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Show Heathen Gambler. Last crenlna EVENING ' NEWS. Officers Salmon, and Bateman. ceeded In gaining an entrance Into one the three '.Chinese gambling dens fc ebcr 20, 1S3 of which exist In the city. This house ia located In "Chinatown, " In one of the alleys oft the east side erf Commercial KRAG3IKNTS. the Street. The building the in on upper carried NX) T.r r quotations, New York, per jrame being the ofllcers watched one. Last nl-- hr , to pass the a opportunity for favorablp Thi t'Uy Council will meet lu regxi-j.- r watch, who- - always on the lookout cssiOQ this evening for a polieman anJ entercdledtaeto back the Bnw Hampton- arriveil In IhU city door tom wnicn tnc stairs were as Just Tti0a'above. t'olng they from Oiceolu last eveuiuz. a Chinauaan came up and seeing the J. A. Gilletti:, ot Juab, will o east officers started around to the front to over the narrow srauge. but he warn his the he was stopped by Mr. Bateman, while SL'i.ni RY's Troubulour atthree Mr. Salmon tushed upstairs to effect Salt Lake Theatre next week, 'f ihe object of the visit. The door which nights. into the gambling den was opens MU May W. V. Kitkk and by a large Chinaman, who, guarded Loun lst Jennings returned when tie officer tried the door, deevening. manded who he was. "llong-vvo!- " of Vrovo, repllad Mr. Salmon, In as Hearly the E Talmaoe, Fko. Utah Chmese ascent as he could, and the wi, a piisf n;er ou list Central train. door opened a few Inches. The doorwho his visitor was, TriK heaviest billing) done in Salt keeper discovered shut him out, but to and endeavored y Ilaver-Lake for a loiii; time is tim of much the smaller was who the officer, 'a Mmstreis. man of the two, sent the obstructionAll- visitors will ba excluded from ist reeling across the room, and sp'ranjr the "Mikado" rehearsal ut the Taeatre into the midst of about forty tenitled in gamcvej'.ci,'. disciples of Confucius, handa He grasped immediately hi iv Kit quota! ions, corrected dally bling. as evidences of ful money and"chips," : & Co. New York, by Wells Farxo of the gam?, and seized the proprietor . ; Loudou. M.u of the house, Chinese Charley, and the and J. V. Ryaa, of dealer, Wons-KeehOi.i'k H&iley, Idaho, leave ior Minneapolis The doorkeeper had made his way via the I. & H. G. back to the door, and succeeded in' W. B. Dm Superintendent Des- - checking the entrance of Officer Bateeret Tekijraph Company, started for a man. Officer Sa;mon, as he struggled with his two prisoners, could not visit to Saupcij, yesterday. his hilarity at the scene enacted JusEt'ii L viiskn, who robbed Alex. before him. In tae partition wall were si ii ni i v. y fr.'iiamLi.'ii was r.i, Jo or J, abonr two feet wide 1)V two bonds to await the threetrap ylace-- uiider l feet high, and through each of uc'.ion ot the traud Jury. ttiese about twenty Chinamen darted, Tur fourth fame of the base baU head first, like so many rats scamperseries tictweett Salt Lake and Idaho ing luto their holes ; and within half a was played this afternoon; the last one minute, when Mr. Bitemaa effected his entrance, the only occupants of tas.es place the room were the two prisoners A plan ot abasemeut of a building and the ofllcers, the heels of the has been found iu tin: 13th Ward, which just hiving disappeared the owner eau have by applying to doorkeeper the hole In the wall. Mr. Salthrough Alma 1'iatt, Fanner's Ward. mon made his exit by the same means Two boys, J. Thompson and A. Stie-fe- l, immediately after, but not being thory for destroywere arrested oughly acquainted with the intricacies ing property on th- - 15th School Dis- of the undergrouLid route, was not able trict tfiouuds, auj were lined $4.0 to obtain a glimpse, of th'j retreating Celestials. eacii. The culprits were taken to the City TiiK Silt Lake Club were defeated by o left $0 for wheie Hall, the Idaho visitors on Monday, the score but he his this morulng, appearance standing U to li. Tne attendance was considered that unnecessary, evidently not laree, owiur to insufficient anand the amount was forfeited. Charley nouncement having been muJe. failed to give