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Show EVENING NEWS. FUSLIiMEO BY laun-drynl- en THE DFSERET NEWS COMPANY. C11AIU.ES W. I'KXROSE, TunUv "SHIT -- . October EDITOR. SO, 1 . " OUT THE MOliMONS U.vdki: this caption, the Chicago Shu of a reccu: Hate tiirs Its by uu means p cu .ixv uaiuiosity to the settlers of Utali atul the founders of ever) thin:.' valuable ia it. The cause of this fresh e ebullition of spleen is a innouuciii the departure from upland of a company ot "Morrnous," uml after raisins; Its bands in holy horror at the freuueucy of such occurrences, the paper referred to calls attention to the fact that the once open lioors to all nationalities, colors and creds must now be closed, claiming old-tim- dis-pat- va 1 tuat the liberality ot the United States in that regard has been and is source of the hems many as such midst evils iii our disease, etc., pauperism, crime, the inference of course being that none ot them would flourish In the land but for .the agencies named, saying at this juncture amoa,' other things that "Not lns; ao, tut rapid influx of Asiatics exceedingly degraded character, accustomed to habits of life and addicted to practices revolting to civilized poo- -. p!e, provoked an agitation which resulted in the enactment of restrictions that if rigidly enforced w uld practically exclude Chinese immigrants from taese shores." The parity sought to be established here Is that anything jvhich a capricious civilization may flud objectionable in any respect should also be excluded, and as there is an objection to some phases of "Mormou-isiu,members of that relisrioua faith should be served svith a notice to land be- -t The connection elsewhere. wean the Sun'g premises and its Is not to apparent u, reaJer aud thinker, for iu one breath It objects to Immigration of lis briustiug disease, pauperism .n J ciime, aud iu another ilowuauil coutiues its objections r " Mormon" immigrants, and to them not beeaust! they are immigrants but because they are ".Mormons."' Incou-s- ; stent, absurd as such a stylo of moulding populir sentiment is, that is Jjii the- way it appears in the columns liioLeil froms a further ou, the Sua asks "whether it is not time to apply to ihe Mormou iiumigration the same ru!" .vtuch was adopted to protect the peopio from coutauiiuatiou svith the. vices of the Chinese hordes" that is, al exclusion, for alleged contagion, vices and debased manhood, and tlivu a quarter of a colnmn is devote l to a tirade against the "Mormons" ior having a community of .their own uu practicing po'.vgamy the person beiu tLc object of editorial wrath iu on- - piaoe, the system in auothcr. S ipposlng, t, tor the sake of we admit the possibility of that pap t's conclusions iu relation to the iu!);ect under discussion being real- DENMARK DISTURBED. by the dispatches in Nkws, if there is not something rotten in Denmark, there is assuredly a con dition of things foreboding trouble for the crown, perhaps its removal from the head that wears it and being placed in the closet indefinitely. It seems that King Christian saw fit to impose a special tax upon his subjects, which l'arliament refused to ratify; the King being the custodian and sponsor of the constitution, and the exercise of po litical authority by the people being a matter of sufferance, Is indignant at the direct refusal of the people's his to execute representatives on their part will, and they are Indignant at him for asking it One will not recede, the othwr will not advance; and this condition ot things as between the executive and legisla tive authority means a crisis which may end iu the revolution previously mentioned. Excitement runs high, and all can understand what political ex citement among the populace aud their governmental representatives amounts to when the head of the nation is the cause of it; suspension of personal rights aud lefal privileges sometimes precedes the physical suspension of the one who orders it. Denmark has always been more or less agitated from various sources. has no quarrels abroad, When she can obtain inversion at home by an internal wrangle. Still, the govern meutHisjone of the mildest on earth, notwithstanding the fact that the sovereign is theoretically an autocrat; perexercise haps, it is the of political freedom which causes the people to occasionally transcend the boundaries of what is despotic by the terms of Its existence, but popular as relates to the practical sway of au thority. The absolute character of the monarchy has been so long diluted by custom that the latter has become the unwritten and more powerful law, one against which the monarch who wields ise. !. The (Chinese would go as well as a brittle sceptre dare not contend . At c. ase to come, an I the "Mormons" all events, news from Deumark will vouid be legislated against with a doubtless be more interesting in the lew to the same result as to them. It immediate future than it has beeu for some time past. could be dertnitoly ascertained thereafter when a Mongolian sought to put iu an appearance and the door could SPKLL1XG REFORM. ie sUm;neJ in his face, because his color, his .uforior physique, his almond Kvfry now and then a slight spasm of eyes aud his jarou, it no; his attire, agitation appears In relation to our wo ild proclaim his nationality at orthographic system, each having in au-.