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Show V3 s Y SBSET EVEMNG ; T DR VOL. XIX. BY TELEGRAPH. except Sunday, j errrj year. .with Postage, flO 00 six month " a oc J tsreo months, 2fC AMEBICAir. BESERET NEWS; Y, M.BLISUED KTEKT TUE8DAT AW SATtTRDAt Ono Copy, one year, with Postage. ) CC - " six snonthg. 1:5 inrce months, " 1 0 'ft-.:- , Kovt-ruo- (cvtra WEEKLV, " JC 80 1 GO three months, .8C BT rCBLftgilSD ay 1 THE DESERST NEWS CO.! SALT LAKE CITT, UTAH. committee of the btute leeUlaturea ana uonnecucut oy lltee-loAt the Continental Hotel Gover nor Paulson dtlivored a brief address of welcome. There were present also many other distinguished visllors from the various States and a citizen's committee of entertainment. After Governor Patterson's speech the party divided into pairs and marchThta powder never arlea. A tarral ef ed down Chestnut Street to the old House. Here the party halted In purity, trenfth and wholesomeneea. More State economical than tba ordinary klnda, and the room where the w. CHICAGO TRADE. Absolutely Pure. of tlx First Class cannot be cold ia comnetitioa with the mui Utnde of low teat, abort waiht, alum 01 phoaphaie powdera. Sold tmiy in cans. EOTAL BAKTX POW rv.. 1W Wall Ctrtrt. Nfw Tartc. i DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE was signed, and standing under the canopy of red white and blue, they usicueu w an au areas 01 welcome oy Smith. Carpenter' Hall, the old hall where In 1774 the first Colonial congress met. 11 provinces belnsr rest u ted, was the next phv:e visited. At iiiis piaci aiso a meeting was neia. The Kovernors raneed themselves around a large table near the centre of the hall. Richard K. Betts, one of tthe oldest members of the "Caipenters' company ol thecitvand county of Philadelphia" welcomed the visitors ana onenv reviewed the hisn tory of the meeting place. Carson then delivered an oration. A business meetinir of the irovernors was called to order by 'Governor Pattlson. was invited Governor Lee of Virginia, to take the chair. ' Carson was elected secretary. Letters were read from the governors of North Carolina, New Hampshire and Massachusetts, regretting their Inability to be present and assuring the governors that they were in sympathy with the movement. Col. J. "Peyton, who originated the idea of tbo celebration and who has of the arrangements, waa incharge to make anv suirarea- vited to the stand which nave occurred to tlons might mm. The colonel, in reply, said that oe would a it gocd idea to have Msy&r ra Soapmaiara, Perfmers, Cheaht:, ' r BT TBS World's Industrial ana Cotton cen tennlal Exposition. Kew Oilcixe, 4B9T EQtCOIIO tfiuiki HTTiit 1884 and 1885, (ZxtracU from Juror.' Iteport to the Board of Award.) For rbr.ect Dieplay of Toilet Sdaps so Perfumery. For Fancy an J Ordinary Toilet Soap. For Excellence of Material, Delicacy of and Xcatuei of Style. For Zenlthia Sharing Soap. j For Laundry Soap Spcclaltiea. For Excellence and Superiority of Laandrr. Harness, and Medicinal T.liel Soap. Hlghevt anal only Award for Cheaaioali'' j Pure Glycerine. av- -, anr ABHAKTHB .... .i. tQ aV. Vlaj j 1 SIH-GO- Per-fam- e, 1- time-wor- - SD Spool CottoD FOB SALB JAS. S. KIRK & COMP'Y, WHOLESALE A.T i CHICAGO. EVERY STATE IX THE UXIOX represented at the celebration next September by a regiment of soldiers. It seemed to him that the young men XAKTjrACTUBBSS in the various States would gladly avail themselves of this opportunity CUAM11EU SUITS, to participate In the celebration. SIDEBOARDS and BOOK CASES, BR1NCKERH0FP, TURNER & CO, On motion of Governor Pattlson the IOO Duaae Kl Hew York. was made permanent. organization la rTalast, Charry aaa1 Aaserieaa Xaaociay, XanufacUirers of and Dealers in CotTOf The governor suggested alsa that a 1 SAIL DUCK, Weodberry," Druid Wills. committee coasting cf governors ol i'oLHEMLs" and other favorite brands, a thirteen States and representative Our Good are on Sale In all the Principal humicra Hard, Aledium and Soft. citizens from those States, be appoint(lore in the eoBBtry. cUr ed to prepare a plan for the celebraBUCK FOB 31EeilLLS.BLIlE JBGWI.0B II THE EBB tion. On motion of Governor Stock- 131 Cottom C'AsrvAaa or all numbers 14 laana of Delaware, tha chair appointed a try, mcbca wide, for Deck, Car, Trunk committee consisting of nve members Wagon Coverings, Machlno Aprona-aaaaafaetarsr ef Ceater, Library A Pillar Eztaa for other purposes, conatantly in store aja to draft a plan. The Governors of eiaa,KlteaeatBnaafast CoataUia KxUasisa made to order. rSiinsvirania, Delaware, Kuoae isi for U. S. Bunting Co., "Standard" land, Maryland and Georgia, were apAgenlt and " F.afrle." by the. Case or less quantity pointed. A recess was then taken to Tnese Kiooa can ua miiaiaea at v. v, h. l. enable the committee