bail, and was kept in The funeral service over the remains durance vile uatil this afternoon. of Mrs. K. U. Youusj, whose death we The trial is in progress as we 'o to mentioned yesterday, will be held in press. the Hth Ward Assembly Rooms on Friends of the Fr;da next at 2 p. j:i Unnecessary Brutality . V took family aie iavited to attend. pains to learu, from persons who were Tick concert by t he Tabernacle Choir present at th' time, the particulars ot the parting scene of Mr. W . I). New-sowill take p'ace ia tin; Theatre on Friwith his family on Saturday last. A Si. fine October day evening next, tl programme lias been arranged for the He was taken to his home about menon of o'clock the the day and evening those who attend will be occasion, tioned in custody of five men, one of de:Uhled, as well as feel that the whom was the driver of the vehicle. worbe will devoted to a pakl Two sat tn front of him, one oa the thy object. same seat he occupied, and two in the rear. In addition to this his Lands were securely manacled. It was v, iih LOCAL NEWS. that he alighted from the difficulty Scored Concerts. The first of a and scarcely had he douo so series uf sacred toaoerts by Mr. B. B. wagon, a "all when shouted deputy and Madame iLazzucato Young la announced lor next Sunday evening, aboard." However, he was permitted October i".ih, In Jennings' Emporium to enter his house, one of the men achim. Mrs. Kate Newsom, Hali, commencing at o'clock. The companying who Is almost blind at night, or in the lu full in the propraai uie appears dusk of evoaio. wondered why he did tn paper. Those not put oat his hands to embrace tier iu char'e that the strictest order betoro and her feelings can parting, shall prevail, that ,1 who attend may only be imagined when she f juu 1 he enjoy t .icmsclves was handcuffed, and both she aud Lucv Devereus Ne'"ui s"" veu,' A t no few minutes Off Track to their deep feelings in a flood J o'clock several cars of tears, neighbors also exhibiting loaded w!l: rock were pushed up emotion. This was witnessed by the to the Temple Block i.y a locomotive four unfeeling deputies, who were When rounding tliC curve into the to be his traveling companions Temple ) ar!, the front cars kept along to the penitentiary, and they give all risrht, but the rear one left the rails, expression, to feelings" of deiiyht and in the cjush a portion of the at the mental sufferings of taeir wood work was fairly splintered, flycaptive and those who were nettr ing In all directions. The car tilted up, and dear to hini. A number of the a.ud the load, niue. hutje blocks of friends of Mr. Newsom who had gathergranite was dumped Into the street. ed in front of the bouse by this tlm to No further damage was don?, and the bid him good bye also eadeavored to remakis of the .vreck were soon cleared cheer him up by words of comfort, and op. "God bless you, William," was heard from all sides, but they cried shame on The the unfeeling conduct exhibited by the Tliat Obstruction Cise. Mr. T. W. Jennings, on the marshals. Ia addition to this, a charge the charge of obstructing a public heartless deception was also played on street, was heard yesterday mornlag him. In the afternoon, prior to the before AKlcnuan Speirs. The proseevents spoken of, Mr. Newsom asked cution put two witnesses on the stand, if he might be allowed to take a foldand at the conclusion of their testi- ing chair with him to the penitentiary : mony the case collapsed virtually, the a reply in the affirmative was given, defendant introducing no evidence and the marshal accompanied him t stort , Mr. Dlnwoodey's furniture whatever, beiug willing to rest his defense upon what had already been where a chair of the kind described brought out by the other side. The was purchased; but as he was lea; iug Alderman dismissed the case, and the his home In the Eleventh Ward, after defcu laut was discharged. bidding his family good bye, he was abruptly told he could not take "that A Favorable .Season By letter thing" with him, and he had to leave from B. II. Atlred, of Garden City, the chair behind. It seemed as f they Bear Like Valley, we learn that the