- i one--- , the law as to hiin view Cthe simplifying of spelling by would be operative aud practically moans of natnrat rules, sound alone to floe live: but how about the otiier be the constituent element of the sugctass of objectionable incomers? Would gested departure. Some practical St not !k necessary, in view of the fact steps have been taken in th.s direction that " Jlorruonisin" contains in its by a few newspapers, but the success ranks English, Uermaus, Swiss, French , attained ha beeu uniformly m7;and the Scandinavians, etc., to pass a law matter is likely to remain where it is a'.l those nationalities? If it duriu tte present generation at least. were to read "No 'Mormon' shall be The truth Is, that however much the allowed to land," what distinguishing student might be benefited by simplicould be adopted by the infying the existing method, there can be spectors, so that they might be able to no starting point found ; to reverse exkeep the Saiuts on shipboard and let isting arrangements would be of no adthe others laud? As a rule, our con- vantage to those who agitate it, for the verts from abroad are fairly iutelil-Xt-nreason that they, or most of them, are decently atthvd, have enough already masters of the plan universalmney to travel wiUi, arc singularly ly in vogue aud do not need the change, free from disease, aud as honest as the while those who are younger aud in the d i is long: these features might be incipieucy of their studies should not ot a identiiloation, but be placed iu conflict with existing and aim! for its usefulness, to recog things tuoy probably nise some of them would require fun could not endure the attrition naturally I uijtiou wim tue persons; au j.ti,i resulting and would accomplish noth tnen, a;aiu. all who come from abroad ing for themselves or anybody else if to sjk homes in the United States aud could. are thus described are uot ".Mormons," they Before us is an article by Frederik m th?re is now and then a "Mor- A. Ferueld, an enthusiast in the cause mon" not embraced within the de- of orthographic reform, and an able scription so that there would be a writer as well. It will be observed a cei iiiiii. , ui iuc luno cuuuce, he leaves the "c" out of his cent being made to suffer for o hers' that Qr.st name as a tribute to the traus2re3sio:is, and of those who are cause to seeks he themselves transgressors coming in and is doubtless earnest aud advance, energetic, uu ier. the exception intended only for iu his purpose; he tne inuoceiit. A nice state of things perhaps humane, pronounces speUiug as at present pertaat f j.i!J be." Very dignified, very formed "A 'lying, roundabout, puzzle-heade- d becoralng, aud very much in accorddelusion." aud so it is, but it ance with the genius of our lnstitu-tioa- s is a delusion which has passed the And yet, what otiier mode misty realms creating it and become a of procedure under such a law solid iu the scholastic acquireas that the would Sa:t have mentsentity of the age we live lu. Percuacteii, could we adopt? Phonetic spelling may be taught and haps it would suggest putting candidates for prospective citizenship under eien practiced as a branch of educaIt cau only be a branch until a oata, and making each swear that he is tion, but not a "Mormon" before allowing him spontaneous and irresistible revoluto lan t; pernaps we could also Incur tion simultaneously occurs involving a few Journals, a few housetne l Jieuie of the civilized world by uot merely a and holds number of people, but the converting ports of entry Into peuuy whole of g civilization. . but we won't, at least not for a . of orthography at present The system ... Us, such a piau wou.d recognized as correct is too deeply a :n to nothiug so far as the to be uprooted by a few o.jject joes, because. for one thing, grounded are short-live- d and whose agitations a lersou might uot be a "Mormon" aud the far between, only plan is to when he took the oath, and become one make the most of it and learn as well v,ita'.u tea minutes after his. feet as we may to acquire the "tyrant's the dock. We can really think that we may not invoke his dis will," of no pifiu by means of which the desired law