to prepare plans. Hat Rack and Whatnots, tta ltra tn Tapnanfutia aa wva a aaa w ua jua tha suu awocxawaB aI tnrino SIS to 331 Sooth Cllaiom Street, Chicago. resolutions were adopted that Hall, S S 6; Good can be found at the CsaamBI KACH STATE AMD TKRRITOBT remit or. Co. and other PaeJera a Salt l LaseUirr. he invited to unite in the preparation for the proper national celebration' of AUGUST HXTXX. H. BXOOKSCHJfTDT. o the adoption 01 the eaerai constitu5 urn m 5 tion, to be held In this city in September of next year and that the President O 1UER & g be invited to formally communi8 2u cate to at their 3 o Wsolasal Dealers la next meeting,Congress the fact fiat his ado rs 5 " ministration closes the first century of Constitutional government, and to urge 'U upon that body the propriety of taking llJt.il measures' to render the celebration worthy of an occasion of such dignity and importance and that the executive 09 AJID of every State and Territory in the Union bo formally communicated with Goods. and urged to press upon the attention Upholsterers' 5 of their people the fitness of a hearty O O B HO. 173 RAJfDOX-r- n Resolutions were also STREET, passed rt questing tbat delegatesbefrom sent different States and Territories ;TXiI.alls So-to meet here on December 2i htre, to next, organize a permanent organization worthy of the event. ' Locrrsa. Resolutions were also adopted lookSTAR HORSE SAILS; v ing to the appointment of a committee of citizena to with the perJ POLSHEZ OS BLUED, manent organization and extending sympathy to the earthquake sufferers Will hold a ho ob Longer than any in South Carolina. STaila Z. O.WT. F. MAYER & CO., or I. - i . CHICAGO. . B. E. POHIE, B IjEJ iS , TA 1 sbas LaL.. BEOrapT, Hariiare a " CHIOAGO, Wolfe, Patton& Co., , . - co-oper- . thar. We guarantee oar to be Equal la Quality aaa Durability to aay soads. CII13KME OCTBAGES. front th Rstt Norway Iron, Finished Already U driv. by th CKIOST HORSE NAIL CO., j CHICAQO. M. 1 i a4 tta :to ly O. 2ravh Store. ' tfmni Xsasn ta Mmmtfmetmrtn BBUSHE ef ITKBl BESCSlFTIOaT, "FOIUCIOM DEVILS" MUST OO PITTECBTTBGrH, if 30BS MA. PA-B4trm- tU Jaw - - Sati-artio- and PAS HANDLE aneeU with Qnick Sale. For aale by SC. C. ILL broarb atorca. - a Cun-inngto- av for th rorraarntexl MtT tlhow. 1 Ilp f iv- the Beat ara- tn three days and th'-i-r buildings would The literate as osual destroyed. For sale at Z. C. M. I. and its branch be were at the bottom of the disturbance. stores. Sears tt Liddle, tiodbe, I'ltU Co.. A crowd gathered near the hospital Barnes St Dans. Messrs. Alien A Oo.( and Fulton set out to procure the pro A Co., Clark, Kldredge A Co. dia alt lection of the militia. He was atoned on his way aud not permitted to return andno soldiers were sent to protect the mission. On May Oth they piled Paffli IbCMiffli'iEteiitJ WHITE AND COLORED. j TTTW lxa. T7lSX3r BEST SOLE AtiEXTS. Can be Zi C. M. T. obtained at all their branch stores IbronffboM' the Territory. das alt 0TEBM1 HOUSE, f MAIN STKEET,TJtaUi. straw and faggots against the building by Mrs. and Miss Fulton and occupied a little daughter of the former, upon which the inmates fled and the house was looted and burned. The ladies reluge- on boats, but the sought mo u threatened to destroy any boat that should receive them and after some delay they reached a point where Fulton had been compelled to remain. Two days later they were put on boats and conveyed to Canton. The value of the property destroyed Is about is pressing 5,$00. and Consul a demand for theSeymour payment of this at&ount In. damages. - . THE SXCOXD 5 BUCK TIPS fimcTin to th f alt ! ILaTxe Wm City, A. PITT, FTeprlatasv - 1 ' ta ttS aty U Uk SLM fLM pea icy. I JOSEPH eTtATLOR, CUrni, RcseerlJndertaier el Utih. aisaijs xxxALs, -- ' S3 cumq. Aar Day M KIcb. saa soOpaji aatd (ram Pea eta. i JOSEPJI TAYLO WAT. CASK of still more recent date. On Sunday, June tfth, to the absence of all gentlemen connected with the Metho-at dist Episcopal miasioa hospital Chun King, and while only on lady was present, a mob collected, broke down the gates, threw stones at th lady, one of which cut open her index finger Its entire leogth, while she was otherwise injured about the bead and arras. Complains was made to the officials, but- - the matter was treated lightly. "This la a serious case," writes Denby. and may be a test one. it grew, as all our evils in China do, oat of th troubles in the United States." Still later, July 19th, a mob attacked the Mission property at Chnng King, and destroyed it. Mr. Denby filed a : protest. , Is i MiaraiiftM rwlar a oehiiie, C3ii tDFFlH ; t ' tun Ma . in S.a- akt tin tinui lSItlSIIL j cwrm atC ooaataaOy aa tuA i arvmaliatlUiCair . TeUfhoa aad Ta!eTth Orian protapt preaerrad la thalr aahxrti aca : r m.n, Putiiy i i - MrM aiQiKH Oaa aatal a aaM btoefca Beat af Taaatra Telepbae T Sw. M. CDWAfiOT StM I Q3t U I - Funeral Dirtctor and Embtlmar. - Air-tiaT- - TATLOK, SCPt cia ; S3 8;.TVesA Tempi Street to-d- av ClAmaUon: A (nil Una of Fine Cloth, Metaltia an h Coflina aad Casketa. ak Cases and Caaketa. A comoleta stock of Battel Kobaa aad T7c aertafcers'Joods of . every dacriithHi - fcept htod.