen at once that the it. fresit-atWOOLLBI' - . Jjw $ JL. iyng8DorougD scnoois.; At the cxami in tne moonlight. trustees will find it do easy matter to W. D. Johnson, Jr.,. ... And she scknowledged to her dear . Other the a nation was asked day boy a Tbomaa (Counselors. an select suitable from such Chamberlain, deslngn est next friend the are ex ' she did "What that the ' day ST. CEOROE STAKE. i and the painful acauog rmam py aeiegrapn WAADt.r. . , Bisnora. extraordinary group; foods?" His reply was, "Cayenne perlence a sort ef tlnglins sensation arises whether is this query naturally Co-oThomas n ner p. some D. T. aiOAIJJSTER, PrMld.nt. KUilworthy. til t a mes aooui J. ana like Factory,,...... nps, Ifos Officer Jamaica ginger." A method of sending a. picture by pepper 28, Alain St., Qpjfosite tue best our American sculptors can K. J. Cntler. Clenaate meric shock. x ..XV. IK Johnson. 1. K. In Court: do, whether the immortal Grant must teierrapn nas oeen inventea dv a Johnson, which The August days are flyingrfant Kanab It. 8. ltoblnaon. The Judge. It is in vain for von to go unmonumented for lack of the gen- Scotchman, w.uemnuii. W. VI. Johnson. Lte'i t erry Waahlnston County, TJUOa. ius to reproduce him on a decent photograph, taken at one end of a wire deny it. Here are three witnesses And happy Is the lover, Alnn lleaton. Is transmitted and reproduced at the who 8a w you commit the deed. tfoccartn, Because he know the season for firm il OFFICE. SEEBS. MQHTEAGE5. IIKSES. ACBEEUEITS 1IB LEGAL PAPEBS DRIAI. horse. e,m, ,wPV9mWm.,m liM. JaMy. Ma...!!, WiWtjswr! picture is primarily pro rfrisowBrnlr-'iHiu1It Is certainly surprising that a figt other. oaThe ' OrderwHHe1.. 1'Tce cwaia is almost over. W. JCaplin. neUevumQ, Jamai j lyy.ter, I K .0. ..,,. ?ARrprf V f. a selenium cell placed in the ureas familiar as Grant's was but a )ected . 1 . .f. . Puhremh, .1 . n) WAtt k. JTjjv, Ssilth. ijtmcan. Courier. few years ago, to hundreds of thousphotographic circuit, which, accordtng 4i ja.. SA.i). iaJIi,.ic-- . ftancA,., ,J.B.W. Soahisn. (;ran if ..,.........iv. j I ox xne to j oi 'J rememand RoUsson. ot ands Wen still P.;K. degree intensity men, vividly $4000 KMn,...jy..2aK4ia Hawllin, lUIlI.DIXG LOTS, , consider. I The flglitet of sunshlae U ever adorniaj, Cperana...W mSWan.m bered by hundreds .ot ' thousands, received, acts upon, the current. e5!! hlocU we8t ot Mato A lot Cxla " life. sktWtha IaekyTnati's a K lalism" lift-liO. .U. P. number oi it Molt, Ilamblin,, South lot 6X10, have to go begging for a should through &ftrUl Temple, vt UartmoM f,. . JhaB .s' rents connected with: ansubsidiary one bloct wcgt of g" hot"''-- ; incandescent at their meeting this week. We have Who can creep into bed at two in the morn L fourteen amout reproduction LITTLE COLORADO House .............. of rix lot B. and room, O. K. STAKE, Adama.P .tore, of the Associ Ilnrrtiliurg, ing . lampi illuminatina: It with varied de forwarded the Secretary artists, most of whom, though prudent 6xla rod on Socomd West at, gOOftO 6x10. near the depot. T. tt. Terry .'. fittftf tCX lMt Hebron,. .... of the Herald, so And neyer awaken his Artaoaaat. were grees of Intensity consonant with the ation several copies see tneir II. Oroabv. ly yrmmmmmCommly, hlfb,OCkn0rtfr 0tCOn"ly witnnoiaing Letdt....... laenuty, t... 7 house. tne tno mat wnat sue ' eaitors current. ot may the genu roo.. "These, buttrioa, aou strength the General's Botton .xnuma. Courier. .Uutdtrten... probably $3500 Bek: contemporaries. cessivt Illuminations," iiarpor, r.P K etc. Two itory barn, We phall await the decision LOT SMITli, PreeidenL ine cupboard., iooks iixe anicie to K. Win. Mountain according of Dell, the etc. Second South dps. to Main Street. W. Jonea. John Bushman; I ...r. iniu, Hue f allen, 7x20 and 3x18 rod., rood or- trustees with interest. Perhaps their The Photographic Times, "would eire Two aged cows of peaceful character (VI Conn:o . I lNlll. AlVUfAsailfa. .a...aaaaaa..aaA...a Uobert Knell. chard, on Seventh South. Will 4JQKr A new adobe house of J rooms and better plan would be to begin by images of corresponding brightness to w,ere seen cnasmg a man all orera r points in the picture thrown upon fielfirin Illfaare Vwu sQinmer kitchen, lot 1x10 rods. - : determining which of the models is the the F? mutti srsfjr, fttur mU a