could pass the dead letter pleasure. line aud take a place alongside ll'ivlng enactments; besides, we .have no DOYCOTT1XG f N OGDEX. to trouble ourselves iu the mati t those who waut such a ter, piece Tiik Kuiglits of Labor in Ogden have o: intended villaiuy but practical ablor some time past been indulging surdity erected into a "pillar of the in agitation, and, as nation,' Jo their owu drudgery and our readers will doubtless remem th.uk it oat for theiustlves. They ber, some very incendiary expressions wo aid iibt ue long iu Iludiug that, like were indulged iu by their leading Frankenstein, they had raised a demon agitators at public meetings which which taey could not control. were held at the Junction not long I; may? be urged by the Sun, as it has since. The massacre of City Chinamen ulready been by dozens of other papers which occurred at Rock Springs Just time jaad time again., that the ditticul-tl- e afterwards and the reports that were surroundlngithe practical workings circulated simultaneously therewith as of this proposed revival of the Native to preparations having been made all American party are uot presently along the line of railway for similar to be considered ; that the outbreaks on the coolies, almost made nation j must voice it appear that those its let meetings In Ogden were ln some way connected with be heard at allf events, and accomplish results thereafter whenever such a sanguinary and outrageous and wherever it can. But its voice, the scheme. If such a belief gained creclamors of the entire republic Joining dence to any great extent among people in the acclaim, la not supposed to be in this region, it may afford them some iai.std exscept for the accomplishment relief to learn that the Knights of of actuil results; it Is not a Labor in Ogden, though still perhaps in nor as strongly opposed to the Mongolians pculatqr possibilities an idle Whca as ever, are inclined to operate against eiperlmeotor. the fiat j went forth that slavery them by more peaceable and humane should n longer exist within out bor- measures. They have commenced to ders, it did not intend that the edict of boycott them, and not only them bnt freedom should simply I, them. A circular many those who woia OB jau.chajenV was issued patronize on Saturday last by this or reaching .no Ixneflcient results and ganization, in which the ''Knights of eshating naaabsUntlal alminTlew. Jt Labor, railroad men In meant precisely what it accomplished, teemed citizens and particular, sympathizers and accomplished all that it meant. throughout the country, and all local a broa. ;waa dignified, Bat i it aemblles of the Union Pacific Sys- gautre, statesmanlike and humane proW with sill.l nnnn to withdraw ceeding, Worthy of our government thet tronage lnimedlately Irom a of-n- JfDixr, to-da- y's u 1' H be-mu.- nar-ro-.- x per-.sou- long-continu- 1 argn-m-ju- fea-.ure- s ", n.-au- s time-honor- ed I English-speakin- . :.! de-sii- fd ton-'he- do-s.- re ' auti-Chiue- hign-aouftdi- Turkish jroTemmVitt before GregM declares war. Tb!, Greeks are wild with enthusiasts. Thirty thousand fnen of the reserves hafe been enrolled during the past flve;days and thousands aj'e arriving from all parts of Greece. The people are clamoring for war. War Well Kf Inevitable. 20. the Philupopolis, British agent and ConsulLascelles, General for has left Sofia. this for Bulgaria, The tension is increasingcity and war with Servia is well nigh inevitable, Bulgaria has done her utmost to avert such a catastrophe. Soraelblnjr Itotfen In Denmark. Copkjjhauk.n, 20. The long continued arbitrary policy of King Christian in refusing to dismiss the Cabinet iu compliance with the vote of Parliament and levying alleged unconstitutional taxes because Parliament refused to vote the hndiret. has led to a number of serious riots and imposing demonstrat ions i gen. The people seem determined that tneir in Parliament shall representatives have some voice in affairs of the government and have so threatening in their become demands that the king has ordered the garrison of Copenhagen to be largely reinforced. The popular manifestations are not confined to Copenhagen alone, but are general throughout Denmark. It is expected that a state of siege will be declared, and it is feared a revolution will ensue if the kiug persists in refusing the concessions asked by Parliament. A number of political arrests have been made tending to further incense the people and bloodshed is anticipated. An Energetic Kcmoiintrnnre. Loxnov, 20. Lord Salisbury has informed the Porte that England will send an energetic remonstrance to Servia aud Grtece against their formidable armaments and advise them to keep quiet. lliiiada'a Contingent. Paris, 20. A telegram from St. at a late hous thJs