scarely knew how to heap Indignities first frost of the season occurred there enoughjupon their victim in tho hour on the 10th inst. Up to that time corn, of his sorrow and sore trial. tomatoes, cucumbers1, etc., were doing Well, lie says: "I have raised apples Suit lor Damages- This morning, here this year, aud am satlstled tnat iu the Third District Court, began the any amount can be rai.sod here as well examination of witnesses iu the suit of as elst where. The health of the people B. B. Bitner vs. The Utah Central Railcontinues to be good and the weather way Company for $10,000 damages for beautiful an warm, though since the Injuries aud loss sustained by the de!th of the mouth nights have been fendant in an accident on December rather cool. The threshing of a boun- 20, 1883. Ou that date, as Mr. Bitner teous harvest lias just ended aud potato was coming from the west along the digging is now in full blast." Taylorsvllle road, which crosses the Utah Central track at Francklyn, about south of this city, he was Obsequies. The funeral of George seven miles on the seated hay rack of his wagon. son of the W. of Hill, the John Hill, noise of the smelter in operalth Ward.wh se uutimely death, from The a railway aceKicut mtmt.iou.xi yes- tion was so great, that he did The not hear a Utah Central freight terday, will take place s Tviee is to be held In the 10th Ward train approaching, and so did not discover it until he reached wlthm a few meeting house ccuimeuclag at 2:3!) p. in. Eider Geo. G. Bywater and yards of the track, as the view was obother speakers will deliver addresses structed by the high embankment on the side of the cut. Ills horses became upon the occasion. Previous ito yesterday only one mas frightened and planged across the was ever killed on the Utah &. Nevada track, but not In time to take the Railway during the eleven years of Its wagon along, the cowcatcher striking under the seat, and scattering it in existence, aud he by the blowing over it all dlrtctlons. The driver was thrown of a train. some distance, and was picked up unSuperintendent Riter speaks highly having suffered a very of boun Hill as an employe. He was conscious, sober, steady and faithful ia the per- severe nervous shock, and received formance of his duties, and esteemed bruises from which he has not yet recovered. by his fellows. suc- two-stor- y, 1')-..- fellow-countryme- n, v - ens-ae- 47y-lo-7- o. re-p- i ro to-da- I to-da- Wong-Keeh- m ou S.-3- 's . oe-fo- re b.-i- , ; a.-ain- - - , 1 1 n-- Range Valley Cattle Company The articles of incorporation of this company were filed lu the office of Secretary Thomas yesterday. The purpose of the organization is to raise, buy, sell, exchange and deal in cattle, horses, mules, and other kinds of live stock; to acquire lands necessary for that purpose ; and to carry on a general business. The principal office of the company is :in Salt Lake City, and the capital stock.of $100,000,is divided .into l.ooo shares. The property oa which operations are to be conducted consists of the Brown Cliffs and .Range Valley ranches.three homesteads and two desert entries, and North, Willow, Indian, Twin and South springs, located in Eaiery County, Utah, and ixunJed by Green Elver on the east, rauchlag ihe west base of Book Cliffs on sthe west, Niue Mile Creek on the north, and Price Ttiver on the south. There are at present about TOO head of cattle on the company's ranches. Augustas X). Ferron, James M. Dart, B. B. Van Deusen, John S. Scott and George L. Tracy, all of this city, are incorporators and directors of the company. Court Proceedings. In the Third the appeal in District Court the case of A. M. Gilberson vs. H. A. Van Fraag was dismissed. George F. Adklns vs. Charlotte Smith; suit dismissed according to stipulation. John Dingle was admitted to citizenship. N. Levy & Co. vs. John A. Fltchett; amendments alio Ted, W. S. Slmklns et aL vs. George F. Adklns; Judgment jfor the amount, f 103.15, and Interest and costs. B. B. Bitner vs. Utah Central Railway; trial before J nry In progress. to-da- y, II. j. Hill, Keora 8. Hat, Teachers of Slusie, commencing November 1, 1885. Our