part to suit purchaser. . mS worst. Then discard and repeat until the selenium cell, and the final picture, UeOastoihtiiwtifJal VjbuUdinst lot on Sixth East a . SMOO 8P'ebd nonge of 4 rooms, poreh front the list Is exhausted and advertise of coarse, would consist of a aeries of eranzer who owned them. Inanlrv ...... .. ., Oliver Iteraill, ii. oyer and yonith South ; a bargain. ?IU0U AMd lot a 6x20. back, 9nneei a........j. .table. again NelaonfT Snontekerp,. .......P. W.jurnaras. WMhUtalon these points In various depths of reYcaladtae fact that jp nau lor proposals. snrMpdau on Fourth West and Vourtagod ... ; A.1I.SV North Tmio etc, Bonn, at. Critic. ...4.4..tTWNl shade.' Wvo York Hun. A splendid Building lot, , east t dremtMalor h ChWf TlaaararUe Q7Hrt tfVordn X... . . . a Rk'. rl JnnrcSt St. flNtrgt, Zerifnd'H'ard,.. Waller tirana-er-. . .r V uv'front by 10 rods j 15th Ward. factory. OF .SI. Oenrge, Third Ward,.. CA. Terry, ' ;. st. OMfraywrfi nam.. . jti. i.ufmrwn Lot in 17th Ward, it rods sa' the "Do asked he. Q R PLf A Building you play piano?" Household Hints. A A JO. HI fVI ' Ills QOXJ front by ft rods deep, only IX blocks Ingenious Explanation "Yes." su replied. i i.X. ......... .John i'arki-r- , from Temple Block. I'lign,. 'j "Sing?" PRESIDENCY ..Aiarcua rnnk. Waehmmton MD one Two Plain Puddin ears, cup ... Artaoawa. laa'elA "This looks exclaimed . of Ten Covntty, acre, good level &a C)( mile. suspicious!" XC8 Marloy. mux. one nonr. sweet two oi oi Mrs. I.tneolai direction pins attention wui Suspicion, County, MevaMfa. A. F. MAC DONALD, PrMideo. "Sing the Mikado?" HOUSES AND XOTS. wateVr,T Temph' to a long, golden hair which she had tablesnoonf uls of baking powder. Uvnt&r ...kdirard Honker, Jr. e . OT TIIK discovered- - on the shoulders of her Steam from twenty to twenty-firt.. ""c.'rBon.-loon-a..or.I alley,., .w...L-l- . Wooda. P. K. Mary. r ti.uk part coat. She took It an care minutes, ana serve witn sauce. ... husband's .. K. Hammond. P. K. forever.'1 faille ..J. Valley, manors. - 001 land aud wards. ............ .....liialahIfc Oox. P' Overton West, between 'north and fully and, twisting it about her finger, ehard, Sev.nthatreets! Sweet Potato Pies When the pota- ..... M. len. , South Temple ....O. M. Stewart. I'annrm examined it carefully. .A.. toes are dry and mealy, take a quart Brown I hear yoa have sold out Organized Stakes of Zion. Alma,.... V Lehi K. Jones: T. .;....Artemua Millet, P. K prfli7 alley,. he your newspaper. my yours, it ain't dear?" "sure 8 A alter they have been pared, ooued .and 160 1 000 ft 1 n$w. rK.9U? hon2 ofrooms r00mt Aleta,. ...... Patented land, miles said. In I'm fox ntak Black. Yes, going and a Quart oi mux. iour eggs. good aUble..argeflnea Papago 0. 8. Iterson. V'rW from Temple Block ;aUe W acres "You know vour hair has a golden masned: The meloatas the President's addrasa. i,A c r, t, money. good rammer kitchen, corner of Sixth East school land adjoining. IV K PreahUag JUder. salt, nutmeg, cinnamon and sugar to mgBrown. STAKE, I JWaJ JOICPH Indeed. become t6 L. Going and fourth South streets. A bargain. tinge in the sunlight." M b.' taste. Hake the same as squash Pies. a menevleoder? & t 2 t Arltsna t 4 V.r?' n. is hair black." the "My responded t If the potatoes are very moist, use less isiacx. no, 1 am w brick house of S sarg wife la a manner that Indicated too mux. $850 CURTSTOT'nnU T.ATTON, Pretldcnt going te become a a I, V Z MILLARD rooms, ball and summer kitchen, rKnt, at STAKE, BANNOCK 8TAKK, revival isb. that flattery would not quiet of lu .hare. weu ,.ah.H lot &xn in inrn Sr.ir.i5E"'1 ICoun.elore era on 10 acrer; Hunter Precinct, IS aulas plainly Excellent soft gingerbread Is made A Chinaman is speaking to himself ber. "This is yellow red I may sav. MlUavra CnmntT, VtmU. 1 from 1 six rooms, one story T. E. KICKS, President. Now cow did it get on your coat? of cup of sugar,lcupof butter, cup aa he Irons a shirt. Piciaf nn a .shirt city. QOKlV) Bock house, "7. S: 1TTXCKLKT,' President, i of sour cream, 1. cup of New Orleans That's wbat I'd like to know. granery and cellar underneatb, Caxdloaiy. been wen snowing eviaence m aaviag st. let 8x7, on corner of South Temple acres No. 1 land, in Korth of , 4 to sutea ' SAOfl Jhe. foreot Oh." nour, Forty oi Daniel cups b I manors. responded "I r moiasses, h e -k ? and cared says t fog j "Counselora. on two fenced TaJa aidea.4 tell you of a little episode that acourred tablespoonf ul of soda dissolved in a ...Hi. II. Merrill, P. K. 77 Tor 4 a uw.Polnt, J. V. rtobison. 