Petersburg, received : pr!te frMUheil Vttiltfy SHmdmyi Kxtrpte4 T rOtJB O'CLOCK. PRINTED AND and is foil aCCdrd With tha 0t)ifit of th idhg list of bti jhiess drm asd age. It was in all respects precisely iridlYlduals of Ogden because, as Js the opposite of what Is wasted by that patronhce the Chinese and produce peddlers. portion of the press which decries "Mormon" immigration freedom, disthis, as intimated, is much preferenthrall nient, independence, man- able to shooting down and burning out fairness aud Justice, In- the objectionable element, as was done hood, stead of ostracism, serfdom, humilia- at Rock Springs, but It is doubtful have will it the tion, debasement, unfairness and whether Injustice the former conditions ac- desired effect, as persons are apt complished in accordance with civil- to exercise their independence in .natization In Its rurity. the latter sought ters of that kind, and unless pressure to be attained by means of a system is brought to bear upon the public which ignominious perished before from some source more potent than the ' Knights of Labor organization, they slavery itself was strangled. The Sun concludes its frothy diatribe are not likely to cease entirely from more nearly in accordance with the patronizing the proscribed class. However, the result will be watched with style of such articles in other papers that is, by absolute falsehood, think interest. We may remark In fthis connection ing, of course, that all being summed up aud stated, no matter how wretch that there ought to be enough union Saints to insure edly or illogical, it only needs the final among the Latter-da- y "thus say I" to settle the question con- their support of one another and the It says: "livery principle withholding of patronage from those clusively. that justiiles the exclusion ol Chinese, who are opposed to them, in which or of thieves, murderers and disease- - case they would occupy the position of infected persons, seems to equally de spectators in the controversy now gomaud a stoppage of the Mormon im ing on, aud not that of interested migration." Fatuity can go ao further, parties. being allied, as it is here, to mendacity and knavery; the source from which It CALIFORNIA PESTS. emanates is uot worthy of f urther at Ik the Utah farmers generally could tention. se ed peruse the complaints that are published elsewhere about the pests with which agriculturalists have to contend, they could not fail to be impressed with the fact that the residents of this Territory are greatly favored, notwithstanding the occasional ravages of In grasshoppers, caterpillars, etc. California, for instance, the phylloxera threatens the entire destruction of the grape vines, and no remedy has yet been discovered for their ravages. Of other pests with which the people of that country are also troubled, a Sacramento paper has the following to say : "The small rainfall of last winter was favorable to the increase of many peststhat affect the farmers and fruitgrowers. Rabbits have been unusually numerous this year, and, In some sections, very d jstructive lu Tulare they are said to have seriously iujured many orchards and to have destroyed large qualities of grain. Near Visalia a plague of mice prevails. They have stripped some orchards of fruit, and have destroyed crops of corn. In the San Joaquin aud Sonoma Valleys nave greatly multiplied, and do Krent damage to grain and fruit trees. They breed four times a year, aud multiply so f ast that it is hard tu get rid of theiu. Poisoning is regarded as the best remedy, and October is probably the best month to employ it. "Hcale insects of various sorts are spreading rapidly through the State, aud are u grave ineuace to the industry. Vigilance, unremitting warfare, and intelligent are necessary lor their supA new remedy is announced, pression. so simple, safe and cheap that we hope its etrieacy has not been overrated. This new wash is simply briue, made by boiling common rock salt, aud applied with a brush or sprayed upon the trees. So great are the ravages of the cottony-cushio- n scale that it is a quesg tion whether at Los Angeleajcan be further prosecuted with profit, while the fruit brings only, a dollar a box."' rround-squirre- ls lruit-growi- ng orange-growin- The grand Jury to-da- g-- ' witpesses against the three ?ueD charged with burglarizing Williams & Gerran's saloon a few days since. Mrs. E. It. Youso, who died at Wanshlp yesterday morniug, leaves seven children, twenty-tw- o grandchildren and seven en a goodly prageny. Sunday SE 1'UOUltAMME 4. 