-eoEStaatiyoa l!',.,Black or White Hearses. : Bodies preearred ..without ic for aay ,.... eujrth of time. I'artic ular attention rlvea la amhalmfne-- . -thfpianf and Bra of bdbiea. Bd hlppina; a eneclalty. smbaiarjA Lota gravea lanusoaa ib any ctary la thaeity. br tetearanh ofteleohona. ilmT Ailrdrs nJfrtat. will cuive prompt a'JaaUoa. , jrmoo or sua (arms raasoaaaia. Office XeTr Closed. Telephone Xo. S5L a . Kedwood 1 aaa tanr ! eilad, f Bodtaa etrttoa, witboBt extra eJurt.1 OPKX DAT AND KXOHT. Watael War Urdertaf j V - issued the following nro- - City or Charleston, ' - . - Executive Department, September 17th, 186. To V Public: Tha Citv Council of Charleston. At its last regular meeting, on the 14th instant, took the following action f Whereat. A terrible calamltv has be fallen Charleston, vast and wide spread is the loss It inflicts, tar greater in enect than was at first realized, ana Whertat. It 1 evident that lloeral and spontaneous assistance which has come to as from all parts of this country and from England, and which is deeply appreciated and gratefully by oar people, will bt wnoiir lBjarncient to meet uur unex pected exigencies, i . -- ... 180. SEPT. 18, 252. 1 WI juJU al j - - to-d- ay d to-d- ay y. j Ab-fo- NO. result will be to compel these to To-da- "TTOvTiVI Sixty million people in the United btates are daily con sumers of bread artificially raised and 'lightened, yet statistics show that one-hathe baking powders on the market are criminally impure. The Massachusetts official State Chemist, Professor James Babcock j eay;s thalt the amount" of ammonia secretly entering into a leaking powder advertised under the smiling pretense of absolute purity makes its sale a crime. The following heads of the Great Universities and National Food Analysts recoraihend fur use in every-familDlt. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER, which is free from pmmonia, lime, alum or any drug taint whatever, and in the scientific honesty of its composition is a credit to our civilization. lf -- ? ; Prof. R. OGDEN DOREMUS, M. D L. L. D&elievue. Medical CollegeiNtw York. Prof. H. C. WHITE, State Chemist, UnlversltyXJeprgla, Athens, Ga. Prof. R. C. KEDZIE, Late Piesident State Board of Health, Lansing, Mich.' Prof. H. M. SCHEFFER, Analytical Chemist,. 8t. Louis, Mo. Prof. CHARLES E. DWIGHT, Analytical Chemist, Wheeling, W. Va. Prof. JAMES. F. BABCOCK, State Assurer, Boston, Mass. Dr. ELIAS II. BARTLEY.B. S.,Chemlst to the, l)ep't pt Hcalth.Broo'klya, N. Prof. CLTRTIS C. HOWARD, M. Sc., Starling Medical Colle ge.Columbus.Oblo. Prof. M. DELFOTTAINE, Analytical Chemist, Chicago, 111. Prof. R. S. G. PAT ON, Late Chemist Health Department, Chicago, 111. Prof. JOHX M. ORDWAY. Mass. Institute of Technology, Boston. Prof. R. A. WITTHALS, A. M M. Dv University of Buffalo, N. Y. Prof. A. H. SABIN, State Chemist, Burlington, ft. Prof. JOHN BOH LANDER, Jr., A. M.I, M. D.,lr0f. Chemistry and Toxicology, College Medicine and Surgery, Cincinnati, O. Profs. AUSTIN & WlLBER, Profs. Chemistry, ?RutaWs Cojlegc, New Brunsj wick,' N. J. ' ' r "! Prof. GEORGE E. BARKER, Prof. Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania. t Philadelphia, Pa. Prof. PETER COLLIER, Chief Chemist for the tTnlted States Department of ' : Agriculture, Washington, p. C; j Profs. HE YS & RICE, Prcfs. Chemistry, Ontario School .Pharmacy. Toronto. Canada. ; Dr. JAMES ALBRECHT, Chemist at tho UnitcdWus Mint,New Orleans, La Prof. EDGAR EVE RH ART.Prof . Chemlstry.Unlyerslty otTexas.Austln.Texas.' Prof. E. W. HILGARD, Prof. Chemistry, University, California, Berkeley, Cal. Prof. S. W. McKEOWN, Analytical Chemistry, Youngstown, Ohio. Dr. IIELNRICn, DETTMER, Analytical Chemist St. Louis, Mo. Prof. C. GILBERT WIIEELER, late Professor Chemistry, Chicago University. Chicago, Illj . Prof. J. II. LONG, Professor Chemistry, Chicago Mediical College and Chicago College of Pharmacy, Chicago, 111. Prof. 0. A. MARINER, Analytical Chemist, Chicago, 111. ! ' i i ; y. to-d- ay rlce-puddl- de F.AUERBACIozBRO ng Oat-me- al -- o rr it loieMes . pf ARE BEING RECEIVED DAILY! h me to-d- Tba "Helicals Man Hast Gv Washixotox, 17. Minister Denby, at Pekin', Las reported to the Secretary of State two cases of recent outrages by the Chinese upon the perpetrated Americans. Rev. T. A. Fulton and Hiss Mary Fulton, M. D., all of the American Presbyterian Mission. In China, established a