8i,"David. - a Htm una ult Blna-kaMm "KaAliilnr" Co Eok bouse, 3 rooms, stable Idalio. call V j early. -' ' ' :? I was coming alone the street: u tue hot water, l tablespoon 01 ginWABliS. $10UU horses, lot SXxlO rods, south bargain BlSUOra. Picks pd another, bnttonfess and all -l Clraham Caaly. WAttPS. BISHOPS I heard the cry of fire, and, looking up, ger, S well beaton eggs, the rind grated ..... ana front; toth Ward. y Ieeret. 8. Ttlnr.k. CHrfwl at neck the wrists ....J. fW): FortT acre' of good farming !aad irayea 1 if of wasted. lemon. Raisins Geo. M. liawa. ..Ruben out females discovered firigHtn U. Hyatt. fillmore... seyeral ..Thou. looking CAlliatar, m ..uaiiiea man.':' ..W". F. Walker. M. M. Ourlia. .... ClGveimnd .... ..... the .window of the fifth story and R. fitewna. Curtis... lloirten,......... ......If. $3500 SSftsi Two of Cake Molasses Fruit ....... .. ...... .cups Steele. E. 1'ctarO. Graham...... Kanoeh. A. A. Klniba.ll. Aleo 40 acre, adjoining can appealing for assistance. I went np JM... Jti. letnro, city, nil fenced. 1 each of bottar, sugar and uvInfluential citizenare"So ret thf akin ,. bee -tan.. XVlker. . . aU0- . John By I. U. molasses, ..U. Lay N. for of e kind ChriUuni.oii. land. Leamington,. tne fire escape, and soon had all the sour cream, a locatin' hyur, P""""1 "" Youag Lvma. ............ yer" Store, suttabl. Ior any Arnold. Meadow Creek, Amos of Pima. Tavlor. ul QOnnA-nicJohn 11. Bennett. II. powdered teaspoon! a aaa down on the sidewalk. cloves, two nutmegs, two teaspoon! uls pnysician weu, yes, kind of business .close M Main girls 7. safely V. Jardine, ....... inougnt LcwUvilU... . . ....K. Uarulea. ..... .. ...Samuel ... ... vreet. Pel er Anderson. and twenty acres of One of them must have been red- here.: some Influential Street. Causooa. ef 1". L. M. practiciBg FarUmr Parker. ..W. 2700 Alatlhewe. MaUhews, .,..DaTld Thomas pa"4red Yates. of soda, raisins and currants. Make citizen "Practlcin'? Look hy ur.young . ,. ., farming and meadow laadA miles beaded." A. UVU. Jt. Rtxtmrg .....A. aa as This thick cake. "P1 Block. Adobe honae. two will about rTW New brick boose, 2 rooma. kitchen frora cup "The evening paper did not have a make two cakes ; the fruit csn be man. thar'a a good open In' hvur fur a ......Ueo. Cordon. ?UVO tnd cellar: lot 9xlu, on J Street, rooms, ..table and outhouies. etc. Forty line SUMMIT STAKE. ,.Geo. H.B. Harris. about a fire," she said. doctor ez un' erstaa's bis biz. but we B1t....., under caltivaHon. aU fenced. aciw as between 7ta and 8th. aorta. is omitted without it it. eton.... good, MORGAN STAKE, ..John Doaaldaoa. 2 ' no course not." continuded he. acres in lucarn. Water right. A very cheap don't want ducteria'a WiVord ui fire practlcin vw. CLtTr, Prasldenv. Geo. Davis. A "Too did not amount to anything, To Use Canned Salmon One can of what we want.'r t .fa A new adobe house of 4 rooms, Ii We P. K. Bimetr Abraham 41KA(1 Bedford. Ctmwon..... riaJa,' Cewnfy, t went around to the office and asked fish rubbed into foar tablespoonf uls of An VJUW hard finish, pantry and closeU .Geo. Fe.a. P. E. Aartoa.... "Gen circumstance tOonnseior. extenuating . S K. I well finished and painted, lot SXxlO rods, Of? '".W. O. SMITH, President. . -- f. B. Hawkley, P. K. OA Thirteen Acres of Good iAcern that my name be left out, in fact de- melted butter, add lour weu beaten tleman of the jury .there is still another SaoU Bock. rw In 7th Ward. V UKJKJ Land, half mile west of the city. ... . ... . .. . jmi 'a manded that no mention of the affair eggs, one-ha- lf r. of fine bread or extenuating circumstance" in favor of rrnvutr... k. cupful laiamlt Conntr, V(al. Willow Creek.... Jeaai. Clereriey. P. . " be made, and actually threatened to tracker crumbs, pepper, salt and ' J bouse of S well fla-tie broke open a burglar-promsnors. wasos. R. L. Bvbaa I. tha Aetbur President aI fiflA Adobe Elder stop, my subscription if any publicity tnioced parsley. Put Into a" pudding my client, ished .with cloeta,room, warps. etc lot 8x10, German of Bisnors. safe, masterpiece ....... Holert Salmon. r was given to my conduct. The re- moia f aner inorougmy Dealing toCWri1,. Second South, close to D. AK.U. depoU , . 