5. TO TIIK CITIZENS New Yokk, 3's, 3i ; 4,"s,13; ; Central Pa; Pacific G's, 28' 4's, cific, 41; Uurllugtou, S3; Northern Pacific, 25; Ipreforred, 63.V; North-' western, 87 Ji ; New York Central, 3 ; Oregon" Navigation, .V; 2tV i Pacific Mail, 57 ; Panama, 93; St. Louis and San Francisco, 21: Texas Pacific, 21&; Union Pacific, 634 ; Fargo Flspress, 17; Western Union, 77. Dlsnisrch' Animas A grains Oer. 20. Trans-Continent. raertcamt. Nkw York, 20. A Washington from special says: "Later information Germany show9 that Miaister Pendleton has much graver cause for to come to a better understanding with the Oerman government as to the construction given to the Bancroft treaty than is apparent from tho brief dispatch which announced negotiations begun. It appears that Bismarck hag again given evidence of his of the increasing hatred Uulted States by interpreting the Bancroft treaty In the severest s. manner against all Those who know most about the subject say if he dared to enter upon such a course the oppressive edict which is now enforced against the Poles in the northeastern provinces of Germany, would find a parallel In the rewould strictive measures which German be against adopted Americans in the mother country, who have never rendered military service It is stated that there. of this class iu Germany have been notified that hereafter their residence must be limited to a few weeks or months, and that If .they, in any particular, during even that short period, become troublesome, they will be subject to receive notice at any time to leave the country. It is claimed that the attitude which the government has taken is in direct violation of the spirit, if not the letter, of the Bancroft treaty. Undoubtedly it is this which Minister Pendleconstructlonjof ton is now endeavoring to secure a A German-American- -- German-America- ns BEilMO. OS SIU ExrtiAnee on , tr-K- si. 4'til-ai;- Omshn, l.ondnu, and pilnrf Merndale - Bennett Loals. m Continent! CltlH. Miss Annie T. J. Mackintosh Feteison, and Mr. h. B. Young, Jr. collections, remitting froroe.lt 11 6. There is a Green ill Far Away promptly. Gounod MlriS 1H1B1 WoOCU. 7. Violin Solo, "Ave Marin" Schubert OOARDKRS WAM'KI). Mr. W'lllard Welhe. 3. O God, Have Mercy (St. Paul).... A PRIVATK FAMILY; GOOD AT Mendelosohn INromuiodations. Mr. U. 11. Young. Term-- , $t :; w 9. Trio On Thee liach Living Sonl board and lolirinjrn jreiulfii.vii i rv .; l for Kir.-- l North suvrt Awaits (Hi E. at Ilayden Apply i Misb ( Lawon, Mr. XV. V . Mack NltS. V p KI.UI.1IH.I. (1270 tf inlosli, and Mr. T. L. Harper in. Chorus. "The Heavens are Tell Ing" naydon ."IU . ADMISSION" "13 eor.Ui ; reserved seaU, M teents. Tickets for sale ou and after Wednesday next at 1". I, and P. & It. G. Ticket Oflires, Cnlder'9 Miiic Palace, Coalter a SALT LAKE CITY BREWING CO. Snelgrovc's and Careless & t o. ; rin-iii- NOTI STRAY COW. I HAVE IN MY POSSESSION A RED ami while cow, about' three years old branded O on let t hijf. Owner can got her d JOSEPH KACKKELL. Woods Cross. s 2 1 I'K W patron oil; TO I';M:m mtd tinWilllMHIS it Ut'l .Ult. ollf li'Mi I'ost OhV 'ill I llil! A l'rt v lv, CONSUMPTION. bi 1 IV' Friday nieht a Ixdianapous, negro hostler, Harrison Tasker, inveigled a German girl named Helen Ileuendlend Into his room and brutally outraged her. He was arrested on Sunday for the crime, and this morning taken Into court for examination. While the case was proceeding, Meiu-ro- d Heuendlend, the girls brother, drew a revolver and shot Tasker in the body, the ball abdominal penetrating wall and the right producing a probably fatal wound. Before another shot could bo fired the Infuriated German was seized by the officials and disarmed. A scene ef confusion ensned. The court was ad journed and Tasker conveyed to the hope city hospital. Physicians give no of his recovery. Huendelund was re moved lo custody oi omcers and lodged iu Jail. ANTIC DISLATEST T RAW T- PATCHER. cessories. VI The industrial arts. VII. Alimentary products VIIIt Education and Instruction. IX Works of Art. And being desirous of displayina exhibit not to be excelled by any Territory in the Uuioi I iuvite the citizens of Utah to forward samples of the above products, at as early a day as possible, by express or otherwise, to the undersigned not later than the 20th inst, and advise me of the shipment. P. K. Coxxor, Commissioner for Utah. Salt Lake City, day ot October, 1885. j True Bill Aft-ala- C I am now TIP IB . O 3ST to-da- I Dli i: S CLOAKS, DOLMANS, NEWMARKETS, KT(, SI'I A ( I A! i ('Iolljin,f Hats, Caps and Fnniisl!iii!CAKI'KTS, OI hoots - (ioods. I,1N(I.LM'MS, Kl (1H, ( LOTUS, mats, avai.i, ri'i:ir, ; i:tr. mm riiocii :; ia lass . I esiiOi-:s-. i KM ; :. It 1 1 S. STOVKS! ST()VKS! S. I3IJrn3I!I3C.T3( vii t . CHARTER OAK & MONITOR HI a , - i r.'i;;icl i fi;ri-;- i t- Open 1uij ttnd Transplanted stantly on hand. te.loi). UAI-I.- OJme l.i r- r .n t ivoijihiiic i illlt. liT J. ijht. :' ti siu-'.