Terms will be PRIVATE LESSONS: Per Month, Two Lessons a Week, $ 6.00. TUree Months, One Lessou a Week. 10.00. CUASS OF TWO: Per Month. Two Lessons a wWeek, $ 3.50. fi.00 Three Month, One Leuion a eet, j- - Telegraph Lessons sainc as Music. d lm Office, 26 S. West Temple. ti ck E rr, MunlaetariBf; ConlMlkner. ii. a. BUM O-- - A- 3sT ID PRIZE DISTRIBUTION! LH3 Fure Home Made Caudies, all kinds, and prices. Wholesale dealers grades will find it to their advantage to haudle WE WISH TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO THE FACT THAT theee goods. Trv them and sec. WE CARRY THE t50 Factory, No.E. First South Street. d i. Telephone That Our Natural Resources. OF Httm, Bd Koom TrSore.vskn Utah possesses natural resources of & Carlquist's. almost unlimited extent and value that Go to have never yet baen utilized, every inLtQOQS n n ii Boo and Probate D. Bockholt the with telligent person acquainted Countv Salt Lake Couuty.Utah, country is aware. That If the people attends Court, to the administration of esSALT LAKE CITY of tho Territory were to fully utllUe tates of deceased persons, draws wills, of a pair of BOOTS, SHOKS, SLIPPERS, or Aud Purchaser Every these resources, they would render deeds, leases, mortgages, etc.and proon estate. loans OF ANY KIND, will be entitled to cures real RUBBERS themselves comparatively independOffice at residence, 355W. 2nd South ent and be enabled to assume a Street. dtnlni enviable position in the world Prices of Photographs Reduced at while their failure to do so will place JAXI AKY 2nd, 1SU. TO TAKE FOX A 1YHOSR. them contlnuillunder tribute to other The Prizes consist of an Elegant Stock of It All work done by the Incommunities, isValso apparent. Gents' Seal Skin Caps, and Ladies' and Misies' Furs. must then be gratifying to' every perstantaneous Process. son who has the development of the REDUCTION PERMANENT. Territory and the consequent Interest of the community at heart' OYSTER 6ROTTO. to learn of efforts being made in our Geo. Arboirast is still alive and on Gents' Seal Skin Jockey Cnp, Value PH1Z1C No. midst that are likely to prove success- hand to supply his customers with the . " " " 20.00. " " " 2 " ful In the way of utilizing our latent famous Boston ice cream, ior tne pu A lent 'JO.OO. " " " " Is ever he which of and richness . natural resources. The saline deposits rlty to i t 4iceown ms Bismarck 8.00. having fniwn in our inland sea and the surrounding ready ia raaiir tr PArn hnuAa aiiHvouch; " " 8.GO. " " " " 5. to his make have alkali lakes all. that intends with lie mountains, the pete MOO. " " of all kinds for house the headquarters heretofore been regarded as useless, the Urst-cia" " " " 7. 8.()(). relresnments. sulphur, alum and other deposits Call and trv his pure candies, deli " " " 8. as common and soda cious ice cream, sparkling equally lightly valued, ' o. 7..0. Skating water, or anj of the many delicacies ' compared with the precious metals of 12. OO. 14 Inch " Fine Ladles' " 10. Cape, season " Lynx his in he has the complete which this region affords, are even establishment. 12. OO" " " " " more valuable than gold and silver ' Krmine lm. " 8.00. " Sett " Furs, "12" mines, In view ef their unlimited utili" " ' head? " " about that with 8.00. " 13. " achiDg go " Why ty in the arts and the benefits- they are Try Ayer's Pills. They will relieve the ' " " ' " 8.00. " " 414of restore the the digestive organs stomach, susceptible conferring upon ' 5.CO. " Alaska MufT, ir. "" "" 4jo healthy action, remove the obstruchuman family. S OU. " " " " and nerves that tions brain, depress jo. We were reminded of these facts and thus cure ' " " ;t.od. .i 17 " your headache permaon meeting Mr. J. C. Dolan, a nently. tf.SO. " Misses' " Sett Iru. Squir'l Fur, " 18. chemist . practical manufacturing ' tt it). " " " " last evenihg, aud learning from him Of THl'P OF FIGM. ' " ' ' " " " " 8.o0. " 44 20. some recent experiments which he has Natnre's own true Laxative. Pleas-a' " 4 OO. Ira. Seal Bismarck " Gents 21. Cap to the Palate, acceptable to the been making. " " " " " " 4.00. 