2500 i valued at . Cropden experts John workmanship by fecao.... .............f......Klisa Aaper. Hopkins ' porter bad me written up as a hero. gether), boll or steam an hour. r and this client 01 mine content... J. k. Hall Ilenntferrille.. r hn'erprite ..I .'harles Klr.hrna. LOOK LOOK 1 1 : and marks, I knew you would not like to see Cabbage . Salad Two ni intra. Kll of 4 rooms, adobe 120 himself the ted marks with which .R0n Framelothou Hewteoitm, . sw,). . wt. AJianan WXirvrC .Wlittaj. cabbages roe 4 in as SsiO.Sonta Temple street. Morgan, AbrfA...,..t4...O.H. Adir.bn.print saving anyone butyeu,so1 chapped fine; sprinkled with salt; let he f butd Inside and left i the valuable. i BEAR LAKE 9TAKM'Y iiBd, t if A. 11 X30S down, balance on the instalment :t ...... on T r 1.. .mi van. I Fetch f wav. want Bv houses out of the it your empty kept i..m.(:b.rlea IXinur print. yoa plan. i ,ir anta.;. over night. One pint vinegar,: : WM. BDDGE, t ................ Preaatant. , ?v &. James a saw sealskin down Onrrtrw. Stand 1111 ai pretty sacque very M..(,..u, of cop n house of t rooms and kltch- - them rented. We have calls every day: ground,, mustard, three Port0rrille, Eatt,,....4l..j. it ITvriei. r.-- heat inanaireiV tlBv bm at S town ,;J.v4I. nart,5... that I halfway ordered $0 LTl Adobe rf Swph." jF'ad adthoir Beat eggs thoroughly and add to 1Thaatr ' eB,iots-9rods, full of good fruit , i USorge CMmoa J, t for you. I wish you would go down to- eggs, wad have is ilayslr.-anIf . - ............. yoar ... ..trees.one-ana to half blocks west of gas works on a it fc.. and boillnz. Jno. t'lKik. v.. hs " vinegar: pepper morrow and see how you like it." tmmm ;oaai(y, loan. om South Temple street. t rn.Kn.n ..K 11. Vunne , taate ; let all come to a boil. Pour I WiollcJ rtltheYMiest trash. j onskip,.... ......... plot is clever. ever cabbage and stir thoroughly to- i1 Xoung Author.! Thehis BISBOr-SWAUOS. Clatlaai Cowaity, Wyoanlaio head). Yes y tlieManager(scratching gether. ,i, is clever,'and that is the trouble BtJuUngt...,-- . .......... .A. K. Wright. ONEIDA STAKE. plot d. of K. . Girls' Arms. John Kunti, r. James iowna, lata.., Length I If you could eliminate the plot and Beme, XV. Ii, HENDRICKS. President. t vv m. lioime Fish and Elce"Plck up" and bone substitute ,i ISloomtneHm....... WftHiH invn a,si. Ml.b.wti a a and the big dog baby, CottemeietL Wilcox. be or either A. it salt fresh. told a fish, "That explains theorr of mine." a.iW, ..?. run would Vlkywaity. tUr for . leafs. IContMlo play n S jj stew-paO. a. riY Wyowataia. a middle-ageand heat PrAn.oB,i Season la with d said a jA Rock man, as he directed M ... . . . . . ... lawiM C attention to a matron and her little piece of butter the size of an egg. i1 "This newspaper James Buna, P, nave a very MWf,. .........v. ........... . A. A.AHBUll. Idahio. Springs Oatlda Coanty, cold a of When hot add teaspoonlul said Mrs. Dresser to Mentpiiier...... ............ Samuel Matthew m. axixs. editor," gallant WAKD8. manors. B., W. 8XIXS. J. TUCKER.. foar boiled and boiled were rice . down r chopped Waoasba Xtounmm. hand, coming Joan junser, i her husband. .Win. Warier. P. E. ' Orwf. street okks. , Stir- until thoroughly heated j ....Peter Jensen. Clifton... y .. TOOELE STAKE, "Why?" ..Paler Micklexon, P. K. .Wm. West. Weston The matron' was unite, stout, and through.: Dish sad serve witn pickles. Ward, fir Paris, t fashion column beads Because its it , ..James Bodily, P. K. Price. Fairviev.. Robert Word, ipxmi found some difficulty la reaching down ! To Pari, for the Dear Creatures.'" y Prttton,.. .........i. Tooele lints off the kerCorn Cat Franklin P. K. County, rtala, Durant. H. Thorn. If. Prepare a Dalrymple; to the hand of the little toddler. nels from six An alsaa he MmtiMA corn. m..m Ret. 150 & 152 W. First South St, Opposite Hth Ward IssoUr Booss. Thehold esrs of Boll said, thoughtfully, "Hum," n. mo;4 JtaM S. GO large President. WANS, was matron evidently, in a hurrv. until tender in salted water, about Dear Creatures t That man knows Maiaa Htuart, up. ............ueorKO Anderson. and she Mink walked Mart P. K. the Idaho. an street at C. CtiaUaan Crwt. along J a County, Hanaen, he ounaelors. about. What is bet WHOUSAtB AD HXTAXL DKAIXB8 TK I'll fefe minutes. Drain and then put Ulklug -' y.j , liobt. 