mission hospital and station at Kevai Ping, about 400 miles southwest from Canton. When they had expended a considerable sum in putting u buildings, placards appeared oat the" walls declaring that the Mad For Sale by Z. EVENING, iar-reacn- ing PCI! LI SHED EVERT WXDITKSDAY. Une Copy, one year, with Postage, " bix ' lonthn. n to-d- BESERET NEWS: " LIBERTY. been held by the revenue bureau, the save you from overheating. Two good manumeals daily are sullicient, even tor a facturers person engagedoneIn laborious work, but in sedentary employespecially for PAT A DOUBLK TAX, ment." as they are also required by law to "Nature's Dressing of Wounds. place stamps on the finished articles method wouuJs when compounded. It is also stated by .tho .of protecting of scabbing; process a matter that certain firms are making large and of roualmost remove quanties of what is Fnown as "oleo tine although to in practice surgical which is sold and used soMy as from a disfltjured face or wounded oil," a lubricant lor machinery. If the head the crusts that nature pcovides strict construction already given to as a dressing, It is best to leave such the law by the department is adhered crusts whenever possible, to, this material will also be sui jectid and if undisturbed desirable simply "cover them to iue tax imposed on oieomaragariae. with something better looKing. L.itu, The matter is now under consideration or tarletan. or thin collo iiiusliu, by the Internal Revenue Bureau, and dion, form best the drt:ssiuga ia it believed that when Commiaaioacr for simple incistd aud not a lew Miller returns, the construction that wounds, which have ever has been placed on the second section lascerated of the act will be modified so as to re- been devised." lieve the material of the Ux. CircuBiliousness. "Biliousness is frelars have been sent to all collectors re- quently the result of eating too freciv questing information as to the number of fats. Animal fats being particuof oleomargarine factories in each dis- larly di flic tilt to digest, and likely to be trict, average production and other In- taken in too large quantities in the fat formation, with a view to adjusting th shape of butter, lard, suet, aud clerical force of the bureau to meet meats, are apt to produce this condithe demands of business when the act tion. Flesh food generally consists ot albumen, a nitrogenous subshall go into operation. friends secured his release under stance, which can bo used in the body KU Cracker. In a very limited amount. The bonds. He promised to sober up, inoaiy stead of which be resumed drinklu?. San Francisco, 17. Heury Scbultze average person can use only three y while at home be sent a sraaH and Charles M. Colemane, celebrated ounces of this kind of. material each boy to a drug store for two ounces of eastern cracksmen, having engaged on twenty four hours. But if a person morphiue. and, on its being brought a systematic safe cracking tour from eats several times this amouut in the to thu douse, his wife took possession' Washington Territory down to San form of beefsteak, mutton chops, or 01 it. lie iorcea liirom ner, a rove ner Diego, Cal., their latest exploits being any other flesh food, the superfluous from the room and then took the conthe robberies of the post offices at amount must all be removed iu the tents of th bottle. On her return he Redwood and Los Gatos, this State. form of waste matter. That is, if the was dead. No inquest has been held Tney have been captured in this city. person eats meat sufficient to supply as yet. He leaves a family, Scbultz has served several terms lathe four ounces of nitrogenous matter, Penitentiary at San, Quentin, Cal., and tne fouronnces must be carried off by 1b Ksrigbt Templar. also at Albany, N. Y. At the latter the kidneys In the form of urea, cr Dexver, col. 17. Twd special place in an attempt to escape he shot uric acid, and this must be acted upon trains, one of 12. the other 17 sleepers, two officers and at another time set fire by the liver to prepare It for removal arrived here this afternoon; over tne to a bed in his cell with the iuteutlon by the kidneys. If the liver has more Union Pacific, bringing the California of destroying the penitentiary. of this work to do than it should bave, ColeKnights Templar triennial conclave to man baa au unenviable record In St. the work will be imperfectly done, and much waate matter which ought St. Louis. The visitors were met at Louis. to be removed will be left lu the depot by members of the Deuver .. Tbo Case. Adanse" javld the sjstem, producing biliousness, lodge and were escorted through the 17. Testimony was taken rhematlsm, muscular city in carriages. After remaining here pains, sick Halifax, four hours, they resumed the Journey In the case of the