- d2JC If 1. tidies iu N'M'. SKCOMi lit I'roj.t leli.r 11! M i.KT !N li, Plusli, Bo!ic!e,BroeaIo,Frizro, 1 1 mni.X?f wJ FINE STOCK. The registered Jersey Bull, "Perfect of the Brick," will stand the remainder season at Mr. Fred Heath's, corner of West Temple and Sixth South Streets. "Perfect Brick" Is a fine steel grey, with black points, coming from a fine butter strain. His dam, ''Mbnte Lee," owned by Moses Ellis, of Framlngton, Massachusetts, made seventeen pounds of unsalted butter in seven days, on grass, three months after calving. The fine registered herd are in charge of Bolivar Roberts during Dr. Bridge's absence. For price, pedigree aud particulars, jnqnre at Roberts 4 Neljjex's Drug Store. d2G2eod tf If you would have appetite, flesh, Ayer's color, strength, and viaror, Sarsaparilla, which will confer them upon you in rapid succession. A X3 KATH S. of 16, 1883, dysentery. Lulu, daughter of Geo. B. and Sadie Kelly, aged 7 months and S days. Funeral services were held at residence of parents, 7th Ward, Saturday, October 17, NEW STEREOPTICOX. J313y Come and see thorn. Don't dclaj NOTICE meeting Frizee, Plushes, Saline, Rliadamc and Vuvo S)yo (ris (ilrain, MOSTLY LOWER in Temple Street. ber, 18, will be delinquent and ndvertiscil for sale at public unction, and un!rsH ment is made before. will be sold on tlie iv day of October, 1885, to jay tlie delinquent assessment, together with costs of HUver Using and expenses for mile. JKSK H . FOX, Jn., Secretary. the of of action I'.oard the Trustees, By made October 7th, 1885, the time hefoie un paid assessments became delinquent from October th, 1S85, to November 9th, 13s6. JESSK W. FOX. Jh., dJts 270 SO days Secretary. Carta PRICE Visiles BOOKS $3.00; other HAN At"jiKW TOHK PRICES. Hand Natch!, Closing AMsf Oat mt, Left than Cust I 1 Fell lias ef Stationery a Faacy Goods. aad Plash Frames la $gf Weoi, Tslret Oraat Variety. PICTURE MOLDIXGSLaUrt styles. Xev and Beautiful Yiewi of Mountain Scenery. Everything as CHEAP as the Caespest. C. R. SAVAGE, MIT IIZU. S. I. CiTY. 72 MAIN 8TRECT. NOTICE! Power VERTICAL EXGLMl Built by the Silver Iron Works, W 3B & A. 3Ta 3B3. Etinuire at GENERAL TITHJDfd OFFICE. MO-- Price, $150.00. dtf Balm. DRIEDA D COTS J J rd One and white spotted nKIFEIt,about year and 6 months old, brand on - left shoulder resembling the letter II. It tbe abova described animal is not claimed and taken away within ten 'days, will be sold at public anetion to the highest responsible bidder.-a-t the District Pound in Kaysville City, Pavis Co., October 81st, 1885, 1 o'clock p. m. S. J. I.ATTOX, District Potindkeeper. Kaysville City, October SO, 1885. ' mm ALE, Attn RETAIL .. City Patrons can have Deliver; & COM ; Wagons call for Ihem by fv ; DltUGGtSTS', addresstheir teavlns UiilUSEC8ll3SS.TI ST5.. 5.L. CUT 1 u N. IS THIS CITY. IN' M Yorfc Prices' 0v AM TO Is full o the Beat Makes, ami contain nmro UK A I. than Were eror offered lu tliis clitv. B KG A INS lllLLIiERy.H'lllllfflLllliTllL OUR CAEPET and UPHOLSTERY, I,itIie,' nod Children'tt Mioe, Uvui tteiitH' Nnltfl and L lid-r- e n's Clot hi ne, lln( mid liny' 'tipM, to Order, ltool himI NImmk, FuriiiMliinK Goods mid Incy ;oIm, our Departments are crammol full of NKW before the late advance In ptUi i. r.igns ' purchased Wo will Sell them all at the Smallest 1'oshIRIo l'roilt, compatible with fair dealing, taking Quality and Stylo ol our oo.ls lotu couslderatlon. They will always le fouud us Chw) and frcquejiUy Cheaper than Goods sold elsewhere, as we lire determined to llvo ui to our Slotto, Iq fsct s.11 "WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD." wtbexj.OTiins t.tu EUYinmu our Four Floors con. ftt with of pletely filled COME AND SEE US ! Mammoth Ho.?5c it:. Desirable tioods at IS - in depih l'rlces! MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY T : FILLED BRO IT I AS IMllSE EL9 S ARRIVALS! ON TIME CLOT STOVES and Winter! For " Kxtra Boneless Cudflah, Whole Codfish, ARE IlECOGXIZED A3 TIIK Genuine Imported Holland Her- r rlnir, No. 1 Metfs Mackerel, STANDARD of EXCELLENCE. White Fish, Halibut, Buckwheat Floor, Oatmeal, a rcix use or Corn Meal, Cracked Wheat, Graham Flour, .Split Peas, 9 AKT .Hominy, Beans, Pickles, Etc., Etc . . STOVES, RANGES Also, HEATERS, General Assortment of At C. .otm wk- - HcaiK BiiKD or C A NNE L MO J3 West . TAKJES THE LKAO. ' biio. '''7 f. buooes. Fall ALSO, BOOTS & SHOES IN EVERY -- STAPIJB GROCERIES. psk :0:- - JiElTS, BOYS' nnd YOUTHS' BROOKS Extra Fine Salt Salmon, IAHLESS', of Opera House. i, - ' o: F. AUERBACTT ds dsci GEO s. I I . AT ')" .. 