22. " in its nature, painharmless Jockey Stomach, of Soda which crude sulphate Taking less in its Action, Cures habitual Conis blown ashore from the Salt Lake in stipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and Total, $107,00. the winter season in large quantities kindred ills. Cleanses the system, decided by disinterested parties. to be of Mode Drawing 13" the blood, regulates the Liver (and which is generally known in this purifies aud acts ou the Bowels. Breaks Colds GALL AND SEE THE PRIZES AT DUNFORD'S region a3 "bitter salt") as bis chief Chills and Fevers, etc. Strengthens basis, and with the addition of other organs on which it acts. Better than Oitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pills, materials also found here in the Terrisalts and draughts. Sample Dottles differthem and to by tory, subjecting free, and lapge bottles for sale by all ent chemical processes, he has druggists. Z C. M. 1 Drug Store, soda ash Wholesale A genu, Kalt Lake City. 182 produced black ash, shows (which by analysis 12Li per cent, ALE. HOME HADE. carbonate of soda,) O F" sal soda (llrst quality), caustic soda OTJE Men's Home Made Suits. Home Made Suits. Boys' (such as is used in soap making, and Childrk.n'8 Home Made Suits. from which an excellent quality of Men's Home Made Usoeawiar. Is by far the best we lvare ever exhibited, and soap has been made), and pure, Men's Home Made Socks. Made Home of use for Ladies' soda (suitable Stockings, sulphate in the making of plate and flint glass.) and a complete stock of Provo Flan-EVKBY GARMENT IS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. W nels, Jeans, Llnseys, Waterproof BlankHe can aho, from materials found Tweeds, :o : Cassimeres, Shawls, here in abundance, make chloride of ets, rams, Shawls, etc.. Wholesale We arc Nliowing an endless variety of I,AJIES' lime and the various acids used in dye and Retail at John C. Cutler & Bro., Provo Woolen Mills. No. 65 in all Fabrics and Colors. works, and for leaching purposes, etc. Agents, S. East Temple Street, South Store, OCR SHORT WRAPS are Beauliful. We are showing and he is confident that the business of Hooper & Eldredge Building. Brocade, Frieze, Seal, Flush, on be them'can (hem iu Boucle, carried manufacturing Etc. Etc., Sicilians, here profitably. II. J. Hill, No. 26 s. West Temple St. A company. is likely soon to be formed Real English Seal Plush :Sacqnes from friO and upward. tf Teacher of piano and organ. for the purpose of entering into the ;0: business of chemical manufacture on a of MISSES' and CHILDREN'S We are line also Complete showing UP. SEVER GITE an extensive scale at some suitable loCLOAKS and HAVE LOCKS, and a very Large Assortment of YOUNC If you ro suffering with low and decation near this city. LADIES' NEWMARKETS, all at very attractive pricks. pressed spirits, loss of appetite, general debility, disordered blood, weak :o:We shall hail the successful inauguheadache, or any disease ration of such works with pleasure and constitution, of a bilious bj all means proLADIES' and CHILDREN'S WINTER UNDERWEAR. consider them important, not alone for cure a bottlenature, of Electric Bitters. Vou their own productions, but not less so wiit be surprised to see the rapid imWe offer in this Department a larce assortment of Underwear, comprising that will follow ; you will because of the other Industries that provement be Inspired with new life; strength all (trades of White and Scarlet Goods for Children and Ladles, at prices they are likely to bring into existence and activity will return; pain and by any other boose. or add impetus to. misery will cease, and henceforth you A INDUCEMENT WE OFFER a Large Line ot MUSLIN SPECIAL AS tho will in Mr. Dolan made some successful ex- rejoice praise of Electric ooc.. Sold Bitters. at cents a PRICES ioa .i RXTRAORDINARY bottle at at fifty UNDERWEAR in ItnA tc nVe ahont pcrluicnta DO dozen Nlht at Wc, 76c, vac,. Gowns, $1.20, $1.35; oc, ooc, tx;c, $1.15, ooc, 4oc, aud as demonstrated then, years ago, 95c, $1.10, $1.15, $1.20, $1.30; 50 dozen Drawers, at 35c, 45c, 65c, 05c, TOc, tV indeed, we may say that others have THM BLOOM OF BSAI1J and $1. before trim, that all the turUHloa