American headaches, and many other uncomforeast over the Kansas Pacific. F jur schooner David Adam, Persons suffering last May table symptoms. hundred Colorado Knights leave over from these causes will often notice for violation of the fiahiug laws. tne same roaa to morrow nicht in a At the opening of the court, Mea- sediment in the urinary secretion. special train of twelve Pullman gher, counsel (or the United 8tates, This is one of the most Common causes coaches. the sediment, or deposit, ordinarily protested against the presence of re- ot porters, but the commissioner declared found In the urine." lacUaua Ri rs. that be bad no authority to remove Diet. "A recent writer Tex., 17. A special to them. As they were Galvkstox, leaving the room onEsquimaux In Encland main: the New from Laredo, Texas, says at the close of the session, were tainsvegetarianism they is A telogram has been recevied here all served with subpoenaea in the ease, oue tba! the diet of the Esquimaux of necessity rather than ' choice. stating that the famous rebel chief El the intention being to exclude them These people, In living the entire year with his lieutenants named for the remainder of the session under tbe Coyote, frigid zone, are forced to procure Vela and Peua and six followers were the laws preventing witnesses from their more food from the animal tha a killed in an engagement with the na- hearing the testimony of other wit- -, the but their taste tional troops under Col. Valdez neat nesses in the same case. The report for vegetable kingdom, vegetable food Is always gratified Santa Domingo ranch, a short distance ers have employed counsel and will whenever exists. from Lampasas, Mexico, yesterday, make a fight to prevent their exclusion eat as muchopportunity as eight pounds of 'They flesh Denver, Col., 17. An Ki Paso special Meagher says he meat at a meal,' morning. says Dr. Ray, 'and says: Captain Duggal, of the Tenth nut exclave reporters or oreaa up me die ot scrofula between 85 they usually of who has been operating in meeting. The matter created a aenaa-tio- a. and Infantry, years age.' In the spring they field aeainat the Apaches all sum the ; will 46eat scurvy grass, wild turnips, mer, and who was promoted in the jI Among the witnesses sworn wild oats, etc., while in autumn they field from lieutenancy to captaincy for was one who testified tbat Capt. Ken-neblackberries, urn very auu eoicieui service, uas oeen of the Adams, bought four barrels find a few scattering etc. is .stated that It blueberries, ordered with his command! to Fort of bait and four tons ot Ice, and bar- women gather these fruits, and Bliss, from where he will go shortly to gained for his next morning's catch of eat morewao of them than men, live much Fort Union, Mew Mexico. This re- bait, saying he wanted 70 barrels. The moval shows that the military author- bait and ice wore delivered on board longer in consequence." J ities consider the Indian troubles over the Adams. Th6 vessel had a piece of booking Water. 'Few people know and that the presence of troops on that canvass hanging over the stern, which how to cook water. The secret is in account is no longer needed in .New concealed part of the name, exposing putting good, fresh water into a neat Mexico and Arizona. Any future re- only David. This evidence was cor- kettle, already quite warm and setting the water to boiling quickly, and then ports about the Indian raids in that roborated. country may be set down as sensationtaking it right off to use in tea, coffee, tbe Mar. Meaning' al and unfoanded. or other drinks, before it is spoiled. AIasIca Metes; The Bond CsJL Wa&hlkgtox, 17. The Evening Star To let it suam and simmer and evapa statement to the effect that orate until tho good water is all in the Washixotox 17. Special Agent prints Manning will go to Austria atmosphere, and the lime and iron and Secretary the of Treasury Department, as United States Minister instead of dregs left in the kettle bah ! That is Tingle, has returned to this city from the returning to the Treasury Department. what makes a good many people sick, Island of Alaska. He left AUskaJ IHsaye that a hint as to bis appoint- and is worse than po water at all. If alter tne seizures 01 tne ioreign ment is said to have been made to Aus- people will drink tea and coffee, let shortly sealers had been made by Captain and it was received with great fa- them at least have It as nearly free In the case of the British vessel tria, vor, and also says that the President from poisonous conditions as posOrticard, Tingle says,, that the master has decided to make the appointment. sible. That much benefit may be of this vessel admitted having killed Governor Porter, First Assistant Sec- -. derived by many from drinking hot his catch of seals