8 NEW ARRIVALS VV tene-ment- TEASDEL'S. SMITlT A. C. y, c-- Certain Cure , for that fatal scourge, DIPHTHERIA., FOB ' 'i BEST MARKET PRICI AT HVOtEMLE HAVE IX MY POSSESSION: CROP 1885. . HESPERIAN TONIC! KSTBAY NOTICK,; i 0UB HOSIERY and LADIES' WOOL UNDERWEAR STOCK, -- RECEIVED SUPPLY OF i M BFFEREH at Efoods WITH LAGES Will find ROBERTS' A ffiR ;'K :o:- - -- A FRESH ' K: ) MATOPI, SILVER and GOLD MIXED LACES, rE VTIlERaml UH TRIMMINGS, in fiict every Novell.v of ho Season at most REASONABLE PRICES ! 2E3 JUST 1 Farls Wool AHIUVKb. and Wedding Birthday Gifts Presents, New and Cheap. DIPHTHERIA and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia 1. THSN Freacli Dress THE FIRST TON OF CIIF.AP PEMBROKE'S, OH de Sizes la prop art Ion. Wholesale andKetall, but her skin ; OUH OWN ha8 Reduced the. Price of Cabiaet Photos to $5.00 per dozen. I CIIOOL SUPPLIES e THAI Startling News 1883. beautiful) (V ALL TIIK NUVELTIKS ;IVKN of tlie Trustees heM an assesEiucnt of Jiu; DoIIhi JulyShare 81t, 1;S3, t.w was levied uuon, Lh on or per fyx leror corpora tioli, payable flie Sth day ot October, 1SS5, Jwse W Fox, Jr., at tlie Company's oUioo, Ehsi School Satciels Two-nors- II - M 1. Brocades, City, Utah. 18 HKKEBY SLATES, Oa 1 rs'. - Principal Place of Business Salt Lah SCHOOL BOOKS,1 At r T. 7V , CAT: ARHIVED! ONE MOIJE TU9T load or ri l.L m.ooiKi ahkh-IC'AHKHIMO It A MS. at the 1), M01 Describe fully, stating prices. D. II. TALBOT. lm Sioux city. Ia. a Lady Many is all FVl.L ASSOKTMK.NT SEASON. tf GRADED MARKS AND HORSES. 184-2- Kelly. In this city, October SALE! ZEy l. Keysor. Iu RieliflelJ, Sevier County, October 3d, 1S33, Gay M. Keyaor; born October 6th, 1316. ia the town of Black Hock, Erie County, N. Y. ; embraced the , and the following summer Gospel in settled in Nauvoo; in the fall of 1843 lie taaveled about 2,000 miles to testify of the truth of the Uospel to his relatives. On the lot of January, 1847, he joined the "Mor mon Batallion," and after serving worthily in that connection arrived in Salt Lake City October 1st) 1830, and resided there for twenty-eigh- t years, after which he removed to Uichneld. He died firm hi the faith. Com. O With a complete mint of Views; never '.ecn used. Ju.t the thing ror an enter man. CoRt L0 lu New York, ii lie, Jpriin? Kor furtlier prtrtirnlnrs npply to THOMAS HCTLER, Second Hand Dealer, .' S. West Temple St., half bhioiioulii of Valley House. tae Surr niul IF1 llani,isv k inrlii) Headed XFVvMARKETS, JA( Ki; I S, JKHSKYS and USSKS' Ti.OA.vS, From Cheap to Fine at POPULAR P11ICES NOTICE it j "SHORT WRAPS!" THE FASHIONABLE GARMENT tho A t , mtt J'nil t assot tint n! J'rices and Style Stables. KlnriiUnn Ai'itlimalln ITnivliali Gin mmar, Gcoirraphy and KuKlln'h Conipo- Bition incmuing uriiiogrftpny ana Punctuation. Uesides these sludiein the Winter Course. beginning claasea will be organized in Book- aieaiarrai History and in Keeping, .oology,Short-band Phonography or Writing. or. special mronmauon appy roriaruior, IL JOHN PARK. d27C lw President. stml,i of rriHE ANJfUAL MEETING OF TUB X. Stockholders of the South Jorda Canal Company, will be held in the Wri House nt west Jordan, Salt Lake county, on Monday, October at 1 p. in. 26lh, J. W. FOX, Jh., d s&w td Secretary. F.AUERBAC ii.&BRO PER CAN. SO CEHTS NOTICE. e, tit an. Booth's Select Oysjers. principle please forward them to nic to the.-- e adclrecses, where every attention will be piveu to orders intrusted to my care. 1 charge one cent per pound for Picklinjr, Spicing and Uolliiift of Hogs. Smoking, one cent per pound extra. Please cull, and bring your hogs with you to give me a chance. Hogs cured and Hams cured within five days. U'277 THOMAS CRAWFORD. ; fr lillllllS. m an fSTAFI.K AX If FAXCY Ground Floor Offices for rent in the IMERS1T1 OF DESERET. ontil too late. CHas cram:. Contributor Building, No. 40 Main Btf d ('lilt !Ioue. Street. dti. WI.VTEJi .SEMEHTEIi. Vof Bronchial, .Asthmatic, and SKCOXD TERM AND WINTER "i.Vioi'a I'ulmouary Complaints, Bronchial Troches" of the University will beirin manifest remarka- TIIK ble curative properties. Sold only in OCTOUF.lt 2((th inst. The studies of the SOUTH JORDAN CANAL COMPANY. Winter will include Writing, Kead- Course boxes. Stead, et I. Londov. 20. The grand iury has found a true bill against Stead, editor of the Pall Mall Gazette and other MARSHAL'S SAM. for prisoners in the Armstrong case as ORDER OF SALE abduction, conspiracy and indecent PUESUAST TO AN bv the Third Judicial sault. Court of the Territory of Utah, I litrict shall expose at Iublic Sale, at tbe front Hn. Luetiy't New Salt. door of the County Oenrt House, in the City Loxdok. 