rajni- On her brow Indicates the glowol site for the establishment of success- Health fc3f The prices quoted must not be taken as a guide to the quality and style within. What a change from ful chemical works vxiatcl here; but iks liuttlidnf a fe.w mnntha mm . of the Goods. We guarantee them to be the best values ever offered a: Dq he was prevented from doing anything .ou know tho secret of her renewed these low ngures. farther in the matter at the ' time lealthr Wo will tell you. When she touud that the liquid fruit Also, a large line of WHITE SKIRTS, MISSES' 'CHEMISES, NIGHT through having been engaged In min- remedy Syrap olpleasant Figs is as agreeable GOWNS and DRAWERS, and a very large line of Infants' Wear of all kinds i o nu it ing. effective in c leans .un tlie system, calming the nerves and and descriptions. Everything is new. Our patrons are aware that wc had iwakeniug the Liver, Kidneys, Stomand everything Is offered at the same popular prices. and Bowels to a healthy activity, none two weeks ago, Bridge Burned. The Southern ach o the and see the began using It, you Pacific Kailroad Company's bridge A Complete Line of WINTER SKIRTS has Just been opened, the best we Ladies wishing to know if across the Colorado River at Fort Syrnp of Figs really possesses such have ever had, every pie.ee new from the manufacturers and at LOW PRICES. Yuma, Arizona, was totally destroyed .vOndertul t'rtleacy, can obtain trial o of 1 bottles free Z at C. aI. charge by lire ou Saturday. Breaking oat in a CALIFORNIA BLANKETS. New stock WHITE We make Wholesale Salt specialty Drug Store, Agents, about noon, tbe flames spread so Lake City. 6 in. Just o rapidly that all efforts to save the valuable structure were without avail. Our Fall KID GLOVES. u. Importations of Kid Gloves, especially made for often fail Friends PerImmadiately on receipt of the telegram respond: money takes wings us by Foster, is now on sale. Wa are showing an elegant line of colors. We Bitters stay by you and make are showing fdr the first time, a line of 24 loch SUEDE'S, announcing the threatened destruction uvian for suitable only life worth livinrf of the bridge, Assistant General Supern wear. We direct attention to our Embroidered-Back- , evening intendent R. H. Pratt dispatched two k for $1; and our Guaranteed FOSTER Glove, for $1.25; also, and Sore Throat yield Glove, Coughs, Colds wrecking trains to the scene of the Are. 25c. at Glove our CASHMERE to Tiiesk aue our own Specialties. H CapDouglass feus' readily to B o Temporary arrangements for the transsicum Cough drops. fer of freight aud passengers were contlnUe BARGAINS IN OUR HOSIERY DRPARTMENT. offering JSWe made at once, and but little time wll MIRACULOUS ESCAPE. be lost by the overland express trains W. W. Reed, druggist, of Winchesfor the next few weeks, although it Ind.; writes: " One of my custowill doubtless be some months before ter, mers, Mrs. Louisa Pike, Bartonla, the bridge can be replaced. This Is Ue Randolph Co., Ind., was a loug sufsecond time that bridges at that point ferer with Consumptlon,and was given up to die by her physicians. She beard have been destroyed, tho oue con01 Dr. King's New Discovery for Constructed lu July, 1375, having been sumption, and began buying it of me. washed away by a flood about two In six, months' time she walked to this a distance of six miles, and is years ago. The bridge ust burned was city, no w ho much improved she has quit a fine structure, and cost bout $150,000. ufcing it. She feels she owes her life to it." Free Trial Bottles at Z. C. M. I. Drug 0 Benefit Concert. The concert to Store. be given in the Theatre by the TaberCOAX. ! COAL t COAL I nacle choir, for the benefit of three of Weber, Rock Spring. Pleasant Valits members who have been called to ley and Red Canyon All the Coais sold , and which promises in go upon the Salt Lake market. Our Weber WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR to be a very enjoyable affair, will take is from the celebrated Grass Creek we aud are mines coal better on mining and not place Friday evening next, No other Weber on Monday, as erroneously announced than