along the shores of retary oi tate, says, nowever, that he water is not disputed, but the watthe Seal Islands; The predatory seal- has never heard of sach an appoint- er 'should be freshly drawn, quickly a stealmake he of a boiled clean in and perfect vessel, ment being contemplated. ers, says, practice cover and nnder of ashore used." and ing fogs immediately Xsaaiceef. clubbing seals, which areonthen tossed BTGIEKIC BILL OF TARS. Into boats and conveyed board the 17. Rev. Jesse Mason, Ga., Cook, ship to beareskinned. Large numbers colored, was hanged 1. Bread and milk with fruit. for also shot in the sea Co. the murder of his wife,inButler of seals 2. Bread and last April. whipped eggs; honey. and this practice is particularly de- The crowd at tbe execution was estiS. Bread aud boiled eggs; apples. structive from the fact that three mated at 8,000. Cook-ma4. Bread and butter; a full conof every four animals shot sink and fession. with sugar and milk. cannot be recovered. Notwithstand&. Corn bread and butter; honey; Stare EarfbejnaUto. ing these losses, the agent says seal grapes. life is increasing with great rapidity. e. 17. a was There Charleston, porridge and milk; flab, The agent was not inclined to discuss shock of an earthquake at 3 25slight this bread and butter. the legality of the seizures already morning. 1. Poached , eggs; pancakes with made, but stated a law officer had honey or syrup; bread padding; hot been sent from San Francisco to asmilk. sist lu procuring the cases before the HEALTH 8. Vegetable soup; baked beans; poHINTS, AND OTHER tatoes Sitka Court. and butter; biscuits and apple THINGS WORTH REMK3I-- ; About $250,000 of the bonds embracdumplings. ed in the Hil call Issued on the 15th BERING. ' QOOD BREAD WITHOUT YEAST. inst., have already been redeemed at two coffee-cu"Take uls of good the Treasury Department. It is beCOMPILED BT MAC. coarse whole-whe- at lieved tbat most of these bonpa were flourfthe ordiflour Graham is cirof often made Irons forwarded nnder the terms tne Journal furnishes nary refase wheat and kept In the groerry cular, offering to redeem any uncalled theThe Phrenological 8 per cent, bonds, but were called bestores until stale and following items s bad.) Use a iet p earthen fore they had been received at th DeStir Ibowl. Unto the flour "The Fever; Sevvt Scientific Typhoid milk and beat with a wooden partment. contained a paper read before the a pint of Beat from the bottom upward Academy of Medicine) on the use of spoon. THE BTJS1XESS WUIBLPOOL. strokes, so as to inwater lu the treatment of typhoid wl'-- quick,assharp much air as possible, and corporate A Bis; Has FflsaJs) Firm Collapses. lvcr, vriiica ueserves more general at until bubbles appear. Beat two fresh tentlon. The form of treatment d and add. Beat the mixSan Francisco, 17. Julius Baum A scribed differs somewhat from that eggs to a froth well. An Iron gem pan havCo., wholesale clothiers, No. 9 San-so- commonly used In fevers, and appears tureaagain dozen enps should bo first placed Street, assigned to iiolomon to have been discovered by a German" ing a stovo, so that by the time tbe Sweet for the benefit of his physician named Brand, it consists, upon Is mixture the pan will bo hissing . creditors. in substantially, putting the patient hot. Thenready after greasing each cup The firm Is one of the oldest and into a bath warmed to th temperature with good olive oii,or sweet largest tn the elty. It consists of Ju- of his body, and then gradually cooierf thoroughly butter, pour in the mixture and put at lius Baum, Henry Scarier, who resides down to sixty or eveu forty degrees one Into a quick, hot oven. In about here, and Morris Schrier.of New York. a uo cuect ui uiis is said to twenty minutes you will bave a dozen The failure was totally nnexpected.and oe magical in tneapplication I immediate ameliogolden-brow- n little loaves, puffed high has caused much surprise among busi- ration of the fever.1- middle and running over the up ia ness men. Liabilities are estimated "Our medical men generally should at well-maside like tba rakes.Tbose to give the water method tar more attenall the way from pure cream instead of $1,000,000. No accurate information on tion than the do, for typhoid fever Is who can afford a bave will as bread rich and this bead Is yet obtainable, as the as- a disease as fatal in this country, as milk, as cake. In either cae tho r a i:t tn Europe, as commonly treated, Itght signee says he has not had any opporIs A golden loaf, the most delicitunity to arrive at anything like a cor and the. average practitioner thinks ous rich bread ever eaten, and in, comparirect estimate and the resident members that little can be done but to keep up son -which the ordinary white of the firm positive refuse