11. Williams, lti. Valley A., if t ordinary rate of speed. Her little twenty married." he's a a of bjat into Sod Snaara. ............. Daniel tan, P. E. Uound with milk, cup saucepan ii K. t St. WAHWS. John P. 1ewla. SISBOVS. .....Lewis found It Impossible to keep Wbicb a tablespoonf ul of cornstarch daughtertne Samaria ..Darld Bowen, P. K. Cloveri,. LATH, SMGLES, PICKETS, ana at regular has baen smoothly mixed ; add two 'Customer. Was that Jamaica gln-g- tr De St. Jasr, IKIBER, VtaSa. up witn .......F. procession, y XV. ty .Jos. Cre:k...... Dudley, Bp. Deep OreeS,. m. intervals tripped and fell over, or at beaten eggsy Cook until the corn..................Wm. soda? It dosea't ftarrfe Cllv,... in that you put Uobert Calder. w. r. mom. jr. x. tKtsltfl least would nave fallen but for the in starch Is done, and served y . . .. . Blnatiaiii County, fdsbo, Window Weights. m. Cedar Posts, Halls iiL.il 0raOiitue......i Jw...... ward Munter. . .I Lnffiernua. tervention of the mother. Khe had tire iDrug Clerk cetAn1ng1holtfBy JOieP ft 11 lIH D8 AlMmmmUt. .a... aaa. Mo.es Martin.' ....... ..f.-i- . L.Tilruit'i'1 4,ake,fry,.,... Marsh t iiUev. the child and at sue hand, ms by a ana made take nnoa every I've is . Joan. made riOULDiliGS, trip XV. Burrhlfra ...... A ;A given SPEGIAITT. by Jpvel .....-,- !. TRAHSOOS pretty pudding patting ItttlinKlfor Alortno. 000RS, WINDOWS, . her ...... vi.11. Le grip, and by main bfead crumbs r cake crumbs in a but- you laudanum I'm afraid Til have to yr.Krajr...... tightened ToorU Atkln. )t . H.'ll. M llllullr Oy,...,,a,.....,Tb0a. t strength Jerked the child on her feet. ter mold and sticking among them at charge yon half a dollar more, sir ' to:- r at a Lai w i mem,, er " Sharp. .K. 'MJUmdM wi j The tchlld's left arm was being intervals either preserved cherries or liaudanum com eaHrl&ber than Jamaica elongated. or bits of citron or orange. XO SUIT. THE- PCIMRS. ger, yea Know, suty cents, BEAVER STAKE,! have always heard,", continued peaches, ,. a plain custard of eggs aad Then ifVH STAKE, pour please. PANOUITCH STAKE. S"l IF TO WANT BARGAINS CATLU ON US BEFORE PUBCHASINO. a arm Uarer Ceai(y, Club. speaker, "that woman's left into tne moio, coverea witn n 01c - I me have Let Girl. Boston see, Is longer than her right: that ber left ofilia they J. W. CROSDT, Ja., PreldenU paper or sub pasteboard, fjaahv ars and such animals up la the r J. K. mjUDOCK, President. shoulder is higher than ber right, and aidbuttered bake. M.Letecle, Arci ic regions, don't they, Mr. Hlg- DBDseWra, 0. have been trying to solve the problem. rA, SMOpT, l'reitdenVy-- r avsav tA vaiu9i was a tj lum Jam Let tout fruit be dry and or at least explain It some way. Seeing 0 yes. that woman dragging that little girl by free from leaves and stock. Take JKeturned ArUc Exploredallowed; am ' . t her left arm explains it ail. Mothers equal quantities of plan? be and sugar, I aveiit otontf daft and; y waaos. p-t. M . mm., wwvy 'iftjisd flealbr --tbow.and fwmMM., IFarrf. M...T.mO. n. ....... uot chil- pat iawa clear vessel and ; bollDatn-Sostart ont bearrau4 their ffeir)er lemeas; ...WmJ. Cmnnonyrille.i holding; White usually AL-f. .Wkaiia.'!.. ... 1 in cached isfJK ' , 4 ' .'aato vsvf i V , dren's left hands,' r Why not boys the bour, stirrinv it same Secomd Weird..... thoroughly.are ..J.- - X. Smlttt IHI Indole,.'. ........... Sotli Jo h n on.. JtoJiw!..... Girl. Tjached It? I suppose Memrrr, same way? I'll explain that. Boys the way Beuamtn IJilevwhita very :. iBoston J. McOnllonirks prepared OrtenviUe,.... ...,...,.iT. s. Unlbert Ktn-iE. . Tanner UarlonA can usually ran : as fast as a woman good., (ire must be taken when cold yiu mean caught, don yon Mr. ni. M. Bromley. Jtilford, , wtri(vit . .y I fl. liana ... Wnr.1 Pnrantirh it fir AttaeroiU-Ml Itennets James McKnlgUt. Celar toii,...,.. can walk, even when they are little to cover ail preserves closely and stand ) oar Wm. Prfr Panguitch, Second Wmrd....... II. 6. Church. Ooehan,... fellows, and" so don't have to be in. a cooltary place. i: Jr.; Un Arkansas Jostles of the Peace T. It. Cntler. 