20. The case of Mra.Lang- - of Salt Like, of Salt Lake and Terto appear be- ritory of Utah,County on the 14th davof November, try, who was summoned fore the county court of Chelsea for cribed lssj, at 12 o'clock M., the 'following dessituated in Salt .Lake to pay nonsenoia aeois con' County, propertv,reiusingwhile Utah Territory, to wit: living with her husband. tracted The North half of tbe Northeast quarter came up but was hearing Section (22) Twenty-two- , and Lot num postponed till Novensbrr 3d at the re- -, of ber (23) Twenty-thre() Feur of(1) Section quest of her counsel, who pleaded in Township One, South of Range (1) that his client could not appear owing One, est of bait Lake Meridian. to professional engagements, which Also, could not be broken without serious Fourteen Acres of off the North end A number to defendant. the damage of Lot iS) Two, In Land, Section (23) Twenty-three- , of dressmakers' bills are among the In Township and Bangs aforesaid: Items mentioned in tne summons. mm. Northwest corner of said Lanetrv claims that her husband is t , FViP'.Sf rhen"e South on tbe Wekt line Lang-try- 's Mr. these debts. to lor a 2. where a line running responsible East to tbe Hne,point friends state that ha is unable to teen will cut off tbe said FourAcres on the North side Of said line. DAT the hill, as the onlr source of In come he has at present Is an annuity Together with all and singnlarthe allowed him by bis wife on condition thereuntohereditaments and appurtenances In anywise apner-Sl-belonging that he does not nfblest her. To olfa the property of. Dirk War. and fer Catharine Sterner, at the suit Claaaeriag of bamuel Bennion. A Tia ir nnpil ftt Canfll. Terms of 8&1a -. i.y w Cft Dated October lath-- . 1885. th lariat rit. in Crete, has VOted in favor of a union with Greece Jsnt th doawtw V. U. Marshal. populace refQ9e to revolt against th A DRY J.A DTES' MTSS F.S ' tud (111 i'l Arcade Bestanrant9 ! For Kent. ' ' UI1 I r 112, t'KXTKS f.'ni-cr- 1 FOREIGN. 'P ioiiois. lositiiuiMis ' II' modification. Court. Mt Dswn 20.In Open Last AH STAPLE V t'r.i io-'- are duly art lYibun reive orcurs for our mmi Uecr. We luv no o.her a!.1 Oillcc'. by telephone V. A. t.ootft dfin. iel the Uy. roitl!y J.iirii ' lf ' miii i: I i If consistin C ISEG The undersigned commissioner for Utah to the North, South and Central TO FARMERS, UUTCHKRS AND STORE RUNNERS. American Exposition, to open at New Orleans on the 10th day of November PI1ACTICAL next, being desirous of exhibiting THOMAS CUAWFOltl), from Gluhow, recently of: samples Scotland, still continues the Curing, Spic I. Agriculture. and Uolliiig or Beet, Pork, Mutton and II. Horticulture. Hani, at No. 178 B Street, two blocks Fast HI. Paw and manufactured pro- and tour North of KagleGate; also, at No. 20 Main blnet, opposite .. G. M. i., Salt ducts, ores, minerals and woods. City. IV. F'uruiture and accessories. bavins Hops to core and put up on V. Textile fabrics, clothing and ac- theParties new will "'""Hi Ntock. BEPOSITSPM FECEIIES ...Fanre Mr. II. K. You nr. "(iod is a Spirit" MERCHANDISE i.itTLB Ass (.Cashier. J Mackintosh, Mr. Mrs. T. OF UTAH. , Assistant died at 0.30 liay o'clock this morning, of consumption. at'coinuauinxent.J Lcs iiameau.v r LARGEST anfl MOST COMPLETE LINE UK Dmrcrom UTTER, Us. kl A Hl CIUt" AKJtlCA SALVE. T; t BwtT 3alvk in the world for Cuts, h n.jes. Sores. Ulcers, 8alt Uhemu, k'erer Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, OhltUalua, Corns, and all Skin positively JT"Ut'.astnd . - , cures , , Piles, a , pay tcquitvu, ?ive perfect Satisfaction, or money refunded. Pice 26 cents per box. 7.. 6. m i mum st "1 Mendelssohn Quartette, ami. 000 L. S. Hn.l.8, Cashier, Mr. Willurd Weihe. Ave Maria Gounod Misbes lnisie Woods, tirace Young and Criiie Lawaon. I Viol iu obligato. piano and organ 3. . Sjoo.OOO rsiunoRz Little, JOBS Sharp, v . : ChoruH, "tilorio," ..Mozart - Violin Solo, "Andante" from con1. certo . H. S. EtDlKOOK. lVcAideut, Wm. Jekninos. Vice Piet m I.HtITtX. F'x-PIr- PAID CP CAPITAL, . SCRPLt'tt, At 3:30 Precisely. BOTT031 IMtfCES, SALT LAKK CITV. r AT - mr 20. Pittsburg,General Postmaster Evening, Oct. 25, I. OFFUIt THE I'lJItMC, AT DESERET IfATMAL B.WK. o ' 1 AMEUIfcAX. mnn-- Mr. B. B. and Mme. Mazzucato Young, , UMOH TBLEGRAPH X.IN3 BY C. S. DEPOSITORY. I w BY TELEGRAPH ,A.T.'r WiJlt J. 20. Prince AlexanPiiilippopolis, a poaltlvo lomoO fur tho evbore diaoas: by lis has summoned the whole of the ad1 hv der ot in oittt kind lld of long thnatniis bTcur.. hare ern Ic.i ou. .!?, t it miir t my faith national militia of Bulgaria and East- ia standing wi BOTTLES FRM, oihITwO it ttml wdlCHcy ern Koumelia for immediate service in together with VAl.l'A u T.i Til USRonthll dUwM . defense of their country. to tar uffer. ti v e .k.rf 19 nrt t O. Jdr I&. X. liLOCUX, 1SI Petri it., Kew Tork. " km WKKTEItV WWII GIVES BX F.s-tru- examined y yuvkuw b evenlnsr, says Kuss has made preparations to .'and 90,000 troops in Varna, a seaport town of Bulgaria, in 2i hours iu case of need. Active Preparations (or War. o. BAVK8, COMPARE 8TOVKS AND PRICKS BEFORE BUYING. VARIETY. tot- TEASDEL'S! ! |