evertobefore. this market can compare iu last evening's issue. We trust there brought All our coals are nicely with it. ? EMBRACING will be a full house upon the occasion. screened and cleaned. Coal Department, Union Pacific RailSt. Jullen. Princess LARGEST aincl BEST TITN I : ts Shoes Slippers ex-eler- fc IX lead-ing'a- "Wishes (o call llio 1I,A': tt attention of hi friiMuls and tho public jjciioimUj to tlie AR.R.IViLXjS TNTEXtr Ol' TUT. l.AltGKST ASSOIITJIKXT OF FURMTU HE BROUGHT INTo THIS MAKKUl EVER Prize Drawing One Number in our Grand ud MiirtioH in I'rim Allot if r - f m MMDiMi n win w t- - mi i i" J '"-i- rrri Dry-Pla- te LOOK AT OUR LIST OF PRIZES: JfriO-OO- l.-O- ire 4 . - ss t.o. ii. - - - . ALSO, ut C0HN BROTHERS. rMPOETATlOIT OLOK and WRAPH re-tln- ed WE INVITE ATTENTION to our PRICES! NEW-9IAHKET- 8, - -- : tho-tast- e CAEPE1 Of tho most EliEGANT DESIGNS. P.aDers. JUL Assortment ol tho RICHEST Law & BEST PATTERXS. LINOLEUMS, llaby Carriages, Feathers, Mattresses, Oil Cloths, lings, .Mats, Bed Lounges, Curtains and UPHOLSTERED tiOODS of all kinds, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CTWe mr and the BEST. UNDERSOLD, Quality of Goods considered. keep the CHEAPEST Are NEVER DINWOODEY, FIRST SOUTH ST., S. L. CITY. TTFiTSTRY 37 to 43 W. FALL AND I'JIWTER. -- re-tu- it. (so-calle- d) New Goods! New Goods! WALKE BROTHERS -- Four-Butto- Flve-IIoo- -- mi jenmgs a sons. RANGES! HEATERS! COOKING STOVES! ARE DAILY RECEIVING The Latest Styles and XoviUics in Fall ii inter liiiii Goods FOR EVERY DEPARTMENT. To meet ho General IJiimIiu'sm niiirkin llio THP fniv?1 lvireHs!on, wo arc Iiitlre Furcliaso ut nftt1!?u- - PliMTV! miss-ions- First Shipment of Three Cars of Stoves, way Company. A. TWO NOTED MINSTRELS, fortunks Office, what WHO HAVK WON and THtlf SAY ABOtTT STAQK LIFK. J. Gunnkll, Agent. Wasatch Corner. IMPOBTANI (IVERIESASSWEREI- Have you Scrofula? Impure Blood? Kidn-Disease or Rheumatism? Delays are dangerous. You can be caret! now by using "Billy" Emerson has recently made a phenomenal success in Australia, and is rich. Emerson was born at Belfast in 1840. BKOW.Vfl SARNIPARILLA He began his career with Joe Sweeuey 's minstrels In Washington in 1857. Later Ind SnnUelin w I It Iodide P1m-l- t m, on be Jumped into prominence in connection with Newcomb's minstrels with A blood Purifier that all Physician. whom he visited Germany. He visited endorse. Ask your druggist to show Australia in 1874 and on his returu to you the formula and commence using America joined Haverly's minstrels iu it once. San Francisco at $500 a week and exYES1 150,000 boxes of BROWN'S penses. With Ibis troupe he played ARNICA SALVE, sold on a positive beiore her majestyv the queen, the uaranty and not one returned. AlPrince of Wales, and royalty generally. ways cures burns, cuts, bruises, sore After this trip he leased the Standard eyes, piles, etc. Beware of Imitations, Theatre.San Francisco.where for three ise only Bwim'sae; box. re Use Brown's Tar Troches years he did the largest business ver known to minstrelsy. In April last he Throat, Colds, etc. he has went to Australia again, where Use Brown's Pepsin Tonic for Dys- "beaten the record:" ; ? Headache, etc. Indigestion, Sepsia, can can compare with it. "Billy" is a very handsome fellow, an excellent singer, dances gracefullyind r is a true humorist. t "Yes, sir, I have traveled all over the Bitters were world, have met all sorts of people, byAngostura B. Slegert for hisprepared Dr. G. J. . 4 come in contact with all sorts of cusnaa That. Mnnt, Inn 4a ..Ah private toms and had all sorts of experiences. that they have become generally known One must have a constitution like a lom 1 air v a n f f AAllntapfafti comotive to stand it." to bear It like a druggist for the genuine article, roanu- "Yes, I know I seem major and I do, but 1 tell yon candidly that with the perpetual change of diet, water and climate, if I bad not maintained my vigor with regular use of Hew to Consult JDr. Feote, Sr., hy Warner's safe cure I should have gone f under long ago." Dr. Foote, 8enlor. author of "Plain George H. Primrose, whose name Is Home knownln ever amusement