1'into Vtala, dragged. Little girls trip and the drag Connty, n. Tanner ............. ...... who turned a hsd married are advertised Just drinks couple ftty... Oemme. . .VV . . . ....J. popularly . AA BOX ELDER TAkL. Plerseam iVt raw 49 ging process begins." St. Paul Globe. laEgg t aasjave oa4 ?P aafWajtifrB ringstonjk.m,. J many tempting mixtures aad deeoe-- at to a man.andalcM m ju-V.'JSS e e iieeA.i,,fc.AkeTt.nilAA the confectioners', the restaurants f 'I dojt siileye theomarnJwBnotel f t J I iV-' the soda water shops, bat it Is not servaratfidobey kta.'t aad Prwo lil, Sfnew rrYl,., J. w. Iveieaa TwoUttlo Jokes. know," some one replied, rrxc IW, 7rrt Hnrl..,Mjron j an ner KrU CWl .PABO WAN STAKE, generally known that the well beaten t'l don't womr seems a be to amiable of "she to an added rrore 'He, fomfh Ward, ......J.K. Pootlfc very of any white egg, up i i if r. I '.: ;. V V- J iraaa Cowstty, Ctata. B crtatlv Elder One ol those smart Alexanders who cooling frnlt drinks (not to tea) makes an." CmmtTt Prooo CVg, Ffth ifard, ...... Peler Madn A BXOOBD 0: ' rrsna. travel en cheek and the inability of the them more readily absorbed into the MI don't think she Is," the Justice , waxps. : S(irm. .,..(. D,Halllitsy Biinors. f TIIOS. J. JONES, rrtildent Santaprtn,. paoncto change ai bins for a glass of system, doing their refreshing' work replied. Carl Jensen Stmt ttetr GKy,. ....... D.Pnoit V. Vnffriina Pork, ) Edward PMion, " soda or four tobies, got on a ' - ; r " Why sol" YEARS SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS, more quickly. AWffkeaa Citf, tint Wars',... Henry Tingej Aforsaa lilchards, Jr Ooaaaalora. 7.ti...........Pimicl Openah.w, car the other day and tendered ' "Because she used to be my wife." . lirighmm Citg, fiecond It rtf,..Alin Nichols .,..Ncbi1,'i- rtngeiU,.........i Browned Batter Pat one quarter of tne aforesaid SM ior bis lare. Ol WAJtDS. MHfkmm CUg, Third Ward, ...... A. Madsea. . Antadatlns stnd Bxoelllns all Competitors. Bianora. M. Went! haven't piece, left your course the conductor could not change a pound of butter Into a tryinKpan mrifkmm Cite, romurlh Wmrd,.... Johm Welch. Cedar "Why, you CVy,.... .......... ...yienry t.nnt 1impnoos.......,.....f.i.Ve,ter ... ... . J. C hawsy l!.Stwr i j JOeteegekHe. twt(ii..i ,....Alri)Wj. it ana so he got bis ride free. . This oyer a clear are; when the butter Mary' ....Ixu-enrpf .SAre.... Aryyr. tlroum CVa,..... ............... ...C. Kimber. rmrotowmnn,.. ...... .... .....Wm. K. Jonea Ci was repeated until the conductor got smokes, have ready and throw into it t f'xes i nave." Mill ..John fork I Betpdy, 1. IS Hnnsaker ''Bless me Why everybody who (NrUte,.......rt..... Abraham war a., .XX' m. C. Mitchell rarotean. etrst tired ol it, and after the .fourth or filth oae tablespoonf nl of minced paraiey, hasJived . CAlensen. ya,..........M......-......Pwith Mrs. . . ,. V'r I ni awtm. fiavaeryuBiy. time of its repetition be determined to three Ublespoonl uls of vinsar,. salt mn.T fcrW...juo ..Thoa, flarprtt minute " get even with the fellow. By visiting and pepper .and. simmer one Park a IWSechaas raiIa.WM.Mw..K. !yfsV?asv "irbod fa. she'VsilVfAi the tollhouses and by other means un- longer. Most excellent : upon fish treatmeat J. Bicharde. - ffisi lens s. she and I- are of 'Pyasaa(A,........M........aI. goes-b- ut 'w"i" f jar - -r PertMoe.. oak w either salt' or fresh, scallops or .w known, the manipulator of the Q.H A. Caodliao y Hmrme'tl, m duTerenScQ3piexions.iC .63 in ftto t managed lis scrape up It?" to 7MjJiH..M.m.M.t.MM. O. SAt Vmrrw pennies. Wmehakie,.. ...................I. I). Zundel. aaSa. mnU Lsk. WnMf-aiaty- , Pickle" Pears aud Peaches SetTtnta f'What has that got --to do with It? WiUawd bucket he ' To mediaui-eiiePlacing these in a little yaeer ....m.... City tfearys me aM. boboeta her JookvliknJt smooth and d Why lect paake j theawaited ? pears appearance quietly, fcAxxcw, rrtaiacBV of his ' victim, having posted the freestone peaches, ; stick them lull of ' ' yj i J OaWa CeaawSrf IUlo. T. n. Oilaa,i - I rt . of sugar driver ai.d some other . Inti- cloves. Boll seven- - pounds NOCt. were Ol W,T,n'rae,c"'';,k- In Union v the eVaAtaeV4t,seM "Yea you say army " i L 8. Alexander, , mate friends who happened to be with one gallon ot vingar, an ouoce of .. Uaaao Thorn. J the war?" a il a LAKE on board. When the- - unsuspecting mace and an ounce of allspice. When daring UXyaiol BAIT . ClTTkjr4rSt MYes, sir, I was at Gettysburg." Cr in t'lay ,.......... ... ...Jeniam young