to say anythe patient's strength and let tbe dis- breadwith ia tasteless and insipid. It keeps believed, how- ease run its course. If the patient's sweet thing. It ia generally a time, and can be f reshem d ever, that the assets are quite equal to constitution holds out he recovers, in a few long minutes in a hot oven so as to the liabilities, and that the firm will be otherwise he dies." tast as 'good as new.' " able to pay dollar for dollar. Checking Perspiration. "L Boston . oatmeal Mcsrr. TUB CAUSA Of TUB FAILCRA merchant, tn 'lending a hand' on boaid A : pood who seemed visitor, to be one on of a his found ships windy day, is tven a greater mjatery than the himself at the of an hour and a Bajoyteg asost exceedingly amount of indebtedness ; even those half pretty wellendexhausted Th tars at mern, declared, "I ne'er perpersons most intimately 'acquainted spiring freely He sat downand to rest," Such oatmeal tasted ; tell ase where with the firm are utterly unable to as- and, - engaging in time Toa get It, tbea I'll aarely go conversation, any reasonable cause for it. passed faster than he sign was aware of. In Mr. Banm, the senior member, to rise, be found that be Aad order tweaty pound or so." has tor many years ben- - consider- attempting was My friend," I said, with earnest look, to so unable do without assisted a vary wealthy man. his pri- ance. He was taken home and "Tit not tbe grocer,' lis he cook put to Deserves vate means being est! mated aa high as bed, where he remained two your priise." "Indeed, the cried; years,and $300,000. He occupies A haodsoine for a long time afterward could only "O, will yon aot at oace eoofldo residence on Via Ness Avenue, hobble aboutwith the ot aid The secret of the woridoroa and owns real estate valued at $400,000. A crutch. Less exposures tkan this That her la fonad? Indeed, charm. Ten months ago the firm's balance have resulted in inflammation, palia of the Tour cook may take, aad ode the sheet showed a surplus of assets over lungs pneumonia ending In death. or sonnet liabilities of $000,000. Their business Let children Ton might in truth expend upon it." parents explain to their since then has apparently been pros- the danger m exiling The charm," I said, ,,s simply this Attends whph believed It that is, therefore, perous. after exercise, aad the Which epicure should never miss s some heavy speculations not connected off too quickly of not standing in a draught Doll e'en from morning a at night with' the business of the house must importance -- . nf sir sftr mrfrnaa nr tt The day before you use it Bright have caused the assignment. It is open window or ot or door, pulling oft stated that Mr. Baum has of late been mo uakur oonBetv aad early you may rise, and then Miuiwi, "jgoing Put on your meal to bail again, v or in while in a heat." bathing .! A JJEAVT BORROWER Don't 14 it scorcn-o- r barn, they spoil ' r this Sedentary. Diet for "You should The at the bank, but to what use the money consider tbe needs of your Savor; oaly boil and boil and bolL" organizahas been an t lied la not known. The tion, and . X). B. so as to understand it study Thayer., Lonare In v creditors this principal A city Bat for nutrition and for strength, don, Paris. American bank.-- ' Daniel it. to Learn Live not JTealthfullv. For 10 or others merely followimitating Meyer, Bank ot California and Sat her to any address 23 four A Co., private bankers. All of .these ing fashion. Make a good meal at cents, I wilt send time of food plainly pre- pare Tracts on health topics, and a list banks are, however, said to be well breakfast Publications. D. M. McAwithout pared, spices or condiments, of Health and will If their secured, losses, Any, AO Centre and but with llister, little butter. Street, Salt Lake City. OUy,grAsy 01 estate real ine record oeiignt. food is heating to th blood and transactions ahowa a convey Irritating to the ' nervousance by the gift of J alias Baum to of system one whose habits - are quiet V. 8. Senator. Voorhecs was cartd and Sadie Bauer, of a lot on Van Ness You should eat brown of rheumatism by St, Jacobs Oil, Avenu south of Bush Street, and the sedentary. made ot 'whole meaL' sale ot some property by Sadie Bauer bread, or bread all the! elements necesand her husband to Louie Sloss, It Is that contains to supply the waste of the tissue, explained that Sadie Bauer Is Mr sary of the bones and nerves. If Baum's daughter, and the property especially was given to her a year Ago, And sub- you csn have it properly made, It were to eat unfermented bread. The sequently sold by her and her husband better true, unleavened biscuit, well baked, to Louis 81oss, but the transactions is unsurpassed among bread preparawere not Disced on record at tha time. For variety at breakfast ) on Several day a mast elapse before a tions. will la the form of mush statement 01 assets ana liabilities can or find oatmeal, porridge, or biscuit or pancake, very be given. 