circle In Talk," Medical Common etc., etc., would Fay to those America, is even more emphatic,!! pos- Sense," who would like to consult him by mail sible, than "Billy" Emerson iu com- that can have a list of questions mendation ot the same article to sportathey and circular of gratuitous advice by ing and traveling men generally.among addressing box 414, Salt Lake City. whom it is a great favorite. Infordoctor has to The have arranged Emerson has grown rich on the boards and so has Primrose, because mation supplied In thin way to save time. Receiving such printed matter they have not squandered the public's the correspondent can describe his or "favors." her case fully and direct to the doctor, tn New York, alli Dr. Foote is sucMr. D. O. Clark, the manager of the cessfully forms of chronic Coal Department of the U. P. Kailroad diseases, treating specialty to which he has and its branches, and Mr. W. W. devoted thirty of study and years Cluffalso of the Union Pacific, came practt . Evidences of bis success can to Logan last Wednesday. Mr. Clark also bv had by addressing Box 414, as scene of the his lately visited the but all letters of consultation Rock Springs tragedy and understands above, and orders for remedies should be ady Royal Dragon, Silvio, .Clipper, JPuck, JcJto, Cheer and Aladdin, Iolo, Charm, Dot, Western Gem HXi:TIIV& STOVES ! :o: DUESS G-OOD- S In all the Latest Attractive Novelties. Silks, Velvets, Plushes and Velveteens, Dress Fiainit'Js, Ladies' Cloth, Waterproofs, IJnsoys, Etc., Etc. STOO X5L O X TJ XI. BISMARCK RANGES, HOME COMFORT RANGI55, O STAPX.1 BISMARCK, STERLING BISMARCK, CLOAKS, CIRCULARS, DOLMANS, ULSTKRS, EMPORIUM, MAUD S and ARCHER t Children's Coats and Woolen Shawls, t&- - IS COLORADO BOX STOVES. Stovo Furnishings of all Descriptions. LA 310 E VI-:i?- A M) ATTUAOTI V K. AX I M INTENSE STOCK OT for-Bo- New Society Hll The Relief Society of the 17ti Ward in addition to their usual labors of love and benevolence have of late displayed commendable enterprise In the matter of providing a hall for the purpose of holding their meetings and attending to society work in. A piece of ground Ave rods square, opposite the Deoeret Hospital, was purchased, and a neat, substantial brick 20 x 30 building about feet In dimensions has been erected at a cost of about $1,000. which is now completed and provided with carpet, stove, etc., and U all ready for dedication and occupancy. It was expected that the dedicatory service would occur on Thursday next ana some private announcements to this effect have been made, but it is now decided to postpone it for the present, and it Is not known Just when it will take place. Dae announcement of toe date will, however, be published mat Dioooy anair as weu. pernaps. as hereafter- is possible, in conversation with him a reporter learned that the main object of his vuu here was the DrocorlnK of men to work ii the mines at Rock For Bureaus, Go to SOBEXSEX & CaRLsJCIST'.S. Springs -- dressed to Dr. B", B. Foote, Sr., 120 Lexintrton Avenue, New York City, N. Y. Consultation free. An advertisement of Dr. Foote, Sr.. la another place, deserves attention. d eid4 WE SELL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 0 , Country Buyers invited to visit us, or correspond with us. :o: AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF DUPOUT'S CELEBRATED MINING and SPORTING POWDERS. : -- sot JENNINGS & SONS, 13 and 15 TP. Emporium Buildings. JVM. ft. J. Lira, ( i.UM' yLMlht ITJkJEOQ ANn PJLANING MILL. Bmodm, riSo Made Clothing Ready ' GENTS', BOYS' & CHILDREN'S, IN GREAT VARIETY, FOR ALL AGES. MLJElN'te J3XJITi3 rtt 30.00 I3AOII. 01 boot CONTAINS SIEHRA f'JEUADA LUMBER ASSTJ CZT WOOD TANKt OP ALL DESCRIPTIORt iOti J MADE TO ORDEft GTAEtt BTTIiailH'O A OPEOIAXTYi A FULL SLTrLY FOU AND CHILDREN'S THE BEST OBTAINABLE, AT JSOTTOI A LATH. SW.jle., Mo.ldl,, frmM Door. WIxIowb, BUads, Wood Pnmpt, FmUb( Boxm, Ballder' Brdww, 8uh Weight, GLASS. Etc., Etc. on 1 n i-- CENTS', LADIES' DEALERS IN ! WEAR, prices: FULL STOCK OF Carpets, Curtains, Oil Cloths and Linoleum AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS. WALKER, BBOTHEKS. |