man with the. plethoric pocket-boo- k it boils put in the trait and let It cook WASDS. Well, I suppose Bl f'At Gettysburg? :.j t). MunlofV Charleston., a till straw will in an it. pierce appearance aad prompt- gently a put article written have A. magazine e K. CACHE ArhiurUtn Duka tfeber. ' . ...i. STAICrH, flral ly produced the "twenty" with many Remove the fruit with a skimmer and you SecondWmrd..tf.,Jope-pK....... .....Samuel Clear I'ctcrron Heber, West,.. about the mistakes of the battle?" Ward,............. Henry :; the conductor pocketed the boil the syrup down for a few minutes, Catclae) Caaaity, TJlakv. XV aroner. awrm . apologies, have Van Weilcr not.' I i.Jacob air, J....V .. w . ifuhwr,. bill and H bis little bucket, and then pour tt over the fruit ' - Cover t'ffo, PoHrth itwv, WaUeammm ......... . F ,..IIarrlan my dear sir, yoa needn't beg. Sperr 'Why, J r mm amid theproduced X. Seton . V Wnrdr.,.r.....e.. gxlns of the spectators pre- close.-- . . ... nnlv aoldler livinr whn han .f.,f?rt tha Tin sented it to his customer- -. The young ' To Boll Fiih Cut an onion In quar- pot written. soi rtlele oa the 'AS THE C: . STAKD$ iror(t,.....AVw JLlKtaaaloorer; UV):lGl.l 1 Ores iKU!X3 s subject. h Seventh Word.... tetnJatatntjr. man looked pretty cheap, and after Smith, ' man are xou . arena, a of clove 1 in bit a stick fc. K. bheol way. ters, jvu a museum." each, put iic, tighth Ward, oeeaeieaeea WASPS. feeling the helt of the bucket thoughtkSMOOTHESTi .and STRONGEST. aiSBors. ITalrh, a week.ln $100 can iltry,...t.......,....kJTnilah A. or get Inside and with it Aia H'arrf.......... U....S, Woollej ) parsley thyme lay fully got oft the car and disappeared of aiama apna : toe the fish, salt and pepper, pin Ponsonfc.iCMtitJ iid around the corner. Then the conducMeMne' t.htortth If ML,.M..M.....lUJoai or ooaungr ....... J. C.Jar4m.. i i tor took the bill from his pocket and whole up in a clean white cloth Iraen. Twelfth tlartt. II. tlawaou Cwevtlie,....... .........II. water and into aw .............. netting 1l.de Itainea put masquito ...Robert Milieu MVtif.. of House. Thirteenth It so to fold It that that had two gills ot vinegar added and Proprietor Humpback. up nicely proceeded WEBEIt STAKE, ....i...,..Joseph Ai;mm Tollard. ..S. M. Molen. llyruwk, Ward would fit Into a convenient corner of that ary. . S.r-t'- ' 1ewiatoM i..w...w....,.y,.V. ii. lewi. tyreemlh is boiling. Do not lay the fish ini nr. of ponrafif" WeWer Coanty, Ctab hath 'no in the ap' hlspocketbook. Something . ..... 1.091m, ttrwt rrrf,............IJ. M. Lewis. B'renleeuth H ard,,. ........... .John Tlnpcy cold or even warm water. Never ;t,Certainlvnot.,, MOCBS THATJ i.. , pearance ot the bill caught his eye, and to Ballard. ...... Servnd H W. v. or r. ITora,.. tofun, Henry fish meat into rrf.. than other BnURTLirr,. President.-- ' boiling VI guess I won't stay. Yon haven't Logon, Third as be examined it a little closer his law put ............. Kin-- nimej Robert Iavidson. Bighteenth vMvwr Wnrd,.... hot water to boil, except tor nuchas a. single attraction. a Smitk was Wmrd. bill Ptmrth T. The foot. about of hoean. W. , E. nasaeit. TVenrtetA irorvf dropped i. 1 a,irv-rL,J- l the genus denominated by the sporting are Intended for soups or chowders: ' VYes,Ihave. There's. aglrL stop- -, Logon, ritA arJjM .......W. I N. Allen. Aalf who's milUoit. a here as worth man The A fraternity to fill in the Elag all alone and- -, young "queer." very way simple Lcfmm, Seventh !Tar4......X. Isaac FmRh XcovjutaryrARDB fden.i.... had also beea laying for the conductor. yawning space ot an open fireplace- la be is ? . y . f , ii.... u ... ."'..Henry lfugh tGive me a cheap room on the third i.dti...,..........;.4...... JX.Tt..Brljr9n to tear lour yards of very coarse unCottonwood,. ruttburq Cfasetfs,. Big O. Pitkin. .............. ......UUivUa...... Hooper, Frederick J?bnefm bleached maalui f into half yard floor." na.y,kt, K ay A ' I1,RS Knnk .. A . m,m na i i J n lluntevitte. It.A .P...-...- . ' hast vat OUR IIXUST JtATED BOOT! m Knitting Qo. B)a fa,-uUldfm. lengths, and ravel it When all Is done, l ...A.ii........San)el erer-office He Ml) ot ' csF".tast natrium. f 'V '. ' Harriott. PntJa. ,.4..MW.....MMli"b't nlllyour grate with paper and po the u will 1h5 sent on receipt of three ; How Glrl'a Bay Matinee Tickets iS rair.w.