1 acceptable to the palate g0 corn meal, xaeii aominy, barley And rice 41LKOaAatOAJtt!lA . may be used. Dishes mad of Any of pose Mtfstaifjj Linimlonly good these cereals,supplemented with good for horses?' It Is for inflamm Tbe Havkors Tberel PaMSfeai fruitr constitute a breakfast which - . 17. Soma manufac will : meet the normal : want - of iion of all flesh. Washington. turers of oloomargaiine have protested any appetite. Avoid fried flesh; the process toughen th article, ud.: to th Treasury Xepartment Inter- as it is usually done, a good the construction placed by th against deal oi nal Revenue bureau on the second sec- bntter or lard and salt are cooked into tion of the ct regulating toe raanu-facto- rs Ita sbteoce,renderlDg itaiacnlt of cf taat compound, Tne law digestion. It ia not in accordance with Imposes on "Oleo oil.'1 nentrai and sound dietetic principles for one to other articles ot a like nature, a Ux of drink during meals, for the excellent . jm . th same amount aa is imposed oa reason tbat It prevents thorough and It there that appears InsalivaUon, and. oleomargarine. are a number of firm engaged in the consequence, the lood goes into the Tullidge0 History Salt manufacture of oleomargarine, whose stomach in an incomplete form. At Lake City business is to purchase and combine the cloaa of a meal it ! Is now the various Ingredients into the and ready for delivery. . I market-tabl- e twl --Soan.l.u7 containseomplst lioa pages, including between 30 article, and 11 the conpo- - eaten mutt dornrt sem iru6.es axs suoject to tax, as has Uonal state at the time, but care irUl aad 44 steel Plates. d TPBICE, ST. 00. Be it Itt$oUed, That the Mayor be re- an 3ue&ted to prepare and issue forth our setting puoiic, CXIOX WESTEKX TEtCOKAPU LINE. ri8 condilon and invoking additional Aid for this stricken city. In mai.lng known to the general public: this deliberation of the municipal government THE COSBTlTTJTIOSr. as to the condition of our city at this time. It seems to me nnnecessary tbat Tbe First Ceateaarlai t It Premal. I should add any words of my own. The unfortunate facts are before the b Celebratod. aratlon by statements of disinterested country PuiLADELPniA. 17. Aa 1 runlt nl visitors from different parts of the tha movement upon the part of tUe city laud after, personal observation, aud magistrates of the thirteen original are known here and deeply felt. I ask 01 aa manr the press 01 the united states to give 3llc!, seven common wealths met here to ar- this proclamation the benefit of. its circulation. range for the fitting observation of the centennial anniversary of tha promul(Signed) . WILLIAM A. COTJKTKNAT. of of tae United gation the Constitution AVMtauaa KalelJe. Mates. Ten states were represented New Hampshire, Maasach asset ts, Anaconda. M. T.. 17. Patrick Gib and North Carolina were not' reprebons, a barber, who has been here for sented, but probably will be by to avear past,, committed suicice at 3 morrow, ine ioiiowib governors o'clock this afternoon by taking morwere present :Pattlson,of PenDEylvania phine. The rash act was the outcome . . r Vipcrti.i ! r.lftvH nf M .. ... I. H of a long spree,during which he had beof Delaware, Wetmore 01 come involved in a difficulty with the Stocktry Rhode island, McDanle! of Georgia, authorities. About two weeks ago he was placed under arrest for disturbing ana oneppara 01 soutn uaroiina. New York waa represented bv a the peace and resisting an officer, but NEW YORK TKAIJE. PJ"' n aHMI-WEHKL- T IBC AND: XT 1M "7T" CTi H ; SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TERRITORY, SATURDAY EVENING NEWS: Pubuhed Evening, " : i "1JT" ay . FIT 1 Our Assortment of. Xovcltlcs "for si'aU will be the Largest and Most Attractive ever de three-quarte- rs shown irifyiia city, f SUB OUR f , a(ti. n to-d- av - j GOODS I .l AT ANY PRICE! we have iw noon: fob ohd goods. i 11 -- (MCE! FIRST E GO We appreciate old friends and' old customers, anft Invite aa many . new ones as wlll study their own Interest by examining th QUiXlIT.' 'i '1 4 .'-.- . and'PRICE ot oat Good,'..-..- ; l vt ' ,' ' WHOLESALE BUYERS , WU1 do well to Inspect our tmmease Stock. . :. and Honest Prices before purchAsing elsewhere, i .1 j . , Our orders for both woolen and Cotton Goods, wer placed before the late material advance in prices, and we are pAepared to sir buyers botbT Wholesale and Retail the .benefit thereof.; ii . TROUBLE TO SHOW-GX)Op- j V; ''..?. v, ' .'j T - Did you Sup- - . MAIL ORDERS EECEIT15 PROMPT WE ABE 1 mm AtTNTI0N. watt ; i . . ' s ESTABLISHED 1884 i aiii-tiflcati-on mi 2 JTOTIO of a .. i ' i |