-.- ..i d tt e other ''ay an! al rUMastamps. W or ra.vellnK8.all over ana up to the fender In Blch jo. Vilow Awn( .s. . . ...A..la y A.. ..,i....U.JlU J. Uetiib firm.,. H "1 ' i: udc- - v sold a v, In Aorth jt........ three fans. Oet moderate sized white i" Crww iirliii,.-..t..t......J V. (yrfM..,ff....f tie Will Palmer and staff of Tie these together in the center, letting otcoal t'UiraUelop', a ,asrtcT c,f a Wr.d...A..t' Oi7en, Jlayman were the U. liflmlhos SALESROOMS FOR WEST AND SOUTH I JiU . UwS,.KM.IM.aMIMJ. IL autaahaa. V. rt"." the Baldwin Theater kfnd rio. box each et the three? be seen. - fasten a mile broad, aad fUty feet thick be WeUevtu,... in tr4...f..fl'rr Jounatit Dell,....,.... ...... ..W. I!. Hur4y 1 ..rr, 11 office busy selling tickets for the mati88 W$$t Third Stmt, CiaciiiMattt '"l,,. Broadway, StLouJt; worth?" Korth Jordan,... ..........fcaiunel P.eiin.os Ogden,y,,r4 insects-toa- ds, ot the little Am" ia variety Japanese Ops? otfk nee. is not often It za camp strut, 00 Qritan. i , ..U II, lUrdiv.aa that it takes more if you want a Gren,..K, Plem4 tt f23,0, bntw.U fl should beetles, fcc, all over the fans, more than one man to sell tickets - at our then put Samlih ........ i, w...t...EMti'l Holtrar exact jdgares-andlvetas these '.... K . W in the center of tte pleasant I r Coffoairood J. S. Kawl3 Soua . , .1 1 a n f n Ti J ' - r a m. theaters, bnt the novelty bad brought tender as before the grate. . . . i. location I think I can4' JUrerdnl the TJtaxk. A. lll.U ..........XV. South J Jordan,.... them all out just-tosee the people ' Mty, .fOb. ne, yon can't. Colonel," interSouth Willow Creek, (preper.V M. Stewart rusblrz to bay them on this occasion. Ripe Cucumber Pickles Take large rupted! Vra o ..." 1 i to A .Ar. t. t'rly at rol"T r'.ler e. I They were admiring the varied beauty yellowcucambers, pare and takeout marry twr Myself s soen.aaU. tars i. y I H'jtr-.....- ... J. yii.I.l. ryfiorr Union..........!. 'sf tyTwtoin' of yonng and giddy things who came the seeds and cores, soak in salt and can take me ont there. , fiaa-.-o. I Wtei Jordan........ J. W. UNI, Archibald GaxduiM tiu'iii'i lea.. ...mi vau. i P.: W. EVENING NEWS, Wl'A'DSEW i up to . the window You know how buy tickets for a matinee? girls -- nave you any good seats?" How many, miss?" Have you got any good seats?" How. manv. miss?" K "Have you trot anv seats?" Tell me how; many, and I'll show where I can please you." you MThroo "Dress circle or orchestra?" "Dress circle." miss," showing place. 'There, "Have you any in the orchestra?" There, miss: three good ones." "Four dollars and a half." "Oh, my I That'a too .dear. I'll go up stars." , "These here lathe "I'll take these." balcony." . '."There you are. miss: , two and a auarter." "I think I'll go Into the dress circle "These three, miss?" "Those will do." Four dollars and a half ." "I guws I'll wait till next week." c i i i 7T7 Furniture, Cabinet Ware, TJPHOISTEKY, I ' : ; . jfcl 'X n n x A ' ff E00ZPEI0ES avar asax i - f - r - -- - . th . rr SEE! X Imli-ntivl- . I . i f attan Goods I X I . iga.y.ah-- , SETTEES! Etc., Etc. 'af prayer-meetin- XX I it . MADSErrS WflREROOMS, st e ir prayer-meetin- I. old-tim- . anli-tobae- co S re and . v--- s and . ..... Ju-oo- , V 1 1 . T" -- ' m , -- w- 1 1-- 1 REAL ESTlTE .AXBEIVC) Y ! 1 " ' ; 1 warmth-oroducln- a! War.c-- . tr Jouut-Cnrmt- t, 1 w-ii-t- t, Bda thlsubfeeHk ke mS ) Ty . a.. f- I-- . ot 1 Wf An , . ni n ; Wt "V ' t . ? irUOilUfAE.tH liltt i. i j - VUn-e- j r .VV.,"'- r. .ZJ luJt Vf. JLiT aififl ,vv . A . 1 , ' ; ; i H-- v. uTU. .i -- i ; - , - S EE?tS&E!r V1" to-da- : Z- , . , ; TV V f fe of , - : ' ' 11 i " - . f s .(' to-d- ay d rw(rr.x1y.t4 f't -- VTl0f s 0 i. a-k- ' - 1 . .. to SiV.V SELLS & COMPANY, : - . ' . 4- nMiMG, C'Ae.-r- , and .,.. 1. J f . - c L ...... TRICES i "y ....... : ' - i'-- t Illg-Klo- . ESlLK Go , : y V W, ' t . ,..V,..-.Ucorj- i 46 Penn-aven- ue ce ; - : ... , o . jc-ijaii- , ....... : bell-pun- oys-ter- ch ft ' - . .; 1J. q i - , - jH . a. w m a- svii- 'ass1 I WhaS-baaaa- ft j fy r "v -- ' IELLI SPOOL SILK M , PRE-EMIHE- m-- .... -- . - ;rAVOID INFERIOR- - BRAIMDC. ' . ii .i ffam,.. tfd,.W..-.rt.Aliail.- It '' . , ' ; a S:S:raTlCo"'cra ITif.yWir..ilyd - i te 2-ee- nt ! h l N) ro-n- til . j . . 5 V S4il-'--(1- ,' - Svs . Ur. r.l.lfcl inie V j... ' |